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Part II

Constructing Reality and the Collective Unconscious

God does not play dice

Lying at the foundation of modern physics is a monster beyond reckoning. The wave
particle duality, and the inescapable, repeatable, verifiable conclusion that at the moment
of observation the wave transforms to a particle. The act of observing causes the change:
observation, consciousness, creates reality! (and in the process, (theoretically) undermin-
ing Newton's clockwork, ordered image of our universe).

This is mightily disturbing for physicists, so it is hidden away at the base of Quantum Mech-
anics, accepted but not discussed, and dismissed with a shoulder shrug. It underlies
however, what has become know as 'Chaos Theory'. Chaos, because results are beyond
determination or measure (using their thinking and instruments): the 'random' act of obser-
vation cannot (can never) be removed from the equation.

However, it is also true, that when one's nose is pushed into a Persian rug, intricate, even
simple patterns appear as chaos to the unaware or ill informed.

The complexity of weather patterns is a frequently invoked image to demonstrate 'chaos':

butterfly wings flapping in one part of the world influencing formation and direction of
hurricanes in another. Yet, whilst the interaction is undoubtedly true, as is the potential
'chaos' wreaked by said hurricane, if observed from distance, both the flap of the butterfly
wings and the hurricane generate wonderful patterns, harmonics, of extraordinary accuracy.
Repeating patterns: from the microscopic to the galactic, with inclinations even galaxies
may so align, or harmonise, within the order of things.

It seems all creation inclines towards order: though as no movement or photon can exist in
isolation, all must be in relation. In relation to, and as an essential ingredient of, the

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89... The Fibonacci or Golden Spiral, a simple number
sequence where the first number is added to the second to create a third, which is then
added to the second to create a fourth, and so on, to infinity, and in the process generating
a spiral, and ratio, observable in seashells, ram's horns, branching trees, anatomy,
weather patterns... continued, inherent throughout nature, to manifest in our journey
through the stars. Harmonic beauty, everywhere, acting, dancing within the whole, shaping,
and being shaped by, the individuality and uniqueness of each and every player, compon-
ent, photon within the grand universal symphony (but a fucking nightmare for physicists
who must now account for every wave and particle and interaction since the birth of time).

There are also patterns in humanity, from our personal behaviour to the rise and fall of civil-
isations: and in the moral messages attributed to such events. Certainly within religious
tales but continued up to this day in fictions about empire, and the rhetoric of our modern
day Pharaohs: Justice!, Peace!, Freedom!... Courage!, Strength!, Unity!... being contempor-
ary expletives to validate domination and slaughter. A repetitive pattern, expanding with
each manifestation delivering today's model: differing only in scale, sophistication and

But, what of its birth?

I am making three assumptions here: 1) humanity has always been a social animal: it
nurture's young within some manifestation of family, 2) we once existed in harmony with
nature, and consequently 3) buried deep within the core of our being is recognition of a
sense of benevolence, in relation to the whole: the other, life (no matter how distant or
irrelevant it seems today).

To create an environment conducive to war and slavery, first we need concepts, then we
need reasons. And for this we need language, beyond behaviour: speech.

Speech is humanity's greatest discovery. Without words we would still be camped by the
fireside, but speech comes at a terrible price. For, by separating being (noun) from doing
(verb), word from action, we corrupt Truth: leaving only its representation, and in the
process, enabling the potential for lies.

As I have argued, there is a congenital sense of benevolence, engraved into our being, in
as much as it is better to be than not to be, and one cannot exist in isolation, so our
natural state of being is in harmony with the whole: the divine order. And surely, the further
our consciousness opened, the greater our appreciation and wonder became.

No society throughout history has existed without gods (reasons): and people loved their
gods. They did not curse or hate them (although they surely feared them), but gave thanks
to them in celebration for the joy of life. However, this harmony was shattered forever as
some ingrate discovered the lie of 'Good and Evil'. The lie that another knows better how to
live your life than you do. And sin, if there ever was one, of surrendering responsibility for
being to that other.

The Collective Unconscious

The very fact we recognise 'good' proves its existence.
However, there are two aspects to good. First there is good in benevolence and harmony, in
being within creation: loving life. But then there is good in the personal and proximate: in
gratification and superiority, materialism and dominion: good in things, and claiming owner-
ship. Good for me, but, bad for all other: the rest of creation.

However, regardless of how anyone behaves, or how smeared and perverse their window
on creation, rooted in their core, our core, is good in being: the natural inclination towards
harmony. For, it is that which founds consciousness, existence: and if it did not exist we
would have no understanding of it. Such was the order of all things: the timeless harmony
of creation.

Then man discovered 'good and evil', and in that moment harmony was lost. Connection
with the divine was severed by submission to a middleman, an alternate reality: for prom-
ises. An insidious whisper caught on a breeze, almost unnoticed, but seductive, promising
security for freedom, whipping to a swirl as material riches accrued to those who
surrendered, but, in discord with Truth and the harmony of being: and so indelibly imprinted
to the heart of the unconscious.

In time all manner of impostors will materialise and develop, chanting “God's will”: through
the rise and fall of states, empires, civilisations. But its birth, at least symbolically, must
surely lie with the self acclaimed 'Chosen': God's people, with a divine book. A book hold-
ing every facet of Truth, rooted in Eve and Adam, the parents of humanity: my siblings.

Along our path this holy book offers us all manner of beautiful lessons, cryptic predictions
and captivating metaphors to enlighten our journey: vivid images of our primordial past and
predestined future, tied within the patterns, symbols, manifestations sparkling from within.
Unfathomable Truths.
However, for the merchant, also ample opportunity for misinterpretation and manipulation,
in service of the personal and proximate, wealth and ego: most particularly, because every
action is sanctioned though divine grace.

A strange conundrum, that begs the question, Why? As images for adoration and aspira-
tion? To wisely rule? To harmoniously shape our shared future? It is enough to leave one
doubting the very existence of God!

And yet, the ways of God are unknowable to human reason – and though that initial discord
is now a cacophonous maelstrom, where the lie is the norm, (logos have replaced Logos)
and Truth appears irrelevant, or subversive – predictions and perspectives within this holy
book show uncanny foresight, and insight. As though, although apparent chaos, viewed
from outside, with detachment, appreciative to the universal grand symphony, a glorious
movement approaching a crescendo.

Method in madness, and harmony in all things: no matter how violently we struggle against.

Dreams are windows on the unconscious.

Carl Jung analysed dreams to unlock many a trauma and dysfunction: to ease the discord
and return sufferers to (relative) harmony. Each case unique but nevertheless patterns and
archetypes, symbols, continually repeating: behaviour rooted in 'forgotten' events and
abuses of one kind or another; resonating through generations.

Jung also studied the psychology of religion, and collective behaviour: and how understand-
ings, at an unconscious level, manifest in dreams, life and symbolism.

So what of the Chosen? God's people, with ten commandments. Here, Jung argues, we
must not make the mistake of confusing literal Truth with symbolic/religious Truth: the
actual events, which may or may not have taken place, but how those events are inter-
preted subconsciously and the emotions and behaviour they generate within those who
identify with the label.

We are not therefore concerned with the literal death of Christ or his relationship to God,
but the symbolic Truths absorbed in the unconscious, both of those symbolically ordering
the crucifixion, and the new 'Chosen': those now identifying with this symbolic saviour,
who, so the story goes, “died for our sins”.

In 'Answer to Job', Jung argues for the expanding consciousness of humanity: sealed irre-
vocably with that of God. From the brutal God of the Old Testament, who exterminates
indiscriminately, because his creation does not behave as expected: which, given God is all
knowing, if he had consulted the 'Divine Plan', embedded in his own consciousness he
would have foreseen. God creates (and destroys), but has no awareness of what it creates.

In time, as humanity's consciousness expands and its true potential becomes increasingly
evident, we have the story of Job: where God tortures and torments Job, destroying his live-
lihood, family and health in a bet with Satan. Job refuses to curse God. God wins his bet
with Satan (which if he had consulted his consciousness he would not have need to make)
but, in the process, hands a moral superiority to Job, who appeals for justice to God's
consciousness, of which, at this time in God's evolution, he is barely aware.

For this, God owes a debt, and for which, Jung argues, he must now recognise in man the
potential for godhood. And, as such, God must now appear in human form: while finally
expelling Satan, the trickster, his unconsciousness, from heaven.

Christ is the symbolic God-man, born of a union between heaven and earth. The literal truth
is irrelevant, the symbolic truth is essential. Christ signifies a move away from revelation
based religion imposed by authority, towards 'the spark within', religion predicated on love
and harmony: embedded and inseparable within the divine order: religion founded in under-
standing and empowerment, and love for all creation. For, as humanity's consciousness
expands, so too our understanding must incorporate relationships and recognition that our
means of being is impossible without the other.

Christ offers the potential for all to become as he: liberated and aware, harmonised within
the divine order. This is however an unpalatable prospect for all authority (beyond God): the
middlemen, pedlars of subservience: whose perceived interests lie in wealth and dominion,
for which, poverty and slavery are prerequisites. They demand wretched, blind obedience to
their God-given supremacy.

“Liars and Hypocrites”, Christ names them: he casts the money-changers from the Temple:
he foresees the meek's inheritance of the earth: he demands love for thine enemies: he
recognises, “no man can serve two masters”... Christ challenges man-made authority on
every front, at every level. Christ, the God-man, advocates balance and harmony: union with

He has to go! And does very quickly, once popular support gathers momentum: according
to myth and symbolism. But, nevertheless, the seed is planted, god-nature is glimpsed and
challenge and empowerment whip beyond the grasp of structured authority.

In physical terms, such will be captured and confined during the following few centuries:
and the name of Christ used to validate more “liars and hypocrites”, just with different
masks. Yet, within the unconscious, now recognition of potential: and, consequent discord,
as security and materialism trample down freedom and spirituality, where 'ere they plunder.

Symbolically Judaism rejects Christ and what he represents: the spark within, awareness,
love for thine enemies, the whole: and defers to the Old Testament God, or interpretation
thereof. They remain 'Chosen', apart, with a book, and some rules.

Structured Christianity professes to love Christ: as a figure, as an idol, something for vener-
ation and worship, to bow before. However, they employ effectively the same tactics as
Judaism: revelation theology, with interpretation dictated by a middleman.

The spark within, awareness, balance, harmony, love for thine enemies... Christ's evoca-
tions in themselves, hold no interest. Indeed, they are an anathema to all middlemen:
however fancy their outfit, flamboyant their rituals or fantastic their claims. Yet, strangely,
though undoubtedly, they are in position through God's order?! Chosen indeed.

Dreams, visions, hold the resonance of surrendered harmony, percolating from the uncon-
scious. The further removed the more discordant.

Interpretation of 'Revelations' is a minefield I am not prepared to tread: undoubtedly

elements have been edited beyond recognition and scholars far more learned have been
heaped with scorn and derision: and postulations are manifold, all bound to interests and
founded in ignorance.

But we can, through understanding, recognise archetypes and patterns, and generalised
(some argue astounding) prediction and attitude emanating from the deeply troubled uncon-
scious of John the Apostle. Jung argues:
... John's problem is not a personal one... but visions which came up from a far
more comprehensive depth, namely from the collective unconscious. His problem
expresses itself far too much in collective and archetypical forms for us to reduce it
to a merely personal situation... Such a man no longer lives in the every day world
and in the perplexities of personal relationships, but in the sight of many aeons and
in the movement of ideas as they pass from century to century. The eye of John
penetrates into the distant future of the Christian aeon and into the dark abyss of
those forces which his Christianity kept in equilibrium... The passion that breaks
through in his revelation bears no trace of the feebleness or serenity of old age,
because it is infinitely more than personal resentment: it is the spirit of God itself,
which blows through the weak mortal frame and again demands man's fear of the
unfathomable Godhead.

From the Christ-god of John's epistles (all loving, harmonised with creation), although, or
because, he remains pious, this terrifying, wrathful, intolerant god bursts forth from his
unconscious. Seemingly unbidden, but buried deep within, suppressed, John recognises
the perversion of Christ's word and being, now under way in Christianity. From the purest of
births, spiralling corruption and degeneracy become inevitable, inescapable: destined.

Peter (via St. Paul) becomes the 'rock' upon which Christ's conduit to earth is founded. The
most aggressive, least conscious of disciples: demonstrated in the Garden at Gethsemane
and in denying Christ three times before the cock crowed (rather like handing the fate of
your progeny and memory to your minder).

Power corrupts: that gained and that surrendered. There is no human system or structure
immune to this Truth, and once that discord is enacted the conclusion is predestined. And
in time therefore, the 'Wrathful Lamb' must return to humanity, to conduct the crescendo:
to reap the whirlwind, and to restore harmony.

History is our witness to the arrogance, brutality, carelessness... of rulers throughout all
ages: church, country, consortium... wherever one examines.

The central tenet of power holders through history has been the 'Will of God'. Yet,
ironically, despite their protestations and rhetoric, their behaviour defies their words: it is
the antithesis of Christ's teaching. Take, for example, that “ it is easier for a camel to pass
through the eye of the needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”, “love of
money is the root of all evil”, and then examine the lifestyle and behaviour of any ruler. The
disparity between these two positions is insurmountable. Indeed, following the admonition
of Christ, these are the least likely to enjoy any heavenly harmony.

God's unconsciousness appears unbounded! This is surely how it seemed to all but the
most ignorant come the Sixteenth Century in Europe. The Bible had been translated and
printed: wrenched from the Roman Church's absolute control, and the petulant greedy wars
of inbred monarchies throttled the livelihood of nations.

Then came 'The Enlightenment', as science and 'reason' increasingly challenged diktat and
behaviour, and bourgeois, artisan and academic found increasing voice and influence.
During the following centuries secularism will become the norm, as, outwardly at least,
church and monarchies take on ornamental roles, and, theoretically at least, decision
making passes to the populace.

As technology, industrialisation and communication advanced, and economics took on a

pivotal role, theories and ideologies developed on how best to administer and advance
humankind within the age of reason.

Today, if we discount the few 'terrorist' states: North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, we are
left with one, or two, effectively dominating means, discourse and direction: Capitalism,
and Zionism, who are as one in method and motivation, and differing only marginally on
priorities and technicalities.

It is interesting to note the prominent influence of Jewish thinkers and game-players, reject-
ing revelation theology and distancing themselves from the Old Testament God, on this
remarkable journey: Marx, Hertzl, Rothschild... Freud, Einstein, Bohr... Churchill, Kissinger,
Friedman... Key players in the march of science, rationalism, and dominion: forces, without
which this world would be a remarkably different place.

It is beyond our scope to examine this transition, but it is clear as crystal, war and misery
are as prevalent as ever, and leaders, however empowered, show equally scant regard for
Christ's asceticism and moral code.

However, now, through such advances, the 'civilised' world is brimming with luxuries and
pastimes once enjoyed by the very few. Today, we have chariots with the power of a
hundred horses, all manner of out of season out of climate delicacies magicked from good-
ness knows where, endless frivolity and entertainment, global communications at the press
of a button... as the norm for almost all. Truly, it is a life fit for the gods!

Today we have science, politics and economics: rationalism, secularism and the 'free
market'. God is disempowered, irrelevant, worthless.

“God is dead!” declared Nietzsche: not with smugness or arrogance, but a man ahead of
his time, with a deep, deep foreboding for the approaching maelstrom.

We have no need for God at all. Humanity has a new god. Not science, or consumerism, or
abandon, or whatever: they are only its manifestations. God is that which enables them,
what gives them life: little bits of paper, with fancy art work, and a promise. A promise long
since dead and buried.

Money, whether humanity likes it, knows it, or not, has become its new god: the bedrock of
its reason, the Tower of its Babylon, its universal language. Money speaks, and nothing
moves without it. It is our discourse: 0s and 1s zipping between satellites as fortunes are
fabricated and filched.

It's a funny thing, to step back a moment: although science and economics, and suffrage,
now appeared to have replaced God for practical purposes, come the Nineteenth Century
the puffed up egos of British aristocracy saw the world as within their grasp, and them-
selves as the master race: with their God given right to rule. And, steeped in Sunday-school
Bible studies, and Hebrew history as much as British, recognised the return of Jesus
Christ, their supposed benefactor, could not happen until the Jews returned to Jerusalem.

With one of their less publicised campaigns of the First World War, through lies and trick-
ery, the Christian Zionists, self perceived Crusaders, reclaimed Palestine: which, through
Lord Balfour's declaration to Baron Rothschild, effectively handed it to the Jewish Zionists
(over the heads of its inhabitants for a millennium). Thirty years later, following the 'Holo-
caust', with the connivance of the US and Europe, the state of Israel was established. A
safe haven for Jews, persecuted throughout Christian lands for their rejection of Christ and
supposed role in his death: and also detested, most particularly by monarchy and aristo-
cracy, for their flexible attitude towards, and extraordinary control of money.
Usury, interest, from all religious perspectives is outlawed. In Islam a sin, many times
worse than adultery, and punishable by death. Such was once also so in Christendom, but
come the Nineteenth Century, as economic demands and financial opportunities intensi-
fied, even God, according to his conduit to earth, the Roman Church, changed his mind,
and embraced usury.

Today, interest seems the most natural thing on earth, accepted, without a second
thought. Indeed, the world appears built on it: homes, dams, bridges, skyscrapers,
futures... “How could the banks make money? How could we capitalise projects and invest-
ments?” I hear you cry. But I argue, money is no more than an exchange mechanism: a
middleman between two parties, as a replacement for trust: honesty. A middleman, just as
your preachers once were, before God achieved ornamentality.

Governments are in debt. The world is mortgaged. Wealth concentrates at an ever increas-
ing rate. Wealth concentrates, but not to anyone or thing that serves any useful purpose
(beyond their role in the universal symphony). Middlemen, always, without exception,
middlemen: those defining Truth: value, and, always, they take their percent. And never,
never, are they content.

They will take until there is nothing left to give.

The tables have been righted, there is no need to physically rebuild the Temple: the Phar-
isees were long since made redundant. Symbolically, and literally, with the world as our
temple (moving beyond bricks and mortar), the rights are now owned by the money
merchants: with their 'man of peace' installed in Jerusalem.

I ask again: Why on earth does God give power to people like Holy Roman Tony? And
endorse Cardinal Kiddiefiddler as St. Peter's supposed reincarnation?

To propagate love, wisely rule? Or to brand a lesson upon humanity's consciousness never
to be forgot?

Imagine, then, after 2,000 years, having sacrificed your 'only begotten son', to wipe the
slate clean: to take away their sins: you decide to inspect humanity's use of this extraordin-
ary gesture.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Never mind about 'global warming', just look at the state of the
place: the oceans, the rivers, the atmosphere, the verdant velvet forests, shaped by the
loving hands of infinite wisdom, and home to diversity and wonder far and forever beyond
the conceptualisation and imagination of human intellect: and God loves all creation. The
suffering, the devastation, the dischord: God's poor, miserable, distorted denizens. Where
is there love? Where is there respect? Where is there harmony?

What sort of Shepherd is this?

Did God owe humanity a debt with his treatment of Job? Jung argues, symbolically, yes.
What has humanity done with the payment? Sure, humanity can argue: exactly as foretold,
inherently bound to their spiritual evolution. True, of course, but, life is about lessons, and
the most traumatic are invariably the deepest ingrained.

Nothing expands indefinitely, all structures become unstable though growth and time. And
human constructs become bloated and distorted through corruption, ignorance and abuse.
Further, all, without exception, today, are both rooted and validated by money: their means
to existence. Quite literally, their god: their belief system. There is nothing else to underpin
it: money works because people believe in it.

The value of money is entirely arbitrary: set by immensely powerful individuals and organ-
isations who value the most useless professions (middlemen) and worthless products
(ornamental (and destructive)) most highly. Useful pastimes like farming, healthcare and
education and useful items like food, clothing (beyond fashion) and minerals hold least
value. Further, the most worthless of the worthless (marketing, advertising, finance,
services...) are concentrated in centres of power, as wealth production entities. Centres
without resources in themselves: commodities pour into them from resource rich, poverty
stricken areas: areas forced to adopt Juedo/Christian, Zionist/Capitalist laws and mechan-
isms, to maintain validity.

Yet, debt within these glittering towers to excess is spiralling ever upwards, both that of
governments and populations. The time has long passed since the US, as a whole, stood
any chance of repaying its dues: but the fiction must be maintained, as it serves not the
purpose of any structured authority to see US validity undermined. Where would China sell
its sweatshop products? And undoubtedly, their bailiffs will not be best received.
Indeed, such presents a very pressing problem: an imbalance and dischord unmatched
throughout history: with all the debt, and all the guns and bombs in one place, and all the
resources some place else.

The Jewish god is “a jealous god”, reiterated throughout the OT and confirmed through
Christ: for “no one can serve two masters”. And buried deep within the unconscious of
every Jew, every Christian, every human, recognised or not, sits this Truth: the true
harmony of being.

Now, when it comes to Biblical wrath, it is uncontentious to argue, measured and discrimin-
ate are not the first words conjured forth to describe visitations from God. Quite the oppos-
ite. And 'Chosen', most assuredly, is a label no rational being would ever wish to claim in
such an encounter (personally, I'd proclaim my ignorance and insignificance and be as
inconspicuous as possible).

We see God only through creation and action, and stories foretold. To speak to the Chris-
tian Zionists who reclaimed Jerusalem, or their metaphorical descendants, shaping global
futures, perhaps they see their own astute brilliance through generations in bringing history
to such an extraordinary correlation with the Bible. And undoubtedly they have a game plan:
some suitable firework display combined with hi-tech shenanigans, undoubtedly involving
Israel and a selection of neighbouring parties. A New World Order? Or more of the same,
only more brutal, more penetrating, more intolerant than ever before: governed by the
'Chosen' (perhaps even tied to some significant date, to impart additional validity in the
minds of the gullible). I have no doubt, at least in the proximate, this is within their capa-
city. But, it overlooks two elements: the universal order of things, and God, not money, or
gold, founds Truth.

It is not possible to precisely say how things will unfold. There are too many variables,
unknowns: the credulity of humanity, technological malfunction, market confidence, hyperin-
flation, pensions, ageing, unhealthy populations, social fragmentation, global discord,
global warming... or natural catastrophe, but somehow, somewhen, someone, or thing will
manifest once again to symbolically overturn the tables of the money (God) merchants.

However, this time there will be no gold and silver coin scattering among the poor and
wretched: just 0s and 1s and worthless bits of paper. The precious metals and jewels
which once underpinned exchanges have been long since spirited away: hidden, guarded,
locked in vaults, far, far away from common man. Just in case of such an upstart or eventu-
ality materialising.

It is unnecessary to dwell upon the pandemonium this instigates: great, no more mortgage
(death oath) but three days food in the supermarkets and the same for gas stations. Mad
Max on push bikes, and a resultant feast in human flesh for flourishing vermin. Monocul-
ture crops and undermined immune systems point to pestilence, plague and disease,
unknown throughout human history, running amok through the shell shocked survivors. All
of which ties very neatly with tortured outpourings in John's biblical revelation.

Astounding! OK, it is simple to rationalise and understand these process/consequences in

today's world: given that by which we are surrounded and through observing history: but
seeing it almost two millennia past? WTF? John's vision goes beyond guesswork and spec-
ulation: it points to something far wiser and more knowing shaping humanity's unfathom-
able destiny.

Knowing God
God is not some bearded white guy, who sits in judgement over individuals, as Rome would
have you believe. “God keeps no records”. God has Love for all creation, underpinned by
harmony: from where life's joy resonates. And as such, balance must be restored: harmony
re-established, order reimposed: it's nothing personal.

Personal is the judgement we make.

Here is a reason for doing anything and everything: because God is watching you, feeling
you, being you. Your personal god: the god of conscience, rooted in the core of uncon-
scious, is the only valid judge. The only judge of how you have managed the supreme
vehicle gifted to your consciousness for manifestation in the material world.

It is easy to forget the infinite journey, distracted by material gain and perceived vulnerabil-
ity, (and with 'scientific rationalism' incapable of conceptualising existence beyond the
material): apparently oblivious to the absolutely inescapable fact, something far wiser than
you or I has their loving hands upon creation. We need no further proof than the Truth
which shines through this woefully distorted and manipulated book. Things will come to
pass, and as they do, so will fulfilment of the grand prediction.

As the dust settles, there will be no Jews or Christians or Muslims: their books are out of
date: the monstrous lies of their middlemen exposed and avenged. Truth is returned to the
individual, to make of it what they will. Now with first hand, undeniable, earth shattering
experience of the brutal yet divine wisdom of God. God crushing the excess and emptiness
of this world like a flea, pumped up and gorged on the blood sucked from its host: precisely
as predicted. Closing the bible, once and for all: yet, imprinting God's presence to the soul.

To quote Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

If God exists, he is perfect; if he is perfect, he is wise, powerful and just; if he is

wise and powerful all is good; if he is just and powerful my soul is immortal: if my
soul is immortal, thirty years of life are nothing for me and are perhaps necessary to
the maintenance of the universe. If I am granted the first proposition, the
subsequent one can never be shaken.

As so argue Socrates and the Buddha and all humanity's seminal teachers: harmonists.
The soul is immortal, and being is what you make of it: through eternity.

Self-consciousness is the I that sees itself: and in seeing itself, harmonic connection with
the one, the whole, is lost. Or, more accurately, is buried beneath the interface of I: upon
which is shovelled dirt from conception. But the dirt is swept clean: middlemen exposed,
naked: not for adulation and worship, as they would have you believe, but as the most
terrible, and crucial, lesson of surrendering responsibility for being to another.

The shell shocked remnants of humanity, post revelation, will gradually find their feet: in
harmony once again. All will be re-empowered, fundamentally, through necessity. And, also,
now returned to the Garden, where there is more than enough for all: with the spectre of
God, your god, knowing, governing all. A life of idyll, and potential.

But humanity will breed prodigiously and in just a few generations nature will again come
under pressure. And regardless of immortality, man's life is long, his memory short: and
fear and hunger lurk closest to the surface in those least enlightened: who will, always,
manipulate such passions in others for personal and proximate gratification and dominion.

And most assuredly, even within the Garden, given time, these reptiles, these Truth
pedlars, armed with their gold and lies, will once again insinuate, frighten and buy their way
back into power. The 'Law of Nature' they will call it: assuredly so, to the most primitive of
reptiles: but, humanity has discovered beyond such immediacy and superfluity: and armed
with empowerment and awareness, and the most salutary of lessons, must now forge a
stronger Truth. A stronger Truth, founded in harmony, impervious to lies and opening a
gateway towards humanity's true potential.
* Hobbes (and Kant (and most 'Enlightenment' philosophers)) would have us believe man is naturally violent
and nature naturally hostile. However, if life in nature was so terrifying and hazardous, how come we
spread so far? How come we are so dominant? How come we are not extinct?

Was not nature a push-over, a doddle, once we had mastered fire?

Really, the evidence is plain to see (well it was until a couple of centuries past). The European
'Enlightenment' crushed it where 'ere it trod: Africa, the Americas, Australasia. Humanity in harmony with
its environment: still in their Garden of Eden. Not the stressed out, indebted, depressed, ever hungry, ever
fearful, psychotic wrecks – drinking, gambling, whoring: driven by all manner of delusion, who validate
'Enlightened' society.

i C G Jung – Answer to Job

ii Ibid. p.104-5
iii From Rousseau's letter to Voltaire on Optimism

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