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Not to be confused with tea brick.

For the chocolate-covered teacake, see chocolate-coated marshmallow treats.


A toasted English teacake (right) shown withmocha


Sweet roll

Main ingredients

Dried fruit

Cookbook: Teacake

Media: Teacake

A teacake in England is a light yeast-based sweet bun containing dried fruit, typically served toasted
and buttered.[1] In the U.S. teacakes can be cookies or small cakes. In Sweden they are soft round
flat wheat breads made with milk and a little sugar, and used to make sandwiches, with butter, and
for example ham and/or cheese. In India and Australia a teacake is more like a sponge
cake. Tea refers to the popular beverage which these baked goods are an accompaniment to.

Regional variations[edit]
In most of England, a teacake is a light, sweet, yeast-based bun containing dried fruits, most
usually currants, sultanas or peel. It is typically split, toasted, buttered, and served with tea. It is flat
and circular, with a smooth brown upper surface and a somewhat lighter underside. Although most
people refer to a teacake as a cake containing fruit, in East Lancashire, certain areas
of Yorkshire and Cumbriathe name currant teacake is used to distinguish fruited 'cakes' from plain
bread rolls. In West Yorkshire, a large plain white or brown teacake 9 inches or 225 mm diameter is
often also called a breadcake and is used to make very large sandwiches. Many cafes sell these for
breakfast or midmorning snacks. In Kent, the teacake is known as a "huffkin", which is often
flavoured with hops, especially at the time of harvesting hops in September. In Sussex, a luxurious
version of the teacake with added aromatics such as nutmeg, cinnamon and rose water is still
sometimes made and called a manchet or Lady Arundel's Manchet.

In East Lancashire, the former West Riding of Yorkshire and elsewhere in the North like the town
of Barnsley, a teacake is a round bread roll which is cut in half to make sandwiches. They do not
usually contain any sort of dried fruit. They can be made with either white, brown, wholemeal, or
Granary flour (a brand of flour produced by Hovis, made by malting wheat, crushing the grains,
roasting them, and then mixing them with brown flour).[2] A favourite way to eat them is to slice them
into fingers, toast and then spread with butter and Bovrilor Marmite.

In Sweden, the word for teacake (tekaka) refers to a sweetened wheat soda bread, resembling
a farl and served warm with butter andjam. It is often served with cheese as well.

North America[edit]
In the Southeastern United States, a teacake is a traditional dense large cookie, made with sugar,
butter, eggs, flour, milk, and flavoring.[3]

In Australia and India, a teacake is typically a much heavier sponge cake. A quick and easy cake to
make, typically ready to serve warm from the oven in less than 30 minutes. Ingredients usually
consist of always available ingredients in the kitchen cupboard and they are typically flour, eggs,
butter, cinnamon and sugar. It is traditionally served warm as an accompaniment to tea. Australian
teacakes are sprinkled with cinnamon and fine (caster) sugar, and are usually served warm from the
oven.[4][5] Indian recipes avoid cinnamon.

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