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For this video, there are no dialogues except for one as VO, only a music bed throughout the
whole video with sfx that corresponds with the GFX. This is why the audio panel is mostly
empty.This main video is only an overview of the services offered. The detailed explanation will
be part of a separate script for each service discussed here.

Commerce guy (CG) VO: The Royal,

Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. Home
of heroes, national icons, martyrs, and saints.
Finally were here!

Video starts with a student from Commerce,
guy holding an iPad/electronic device.
CU of what he was typing on facebook

GFX: He puts on his camera app and takes a

picture of the main building
SHOT: MS of him taking a picture of the main
GFX: On his left/right what hes seeing
appears as kinetic gfx then *click* he
captures an image of the main building
GFX: Kinetic shot of him posting in the UST
Freshmen Group 14-15 on facebook
He sits down and he hears notifications.
Many people start to like his post
GFX: Likes of his post is shown as kinetic
text on the side then he switches to a
different platform, instagram and posts his
photo of the main building
Cut to
A CFAD student wearing headphones walk at
the Post office side of the main building he
hums to the music (GFX: notes as kinetic
animation at the side) While walking he looks
through his IG feed and sees the main
building commerce guy posted.
He walks past the post office then stops on
his tracks to go back. He puts his fingers in a
rectangle shape as if framing the post office
then clicks the camera button in his IG and

takes a picture of the main building

GFX: kinetic GFX of him posting it on
instagram as he types the caption Thinking
of sending a letter the old fashioned way.
Post office in UST! #ThomasianPerks
Student goes in and looks at postage stamps,
especially the collectors edition. He picks
one and snaps another picture of it and posts
it online again
GFX: CFAD posting his picture of his postage
stamp. Too bad emails dont come with
these. Will be sending this out later!
Cut back to Commerce student
He sees the post from the CFAD student and
likes it. He regrams the photo and follows the
CFAD students IG. He then clicks on the
hashtag and sees other photographs with the
hashtag (but the hashtag can be changed pa)
He looks at the hashtag feed sees an IG
video with people tagged the comment says
Were about to air in a few! Before that, see
the bts and see full video here!
It video links to a video
Cut to ENG student doing a video blog
starting in the Edtech TV Studio/Control
booth where a show is about to air.
He then walks around to go to the Tiger
Radio booth where jocks are airing a Radio
show then to the Trinity airing an RTV.
The student goes to the front desk takes a
video of the people there and hovers it to the
computer when he can set up his e-leap
He puts down his phone and sets it up
GFX: Interface of the E-Leap account and the
student setting up his account.
When hes done he will pick-up his camera
and video tapes the edtech personnel who

helped him and goes back to the studio

He then uploads the video online. The video
also uploads on the Twitter feed.
The CRS student who was at the library sees
that tweet of the Eng student, likes it and
GFX: Hey Im at the library, too! Ill watch you
guys later.
The CRS student is at the 2nd floor part of the
library (Science and Technology) in the
OPAC station searching for books.
Cut to shot of her on the first floor if the
library carrying the books borrows it using the
machine for borrowing (I dont know what its
called). She proceeds to the discussion
rooms/ Shes with friends there and they are
discussing lessons together.
GFX: star shape and favorite
She snaps a photo of them and tweets it.
Best place to study, alone or with friends.
Cut to commerce student
He sees the tweet in his feed and favorites it.
As he scrolls through he sees the check-in of
the pharmacy student
Cut to pharmacy student checking in with her
phone. As she checks in, the check-in icon
appears on the health service building. She
captions her check-in with Physical
examination and guidance consultation
today! #ThomasianPerks
The pharmacy student goes in. Show
services such as consultation with the nurse
then doctor. (I dont really know how the
physical examination goes about but show in
the video what is done there.)
She checks-in again also in the same
building but a different check-in area UST
Guidance and Counseling department

She goes in and talks to the guidance

counselors and consults with them.
Check-in is seen through facebook and is
seen by the AMV student in the mezzanine
part of the main building, seated near the
STePs office. She switches to another
tab/window as she sets up her Wi-Fi account.
She goes to the StePs office and gets
assistance from the STePs personnel.
GFX: the window to the wifi.ust.edu.ph is
seen as the student sets up her account. She
clicks on the student link and sets up her
account with the Steps Personnel. Show that
she can already connect to the Veritas
AMV student goes out of the STePs office
and types in the status
Feeling Wonderful. Set-up my Veritas
account. Visit ust.wifi.edu.ph or visit STePs to
set-up yours, too!
Cut to commerce student who saw this
facebook post then adds the AMV student as
a friend. The commerce student looks
through her profile and sees a reblog post via
facebook of a post in tumblr. He clicks on the
tumblr post.
Cut to AB student doing a tumblr post on her
laptop about getting her San Lorenzo Ruiz
The blog starts with a picture with her in OSA
with the people there then types in the post
Finally a Thomasian scholar! Being a
Thomasian had always been my dream. Now
I get to live that dream with my San Lorenzo
Cut to shot of AB student talking to Maam
Songco about her scholarship. Then types
blog again
The office for student affairs is a support
system for students to hone their potentials

within and outside the university walls. They

are the office responsible for implementing
academic scholarships.
After this post, she attaches other images of
Thanks to the Office of Student Affairs,
hopefully I can graduate as a Thomasian
She tags it with Thomasian Perks then
posts the blog post.
Cut back to the commerce student as he
reads the post then clicks on the Thomasian
Perks tag. He sees all the posts of the day
that he had seen and smiles.
Brief montage of everything in the video then
add aspects of the respective social media
used then all with the hashtag
CFAD student getting his stamp from the post
office then kinetic GFX on the side Postal
ENG student taking a video behind the
scenes in EdTech then kinetic GFX on the
side Educational Technology Center
CRS student studying with classmates in the
discussion room then kinetic GFX on the side
Library Services
PHARMACY Student getting her consultation
at the health sercive then kinetic GFX on the
side Health Services
Then shot of the Pharmacy student getting
consultation at the guidance counselling
department then kinetic GFX in the side
Guidance and Counselling Services
AMV student being assisted in STePs then
kinetic GFX in the side Santo Tomas eService Providers
AB student talking to Maam Songco at OSA
then kinetic GFX at the side Office for

Student Affairs
The smiles he student checks his watch. It
was almost time for his class. But before he
leaves he decided to take a photo of
As he views through his devices camera the
statue of Benavides, he sees Father Rector/
SecGen smiling through the camera. The
student recognized him and the student asks
the Rector/SecGen if they can take a selfie.
He agrees and they take a selfie together
with the view of Benavides behind.
The video ends with a snapshot of the
commerce student and father Rector/SecGen
with a caption
Looking forward to the best years yet!

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