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The Benefits of Stress

Use Your Stress

To Create the Life of Your Dreams

Robyn Spooner

Kindle Edition
Copyright 2016 Robyn Spooner
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the author and publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book
was correct at the time of publishing, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any
liability to any party for any loss, damage or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such
errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
Disclaimer: The information in this book is based on the authors own experience. It is not intended
as a substitute for the advice of trained medical or mental health professionals. The reader should
regularly consult a physician, therapist or counsellor in matters relating to his/her physical or mental
health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
In the event you use any of the information in this book, the author and the publisher assume no
responsibility for your actions.
The Paradoxical Commandments are reprinted with the permission of the author.
Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001.

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Table of Contents

I am blessed that there were so many awesome people who inspired me to write this
book and helped me to continually improve it along the way. Thanks for your support
and for helping to make this book great!
Id like to express heartfelt gratitude to my family and my friends, a diverse, savvy
group of generous souls who light the pathway to my inspiration. I am fortunate to
know you all.
I would like to acknowledge my loyal clients, whose trust I cherish as we work
through important health and wellbeing issues. You move me with your stories of
courage and your determination in your quest for optimum health. I would also like to
thank my BodyTalk buddies, Melissa Smith and Madonna Matthews for their
invaluable support.
I am truly appreciative of my editor, Eloise McInerney from scribesheet.com who
accepted the challenge to polish my work for my readers pleasure.
I am very thankful for the guidance of Chandler Bolt and the encouragement of the
Self Publishing School community whose unwavering assistance steered me through
the process of seeing my work published.

I dedicate this book to the two most powerful women in my life:
My wonderful Mum whose strength inspires me
And my beautiful daughter Katelyn who has taught me wisely.
As above, so below.
Id also like to thank my bighearted brother Charles for his love.
I am blessed: I love and thank you all.

The Paradoxical Commandments

1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centred.
Love them anyway.
2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
3. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
5. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
6. The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest
men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
7. People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
8. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
9. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
10. Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
Kent M. Keith

The Benefits of Stress

Stress is one of the most debilitating afflictions of our modern world. It chokes the joy from our lives,
while the financial cost of its treatment is enormous. Billboards show us ways to relax, television
tells us what remedies to take, and journalists advise us how to stay healthy and happy. The avalanche
of information adds to the stress as sufferers seek effective ways to relieve their pain.
We expect a doctors prescription to solve our problems and banish our anxiety. Unfortunately, this is
only the beginning of our journey back to health. If we take the pill without unpacking the reasons for
our stress, we can become numb, and our life becomes one of survival rather than joyful engagement.
Womens lives are often extremely stressful as we struggle to juggle family and work. Getting through
each busy day can be a managerial nightmare, and it often feels like were on a treadmill, running
from one activity to the next, overwhelmed by the number of tasks ahead of us. We barely have
enough time to complete each one, let alone to take proper care of ourselves.
We often react to an overwhelming challenge by thinking we arent good enough. Our self-doubt sees
us take responsibility for impossible outcomes. We become our own worst enemies, hiding our shame
from people who may genuinely care. We bury our hurt and move on to the next stressful challenge
with an energetic cup that is half full.
Its natural to experience challenge as we strive towards our goals; however, when we endure high
levels of anxiety over long periods of time, were robbed of vitality, impacting our joy and eroding
our health. Stress builds up in our body because of our beliefs, and is exacerbated by the impact of
environmental issues, eventually compromising the overall energy of the physical body unless its
actively released.
When our health and relationships suffer were forced to take stock, and that is why Im writing this
book because, believe me, Ive been there. When I began to suffer from adrenal fatigue, as well as
Hashimoto's Disease (an auto-immune thyroid disease) and Pyrrole Disorder, I was so ill that I was
unable to function for over six months. This was in spite of my training and knowledge from my
BodyTalk practice.
Under the care of my doctor, my own BodyTalk practitioner, and my naturopath, I had to reassess all
of my commitments and make some major lifestyle changes in order to get back on deck. The result of
this important wake-up call was a renewed determination to take care of myself, because without my
health, I have nothing. Now, due to my wellness routine, Ive overcome the worst of my problems and
am enjoying greatly improved health.
This book came about as a result of the changes Im glad I made. Im going to show you how stress
can alert you to problems and prompt you to make changes that will cause you to grow and thrive. I
will show you how you can disconnect from the madness of 'busyness' and create more calm in your
life. As a result, youll feel more fulfilled, have increased energy and health, and enjoy better
relationships with your loved ones.
Its important to understand that your life is 100% your own responsibility and that its possible to
take your experiences and grow exponentially rather than blaming others and being a victim. Its easy

to justify all the unfair situations in life and use them to explain why youre stuck; however, this
denies you valuable lessons on the road to personal empowerment.
In my experience, there isnt a single solution for everything, just a series of small steps that together
contribute to a greater sense of well-being. Accordingly, Ill show you six simple techniques in this
book that, when practised regularly, will help you to find peace in your life, no matter what is going
on. Youll also find plenty of genuine common sense information that will help you get back to basics
Hopping out of bed an hour earlier each morning to implement the techniques may seem difficult when
youre already sleep deprived. I promise, though, that if you commit to the principles Im going to
share with you and follow through with the 6 daily success rituals for at least 21 days, youll
experience major changes in your productivity and sense of well-being. Youll find that youre
healthier, more inspired, and more fulfilled.
I know that's a big promise, but if youre motivated enough, your family and friends will notice the
difference. Theyll wonder what youve been up to while theyve been sleeping in. Theyll want what
you have.
Finally, you might be wondering why Ive called this book The Benefits of Stress - it's because
without my own health breakdown, I wouldnt have implemented the permanent changes that will
ensure I live a long, healthy life. Now I wake with enthusiasm every morning, ready to be productive
towards my goals for the day ahead. Ive realised, as many already have done, that theres no growth
without challenge.
Furthermore, without my crisis, I wouldnt have been inspired to write this book for women who
are struggling with health issues. I want to share the concepts that are so effective for overcoming
stress in the hope that people can use them to empower their self- care and awaken their personal
This book represents the information I would love to have known sooner rather than later in life. Start
reading today so you can get up tomorrow morning and start your new, energised life.
I wish you an abundance of health, peace, and happiness.

Chapter 1: The Paradox of Stress



Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as true strength.

St Francis de Sales
Its difficult to imagine that there could be any possible benefit to stress. Many people suffer from
acute, painful symptoms generated by their busy modern lifestyles, and are desperately looking for
relief. But while stress has become widely accepted within our society, it is often disregarded until
its impact reaches an abnormal level of physiological concern. When people are forced to make
changes, they reluctantly review their options to see how they can minimise the impact on their
routines. However, unless a new paradigm is created for wellness and vitality, they sell themselves
short by treating the symptoms and not the underlying issues.
In this chapter Ill explain how the complexities of our world have a tangible effect on our health and
how stress can build up and make us ill. Ill tell you my own story about my descent into ill health due
to stress and toxic environmental factors and how I learned to grow from that situation. Ill also
present a beneficial side to stress how it helps us to survive by keeping us alert to danger. Ill show
how health challenges can be the beginning of an empowering journey, rather than the end of life as
we know it.

Stress is all around

Everywhere we go, stress has become a popular topic of conversation. People are talking about it
because they feel like they have too much to do and too little time to dedicate to each task. They
experience overwhelming pressure to achieve outstanding results with fewer resources, and that
generates the physical manifestation of stress. Many of our most common illnesses, such as high blood
pressure, migraine headaches, and insomnia are a direct result of it.
In fact, the World Health Organisation says that stress has become one of the leading causes of
disease, and it is now widely recognised that when a bodymind is under constant pressure, it is more
likely to have a breakdown.
Stress is often the result of a combination of long-term unresolved emotions plus unexpected events.
Over time, the accumulation of strain can creep up on the nervous system without our conscious
awareness, and then break out with explosive intensity.
If we suffer from an overload of stress, we are easily overwhelmed by things that would normally be
within our capabilities. We develop physical reactions to stimuli, and activate fear, guilt, and shame
that prevent us from relaxing. The fight or flight response is triggered for our protection, but if we
can't shut it down after the danger passes, we burn out. Our adrenals continue to pump adrenaline
through our system, and we stay on high alert for no reason.
Stress shows up as irritability, depression, pain, headaches, panic attacks, and digestive disorders,
just to name a few well-known symptoms. Pain and disease are a result of the body warning us that
we are out of balance and need to take some time to process our issues. Stress is a natural reaction
that alerts us to potential danger so that we can instinctively take action to avoid it.
We may not realise that were behaving in an irritable manner or snapping at our loved ones and
work colleagues until we actively listen to their feedback. When we understand that were actually
part of the problem, we can take steps to adjust our thoughts and actions, and stop blaming the world
around us for all of our issues.
Given all these negatives, you might now be asking how stress can possibly be beneficial, and well
start exploring the answer to this question in the sections below.

Stress keeps us alive

The fact is we need stress to keep us moving forward and growing as a race. We humans are living in
a state of grace. The chances of our existence on this particular planet, in this solar system, with a
complete life support system, are minuscule. The probability of our cellular creation, consequent
growth and expansion, and ultimate survival as a race has always been very low.
Indeed, scientists estimate that the chances for our development beyond the single cell structured
organism are 1:1040. A number like that is mind-boggling. That we have managed to survive as a race
thus far is due to our developing intelligence and a refined survival instinct. Our fight/flight system
has kept us on our toes for approximately 200,000 years as we have cleverly dodged extinction,
unlike many other species.
Stress is a sign that something is going wrong. It alerts you that there is a problem, a danger to your
survival, but it is up to you to deal with the source and restore yourself to a state of peace. If your
health is suffering, youll need to first visit your doctor for a check-up to rule out any underlying
physical issues. If your problems turn out to be entirely stress-related, however, the baseline
information gathered by the doctor from your body can later serve to measure your progress as you
implement some simple techniques to relieve your stress.
Sometimes, an acknowledgement of the stress is enough to ease the burden. Having the support of
great friends can provide welcome relief from the absurdities of life, but sometimes we women
become so consumed by worry that we cut off social ties because 'something has to give'. When
social groups aren't available, off-loading to a qualified professional is a great resource for saving
your sanity.
Implementing the daily success rituals that I will share with you in this book will also help you to
restore your sense of health and well-being.
I learnt the hard way how a combination of stress and toxic chemicals can severely impact your
health. But it was through this experience that I also learnt that difficult experiences make you grow as
a person that stress, paradoxically, can have a benefit. In the following section, I will outline my
story and how I used my stress as a guide to recovery.

Stress as a recovery guide

When I was in my 20's, I lived in Sydney, Australia in an old house in an inner city suburb with my
husband. We were newly-weds, full of enthusiasm for our domestic home life, and with delight we
dug up the backyard garden to grow our own vegetables.
We planted a useful variety of foods, including lettuce, tomato, and beans, as well as herbs like
parsley and basil. We ate from the garden, which was conveniently positioned outside the back door,
all through the spring and into the early summer, enjoying fresh salads every evening.
During the digging, we had noticed that the paint from the wall of the house was peeling and flaking
into the garden bed, but we didn't realise its deadly chemical content until I became extremely sick a
year later. Another 12 months passed before I was diagnosed with lead poisoning.
Unfortunately, the old types of house paint contained a lead compound. Lead was leaching into the
soil from the flakes of paint and being absorbed by our plants. We thought we were clever having a
vegetable garden in the city!
With my health severely compromised, I was chronically fatigued for many years as my body did its
best to process the toxic load. In addition, I developed sensitivities to many foods, resulting in dietary
restrictions to prevent my neck glands from swelling when I ate. I learned to avoid all additives,
sugar, dairy, and gluten, and it took about ten years to begin to recover from being so sick.
During this time I managed as best I could, feeling like my battery had only a quarter of its charge. As
terrible as I felt, battling extreme fatigue all the time, it was the start of my journey of learning about
natural therapies. Without the stress of my situation, I wouldnt have been motivated to look for
answers. I searched for a way to jump-start my energy circuits, visiting a doctor, dietician,
homeopath, acupuncturist, herbalist, and naturopath, as well as spiritual healers, all to no avail. In the
end, it was a BodyTalk treatment that changed the course of my life.
After this, I became a BodyTalk practitioner myself, and in the section below, I will briefly describe
what its all about and how it can help us recover from multiple health problems.

The BodyTalk System

BodyTalk is a quantum approach to healthcare. It uses powerful, energy-based techniques to address
an individual's specific issues so that the body can heal itself. This gentle and transformational
holistic system was founded over 20 years ago by Dr. John Veltheim, an Australian Chiropractor,
Acupuncturist, Kinesiologist, and Reiki Master, who now lives in the United States and continues his
work there with the International BodyTalk Association (ibaglobalhealing.com).
BodyTalk is an energy medicine that utilises the body's own ability to heal itself on all levels:
physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Our body houses complex networks of signals that keep us
healthy. However, when we suffer from stress and illness, these internal communications can stop
working, and cellular healing is compromised. It is akin to a faulty spark plug in a car, when the
energy circuits can't connect for the engine to start.
The BodyTalk practitioner focuses on the priority for each individual client using a muscular
feedback technique combined with the BodyTalk System's protocol. Specific information is accessed
in order to address any imbalances and initiate the healing process.
This comprehensive system acknowledges that our thoughts, feelings, experiences, environment, and
many other factors such as viral invasions and microbial upsets impact our well-being. The qualified
practitioner is able to identify issues in any parts of the body that aren't functioning to their healthiest
capacity and then restore the energetic communications.
In my clinic Im privileged to have the trust of many women who are outwardly successful but need a
safe space to briefly step away from their stressful lives in order to relax and be themselves. I use
BodyTalk as an energetic treatment for rebalancing their bodies and minds. Many of my clients enjoy
regular BodyTalk treatments, and each session is different according to what is happening in their
lives. Someone may come for help with anxiety on their first visit, and by the time they return they
might have a bout of flu that may need to be addressed as a matter of priority. There are no limits to
the variety of issues that BodyTalk is able to help with because we are working with the bodys
innate ability to heal. Most clients are looking for solutions to resolve the stresses in their life;
however, I have treated diverse ailments such as food allergies, chronic fatigue, irritability, sprained
ankle, sore back, jet lag, headache, poor memory, and even the fear of developing a family disease.
During an appointment my clients initially talk about what is going on for them, before they lie down
for their BodyTalk session. That way I get a good idea about the issues that are troubling them on a
conscious level. As a practitioner, my role is to then find out through the BodyTalk muscle testing
technique what the underlying issues are. What is it that the body, mind, and spirit require
energetically for the healing process to occur? The answers are as unique to each individual as

We live in unprecedented times that require us to maintain our health and well-being in the face of
innovations that will, no doubt, bring stress. Our homes and workplaces will be very different in 20
years time, whether we like it or not.
With so much environmental change impacting on our bodymind, it is essential to manage stress well
because it can damage our immune system and severely impact both our physical and mental health.
At the same time, stress can be beneficial because it alerts us when something is wrong and engages
our instinct for survival. Through the recollection of past dangers, the stress response can keep us
safe from immediate harm. However, it is up to us to recognise the particular threat and make the
necessary changes that will bring us back to a state of calm.
In the following chapter, we will look at how the physical environment can create stress and impact
our physical health, and I will provide tips on how you can implement changes to help you reduce the
toxic load on your system. I will also introduce the first of the six Daily Success Rituals for living a
longer, healthier and more fulfilled life.
But before we go on, I invite you to take a moment to breathe consciously and evenly as you enjoy a
chance to energise yourself with oxygen before you continue.

Actions that make a difference

Exercise: Equilibrated Breathing.
Silently count to 7 as you inhale, and then continue to count to 14 while you exhale. Concentrate on
smoothing out your breathing as you count. Repeat this process 3 times. You will notice that you
immediately feel more relaxed and your emotions neutralise.

Chapter 2: Influences from the Environment



Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than
by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
Spinning around our sun every 365 days, spiralling through the Milky Way, somewhere in the midst of
the expanding infinite universe, over 7 billion of us live on this beautiful blue planet. Gazing at the
stars, especially when its a full moon, Im in total awe regarding our position in the cosmos, and
supremely grateful for this magical planet that supports us.
Its humbling to witness the extreme forces of nature when storms, earthquakes, and volcanic
eruptions reshape the Earths surface naturally. Its shocking, however, to see the destruction wreaked
by industrial disregard for delicate ecosystems when the profits of consumerism overshadow respect
for precious wildlife and their habitat.
I was fortunate to grow up in an Australian coastal landscape of immense volcanic beauty that
attracted the hippie generation to its heart in the 1960s-70s era. I saw colourful idealists protesting
vehemently to stop the rainforests from being logged. Deeply upset by the environmental destruction,
they found creative ways to express their anger. Courageously, they forfeited their legal rights as they
chained themselves to the ancient trees to stop the bulldozers from advancing on the rainforest and it
was a welcome surprise when they managed to save the trees and instigate an inquiry into forestry
I admired the greenies profound love of nature and their alignment with the natural cycles of the
seasons. Their dedication to the use of non-synthetic products as a way of being environmentally
friendly influenced my young mind, and I was awed by their determination to speak out about issues
related to the sustainability of our planet Earth. Their messages often expressed hostility towards the
ruling establishment; however, they were able to engage the support of communities through
colourful, creative protests wrapped in a strong message of peace. They made it clear that if we ruin
the very world that is meant to support us, we eventually risk facing our own extinction.
The waste and pollution of modern industry can ultimately damage our immune systems and cause a

build-up of unhealthy levels of stress within the body. This may push us to use clean energy resources
such as solar power, which has significantly less impact on the environment than fossil fuels. Thus, in
this chapter we will look at the potential dangers to our health lurking within our toxic surroundings
as well as the steps that we can take to keep our immune systems strong to avoid illness. Awareness
about these issues is intended to inform rather than frighten you, so that you can be proactive with
your wellness. To that end, I will also provide some practical tips to help you make changes to your
environment in order to improve your sense of well-being.

The effects of our early surroundings

From the moment we are conceived, we are affected by environmental factors that influence our
biology and activate our immune system's responses to keep us healthy. If we are born to a relaxed
healthy mother, we are more likely to develop a calm nervous system, and that will influence our
personality. On the other hand, when a mother is living in a loud, hostile environment and is worried
about her safety, as happens in war zones, there is a fair chance that the baby will be more anxious by
In ideal circumstances, babies don't have a care in the world when they are in-utero, all of their needs
being met by the pregnant mother. If theyre born in a hospital room, their first sensual experience
outside the womb includes the brightness of artificial lighting, the loudness of the external world, and
the feel of the cold air on their warm skin. With the first gulp of air that fills a newborn baby's lungs
comes the precious noise of the first cry. It lets the mother know that all is well, and the baby learns
immediately to breathe on its own.
The delivery process can frighten the newborn as it transitions to the world during birth. The
nurturing instinct usually compels the mother to embrace the baby as she pulls it close to the breast to
initiate the suckling bond. Interruptions to this process, such as delays because of difficulties at birth,
or complications with breast-feeding, can impact on the psyche of the new baby as it struggles to
make sense of its altering world.
The gestation and birthing process are the first miracles of human life, where we see the creation of
an individual in all of its complicated glory and witness the fusion of vulnerability and strength.
Parents view their DNA amalgamation for the first time and seek family resemblances in their childs
features. The sight of a newborn can bring even the toughest warrior to tears.
From the initial union of sperm and egg, we humans develop an extremely complex physical body that
houses all of the biological systems for nurturing and protecting the life force of the spirit for the
years ahead. We intuitively spend our lives protecting our body and mind as we grow, but as we will
see, there are many environmental challenges that can impact negatively on both.

The rise of modern diseases

In the last 200 years, life spans have doubled in countries that are rich with resources as basic
hygiene and standards of living have improved. We have developed highly sophisticated societies
through recent industrial and technological progress. However, the rapid advancement of
contemporary civilisation has impacted intensely on our lifestyles and has also had some unfortunate
consequences for our well-being.
Were seeing an emergence of new diseases that are affecting our genetic structure and puzzling the
medical world.

Allergies, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, and autism have increased greatly in the last 20
years, and affect well-being and productivity. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

show a 120% increase in cases of autism in the 10 years from 2000 to 2010. Australia reflects

similar increases of 79% over 3 years from 2009 to 2012.

Incidences of cancer have also increased exponentially in the last few decades. According to current
statistics from the American Cancer Society, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the US receive a
diagnosis of cancer during their lifetime. It is worrying to see these numbers rising despite greater
funding for cancer research.
While we are programmed to shield ourselves from possible threats, we arent always aware of the
dangers that lurk unseen in foods that are sourced from contaminated ecosystems. Animals at the top
of the food chain can accumulate dangerous levels of toxins that, if consumed by us, accrue within our
body to challenge our immune systems. Certain fish are particularly prone to absorbing high levels of
mercury which, when ingested, have the potential to damage our DNA. The disruption of the cellular
repair processes of the body encourage the generation of mutant cells that cause disease, and have the
potential to eventually turn into cancer.
Likewise, invisible environmental radiation can affect healthy cells and cause illnesses that have a
debilitating impact on quality of life. Bombarded by toxins in our food, in our air and our surrounds,
it is vital that we nourish our immune system for optimum cellular performance so we can live a long
healthy life.
The Cancer Council of Australia has confirmed in a research publication that approximately one third

of all diagnoses of cancer in Australia are actually preventable. In its extensive research, the CCA
study looked at the effects of tobacco smoke, alcohol, solar radiation, obesity, red and processed
meat, insufficient physical activity, and insufficient intake of fruit, vegetables, and fibre. All of these
factors were found to increase the probability of developing some form of cancer.
Poor nutrition is therefore a major contributing factor to illness. Part of the reason for worsening diets
is due to changes in work patterns and traditional household roles, with both men and women
spending extended time away from home. As a result, many families resort to buying convenience
foods that are, unfortunately, full of preservatives and chemicals to increase their shelf life. Sugar is
also a component of most pre-packaged foods, and cancer thrives on it.

Our internal microbiome thrives as you would expect on the diet of our ancestors, who habitually
consumed plenty of plants. We all have thousands of cells regenerating at any given time, but any
mutations are naturally kept under control by our militant immune system. Nevertheless, the way we
manage our stress levels and provide nutrition to our cells has an enormous impact on maintaining the
strength of our first line of defence and reducing the chances of mutant cell reproduction. With so
much serious illness occurring, its more important than ever to scrutinise our lifestyle choices and to
think of creative solutions that will enable us all to live a healthier life.
In the following chapter, well examine more deeply how diet can affect our health and how simple
changes can make tangible improvements to overall well-being. First, however, we will look at the
damage which is being caused both to the environment, and to our own health, by the proliferation of
chemicals and pollutants in our natural world.

Our endangered world

Since the industrial revolution, chemicals have infiltrated the entire world that we live in and there is
a terrible price for delicate ecosystems to pay. Plastics now litter the waterways, choking marine life
and disrupting the food chain. As this plastic pollutant disintegrates over time, xenoestrogens are
leached into the world's water supply, and the reproductive systems of aquatic animals are being
neutralised. Were losing entire species of creatures at an alarming rate, sometimes within a single
Unfortunately, large numbers of wildlife species are also becoming endangered as their habitats are
destroyed by human development. These habitats are also affected by a noticeable change in climatic
conditions, as the planet appears to be warming up due to global greenhouse emissions.
I recently saw a disturbing image of a polar bear and her cub stranded on the tip of an iceberg in the
Arctic region, clearly suffering from hunger. Marooned on a tiny, melting island, with nowhere to
swim for safety, they were in grave danger. In fact, according to Polar Bears International, its
expected that 80% of the ice shelves that polar bears rely on for survival will have disappeared in the
next 20 years. Thats alarming.
The irony is that the environmental fallout has arisen from our desire to have modern conveniences. In
addition to changes that occur from rising global temperatures, heavy metal pollutants spewed from
industry end up in the air and soil, and eventually our food supply. When they are consumed and
absorbed, they accumulate within our bodies and disrupt our endocrine systems.
Cars spew toxic particles into the air and compromise the efficiency of our lungs. Wheezing from
bronchitis and asthma becomes aggravated when the air is thick with smog. Some cities are so choked
with pollution from traffic that the residents have to wear masks so they can breathe outside. Electric
cars seem to be the direction of the future; however, they still rely on sourcing their energy from
power stations, making any long-term benefits uncertain.
I witnessed terrible environmental damage as a result of industry when I took a trip to Mt Morgan, an
abandoned open-cut mine in Queensland, with my friend Jen. We were horrified to see that the area
still requires a massive cleanup. There was a lake of sulphuric acid, and the banks of the river
running beside the small town, where the local children play, were a toxic yellow. From what we
saw, the clean-up operations appeared to be struggling against a significant environmental disaster.
The government are apparently funding the removal of the toxic waste, but it seems to me that the
magnitude of the job is beyond the scope of any budget.
On the plus side, there is a growing trend of people looking for safer, more natural products which
have a smaller industrial footprint. Many people have moved back to rural areas as they search for a
self-sufficient sanctuary outside urban landscapes. Household water tanks and solar power have
become mainstream facilities in some parts of Australia, and alternative fuel sources are regularly
discussed. There is a desire to return to simpler lifestyles, while at the same time enjoying
technological advances, because the stress of our busyness has become too much. People are
searching for creative solutions to live in harmony with the environment, harkening back to past eras
when life was less complicated.

With all this in mind, I have provided some practical solutions for changing your lifestyle and
environment in order to minimise the dangers they pose to your health.

Practical solutions
1) Use simple cleaning solutions for your home, for example, a soft, damp cloth rather than harsh
chemicals. Many natural cleaning solution websites promote the use of vinegar, lemon juice, and
Castile soap as the best ingredients to make your natural cleaning products. This will ensure that you
don't burden your immune system with more unnecessary toxins. Overuse of antibacterial cleansers is
also dangerous because these destroy the beneficial bacteria that we rely on for many biological
processes. Most of us have been brainwashed to have a terrible fear of germs, but we actually need to
have a certain amount of exposure to them to build up our resistance.
2) Ask your dentist to replace your amalgam fillings with non-BPA ceramic fillings, whilst using a
safe protocol that prevents digestion of discarded metal and inhalation of noxious fumes. One of the
components of amalgam fillings is mercury, a toxin that is known to cause serious health issues and
which damages the immune system.
3) A fascinating way to create a sense of calm and beauty in your home environment is by using Feng
Shui, an ancient Chinese art that enhances the flow of energy, known as chi. The placement of objects
can affect the health of a building's occupants and can be remedied by getting a Feng Shui Master in
for a personal consultation for your house, or by learning it yourself. For more information, see
Master George Benniss website http://www.thefengshuiadvantage.com.
According to Feng Shui, certain areas of your building are influenced by the Chinese Elements: Fire,
Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. You can strengthen or diminish certain qualities of a building by
working with the layout of the Elements so that the flow of energy, such as abundance, for example, is
Keeping your environment clean and de-cluttered is vital for the movement of productive chi energy.
Getting rid of unnecessary objects feels therapeutic, and the energetic burden is released when you
increase your usable space.
Additionally, you can energetically clear your home from negativity by protecting yourself with
intentional prayers, placing crystals in strategic positions, burning incense or a sage stick, or spraying
lavender essence.
4) Be self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency is a great way to have a healthier lifestyle. Recycling whatever
you can to reduce your rubbish is a smart way to lessen your impact on the environment. Re-using and
re-purposing household items activates your creativity and makes you resourceful whilst increasing
your independence. An incredible satisfaction grows out of living a more sustainable, self-reliant
lifestyle. Your focus turns to what is possible rather than what is wrong, and because you feel more
relaxed, your stress levels settle down.
5) Gardening can be a great anti-depressant. Have you noticed how good it feels to get out into the
garden and get your hands dirty? Unfortunately, because packaged potting mixes now have a

compulsory warning about the potential risk of dangerous microbes, people have become afraid to
encourage their children to make mud pies from actual soil.
Gardening is a wonderful way to stay grounded, be creative, recycle, get some fresh air, and
guarantee that your food is fresh and wholesome. In fact, having a vegetable garden ticks many boxes
for de-stressing. Watching your produce grow is rewarding, and watering is relaxing. Caring for the
plants helps you to feel connected with the cycles of nature, and gets you back to basics as you feel
connected to the Earth whilst the plants are generating oxygen for the air.
As we live in artificial buildings, our vital energetic connection with the earth is compromised.
Without a backyard to get out and walk in, modern people are prone to living sedentary, ungrounded
lives that create health issues. To keep our cellular processes working properly, we must rely on our
physical connection to the Earth to recharge us.
Earthing, as its known, benefits our negatively charged bodies. When we spend too much time
indoors, being bombarded by positive ions from computers and invisible electromagnetic
frequencies, our energies become depleted. Our heart and brain function can become diminished and
fatigue may set in. When you get outside and walk on the Earth, its like recharging your battery.

From birth, our environment has a strong impact on both our mental and physical health, but
industrialisation has caused immense damage to it, with negative consequences for all living things.
Its challenging to find solutions to large-scale problems, but the stress generated by an unhealthy
environment can also stimulate our creativity as we search for solutions. Sometimes we need to
clarify what we dont want before we can embrace a new paradigm that grows from a more holistic
There are many practical steps we can take to minimise our footprint so that we dont squander our
precious resources. For example, we can build energy saving, environmentally friendly houses by
sourcing durable, sustainable materials. We can become more self-sufficient by growing an organic
food forest and vegetable garden. We can enjoy crafting our home wares from recycled materials and
creating our dcor by being resourceful.
Being mindful of our impact on wildlife and native flora can provide interests to pass on to future
generations. An appreciation for natures delicate balance fills one with wonder and gratitude for the
opportunity to live on the incredible planet that is our home.
I hope that youre not overwhelmed by the environmental challenges that I have outlined. Instead, I
trust that you have increased your determination to strengthen your lifestyle choices in order to live a
long happy life. When you become inspired because of your stresses and in spite of your limitations,
you can overcome negativities by feeling satisfied that you made the most of difficult situations.
Now is a good time to clarify your long term goals so that you can avoid distractions and stay focused
on living a purposeful life. Goal setting is a periodic ritual, best done at significant intervals: yearly,
half-yearly or monthly, for example. This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7. Many people make
verbal New Years resolutions, but for a goal to manifest, it needs to be written down and reviewed
daily with dedicated creative focus.

Actions that make a difference

Exercise: Write down your top 10 goals
1. Allow 5 minutes to write down at least 10 goals.
2. List activities (like skydiving, taking a trip or climbing a mountain) and things (new car,
house or getting a dog) that you want to have and achieve in this life that you believe will
satisfy your dreams of success.
3. Once you have your list, prioritise the goals according to their importance.
4. Enjoy daydreaming about their manifestation every day.
DAILY SUCCESS RITUAL # 1: Read your Top 10 goals out loud every morning.
Activities for Influencing the Environment:
Eat fresh seasonal organic food.
Grow your own garden if possible.
Drink pure water.
Get daily physical movement: exercise, walking and any type of sport.
Get amalgams replaced (using the safest protocol) with non-BPA ceramic fillings.
Use natural products rather than harsh chemicals.
Clear your clutter.
Be creative.
Beautify your surroundings.

Chapter 3: Healing the Body



The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about
the future, or anticipate troubles
but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
We have already seen how stress upsets the bodys ability to stay healthy, as well as how it has been
useful in helping humans to survive. Going forward, you should view your stress as a wake-up call
that will inspire you to change and improve. You can make it your friend, your feedback mechanism
to test the boundaries of a healthy lifestyle.
One great story from my grandmother that inspires me endlessly was her reaction to her diagnosis of
cancer when she was a mother with young children. After being told it was terminal, she refused to
acknowledge the death sentence by saying, I havent got time for this. She lived until the age of 103.
Her diet was regularly comprised of raw cabbage, brown rice, and wholemeal bread. When I look
back with my knowledge about healthy eating, I realise that she was most certainly ahead of her time.
In this chapter, well look at how a good diet, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise can reduce the
negative impacts of stress and keep our bodies and minds healthy.

Eat fresh, eat well

You may not realise it, but your body has an innate intelligence that maintains perpetual balance at a
cellular level. Youll already have noticed that when you accidentally cut your skin, the immune
system gets to work immediately to heal the damaged cells. It will do this especially when you sleep,
but to be effective, it needs high-quality building blocks. Unfortunately, people dont always provide

According to Dr Laura Stuve, Ph.D., a molecular biologist who worked on the Human Genome
Project for many years, and is now an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Instructor, our bodies are

biologically hardwired for a world that no longer matches our lifestyles. We were designed to
consume much more fruit and vegetables than is contained in our modern carbohydrate-loving diet.
Furthermore, Dr Bruce Lipton explains in his bookThe Biology of Belief that the cells in the body
respond favourably to healthy nutrition and influences such as positive thoughts, whilst shrinking from

toxins like heavy metals. His research shows that cells are actually driven by their outer membrane,
not the nucleus, as was previously thought. They change structure in reaction to the electromagnetic
signals that deliver information from the surrounding biological environment. Dr Lipton concludes
from this that positive and negative beliefs control our biology. We are therefore not victims of our
genetic heritage unless our environment and beliefs challenge our cellular status quo.
This is good news as it allows us to override our inherited DNA coding through conscious acts of
self-care. Just because my father had bowel cancer does not automatically mean that I will develop it
too, as my genetic markers for the disposition won't switch on unless the conditions are ripe. This
highlights the importance of eating good, nutritious food and keeping a calm body and mind in order
to maintain optimal health.
We all share our lives with more than 40,000 different bugs, each one playing its part in a complex
matrix that is mutually beneficial when we are healthy. Imbalances within the body's ecology place
stress on the immune system and create health issues. We need to feed our microbiome, the millions
of bugs that live harmoniously within us, with high-energy food, so that the delicate balance of our
digestive tract is maintained as nature intended.
Our bodies struggle when we only eat processed foods. All of our systems become stressed when our
intestines clog up with matter that is difficult to digest and holds little nutritional value. We starve our
microbiome and develop illnesses like leaky gut syndrome. This is preventable, but once it starts, it
can be difficult to manage, a bit like the proverbial genie that was let out of the bottle. Becoming
proactive about what is going into your body can save your digestive system from further
aggravations, although it can take a high degree of diligence and patience before you eventually
formulate a diet that doesn't inflame your gut.
Unless youre buying products from a small local business, foods that are pre-packaged generally
have an extended shelf life because of added preservatives. When you read the label on processed
foods, be sure to check out the additive and preservative numbers so that you can make an informed
decision about your choice. In my opinion, fresh foods without labels and numbers are much cleaner
for the body to digest and are less prone to causing allergic reactions.

Checking for additives is especially important for people who have become sensitive to them because
of body chemistry upsets. If you have limits on what you can eat because of allergies or sensitivities,
a focus on fresh, local, seasonal food is especially important. Your body needs the opportunity to
release toxins and irritations that interrupt the healing process in your gut.
When I was terribly sick with food intolerances, I used the guidance of a dietician to eliminate all
foods that upset me. Once my diet was restricted to safe foods, I reintroduced other foods one by
one to see if I reacted negatively or not. If I reacted and for me that meant monitoring whether the
glands in my neck swelled I would be careful to avoid eating the item again until I regained my
health. Paying attention to my bodys stress forced me to learn about nutrition and I expanded my
knowledge about healthy food choices in order to improve my well-being as quickly as possible.
It depends on your individual circumstances, but, I always think that common sense is a good guide. If
you know that something upsets you, no matter how great it tastes, don't eat it. It's that simple. Also,
be on the lookout for high sugar and fructose content, as this disrupts the body's metabolism via the
pancreas, and can set up inflammatory responses within the body. Cancer cells feed off sugar, so with
that in mind, use it very cautiously if you cant eliminate it altogether.
When you focus on the consumption of fresh, organic whole foods, youll gain beneficial nutrients
from your diet that energise your body efficiently at a cellular level. This will happen particularly if
you include a good amount of raw food.
Supplying the body with fresh pure drinking water is also essential for health. Because 90% of the
content of the body is water, we would be well advised to keep the supplies up so that we can
hydrate the cells and flush out toxins. To do this, we need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.
So, whether you eat meat, are a vegetarian or a vegan, or follow the Paleo diet, please make sure you
eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as getting enough protein and drinking enough water. Try
to avoid genetically modified foods and eat a wide variety of naturally colourful foods, especially
greens, to truly reap the benefits. There may be room for a few treats but only in moderation.
Your microbiome is relying on you to feed it well!

Simple guidelines to improve your diet:

Once youve decided to improve the quality of the foods you eat, try following these simple
guidelines, which won't complicate your weekly shopping list:
1) When youre restocking the kitchen pantry, prioritise lots of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Avoid packaged and processed products. With fresh produce youll enjoy an increase in energy that
will inspire you to enjoy your food more.
2) Focus on the benefits of preparing good, healthy food rather than viewing it as a chore. As you
become more enthused and creative in the kitchen, youll come to view the daily routines of feeding
yourself and your family as part of your relaxation time rather than an extra burden.
3) You might become inspired by your plant-based diet to grow a vegetable garden that provides an
abundance of home-grown fruit, vegetables, and herbs every day. But as I learnt from experience,
dont plant next to a wall that has peeling, lead-based paint falling into the soil! Be sure to use
organic soils and fertilisers, and avoid genetically modified seeds that have had their DNA
impregnated with chemicals.

Keep your body moving

In addition to the fuel your body requires for optimum health, its necessary to keep your body and
mind physically active. The more you exercise, the more supple you remain as you mature. The body
is designed to move. Sitting for long periods causes it to seize up. Watching television has become
one of the worst lifestyle problems because we sit down for long periods of time.
People are also gaining weight because they are not burning up calories. They get home stressed,
want to be entertained so they can forget about the day theyve just had, eat fast food on the couch, and
gaze at the 'idiot box' until bedtime to dull their pain.
A few simple changes make a world of difference to this scenario. Sufferers from stress will find that
if they get up earlier in the morning for an energising walk to get some fresh air and Vitamin D, they
can easily improve their outlook. Walking helps the body to stay flexible, as all of the joints, muscles,
and ligaments receive a thorough workout. All of the bodys systems, especially the circulatory
system, benefit from the increased flow brought on by movement. A twenty-minute walk every day is
all it takes to feel the benefits.
If you prefer, there are some fun ways to get fit in class situations, such as doing yoga and tai chi.
Some people also enjoy going to the gym, but for anyone who wants a no-cost option and is selfmotivated, walking is great.
In the same way, exercising the muscle of the brain by doing crossword puzzles and learning new
languages improves the plasticity of the neural networks and improves memory and cognitive skills.
Thats something well talk more about in the next chapter.

A good sleep works wonders

Its important for the brain and body to get adequate amounts of sleep for peak performance. Sleep
relaxes us as we process the days events. It recharges our ability to learn and rejuvenates our bodies.
Getting enough of it also enables us to wake up refreshed and alert in the morning.
Despite its crucial importance, however, many people do not get the recommended 8 hours of sleep to
maintain a healthy mind and body. According to Paul Kelley of the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience
Institute at the University of Oxford, Were generally a sleep-deprived society but the 14 - 24 age
group is more sleep deprived than any other sector of society. This causes serious threats to health,
mood, performance, and mental health.

Very often, an insomniac will visit a doctor after their sleep deprivation has led to bad mood, anxiety,
and depression, as well as headaches and digestive problems. They may also be self medicating by
drinking alcohol to dull the pain and deal with their stress. The doctor may prescribe medication for
the patient's different symptoms and send them on their way without tackling the underlying issues that
created the stress in the first place. If so, the patient has begun a journey of masking the problems
through a lifetime reliance on pharmaceutical products.
If you choose to see a doctor about your symptoms, be sure to look for one who practices integrative
health. A doctor of this sort may prescribe non-pharmaceutical remedies first, putting you in a great
position to maintain control of your future health. If you ask them to take some baseline blood tests,
they can establish your overall situation, and then study your sleep patterns for referral to a sleep
specialist if necessary.

Client story - Emma

One of my young adult clients, Emma*, had a lifetime of poor sleep patterns that impacted on her
ability to function well. Without regular restorative sleep, she became wired with anxiety, and then
spiralled into a depression that made it difficult for her to get out of bed to face each day. Her doctor
prescribed a melatonin medication, (a sleep hormone which is naturally produced in the body), which
enabled her to fall asleep within an hour of taking the evening tablet. Once Emma was able to get
eight hours sleep each night, she returned to a natural sleep rhythm and became motivated to look after
herself. Her life continued to improve steadily as her BodyTalk treatments enabled her to process the
underlying issues that came from her poor sense of self worth. With her anxiety and depression
reduced, her digestion improved as her microbiome rebalanced to a healthy state.

I have demonstrated the importance of caring for the physical body by maintaining a healthy diet full
of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as ensuring you get enough sleep and exercise. Listen to the
messages that stress delivers and apply them to make changes to your lifestyle and habits. Use them to
grow as a person, and become wiser as a result.
While caring for your physical body is of prime importance, it is also imperative to maintain a
healthy mind, as Dr. Liptons research suggests. Accordingly, it is interesting to note that in
Traditional Chinese Medicine, the brain and the gut are also closely linked. In the
therefore, youll read about the powerful effect that the mindset has on your wellness.
*Name has been changed for privacy.

Actions that make a difference

DAILY SUCCESS RITUAL #2: Go for a 20-minute early morning walk.
Activities for Healing the Body:
Go for a 20-minute walk every morning.
Establish good sleep patterns, at least 8 hours per night.
Be aware of your breathing.
Have a check-up with your doctor to make sure everything is okay.
Eat a fresh, seasonal, organic whole-food diet that includes protein, fruit, and vegetables.
Avoid additives and preservatives.
Grow herbs and vegetables (optional).
Eat a variety of colourful foods.
Drink 68 glasses of water every day.

Chapter 4: Mastering the Mindset


Everybody in the world is seeking happiness

And there is one sure way to find it.
That is by controlling your thoughts.
Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions.
It depends on inner conditions.
Dale Carnegie
Stressful events can be so uncomfortable that we yearn for change, especially if we are repeating
behavioural patterns that push us to face our fears. When we step outside our comfort zone we often
face a degree of pain, whether physical, mental or emotional, that acts as a catalyst and allows us to
make new plans towards a more fulfilling future. We may not always feel clear about what we do
want, but we certainly learn from experience what we dont want. Stress motivates us to make the
changes that push us to grow.
However, change is at the same time an inevitable aspect of life that causes stress, and how you deal
with it will depend on how you think. When you have fixed ideas about particular outcomes, life can
disappoint you by challenging you with reality.
Its good to be flexible throughout lifes adventures so that you can be present in each moment. I
always try to bear in mind a piece of advice my grandmother gave me not to let myself be consumed
by concerns about the future. She said she regretted spending so much time during her life worrying
about things that usually turned out well anyway.
In this chapter, well uncover the programming of our subconscious mind and how it sets us up for
growth and change. Well also learn about rewiring the brain and discover a powerful way to detach
from our stresses by using our mind.

Round and round we go

The human brain is an extraordinary computer that can process billions of bits of information at any
one time. Most of our physiological functions are run by our subconscious bodymind, so that the
various mechanics continue to operate without us having to think about them. Breathing and digestion,
for example, are complex chemical reactions that thankfully don't require us to consult an instruction
manual. On the whole, given a healthy environment, the body can function very well without our
conscious interference.
Each one of us processes information from the world in our own unique way. Thoughts are the
language of our ideas, sometimes in words, sometimes in images. We make choices about our likes
and dislikes during our early development, which combined with feelings, determine our beliefs. Our
thoughts have the power to change who we are in any given moment.
If we are suddenly startled by a fearful situation we intuitively get ready to change in accordance with
our circumstances. We are programmed to adapt readily as we seek to avoid danger. Our sense for
survival enables us to review our options and be ready to change quickly if there is danger.
As social creatures, we seek support by sharing our ideas, but unless we have certainty about the
direction of our lives, we can be easily influenced by our need to fit in. We arent always aware of
what is driving our responses until we start to see patterns emerging after years of repetition and
It can be a wake-up call when we find ourselves in a scenario that we have repeated on a number of
occasions, but with the characters changing each time. It can be alarming, if not downright disturbing,
to watch the subconscious roles that we play out automatically as we engage others to play our
leading characters. Our stress levels indicate that we arent comfortable with how things are,
encouraging us to make changes. When we finally have the great 'ah ha' moment and realise that we
are the common denominator to our recurring patterns, it becomes possible to interrupt the tragedy
and rewrite the script of our lives for a new outcome.
Repetitive thoughts especially have the effect of rewriting our personal circumstances because they
direct our attention to our goals. Once we have focussed our thoughts on something, our mind begins
to search for it in the world. For example, if we are looking to buy a new car, we will frequently
notice the models that we are researching, whereas before deciding to buy that type, we probably
didnt notice them.
If our thoughts are stressing us because they are based on fears and perceived limitations, they can
potentially make us sick unless, through conscious awareness, we recognise that our dis-ease
represents an opportunity to make changes that align better with our personal goals.
So be mindful regarding the ideas that you keep in circulation in your mind. Make sure to fill yourself
with positive and focussed thoughts about your intentions and dreams. Happiness is a choice made in
any given moment.
Indeed, mastering our mindset is one of the critical skills we must continuously hone if we want to
live a happy, fulfilling life. When were prepared to look at why we do things in our own unique way,
we become more familiar with our personalities and more aware of our motivations and values.

Its critically important to know and believe in yourself for a deep sense of purpose.

Fear and memory

Have you ever noticed that the things you remember more easily are the memories that have an
emotional charge attached to them? This is because extreme emotional reactions imprint new neural
pathways into our brains. They enable us to hang on to particularly frightening memories in order to
help us survive and avoid dangerous situations in the future.
The RAS (reticular activatingsystem) in the brain scans for possible hazards and trips the switch in
the amygdala if there are any familiar matches, thus alerting the person to the impending danger. When
youre confronted by a wild dingo, this stress response is doing you a favour as you hastily get out of
its way.
The fight/flight reaction unleashes the chemistry within the body, decreasing appetite, diverting nerve
supply from the frontal lobe, and sending signals to the legs to run. Stress fuses the flow of thoughts as
blood is diverted from the brain to the limbs for a quick escape. The whole body works in unison to
get you out of danger.
Because I live in a bushland neighbourhood, I often get hairy huntsman spiders, about the size of my
hand, inside my house, especially when its raining outside. When they appear unexpectedly, I
witness my own raw fear as my logic and rationale get swamped by adrenaline, even though there is
no real danger in the situation.
The spiders are no doubt more afraid of me, as they run away frantically from my flapping
movements. My self-talk (Its okay, it won't hurt me) is usually hijacked by my irrational fear, and I
run to the other end of the house, closing doors behind me as I go.
The terrified spiders are always gone by the time Im brave enough to return to the scene, and I spend
the next week looking out for them until Im finally convinced they are gone. Eventually my mind
forgets as my amygdala settles down until the next time, and it happens all over again!
However, this ancient fight or flight system, which worked well for the caveman, isn't always so
great in our modern world. This is because the amygdala is frequently tripped by stress throughout the
day, keeping us on high alert. The relaxation response is rarely reactivated because we have so much
going on.
If were confronted by an idea that scares us, the brain doesn't realise that the situation isnt
necessarily life threatening. Our subconscious believes that its doing us a favour by helping us to
prepare quickly for future dangerous events.
Unfortunately, many people don't realise this and allow their unconscious fears to rule their lives.
Because theyre afraid, they believe theyre unable to do many things. Fear is so powerful; it can
paralyse you, thwarting your dreams and desires. Severe stress confuses the mind and can lead to a
mental breakdown as the brain attempts to disengage from trauma. Recovery can be a slow process.
Thus, the amygdala needs to be consciously shut down by switching off our fears. If we want to live a
long happy life, we need to learn to detach from our world while we address our stress levels.
In my experience, a good dose of courage and conviction will see fears fall away when you recognise
their hold on you and your determination pushes past them. However, if you need some help to

process past trauma, reach out to a qualified therapist, such as a BodyTalk practitioner, who can help
you resolve your issues and overcome your obstacles.

Creating a positive mindset

1) Avoid getting over-involved in argument and debate
Arguing can be extremely stressful. One of the best ways to get along with others is to understand that
everyone thinks that they are 100% right all of the time. You don't have to agree with them, but you
are also free not to argue.
Therefore, try to be an impartial observer. Pick your battles wisely, so to speak. If you become
involved in every crisis on the planet, you'll be overwhelmed and eventually ineffective and
disempowered. As a result, you may have no energy for the issues that matter to you most. When you
choose not to be upset by every injustice, you can relax more.
So if youre observing a situation that evokes a reaction from you, and you find its outside your
sphere of influence, try just thinking that's interesting rather than making judgements. Practice
mindfulness, which requires you to experience moment-to-moment awareness of your thoughts,
feelings, and sensations without judgement. Remember, all situations have opposing ideals, with each
side thinking they are in possession of the only truth. When you can suspend the need to be right, you
free up many resources in your mind.
2) Spend time with positive people
Energetically, were wired like antennae, picking up great quantities of information from our
environment. Were tuned to the frequency that we also transmit. Do your best to align with
compassionate, healthy people who understand both you and the importance of positive thinking.
Avoid people who are always moaning and complaining, although it may mean limiting your social
time. If youre obliged to keep seeing these people, as happens with families, don't stay too long. Be
careful with dream-stealers, who love to deflate enthusiasm and suck the air out of rooms. Guard your
passions with your life.
3) Tap out your Cortices
Tapping out your Cortices, a BodyTalk technique that I will discuss in the next chapter, is a great way
to calm down and clear your mind. When your anxiety levels are high, these tapping techniques are
great for interrupting the hold of fear, as you shift your focus to your breathing, and then you can relax
into a calmer state.
4) Meditate
When youre familiar with your own thought patterns, you can speed up the process from reaction to
recovery to process your fears faster. This is where meditation can help. It generates a trance-like
state that slows down the mind by inducing alpha brain waves. With your brain rhythm at the level
between being awake and asleep, the mind relaxes into an inner consciousness where intuition,
inspiration, and creativity reside. At this level of meditation the mind is free from the worries and
frustrations of the outside world, and you can spend time contemplating your life's purpose. It is the

most powerful long-term way to make a date with your future potential. Olympic athletes have been
known to do visual meditations during training to improve their performance, imagining themselves
on the winner's podium accepting gold medals.
Harvard University did a study on the benefits of meditation in 2011 and found that cognitive and
psychological performance associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress was

significantly improved when the participants meditated for at least 20 minutes per day. Apparently it
didn't matter whether the time was in one block of 20 minutes or broken into shorter intervals over a
number of sittings.
This is a significant finding because it indicates that meditation is an investment in your own interests
and passions. If you spend the time meditating, you reap the rewards from increased productivity over
a longer period. When you consider that, sleeping in every morning is easy to give up against the
benefits of a 20-minute meditation.
Many people enjoy subliminal recordings to retrain the brain for greater productivity, improved
health, or to overcome hurdles, such as fear. There are many of these readily available online.
Whether you listen to a professional recording or simply count your breath whilst imagining the
spectrum of rainbow colours is up to you. There is no best way, only what suits you.
Meditation also gives you the opportunity to scan your own body so that you can get an understanding
of the underlying issues related to energetic imbalances within. There is always a message to learn
from emotional upsets such as a broken heart, now known to cause physical pain. When you can
locate the presence of stress in your body, you can focus on its release so that you can heal.
Not everyone thinks they want to spend time looking within, but if you want to target your lifes
passions, self-inquiry is an absolute necessity for fulfilment. You owe it to the miracle of your
existence not to squander your time. No matter what skill you possess, bring it out of yourself so that
others can share your achievements.
The use of powerful affirmations, as well as meditation, trains your thoughts to concentrate on the
things you prefer, rather than the things that annoy you. A negative spiral of thinking can drag your
mood and confidence down quickly if you don't make a constant effort to thwart unproductive
5) Help others
Being of service to others is one of the most rewarding things you can do, so if your family and
friends aren't in need of your help, find a service club or join a group of volunteers. There is no better
remedy for taking your mind off your own troubles than helping others in greater need.
6) Keep your brain active through learning
According to recent understandings of the neuroplasticity of the brain, the neural pathways rewire
according to their use, and continue to forge new links as long as they are active and healthy.
Complex skills that require learning, planning, and implementation discharge the neurons. Eventually

the electrical charges push new pathways through the brain and rewire its abilities. This means that
you can continue learning new things throughout life by engaging in exercises that utilise the brain.
To stay mentally alert, do everything possible to keep the brain as stimulated as possible over your
lifetime. This is also the best way to delay any sign of dementia. Excellent activities for improving
cognitive function include: learning a new language, going ballroom dancing, enjoying crossword
puzzles, or taking up a musical instrument.
Improving the function of the brain builds the neural networks and subsequently provides greater
resilience to stress. With increased mental capacity, we can recognise the early signs of stress as it
stimulates us to make beneficial changes for our overall sense of fulfilment. Our challenges force us
away from complacency and offer change as a valuable alternative for transforming our life for the

It is important to keep your mind active and guard your thoughts, because your spirit is precious. One
negative thought is enough to undo all the positive work that you are doing, so be vigilant with your
mindset and practice meditating every day. Stress reminds you that you are outside your comfort zone,
and gives you the opportunity to find a way to accept things as they are or consciously embrace the
change that comes with inner personal growth.
Human behavioural expert John Demartini has wisely said, When the voice on the inside is greater
and louder than all those on the outside, you have begun to master your life. When you prioritise your
own dreams and passions, your soul becomes nourished, and this in turn has a beneficial effect on the
people around you as you share your true self.
The next chapter will address the emotional aspects of wellness for better self-care. We will see that
our thoughts are largely influenced by our emotions, and that when we feel in control of our emotions,
we can be confident we will act appropriately regardless of the situation.

Actions that make a difference

DAILY SUCCESS RITUAL #3: Meditate for 20 minutes.
20 minute Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation Download

Activities for Mastering the Mindset:

Meditate for at least 20 minutes every day.
Be mindful throughout the day.
Do crosswords and word puzzles to sharpen the mind.
Remain positive and speak well of self and others.
Read goals out loud every day.
Recite daily affirmations.

Chapter 5: Balancing the Emotions



Good timber does not grow in ease;

The stronger wind the tougher tree,
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
Douglas Malloch
Each one of us lives with a diverse range of human emotions, governed by our personality, our
upbringing, and the challenges we overcome. As complex beings, we behave according to our
psychological health, which can vary in relation to our emotional intelligence. Emotions animate our
personalities as a natural aspect of human behaviour. They process our preferences and priorities. It
is normal to experience both joy and sorrow since, being opposites on the emotional spectrum,
neither can exist without the other.
In his book Power vs. Force, David R. Hawkins describes the various levels of human emotions and

spiritual beliefs with their effect on our well-being.

Anger, fear, and guilt are levels of
consciousness that vibrate at a much lower frequency than acceptance, love, and joy. Until we gain a
neutral stance, where we experience the feeling of trust, he says, we can become stuck in anxiety and
despair, and our growth towards enlightenment is hindered.
When we become emotionally unstable, extreme reactivity can interfere with our ability to make wise
decisions. In addition, if were out of touch with our own feelings, or don't understand what we may
be experiencing, we might avoid dealing with them as they occur. We may also hide how we feel as
we learn to protect ourselves from vulnerability. Unresolved emotions lie in wait until theyre
triggered by something that impacts the senses. They may then rage out of us unexpectedly in an
unhealthy, damaging way. We are left at the mercy of our unresolved past traumas and our fears about
what might happen in the future.
On the other hand, when we are not being driven by an internal reactionary state, we have the freedom
to assess our situation and ensure that our priorities align with our values. Stress is an internal
response that reminds us that we are behaving in ways that may be disempowering. If we arent being
true to our values, we must stop and take stock of our life. Feeling out of balance is thus a good
indicator that self-reflection is required.
Read on to find out how personalities develop through influence from and reaction to the surrounding

community, and how bad relationships and early experiences can leave us with emotional problems
that hold us back from having a truly happy and fulfilled life.
Well start with an experiment that shows the power of emotions on water, and by extension, the
human body.

The emotional susceptibility of water

Around 20 years ago, the late Dr. Masaru Emoto ran some extraordinary experiments in Japan that

showed water's ability to change at a structural level according to the emotions projected onto it.
From this we can draw the conclusion that, because human beings consist of 90% water, our bodies
respond to emotions on a physiological level.

After I'd seen Dr. Emoto present his research at a lecture in Brisbane, my daughter Kate and I set up
our own experiment to test the work of Dr. Emoto. We used two identical jars, each with the exact
same measurement of rice and water. We placed a label on each jar. On one jar we wrote, I love
you, and on the other jar we wrote, I hate you.
Each day Kate and I would take both of the jars down from the shelf and read the labels out loud. We
would then replace the jars until the next day. We did this for three weeks. At the end of the
experiment, it was astounding to see that the jar that heard I love you managed to retain clear water,
whereas the jar that we said I hate you to had broken down the mixture of rice and water into a
murky soup. We were amazed at the tangible results that showed up when the only difference between
each jar was the phrase that we spoke aloud.
Dr. Emoto included a third jar in his original experiment, which was completely ignored during the
process. Apparently it finished with the murkiest water of all, and this result suggested that being
hated is energetically better than being totally ignored.
This simple experiment shows how important it is to devote time to our own goals so that we feel
happy and fulfilled. It also shows that we should do our best to shield ourselves from other peoples
negative emotions.

Family, culture, and beliefs

Relationships are extremely important to humans. We are social animals who rely on interdependent
bonds for survival. More subtle than the life-or-death decisions of everyday existence, relationships
represent the fabric of exploration within our environment as we learn to communicate and negotiate
for our needs to be met.
We foster close ties within our family units when we are young and vulnerable as babies, and the type
of parents we have plays a highly influential role in how we develop as adults. When we are given
the right amount of love, nurturing, and nutritional care we will grow healthily and be more likely to
have warm feelings towards others. On the other hand, if our parents were abusive, absent, or
unloving, we are more likely to develop emotional problems that negatively impact our lives and
The culture in which we develop will also have a strong influence on our personal belief systems, as
were immersed in our families and communities. The information that we receive is dependent on all
of the views expressed by various groups, whose individual members each have their own personal
The truths of ancestral belief systems are difficult to disengage from, particularly when they travel far
back down the family tree. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a powerful example of a story about
family traditions that prevent individuals from moving forward. The two lead players can't be
together, no matter what their hearts desire, and their future is doomed because of the longstanding
family conflict. We see this type of dogma in our current world, where wars continue for centuries
because they are entrenched in ancient rivalries.
When someone grows up in an environment where they are ridiculed for their ideas, they heed the
warning signals from their stressful feelings that indicate that it isnt safe to speak openly about their
dreams. If they equate sharing with vulnerability, followed by humiliation, they will decide that its
safer to keep quiet, and they may become shy and withdrawn in order to avoid being noticed.
They may also develop low self-esteem, which generates stress because of the constant concern about
other peoples opinions. This can also create trust issues. If we suppress our feelings in order to
please others, our stress may manifest as resentment to remind us that we havent voiced our unmet
needs and that its time to reassess our personal priorities.
If someone struggles for recognition, they may feel powerless and become a bully to compensate for
the lack of attention. Many of us were bullied in the schoolyard as youngsters by immature
megalomaniacs who used fear to dominate the group. If there is an absence of strong moral guidance
demonstrated by parents and teachers, unruly behaviour can get out of hand as it becomes part of the
jostle for control in juvenile dynamics. There is then the risk that an animalistic pecking order will
take over the playground through intimidation rather than leadership. Healthy role models in
communities are therefore very important in order to inspire leadership qualities in all young people
as they strive to fulfil their highest purpose.
Ultimately, the way we handle these early social encounters can have a huge impact on how we relate
to other adults. The rough and tumble of the schoolyard can shape our future and teach us a great deal

about human behaviour and how to get along with others. Hopefully, we learn to respectfully treat
others as we would like to be treated ourselves.

The value of healthy relationships

Romantic relationships can also cause a lot of stress when they are not functioning well. When we
first fall in love, we feel like we can take on the world. All is well, and our happiness is intoxicating.
We are in the grip of a temporary chemical euphoria known as limerence. However, the initial
infatuation, based on perceived similarities, loses its hold once you start to notice the other persons
imperfections. When the fantasy subsides, reality kicks in.
This is when you discover how compatible you are. If you find yourself wishing your partner was as
you first thought they were, you have a fantasy that is not anchored in reality. It is your perception that
has created the connection, rather than the compatibility of both personalities. At this point, it might
be necessary to make the decision to go your separate ways, painful as that might be. Otherwise, you
risk being locked into a relationship that does more harm than good.
A relationship based on authentic expectations and communication can build a foundation based on
true understanding, where both members of the couple are known and valued for their complete self,
warts and all, so to speak. Yet, even when two people are compatible, they may become locked into a
strategic emotional battle, with each party challenging the others unresolved issues. Unless couples
understand this dynamic, they miss the chance to unpack an excellent opportunity for each individuals
personal growth within a safe, intimate space.
Relationships can also teach us about who we are and expose our own beliefs for acceptance or
growth. When we are in a partnership with someone, we invariably compromise on every decision
because it is impossible to share all of the same ideals. A fight for supremacy usually has no true
winners, as there will be damage to both parties. It is necessary to recognise the other persons
perspectives and negotiate a middle way that will satisfy you both.
It is also unrealistic to expect your significant other to be all things to you at all times. Healthy
relationships are surrounded by plenty of friends. With a well-rounded social life, couples continue
to engage with different perspectives. Consequently, the relationship remains interesting because
there is always something to discuss.
If you are in a difficult relationship, the resulting emotional turmoil will make it more likely that you
develop stress-related health issues. These illnesses are your soul's consciousness trying to wake you
up to your heartfelt desires. If you remain silent, your inner voice becomes compromised. But if you
listen to the stress response and take action that aligns with your true purpose, you will grow.

Releasing the pressure valve

If we dont have a sense of belonging within our groups or families, we can develop a layer of
disconnection that stops us from feeling the painful emotions of rejection. In addition, when we arent
happy, or our relationships are troubled, we may look for distractions to reduce the negative feelings.
The very things that we often turn to for comfort, such as food, alcohol, drugs, sex, or even shopping,
become addictive. Our unconscious drive to feel better motivates us to earn more money so that we
can pay for treats that temporarily soothe us. We become trapped on a merry-go-round of increasing
desire and diminishing fulfilment that adds more stress to our initial dissatisfaction.
Some cultures also dont allow the expression of anger in healthy ways, creating an undercurrent of
fear and violence that can damage the fabric of a community. Rage is the unhealthy explosion of
unexpressed anger, and is unpredictable by nature. Anger expressed violently can isolate us from our
family and friends and leave us in a lonely place. The shame brought on by violence leaves a heavy
burden on society if left to grow unchecked.
Accordingly, many women are brought up to believe that 'nice girls' don't get angry. This is, however,
an unrealistic pressure on modern women, who internalise shame because they struggle to process
anger, a normal human emotion that rises in the face of injustice.
Rather than remain silent, modern women should be able to verbalise their anger openly without fear
of damaging reprisals. Anger can be expressed at the time you recognise your internal rage mounting.
If you own your anger when you express yourself, saying for example, I feel angry when I have to
wash the dirty dishes every night, you open a dialogue for possible resolution. On the other hand,
when you blame someone by saying something like, Youre a filthy so-and-so who never cleans the
dirty dishes, you will more likely struggle to find a solution.
In order to release deep subconscious anger, even if you arent sure of its origin, it is helpful to
exercise, dance, hit a pillow, or use the feeling to be creative by writing or singing. These types of
activities can help to shift the negative energy from the body as you channel your emotions in a
healthy way.
By listening to your internal reactions and finding a safe place for the expression of your thoughts and
emotions, you can process the feelings before they become lodged in your body. When we practice
forgiveness towards ourselves as well as others, we are freed from the constraints of our humanity,
which is by nature perfectly imperfect. We grow through our awareness that were learning
throughout life. It is encouraging to know that when were engaged with life, we don't stop learning
until the day we die.
Its important to reach out beyond your emotional isolation for support. When you feel that its time to
move forward beyond suffering and despair, look for the resources to start progress. Connect with
community groups, or seek professional help through your doctor or therapist to re-establish your
self-worth. Keep looking until you find the help you need. You may not find it immediately but I urge
you not to give up. Keep in mind that your stressful feelings are biological feedback urging you to
stop and reassess your priorities in life.
There are many great self-help books and personal development courses. Two of my favourite books



are Inspired Destiny by Dr John F. Demartini and The Answer by John Assaraf and Murray Smith.
I also recommend you find a mentor or personal coach who encourages you whilst validating your
experiences, so that you can feel supported as you grow through your challenges. There is no right
way to proceed, as long as your determination is encouraged and you take action towards your
personal growth. Be invested in your health and well-being on all levels so that you don't continue to
perpetuate the same subconscious issues.
Knowing yourself through personal growth is extremely important if you wish to break through your
perceived limitations. Unless you realise what your underlying motivations are, life is just a series of
reactions to your subconscious beliefs. Your childhood programming is essentially in charge of your
future. When you become aware of why you behave in certain ways, you can process your emotional
baggage and make new choices. This enables you to forgive yourself for your previous responses.
Being able to sit alone quietly is a learned skill that subdues the insecurities in the face of life's
challenges. The journey within is of vital importance to thrive in this world, and the opportunities to
have a life you love are greatest when you know and respect all aspects of your true self.
Stress occurs when you arent living in accordance with your highest values. Feeling out of balance
emotionally is a good indicator that self-reflection is required to check in with your priorities and

Client story - Nina

Nina* was at her wits end when she came to see me at my clinic. As a mother of three children under
5 years, she suffered from debilitating anxiety that initially led her to receive a prescription for antidepressants from her doctor. In addition to her anxiety, Nina was also having some intimacy issues
with her husband. The domestic joy that they had felt as newlyweds 6 years earlier had vanished, as
Nina preferred an early night's sleep to an evening of passion with her husband. Neither she nor her
husband was happy with the way things were, but they were both too embarrassed to raise the topic
for discussion.
Further complicating Nina's situation was her childhood memory of the trauma that had occurred
when her father walked out on the family many years earlier. Naturally, as a result, Nina had
developed a fear of abandonment. Her BodyTalk session brought up a link between her adrenals
(where the response to fear is activated) and the hippocampus (where memory is stored) in the brain.
Since the treatment, Nina has felt calm, relaxed, and more able to have fun again.
Nina now focuses on her craft skills, which she had sacrificed when the children were born. Due to
her husband's increased help with minding the children, Nina put together a collection of children's
clothes which she now sells at the local markets. This gives her a creative outlet that she loves. Being
immersed in her passion has helped Nina to work through her anxieties and she now enjoys time that
is personally fulfilling.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. This is a well-known saying and points to our ability to
overcome our emotional traumas by learning from them. Some people turn them into gold nuggets of
wisdom that determine who they are in a powerful way. The unexpected hurts of life can make us
well-rounded, more compassionate people who have healthy relationships as well as a strong sense
of self-care and independence.
Its great to feel proud of yourself when you have firm boundaries and healthy relationships with high
calibre people. Never defer your values or be dependent on someone else at the expense of yourself.
If you notice yourself behaving in an unhealthy way, observe your reactions and investigate your
underlying motivations, taking full responsibility for the emotional disturbance, as it provides a
mirror to your being. Don't blame others for your life. Its disempowering and denies you the
opportunity for a major breakthrough towards your emotional strength. Use your stress to awaken your
priorities so that you can focus on your personal fulfilment. You will be surprised at how your life
will inspire others.
When you view your emotions as internal feedback, without allowing them to dominate your
responses, you will have a more relaxed approach to life. Likewise, when you see other peoples
emotional dramas as their unique opportunity to grow, its possible to be supportive without stifling
their ability to learn.
Spiritual wisdom grows from releasing your emotional baggage. When we feel like we understand
why things are the way they are, we can ponder the philosophical questions that come from an
inquiring mind. Sitting quietly to contemplate lifes experiences will be discussed in the next chapter
as we make sense of inspiration and spirituality in relation to health and well-being.
*Name changed to protect privacy

Actions that make a difference

DAILY SUCCESS RITUAL #4: Tap out your cortices.
The intention of this technique is to focus on covering the whole brain through the head,
whilst taking deep breaths.
Starting just above the base of your hairline, place your left hand (with fingers together) flat
across the back of your head. Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the
top of your head and then over your heart.
Move your left hand the width of one hand-span up to the next position along the back of the
head. Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the top of your head and then
over your heart.
Move your left hand the width of one hand-span up to the third position on top of the head.
Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the top of your head and then over
your heart.
Move your left hand the width of one hand-span to just above the hairline on the forehead.
Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the top of your head and then over
your heart.
Place both hands flat and horizontal just above the ears on the side of your head. Take a
deep breath in and as you exhale, tap across the top of your head and over your heart
Activities for Balancing the Emotions:
Tap out your cortices.
Focus on smooth and even breathing.
Meditate daily for 20 minutes.
Have healthy boundaries.
Choose to be around emotionally healthy people.
Know that emotions pass.
Exercise regularly 20-minute morning walk.
Eat real food.

Chapter 6: Inspiring the Spirit



God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
To achieve a maximum life span, we need to take care of our spiritual needs as well as our physical,
mental and emotional health. I believe that we are driven by our soul, which is housed deep within
our human consciousness. Our spirit is like the ignition switch that fuels the soul's battery pack and
provides the energy to spark our growth.
Spiritual enlightenment requires a releasing of negative energy that has been locked down in
judgements, shame, and guilt. Spiritual growth occurs as we grapple with the events and experiences
of life that require us to dig beneath the surface for meaning. When we cant explain something
logically, we apply intuitive reasoning to make sense of a situation, and sometimes we manage to pull
a perfect solution out of thin air after sleeping on it overnight.
Spirituality gets confused with religion all the time, but in this chapter I will discuss our internal
spirit with little reference to religious beliefs. I will talk first about my own spiritual beliefs, and
show how it is possible to let go of burdens that weigh heavily on humanity. Spirituality is
philosophical by nature, but there are practical tips here for those who seek answers for healthcare
problems. We will also see how spirituality can help you focus on your goals.

Spiritual belief
Before I begin discussing spirituality, I would like to explain that I dont personally subscribe to any
particular religious creed. As a small child, I witnessed righteous judgement directed against my
mother by the minister of the local church in the small country town community where I grew up. That
coloured my view of the institution of church. I saw my mother as hard working and virtuous, and she
didnt deserve to be ostracised through their lack of compassion and understanding.
Through this experience, I learned that the morals and ethics of the self-righteous are often
questionable and hypocritical. My mother simply said to me, My God is a loving God, and I have
held firmly to that belief all of my life, knowing that each one of us has a direct link to universal
divinity that can be accessed at any time without the assistance of a middle-man.
Community groups gather under the banners of numerous religions, but it isnt necessary to be a
member of a church to be spiritual. The way I see it, spirituality refers to the core essence of a
person. Its the connection with the divine matrix that energises the universe and unites us with all
matter. Its the light that is left when the physical body passes. Its the space in which we are one.
Spirituality does not require a building or a mediator to facilitate communication with a higher
power. We are all worthy of love, no matter who we are and what we have done. Each one of us is
personally accountable for our treatment of others. I prefer to focus on being kind and accepting, fully
aware that I also have the capacity to be cruel and judgemental if I allow my emotions to get the better
of me. None of us is perfect. That is why we are on the human plane rather than in the spiritual realm.
As long as we do our best, we are fulfilling our destiny.
Its my belief that our souls manifest in the physical human form so that we can learn our lessons in
life. We come into this world to resolve our karmic lessons, and during this process our soul finds the
best teachers for us, especially when we are stressed. We attract the best people and experiences to
learn how to overcome and manage the dramas of life so that we can get back on track and focus on
our goals.
Consciousness is the underlying fabric of the universe, formulating our interaction between dreams
and reality. Once we begin to see connection and order in our world, and possibilities emerge from
our dreams, we learn about consequences. And when we accept the consequences of our own
decisions, it empowers us to be vigilant with the precious time we have left on this planet. By
concentrating on what we want from life, our brain starts to highlight the things were focusing on and
disregards the rest. We will start to see our goals manifesting.
The most usual pathways to spiritual development that we hear about are prayer, meditation, and
service to others. Spiritually aware people make peace with their inner selves by accepting all of
their positive and negative traits. They then become free to utilise their natural talents in a way that is
of benefit to others. If you spend your time contributing to the development and growth of society, it
becomes possible to overcome selfish behaviour and free yourself from an egocentric focus.
Spiritual growth comes from understanding that were more than flesh, blood, and bones. In my
experience, most people are motivated by a desire to live a good life and help others, characteristics
that often align with the support network of a community. Hope is a fundamental building block for

spiritual faith. Together, hope and faith encourage people to dig deep in times of chaos and crisis,
spurring individuals to bond in the absence of tangible outcomes.
Many great spiritual leaders, such as Mother Teresa and Mahatma Ghandi, spent their lives serving
the needs of others, doing thankless work that required selfless devotion. The act of service becomes
the prayer, the moving meditation that generates a humble centre of gratitude. An act of kindness can
make a huge difference to a suffering person and lift their spirits beyond the mundane. When
someones stress is alleviated, it is not unusual for that person to become inspired and set new
personal goals to help others in a similar fashion. Spiritual satisfaction is activated through
compassion, as it creates a sense of unconditional love.
As I said in the introduction, we are 100% responsible for our own circumstances and for taking good
care of our bodymind whilst were here. When we blame others for our problems, it denies our spirit
the opportunity for personal growth and accountability. When we realise that we are answerable for
our reactions to life's challenges, opportunities are created for us to detach from the chaos and enjoy
the journey of spiritual learning. The wise person knows what they have to be grateful for, rather than
harping on about what they think is missing.
Being present to the spiritual aspects of life helps us to understand that everything in our world is
actually in order. When spiritual contemplation is part of our lifestyle, we can begin to observe
without judgement, through our understanding that there is a divine balance playing out in the world
within and around us.
When we bring spiritual awareness to our own thoughts and behaviour, we can detach from stress and
relax by being present. When we are conscious of our stress, we notice that situations in life press
our buttons. By taking the time to reflect on these challenges we begin to understand why we operate
according to certain subconscious priorities that emerge through our values. Through these insights
our spirit is directed by our values towards our goals and our personal growth.

Nurturing your values

Each one of us develops a unique set of values that determines our beliefs and preferences in life, and
therefore, how we view our world. John Demartini explains in Inspired Destiny that our values
develop according to what we think is missing from our lives. As we scrutinise our environment, we
naturally yearn for changes to improve our circumstances. When our world is noisy, we will want
peace and quiet, if we are poor we will seek wealth, and if we are struggling to find meaning, we
will look for purpose. Understanding your values helps to clarify your personal goals and unlocks
your spiritual potential.
As we go about our day, we tend to prioritise the events that align with our values. Most of the time,
we don't realise that were doing this because our subconscious mind seeks out what is familiar to
us. We negotiate the challenges of life through our belief systems by seeking the familiarity of what
we already know. Our comfort zone is a construct of our ego, and is constantly prodded and poked as
we check in with our senses to see if we feel safe.
By paying attention to our internal feelings, we will notice when we have strayed into a reactive state.
If were required to make a decision or resolve a problem in a group situation, we can choose
whether or not to negotiate a solution if it serves the greater good. When arguments escalate,
however, it can be difficult to remain calm and maintain an open mind towards the other point of
view if we think that our values have been violated.
Diverse opinions are natural components of society and require careful management with rules that
ensure fairness and justice. At the same time, we often learn more about our subconscious beliefs
during conflict than we do when were amicable, because were forced to take a stand for the things
that matter to us. As much as we yearn for peace and quiet, we need a certain amount of friction to
challenge us and keep us growing. A good argument can clear the air of misunderstandings and give
us new direction.
When passions are ignited and people can't agree with each other, its best to agree to disagree in
order to continue communicating with respect, even if opinions remain polarised. If a community
remains respectful of diversity, the differences between people who are normally like chalk and
cheese can be honoured diplomatically.
A dynamic healing process occurs when you forgive your enemy. If you release your feelings of anger
and blame, the spirit feels lighter as it returns to a state of relaxation. When someone has violated
your trust and caused you serious harm, Im not suggesting that you condone their actions. However,
to hold onto strong feelings of hatred towards them only internalises dis-ease within you. No matter
how serious a crime has been, if you remain its victim rather than learning something about yourself,
you can disempower your spirit when you dont process the experience and move forward with
greater determination. You may need some professional help to do this but the rewards are immense.

Client story - Margaret

Take Margaret*. She is an astute marketing manager who is responsible for half a dozen staff
members within a large corporation. Margaret grew up in a traditional family who went to church
every Sunday, and was closely connected to the local community.
She now has a husband and 2 young children of her own to take care of, but when her work requires
her to do extra hours, she compromises her personal values of being at home with her children every
evening. Fortunately, her husband is able to help, but Margaret feels guilty for not being there,
especially as her own mother never worked outside the home.
Because she is so pressed for time, Margaret has disconnected from her church community and feels
alienated from the values of her upbringing, which focussed on a simple family lifestyle. She feels
like she is stuck on a runaway train and has lost her spiritual core because she believes that she
should be at home with her family.
Her corporate job initially began as a way to make ends meet when the children started school, but
she was given an unexpected promotion because of her excellent communication skills. She enjoyed
having her abilities recognised, but the companys pressure to increase sales was never satisfied.
By the time we meet, Margaret is very stressed because her life hasn't turned out as she expected.
Working so hard disconnects her from her spiritual values regarding family and community. She has
begun to resent work, but doesn't know how to get off the treadmill. In addition, because she is a
perfectionist and people-pleaser, she has high standards that keep her doing the long hours that her
workplace expects of her.
Her stress manifests itself as irritable bowel syndrome, which makes her even more worried, as she
doesn't want to jeopardise her chances for another promotion at work. This would give her a
significant pay rise to help the family save for an overseas holiday.
During her BodyTalk treatment we help her to come to grips with the self-imposed pressure of her
extreme standards and as a result, she is able to successfully approach her boss to request shorter
hours and delegation of the more basic tasks. Because her boss is a parent, he can identify with
Margaret's difficulties and suggests that she do any additional work from home as long as she stays in
touch with him about her projects.
Once she is less stressed and more in tune with her spiritual needs, Margaret is delighted to discover
that her digestive issues settle down and her resentments dissolve. She can now see that because she
had compromised her values, the stress that she was suffering was feedback from her spirit, which
was helping her to focus on her goals by pushing her to speak up and make changes that were more
suitable for her.

Connecting with the spirit

The fastest way I know to connect with the spirit is to meditate. In the stillness of just 'being', we
become mindful of our delicate and powerful connection with the planet's life force. When we have
faith, we can trust our spiritual mission and let go of trying to control every detail of life. With a
sense of fulfilment, we can find ourselves strengthened by our journey rather than feeling
The yin and yang concepts from ancient Chinese philosophies describe the subtle balance that is
governed by universal law: light in the dark, and dark in the light, symbiotic existences of opposites
that cannot be present without the other. The yin/yang symbol reminds us of our imperfections within
the perfect divine balance of life as we know it.
When we lose sight of this infinite balance, our thoughts and opinions can become polarised by our
perception. The influence of our one-sided view can blind us to the big picture and we may lose
perspective of our goals. Stress challenges our sense of purpose. If we lack direction and inspiration,
taking the time to meditate can help us to refocus on our goals and restore meaning to our spirit.

The daily gratitude journal

According to UCLA neuroscience researcher Alex Korb, gratitude creates an upward spiral of

happiness in your life. By flooding the body with endorphins, feel-good chemicals that help us to
relax and release our troubles, we replace negativity with a more positive outlook.
Keeping a daily gratitude journal is therefore a powerful method for banishing stress and depression.
This simple activity, where you write down 5 things that youre grateful for each day, boosts the
neurotransmitters of the brain stem region with dopamine, which works as an antidepressant.
Gratitude releases serotonin into the anterior cingulate cortex and that increases emotional
intelligence, thus enabling us to process our issues.
Additionally, gratitude for the complexities of life's lessons can empower us to navigate our
challenges with purpose. Its a welcome feeling to be on track, living your life on your terms, happy
regardless of the events around you.
If we lose sight of our goals its vital to search within our souls quietly, to open a dialogue with the
universal forces, in order to reacquaint ourselves with our essence. Whether you speak by intentional
prayer to the Creator, God, Allah, Buddha, the Universe, Angels, or by connecting with cosmic
powers, you can get back to basics through your desire for simplicity and energise your bodymind at
the same time.

Your creative spirit

When spirituality is flowing energetically through your life, creativity becomes easier to access. The
joy of playing within your imagination is unlimited freedom and originality. When you dance to your
own tune you feel like youre at one with the universe. We have all heard about the frustrations of
dying with your song still in you. Its important to express your creative self if you want to have a
fulfilled life.
Creativity engages all the senses in a relaxing space where you can nurture your hearts desires.
Having an outlet for processing emotions and thoughts in a uniquely personal way enables you to
explore the meaning of life. Crafting an object from your imagination gives birth to your ideas in a
form that can be shared in meaningful ways.
When you find yourself relaxing in the zone of personal enjoyment, where you lose all sense of time
and surroundings, you find a sense of satisfaction that enhances your life. Creativity generates
endorphins that build a sense of well-being, while banishing boredom.
If you find that you have become a frustrated artist, tune into the stress you feel and look for the
emotion whose expression will stimulate creativity. Meditate on your findings and connect with
others for some social support if you prefer to talk it out. Im convinced that at your core you will find
a gem of inspiration. You simply need to sit with it to allow it to grow.

A positive aspect of stress is that when you have uncovered its message, it will help you to focus on
your goals. If you accept that we are all living to the best of our ability and learning our spiritual
lessons, you can stop worrying, relieved by the knowledge that everything is actually in order.
When each one of us chooses to take full responsibility for our lives, while practicing gratitude and
compassion for others, the consciousness of our world will expand. Everyone has issues that need
attention in this multifaceted world. By releasing our judgements and negativity, we lighten our spirit
and improve our personal energy for healing.
In the following chapter, we will look at another way to improve your productivity and reduce your
stress levels: managing your time effectively.
*Name changed for privacy purposes.

Actions that make a difference

DAILY SUCCESS RITUAL #5: Keep a Gratitude Journal.
Write down 5 reasons to be grateful every day.
Activities to inspire the Spirit
Be grateful ...keep a daily Gratitude Journal.
Read affirmations.
Be in nature.
Be mindful.
Be responsible.
Be of service, be generous with time resources and/or energy.
Disconnect from drama...be neutral.
Check in with your goals every morning.
Live in alignment with your highest values.

Chapter 7: Organising your Time



Happiness is when what you think,

what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi
Time does feel like it speeds up as you mature. Leisure time has to be scheduled on the calendar as
the weeks fly by quicker than ever: so much to do, so little time. But if there was ever a time to pursue
your dreams, its now, while you still have the desire. Plan your ideal holiday, write a book, save
towards your new house, or learn a new skill. You will achieve your goals when you clear the time
and space to pursue them.
Have you noticed how productive you become when you have a looming deadline that cannot be
avoided? Perhaps you stayed up all night writing an assignment when you were in college so that you
wouldnt fail? The pressure to perform creates stress that pushes you to meet the target, sometimes
with surprising results. Deadlines direct our stress so that we stay on task rather than becoming
distracted and procrastinating. We can use our stress to get things done.
In this chapter you will begin to step away from chaos by taking action towards your future dreams.
You will learn how the productivity that results from being organised will provide new opportunities
and ways to engage your passions.

Free your passions

Most humans have an inbuilt drive to seek the freedom that emerges from feeling in control of life.
None of us enjoys being trapped in unfulfilling routines where we find ourselves going through the
motions of existence in order to get through the day.
When we spend our days working on someone else's dream and have no energy for our own passions,
we can become resentful and wonder what the purpose of life is. Its important to take consistent
actions, no matter how small, in the direction of our goals and accept that the current situation is a
necessary stepping-stone along the way. If we don't value the benefits of the journey towards our
personal dreams, we won't be motivated to push past our perceived restrictions.
By making an effort to actively pursue our personal projects, we become energised, and it is possible
to gain an enthusiasm that overrides our lifestyle fatigue. Activating the creative part of our brain
gives us a sense of purpose that drives our spirit towards our dreams, even in the face of challenges.
If you become overwhelmed, regain control of your life by getting organised. When youre stressed,
you waste so much time being ineffective, worrying about things that you ultimately can't change.
Structure allows freedom, and the way to independent freedom is through organisation, starting at a
personal level. When you learn to control your own urges, you can avoid distractions by prioritising
what is most important to you. There is no greater disappointment in life than to die with your
passions unexpressed. If youre a voyeur or critic of life, without having the experiences of action,
you sell yourself short by denying the world your skills.
Even if you start a project and make a mess, you will learn something that can only known through
action. When fear of failure or even success keep you off the playing field of life, you will never
know your true capabilities. If youre ridiculed for your attempts, its imperative to stay strong.
Remember that every time you try, you add experience to your knowledge base, setting yourself up for
future success.
So, make each day count by using an organised and disciplined approach to your productivity. It only
takes 21 days to establish new habits, so you will see changes within the first few weeks. Below are
some tips to set you along the way.

How to maximise your productivity

1) Organise your personal space. By clearing out things that you don't use or need, you let go of the
past and make way for new events. You will also feel energetically lighter because de-cluttering is
like releasing a burden. The process may take a few attempts. You will achieve the best results by
starting with the first layer of items and then working your way systematically through your
The best way to decide whether to keep something or not is to hold it and tune in to your emotional
connection with it. If youre keeping something because you feel too guilty to let it go, its best to
release it from your life. When you surround yourself with only the things that bring joy to your spirit,
you will feel much more relaxed.
2) Write down your goals. When you clear up some space, you can start to focus on your ideal life. I
suggest that you get a pen and paper and start brainstorming everything you want to have and achieve
in life. Refer back to the goals that you wrote in Chapter 2. Don't limit your writing because you think
your ideas are too unobtainable. Feel free to express your deepest desires so that you can start to
focus on your future. You can use a computer to record your list. However, there is a magic in the
process of writing with pen and paper that seems to help the brain organise the information.
Looking at your collection of ideas, imagine what you'd like to see written on the epitaph of your
headstone when you pass from this world. What will be your legacy? How would you like to be
remembered? Do you want to be a famous actor, a wealthy businessperson, a successful musician, a
loving friend, an animal advocate, or a generous soul? Think about what would be meaningful for
you. What description would you be proud to have carved in stone?
Next, write out your specific goals with as much detail as possible. Start by focusing on what you
would like to happen in your life in the next five years. Allow 5 minutes to complete this, knowing
that you can come back to it later if you choose. Then write down the goals that you would like to
achieve in one year, six months, and eventually 90 days. Make a separate list for each timeframe.
Don't worry how ridiculous you think your ideas are write them down. Even if you have no idea
how they will come to fruition, write them down. Enjoy your dreams and have vivid thoughts as you
record your ideas, because emotional attachment plus action is the key to making them a reality. This
is, in effect, what is often referred to as the Law of Attraction, a universal maxim used to explain that
focused thoughts can create reality.
When you have completed your 90-day plan, break it down into weekly, then daily actions. By
creating a list of manageable steps, you see the possibility of being able to start on simple tasks that
lead towards your success, and your productivity and enthusiasm grow.
Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill, was a study that showed that the major difference

between successful people and unsuccessful people is reading their goals aloud every day. So read
your goals out loud every morning with focus and intention. Keeping these ideas fresh in your mind
reminds the brain about your priorities and will ensure that you take action towards your dreams. If
youre a visual person, you may prefer to create a dream board, where you stick up photos and

images of your ideal life for you to look at each day as you generate enthusiasm for your goals.
While your thoughts are still focused on your big plans, write a list every morning of your 7 highestpriority action steps for fulfilling your greatest desires that day and focus on getting these done. If you
hit resistance to completing a task, it will alert you to something you don't really want to do or, more
likely, a fear that is getting in the way of your goals. For these more challenging blockages I suggest
you get some mentoring to help you overcome your fears. Hiring someone to do this will get you
further with your goals faster, but you could also find a friend who is happy to be your accountability
A word of warning: if you have a goal that doesn't align with your personal values, you will not be
able to proceed until you find a reason to value it. You will struggle, for example, if you want an
intimate relationship but you don't like yourself. You will attract people who reflect this lack of love
and respect back to you. Learn to love yourself by meditating every morning, valuing your talents, and
connecting to your essential desires.
3) When you get stuck, reach out to your mentor, family, or friends to gain a clearer perspective of the
situation. Usually, we have limited beliefs that keep us playing small, and gentle encouragement can
make all the difference.
Tell your close friends that what youre doing is important for you so that you reach your potential. If
they don't support you, limit your contact and spend time with people who are excited by your
dreams. Surround yourself with like-minded, successful people, as they will reflect your aspirations
back to you in positive ways.
4) Always keep a notepad nearby, so that if you remember something you need to take care of, you
can write it down and look at it later without unnecessarily disturbing your day. Then when you check
it you can order it into a list according to urgency and priority.
5) Resist the temptation to flop down in front of the television at night. Commercial television is
designed to keep us entertained and informed between the temptations of the advertisers. The world
of advertising is designed to motivate people to buy more products, and in order to do that they focus
on pain and dissatisfaction. Trying to keep up with current trends also makes people feel stressed and
overwhelmed because they are on the treadmill of trying to do too much in order to service their
consumer lifestyle. If you find yourself dissatisfied with your life, particularly if you have a job or
lifestyle that doesn't reflect your dreams, there can be an internal rebellion against the world that
generates a great deal of stress.
When we resist this need to subdue our restless dissatisfaction with life by turning off the television
and disregarding the collective media, we gain invaluable time to focus on our personal future. This
is far more satisfying and rewarding.
6) Resist the urge to answer emails endlessly. Set a time to look through them, like last thing in the

afternoon. Social media is another drain on your time that needs careful management.
7) Don't allow other peoples dramas to dominate and contaminate your dreams. Learn how to say no
to other peoples requests if they don't align with your goals. Its good to remember that people who
rely on others to fix their problems miss out on their own opportunity to learn and grow. So don't feel
guilty. Consider how you will feel at the end of your life when you haven't enjoyed your unique
talents and shared them with the world.
8) Don't underestimate the immediate value of going for a walk each day. Get up earlier, starting
tomorrow morning, and go for a 20-minute walk to practice being mindful and stretch your body.
Exercise, even when its a gentle stroll, helps us to process our emotions, particularly our
frustrations, and energises our body and mind for a fresh start to each new day.
9) Meditate for 20 minutes each morning so that you can be in touch with your essence and clear away
emotional clutter. If you can't spend 20 minutes at a time, do two 10-minute meditations or even four
5-minute meditations over the course of the day. However you factor this time in, know that it makes a
huge difference to your ability to concentrate and feel at peace with yourself.

Once you are organised in your mind and on paper, the single greatest thing that will carry you to your
dreams is action. Rising above theory and implementing your plans on a daily basis will see the focus
of your life turn towards your accomplishments. When you are passionate about what you are doing,
you will want to keep working at it. Giving up will not be an option. You will be inspired to go out of
your way to overcome challenges in pursuit of your dreams.
The more disciplined you are when it comes to organising your day, the more time you get to spend on
the things you love. Unless you schedule time to do what you enjoy, your day will be interrupted by
other problems, and your dreams can become delayed indefinitely.
As you have seen, organisation is crucial to personal productivity, as it removes the stress of
watching your life evaporate without reward. When you pursue your goals, you get a sense of
satisfaction that can result in financial success.
How you manage money also relates directly to your self-worth, so its good to understand any
limitations that you might experience regarding your success. This is a subject we will turn to in the
next chapter.

Actions that make a difference

DAILY SUCCESS RITUAL # 6: Plan your day.
Write a list at the beginning of every day of your 7 highest priority action steps for fulfilling your
greatest desires.
Activities for Organising your Time:
Write down your goals for 5 years, 1 year, 6 months, 90 days, weekly.
Write your daily list of priorities.
Read your goals every day and take action towards them. Create a Vision Board.
Clear the clutter in your life.
Exercise every morning.
Meditate every morning on what you want to achieve.
Plan your day around a daily routine of healthy choices.
Find an accountability buddy or a mentor to support your goals.

Chapter 8: Managing your Money



Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave

with the intention of arriving safe and well-preserved,
but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other,
totally worn out and screaming "Whoo! What a ride!"
Author unknown
As money is one of the major causes of stress in our modern society, no discussion of the topic would
be complete without addressing it, along with the concept of abundance. The love of money has been
described as the root of all evil, and it has probably caused more arguments between couples than any
other topic throughout history. People fight vehemently over wealth distribution when they perceive
that they have less than others. Disputes occur when the expectations of different parties dont match,
and upsets break out when greed and desperation block the process of arbitration.
One of my friends used to joke, If money's a problem, get rid of it. It was a funny thing to say, and
we always laughed when he said it, but now I wonder if it actually made sense, given that the
accumulation and spending of money creates so much angst in our society.
Theres no doubt that money speaks, but getting it is a hollow victory if you have no friends to share it
with or your health is poor. In this chapter I will discuss the management of money from an energetic
perspective, as well as provide you with some tips for saving for a nest egg. There are no quick fixes,
just a steady plan for the future and a willingness to delay gratification for later financial freedom.

Money as energy
The urbanisation of the western world saw a move away from the bartering systems of rural
communities, where people often traded their produce and services in the local village. When people
migrated from the country to large towns and cities in search of work, they were looking for a better
life. However, unskilled labourers often worked long hours for wages that barely covered their basic
costs for food and lodging.
Money has become the most universal form of exchange for goods and services across the globe.
Initially, currency took the form of coins that were made from precious metals such as gold and
silver. Their value was dependent on the actual weight of the metal. The concept of paper money
began in medieval England, when it became impractical for large amounts of coinage to be carried
around personally. Instead, goldsmiths began to issue receipts in exchange for the safe-keeping of
The receipts evolved to become promissory notes as they were more convenient and safer to carry
around than coins. Eventually the notes became transferrable without the need for an authorising
signature or the gold reserves to underlie their value. As the modern banking and lending system has
developed with the advent of computers, massive amounts of money are transferred digitally,
allowing currencies to be moved around the globe today at the speed of light.
It is becoming unusual for modern customers who purchase goods and services from commercial
businesses, to pay with cash. Coins and notes have been superseded by technology since our bank
balances became accessible through plastic cards that live conveniently in our wallets. The currency
of exchange that we know as money has been reduced to a bunch of numbers on a screen. There is no
longer an actual vault that contains a pile of money with your name attached.
When we realise that money has intrinsically become an energy that circulates, and that it really is
just pieces of paper or metal with numbers that have an agreed value, we realise it has been bestowed
with an importance greater than its probable worth. Money itself is only valuable when it can buy
something we want. It is simply a means of exchange whose value adjusts according to the demands
of the global market.
Despite the popular saying, money is not intrinsically the root of all evil. Its an energy that amplifies
who you are as a person. A selfish or greedy person may thus hoard assets for the sake of
accumulation, whereas a generous person will always be thinking about how they can help others.
Most people have strong belief systems around money, often depending upon how wealthy their
family were when they were growing up. Someone who has not struggled financially will have a very
different belief system to someone who grows up being told, Money doesn't grow on trees.
Wealthy people can be more relaxed about their spending patterns because the basic means of
survival is not a pressing issue unless they have cash-flow restrictions. They are not usually as
focused as a working class family is on keeping a roof over their heads or feeding their household, so
they can choose how they will spend their extra capital. This freedom of choice can be the envy of
someone who is caught in the rat race, tired and worried about paying the bills.
Worrying endlessly about a lack of money can make us unproductive and sick. When we notice the

stress levels about finances rising, its helpful to switch our thoughts to seeing the value of what we
do have rather than focusing on whats missing. For example, having quality time to spend with your
children is priceless.
Those with wealth are openly admired by society, as their success is obvious for everyone to see.
However, wealth, just like poverty, doesnt guarantee good character and doesnt automatically mean
that financial success equates to personal growth. If you are poor and unhappy, there is every chance
that becoming wealthy will see you being rich and unhappy. Many marriages made in an attempt to
scale socioeconomic positioning have ended in disaster, and we have all read headlines in the media
about someone who has everything but who is miserable, living in a loveless relationship. Or well
see stories on the other hand, about someone who has lost everything but is emotionally rich and
grateful to be alive being supported by their community.
In spite of money being simply an energy that circulates through the trade of goods and services, it has
also become a direct reflection of self worth. A wealthy person who doesn't worry about the cost of
living may feel much better about themselves than someone who feels stress and shame because they
struggle to survive. A wise person values opportunities that challenge and encourage them to set new
goals by utilising their personal talents to build a business or work towards a more fulfilling career.
Self-made millionaires are confident because they never lose the skills or the drive required to make
money and they are in no doubt about their capabilities.
In the same light, someone who earns a minimum wage can lack the self worth to ask for a pay rise if
they fear they may lose what they already have. Unfortunately, concepts about wealth are complicated
by many cultural stories of greed and loss, and insecurities override confidence because of
someones limited beliefs when it comes to asking for more.
If someone is not accustomed to having large sums of money, they may well spend it carelessly
without setting up investments and legacies that are self-perpetuating. Or, they might wisely invest but
then be duped by an unscrupulous investment scheme or financial adviser who fleeces them with
carefully selected propaganda.
You hear of lottery winners who are broke again two years after they win millions of dollars. It
seems like an impossible loss, an irresponsible waste. Onlookers always believe that they would
manage better given the same opportunity. The rapid depletion of the prize occurs because the
winners belief systems about worthiness don't change with the overnight wealth.
I knew a young woman who won $2 million on a lottery ticket, an incredible amount of money twenty
years ago. Obviously, her financial position, her lifestyle and her popularity improved exponentially
overnight. A few years later, as a friend of her brother, I heard that her investments had stalled.
The inexperienced young woman and her family were targeted by property developers who
convinced them to buy some risky property investments. The expected capital growth had diminished
within 5 years. To intensify the young womans pain, the friendships she had enjoyed prior to the win
were also compromised. She struggled to recognise genuine friendships amidst her rise in popularity,
as people were attracted to her wealth. Im sure that was more painful to her than the loss of the
financial fortune.

Give freely to receive in return

Its often argued that you can't live a spiritual lifestyle if youre wealthy and vice versa that the two
are mutually exclusive. Whilst its admirable to take a vow of poverty so that you aren't burdened by
physical possessions, you can do a lot more to help others when you have resources.
The satisfaction of being able to help others can fulfil our drive to make a difference in the world. As
we share more we may also become inspired to create legacies that are beneficial for society.
Likewise, our motivation to help others can actually attract new prospects that generate additional
wealth, and the prosperity continues to circulate.
Some modern entrepreneurs are inspired by The Law of Reciprocity, which encourages those with a
charitable nature to pay it forward, with little expectation other than the satisfaction of having done
something helpful for another person, often a stranger. It is hoped that an act of kindness, such as
paying a road toll, or leaving a good book on a park bench, will make a difference to the recipient
and keep the generosity in motion.
In the following section, I will provide tips on how to manage your money to avoid having constant
stress about household bills and have enough savings to provide a buffer for the down times.

How to get your finances under control

1) Control your spending. The best way to manage money and create wealth is to take an accurate
inventory of your current spending habits. If you keep all of your receipts for at least a month, you can
itemise your expenditure to see where you can regain control of your outgoings. Calculate your annual
fixed expenses by reviewing your regular bills, such as electricity, phone, and petrol and then
subtracting them from your income. This gives you a reasonably accurate figure that represents your
annual baseline.
You can save money simply by minimising your spending. If you find that you regularly buy takeaway
foods and coffee, or spend a lot on shoes and makeup, you can see where you have potential to make
changes. Convenience purchases and frivolous buys can also be reassessed. If you think that keeping a
tight budget means youre missing out on things, consider that delayed gratification will still allow
you to have what you want once your savings are in place and your stresses have diminished.
2) Save your money. When you receive your regular income, immediately put aside an amount to
cover your annual fixed expenses, plus an additional amount to put into your savings buffer. Then you
can see what you have left over for other necessities.
Taking control of your budget can be empowering by building your net worth, and consequently your
self-worth. When you save for your household expenses in advance, you don't stress when the bills
come in because you can pay them easily.
If you bank your savings, which should ideally start at 10% of your income, into a separate account
that receives compound interest, you will enjoy watching it grow. You will be surprised at how
quickly it will grow to a substantial amount over time. This requires discipline, but has great
financial rewards as you mature. With a buffer equivalent to six months of income, you will be able to
stop stressing about the what ifs and relax, knowing that you can withstand an emergency or a
disruption to your routine if something unexpected occurs.
By systematically growing your wealth you will eventually have enough of a nest egg, and the interest
alone will be substantial enough to live on. Looking at your wealth generation over the long term, you
will be in a position to set up legacies and help others. There are many people, animals, and
environments that need help. If you can focus on sustainable assistance, you can leverage knowledge
and resources so that people have respect and dignity. For example, you might supply a group of
women in a remote village with solar-powered sewing machines and materials to sew shade-cloths
for their vegetable gardens.
3) Focus on doing something you love rather than on making lots of money. Creativity drives
entrepreneurship. Everyone has untapped talents that, when connected to inspiration, are the source of
personal empowerment and unique business ideas. If youre focused on helping others by doing what
you love, rather than on how to make lots of money, life will be richly rewarding.
Having the time to build or create something of aesthetic value is incredibly rewarding, and if you get
paid to enjoy yourself, the results are even more astounding. Satisfaction fills you when you complete

one of your goals or when a project is successful, especially when it is a job you started a long time
4) Develop a healthy attitude to money. Mindset is closely related to our attitudes about money.
Knowing that, I would encourage you to have a healthy relationship with your finances. Understand
that wealth is energetic by nature: easy come, easy go. Millionaires who make headlines by becoming
bankrupt often return to their previous level of wealth within a couple of years. This is because they
have a confident mindset that is orientated towards accumulating money.
I encourage you to value money's abundance in your life by saving it, but don't be so afraid of losing it
that you hold onto it too tightly. If you make a mistake and forfeit money in an investment, understand
what you would do differently given the same circumstances but with the new information. Learn
through your mistakes. We all make them, so forgive yourself for not being perfect and move on with
the knowledge that some lessons are priceless.
5) Be wary before investing your sums. Remember, if something looks too good to be true, it usually
is. Scrutinise all deals with a discerning eye. Modern scams are extremely sophisticated, so do your
homework by speaking to as many professionals as you can in the related field. You can also go
online and get quite a bit of information by asking questions in relevant forums.
Learn to manage your own money rather than completely trusting financial planners, who often only
sell products in which they have a vested interest. Its good to listen to their ideas to find out what
they know about the marketplace, but then use your own common sense. Speak to as many people as
you can to increase your knowledge. Don't shy away from asking the tax department, accountants, and
bookkeepers to help you get your finances organised legally.
6) Make sure you get your tax returns submitted on time every year. It saves a lot of anxiety if you
have it done by a competent accountant, who can also advise you on ways to legally save on tax. Tax
laws change frequently and require an expert to keep up to date. Get a bookkeeper to set up some
spreadsheets for you to simplify the accounts and keep running files.
7) Donate money to charitable causes. Wealthy people understand the benefits of tithing a certain
proportion of their income to helping others. In addition to the tax incentives, giving away your money
feels really good. For an extra level of satisfaction, don't tell anyone. The adage the more you give
the more you get has genuine substance to it when you realise that its really not about the money. Its
especially satisfying to be rewarded for solving problems for other people.
If your only motivation is money, you will probably feel stressed trying to hang on to it, and your
health might become compromised. When you arent well, your money gets spent on expensive
medical treatments as you realise that you would pay anything to feel healthy again. Its important to
engage with life and love what you do; otherwise your growth and development become stifled by

I urge you to get your finances in order, to heed the call of stress when money worries have started to
overwhelm you. Learn to value your life and time rather than money for its own sake, and discover
how letting go of it to help others can make you feel a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfilment.
Once you have begun to manage your money successfully, review your goals and see if you want to
include any new ones. Above all, make sure you value yourself, your dreams, and your aspirations.
Treat yourself with the utmost respect, as you would your best friend. When youre certain of who
you are and what your goals entail, your inner confidence will guide you towards experiencing
success and abundance in your life. Abundance becomes a concept across all areas of life, and is not
limited simply to wealth. When we feel happy, we are blessed.
Engaging with the 6 Daily Success Rituals helps us to focus on a mindset that is perfect for
maximising our productivity every day, and I will summarise them for you in the next and final
chapter. Practised regularly, they are the key to health, wealth, and happiness, giving you a great start
to your productive day and a joyous life.

Actions that make a difference

Exercises for Managing your Money:
1. If you won 2 million dollars, what would you do with it? It is worth noting that, unless you
invest enough capital to generate an income for a comfortable lifestyle, you risk squandering
your windfall.
2. Calculate your total annual living expenses.
3. How much do you want to earn each month? Write down the figure.
Activities for Managing Money:
Review your spending and expenses.
Draw up a budget and implement it.
Pay yourself first with 10% of your income.
Create a savings buffer that eventually equates to 6 months wages.
Pay off your credit card debts.
Keep your tax and bookkeeping up to date.
Tithe a percentage of your income to helping others and charitable causes.

Chapter 9: Daily Success Rituals



Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
Rabbi Hyman Judah Schachtel
For anyone who has experienced a wake-up call brought on by too much stress, there's no better time
to start practicing a healthier lifestyle than today. In a supportive environment, the body can repair
itself quickly from its cellular blueprint, providing the building blocks of the DNA haven't been
damaged irreparably by toxins, injury, or disease.
The body responds well to a holistic approach to healing. Rather than relying solely on
pharmaceutical medication as a quick-fix magic pill, wellness is more sustainable over the long term
when healthy lifestyle changes are implemented. Conscious effort that is directed towards nurturing
yourself gives you a sense of achievement, especially when you can see and feel improvements as
they happen. You appreciate the complexities of the human body and mind, particularly when
combined with gratitude. When you prioritise your self-care, you revitalise your dreams.
Daily rituals are the key to wellness, and in this chapter I will explain how the 6 Daily Success
Rituals helped me, in conjunction with my own team of medical and natural healthcare practitioners,
to regain my energy. I know that my thoughts and personal efforts will enable me to achieve my goal
of living and long and healthy life, and I hope that my story inspires you.

My personal journey to recovery

As I mentioned in Chapter 1, I recently began to suffer from Hashimoto's Disease and Pyrrole
Disorder. When it began, I felt so sick that I was prepared to do whatever necessary to re-establish
my well-being. As a natural healthcare practitioner, I was shocked when my energy levels dropped to
such a low level, but I knew that my recovery would be amplified by my own efforts to restore
balance. I was determined to actively participate in my personal wellness process, and grateful that I
had the wisdom to take action.
Leading up to my diagnosis, I had been through a period of severe stress, which I believe tipped my
metabolism over the edge. I had also previously experienced chronic fatigue for about a decade after
an episode of glandular fever which had followed the lead poisoning. During that time I had
developed many intolerances within my body chemistry. As a result, I was restricted to eating a small
number of foods so that the glands in my neck wouldn't swell up as I ate. I lived with that for a
number of years, and as my body gradually became stronger, my food choices slowly increased.
So when I got sick recently, I already had a reasonably clean eating regime, although I still ate gluten
regularly without realising that my digestive system couldn't process it. I had felt lethargic over a long
period of time, and my body ached, but I put it down to stress and middle age. It wasn't until I
received my first blood tests back from my doctor that I realised just how compromised my health
was. I wondered how long it would take for me to recover.
My doctor, who I continue to see regularly, warned me that it would be a slow process to regain my
vitality. With that in mind, I decided that I would do everything possible to speed my recovery. Using
my natural health knowledge, I worked with my doctor's expertise to maximise my chances for a
faster revival.
Each month after I was first diagnosed, I had BodyTalk treatments and I went to see my naturopath. I
juiced daily, ate only fresh food, stopped buying pre-packaged goods, drinking coffee, and eating
chocolate, and eradicated gluten and lactose from my diet. I had already avoided food with added
sugar and alcohol for years.

Specifically for the Hashimoto's, I take a thyroid medication prescribed by my doctor and I
supplement with a personal blend of vitamins and minerals from my local compounding pharmacy for
the Pyrrole. In addition to these capsules, I supplement each day with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Evening
Primrose Oil, Fish Oil, Turmeric, Iron, and Magnesium. I use sea salt, garlic, Bragg's apple cider
vinegar, and Lugols Solution (for Iodine) to improve my metabolic functioning.
I mainly eat fresh vegetables, organic chicken, nuts, and some fruits such as apples, berries, bananas,
and citrus fruit. I can also eat yoghurt and small amounts of cheese. I drink mainly plain filtered
water, the odd sparkling water for a treat, and cups of tea with lactose free milk. I don't drink alcohol
because it just sends me to sleep.
Having a disciplined routine every day helps me to keep my energy levels at their best, and the Daily
Success Rituals are the key to my increased productivity. I consider them to be non-negotiable, but
never think of them as a chore because of the benefits they bring. Now I have more time for activities
I enjoy because I don't waste it on meaningless distractions.

I always start the day with a 20-minute walk through my lovely neighbourhood. I prefer to leave the
house by 6 o'clock for a quieter experience, before the traffic starts. The morning walk is an effective
way to clear my head as I enjoy the surrounding natural landscape.
As I walk, I focus on my mindset by keeping my thoughts positive to reinforce my ability to heal
myself. I enjoy looking at the trees, listening to the birds sing, smelling the fragrant flowers and seeing
the native animals that scurry out of my way. I focus on my breathing, making sure Im inhaling deeply
and evenly down into my chest. This helps to equilibrate my emotions and sets serenity for the day
Meditation is the next vital part to my Daily Success Ritual that makes a huge difference to my sense
of peace, as well as my productivity. When I meditate, I relax my mind and have a confidence
brainwash. Meditation assists me to focus on the day ahead and helps me be courageous before my
unconscious fears.
Managing our mindset is definitely our greatest challenge in life. Were social beings by nature, and
that means were easily influenced by those around us. By taking the time to meditate, you can become
firmer in your conviction to just be yourself, with all of your talents and abilities. Using every
opportunity to bring out your best qualities requires a mastering of productivity and a determination
that relies on internal strength.
Without regular daily meditation I notice that my anxiety levels increase and my subconscious fears
start to get more traction. Meditation gives me courage to pursue my dreams and take consistent action
towards my goals. For me it has become a lifestyle addition that will continue for the rest of my life.
After I meditate I tap out my Cortices. As a BodyTalk practitioner, I know that regular use of this
technique helps my brain to stay calm and focused. In addition to feelings of relaxation, the Cortices
technique co-ordinates the left and right hemisphere of the brain, and connects the brain energetically
to the rest of the body. Its a great way to sharpen your mind for the day ahead. You can learn how to
do this for yourself by visiting my website at www.BodyTalkBrisbane.com.au.

When I finish tapping out my Cortices, I spend 5 minutes writing in my Gratitude Diary. I focus on
journaling 5 things that Im grateful for in my life each day. It can be anything from being grateful for
my wonderful Mum, beautiful daughter, fabulous friends, peaceful home, or even a bird or plant that I
have seen that morning. It doesn't really matter what youre grateful for, just that you activate the
emotion and write it down.
Then I spend 5 minutes reading over my goals and looking at my Vision Board so that my brain is
programmed to seek out opportunities that align with my values. Finally, I spend 5 minutes making a
list of the 7 highest priority action steps that will fulfil my highest destiny for each day. Then I
prioritise these and Im ready for the day ahead.
If you don't organise your time and resources, others will make arrangements for you. While people
may be well meaning, I prefer to have the final say in how my life unfolds, and with a master plan in
place, I can be confident that Im staying on track towards my goals.
By spending a bit more time each morning to set up my day ahead, I arrive at my desk ready to work,
and Im able to concentrate on producing to a high standard. I have found that the Daily Success

Rituals work so well that I notice a considerable difference if Im ever distracted from doing them.
When my routine is briefly disrupted by a change in plans, whether I have visitors in the house or I go
on a holiday, I forgive myself, then I start again as soon as possible. Even though I practice daily, I
keep reminder lists close by at all times, including having one on my bathroom mirror, so that I can
check in to ensure I have done everything. However, if I don't for any reason, I just start again the next
Daily Success Rituals are the key to productivity and vitality. Here is a summary for you to implement
straight away if youre looking for simple ways to improve your well-being and get more out of life.
All together you can complete them within an hour each morning; however, if you arent restricted by
time, you may enjoy their benefits so much you can take longer.
3. TAP OUT CORTICES (5 minutes)

6. PLAN YOUR DAY with a list of the 7 highest priority actions from your 90-day plan that
you need to take to reach your goals (5 minutes)
I hope that you have enjoyed reading this book and that it has inspired you to incorporate the Daily
Success Rituals into your mornings. The order of the rituals is not as important as doing them each
morning, as their implementation is vital for health and happiness.
When you dedicate your life to being the best version of yourself, in compliance with your values,
you will be more productive. That, in turn, inspires others to pursue their dreams, thus generating a
healthy community.
Once you realise that you have a unique gift inside of you that can be of benefit to others, dont be
afraid to share it because it could make all the difference to someone else who is struggling for your
All of the techniques that I have shared are simple, yet the challenge is in their consistent, unwavering
implementation. Knowledge is empowering, but action transforms lives. By taking action for at least
21 days, you create a new habit in your brain.
Change is worth the dedication when you feel the benefits of more energy, focus and confidence.
When you have improved your well-being, you can review where you were when you were really
stressed, and feel grateful that you heeded the message.
Stress is designed to save your life. When you listen and take action, you can transform your life
simply by taking great care of your body, mind, and soul with an awareness of your goals. Trust your
natural talents and abilities to break through your fears and you will feel fulfilled with a purposeful

Stress provides us with valuable feedback that is challenging at first, and rewarding once its fully
processed. Without this opportunity, we would remain juvenile and dependent through
When you experience the turbulence of lifes twists and turns, you grow confident in your increased
ability to adapt and cope. Resilience strengthens healthy boundaries when you value your journey.
Stress eventually leads to empowerment if you can recognise that its an opportunity to grow into the
person you were born to be.

The 6 Daily Success Rituals

# 1: Read your goals out loud and enjoy daydreaming about their manifestation.
To write a list of goals for this ritual, allow 5 minutes.
Write down at least 10 goals/activities/things that you want to have/achieve in this life to satisfy your
dreams of success.
Once you have your list, prioritise the goals according to importance.
#2: Go for a 20-minute early morning walk.
#3: Meditate for 20 minutes.
#4: Tap out your cortices.
The intention of this technique is to focus on covering the whole brain through the head,
whilst taking deep breaths.
Starting just above the base of your hairline, place your left hand (with fingers together) flat
across the back of your head. Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the
top of your head and then over your heart.
Move your left hand the width of one hand-span up to the next position along the back of the
head. Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the top of your head and then
over your heart.
Move your left hand the width of one hand-span up to the third position on top of the head.
Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the top of your head and then over
your heart.
Move your left hand the width of one hand-span to just above the hairline on the forehead.
Over two deep breaths use your right hand to tap across the top of your head and then over
your heart.
Place both hands flat and horizontal just above the ears on the side of your head. Take a
deep breath in and as you exhale, tap across the top of your head and over your heart
#5: Keep a Gratitude Journal.
Write down 5 reasons to be grateful every day.
# 6: Plan your day.
Write a list every day of your 7 highest priority action steps for fulfilling your greatest desires.


20 minute Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation Download

Activities That Make a Difference:

Breathe evenly.
Organise regular social interactions.
Plan your day don't let chance ruin your schedule.
Say no to activities that dont align with your goals.
Eat fresh food.
Drink fresh juices.
Drink plenty of water.
Get grounded by walking on the earth.
Meditate for 20 minutes every day.


Robyn Spooner is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner who lives in a leafy suburb of Brisbane,
Australia. She enjoys a holistic approach to wellbeing, knowing that humans are complex
interconnected creatures with a great capacity for growth, awareness, healing and love.
For over ten years Robyn has helped women who are overwhelmed with stress and suffering from
compounding health issues, to relax and gently release their emotional baggage. When savvy women
become empowered to focus on fulfilling their true purpose, they are naturally inspired to enjoy
happier and healthier lives that are more productive. Robyns clients benefit from gentle effective
methods that focus on holistic wellness and the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle.
Robyn became interested in natural therapies when she suffered Chronic Fatigue for many years after
exposure to lead followed by a bout of glandular fever and found no answers within the conventional
medical world. Frustrated by the lack of helpful information, Robyn searched for relief through years
of fatigue and food intolerances, and was amazed at the efficacy of the natural therapies, particularly
BodyTalk. Today, many years later, she is a certified practitioner, able to help others who are
looking for ways to manage stress.
The Benefits of Stress evolved from Robyns search for commonsense answers about stress related
healthcare issues. This book is intended to provide information that empowers people on their selfcare journey.
I love to help people who are inspired to strengthen their mind, body and soul.
In my natural therapy practice I offer a calm sanctuary in the storm of life,
a place to rest, release stresses, restore harmony and revive the spirit.
Robyn Spooner
For more information about BodyTalk go to www.BodyTalkBrisbane.com.au

Thank you for purchasing my book.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading about the many ways that you can take positive action towards a
happy healthy life.
I really appreciate all of your feedback, and I love hearing what you have to say.
I would love your input so I can make the next edition better.

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Thanks so much!


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You can see this data on the CDC website: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

Statistics available on the ABS website:

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Volume 39, Issue 5, August 2015.

Paper delivered at the 2015 IBA Members Conference, Vancouver, 2 August 2015.

Lipton, Bruce, The Biology of Belief, Carlsbad CA, Hay House, September 2008.

Kelley P. et al, (2014), Synchronizing education to adolescent biology: 'let teens sleep, start school later', Learning, Media and

See http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2011/01/eight-weeks-to-a-better-brain/

Hawkins, David R. Power vs. Force, Carlsbad CA, Hay House, 1998.

Emoto, Masaru, The Hidden Messages in Water, Oregon, Beyond Words Publishing, 2004.

Demartini, John F., Inspired Destiny, Sydney, Hay House, 2010.

Assaraf, John and Murray Smith, The Answer, New York, Atria Paperback, 2008.

Korb, Alex, The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time,
New Harbinger Publications, 2015.

Hill, Napoleon, Think and Grow Rich, Conn. USA, The Ralston Society, 1938.

Table of Contents

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