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Patricks Board of Education

The community of St. Patrick School believes that all students can grow in their
Christian faith and strive to achieve the same standards that Jesus set forth in
wisdom, age and grace before God and Humankind. Our schools purpose is to
prepare all children to reach their potential in spiritual, academic, physical, and
social growth. Our responsibility is to help all students attain their maximum ability
by word and example.
August 20, 2015
Members Present: Mike Ward, Katie Fahey, Tom ONeill, Kris Kovarik, Michelle
Byrnes, Leah Hennessey, Jack Regan
Absent: Jim Cooper
Visitors: None
Kris Kovarik called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer: Led by Mike Ward
Approval of Agenda: Motion by Michelle, Second: Tom
Standing Committee Reports:
Mardi Gras: Final profit for Mardi Gras 2015 was $42,900
Parents Group: Group contributed $5000 towards the purchase of literature
textbooks and also paid for the painting of the Preschool classroom, Library and 6 th
grade. (handout received)
Script: Income for fiscal year was over $687,000, $8000 more than prior year.
(handout received)
Endowment Report: Total Endowment funds are just over $799,000. (handout
Consent Items: Minutes and Financial reports were reviewed. Motion made by Mike
and Seconded by Jack to approve consent agenda items.
Principals Report
Old Business
A. Summer Projects:
1. Painting: The painting in the Preschool room, library and the 6 th grade
classroom has been completed.

2. Principal Office Remodel: Mike Ward has completed the remodeling of

Katies office.
3. Lower Playground: Landscaping has been completed by Skyline

New Business
A. Personel:
1. Latchkey: Diane Regan will be heading up the program after school until 6
p.m., 3:15-4:15 Laurie Hatlan will be assisting her and if needed Kelly Jones
will also be there during this time. Nikki Briemon will continue doing morning
2. JK & 4th Grade: Sue Moore will be teaching JK for the 1st semester; Brooke
Wild will be graduating in December and starting her position as JK teacher in
January. 4th Grade: Teresa Ellenz has been hired to teach 4 th grade. She will be
an associate until all paperwork is completed. Once all paperwork is received
the 4th grade class will be divided.
B. Enrollment: Currently 170 students enrolled in JK-6th. JK-26, K-28, 1st- 15,
2nd-21, 3rd-26, 4th-24, 5th-18, 6th-12. Chelsey Woodbeck and Dawn Huffey will be
the associates for JK. Lacey Lloyd will be the 1 st and 2nd grade associate.
C. Preschool Update: Monday, Wednesday, Friday class has 7 students
enrolled, the Tuesday, Thursday class has 11 students at this time. M, W, F,
David Miller will continue to be the associate. T, Th, Laurie Hatlan will be the
classroom associate.
D. Policy Review: Motion by Mike and Second by Jack to approve the policies.
E. Contracts: Motion was made by Tom and Second by Jack to accept the
resignation of Amber Junk. Motion by Michelle Second by Leah to offer Ms. Moore
a contract for the JK position.
Motion was made by Mike and Seconded by Tom to adjourn at 7:05 p.m.
The next board meeting will be September 17, 2015.

Submitted by: Michelle Byrnes

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