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The New England Journal of Medicine

Review Article

Drug Therapy and sex (z score). A z score below 1 at either the

lumbar spine or the proximal femur would indicate
a value in the lowest 25 percent of the reference
A L A S T A I R J . J . W O O D , M. D. , Editor range, a value at which the risk of fracture is approx-
imately doubled. A z score below 2 would indicate
a value in the lowest 2.5 percent of the reference
T REATMENT OF P OSTMENOPAUSAL range, a level associated with a considerably larger
increase in the risk of fracture.
RICHARD EASTELL, M.D. A number of risk factors for osteoporosis have
been identified (Table 1). Bone loss can be slowed
or even reversed if risk factors such as physical inac-

STEOPOROSIS affects an estimated 75 mil- tivity, low dietary calcium intake, and primary hy-
lion people in Europe, the United States, perparathyroidism are identified and reversed. A re-
and Japan.1 It is a preventable and treatable port from the National Osteoporosis Foundation
condition, yet many people with osteoporosis re- concluded that the following factors were useful in
main unrecognized and untreated. The purpose of identifying women at risk for fracture: low body
this review is to consider the evidence that treat- weight (58 kg), current smoking, first-degree rel-
ments for postmenopausal osteoporosis are effective ative with low-trauma fracture, and personal history
and safe. of low-trauma fracture.4 These risk factors are com-
mon and easy to ascertain.
Definitions of osteoporosis have usually been con- DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION
ceptual and therefore difficult to apply to individual Bone mineral density should be measured in
patients. For example, a Consensus Development women with strong risk factors for osteoporosis (Ta-
Conference defined osteoporosis as “a systemic skel- ble 1). It should also be measured in those with os-
etal disease characterised by low bone mass and teoporosis-related fractures (fracture of the wrist,
microarchitectural deterioration with a consequent spine, proximal femur, or humerus after mild or
increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to frac- moderate trauma) and those with osteopenia or spi-
ture.”1 A Working Group of the World Health Or- nal deformities noted on spinal radiographs. Several
ganization has operationally defined osteoporosis as techniques are available for the measurement of
a bone mineral density (T score) that is 2.5 SD bone mineral density (Table 2). Among them the
below the mean peak value in young adults.2 This most useful in clinical practice is dual-energy x-ray
definition is useful as an entry criterion for a clinical absorptiometry. With this technique, measurement
trial or as a tool to study the epidemiology of os- of the density of the proximal femur is the most use-
teoporosis, but it has limitations in clinical practice. ful for predicting fractures, and measurement of
It raises a risk factor for fracture to the status of a lumbar-spine density is the most useful for monitor-
diagnostic criterion, ignores the importance of other ing therapy (Fig. 1).
determinants of bone strength,3 ignores the higher Bone density can be useful in making the diagno-
risk of fracture associated with a certain level of bone sis of osteoporosis and in decisions about starting
mineral density in older women, and does not spec- therapy. A T score lower than 2.5, especially in the
ify the technique by which or the site at which bone presence of the risk factors listed above, indicates the
mineral density should be measured. need for treatment to prevent fractures.4 A T score
Bone mineral density can also be compared with lower than 1 within five years after menopause or
the mean value in normal subjects of the same age a z score lower than 1 at the lumbar spine or prox-
imal femur at any age indicates the need to prevent
further bone loss.6 A bone-mineral–density value at
any site below the reference range (a z score lower
From the Division of Clinical Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, than 2) indicates accelerated bone loss, and fur-
United Kingdom. Address reprint requests to Dr. Eastell at the Section of ther studies to identify a major risk factor (Table 1)
Medicine, Division of Clinical Sciences, Clinical Sciences Centre, Northern
General Hospital, Herries Rd., Sheffield S5 7AU, United Kingdom. are indicated.
©1998, Massachusetts Medical Society. Biochemical markers of bone turnover reflect

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Genetic factor
First-degree relative with low-trauma fracture TECHNIQUE SITE COMMENTS
Environmental factors
Cigarette smoking Single-energy x-ray Forearm and heel Inexpensive
Alcohol abuse absorptiometry Precise
Physical inactivity Uses low doses of radiation
Thin habitus Measures sites unresponsive to
Diet low in calcium therapy
Little exposure to sunlight Does not need skilled operator
Menstrual status Dual-energy x-ray Lumbar spine Fairly expensive
Early menopause (before the age of 45 years) absorptiometry Precise
Previous amenorrhea (e.g., due to anorexia nervosa, Uses low doses of radiation
hyperprolactinemia) Measures site responsive to
Drug therapy therapy
Glucocorticoids (7.5 mg/day or more of prednisone for Needs skilled operator
more than 6 mo) Subject to artifacts (spondylo-
Antiepileptic drugs (e.g., phenytoin) sis)
Excessive substitution therapy (e.g., thyroxine, hydrocor- Proximal femur Fairly expensive
tisone) Less precise
Anticoagulant drugs (e.g., heparin, warfarin) Uses low doses of radiation
Endocrine diseases Measures best site for fracture
Primary hyperparathyroidism prediction
Thyrotoxicosis Needs skilled operator
Cushing’s syndrome Total body Expensive
Addison’s disease Precise
Hematologic diseases Uses low doses of radiation
Multiple myeloma Measures sites unresponsive to
Systemic mastocytosis therapy
Lymphoma, leukemia Needs skilled operator
Pernicious anemia Allows assessment of body
Rheumatologic diseases composition
Rheumatoid arthritis Quantitative Spine Expensive
Ankylosing spondylitis computed Less precise
Gastrointestinal diseases tomography Uses high doses of radiation
Malabsorption syndromes (e.g., celiac disease, Crohn’s Measures sites responsive to
disease, surgery for peptic ulcer) therapy
Chronic liver disease (e.g., primary biliary cirrhosis) Needs skilled operator
Allows assessment of trabecu-
lar bone alone
Forearm Inexpensive
Uses low doses of radiation
bone formation or bone resorption (Table 3). These Measures sites unresponsive to
markers show large changes early in the course of Does not need skilled operator
treatment.5 Because the markers vary from day to Ultrasonography Heel, fingers, tibia, Inexpensive
patella Less precise
day, several measurements should be made before Uses no radiation
and during treatment for these to be useful in mon- Measures sites unresponsive to
itoring treatment response. therapy
Does not need skilled operator
Several drugs will cause an increase in bone min- Fairly portable
eral density, which is best monitored at the lumbar
spine (Fig. 1). However, the bone mineral density of
the lumbar spine cannot be measured in all women,
because of lack of access to densitometry services,
fractures, or degenerative changes in the lumbar sites within the skeleton and proceeds in an orderly
spine. Among these women, measurements of bio- fashion, with bone resorption always being followed
chemical markers may be useful in determining the by bone formation, a phenomenon referred to as
response to treatment. coupling. The sequence is similar in cortical and
cancellous bone.9 The process of resorption of bone,
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF OSTEOPOROSIS followed by synthesis of bone matrix and its subse-
Bone mineral density in a patient is related to quent mineralization, takes up to eight months. If
bone mass at maturity (peak bone mass) and subse- the processes of bone resorption and bone forma-
quent bone loss. Bone is remodeled throughout life, tion are not matched, there is remodeling imbal-
and the rate of remodeling is increased in older ance. Such an imbalance would be magnified if the
adults. The rate of resorption exceeds the rate of for- rate of initiation of new cycles of bone remodeling
mation in older adults,7,8 resulting in too little bone, were to increase.
or osteoporosis. Bone remodeling occurs at discrete Most of the drugs used to treat osteoporosis act

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The New England Journal of Medicine

Lumbar Spine
14 Placebo
Alendronate Bone formation
Serum alkaline phosphatase (bone isoenzyme)
10 Serum osteocalcin
Serum C - and N-propeptides of type I collagen
8 Bone resorption
Urinary excretion of pyridinium cross-links of collagen (e.g., deoxypyri-
6 dinoline)
Urinary excretion of C - and N-telopeptides of collagen
Urinary excretion of galactosyl hydroxylysine
2 Urinary excretion of hydroxyproline
Serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
Change in Bone Mineral Density (%)

0 12 24 36
Month by decreasing bone resorption9 and are referred to as
antiresorptive drugs. They include estrogens, bis-
phosphonates, and calcitonin. The name is mislead-
Femoral Neck
ing: because the processes of bone resorption and
12 bone formation are coupled, these drugs decrease
10 the rates of both processes. When an antiresorptive
drug is given, the rate of bone resorption decreases
within weeks and the rate of bone formation de-
6 creases within months. This difference in timing re-
4 sults from the time sequence of the bone-remodel-
ing cycle.
At any time, some bone will have been resorbed
0 and not yet replaced, which is referred to as the re-
2 modeling space. It is increased in postmenopausal
4 osteoporosis. Antiresorptive therapy decreases the
rate of initiation of new remodeling cycles, resulting
in fewer remodeling sites and a decrease in the re-
8 modeling space. The filling in of the remodeling
0 12 24 36
space accounts for the increase in bone mineral den-
Month sity of 5 to 10 percent that occurs in postmenopaus-
Figure 1. Bone Mineral Density at the Lumbar Spine and Fem-
al women given antiresorptive therapy. This process
oral Neck in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis Treat- usually takes two to three years, after which bone
ed with Alendronate for Three Years. density changes very little (Fig. 2).
Alendronate (10 mg per day) resulted in a greater increase in Some drugs used to treat osteoporosis act by in-
bone mineral density in the lumbar spine than in the femoral creasing bone formation. They include fluoride and
neck. The values shown are means SD. The shaded area rep- intermittent parathyroid hormone. The newly formed
resents the changes that can occur as a result of measurement
error (the smallest change that is significant is 5 percent for the bone either overfills resorption cavities or is laid
lumbar spine and 8 percent for the femoral neck). After one down on surfaces not previously resorbed. Drugs
year, more than half the women taking alendronate had re- that stimulate bone formation result in annual rates
sponded to therapy, as defined by a change above the shaded of increase in bone mineral density similar to those
area, according to measurements at the lumbar spine. In con-
trast, after three years, fewer than half of these patients had re-
resulting from antiresorptive therapies, but the in-
sponded to therapy according to measurements at the femoral crease continues beyond two years (Fig. 2).
neck. Reprinted from Eastell,5 with the permission of the pub- Hormones and drugs affect different regions of
lisher. the skeleton by differing amounts. For example, es-
trogen deficiency and glucocorticoid therapy 14 result
primarily in cancellous-bone loss, whereas parathy-
roid hormone excess15 results primarily in cortical-
bone loss. These differences may be due to different
effects on cortical and cancellous bone, on bones
subjected to weight-bearing and those subjected to
non–weight-bearing stresses, or on bones containing
red marrow and those containing yellow marrow.

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Filling in of remodeling space

Therapy stimulating

Mineral Density (g/cm2)

Lumbar-Spine Bone
bone formation

Antiresorptive therapy


1 0 1 2 3 4
Figure 2. Effect of Therapy on Lumbar-Spine Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women with
Therapy that stimulates bone formation results in continued increases in bone mineral density beyond
two years (broken line). This increase does not always translate to an increase in bone strength. Anti-
resorptive therapy results in an increase in bone mineral density, followed by a plateau (dotted line).
The increase may persist beyond two years with the use of estrogen10,11 or bisphosphonates,12 perhaps
as a result of a prolonged period of secondary mineralization or of positive remodeling imbalance.
Administration of placebo may be associated with bone loss (solid line). However, in many trials there
was no statistically significant bone loss. The absence of bone loss may be a result of the supplemen-
tal calcium therapy and recommended lifestyle measures, or it may be due to artifacts or to drift in
bone-mineral–density measurements. Adapted from Parfitt,13 with the permission of the publisher.

EVALUATION OF DRUG EFFICACY tures, fractures are the key end point of any clinical
The response to a drug is usually evaluated by se- trial of therapy for osteoporosis.25 The diagnosis of
rial measurements of bone mineral density. As noted nonvertebral fractures is straightforward. The diag-
above, antiresorptive drugs result in a 5 to 10 per- nosis of vertebral fractures is difficult, because they
cent increase in the bone mineral density of the lum- may be painless,26 and other vertebral deformities
bar spine in two years in women with postmeno- may mimic fractures.
pausal osteoporosis. This change is associated with a There is now strong evidence that a number of
decrease in the fracture rate of approximately 50 drugs prevent further fractures in postmenopausal
percent. In prospective studies of the relation be- women with osteoporosis. This evidence, based on
tween bone mineral density and risk of fracture, the randomized, controlled trials, cohort studies, and
risk of fracture approximately doubled for each de- cross-sectional studies, is reviewed below.
crease of 1 SD in bone mineral density (Fig. 3).16,19 CURRENT THERAPIES
The benefit of antiresorptive therapy in reducing the
Estrogen-Replacement Therapy
risk of fracture is greater than expected from the
change in bone mineral density.12,18 Information about the effect of estrogen-replace-
Bone turnover is another determinant of the risk ment therapy on rates of vertebral fracture in post-
of fracture.20 High bone turnover is associated with menopausal women is limited (Table 4). In a one-
a greater rate of bone loss.21 It may be a risk factor year study of transdermal estrogen therapy in 75
for fracture that is independent of bone mineral postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, the rela-
density,22 possibly because of the increased number tive risk of vertebral fractures was 0.39 in the treat-
of bone-remodeling sites that can buckle.23 ment group as compared with the placebo group.18
Bone strength may be determined by factors other There was also an increase in the bone mineral den-
than bone mineral density and bone turnover.3 So- sity of the lumbar spine of 5.1 percent and a de-
dium fluoride therapy results in large increases in crease in bone turnover, as assessed by biochemical
bone mineral density, but the effect on fracture rates markers and bone histomorphometry. In a primary-
is small (Fig. 3).17 Fluoride is incorporated into the prevention study of 100 women who underwent bi-
hydroxyapatite crystals of bone, thus weakening the lateral oophorectomy and who were treated with
bone.24 mestranol or placebo for 6 to 12 years, there was no
Because the aim of treatment is to prevent frac- bone loss from the radius and the metacarpal bones

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The New England Journal of Medicine

14 may48 or may not 51 attenuate the benefits of estro-

gen-replacement therapy. Whether bone loss is ac-
celerated after estrogen-replacement therapy is dis-
Relative Risk of Vertebral Fracture

continued is controversial.54-57
Other beneficial effects and side effects of estrogen
10 are listed in Table 5. These will not be discussed here,
except to say that they all contribute importantly to
the decision whether to choose estrogen as therapy
for osteoporosis in a postmenopausal woman.

6 Bisphosphonates
Bisphosphonates are stable analogues of pyro-
phosphate. They are poorly absorbed from the intes-
tine (absorption, less than 10 percent)64 and must
Sodium fluoride
not be taken with food. They are deposited in bone
2 Alendronate at sites of mineralization and in the resorption lacu-
nae or are eliminated by the kidneys. The exact
0 mode of action is uncertain, but their net effect is
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 on osteoclasts or their precursors, with a resultant
Lumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density increase in cell death and therefore a decrease in
(SD units) bone resorption.65 Bisphosphonate therapy results in
increased bone mineral density and a decreased frac-
ture rate. Several compounds of this family have
0.52 0.76 1.00 1.24 been evaluated for the prevention of bone loss (clo-
Bone Mineral Density (g/cm ) 2 dronate, pamidronate, tiludronate, risedronate, and
ibandronate). Data on fractures are available for eti-
Figure 3. Relation between Lumbar-Spine Bone Mineral Densi- dronate and alendronate (Table 4).
ty and Rate of Vertebral Fracture. Etidronate given continuously at high doses can
For every decrease of 1 SD in lumbar-spine bone mineral den- result in impaired mineralization, which can be
sity, the rate of vertebral fracture approximately doubled.16 The
effect of sodium fluoride on lumbar-spine bone mineral densi- avoided by low-dose intermittent therapy.66 There-
ty according to the same densitometer was an increase of 31 fore the drug is usually given at a dose of 400 mg
percent, with a 17 percent decrease in vertebral fractures (P not per day for 2 weeks, followed by 500 mg of supple-
significant).17 The effect of transdermal estradiol on lumbar- mental calcium per day for 11 weeks. This regimen
spine bone mineral density according to a different densitom-
eter (but with a correction factor) was an increase of 5 percent,
resulted in an increase in bone mineral density of
with a decrease in vertebral fractures of 61 percent.18 Alendro- 4 to 8 percent in the lumbar spine and of 2 percent
nate therapy resulted in an increase in bone mineral density of in the femoral neck in three years, as well as a de-
9 percent and a decrease in vertebral fractures of 48 percent.12 crease in the vertebral-fracture rate (Table 4).28,29,67
Sodium fluoride had a smaller effect on fractures than was ex- Alendronate is given at a dose of 10 mg per day
pected from the change in bone mineral density, and estrogen
and alendronate had a greater effect than expected. for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal
women. Alendronate resulted in an increase in bone
mineral density of 8.8 percent in the lumbar spine
and of 5.9 percent in the femoral neck in three
years.12 This increase in bone mineral density was
in the group receiving estrogen during the first matched by a decrease in biochemical markers of
8 years, with slow bone loss thereafter. Spinal radio- bone turnover, with the markers of bone resorption
graphs at the end of the study also revealed fewer decreasing maximally at two months and the mark-
wedge deformities of the vertebrae in this group.27 ers of bone formation decreasing maximally at six
Additional evidence that estrogen-replacement months. The change in markers of bone resorption
therapy prevents fractures comes from prospective at three months appears to predict the response in
cohort studies.48-50 For example, in the Study of Os- terms of bone mineral density at two years.68 Alen-
teoporotic Fractures,51 the relative risk of nonspinal dronate therapy also resulted in a 48 percent de-
fracture was 0.66 in postmenopausal women cur- crease in the proportion of women with new frac-
rently taking estrogen as compared with those not tures and prevented height loss.12 In a report from a
taking estrogen. The beneficial effect of estrogen- two-year prevention study, 5 mg of alendronate per
replacement therapy was more marked in women day had less effect on bone mineral density than es-
who began therapy within five years after meno- trogen-replacement therapy but resulted in fewer ad-
pause, and it was unaffected by age18,51-53 or concom- verse events.69
itant progestin therapy.10,51 Concurrent smoking Among the 2027 women with vertebral fractures

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Lindsay et al.27 Mestranol 25 mg/day 100 Up to 12 Vertebral deformity less common

in mestranol group*†
Lufkin et al.18 Estradiol (transdermal) 100 mg/day, 21 of every 28 75 1 Decrease in number of new verte-
days bral fractures†
Storm et al.28 Cyclic etidronate 400 mg/day, 2 of every 15 wk 66 3 Decrease in number of new verte-
bral fractures in period from 60
to 150 wk†
Watts et al.29 Cyclic etidronate 400 mg/day, 2 of every 13 wk 429 2 Decrease in number of new verte-
bral fractures†‡
Liberman et al.12 Alendronate 5–20 mg/day 994 3 Decrease in number of patients
with new vertebral fractures
Black et al.30 Alendronate 5–10 mg/day 2027 3 Decrease in number of patients
with new vertebral, hip, or
wrist fractures
Orimo et al.31 Alfacalcidol 1 mg/day 61 2 Decrease in number of new verte-
bral fractures§¶
Orimo et al.32 Alfacalcidol 1 mg/day 80 1 Decrease in number of new verte-
bral fractures
Gallagher and Goldgar33 Calcitriol 0.5–1 mg/day 50 2 No effect on vertebral fractures
Heikinheimo et al.34 Vitamin D injection 150,000–300,000 IU/yr 341 Up to 5 Decrease in nonvertebral (espe-
cially upper-limb) fractures‡
Tilyard et al.35 Calcitriol 0.5 mg/day 622 3 Decrease in new vertebral and
nonvertebral fractures§¶
Chapuy et al.36 Vitamin D (oral) and 800 IU/day and 3270 1.5 Decrease in number of patients
calcium 1200 mg/day with hip fractures
Dawson-Hughes et al.37 Vitamin D (oral) and 700 IU/day and 389 3 Decrease in number of patients
calcium 500 mg/day (men and women) with nonvertebral fractures
Lips et al.38 Vitamin D (oral) 400 IU/day 2578 Up to 3.5 No decrease in number of pa-
tients with hip fractures
Reid et al.39 Calcium 1000 mg/day 86 4 Decrease in number of patients
with new nonvertebral frac-
Recker et al.40 Calcium 1200 mg/day 197 4.3 Decrease in number of patients
with new vertebral fractures
among those with vertebral
fractures at base line
Overgaard et al.41 Calcitonin (intranasal) 50–200 IU/day 208 2 Decrease in number of new verte-
bral fractures
Rico et al.42 Cyclic calcitonin (intra- 100 IU/day, 10 of every 30 72 2 Decrease in number of new verte-
muscular) days bral fractures§
Mamelle et al.43 Sodium fluoride 50 mg/day 257 2 Decrease in number of new verte-
bral fractures§¶
Riggs et al.17 Sodium fluoride 75 mg/day 202 4 No effect on vertebral-fracture
rate, but increase in nonverte-
bral-fracture rate
Meunier et al.44 Sodium fluoride or 50 mg/day or 354 2 No effect on rate of vertebral or
monofluorophosphate 150–200 mg/day nonvertebral fracture
Kleerekoper et al.45 Sodium fluoride 75 mg/day 84 4 No effect on rate of vertebral or
nonvertebral fracture
Pak et al.46 Cyclic sodium fluoride 50 mg/day, 12 of every 14 mo 110 Up to 5 Decrease in number of patients
(slow-release) with new vertebral fractures§
Lindsay et al.47 Parathyroid hormone 400 U/day 34 3 Decrease in vertebral deformities

*There were no spine radiographs at base line, so vertebral morphometry was cross-sectional.
†The extension study was uncontrolled.
‡The treatment groups were pooled.
§The study was not blinded.
¶The study had no placebo group.
The number of women with fractures was small (10).

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The New England Journal of Medicine

these studies. In another study of 2578 women of a

TABLE 5. BENEFITS AND RISKS OF ESTROGEN THERAPY similar age in the Netherlands who were treated with
vitamin D (400 IU per day) or placebo for three and
a half years (but no supplemental calcium), the rate
BENEFITS RISKS of hip fracture in the two groups was similar.38 The
Relief of menopausal symptoms Return of menstrual bleeding likely explanations for the differences between these
Prevention of bone loss and Risk of endometrial carcinoma58 two studies36,38 include differences in the women
fractures10,49,51 Breast tenderness (the French women had lower dietary calcium in-
Prevention of ischemic heart Risk of breast carcinoma61,62 takes, were more frail, and had lower serum 25-
Migraine hydroxyvitamin D concentrations), in the dose of vi-
Prevention of dementia60
Risk of deep venous thrombosis and tamin D, and in the coadministration of calcium. It
pulmonary embolism63
may be that calcium and vitamin D are effective only
in housebound elderly women.
In a more recent study of 389 men and women
over the age of 63 years who were treated with cal-
cium (500 mg per day) and vitamin D (700 IU per
in the Fracture Intervention Trial30 who were treated day) in the United States, the rate of nonvertebral
with 5 mg of alendronate daily for two years, with a fractures was decreased.37 This decrease was surpris-
subsequent increase to 10 mg per day for the final ing, because the increases in the bone mineral den-
nine months of the study, the rate of new vertebral sity of the lumbar spine (0.9 percent), femoral neck
fractures (including those that were apparent clini- (1.2 percent), and total body (1.2 percent) were
cally) decreased by 47 percent as compared with the small. The major differences between this study and
rate in the placebo group. There were similar de- the Dutch study were the lower base-line dietary in-
creases in the frequency of hip and wrist fractures take of calcium and the higher serum 25-hydroxy-
but not of other fractures. vitamin D concentrations in the U.S. patients. In
Alendronate has been associated with esophagitis, another study vitamin D given annually by intramus-
including erosive esophagitis.70 The symptoms of cular injection resulted in a decrease in nonvertebral
esophagitis usually begin within one month after fractures (Table 4).34
therapy is started. To minimize the risk of esophagi- Calcium alone may be partially effective in pre-
tis and increase drug absorption, the patient should venting bone loss, especially in older women and
take alendronate with a glass of water while upright those with a low calcium intake (Table 4).73 In a
at least 30 minutes before breakfast. Upper gastro- study of 86 women treated with 1000 mg of calcium
intestinal problems, such as achalasia and esophageal per day or placebo for four years, there was a sus-
stricture, are absolute contraindications to alendro- tained reduction in the loss of total-body bone min-
nate therapy, and gastroesophageal reflux disease is eral density in the calcium group; there was also a
a relative contraindication. reduction in the loss of lumbar-spine and proximal-
Bone turnover increases to the previous level in six femur bone mineral density, with most of the differ-
to nine months in women who take alendronate for ence occurring during the first year of calcium sup-
six months and then stop.71 In contrast, among plementation.39 There was a borderline reduction in
women treated with pamidronate for six years,72 the rate of symptomatic fractures in the calcium
bone mineral density did not decrease during the group as compared with the placebo group. In an-
first two years after therapy was discontinued. The other study of women who were over 60 years old
optimal duration of bisphosphonate therapy is not and consumed less than 1000 mg of calcium per
known. day, a calcium supplement of 1200 mg per day pre-
vented bone loss from the forearm over a period of
Calcium and Vitamin D
four years.40 There was a 59 percent reduction in the
Elderly women adapt poorly to a low-calcium di- rate of vertebral fracture in the women who had ver-
et, and those who live at far northern or southern tebral fractures at base line.
latitudes or who avoid sunlight may become defi- The active metabolite of vitamin D, calcitriol, and
cient in vitamin D. In a study of 3270 institutional- the related alfacalcidol (1a-hydroxyvitamin D) in-
ized women in France who were treated with calci- crease calcium absorption and may have direct ef-
um (1200 mg per day) and vitamin D (800 IU per fects on bone cells. They may reduce the rate of frac-
day) for three years, the risk of hip fractures was 30 ture.31-33,74 In a study of 622 postmenopausal women
percent lower than the risk in the placebo group.36 with vertebral fractures treated with calcitriol or cal-
This therapy also resulted in a reversal of secondary cium for three years, calcitriol resulted in no change
hyperparathyroidism and an increase in the bone in the rate of vertebral fractures, whereas calcium in-
mineral density of the femoral neck. creased the rate of vertebral fractures.35 Bone miner-
Care must be taken in generalizing the results of al density was not measured.

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Calcitonin percent), but no effect on the rate of vertebral frac-

Calcitonin is a 32-amino-acid peptide that is nor- ture. Thus, even at relatively low doses, fluoride had
mally produced by the thyroid C cells and results in little beneficial effect on fracture rates.
decreased bone resorption. Osteoclasts have calcito- Sodium fluoride causes gastric irritation, which
nin receptors, and calcitonin rapidly inhibits the ac- can be reduced if the drug is given along with a cal-
tion of osteoclasts. cium supplement. It also causes stress fractures, the
Salmon or human calcitonin is given by subcuta- so-called lower-extremity pain syndrome.17,44
neous or intramuscular injection at doses of up to FUTURE TREATMENTS
100 IU daily (Table 4). Calcitonin therapy results in
an increase in bone mineral density, and in one un- Raloxifene
blinded study it resulted in a decrease in the rate of Raloxifene has mixed estrogen-agonist and estro-
vertebral fracture.42 Calcitonin is less effective at pre- gen-antagonist activity and is referred to as a selec-
venting cortical-bone loss than cancellous-bone loss tive estrogen-receptor modulator.83 In a two-year
in postmenopausal women.75 It is expensive, must be study in postmenopausal women, raloxifene therapy
given by injection, and can cause nausea, flushing, resulted in a decrease in bone resorption84 and an in-
and diarrhea. Some patients become resistant to its crease in bone mineral density in the lumbar spine
action with long-term use, perhaps as a result of the (2.4 percent), total hip (2.4 percent), and total body
development of neutralizing antibodies.76 (2.0 percent).85 It decreases serum low-density lipo-
The development of intranasal salmon calcitonin protein cholesterol concentrations but does not
may make calcitonin therapy more acceptable. At stimulate endometrial growth. (Tamoxifen has a sim-
least 200 IU per day must be given to have an effect ilar beneficial effect on bone mineral density,86 but
on bone mineral density. Intranasal calcitonin is not it can cause endometrial carcinoma.87) The results of
effective in preventing bone loss in early postmeno- studies of bone mineral density need to be support-
pausal women.77-79 In older women it decreased the ed by fracture studies, but raloxifene and other se-
vertebral-fracture rate,41 but the number of fractures lective estrogen-receptor modulators under develop-
was small. The spray has few side effects (nasal dis- ment (droloxifene, idoxifene, and levormeloxifene)
comfort, nausea, and facial flushing) and, like sub- may provide an alternative to estrogen-replacement
cutaneous calcitonin, it has an analgesic effect.80 therapy.
Suppositories of calcitonin are only weakly effective
and are poorly tolerated.81,82 Parathyroid Hormone
Daily injections of parathyroid hormone stimulate
Fluoride bone formation. It may be given as the intact hor-
Sodium fluoride stimulates bone formation by mone or as a synthetic fragment. Treatment for up
unknown mechanisms. In one study of 202 women to two years results in increased bone mineral den-
with osteoporosis who were treated with sodium flu- sity of the spine, but no change in bone mineral
oride, lumbar-spine bone mineral density increased density of the femoral neck, and an increase in bio-
by 8 percent per year during all four years of the trial chemical markers of bone formation and resorp-
(Table 4).17 There was substantial bone loss from the tion.88 Its effects on the fracture rate are not yet
forearm, indicating redistribution of bone mineral known. In 34 women with osteoporosis who were
from cortical to cancellous bone. Biochemical mark- already receiving estrogen-replacement therapy, ad-
ers of bone formation increase in fluoride-treated ministration of parathyroid hormone for three years
women, but markers of bone resorption do not. The increased the bone mineral density of the lumbar
large increase in bone mineral density would be ex- spine (13 percent), femoral neck (3 percent), and
pected to be associated with a large decrease in the total body (8 percent), with a borderline decrease in
fracture rate (Fig. 3). In most studies the effect on vertebral deformities.47 Drugs that stimulate the se-
fracture was small,17,43,45 but in one study there was cretion of endogenous parathyroid hormone or
a significant reduction in the rate of vertebral frac- mimic its action might also be effective.
ture (relative risk, 0.3).46 The dose of fluoride was
smaller than in the earlier studies, and it was given Other Therapies
intermittently as slow-release sodium fluoride. The A number of cytokines and growth factors have
Fluoride and Vertebral Osteoporosis Study was a potent effects on bone cells. These factors also affect
randomized, placebo-controlled, two-year trial of other organs; for example, cytokines modulate the
sodium fluoride (50 mg per day) and monofluoro- immune system. The challenge will be to target such
phosphate (two doses) in 354 women with os- factors to bone. Other drugs that have been devel-
teoporosis.44 Fluoride therapy, as compared with oped for the treatment of osteoporosis include vita-
placebo, had a large effect on bone mineral density min D analogues, strontium salts (S12911),89 and
in the lumbar spine (increase, 10.8 percent vs. 2.4 ipriflavone.90

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