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C e n t r a lU n i t e dM e t h o d i s tC h u r c h V o l u m e1 2 I s s u e4

"Make a differencein the world for Christ by reaching
F gro''
out in love and serviceandby nurturingspiritualgrowth.

s ' *A
\ PRIL 2010
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Upon landing in Uganda,you must complete a
customsform to apply for a temporaryvisa. The Ugandais a rich country. Rich beyondAmerican
"rich." The peopleare lilled with
form asks you to list your occupation. What do perspective of
you do for a living? Naturally,I write that I am graceand a naturalbeautythat are indescribablein
a homemaker,housewife, stay-at-homemom - Westemterms. They arefull of pnde for uihatlittle
rvhateveryou rl"nt to call it. For the first time in theymayhave,andseemto find laughtereasilv.The
eight vears.I felt like tris rvasn'tthe right title I landscape is gorgeous- vibrantgreen,lush,fertile,
am a regularperson.trying to do the nght thing day untouchedand thrivrng. The soil is beauufulred
in and day out, who wasblessedwrth this awesome clay thar leavesa lasing impressionon everything
opportunityto leam sometring. Wow! And leam I it touches(especiallymy socks,white T-shirtsand
did. Hereis my lesson..... work boats). Plants,vegetablesand citrus grow in
abundance. Wildlife is diverseandstunnins.
Ugandais a little country.It sitsin the middleof
East .{fnca and is often referredto as a "Pearl of Ugandais a dirty country. Trashis drsposedof on
" "curb"
Afnca It is surrounded b;: more familiar names the street,sweptto the and bumedfreely in
Iike Kenya Congoand Sudan.It hasit all in terms the nudstof everyday life. We aretold not to drink
of landscape- open plains, densetropical forest, thewater Thepollution is thick andpermeates your
fresh waterlakesandnaturalwaterfalls. It is home nose,mouthand lungsimmediately.I'm not quite
to an estimated32million people(how do they do sure where everyonegoes to the bathroom,but I
the census?)and approximatelyhalf the populatron know theplumbingis not sophisticated.A deaddog
is under 15 yearsof age. It is a young person's lieson the sideof the road.

is a poor country. Poor beyondAmerican Ugandais a hopefulcountry. Its future is so bright

perspective of "poor." Poorin is mostbasicform. No (it can only get better,right?) andyet the obstacles
cleanair. No cleanwater.Lack of food Lack of food to overcomeseeminsurmountable.Wheredo you
clothesand shelter.A brokenfamily unit. Minimal start? Infrastructure? Aids? War? Jobs? 50yo
healthcare. Few rightsfor womenandchildren.The unemployment equatesto half a nation of people
poverfyis so prevalentand normalthat it beginsto with no ability to provide for themselvesand
feel normalfor me aftera few days. Not becatseI am their families. Half a nation of peoplewho have
experiencing it (we stayedat a guesthowe with clean no definedsenseof purposer,v-hen they arvakein
conditions, paid staff andthe Intemet),but becaweI the moming and can't do much about it. There
seeno differenceon my daily commuteto our work are peoplestanding,waiting, looking and hoping
site. Povertyis rampant,andjust theway it is continued on pg.3
I was standingby his bedsidein the hospitalin u*rat the world meantfor our ill. Josephin the Old
Long Branch talking about faith in the midst of Testamentsays to his brotherswho sold him as
tragedy.Harvey (Rev.VanSciver)was weepingas a slaveto Egrpt, "You meantit for evil, but God
we talked aboutthe misery and sufferinghe had meantit forgood!"
beenthrough,hospitalizedfor theselast 4 months,
andstill facingmonthsaheadof rehabbeforegoing Only God can do that. It is often hardto seein the
home. midst of our sufferingandthe sometimes,horrible
attacksupon our lives life sometimesbrings,that
But, he wasn't crying becauseof all the suffering attl4hinggoodcouldcomeoutof this.Like clucifixon
he hasendured,he was weepingin telling me how on a cross,public executionof horribletorture,and
in the midst of it all, God keepssendingblessed the most unjustand humiliatingof sufferings.But,
answersto prayer,andangelsto blesshim. then,ResurrectionI Easter!

One of them walked in at that very moment and I love the statementof Jesus,"I died,but behold,I
he introducedme to her. She was one who came amalive for evermoreandI holdthe keysof hell and
everydayto cleanhis room andtakehis trashaway, death.Because I live, you shalllive also."
but when she came,they talked aboutdreir faitr
and laughedtogether.He told me, she brings the Whateveryou are going through,believe this. In
Presence of Jesusto him. spiteof r.r*ratlife doesto ts or how evil affiicts u*s.
Godis workingforourgoodandcansomehowbring
He told me how one night not long ago after the blessingout of the Tombsof Terror and Trauma.
nursecamein to makesurehe wastuckedin for the Waitfor it, look andlistenfor it, it is coming!
night, he jokingly saidto her,callingher by narne,
"Before you go,
would you sing a lullaby to me?" And soHarveycalledmethisFridaynight with tears
And, she said, "Sure!" He said she stood by my of gladnessto say,"I just had to call and tell you.
bedsideand beganto sing an old, old hymn, "My Todaythe surgeontook thestentout anddiscovered
anchorholdsandgripsthe SolidRock.ThatRock is the esophaguswas completelyhealed.The doctor
Jesus,yes He'sthe One,thatRock is Jesus,the only wasastounded. It wasso unexpected. God hasbeen
One."With tearsstreamingdown his face,he sard, sogoodto me,I just hadto tell you."
waslike a little bit of Heaven,Crodsentmy way."
Amazing and sometimesmiraculousanswersto
And, then he said,"God hasbeendoingthingslike prayerare comingour way that we cannotsee.It's
that all throughthisjoumey.And the amazrngthing somefimeslong after the painful event,r,r'efinaliy
is God hasbeenable to useme to be a blessingto discover,blessinghasbeenon the way.
someof thepeoplewho comeinto this room."
My Easterprayerfor you is thatGod will like-wise,
This is the surpriseof EasteqGod'sability to bring blessyou this Easter!
astoundingand often amazinggood out of the bad
and sometimes,evil thingslife doesto us. God can Happy Easter,
redeemthe vilest things and bring us good out of . r''2
., Pastar q an
continued&om pg. 1
living for their futurebasedupona simpleconcept
everywhere. Everyw{rere.You stareat them and of forgiveness:we arenot definedby oul past,our
they at you, but the differenceis I am a visitor en cultureor our environment.
route to somewhereto do something.They iust
stare. The beauty of our workplace was, not any of
anybody'spast,matters.We werebuilding a place
The WatotoChurchof Ugandaprovidesa light at of learningfor childrenon the sideof a greenhill
the end of this long, dark tunnel. [t is investing in the middleof nowhere.
the future of the country in Ugandanchildren.
Childrenwtrobeginwith nothing,not evenparents, Thanksto technolory, an IPod, portablespeakers
and are blessedwith a future. Watoto literally and Jenny's awesomesong list, we laid bricks,
provideseverythingfor thesechildrenfreeof charge deliveredmortar,andstooduponscafiFolds dancing
and functions mainly off worldwrde donations. the day away to Bob Marley's insightful song
Childrenaregivena home,a mother,clothes,food, "CouldYouBe Loved,"which remindsus:
daily structureand an educationthrough the 12h Theroad of lfe is roclE and you maY
grade. Most importantly,Watotoprovidesa fuhre. stumbletoo,
"Raising future leaders",is their motto. It is a
Sowhileyou point yourfngers.
beautiful organizationdoing remarkableworks in Someoneelseisiudging yott.
this complex and confusing country.Their mission Loveyour brethrcn!
is clearlydefinedby thegraceof God. Checkit out Kelly Smith Hedberg
at :www.watoto.com. Mike andJanSmith'sdaughter

I aminspiredin somany'ffaysa.fterthisvisit. |Jotso i**NrFwii*hm*k*'-l;

mucha hopefulsensethatdrasticchangeif coming
for Ugandans.Their roadis long, changeis slow
and I am not an idealist. However,I am insanely
inspiredto continueto do basic,dailywork helping Directions
others. Believingin myself,othersandthe power A liule bo1,u,aswaitrng for his mother to come
out of the grocery store.As lte waited, he was
of servrcehasneverbeeneasierandfelt moreright approached by a manrvhoasked.
This is my mostimportantoccupation andjob title. me rr4rerethe Post is?"
Next time I completea visa form I know what to
"Sure! Just go straight
write. The little boy replied,
down this sfreeta couplea blocks andturn to your
Footnote: So,what really happened? "I'm
The man thankedthe boy kindly and said,
I traveledto Ugandawith a group of 24 peopleto the new pastorin town. I'd like for you to come
build two brickstructures:a portionof a classroom to churchon Sunday.I'll show you how to get to
and one floor of a teacher'shome in the Watoto Heaven."
vi Iiagesof SuutriI andll. I specificailyr,vorked
onthe "Awww,
The little boy replied with a chuckle.
classroomprojectfor 4-6hoursper day alongside comeon...Youdon't evenknow theway to thePost
Ugandanshiredby Watoto.Theseyoungmenwere OJ:fice."
extremelypatient and instructivewrth our burch
of chatty,unskilledandgiggly Americans.Their
pastswerea mysteryto me,but it wassuggestedby dates
o Holy Week,March28-Aprii3.2010
one Watotoemployeethat rebelforcesin northem 'lllrrrrsrlat',
" l,4aun<l'/{'Iol_y Aprii l, ?.{)11.)
Ugandahad previouslyforcedsomeof thesemen . Go<idFrul;ry,Apri t 2,.20 i ()
into a horrendous militarylife. This couldinclude " IJolySatur&'-', April 1.201(.)
all sortsof atrocities: murder,rape,tortureand all " Ear;tcrDa1',April 4. 201{i
" Csntral's\tr/atoto Celet'ration\l'cekcnd -
sortsof abuseI can'tevenconceive.Theyarenow A p r i l 9- l l , 2 0 1 0



>o4 eoat


, By the Numbers. CentralUMCMinistry. 2009

25- Peopleon the MissionTeamto Uganda raisedby UMW for Missionsby their
$39.250-Arnountraisedto buiid Dave'sHouse Boutiquessince2000
and Classroomin Uganda $177,699-Totalgivento MissionsandOutreach
20- Peopleinvolvedin our MissionBeyondOur projectsthtoughCental UMCfrom all
Walls TeamsTo Atlantic City sources*ris year
75- Averageattendanceat theAtlantic Ciq, Totalgivento CapitalImprovement
RescueMission Worshipled by our team projects
350-Averageattendanceat the lunchesserved 32- Youthinvolvedin youth.minist-y
by our team at SisterJean'sKitchen 150-Numberattending DVBS
104-Totalpeopleinvolvedin MusicMinistry 60-Numberinvolved.inow Outreachand
42- Numberof peoplein ChancelChoir MissionsTeams
16-PraiseTeamMembers 50- Peopleinvolvedin Bible Surdres
l0- TeenPraiseTeamMembers 40-Peopleinvolvedn){lYZ
l6- GenesisChoir Members 338-AverageSundayworshipattendance in
8- Guitar ClassMembers 20w
8- Bell Choir Members 17.902-Numberof peopleworslupping'r'r,ithusin
203-Totalpeopleinvolvedin WorshipMinistrl 2009
152-Total peopleserv'ingon all our Ministry 3 I - Numberof newmembersreceivedin 2009
Teams '/'/???-Number
of smileson people'sfacesbecause
120-Childrenandyouth involvedin Sunday of the ministry of this church.numberof
School heartsthat havebeencheered,soulsthat
7- Numberof UM WomenCircles beensaved,disciplesmade,hoperestored,
126- Wornennvolved in all dreIIM WomenCircles grief comforted,familiesmended,people
$22.477-Raisedfor Missionsby theUMW thisyear healedbecause ofour prayers

The Ways and Mean Committee
would like to congratulateJaneKubemusfor her
outstandingwomenof theyearaward.Shetruly has
*RA*H *,{}lff
WrAruS*lvfrffi workedsohardthe pastl0 years.Her heartandsoul
wasin everyminuteof her work. Somepeoplework
$P{ffilTtli&fl" andsomepeopletalk aboutit. ThanksJane,we love
Central United MethodistWomen had their l7n
Folks,putthisonyour calender!May l4th & I 5ththe
in OceanCityleaming
springBoutiqueSaleis coming.If youhaveanything
whatit meansto be oneof God'spebbles. to donatecalloneof thegalsontheWaysandMeans
Committe. Or if you would wantto comeandhelp
Remember, touchingandbeingtouched,in a series andenjoyhardwork andfellowshipwrth the ladtes,
ofripples is an inescabable
fact oflife. we start settingup May lOth. Many handsmake
God touchesus. work lighter.
We touch others.
Otherstouchus. Wearealsolookingfor oneswho wouldlike to come
What a blessingif we allow the lord to directall in on thelOthto help bring our wonderfulitemsup
from the basement.Sat.the lastday of our salewe
the ripplesin our lives.WeareGod'spebbles.
are alwayslooking for peopleto help breakdown.
By this time we are all tired and desperately
Wehada wonderfultimein fellowship,prayerand yourhelp.Thankyouagarnfor helpingto makethis
study.Our leaderNancy Swank did a marvelous a successfulLMW pro1ect.
job leadingus at the retreat.A goodtime was had
by all who attended WaysandMeansComrruttee
T h eG O i n q S - O n
Watts: af Centfal worfram

Thankyou for supporting theNeighbor- Editorial apologiesto Chuck - The March Courier
reprintedthe Februaryarticle, most of the following
hood Centerthis past year. Through was meantfor publicationlast month:
your contributionand thoseof others
The Board of Trusteeswill considera proposalto
like you, we areableto reachout to the install solar panelson the roof of the sanctuaryand
Camdencommunitywith the gospelof theEducationBuilding. If installedour heatingbills
u.ill decreme,andwe will buy the panelsfive years
JesusChrist,ministering to thephysical after installation. We believewe have lookedat the
andspiritualneedsof children,families proposalfrom everyangleand no downsidehasbeen
andindividuals. found. It shouldliterallypay for itself.
The ChurchCouncil approvedthe 2010 operating
budgetat their meetingon January25n.We anticipate
Below is a summaryof the gifts you revenuesof $548,780and expensesof $578,489
havegivento the Neighborhood
Cen-ter leavingus with a deficitof $.i0.000.We anticipate
in2009'. thatamountwill becut in half; we askedtheTrustees,
Media,NurtureandPublicRelationsto eachcuttheir
budgetby ten percentin whateverway they decide.
l2l08gift $ 1.000.00 This is a very austerebudgetand we are hoping for
an economlcrecovery.Althoughsomemembersof
3lA9 git\ $ 2,2A0.00 the Council would havepreferreda largerbudgetfor
4/49 gi $ 100.00 their own ministry, the only votes cast againstthe
5lA9 gift $_.._180
80 budgetwere castby Council chair Mike Wolf and
FinancechairCathyShippen,both of whom wanted
$ 3,480.00 a balancedbudget.
We have 15 youth in the confirmationclass.which
Sincerely, makesit the largestconfirmationclasswe'vehad in
TimothyP.Humeniuk quitersometjme. We'vehad largerclasses{theoneI
belongedto was)but the lastone that largewasover
Director a decadeago.
The Sundayeveningserviceis now our secondbest
attendedworship service. Since Christmas,until;
at leastthe end of January,everyone of the evening
serviceshashad at least50 personsin attendance.
Gerald Ihle, our pastorfor four months in 2004,
has written anotherbook. Who Does God Pral
?it/: long&ge com(tlicules'sitnple truth wss
publishedin Januaryby HopePublishingHouse
(HYPERLINK "htfp:i /wll.r,.hope-pub. corr/"_www
andcosts$15plustax. You canorder
the book from the publisher,or Amazon.com,or for
an autographed copy,the authorat ghihle@snip.net

willpievail .
Any newspaperor newscast
containsenoughbad news to
wreck any Christian'shope
for mankind.Wars,murders,
humaneactswe witnessdaily
canmakeus feelhopelessand

Yet despitethe great horror

in this world, we must not
despair.Our Lord said:
Son of Man will sendhis an-
gels,andthey will collectout
of his kingdomall causesof
sin andall evildoers.... Then
CENTRAL'S WATOTO the nghteouswill shinelike
the sun in the kingdom of
CELEBRATION WEEKEND theirFather"(Matthew13'.41,
A p r i9l - 1 12 0 1 0 . . 43, NRSV). God will always
have the last word. His truth
''Dave's House" Central LRIC is back andgoodnesswrll prevail.
from Ugandawherewe built a classroom
wi WatritoChildren'slvfinistrytn memory JamesRussellLowell wrote:
of'Dave Lewis.Norv we want to fill that
Thoughthecauseofevil prosper,
classroom with moresmilingfaces!Joinus Yet'tis truthaloneis strong:
at our WatotoCelebrationWeekend Thoughher porhonbe the scaf-
Specialeventsinclude:Friday - Godspell Anduponthethronebewrong;
at 7pm; Saturday- Lions Club Spaghetti Yetthatscaffoldswa-vs thefuture,
Dinrier al 4:i0prn. (iod.ipeli at Tytm Andbehindthedimunknown.
Standeth Godwithintheshadow
Sunday - Watoto Celebration Covered
l,)rshl.)innr:r'at5; lA/orship at 6. Acaclern-v-
Ai.r'aril\Vi mring.Iri i nr Warllani: e" at'i pnt.
All weekendlong - wanderthe displays,
vote in the Photo Contest,meet Watoto
USA representatives, leam how
I{upe" iri cirzurgtng the lives ol rvarrrapei
abusevictims, registerfor this sunmer's
African themed VacationBible School

A publicationof: Celtral UnitedMethodistChurch,5 W Marvin Ave.,Linrvood,NJ 08221,@9-921-4882;Editor: BarbaraE. Van

Sant.609-289-6242, bevansant@eanhlink.net; Copy Editor: LynneQuicksall,609641-7415;SeniorPastor: RonaldWatts'609-927-
tralumcnj@verizon. net. Visit our web site.www.centralumcnj.org-
The Courier is publishedmonthly to keep membersand liiends informedof prograrnsof the churchand to report newsaboutCentml's
type and e-maii the informationto the Editor. The Courier articlesmustbe submittedby the l0th ol the month prior to the issue.
believe in God and in
eachother."Thepeopleof The


"Sti3lr" ,rr:i##
""""f r""?Jffi!L?T,.tT?f'[f";r'3J,1,*..
',#$*litt" is askedto helpdesignated
by followingthe alphabetical
list. ,,u_'ffi,f;*t"

Month Congregation Committee Month CongregationCommittee

January A &B Staff Parish July L,M,N Tlustees

February C Youth August Atl Music

March D&E Finance September O'BQ'R Hospitality

April F&G XYZ'S October s,T,u Worship

May H Outreach November v,wx,Y, UMW

June I,J,&K Lav Ministrv December All Church

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