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Group 10

Janet Ma (15)
Sunny Lau (29)
Jeremy Mak (32)
Michael Wai (39)
Black Dog’s life

“ Ah! Ah!” This groan had been continuing since yesterday evening from this house.

There were a few people in the house. There was a young man who was called Bright Star.

He was the father-to-be. And he was waiting in the parlor on pins and needles. And there

was an old lady who was sitting next to Bright Star. She was Bright Star’s mother. She

looked anxious, but she kept saying “ No fear!” to her son. And in the room, there was

another old lady who was a midwife. She was helping the mother to deliver the baby.

Everyone looked nervous and excited, because a brand new life was being delivered;

yet this was not an easy process. Both the baby and the mother were in extreme danger.

They had been struggling for about 13 hours. The mother was tired and she groaned with

agony. And the midwife could see the baby’s little bloody head, but the main problem was

that the baby’s umbilical core was wound around the baby’s neck. If they could not fix it,

then the mother and the baby would both die. They tried many ways to help them, but all

proved vain. Suddenly, Bright Star said “ I am going to find a doctor. I don’t care whether

or not the doctor is a man. I only want to save my wife and my baby.” Bright Star rushed

toward the entrance and went away to find a doctor.

After about 30 minutes, Bright Star came back with an old man. He looked like a

professional doctor. The doctor entered the room, after a few minutes, he came out and

announced “ Listen, I am going to perform surgery to this lady. I will try my best to save

the mother and the baby, but you need to understand there is a risk, they might die, or they

might live. Absolutely, this is complicated surgery; I don’t want anyone to bother me while

I am doing the surgery, okay? I will do my best.”

During the surgery, the air inside the house seemed to condense. No one dared to

move, no one dared to make a noise, no one dared to speak, but everyone looked angry and

nervous. They were all angry with god and they were worried about the mother and the


“ Wa! Wa! Wa!” After about 2 hours, this harsh crying sound tore the weird

atmosphere. The condensed air suddenly went away and everyone was relieved and they

started to move. The house was full of the smell of sweet blood and joy.

“ The baby is a boy. The mother passed out, but she is okay. she is just too tired. I will

give you a prescription. It’s for the mother.” The doctor said languidly with a tired voice

came out with a small, naked, bloody baby.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you very much, doctor.” Bright Star and his mother kept

saying “thank you” to the doctor. And the cheer and excitement on their faces were the best

description of their wonderful happiness.

A year later, Black Dog was already a cute one-year-old, and this family’s outlook

seemed quite stable. But it was just the silence of the coming hurricane; something really

bad was coming. Accidentally, Bright Star met an American lady, called Whitlaw Jam. She

was a very successful merchant and she handled a lot of trading business between China

and America. Bright Star and Whitlaw became very close friends, and one day, at the wrong

time, a wrong place, they got into an immoral relationship. They fell in love. But Whitlaw

needed to go back to America, she wanted Bright Star to be with her, but Bright Star

hesitated because of Black Dog. After some struggles, Bright Star chose to go to America

with Whitlaw and he decided to tell everything to his wife.

“ Rose, come on, I got something very important to tell you.” Bright Star kept drinking


“ Yes, dear, I’m coming.”

“ Rose, I need you to listen carefully to each word that I say. It’s important, very important.

I am going to America to work and I will bring our son, Black Dog with me. He will study

there. And I will send money to you regularly. That will be okay for the daily expenses for

you and Mother.”

“ Oh, Bright Star, you are lying. You are going to America with that Whit… Whitlaw Jam, I

know there something between you two. She has slept with you, right? I am not going to let

you bring Black Dog to America. He is my son.” Rose shouted to Bright Star hysterically.

“You bitch, I am not asking for your permission. Listen, Black Dog is my son. I am going

to America with Whitlaw and Black Dog anyway. You have no right to stop my decision. I

am just letting you know, okay? I am warning you, don’t ruin my plan. I don’t love you. I

love Whitlaw. Anyway, I will leave as fast as I can. After I leave, you can still live your

stable life. I will give you money, ” Bright Star shouted back angrily and he left the house.

After a few months, Bright Star, Whitlaw and Black Dog went to America. They lived

together and Whitlaw became Black Dog’s mother. And Bright Star and Whitlaw’s

relationship was quite stable. Black Dog grew up like other normal kids and he studied in

the local school, but poor Black Dog didn’t know anything about China, Rose and himself.

It seemed that Bright Star and Whitlaw withheld the truth from Black Dog.

Such life had continued for fourteen stable years until one summer day. It was raining

cats and dogs that day and Black Dog was just after school. When he got home, he saw a

letter on the table. He opened it and read what the letter. He was shocked by the fact that his

mother was gone and he knew the most loving person, his mother was gone. The letter was,

Dear Bright Star,

When you see this letter, I will have already gone. I am very disappointed with you. I have

told you that I almost die but you didn’t react. Anyway, I hope you and your Whitlaw Jam

will have a pleasant life!

Hate, Rose

P.S. The last thing I beg you, please take care of my son, Black Dog.

Black Dog ran to the kitchen to find Bright Star. “ I don’t know what happened to you,

but you look like very scared.” Bright Star said.

“ You did it! You did it!” Black Dog shouted.

“Sorry, what the hell are you saying?”

“What the hell am I saying? That’s what I should ask you! My mother is not Whitlaw!”

“ Listen, Son. Your mother is Whitlaw!”

“ Damn you! Stop lying to me! She isn’t!”

“ For God’s sake, tell me, what the hell is going on?’

“ I have just seen the letter from my real blood mother, she has just left our home!” Black

Dog cried like a baby.

At the moment, Bright Star was rushing to the parlor and grabbling the letter.

“ Alright, now, I just want to proclaim that Rose and I had separated fourteen years ago. It’s

fourteen years!”

Black Dog kept crying.

“ Come on, my son, don’t act like a baby.”

“Don’t touch me with your dirty hand, you idiot! I don’t need your sympathy!”

After saying that, Black Dog ran away from the house. He had sworn that he would

never go back to this house, this disgusting house again. He hated his father. He hated his

fake mother, Whitlaw. He hated the whole world.

That night, bright Star went to a bar. And very accidentally, he saw Whitlaw Jam. And

beside Whitlaw Jam, there sat a young handsome boy.

“ By golly! Why are you here?” Whitlaw asked.

“ Why am I here? Why am I … Why are you here with this little? Who is he?” Bright Star

shouted angrily.

“ Hullo, I am Whitlaw Jam ‘s boyfriend. My name is Clap Clap. Nice to meet you.” Clap

Clap said with a haughty smile.

“ You are her boyfriend, then who am I? Oh my holy God, what the hell?”

Suddenly, Bright Star felt very dizzy. When he woke up, he realized that he was in

hospital. And beside his bed, he found a paper on the table. He could indistinctly see that

was a divorce paper. “Cok! Cok! Cok!” A woman with blond curly hair came in to the


“ Who are you?” Bright Star asked with a questioning face.

“ I am Black Dog’s school headmaster. I don’t know what’s going on with Black Dog, but

he hasn’t come to school for two days.”

“ WHAT?” Bright Star could not believe his ears.

“ You say that Black Dog didn’t go to school for two days already?”

“ Yes, that’s exactly what I have told you.”

Bright Star took a deep breath and told the headmaster about what had happened with

Black Dog, Rose, Whitlaw and himself.

After the headmaster heard this story, she called all the teachers and her friends to find

Black Dog. And Bright Star also put all of his effort into finding Black Dog. And this kept

going for five years, but unfortunately, they did not receive any feedback.

In the following years, Bright Star ran a company with good income so that he could

spend a lot of money in employing people to find Black Dog.

One day, when Bright Star was enjoying his breakfast and reading the newspaper, he

discovered that the full name of Black Dog appeared in the headline of the newspaper. The

news was Black Dog, who had joined the brotherhood, helped the brotherhood to carry

opium to China to earn money therefore he could buy opium. The judge punished him very

hard. He needed to live in the jail for twenty years. Bright Star just shook his head to make

sure that he wasn’t dreaming, but it was true that he had succeeded. He finally found Black

Dog! He immediately took bus to the jail at which Black Dog was staying.

“ Success! Success!” He kept on muttering on the bus like he was as mad as a hatter.

When he arrived at the jail, he immediately applied to meet with Black Dog.

“ Hey! Are you Black Dog?” Bright Star asked doubtfully, because he could not believe this

beggar-liked man was his son.

“ Yep, Who the hell are you? I don’t know the…”

“ I am your father! You idiot, where have you been? Why did you carry drugs to China?

Don’t you know that’s illegal, ah? You are stupid. Anyway, it’s good that you little dog are

still alive. You know that I have put a lot of effort into you! You know that! You know that,

sometimes I want to pretend that I don’t have son, but I can’t, because I am this mouse’s

father!” Bright Star interrupted before Black Dog finished his sentence. The bitterness that

Bright Star had accumulated for this few years was exploding.

“ Ha, Bright Star, Bright Star, my dearest father. Yep, I am an idiot. I am a fool. I am a

mouse! I should have forgive you that day. Otherwise I wouldn’t be a prisoner, but I am not

regretting for what I have done, I am glad that I become a degenerate. That’s my destiny. I

deserve this life. Now, I should hate you, I should punch your face, but I am not going to do

that, because I am too tired to hate anyone. If I need to hate something, I will hate the

whole world. Ha!” Black Dog laughed whimsically and the laughter makes people feel


“ My life is a dung. That night made up the now me! That night, I was damn angry and I

went to a disco. I kept on drinking and I was wondering why would you lie to me for such a

long time. If I didn’t notice the letter, how long would you lie to me? Forever? I thought

that no one was trustworthy; everyone was a liar, the whole world was lying to me. I was

going to give up myself. While I was drinking and thinking, some street gangsters stroke up

a conversation with me, I guessed I looked like a street gangster and they said we were the

same, we were forgotten by the society and we are despised by the whole universe. At that

time, a fabulous idea came up in my mind; I wanted to commit suicide. At first, I was

thinking I should cut my wrist, but a second later, I realized that cut my wrist is painful,

though pain is nothing to me anymore, so I thought of a delightful way to kill myself—

abuse drugs. Maybe I was drunk, but my mind was still clear, I knew these kind of people

got their way to deal with drugs, so that I asked my “fellows” what if their could get me

some opium. The word “opium” seemed to be a powerful word. They looked very excited

and obviously they knew what to do. After the last bottle of beer, we left the bar and went

to a place with sin, dirt and opium. At that place, I tried the opium and I didn’t want to die

anymore, I realized that there’s something good in my life, it’s worthy to live for opium,

and the idea of commit suicide had gone like smoke. You know what, I can still remember

my first try of opium, nothing can compare with the happiness that opium gives me, neither

sexy girls nor money. Hah, Bright Star, you might hate opium, but don’t you notice that

opium saves my life, though it ruins my life at the end. Isn’t it ridiculous? Hah, life is


“ Then…” Bright Star hesitated, he felt sorrowful to his son, he felt ashamed that he

actually knew nothing about his son and in fact, he also ruined his son’s life.

“ Then… why did you join the brotherhood?” Bright Star still asked this stupid question,

because he didn’t know what to say after he had heard his son’s story, even though he

already knew the answer.

“ Why the hell do you want to know about that? I will tell you. I have a lot of time, but I

remind you, it’s boring. Don’t get sleepy, it’s just another stereotyped story, the same

destiny of a drug-addict. I got addicted and I got no money, and I knew I could buy better

opium in a cheaper way if I joined the brotherhood. I joined the brotherhood, and I needed

to work for them. I wanted to earn more money, so I chose the high-risk job. At last, I was

under arrest, and then I was sent to jail. Boring, ah? I know it’s boring but that’s my life, my

ridiculous life! Hah, it sounds funny, but if you become addicted to drugs, you will hold a

one-way ticket on the destiny train; you will have the same destiny as mine, whether you

are rich or poor. Hah! The same destiny.”

“ Ah…”

“Hey Father, take it easy, I am totally okay. 20 odd years are nothing to me. After these 20

years, maybe I will get addicted to opium again, or I will find a girl and get marry. I don’t

know. It depends on our holy God. Oh, ye, how is my American mother? Is she okay?”

“ Whitlaw, ah, she, actually I have already separated with that bitch at the day that you


“ Oh! Really? Why?”

And Bright Star started talk about the things happened that night.

“ Ha! Ha! Ha!” Black Dog was laughing nonstop.

“ Hey, why the hell are you laughing, you silly boy!” Bright Star blushed a bit.

“ Ha, ha, ha! Guess what, really, after I have read that letter that afternoon, I had a feeling

that you two were going to break up.” Black Dog was still laughing when he spoke.

“ Time’s up” the prison guards said and they walked towards Black Dog.

“ I’m sorry, son!” Bright Star said.

“ I guess I accept your apology, but don’t you think it’s too late?” Black Dog shouted back

while he was walking to his cell with the two prison guardians.

After that meeting, the ice was broken. Bright Star worked very hard in his company

and Black Dog was trying to get away from the brotherhood. The time was going on and on

and everyone did their best and that’s already 20 years. It’s a grand day for Black Dog. He

was free. That night, Bright Star organized a party for the revival of Black Dog. Black Dog

started work in Bright Star’s company. But after a few pleasant days, the brotherhood went

to find Black Dog.

“ If you go back and work for us, you, your family and your company will be okay, but if

you don’t, you and your family are dead. You know too much, I am giving you a chance to

live. Don’t be a fool, I know you are smart, and you know what exactly you need to do!” A

notorious killer in brotherhood said.

Black Dog struggled for whole night, it’s a big decision to him, he didn’t want to ruin

the company, he knew it’s not worthy to use the company and his father’s life to gamble

with the god, but it’s hard to give up this stable life after he had lived in jail for 20 odd

years, but at last he rather ruined his own life, he went back to the brotherhood and he

hadn’t go home for three days.

” Where here have you been?” Bright Star noticed the opium smell from Black Dog.

“ You bastard, you took opium again, didn’t you?” Bright Star shouted to Black Dog madly.

Black Dog nodded his head instead of answered his father.

“ Why, you were being good for 20 years, and now you give up for this damn opium! You

answer me, you bastard!”

Black Dog didn’t answer and he stared at the black sky that he hadn’t seen for 20 odd years.

“ Get out, you should never come back, I won’t care about you anymore, when you are sent

to jail again, don’t let me know. If you want to die, just go to die. I am here to proclaim that

you are not my son. You son of bitches!”

Black Dogs went away with a broken heart; he muttered “ Life is ridiculous as I said

before. I get the drug-addict’s destiny. That’s my destiny. Yep, father, you are right, I am

son of a bitch. I deserve to be a degenerate. I am a sinner. The day I born, I made such hard

luck to my mother, I am destined to be a degenerate. I am a fool. I am holding my one-way

ticket! Life is ridiculous! God, you are fooling me. Do you think that 20 years in jail is

really nothing for me? Can you imagine you cannot have a glance at the night for 20 years?

HaHa… destiny…HaHa…” Black Dog laughed eccentrically and you could feel his hatred

to the world!


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