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P 0 -

Mark & Lynn Pratt


3182 Tokiwa, Machida City

Tokyo 194-02, Japan
Ph. 0427-97-191^

r u


T e-gan.

Mark's Epistle)

Forwarding Address

Overseas Address

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

Paul & Kathleen Pratt

2910 E. 98th St.

Indianapolis, IN 46200
Ph. 317-344-3659

1210 Kamikasuya, laehara City

Kanagawa ken 259-ll Japan

Ph. 046>95-1019

Vol. 24, February, I98O

Dear friends,

Christmas was a rewarding time. But it was also so hectic that it's hard to remember exact
ly what we did! There were special meetings, services, cookie baking, caroling, parties.

Many cards and boxes were received from you. Thanks so much for thinking of us.
In the last letter, I mentioned wanting to check out the activities of a weird club on
campus, the "Christ Research Group." But with all the other end-of-the-year business

(Japanese school year ends in February), I didn't get around to it. I'll do my best to
report on this in the next letter.

I'm really excited to say that when the school starts in April, I'll be teaching more Bible
than ever. I'll retain my Bible Survey class in the junior high; and I've also been asked
to have an Introduction to Christianity class in the college. The neatest part about this
is that I get to choose the material. I'll be using mainly Francis Schaeffer's He is There
and He is Not Silent and Josh McDowell's More Than a Carpenter.

We have many students (Christian and non-Christian) who are interested in going to
America. They often ask our advice as to where they should go and what they should do.
We want to introduce them to Christian families, because your love and witness could

be a big influence on their lives. So we'd like to have "on file" some names of people
who are interested in providing one of the following:
1. room for rent

2. room free of charge J

several months

3* place for student for short visit (a few weeks)

4, place a student could contact in case of emergency only (that is, something
unexpected happened and student needs a temporary place to stay)

Of course, you will not be under any obligation, IF an opportunity arises, we'll con
tact you with complete details. At that time you may give a definite "yes" or "no."
Please fill in your name, address, and phone number on the other side of this form.
Add any other comments you have.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will

reap a harvest if we do not give up (Gal. 6:9 Niv).

With my private English-Bible class, too, the majority of my teaching at Obirin will be

Bible, instead of English as it has been.

The students are asking for (and I see the need for) a fellowship hour. It seems nearly
impossible to add anything else to our schedule, but we must find time for this
probably Thursday or Friday evenings. This fellowship hour should be underway by the
next newsletter; so we can give a detailed report then.

Just a note on how things are going at Isehara with Dad awayWe are, of course, helping
out; and yet we are trying to stay in the background as much as possible. This is a good
experience for the church people. For example, Dad always has a place in the bulletin to
show who is down for the next week's responsibilities; that is, pianist, testimony, special

music, greeter, etc. It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to keep this going. About
two months after Dad left, we arrived at church one Sunday to see this part of the bulletin
totally blank. Mr. Kato threw his hands up in the air and said, "This scheduling is im

possible!" One of the ladies said, "We are learning just how much Mr. Pratt has to dol"
Sincerely yoursand His,

Mail this form to;



Phone Number:
Other comments:

Mark & Lynn Pratt, c/o Mary Lou Bauer, 2910 E. 98th St.,
Indianapolis, IN ^6280

P o

r u


no T e-gami

(Paul 8- Mark's Epistle)



"The people that walked in darkness have

seen a great light:"
Isaiah 9:2

Forwarding ^ Furlough Add.

c/o Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer
2910 E. 98th St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana, 46280

Campus Ministry Add,

Mark & Lynn Pratt
3182 Tokiwa,
Machida City, Tokyo, 194-02
Vol. XXIII, No. 2, Spring, 1980

Dear friends,

Kathleen and I, personally


enjoyed it. And, besides, we find audiences that want to share in what God has done. We talked
recently with the minister and two members of a denominational church. "Our church simply sends

it's budgeted amount to headquarters.

We seldom know or see the results of our giving.



may proclaim the need for going and challenge his people eloquently to world evangelism. However
there remains the need for a first hand knowledge of the field, the battles and the

which the missionaries alone can give.

So, following New Testament precedent we are


For Paul and Barnabas "declared all things that God had done with them,...they caused great joy
unto all the brethren."

(Acts 15:3,4)

Addison Bowers from the Fayette City, Pa. Church reminds us that:
In the Christian life we must lose to gain,
we must g'ive to obtain,
we must
humble to ^ exalted,
we must

the least .p become the greatest.

we must die in order to live.

John and Libby Mennix became Christians at Mishawaka, Indiana, twenty-seven years ago under
our ministry there. In 1963 they moved to Anderson, S.C. with their three children. Being
welcome at the non-instrumental church there they began meeting in their home in order to estab
lish a New Testament Church. Through much prayer, determination and patient teaching they now

have a growing group. Brother Ralph Clark is working with them, now and they have acquired an
adequate building. It was thrilling for us to visit there and see the results of-their labor.
Mrs. C.J. Sharp is a member of the Attica Christian Church, Indiana. She was thrilled


we told of using her husband's New Training For Service for teaching in Japan. Mr. Harold Cole
(also deceased) had arranged for it's translation into Japanese and printed it years ago. Thus,
her husband, "being dead, yet speaketh" in another tongue.


New Anderson, S.C. church bldg.

Libby, John, Grandson Paul & Kath.

Mrs. C.J.Sharp & Paul


Miss Sachiko Hashimoto has returned to Japan. She will be attending Osaka Bi

ble Seminary as of the April semester instead of Dallas Christian College. She graduated from a
Christian Junior College, speaks English quite well and truly loves the Lord. (See Paul's Epis
tle, Spring, 1979).

She will represent the Sannobara Church well at O.B.S.

Meanwhile, back at Isehara:

March 2nd was a day to remember.

Mark told us of Mrs. lizuka,

who came for the first time on Christmas eve about her serious illness.

She had received a Bible

from the church in September. Fearing that she was going to die and leave her husband and child
she came for counsel. She has not missed a service since. Mark and Sarah Burney and other per
sons in the church continue counselling with her. On the 2nd, having learned it was a tumor she
utilized our free prayer time and prayed for twenty minutes. She pleaded with the Lord to spare
her life but resigned herself to accept the Lord's will. She expressed her belief in God, then

expressed her repentance to Him,

pray daily at 12:00 noon

There was notl a dry eye in the house. The group resolved to

(that is 10:00 PM EST) for (1) Mrs. lizuka's health and faith and


(2) Mark and Lynn's new fund-raising program *20/20 Vision'. It is being launched this month in
anticipation of building in 1981.


The Isehara Church now has flush toilets. The $1200 renovation program completed in March
was paid for from church funds. Since two persons in the congregation have wheelchairs, the seat
style was installed and by popular demand the other was a Japanese style. So, if you visit our

church probably instead of 'his' and 'hers' you jwill see 'Western Style' and 'Japanese Style*.

We spent January in Indiana and Michigan except for the two-day visit at Lincoln Christian
College for a Faith Promise Rally. Buchanan was the one church in Michigan while we visited the
Southview Church in South Bend. Two other stops were with the Odon, Ind. Church and Old Union
Church near Bedford, Ind. In February we spoke at Great Lakes Bible College and the

Church at Shepherd, Mich. We returned to Ohio for programs at Hamersville, Chillicothe (Bridge
St. Church) and the Clear Creek Church in Ashland. We made new friends at the Center Village
Church, Galena before our visit back to Attica, Ind. and the South Side Church in Danville, 111.
During the next two weeks we made our longest trip to Bradenton, Fla. (First Christian). We made
stops along the way at Heaton Church, Elk Park, N.C., the West Side Church, Elizabethton and the

Brick Church, Watauga in Tenn.

We had three opportunities at Atlanta Christian College.


back we spent time with the First Christian Chur'ch at Anderson, S.C. The remaining part of March
we spent in Indiana at Gosport and New Market, ill a Missionary Rally at Wanata, with the Central
Christian Church, Carmel and the Dean Ave.Church!, Terre Haute. These visits, too, go by all too

Someday, over there, we'll all sit down for a long visit together.

In December we met Pauline ^ Mark Maxey at Cicero, Ind. In January Larry Lambdin came to
Indianapolis (we stayed with his folks in Florida). On our trip to Lincoln we met Michiko Fukoe,
Ruth ^ Dave Hinson and stayed with Paul ^ Rickie Clark. We met Jon Sims and Junei Toroura at the
Cincinnati Bible College and welcomed Yuichi Nakagawa who came from Isehara,.to attend Cincinnati
Technical College. The Dale Wilkinson family came to our Bridge St. program at Chillicothe in
February. We were surprised that Steve Boulton ^.s working on his masters program at Emmanuel and
is ministering at Elk Park, N.C. (He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Claire Boulton who labored for

many years in Okinawa.) We met Rick Kelly, briefly at Atlanta Christian College. All of you know
these as persons who have been or will be involved in mission work in Japan. We go back in July.



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CAMPUS MINISTRY Central Japan Christian Mission


Mark & Lynn Pratt

3182 Tokiwa, Machida City

Tokyo 194-02, Japan
Ph. 0427-97-1914
Forwarding Address

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

2910 E. 98th St.

Indianapolis, IN 46280
Ph. 317-844-3639

p o - r u no T e-i^uBL
(Paul Sc Mark's Epistle)

CJCM address
Paul & Kathleen Pratt

1210 Kandkasuya, Isehara Cily

Kanagawa ken 259-11 Japan

Ph. 046>95-1019
Vol. 24, May, I98O

Dear friends,

We helped Stan Buttray

make history the first week of April when we participated in the

very first camp held in his new facilities.

Twelve of the 60 campers were from Obirin

Junior High School. Here are samples of the comments we received: " I want to become a
Christian, but my mother says the Shinto god we worship is the same god that sent Jesus,
so it won't profit anything." "Because of this camp I have become interested in the
Bible. I would like to go again."

I happened to be talking to a teacher friend Mr. Uchiyama one day when we met up with a

girl from the Christ Research Group. (Their actual name is "Works of the True Light."

"Christ Research Group" is just a name they made up in order to be allowed on campus.)
Anyway, the girl claimed that Mr. Uchiyama could be healed of the severe headaches that

were troubling him if he would just come to their meeting place. Anxious to see what went
on, I went along. Upon entering the building we were asked to bow before the altars of
three gods: the "almighty god," the "god who made the lands," and the "honorable savior"

(a picture of the man who founded the religion). Mr. Uchiyama complied. I refused. The
members insisted that I bowuntil the girl who had brought us explained, "He doesn't
want to because he's a Christian." So, the Christ Research Group would not expect a

Christian to bow before their gods. Interesting. Oh, yes, about Mr. Uchiyama's head
achesHe was "healed." But he got much worse later. We have talked several times. I
gave him a New Testament to heal his soul and introduced him to a chiropractor friend to
heal his body.

The Bible classes that I'm teaching in Japanese take lots of preparation; but they
naturally, much more rewarding than just the English classes. I was happy that six
students signed up for the Introduction to Christianity class, an elective course.
senior girl enrolled even though she won't get credit. I'm counseling a girl from
junior high class who wants to be baptized.

Fellowship Hour at our house


We did begin our Fellowship Hour for Obirin Students on Thursday nights. The first night
we had 20 people in our 12* x 12' living room. This nxiraber included Stan and Sally
Jewell, a couple from Camp Zama Army Base, who are helping out. Each meeting includes
music, Bible lesson, English fun (games or slides), snacks, and free conversation. The
first night went really well with the fellowship "hour" lasting about four hoursi
Our timing in beginning the Fellowship Hour was perfect. (Why does it surprise us so
when God works in His wonderful, all-knowing way?) Within two weeks we received calls

from two different colleges. Each had a few students interested in some kind of young
people's meeting that included English and Bible. Did we have something like that? As
a matter of fact ....

With this number of people coming, we have decided to have the program on Wednesday
nights and repeat it on Thursdays. This divides the crowd, making everyone a little more
comfortable. Having these meetings in the living room puts some strain on the family,
but the homey atmosphere is relaxing. The students are asking many searching questions.

The programs we have recently begun and ones Iwe still need to begin are screeuning out
for proper facilities. "20/20 Vision," the fund-raising campaign for our combination
campus house and residence, is underway. We are very grateful to those of you who are

helping in this project. We ask that all of you continue to pray that the funds will
come in soon.

Regular readers are aware of our busy

schedule and know how much we could

use an extra hand.

So we're glad

to announce that help is on the wayl

Robin Randell, a K.C.C. girl, will
be coming in November, I98O, to
spend a year with us. If you would j

like to contribute financially for

Robin's stay, send your checks


(designated for her) to our regular A

forwarding address.


Sincerely yoursand His,

"Mark PrattPicasso Style"

entry at camp art contest
Winner of the "Draw
Hark Pratt" art

contest at camp

CAMPUS MINISTRY Central Japan Christian Mission

p o


Mark & Lynn Pratt

)V d)
no T e-ipisi

- ^ u

(Paul & Mark's Epistle)

3182 Tokiwa, Machida City

Tokyo 19^-02, Japan

Ph. 0427-97-191^
Forwarding Address

CJCM address

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

Paul & Kathleen Pratt

2910 E. 98th St.

1210 KamiHasuya, Isehara City

Indianapolis, IN 46280

Kanagawa ken 259-11 Japan

Ph. 317-844-3659

Ph. 046>95-1019

Vol. 24, August, 1980

As we prepared the address labels to send this newsletter to you, just seeing your names
reminded us of your continued interest in the work in Japan. Thank you all so much.
There is much to tell you, as always:

The leaders for the Obirin English Seminar asked me again this year to be on their camp
program. This camp was strictly for English practice, but it gave me a chance to get to
know 22 students a little better. The material I prepared was Bible-centered. I taught
some Christian songs, and one guy commented, "These songs are much better than today's
popular songs, because they're about things that will last."
I wasn't able to remain for
the whole camp. After getting home on Saturday night, I unloaded camp bags; then we loaded
other bags and the family and headed for Isehara. To make a long story shortsome lost
keys, the lateness of the hour, the heat all spelled frustration. We finally had to break
into the house and got to bed about 11:3C

Then up at 5:00 Sunday morning to pick up ray folks at the airport.

We're glad to have

them back from America. The church people are, tooespecially Mr. Kato, who when he saw
Dad, jumped up and gave him a good ol' American-style hugl

On Monday we picked up the Walter Maxey family who had come from Kagoshima by car ferry.
And on Tuesday Walter and I left by motorcycle for the Japan Christian Convention in

Sapporo. Mary Maxey and their two kids stayed and visited with Lynn and our kids for the
10 days. We had all looked forward to this for a long time. Actually, though, the motor
cycle trip turned out to be very tiring. And Mary and Lynn's visit turned out to be a lot of
refereeing for the kids. Still, as the folks back home used to say, "A good time was had
by alii"

I returned from the convention to some good news. High school week of camp had been
held; and three of my Obirin girls had made the decision to study the Bible more seriously
toward becoming Christians.

Next we had a busy week rounding up kids for college week of camp which Dad will lead
the first of September. And we prepared for junior high week which I led. Our good friend
Hideto Yoshii came up from Kitakyushu to be our main speaker. We had a great week even
though we only had 8 campers. In class, the kids asked questions like: "What is the dif
ference between Buddhism and Christianity?" and "How do you know Jesus really resurrected
from the dead?" Even going home in the car, the campers were trying to quote the Bible
verses they had learned.

The Obirin Christian Club has asked me to have a part in their camp the first of Sep


Soon after that we'll be in full swing with our really busy schedule as school


Before the next newsletter is printed, Robin Randall

will be here.

We're thankful for her willingness to

come and work with us for one year.

She will be

helping with Karis's school, some of our English jobs,

preparation for classes and meetings, etc. She still

needs regular monthly support. Anyone who wants to

provide for this 1-YEAR INTERNSHIP should contact our



You may have noticed that our last several newsletters did not appeal to you for money
for the new building. It had been our experience that general appeals just did not bring the
desired results. So we zeroed in on a direct appeal. "20/20 Vision" asked 20 people to
each enlist 20 others and for all of them to give a specific amount toward the building. It
was hoped that this campaign would bring in the total funds.

To date around 815000 has come in. However, several people couldn't give the requested
amount. Others felt they could not give at all. This means that there is still quite a bit
needed, although more is expected to come in.

Until now, whenever you received a general a^jpeal, you may have been tempted to think one
of two things:

1. "My gift is too small." It is often saidj that "no gift is too small." This is cer
tainly true. If each person receiving the letter gave'even a few dollars, the building
worries would virtually be over.
2. "My gift is too big." Now that sounds like a new onei

But isn't it true that we

wonder: "Oh, someone else probably already gave." Or "What will they do if they go over
the goal?" That's a legitimate question. And here's the answer: IF we receive more than

the 880,000 estimated for the building, there's still about 880,000 left to pay on the land

You can be assured that YOUR GIFT whether "too small" or "too big" will be used for
the land/building project. It will compensate for original "20/20 Vision" contacts who were
unable to help.

We don't feel it's wise to wait. The value of our land has doubled in two years. What
if we had waited to buy? Wowl Building costs, too, are soaring. This building is very
simple by American standards; but it's a most important and necessary facility for the
churches of Christ in the Tokyo area. At preseiit all of metropolitan Tokyo (population:

12,000,000^ only has 9 churches of Christ. You can imagine what this means if you consider
what it'd be like to have only 9 churches for the combined population of the states of
Illinois, Indiana, and Kentuckyl
Our campus building will house the first church of Christ

in Machida, Tokyo our city of over a quarter of a million people. THE NEED IS NOWl

campus house/residence
csm't| become a reality through
We know that. But it is possible "as

^ our own efforts.


help us by your prayers" (2 Cor. 1:11, NIV). If you IB I .

as our partners will join us in daily prayer, together we W
can claim Proverbs 16:
"Commit to the Lord whatever

your plans will succeed."


put ing tog^ er


Walter and I
take a few

minutes to


rest on the
way to Sapporo,

and sending out

info for "20/20"

Sincerely yoursand His,


CAMPUS MINISTRY Central Japan Christian Mission

P o - r u no T


Mark & Lynn Pratt

(Paul & Mark's Epistle)

3182 Tokiwa, Machida City

Tokyo '19^-02, Japan

Ph. 0^27-97-191^

Forwarding Address

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

2910 E, 98th St.

Indianapolis, IN 46200

Ph. 517-B44-3659

UJCM address
Paul & Kathleen Pratt

1210 Kamikasuya, Isehara City

Kanagawa ken 259-11, Japan
Pii- 046>95-1019
Vol. 24, November, I98O

Dear friends,

Sunday afternoon October 26 saw Korakuen baseball stadium filled to capacity50,000.

The Tokyo Giants vs. the Hiroshima Carps? No.

The Billy Graham crusadel

It was thrilling

to see people pouring into the stadium for the eventthe largest single Christian gather

ing in the history of JapanI

The Japanese are basically "group (follow the crowd) people"

in contrast to "individual (do your own thing) people." The cultural background of Japan
hinders many from becoming Christians. But on top of that, it's difficult to become a
Christian simply because no one else seems to be doing it. Surely the "individuals" in
that stadium must have been impressed with the fact that a "group" of that size had at

least some interest in Christianity. As the 55000-voice choir sang "The Hallejulah Chorus"

we truly sang in our hearts, "Hallejulahfor every contact made for the Lord here todayl"
Thanksgiving Day for us here is always celebrated with the other area missionaries. But
this year we felt like celebrating Thanksgiving on Nov. 10 when Robin Randall arrived to
work with us for one year. This and the next few newsletters will feature a short column
by her.

With a third person here you'd think we'd all be taking it easy now. However, we're
all working very hardwe're just getting more done than before. It's especially good to

be getting at things that have had to go undone for a long time. In spare minutes when
we could rest, the kids seem to keep us hopping. The most adventurous recent event was the
day Cason and friend (both still 5) decided they were big enough to take a trip on the
city bus. We found them after 1/2 hours; the bus driver had taken them to the police station.
All was wellafter we calmed down, the driver sighed relief, and the officer gave a rather
strict warning to the boys.


In the last newsletter

we compared Tokyo's
population of 12,000,000
to the combined popu
lation of three states.

Those should be Indiana,

Kentucky, and Tennessee

(not Illinois)* Sorryl

Sept. 'oO Obirin Chri
Club Camp. I spent on
with the eight campers

Dear Christian Friends,


I arrived in Tokyo on November 10th

FESTIVAL the day I arrived

after spending five days with my aunt

in Hawaii. Being in Hawaii around the
different nationalities of people was
a good adjustment period. Things are

quite different in Japan, although

J jH

there are a lot of similarities, such


as MacDonald's, Pepsi machines, and

signs not only written in Japanese


but also in English.


One of the biggest differences be- . J !

tween Japan and America is the cost

L G ^.'crything. It's shocking to buy

half of what you buy in the U.S. but


pay twice as much for it. Mark and

Lynn weren't kidding when they said


Japan was expensive.


Right now I am teaching Karis second grad . I am also teaching English to a group of
four men from a chemical research company. C) erall, I am merely trying to help Mark and
Lynn with their busy schedules.

Thank you so much for your support throug prayer and financial aid. I pray I will do
my best for the Lord. I pray the Lord will w^ rk through me to help win the world to Christianity. May the Lord bless you through thl very special time of the year when we remember
the greatest gift sent from God, His Son Jes' s Christ.

Regular -readers will recall that I mentioned three of my Obirin girls had made the
decision at camp to study toward becoming Christians. I am counseling with them once a
week. Two of them have not yet told their parents that they want to be baptized; so it
remains to be seen whether any opposition arises. But if all goes well, they have expressed
the desire to be baptized at Christmas.

We recently learned that two of my junior high students have been regularly attending

a denominational church. Sometimes we're templted to wonder if our teaching is really having
any effect. So it's rewarding to hear about these young people who are beginning to seek.

We are approaching the 1/3 mark on our way to a goal of $80,000 for the building fund.

Many, many friends, both in Japan and also in the U.S., are praying daily toward the
realization of this campus house/residence.

^?he teachers and students at Obirin have

already contributed $2,800. Our church here :at Isehara hopes to contribute Si,000 and

are well on their way. One couple in the Sta1;es, upon receiving the fall "20/20 VisionM
letter, promptly sent S200 with a note: "Thani:s for asking us." Our 73 churches of

Christ/Bible study groups throughout Japan are responding. One wrote: "Please forgive

us for not sending more than this S50 . . . .. Our entire church is joining our hearts

in prayer for your project."

Building materials will soon be ordered, Ec. Thomas of World Mission Builders is trying
to put together a group of fifteen carpenters to arrive on March 3, I981, This project
has been a real faith-strengthener, because we've had to proceed with plans not really

knowing whether the money would come in or not. Perhaps this is the first time we can

honestly say that we have turned everything over to Him. It is an incredible experience!
Our THANKSGIVING for your concern has nevei been more heartfelt.
We wish each of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

And we ask for your continued support through this next HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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