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name Juan Franchos is a form of nickname for someone aka as Johan Valen, which is also a name largely
untraceable from that point in time and back...forward yes, but seemingly unrelated. Another descriptor was
an Italian from Aragon.
All of the above, I suppose encouraged the Norwegian genealogist Finn Asbjorn Wang to conclude that
Franchos was described in the chart above, Franchos had the job of Captain of the Palace Guard at Stekeborg
(Sweden) which usually goes only to nobility. His two daughters were named Katarina and Juana which certainly
are not Swedish forms...but Spanish. He is thought to have been born in 1390 and Matthieu. his father, died at
1398 and it is highly conceivable to me that after the order by the Duke of Burgundy to have all Armagnacs
killed the parents would have sent their 8 year-old to Sweden for safe keeping. Franchos mother was Juana,
Princes of Aragon, her mother was Marthe DArmagnac, Queen of Aragon, wife of John I .

Below is a cartoon I drew not long after I came here when I

had been surprised that some were actually attracted to me (intellectually, creatively, not sexually) and the cartoon was made
to illustrate my surprised joy. I actually had the vision that the four of us might, by happenstance, instigate a
mini-Renaissance. It didnt happen.
I am at the bottom left, arms spread out,. Ar 10, clock-wise, is William Driscoll who has, not left Gozo in more
than thirty years, speaks, he says, 14 languages and was a suma cum Laudum from Harvard. Harvard confirmed that.
But a very strange fellow who most consistently misinterpreting my behavior by 180 degrees;
Scolding me for not praising him for the time it took him to execute a drawing;

(as though consumed time were the criteria)

friends we can get

,stating that at our age we need all the

raised the question as to how he defined the word...and in which of the 14 languages. Telling me that I was
jealous of his position as an elite (his word, not mine) for being,( I guess,) a suma cum laudum. William has totally
bought into the Maltese hypocritical social vision and actually boasts about the number of friends he had on Facebook .
(which seemed to indicate that instead of sexual favors one offered flaterring compliments as a tradeoff forfriendship)

and cannot (psychologically) see this as a marijuana leaf, and not, as he claims, an
ordinary palm, describing the landscape. The conventional view is gospel and. in Malta disagreement can be
fatal as though this civil society has adopted the mantle of the KNIGHTS who about a decade ago signed a 99

year lease with the government to rent Fort Elmo

At 12 is Paul Finger , French born, presently a tour guide, married to Maria Said and father of 6 children, (3

boys, 3 girls)
very perceptive fellow who used to come to my
office, talk for three hours and after about two years explained that since he had 6 children and needed to
support them he had to do what was necessary to please the ruler.
It was a confession, an explanation, as to why (unlike me, he said) he had not been able to attend to his own
development. My! What a revelation describing the world which we have made. There is one thing he and I had
totally agreed upon and that was that civilization was an illusion. Yet, he often attempts to trap me into
accepting those hypocritical values exhibited by most living here.
At 3 there is John Galea, a Professor of Music, who had exhibited far more genuine perception and talent than

most I had known HERE...UNTIL he brought me to meet Peter Seraccino Inglott,

a (I
suppose) Jesuit friar who, for mysterious reasons, been chosen to be Rector of The University of Malta who when he
died had been praised by the Maltese as a superior intellect, the genius of the Mediterranean and a major
European thinker who, during the two times I met him proved he did not know how to behave socially, or as a

modestly unbiased university leader who must daily make judgments as to relative values; a man who claimed

the Baroque the only beautiful art and that

(absurdity of absurdities)


had learned from a

Byzantine icon
This manipulative and stupid man put the kybosh on John Galeas suggestion
to me to rewrite a script as an operatic libretto. Who the hell is this university rector, retired or not, dead or
alive, to make decisions between others better educated and more honest than he on matters of professional
concern to them?

The question most seriously emerging from these experiences was why was Malta so submerged by the aura of
an illegitimate and criminal authority. Ye anwer came in two forms, one when a child asked his teacher how to
answer a question (cf; The X Report, on www.scribd.com) and authorityThe only conclusion I can come to is that after
centuries of domination all the Maltese have learned is the appearance of superiority, with playacting heavily
flavored with intimidations as a device to bulwark against criticism. In general, these are a worthless people
with a great need for. but unworthy to receive a balanced and civilized demeanour and mind set.

The following is excerpted from an internet published interview with Mark Mangeon: One of the aims of the MCA
is to give the Maltese artists and the contemporary Maltese art an international visibility.




This statement is, unintentionally, I believe, an admission of the

recognition that in their efforts to achieve notice they have missed the reality
its importance)


(and certainly

of the aesthetic effort. It is probably true that a great deal of advertising will

increase box-office receipts, but the box office receipts only refer to an income, not to a
value for their emphasis on propaganda indicates they do not recognize there is real
aesthetic value...somew here, for they have heard about it. If one turns the observation
around to consider the Maltese reception of talented aliens such as Victor Passmore.

and Olaud Vethal

one will look in vain among the present

crop of practioners for an y recognition of what they had to offer. There is, I believe, only
one Maltese, now dead, w ho show ed any appreciative understanding of the variety and

depth of aesthetic concerns. That man was Alfred Chircop

Mark Mangeon states..The creative expression originating from the isle of Malta is not well
know n in the international ground, Nor should it be except as a severe example of
retarded aesthetic development .so the MCA can serve as a mediator between Malta and the
other countries, bet ween the inside and the outside. From the centre of the Mediterranean Sea,
from an island that has received for centuries the influence of many cultures and people , and
seemingl y absorbed the least desirable characteristics of each the MCA can spread the
messages of the Maltese culture and the reflections of the Maltese artists. There are no
messages Malta culture can give
are best to avoid.

except the the consequences of the bahaviors which

The onl y artist showing any reflective talents may have been Victor

Passmore, who was not Maltese and whose work the Maltese have yet to show evidence
of comprehending and Alfred Chirkopp whose work does reveal a true understanding of
the non-objective, but whose words, as quoted by Charelene Vella,
understood as praise,)

but out of Peter Inglotts

(possibly intended to be

mouth only a highly ambiguous statement of

disdain for Inglott show ed no appreciation for an artists attempt at this new vision as
w itness his comments about Luciano Micallefs allegiance to it. His statements were
condemning.There is ine original and highly perceptively amusing who draws


satirical works f Maltese w omen having tea

Kenneth Zammit Tabona

All of these three have fallen victim to the Malta malaise (lethargy, listlessness, weariness, languor, sluggishness,
enervation, tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue, sleepiness, drowsiness, torpor, torpidity, ennui, lifelessness, sloth, apathy) in
intellectual, meaningfully political and creative matters.
The most common defence against this ineptitude is to in the presence of a stranger with qualifications get your hits in first as

did Lino Brigullio ,

(Head of the Gozo branch of the University) who, in 2 minutes, flat was able to insult my
appearance, my background, my interests and a well-known (but also play-acting expert at subterfuge) the Maltese Edward de

Bono...in that order. Who, in hell, or elsewhere, would want to be a part of this circus? But then, Kurun

Coronato Vella
tells me the whole world is like that...but does that legitimize it? and he is only 50+. I am a slow learner.

A post script:

(not included in the response)

In regard to Inglotts criticism of Luciano Micallef


In the context of a social visit involving three university level professionals it seems
inappropriate to judge a fourth persons social behaviour as a pretext for condemning his work. I also find the work lacking
but have not assumed I know the reasons for the change.
the work but his reasons for changing styles)

Susanne Waitt

Norwegian Celebrity Artist - Unni Askeland In Malta

n.b. One might view this use of

the image of the American painter Jean-Michel +Basquiat (https://www.scribd.com/doc/49561499/BASQUIAt-A-Sacrifice-to-Moloch)
as well as the one (#1) of Maralin Munroe and Rita Hayworth (#3) as insensitive expressions of indifference to
the difficulties those individuals had in their efforts to emerge from the rolls and the ambiance fate had placed
them. In this regard Bjorn Melgaard has the audacity to reference his work to that of Edvard Munch, who,
perhaps more than any other painter dead or alive, then or now, had shown amazing empathy toward those ,

such as the girl in the painting Puberty


who undergo bewilderment as regards imposed

Dolly Parton, is, within the parameters of her presentation of self more consistently
sincerely convincing than are others....but then, Dolly is not in Malta.
Beyond its graphic qualities I am now putting that effort to use as modest evidence of what seems to consume
Unni Askeland and the extravagantly naughty Norwegian,Melgaard, that is, his homo-erotic activity and her
clowning which may pass for sex appeal...certainly not as gently amusing as . Sex does seem to be a plague on
human kind, and yet, it must be admitted that without it we might as a species, cease to exist. so as a result
mankind finds himself between a rock and a hard place and some, who take the matter seriously, try to work it
out differently.

Family..a genealogical statement a triptyck by Paul Henrickson

Unni Askeland

whose mention of Bjarne Melgaard reminded me of the

document I had written on this fellow.


appears. that in the area of art appreciation the Maltese make very sharp distinctions between those individuals whose work
has significance and those whose works make the works of Maltese appear superior....a rather odd and vain hope.

Paul Henrickson http://holographicarchetypes.weebly.com/creative-minority.html

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