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0-12 MONTHS 12 - 36 MONTHS 3 -5 YEARS 6-12 YEARS 12-20 YEARS

GROWTH double birth wt by 6 mo. Ht wt gain slows down to 4-6 lbs slender but sturdy, boys & girls Growth difference between Physical & sexual maturity.
increases 1 inch/mo for 6 mo per year. Growth is "steplike". same size. Growth rate slow. boys & girls. Boys taller, girls Increase ht/wt/body mass.
and then grow comes in Sensory development At 5 eruption of permanent heavier. Dental health Hormone changes.
spurts. increases- maturation dentition. important - start losing primary
teeth. Sleep patterns change

FINE grasp objects 2-3 mo. Transfer Improved manual dexterity age 3yrs - builds tower of 9-10
object between hands 7 mo, 12-15 mon. Throw call over blocks. Shape stage - copies
pincer grasp at 10 mo, remove hand. Tower of blocks higher circle, cross, names what has
object from container at 11mo, been drawn. 4yrs - scissors to
tower of 2 block at 12mo cut along dotted line, can lace
shoes. Copies square, adds 3
parts to stick figure. Pictorial
stage. 5yrs - recognizable
pics, tie shoelaces, can write
first name

GROSS Good head control 3-4mo, rolls Locomotion, improved 3yrs - walking, running,
over at 5-6mo, sits alone at 7- coordination & equilibrium jumping, climbing. 4yrs - skips
8mo, moves from prone to & hops on 1 foot, catches a
sitting at 10mo. Developing ball, throws ball overhead.
their skills of head balance, 5yrs - skips & hops on
sitting, creeping @ 9mo, alternate feet, jumps rope,
crawling @ 6-7 mo, standing, learns to skate & swim

PSYCHOSOCIAL Trust vs. mistrust- can they Autonomy vs. shame and Initiative vs. guilt Industry vs. inferiority. Identity vs. role confusion.
(ERIKSON) trust their needs will be met by doubt. Want freedom to Stage of accomplishment. Form their their own sense of
primary caregiver. Delayed explore. Comfort with rituals, Are they able to accomplish identity."Who am I, do I
gratification. schedules tasks to be able to identify who matter". Teens trying to make
they are & start gaining some thei own decisions - nurse goal
independence. They are is anticipatory guidance.
building, growing, interacting.

COGNITIVE Sensiomotor phase - reflex Sensiomotor & Preoperational phase (2-7yrs) concrete operation -Thru A movement from concrete to
(PIAGET) stage, primary circular rxns, preconceptual phase. there is 2 stages - language ability to explain formal operational thought.
secondary circular rxns. Awareness of causal preconceptual (2-4) and thoughts, make jugdements. Able to plan ahead & identify
Object permanence @ 6-8 mo. relationships between 2 intuitive thought (4-7). Time - consequences.
events. At 19-36 mo imitate school in morning and play in
behaviors, domestic mimics, afternoon. Thinking - if I think
no real concept of time. bad things & bad things
Preconceptual phase more happen; my thinking is
towards social relationships. magical.

SOCIAL Separation anxiety after 6-7 2 phases - separation & Preschoolers enjoys their Peers are very important. It is all about their friends.
mo. Stranger anxiety. individualization. friends. Independent in They worry about what their Appropriate interactions with
Independence. New sibling dressing, eating, toileting by 4 friends think. Girls hang out adults. Relationships with
rivalry; nedd to include them in to 5. More secure with new with girls. mom & daughter /Dad & son
activities. sibling. can be stressful.
MORAL limit setting & discipline to punishment and obedience Moral dev. at most basic level. Start taking reasponsibilities They think they are
establish control- "time-outs" Actions are directed toward for their health. invinceable. They don't think it
satisfying their needs & less will happen to them.
commonly the needs of others.

PLAY Age appropriate play help Parallel play, imitation/fantasy, Associative play; group play more competitive and complex Team sports, contact sports.
reduce stress of hospital. locomotion skills, tactile play without rules. Imitation (dress playing team sports, following Hanging out with peers.
up), imaginary playmates, rules. Rituals are important. Anticipatory guidance for
mutual play with parents Anticipatory guidance for safety - physical fitness, sex,
parents. Discipline should be drinking & driving, helmets,
consistent. bike, skateboard.

LANGUAGE 0-3 mo crying, cooing, smiling. Increasing level of 4 to 5 word sentences to

At 1 yr 3 -5 words with comprehension & increasing convey meaning. Age 6
meaning. ability to understand speech. understand all parts of speech;
Talking a lot - 2-4 word identify colors & opposities.
other items thumb sucking, teething, struggles of toilet training, limit Preschoolers enjoy sense of Anticipatory guidance to Health teaching- sexual
nutrition, sleep & activity, setting, and sibling rivalry. accomplishment. Most are prevent injuries: fire safety, behavior, nutrition, phys.
dental health, immunizations, Toddlers become fussy, picky toilet trained. Temperament bike helmets, seat belts, safety fitness, mental health.
injury preventation. eaters. Prevention from injuries can influence success in equipment for sports.
school. Cranky if not enough

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