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A Brief Analysis of Business Etiquette in Intercultural

1 Introduction
With the economic globalization and the development of information technology,
nations are closer to each other than ever before. More and more international issues
are shared among people from different countries, different religions, or different
cultural backgrounds. In order to adapt modern intercultural communication business,
people must be conscious to accept the business etiquette. Business etiquette is a kind
of civilization accumulation of human being. It is also a kind of standard behavior
observed by the businessmen in their communication. Therefore, the article uses the
method of combining theory and practice, conducting in-depth research on the
intercultural business etiquette. The purpose of the paper lies in helping people get a
good understanding of business etiquette and the underlying cultural difference which
will benefit for both sides of business people.

Business Etiquette: Basic Concepts

Etiquette is not only the way to maintain and develop interpersonal relationships

but also symbol of human civilization and social progress. Etiquette has to do with
good manners. It's not so much our own good manners, but making other people feels
comfortable by the way we behave. It's more or less thinking of others and how others
perceive us. Everyone knows the rules for doing things and everyone is in a very
comfortable position in society.
Good manners are not only indispensable in society, but they have a very
practical value in the business world. That today's business environment is becoming
increasingly more global is to state the obvious. Business etiquette is the behavior
that followed in the world of business and corporate culture. It consists of
certain universally applicable and acceptable rules. Business etiquette is the
way you handle yourself in a business and social environment.

The basics of business etiquette include dressing etiquette, meeting

etiquette, conversation etiquette, gift- giving etiquette, dining etiquette and so
on. In general, business etiquette is the social guidelines and manners to follow
in business situations when dealing with others. It is essential to a businessman
to understand.

The Functions of Intercultural Business Etiquette

Some people say that "far-sight, wise mind, clever conversation" are three sharp

weapons in business world. Business etiquette is the bridge of various activities.

Therefore in my opinion it is the fourth weapon. To some extent, it is more important
than other three weapons. Business etiquette can be said an essential tool in
intercultural communication. It will determine the success or failure of business
activities. Business etiquette plays following important roles:


Improving Businessmens Personal Quality

Market competition is ultimately the competition of personnel quality. For a

businessman, the quality of businessman is the performance of personal achievement.

Details can reflect personal accomplishment. The basic performance of personal
quality is someone's interpersonal skill in business contacts. For instance, the
gentlemen usually dont smoke or speak loudly in public place. In business activities
women wear jewelry according to their identities. At the same time ladies must make
sure the collocation of dress.

3.2 Establishing a Good Interpersonal Relationship

In business activities, people affect, interact, and cooperate with each other. If
you dont follow certain rules, both parties will lack of the foundation of cooperation.
In many etiquette rules, business etiquette can make people understand how to do,
what to do and what not to do. It can help you improve the image of yourself, and win
respect and friendship from others.

Maintaining the Image of Businessmen and Enterprises


The enterprises image is manifested by employees. Good image will help

enterprises achieve a favorable position in the fierce competition market. If a
corporation loses image, it will lead to the failure of an enterprise. Staffs image
includes his physical appearance, behavior and conversation in business contacts. The
good image can help businessmen win integrated and systematic impression in the
intercultural communication. This is the main factor to measure the corporation
whether it can be successful or not. Business etiquette is a very important way to
shape the image. For example, conversation etiquette makes civilization. Manners
etiquette makes people elegant. Clothing etiquette makes people enhance selfconfidence. Using business etiquette, you can create a good image of the organization
in the public mind. At the same time you can have a good social effect and economic
benefits in fierce competition market.


Bettering Feelings among Businessmen

In business activities, with the depth of interaction, two parties may have a certain

emotional experience. It is expressed as two emotional states. One is the feeling of

sympathy. Another is the emotional rejection. The business etiquette is easy to create
mutual attraction, promotional feeling and good interpersonal relationship in
intercultural communication. Conversely, if you do not pay attention to business
etiquette, you will make a bad impression and even destroy interpersonal relationship.
By way of conclusion we can state that business etiquette helps maintain good
relations with people.

The Types and Applications of Business Etiquette in Intercultural



Dressing Etiquette
Dressing etiquette is the most basic etiquette in intercultural communication.

Appropriate dressing etiquette is not only the performance of personal charm and high
quality, but also respect for the others. Businessman has always attached great

importance to clothing norms. In the other word, clothing is the key to success for
What is appropriate business dress for men and women generally? According to
U.S. researchers and image consultants, people who wear suits are perceived as more
professional than who wear any other type of attire. For both men and women abroad,
conservative dress will take you much further than the latest fad or fashion.
Traditional business suits for men and conservative suits or dresses for women are
preferred in many foreign business settings.
In some ways, business dress for men is universal around the globe, yet there are
differences. The suit, the dress shirt, the tie are generally acceptable. But the style
may vary widely. Europeans tend to wear suits that are more tailored and youthful
than businessmen in the United States do. The severe business suit, sometimes
described as the IBM-look, is disappearing in Europe. The Japanese, on the other
hand, remain conservative. They tend to wear either grey or dark blue suits with white
shirts. In Southeast Asia, the European business suit, with its origin in cool and cloudy
England, is giving way to a new uniform, slacks and a short-sleeved shirt worn
outside the pants with collar and attached belt.
Color of clothing is also a consideration because in some cultures, color has strong
associations. Do not wear black or solid white in Thailand because these colors have
funeral connotations. Shoes are considered inappropriate in certain situations in
various cultures. They should not be worn in Muslim mosques and Buddhist temples.
In Japan, be sure socks or hose are clean and without holes, as you will frequently
remove shoes when dining traditionally or visiting a home.
For women dress is more complicated. Businesswomen from the United States
tend to wear suits. Even though the suits have softer lines and are less masculine and
dresses have become more acceptable, business dress for American women in
managerial positions is still more severe than that in Western Europe. For example,
French female found that French businesswomen dress more femininely than their
American counterparts. In Japan, women often work as office ladies serving tea and

greeting customers. They do not have to worry about what to wear; the company
provides them a uniform, usually a conservative suit with a blouse, white gloves, and
a hat.


Meeting Etiquette
Meeting is an important activity in intercultural communication. Meeting

etiquette mainly includes introduction etiquette and manners to shake hands. Shaking
hands is the most common of meeting etiquette in China, which is also the
international etiquette. Although shaking hands looks simple, this simple gesture was
related to the image of a person and the company, even influence on the success of the
business cooperation.
Of course, people dont shake hands when they meet in some countries. For
example, the Japanese and Korean often use the way of bowing to express their
greetings. The Thai meet with hands folding while the French use kiss. In Argentina,
people not only kiss but also embrace. However in most African countries, people say
"hello" to others and like putting his hand on the guests' shoulders for a long time. In
Latin America, a hearty embrace is common among women and men alike, and man
may follow it with a friendly slap on the back. As to how to choose the type of
meeting etiquette, it depends on different cultures. As a old saying when in Rome do
as the Romans do is the best policy.


Conversation Etiquette
As a businessman, how to communicate with people is very important, it reflects

your personal self-cultivation. All successful business activities are based on

successful conversation. Any conversation needs etiquette. If you want to get a
successful result in a business activity, the etiquette of conversation must be obeyed.
Conversation Etiquette can be divided into two types. Language etiquette comes
first. Language is a system of symbols people use to communicate. Business language
should be both appropriate and courteous. The Second is non-language etiquette.
Nonverbal communication is a kind of communication without languages. Non5

language etiquette includes courteous of sight, facial expression, gestures, body space
and silence. Non-language courtesy is a sort of real art because it differs in different
cultures. A gesture of happiness in one culture may be a kind of rude insult in another
culture. Nod means agreement in China, the USA and Canada. However in Bulgaria
and Nepal, nod means disagreement. When you talk to Japanese, they nod to express
their understanding but agreement. In the USA, staring at someone is a symbol of
honesty and sincerity. But in China and Japan, it's impolite.
A pleasant conversation can not only bring you great interpersonal relationships
but also facilitate carrying out your business activities. A smooth conversation
requires both parties to pay attention to the languages they use and the speed they
speak. In addition to that, we should choose the right topic and right place. During
talking, the facial expressions of both parties are ought to be noticed. Therefore the
topics and atmosphere can be changed in time. Last but not least, negotiation should
not be interrupted at random, but necessary response is needed.


Dining Etiquette
Dining together with friends from other cultures is an efficient way to establish

rapport. So to behave properly at table is an indispensable factor in successful

intercultural communication.

4.4.1 Proper Dress

No matter whether it is to treat others or to be treated, it is necessary to dress
appropriately for the occasion. Business lunch or dinner usually means that the person
should wear a suit or other professional clothes. Hair should be combed and clean,
and fingernails clipped and clean.

4.4.2 Restaurant Reservations

To treat foreign friends, asking the guests where they would like to eat is
improper because they may be at a loss. Instead, to show respect, you can prepare
alternatives for them to choose two restaurants, two different hours, and ask guests

which one is suitable for them. Another way is to make a reservation at a restaurant,
and inform them. It is also courteous to check with guests to confirm the date, time
and place a day before the meal. Hosts or hostesses must arrive at the restaurant early
to welcome them. Greet guests warmly with a handshake when they arrive. Offer
them their choices of seats, but in no case should a guest sit facing a mirror or the
bathroom or kitchen doors. Respect guests' dietary needs and desires.

4.4.3 Punctuality
If a person is invited to attend a dinner, he or she should not be late for the
occasion. In some cultures like the U.S., punctuality is respected, so arrive on time or
at most several minutes late. In Japan, never be late for dinner, or else this may be the
end of further contact with the Japanese. Therefore, in the business world where time
is money, it is safe to arrive 5 to 10 minutes early. However, any rule has its
exceptions: if a person is going to be treated in an Arabic or Latin American home, 15
or 30 minutes' late is OK for dinner.

4.4.4 Table Manners

Be sure to leave on hand free for shaking hands or eating. When the host unfolds
his or her napkin, it is the signal to start the meal and for guests to follow suit. Place
the napkin on lap, completely unfolded if it is a small luncheon napkin, or in half,
lengthwise, if it is a large dinner napkin. The napkin remains on lap through the entire
meal and should be used to clean the mouth when needed. During dining you must
avoid excessive drinking. Because of excessive drinking may leave a bad impression
to foreign guests. Drinking customs are different between China and western. During
drink you can toast foreign guests, but not force people to drink, especially not to
persuade the ladies.


Gift -Giving Etiquette

When doing business in different countries and cultures it can be difficult to

know what to give as a gift. Gift-giving has in fact grown in importance due to the

increase in international trade and has become an extension of the business

relationship. Both sides now see gift-giving as a way of firming up a relationship as
well as representing their culture in the best light. Striking differences may also be
found in the business etiquette of gift-giving because gifts can be friendly envoys in
some cultures, but may be considered bribes in others. Therefore, effective
intercultural communication can not be isolated from understanding the basic
etiquette of gift-giving in different cultures.
There are three types of countries when it comes to gift-giving etiquette:
countries in which a gift is accepted, countries in which a gift is not accepted on the
first visit but would be accepted on a subsequent visit, and countries in which gifts are
less exchanged.
Russia, Poland, Colombia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and
Thailand fall into the first category-gifts are basically welcome in those cultures.
Cultures like Poland, Spain, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Panama, Malaysia,
Singapore, Finland, and Norway tend to frown upon gift-gifting on the first time
people meet. In particular, there are lows forbidding government employees to accept
gifts in Singapore.
The United States, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Hungary and Italy,
Australia, Pakistan and most countries in Africa are not so accustomed to exchanging
In general, gifts are given in business to promote good will and foster good
relationship. It is also important to know how to present a gift across cultures. In
China, a recipient may "graciously refuse three times" before accepting a gift and will
not open the gift until the presenter is away. But in Chile and U.S.A., gifts are
accepted and opened immediately. To choose a proper gift is important too. For
instance, pork is prohibited in the Jewish and Muslim religious, so someone should
never select gifts made from pigs. Similarly, never offer a gift made from cowhide in
India. Another prohibition for the Muslim faith is alcohol. Sending wine is really
popular in France, especially the sherry, which is warmly welcomed and taken as a

pride there. But in Arab countries, the sherry is contraband goods. Saudi Arabian
people would be very happy if you send them green ties because Muslims like this

The Basic Principles of the Business Etiquette in Intercultural



Maintaining the Image

In intercultural communication, people generally care about contacts personal

image. At the same time, people usually pay attention to follow the standard way to
maintain their own personal image. Everyone must attach importance to maintain
their own image. In particular, you should notice the maintenance of first impression
of the foreigners in formal settings.


Observing the Principle of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"

While the old adage "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" still holds true,

business clients and colleagues who are visiting this country should be treated with
sensitivity and with an awareness of their unique culture. It is one of the basic
principles of business etiquette in the intercultural communication. Not to do your
homework and put your best international foot forward can cost your relationships
and future business. One small misstep such as using first names inappropriately, not
observing the rules of timing or sending the wrong color flower in the welcome
bouquet can be costly. There are two reasons can explain why we must observe the
principle of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do". For one thing, in the process of
historical development, various countries of the world have their own religion,
language, culture, customs and habits. It means that it could not be transferred by
personal subjective will. For another thing, it is easy to enhance understanding and
communication between Chinese and foreign parties. If you grasp different foreign
guests unique customs, it will help you express of your goodwill and friendly in
intercultural communication.


Respecting for Privacy

Respecting for privacy is one of main principles in intercultural business

etiquette. So it should be abided strictly. Generally speaking, there are seven personal
problems as privacy issues in intercultural communication. The first is income and
expenditure. The second is age. The third is someone's marital status. The fourth is
someone's physical condition. The fifth is home address. The sixth is experience. The
seventh is the belief in political views. In order to respect for privacy of foreigner
guests you must consciously avoid these seven issues when talking.


Remembering "Lady First"

"Lady first" is an important ritual principles recognized by the international

community. It is mainly applied to heterosexual adults in social activities. It means

that a male adult has an obligation to respect, understand ladies, care for ladies and
must find ways to solve problems in most social situations.


Keeping Promises
The principle of keeping promises has become the most important rules in

intercultural communication. A psychologist who has done a research and

summarized which one is the most popular personality in the interpersonal personality
characteristics. Among of them, honest, credible and so on is in the front. Therefore,
as a business people you must "keep its promise" in business activities or in the
process of dealing with people.

Etiquette is a very important factor to measure the success or failure in

intercultural communication. Business etiquette has increasingly showing its

importance in business activities. Business etiquette has become an accepted bench
mark to test the business peoples upbringing and demeanor.

In a market economy conditions, there is an undeniable fact that if you have

etiquette you can travel the world, but if not, you unable to move during the
following business activities. It is very important to practice good manners and
etiquettes. You are not only to get succeed in your business, but also to maintain good
relationships with clients and customers.
It is obvious that business people must be conscious to accept the etiquette
education, to increase the etiquette knowledge, and to improve their practice of selfcultivation in the course of business activities.

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