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Sec. 5.1-5.11.
Discuss the formation of a covalent bond on the basis of the orbital overlap
concept. What is meant by a sigma bond ?
What do you understand by the terms resonance and resonance energy ? What
are the essential conditions for writing resonating structures ?
What is the basis of valence bond theory ? Discuss how it is different from M.O.
Explain on the basis of VBT and hybridisation that, (/') BeF2 molecule is linear
while H20 is bent.
(if) Phosphorus forms two chlorides (PC15 and /APC13) while nitrogen forms only
one i.e., NC13.
What is hybridisation ? What are the important characteristics of hybridisation ?
PF5 is more reactive than SF6. Explain.
Discuss sp3cP hybridisation with one example.
What are the main postulates of VSEPR theory ?
Give the hybridisation of the central atom and expected geometry of the
following molecules. H20, XeF4, SnCl2.
The molecules of CH4, NH3 and H20 involve the same type of hybridisation yet
they possess different geometries. Explain.
Using VSEPR theory, explain the structure of SF4, C1F3, H20.
Explain the following :
(f) Bond angle of NH3 is greater than NF3. (if) FCIF bond angle in C1F3 is 876 instead of 90 Sec. 5.12-5.24.
Discuss M.O. theory ? Explain on the basis of M.O. theory N2 molecule is
diamagnetic while 02 molecule is paramagnetic.
Draw M.O. diagram of CO and show its bond order. How does the description
compare with its valence bond structure.
With the help of molecular orbital diagram, explain why ? (0 the bond length of
CO+ is larger than that of CO.
(if) Hydrogen forms diatomic molecule while helium remains monoatomic.
Discuss in details the bridge structure of diborane. Bring out clearly the nature of
bonds in hydrogen bridges.

Calculate percentage ionic character of HF molecule from the following data :

Bond distance = 0-92 A, dipole moment = 1 - 9 I'D.
Arrange HCl, HBr, HI in the increasing order of their percentage ionic character.
Given electronegativity values of H, CI, Br and I are 21, 3 0, 2-8 and 2-4
Calculate the percentage ionic character of SiH bond in SiH4. Pauling
electronegativities of Si and H are 1-8 and 2-1 respectively.
The dipole moment of HX molecules is 1-92 D and bond distance is 1-20 A.
Calculate the ionic character of HX.
Sec. 5.1-5.11.
Draw two most important resonance structures of CO. Give reasons for its high
dissociation energy of 1070kJ/mol?
What is meant by resonance energy ?
Draw resonating structure of C02.
Give resonance structure of HN02.
What is meant by hybridisation of orbitals ?
Discuss the geometry of H20.
Give the shape and geometry of C1F3.
Give the geometry of PC15.
XeF2 is a linear molecule but spPd hybridised. Explain.
BF3 is planar but NH3 is not Why ?
Give reasons, why BeF2 is linear but SF2 is angular although both are triatomic.
Using VSEPR theory discuss the shape of H20 molecule.
Arrange the following in the decreasing order of bond angle in the molecules :
NH3, PH3, AsH3.
Give the number of lone pairs and bond pairs in XeF4.
Sec. 5.12-5.20.
How is bond order related to the stability of the molecule ?
What do you understand by a molecular orbital ? What is the maximum number
of electrons that can occupy a molecular orbital ?

Draw the M.O. energy level diagram for N2.

Calculate the bond order in He J, O^, N2.
Is 02 paramagnetic or diamagnetic ? Justify your answer.
Define bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals.
Give M.O. description of H2 molecule.
Why bond in H2 is shorter than that in H2 ?
Sec. 5.21-5.24.
Why BH3 exists as a dimer ?
Give the dipole moments of CC14 and CH4.
How dipole moment is related to percentage ionic character in the bond ?
Q. 1. Give the hybridisation of S02.
Ans. Sulphur dioxide utilizes sp2 hybridisation by forming two a- and two bonds.
Q. 2. What is the hybridisation of the central atom, when three atoms attached
to a central atom forms an
equilateral triangle ?
Ans. sp2 hybridization is there when the central atom forms an equilateral
Q. 3. What is the geometry of SF6 molecule ?
Ans. sp3cf hybridisation is used in the formation of SF6 and the geometry is
octahedral .
Q. 4. Give the type of hybridization in XeF2.

sp3tJl hybridisation is there in XeF2.

Q. 5. How many types of PCI bonds are present in PC15 ?

Ans. There are in total five PCI bonds, two of which are axial while three are
Q. 6. Out of BeF2 and SF2 which one is linear in shape ?

BeF2 is linear.

Q. 7. Give the decreasing order of bond angle in PF3, PC13 and PBr3.

PF3 < PC13 < PBr3,

Q. 8. Define the term bond order.

Ans. Bond order is defined as the number of covalent bonds present between
two bonded atoms in a
molecule. The bond orders in Cl2, 02 and N^ are 1,2 and 3 respectively.
Q. 9. What is the bond order in O* ?

2-5 is the bond order in 02.

Q. 10. Which of the following molecules has the weaker bond : H2 or Lij.

Li2 constitute a weak bond.

Q. 11. What is the bond order in superoxide (02) ion ?


The bond order in C>2 is 1-5.

Q. 12. He2 doesn't exist because its bond order is zero.


Yes, it is correct.

Q. 13. Which among the following has maximum bond length 02, 02 and 0+ ?

02 has longer bond length in 02, 02 and 0+.

Q. 14. Is B2 molecule paramagnetic or diamagnetic ?

Ans. B2 molecule is paramagnetic because there are unpaired electrons in the
bonding molecular orbitals.
Q. 15. Out of He2+ ion and H J ion, which one is less stable ?
Ans. He2+ ion is most unstable as there is basically no electron whereas in H2
there is still at least one electron.
Q. 16. Which is stronger, a 7u-molecular orbital or a a-molecular orbital ?
Ans. Definitely, a a-molecular orbital is more stronger because of effective
Q. 17. What is the type of bonding present in B2H6 ?
Ans. Three center-two electron bond is present in B2H6. It is called a banana
Q. 18. What are electron deficient compounds ?
Ans. Compounds in which there are not enough valency electrons to form
conventional two-electron bonds between all the adjacent pair of atoms.
Q. 19. Draw the structure of B2H6.

Q. 20. What is dipole moment ? Ans. Dipole moment is the product of the partial
charges in the molecule and the distance by which they are separated.
Sec. 6.1-6.10.
Discuss in detail the close packing of solid with identical spheres. What is meant
by hep and ccp arrangements ?
What are octahedral and tetrahedral sites in close packed arrangements ?
Draw the structure of sodium chloride. Show the coordination around each type
of ion. Justify that the stoichiometry of Na+ : CI- is 1 : 1.
With the help of neat diagram describe two structures adopted by zinc blende.
What is meant by radius ratio ? Determine the radius ratio of ionic crystals in
which the central metal ion A+ is surrounded octahedrally by six B" ions.
Cu+ and Na+ are of same size but CuCl is insoluble while NaCl is soluble in
water. Explain.
Sec. 6.11-6.22.
Calculate the lattice energy of sodium chloride when Madelung constant is 1748, internuclear distance is 0-2814 nm and Born exponent is 9.
Calculate tire lattice energy of NaCl crystal from the following data by the use of
Born Haber cycle. Sublimation energy (S) = 108-7 kJ mol-1. Dissociation energy
of Cl2 (D) = 225-9 kJ mol"1. Ionisation energy ofNa (g) (I) = 489-5 kJ mol"1.
Electron affinity for CI (g) (E) = 351-4 kJ mol"1. Heat of formation of NaCl (AH7) =
- 414-2 kJ mol"1.
9. What are n-type and /'-type semiconductors. Explain by giving suitable
Using Bom-Haber cycle calculate PA (proton affinity) of ammonia from the
reaction of NH3 and HCl when heat of formation of NH4C1 (AH^ = - 144-5 kJ
mol""1, Ionisation energy of H (I) = 1311 -6 kJ mol1. Lattice energy of NH4C1
(U) = - 698-5 kJ mol"1, electron affinity of CI (E) = - 347-2 kJ mol1 and Bond
dissociation of HCl (D) = 430-9 kJ mol'1.
Differentiate between conductors, insulators and semi-conductors.
Explain polarization and polarizing power.
Anhydrous A1C13 is covalent but A1C13.6H20 is ionic in nature. How would you
account for this ?
Though LiCl and MgS have similar structures and nearly the same internuclear
distance, yet MgS is harder than LiCl. Explain.
What are Fajan's rule ? Predict which of the following is more covalent ? AgCl or

Give a brief note on Band theory of solids.

What is meant by M-type and p-type semiconductor. What is the effect of
temperature on semiconductors.
What is meant by hydrogen bonding ? Discuss the nature and consequences of
hydrogen bonding. Discuss the importance of hydrogen bonding in sustaining
Density of ice is less than that in liquid state. Explain why ?
Out of o-nitrophenol and /j-nitrophenol which has higher boiling point and why ?
What are intermolecular forces ? How do these forces originate ?

Sec. 6.1-6.10.
What are tetrahedral voids ?
In which of the structures : NaCl or CsCl, CI" ion has higher coordination number.
What is meant by radius ratio ?
What is the difference in the coordination number of S2_ ion in zinc blende and
wurtzite structure ?
The radii of Mg2+ and 02~ ions are 0-66 A and 1-40 A. Predict the probable type
of site occupied by Mg2+ ions.
A solid is made up of two elements X and Y. Atoms Y are in ccp arrangement with
atoms X occupy all the tetrahedral sites. What is the formula of the compound ?
Define Lattice energy.
Which of these two, CdCl2 and NaCl, will produce Schottky defect, if added to a
AgCl crystal ?
How does the solubility of an ionic solid depend upon its lattice energy ?
Why radius of K+ is smaller than that of Cl~ though both of them are
isoelectronic ?
LiCl has higher boiling point than HCl. Why ?
Why melting point of NaCl is higher than that of A1C13 ?
Which of the two : NaF and NaBr has smaller melting point ? Sec. 6.11-6.22.
What is polarization and polarizability ?

Explain why ZnCl2 is soluble in organic solvents while MgCl2 is insoluble.
What are Frenkel defects ?
What are Schottky defects ?
Q. 1. What is the total number of ions in a unit cell of cesium chloride ? Ans.
There are two ions in the unit cell of CsCl.
Q. 2. Name the most important factor that govern the value of Madelung
constant. Ans. Medelung constant is an expression of all the electrostatic
interactions (both attractive and repulsive) per mole of the solid-state species.
The value of Madelung constant depends upon the geometry of the lalttice and
not on its dimensions.
Q. 3. In a close packed array of N sphere, how many
(i) Octahedral and (ii) tetrahedral holes are present.

The number of tetrahedral holes is twice the number of octahedral holes.

Q. 4. Give the coordination numbers of cations and anions in calcium fluoride


Coordination number of Ca2+ is eight whereas that of F" is four in CaF2

Q. 5. In a unit cell of zinc blende, what is the arrangement of zinc and sulphide
Ans. Zn2+ ions occupy alternate tetrahedral sites and the S2~ ions have ccp
Q. 6. What is the coordination of each ion in the Wurtzite ?
Ans. Both Zn2+ and S2~ ions have coordination number 4 in case of wurzite
Q. 7. What is the limiting radius ratio for a cubic geometry ?

Limiting radius ratio for cubic geometry 0-732-0-999.

Q. 8. Which among the following possesses the greatest lattice energy ?

LiBr, LiCl, Lil, LiF.

LiF possess the highest lattice energy.

Q. 9. Which point defect may lower the density of an ionic crystal ?


Schottky defects lower the density of the crystal.

Q. 10. Which of two : MgO and CaO is more hard ?


MgO is more hard.

Q. 11. Which of MgO and NaF will have higher lattice energy ?

MgO will have higher lattice energy than NaF.

Q. 12. CaO and NaCl have the same crystal structures and approximately the
same ionic radii. If U is the lattice energy of NaCl, what will be the approximate
lattice energy of CaO ?

Approximately four times the lattice energy of NaCl.

Q. 13. Which one in the pair is more covalent: AgCl or Agl ?


.Agl is more covalent.

Q. 14. Give the two types of defects in the crystals.


Schottky and Frenkel defects.

Q. 15. Which one has higher melting point: NaF or BeO ?


BeO will have higher melting point.

Q. 16. Who gave the rules to determine the covalent character in the otherwise
ionic compounds ?
Ans. Fajan gave the rules for the determination of covalent character in an ionic
Q. 17. Show hydrogen bonding in alcohols.
Q. 18. Which one is more dense : Ice or water ?

Water is more dense than ice.

Q. 19. What kind of hydrogen bonding is present in/>-chlorophenol ?


lntermolecular H-bonding is present in /7-chlorophenol.

Q. 20. What are van der Waal's forces ?


lntermolecular attractive forces are called van der Waal forces.

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