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be able to go to college if he or she so chooses;
and every adult must be able to continue learning for
a lifetime.
If students are to achieve any educational goals, the

schools where this learning takes place need to be envi-
ronments free of obstacles to the learning process. If
students and teachers fear for their physical safety
within the schools, this learning will not occur.

into Action
Likewise, if drugs are present and if they become
entangled in the students’ lives, this learning will not
occur. As Gore pointed out, “Because schools are safer,
they are more conducive to both teaching and learn-
ing.” But he warned the fight for the Safe and Drug-
Free Schools Program is not over.
The Department of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free
A REPORT FROM THE Schools Program, therefore, hosted a conference this
SAFE AND DRUG-FREE summer to discuss prevention programming for adoles-
cents and how to turn current research into effective
SCHOOLS CONFERENCE action. It is the current research that provides the foun-
dation for the job of weeding the garden. General Barry
By Jill Lewis-Kelly, American Council for Drug Education McCaffrey, Director of the Office of National Drug
Control Policy (ONDCP), explained, “There is no
question in my mind that we’ve got to kill some of the
I n June, over 500 educators and drug and violence
prevention experts gathered in the nation’s capital
to discuss weeding a very large garden.
100 flowers that have bloomed and evaluate drug pre-
vention programs on the basis of scientific findings.”
“We can’t have random activities. We’ve got to have
This garden is the garden of prevention program- a purpose. We’ve got to have a framework—some con-
ming—a garden that has produced a bumper crop of ceptual ladder—to build our drug prevention pro-
initiatives, but now needs some careful tending. At the grams,” McCaffrey added.
Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program conference this
past summer, attendees were warned of the overcrowd-
ing of this garden and were given suggestions on how Weeding the garden
to tend its needs.
To take on the task of weeding this rather large gar-
Prevention programming in the schools—as well as den of prevention programming, one needs the proper
in communities—faces many challenges today. Critical gardening tools, or in this case, a set of guidelines.
among these challenges is the issue of funding and Luckily, within the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and
the issue of success, which go hand in hand. But Communities Act, these guidelines have been spelled
before facing these challenges, the first question is: out. They are the four principles of effectiveness—the
Why drug and violence prevention programming in the four steps that will help ensure success when choosing
nation’s schools? a prevention program. These principles insist that a
Vice President of the United States Al Gore, during chosen program:
the opening session of the conference, explained it sim- 1. Is based on a thorough assessment of objective data
ply: “The future of our schools equals the future of our about the drug and violence problems in the com-
country.” To secure this future, the President and Vice munities served;
President declared education to be their number one
priority during this administration. This priority was 2. Can meet measurable goals and objectives;
set in parameters such as these: every 8-year-old must 3. Is based on research and evaluation; and
be able to read; every 12-year-old must have access to 4. Is evaluated periodically.
the Information Superhighway; every 18-year-old must

8 ThE ChALLENgE v7, n3

Throughout the conference these explained how to base assessments ment, described how his organiza-
steps were emphasized by plenary on risk and protection factors. tion responded to widespread fear
session speakers, and during the These factors have been proven in caused by an alarming number of
workshop sessions, individual pro- longitudinal studies to greatly youthful homicides that occurred
grams told of how these steps led influence adolescent behavior. This in Boston during the late 1980s and
to effectiveness. approach to assessments basically early 1990s. By studying data on
says, “If we want to prevent a prob- the victims, the Department was
Needs lem before it happens, we need to able to develop a victim profile.

1 Assessment
Before choosing from the many
know what factors increase risk for
that problem and then reduce those
risk factors.” Conversely, one must
know what factors prevent or pro-
But it took a high level of collabo-
ration before police were fully able
to understand what they were up
against. Only by working with the
prevention programs that grow in tect against the development of the Probation Department and a net-
the field, a school or community problem and increase those protec- work of community leaders was it
must understand what the spe- tive factors. possible to define the problem of
cific problems of its own con- youthful violence in Boston.
stituency are. Is the problem In Denver, collaboration was
connected to drugs, to violence, also key to understanding the
or to both? How does one ascer- problem. There, the Asian
tain this information? Pacific Center for Human
Understanding the national Development conducted a vari-
problem first will help to focus ety of focus groups that includ-
on an individual local problem. ed students, parents, school rep-
Dr. Lloyd Johnston, principal resentatives, and evaluators
investigator of The Monitoring before creating an after-school
the Future study, expertly program for at-risk youths.
described the national problem But not all successful pro-
of adolescent drug use to the grams have started with a col-
conference attendees early on in laborative assessment phase.
the three-day event. He report - Azim Khamisa told the confer-
ed current statistics from his ence spoke about starting the
study which show an increase Tariq Khamisa Foundation,
in marijuana, tobacco, and dedicated to creating safer com-
heroin use among the nation’s munities by curbing youthful
young people. violence and promoting person-
In order to understand these al responsibility, after his son,
increases, Johnson discussed Tariq was killed two years ago.
Hawkins, therefore, suggests Tariq’s assailant was 14 years old.
the relationship of drug use to the assessing a community’s unique
amount of risk that adolescents Khamisa brings the foundation’s
profile of risk and protection. This program of Violence Impact
associate with drug use and to allows the school and the commu-
whether or not they disapprove of Forums into local schools to help
nity to make decisions about where promote healing and to reduce the
drug use. While these statistics por- it should focus its efforts and con-
tray disturbing trends across the traumatic effects of violence.
centrate its resources.
country, to choose the right preven- For most programs represented
tion program, educators must try to Present at the conference were at the conference, the critical first
understand these trends within representatives from a number of step in bringing drug and violence
their own communities. successful programs. Assessment prevention into the schools has
of community needs was often the been understanding the local situa-
Dr. David Hawkins of the Seattle key to their success. Joseph Carter,
Social Development Project, tion. As D.J. Ida, from the Asian
from the Boston Police Depart-

ThE ChALLENgE v7, n3 9

lined and easy-to-use with existing
resources,” Mary Ann Pentz,
developer of Project STAR, report-
ed. One of this program’s goals is
to encourage non-drug use and
reinforce non-drug social norms
and expectations in the community.
In Boston, where the overriding
goal was to reduce youth homi-
cides, the police commissioner
developed 16 community teams
involving more than 400 people.
These teams included clergy, busi-
ness leaders, labor officials, and
elected officials, as well as police.
The teams were charged with
developing a strategic plan to
Pacific Center for Human turn, establish the goals that drive change police orientation and give
Development in Denver, said about selection of appropriate programs. the department a neighborhood
her focus groups, it’s where one focus. It was up to the teams to set
Most participants at the confer- out the goals and objectives to real-
can learn what others see as the ence described their programs in
problems and what are the causes ize the desired outcome.
terms of goals and objectives.
of those problems. Phyllis Ellickson of Rand
Corporation, developer of Project
2 Goals &
Determining community needs
provides the basis for selecting pre-
ALERT, spoke broadly about
increasing student motivation to
resist drugs and developing skills
of resistance. She offered as one
objective, helping young people
acquire reasons not to use drugs
by, for example, challenging cer-
“Turning Research into Action”
was the theme of this summer’s
conference and research-based pro-
grams were in the limelight.
tain normative beliefs about drugs “The history of prevention in the
vention programs. Schools must and encouraging adolescents to area of substance abuse and delin-
ensure that the programs they believe they are capable of resist - quency does not have a strong
choose to implement are designed record,” Dr. Hawkins told the gath-
ing drugs. For the goal of develop-
to respond to the needs they have ing resistance skills, Project ering. General McCaffrey of
identified, and they should consid- ALERT helps kids identify pres- ONDCP stressed the need to
er only programs that have measur- change previous ways of thinking
sures that might encourage them to
able goals and objectives. use drugs and learn ways to counter about prevention. “One of our first
The Community That Cares pro- these pressures. challenges today is to try to replace
gram, developed by Dr. Hawkins, ideology and polemics with
Project STAR also emphasizes science and well-thought-out
provides a process making it possi- the development of drug resistance
ble to select prevention programs medical and social-based conclu-
skills as a program goal, but makes sions,” he said.
by first defining program goals. a point to include goals and objec-
Once risk and protective factors tives for the community as well. Dr. Gilbert Botvin, developer of
have been identified, a set of Life Skills Training, agreed. “We
“It’s important when developing or
outcome-based planning tools are choosing an effective program that know the causes of drug abuse and
used to identify desired medium- it includes community-level objec- how to prevent it, and therefore
and long-term outcomes. These, in there’s no excuse for developing
tives and activities that are time-

10 ThE ChALLENgE v7, n3

prevention programs that are based effective prevention programming, to implement good prevention
largely on ideology and intuition. and much discussion during the programs in their schools.
It’s time to move to approaches three days of the conference dealt
based on sound science.” with these findings.
Discussing research on risk and
protective factors, Dr. Hawkins
explained that a lot has been
Mathea Falco, President of Drug
Strategies, Incorporated developed
a list of key components for effec-
4 Programs
With needs assessed, programs
learned in the last 20 years about tive programs after she reviewed
what factors contribute to making the 47 programs described in her based on sound research and mea-
young people both more and less book, Making the Grade: A Guide surable goals determined, it’s time
vulnerable to substance abuse and to School Drug Prevention to discover whether or not every-
violence. Factors within schools Programs. But she has plenty of thing is working. A program must
(i.e., failure to ensure academic company. A number of conference be evaluated periodically in order
success of all children), within participants presented their own to measure its success.
families (i.e., failure to set clear lists of fundamental elements D.J. Ida recommends including
expectations for children), and for for effective prevention programs. an evaluation team right at the
individuals and peer groups (i.e., And Falco noted, “More and more beginning of program design or
initiating undesirable behavior at lists are springing up all over. during a needs assessment. She
early ages) all contribute to risk. It’s good (to have so many), found that having evaluators there
Protective factors include pro- because this may lead us to operat- at the start avoided a “we versus
moting healthy beliefs and clear ing standards.” they” situation between the pro-
standards of behavior for young Certain fundamentals appear on gram designer and the evaluators,
people and making it possible for the vast majority of these lists, and before long they were all ask-
young people to develop bonds indicating significant consensus ing the same questions. Whether or
with adults or groups in communi- about what good prevention not evaluation is involved in the
ties and schools. Providing oppor- programs should be doing. process from the beginning, it must
tunities for active involvement, They should: be conducted in a periodic manner
teaching the skills that are needed once the program is implemented
n Target known risk and protective in order to understand if the pro-
to be successful, and having a con- factors;
sistent system of recognition are gram is meeting its desired goals
the three conditions that must be n Teach drug resistance skills, per- and objectives.
present if a young person is to sonal skills, and social skills; Pentz of Project STAR described
develop a healthy bond with an n Emphasize interactive teaching four ways to evaluate a program.
adult or a group. This will increase methods; A program can be evaluated
the protection that guards the by measuring:
n Provide age appropriate infor-
young person from violence and
substance abuse. mation; and 1. Change in one particular group
n Use a comprehensive, multi- (a very weak method of evalua-
Many programs at the confer- tion, according to Pentz);
ence have developed strategies to component approach.
limit risk factors and enhance pro- “The research is finally here!” 2. Cross-sectional differences be-
tective factors. These included: conference presenters exclaimed. tween two groups;
The Seattle Social Development After 20 years, prevention experts 3. Net group difference or reduc-
Project, Communities that Care, now know what works and what tion; or
FAST, Life Skills Training, Project doesn’t work; they know what 4. Net program efficiency.
STAR, Strengthening Families, causes the problems and what
Project Family, Reconnecting solutions are available. And educa- All programs at the conference
Youth, and Project ALERT. tors now have the information and described their evaluation proce-
tools available to use this research dures, whether there was a control
Much research in recent years group or not, and how the data was
has focused on the fundamentals of

ThE ChALLENgE v7, n3 11

collected. Some programs ex- National Institute on Drug Abuse, to support prevention, and that
plained that early evaluation of the said, “We have ideologies galore won’t happen until the country
program helped them define areas about drug abuse and addiction, but can see that it works. “Behavior
where the program was weak. This we also have scientific data. And change is the bottom line. Without
allowed them to remedy the weak- that data tells us that drug use is a it you can’t really prove success,”
ness and make the overall program preventable behavior and drug Falco said.
more effective. addiction is a treatable disease.” Evaluation, research, and sound
There is plenty of evidence that science are the three tools that
What does all programs developed and targeted need to occupy everyone’s garden-

of this mean?
to prevent these behaviors work. ing shed. With these tools in
Many presenters at the conference hand, weeding the prevention gar-
detailed this evidence. But all this den will be easier than almost
Dr. Botvin hailed the dawn of a has to go one step further. The anyone thought.
new day in prevention; Mathea entire country, not just political
Falco claimed she was delighted leaders and educators, needs
that prevention is
finally having its day
in Washington; but
The American Medical Association reports
everyone from Vice
President Al Gore to
on adolescent health and the importance
the Secretary of
Education, Richard
of protective factors
Adolescents who are emotionally connected such as feelings of warmth, love, and caring
Riley, agreed that the to their families and schools are generally from parents.”
work of creating safe healthier than those who are not, according to
As with previous studies, the researchers
and drug-free schools an article in the September 10 issue of The found high rates of risky behaviors among
is not over. Journal of the American Medical Association adolescents:
(JAMA). n Suicide—10.2% of girls and 7.5% of boys
Research has
This is the AMA’s first report as a result of reported having considered suicide without
taught those in the
the National Longitudinal Study on actually attempting it over the past year,
prevention field a Adolescent Health. AMA researchers found while 5.1% of girls and 2.1% of boys report-
few things. The most that when adolescents feel connected to their ed suicide attempts.
important thing learn- parents and their school, they are less likely n Cigarettes—25.7% of adolescents reported
ed is that violence than other adolescents to: being current smokers, with 10.0% of males
and drug use are pre- n Suffer from emotional distress. and 9.2% of females smoking six or more
ventable behaviors. n Have suicidal thoughts and behaviors. cigarettes per day.
Dr. Prothow-Stith n Use violence. n Alcohol—17.9% of students reported drink-
discussed violence as n Smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or smoke ing alcohol more than monthly, with 9.9%
a preventable behav- marijuana. drinking at least one day per week.
ior and pointed They also have their first sexual experience n Marijuana—25.2% reported ever having
specifically to pro- later than adolescents who are not connected to smoked marijuana, with 12.7% reporting
grams like the Boston their parents and schools, but researchers that they had smoked at least once during
found no protective effect against pregnancy. the previous month.
Strategy, for reducing
The researchers write: “... The role of par- n Sexual behaviors—Approximately 17% of
youth crime, and
ents and family in shaping the health of ado- 7th and 8th graders and nearly half of 9th
Resolving Conflict through 12 graders indicated that they had
lescents is evident.” They found that perceived
Creatively as pro- high expectations by parents regarding school ever had sexual intercourse.
grams that have achievement was protective against some risky n Pregnancy—Among sexually experienced
records of proven behaviors, while the physical presence of a females aged 15 years and older, 19.8%
success. As for sub- parent in the home reduced the risk of sub- reported having ever been pregnant.
stance use and abuse, stance abuse. However, physical presence
Source: The Journal of the American Medical Association
Dr. Alan Leshner, was less significant in the overall health of
Director of the adolescents than was parental connectedness,

12 ThE ChALLENgE v7, n3

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