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Examples of expressions

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Examples of expressions

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Examples of expressions
You use expressions (expression: Any combination of mathematical or logical operators, constants, functions,
and names of fields, controls, and properties that evaluates to a single value. Expressions can perform
calculations, manipulate characters, or test data.)in many operations in Microsoft Access, including creating
calculated controls, query and filter criteria, default values, validation rules, and macro conditions. Often, the
easiest way to create an expression is to find an example of an expression that is similar to what you want to
create, and then modify it to do what you want.
Examples of expressions used in forms, reports, and data access pages
Examples of manipulating and calculating dates
The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls (calculated control: A
control used on a form, report, or data access page to display the result of an expression. The result is
recalculated each time there is a change in any of the values that the expression is based on.) on forms,
reports, and data access pages (data access page: A Web page, published from Access, that has a connection
to a database. In a data access page, you can view, add to, edit, and manipulate the data stored in the
database. A page can also include data from other sources, such as Excel.).



Uses the Date function to display the current date in the form of mm-dd-yyyy,
where mm is the month (1 through 12), dd is the day (1 through 31), and yyyy
is the year (1980 through 2099).

=Format(Now(), "ww")

Uses the Format function to display the number of the week of the year the
current date represents, where ww is 1 through 53.


Uses the DatePart function to display the four-digit year of the value of the
OrderDate field.

=DateAdd("y", -10,

Uses the DateAdd function to display a date that is 10 days before the value of
the PromisedDate field.


Uses the DateDiff function to display the variance in days between the values
of the OrderDate and ShippedDate fields.

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a
data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type WeekNumber:
Format(Now(), "ww").
When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a
calculated control in a data access page, make sure that you use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of
one of the controls you used in the expression.
In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or the name of a field in the
underlying records source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field
that's in the data definition of the page.
Examples of manipulating text values
The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and
data access pages.



Displays N/A.

=[FirstName]&" "&[LastName]

Displays the values of the FirstName and LastName fields separated

by a space.

=Left([ProductName], 1)

Uses the Left function to display the first character of the value of
the ProductName field.

=Right([AssetCode], 2)

Uses the Right function to display the last 2 characters of the value
of the AssetCode field.


Uses the Trim function to display the value of the Address field,
removing any leading or trailing spaces.

=IIf(IsNull([Region]),[City]&" "&
[PostalCode],[City]&" "&[Region]&"
"& [PostalCode])

Uses the IIf function to display the values of the City and
PostalCode fields if Region is Null; otherwise, it displays the values
of the City, Region, and PostalCode fields, separated by spaces.

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a
data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type FullName:
[FirstName]&" "& [LastName] .
When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a
calculated control in a data access page, make sure to use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one
of the controls that you used in the expression.
In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or field in the underlying record
source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field that's in the data
definition of that page.
Examples of manipulating arithmetic operations
The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and
data access pages.


=[Subtotal] + [Freight]

The sum of the values of the Subtotal and Freight fields.

=[RequiredDate] [ShippedDate]

The difference between the values of the RequiredDate and ShippedDate


=[Price] * 1.06

The product of the value of the Price field and 1.06 (adds 6 percent to the
Price value).

=[Quantity] * [Price]

The product of the values of the Quantity and Price fields.

=[EmployeeTotal] /

The quotient of the values of the EmployeeTotal and CountryTotal fields.

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a
data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type
ExtendedPrice: [Quantity] * [Price] .
When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a
calculated control on a data access page, make sure to use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one
of the controls that you used in the expression.
In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or the name of a field in the
underlying record source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field that's
in the data definition of the page.
When you use an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) in an expression, and the value of one of the controls in the
expression is Null, the result of the entire expression will be Null. On a form or report, if some records in
one of the controls that you used in the expression might have a Null value, you can convert the Null value
to zero by using the Nz function; for example:

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Examples of expressions
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Examples of expressions
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=Msodsc.Nz([Subtotal]) + Msodsc.Nz([Freight])



Examples of conditional expressions

=DLookup("[ContactName]", "[Suppliers]",
"[SupplierID] = Forms![SupplierID]")

Uses the DLookup function to display the value of

the ContactName field in the Suppliers table where
the value of the SupplierID field in the table
matches the value of the SupplierID control on the
active form.

=DLookup("[ContactName]", "[Suppliers]",
"[SupplierID] = Forms![New Suppliers]![SupplierID]")

Uses the DLookup function to display the value of

the ContactName field in the Suppliers table where
the value of the SupplierID field in the table
matches the value of the SupplierID control on the
New Suppliers form.

=DSum("[OrderAmount]", "[Orders]", "[CustomerID] =


Uses the DSum function to display the sum total

of values of the OrderAmount field in the Orders
table where the CustomerID is RATTC.

The following table lists examples of expressions that you can use in calculated controls on forms, reports, and
data access pages.


=IIf([Confirmed] = "Yes", "Order

Confirmed", "Order Not Confirmed")

Displays the message "Order Confirmed" if the value of the

Confirmed field is Yes; otherwise, it displays the message "Order
Not Confirmed."

=IIf(IsNull([Country])," ", [Country])

Displays an empty string if the value of the Country field is Null;

otherwise, it displays the value of the Country field.

=IIf(IsNull([Region]),[City]&" "&
[PostalCode], [City]&" "&[Region]&" "

Display the values of the City and PostalCode fields if Region is

Null; otherwise, it displays the values of the City, Region, and
PostalCode fields.

=IIf(IsNull([RequiredDate] [ShippedDate]), "Check for a missing

date", [RequiredDate] - [ShippedDate])

Display the message "Check for a missing date" if the result of

subtracting ShippedDate from RequiredDate is Null; otherwise, it
displays the difference between the values of the RequiredDate
and ShippedDate fields.

In a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator.
When you set the Name property of a calculated control, make sure you use a unique name. Don't use the
name of one of the controls you used in the expression.
Examples of expressions used in queries and filters

In the ControlSource property of a calculated control, precede the expression with the = operator. On a
data access page, you can omit the = operator, and type an alias instead; for example, type
DisplayCountry: IIf(IsNull([Country])," ",[Country]) .
When you set the Name property of a calculated control in a form or report, or set the ID property of a
calculated control in a data access page, make sure to use a unique name. Don't use the name or ID of one
of the controls that you used in the expression.
In an expression on a form or report, you can use the name of a control or the name of a field in the
underlying record source. In an expression on a data access page, you can use only the name of a field that's
in the data definition of the page.
Examples of aggregate and domain aggregate functions
Note You can't use aggregate and domain aggregate functions in a data access page. Additionally, you can't
use domain aggregate functions in a Microsoft Access project (.adp) (Microsoft Access project: An Access file
that connects to a Microsoft SQL Server database and is used to create client/server applications. A project file
doesn't contain any data or data -definition-based objects such as tables and views.).
Examples of expressions that use aggregate functions



Uses the Avg function to display the average of the values of the Freight control.


Uses the Count function to display the number of records in the OrderID control.


Uses the Sum function to display the sum of the values of the Sales control.

=Sum([Quantity] *

Uses the Sum function to display the sum of the product of the values of the
Quantity and Price controls.

=[Sales] / Sum
([Sales]) * 100

Displays the percentage of sales, determined by dividing the value of the Sales
control by the sum of all the values of the Sales control.

If the control's Format property is set to Percent, don't include the *100.

Examples of expressions that use domain aggregate functions

Examples of criteria used to retrieve records

Ranges of values (>, <, >=, <=, <>, or Between...And)


> 234

For a Quantity field, numbers greater than 234

< 1200.45

For a UnitPrice field, numbers less than 1200.45

>= "Callahan"

For a LastName field, all names from Callahan through the end of the

Between #2/2/1999# And


For an OrderDate field, dates from 2 -Feb-99 through 1-Dec-99 (ANSI89)

Between '2/2/1999' And '12/1/1999'

For an OrderDate field, dates from 2 -Feb-99 through 1-Dec-99 (ANSI92)

Values that don't match (Not)

Expression Result
Not "USA"

For a ShipCountry field, orders shipped to countries other than the USA

Not 2

For an ID field, the employee whose ID doesn't equal 2

Not T*

For a LastName field, employees whose names don't start with the letter "T" (ANSI -89)

Not T%

For a LastName field, employees whose names don't start with the letter "T" (ANSI -92)

Values in a list (In)



In("Canada", "UK")

For a ShipCountry field, orders shipped to Canada or the UK

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Examples of expressions

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In(France, Germany, Japan) For a CountryName field, employees living in France or Germany or Japan
Text, partial, and matching values



For a ShipCity field, orders shipped to London

"London" Or "Hedge End"

For a ShipCity field, orders shipped to London or Hedge End


For a CompanyName field, orders shipped to companies whose name starts

with the letters N through Z

Like "S*"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose name starts with the
letter S (ANSI-89)

Examples of expressions

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For a ShippedDate field, orders shipped on February 2,

2000 (ANSI-89)


For a ShippedDate field, orders shipped on February 2,

2000 (ANSI-92)


For a RequiredDate field, orders for today's date

Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", 3, Date( ))

For a RequiredDate field, orders required between today's

date and three months from today's date

< Date( ) - 30

For an OrderDate field, orders more than 30 days old

Year([OrderDate]) = 1999

For an OrderDate field, orders with order dates in 1999

Like "S%"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose name starts with the
letter S (ANSI-92)

DatePart("q", [OrderDate]) = 4

For an OrderDate field, orders for the fourth calendar


Right([OrderID], 2) = "99"

For an OrderID field, orders with ID values ending in 99

Len([CompanyName]) > Val


For a CompanyName field, orders for companies whose name is more than 30
characters long

DateSerial(Year ([OrderDate]), Month

([OrderDate]) + 1, 1) - 1

For an OrderDate field, orders for the last day of each


Year([OrderDate]) = Year(Now()) And Month

([OrderDate]) = Month(Now())

For an OrderDate field, orders for the current year and


Part of a field's value (Like)

A blank field's value (Null or zero-length string)



Like "S*"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with the letter S

Like "S%"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with the letter S

Like "*Imports"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names end with the word
"Imports" (ANSI-89)

Like "%

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names end with the word
"Imports" (ANSI-92)

Like "[A-D]*"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with A through D

Like "[A-D]%"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names start with A through D

Like "*ar*"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names include the letter
sequence "ar" (ANSI-89)

Like "%ar%"

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to customers whose names include the letter
sequence "ar" (ANSI-92)

Like "Maison

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to the customer with "Maison" as the first part of its
name and a 5-letter second name in which the first 4 letters are "Dewe" and the last letter
is unknown (ANSI -89)

Like "Maison

For a ShipName field, orders shipped to the customer with "Maison" as the first part of its
name and a 5-letter second name in which the first 4 letters are "Dewe" and the last letter
is unknown (ANSI -92)


Expression Result
Is Null

For a ShipRegion field, orders for customers whose ShipRegion field is Null (blank)

Is Not Null

For a ShipRegion field, orders for customers whose ShipRegion field contains a value


For a Fax field, orders for customers who don't have a fax machine, indicated by a zero-length
string value in the Fax field instead of a Null (blank) value

The result of a domain aggregate function



> (DStDev("[Freight]", "Orders") +

DAvg("[Freight]", "Orders"))

For a Freight field, orders for which the freight cost rose above the
mean plus the standard deviation for freight cost

>DAvg("[Quantity]", "Order Details")

For a Quantity field, products ordered in quantities above the

average order quantity

The result of a subquery as criteria



(SELECT [UnitPrice] FROM

[Products] WHERE [ProductName]
= "Aniseed Syrup")

For a UnitPrice field, products whose price is the same as the price of
Aniseed Syrup

> (SELECT AVG([UnitPrice])

FROM [Products])

For a UnitPrice field, products that have a unit price above the average


[Employees] WHERE ([Title] LIKE
"*Manager*") OR ([Title] LIKE
"*Vice President*"))

For a Salary field, the salary of every sales representative whose salary
is higher than that of all employees with "Manager" or "Vice President"
in their titles

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Examples of expressions
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Examples of expressions
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Examples of expressions used in calculated fields

YearHired: DatePart("yyyy", [HireDate])

Displays in the YearHired field the year each employee was hired

Manipulate text values

MonthNo: DatePart("M", [OrderDate])

Displays in the MonthNo field the number of the month

PriorDate: Date( ) - 30

Displays in the PriorDate field the date 30 days prior to the

current date



FullName: [FirstName] & " " &


Displays in the FullName field the value of the FirstName and

LastName fields, separated by a space

Address2: [City] & " " & [Region] & "

" & [PostalCode]

Displays in the Address2 field the value of the City, Region, and
PostalCode fields, separated by spaces

ProductInitial: Left([ProductName],

Displays in the ProductInitial field the first character of the value in

the ProductName field

TypeCode: Right([AssetCode], 2)

Displays in the TypeCode field the last two characters of the value in
the AssetCode field

AreaCode: Mid([Phone], 2, 3)

Displays in the AreaCode field the three characters starting with the
second character of the value in the Phone field

Use SQL and domain aggregate functions




Uses the Count function to count the number of records in the query,
including records with Null (blank) fields

FreightPercentage: Sum
([Freight]) / Sum([Subtotal]) *

Displays in the FreightPercentage field the percentage of freight charges in

each subtotal, by dividing the sum of the values in the Freight field by the
sum of the values in the Subtotal field.
The Total row in the design grid must be displayed, and the Total cell for
this field must be set to Expression.
If the Format property of the field is set to Percent, don't include the

Perform arithmetic operations



PrimeFreight: [Freight] *

Displays in the PrimeFreight field freight charges plus 10 percent

OrderAmount: [Quantity] *

Displays in the OrderAmount field the product of the values in the Quantity and
UnitPrice fields



LeadTime: [RequiredDate]
- [ShippedDate]

Displays in the LeadTime field the difference between the values in the
RequiredDate and ShippedDate fields

CurrentCountry: IIf(IsNull([Country]), " ",


TotalStock: [UnitsInStock]
+ [UnitsOnOrder]

Displays in the TotalStock field the sum of the values in the UnitsInStock and
UnitsOnOrder fields

Displays in the CurrentCountry field an empty string if the

Country field is Null; otherwise, it displays the contents of the
Country field

FreightPercentage: Sum
([Freight]) / Sum
([Subtotal]) * 100

Displays in the FreightPercentage field the percentage of freight charges in each

subtotal, by dividing the sum of the values in the Freight field by the sum of the
values in the Subtotal field.

LeadTime: IIf(IsNull([RequiredDate] [ShippedDate]), "Check for a missing date",

[RequiredDate] - [ShippedDate])

Displays in the LeadTime field the message "Check for a

missing date" if the value of either the RequiredDate or
ShippedDate fields is Null; otherwise, it displays the

SixMonthSales: Nz([Qtr1Sales], 0) + Nz
([Qtr2Sales], 0)

Displays in the SixMonthSales field the total of the values in

the first-quarter and second-quarter sales fields combined,
using the Nz function to convert the Null values to zero first

AverageFreight: DAvg
("[Freight]", "[Orders]")

Displays in the AverageFreight field the average discount given on all

orders combined in a totals query

Work with Null values

The Total row in the design grid (design grid: The grid that you use to design
a query or filter in query Design view or in the Advanced Filter/Sort window. For
queries, this grid was formerly known as the QBE grid.) must be displayed, and
the Total cell for this field must be set to Expression.

Use a subquery

If the Format property of the field is set to Percent, don't include the *100.
SumofUnits: Nz
([UnitsInStock], 0) + Nz
([UnitsOnOrder], 0)

Displays in the SumofUnits field the sum of all units in stock and on order.
When you use an arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) in an expression and the
value of one of the fields in the expression is Null, the result of the entire
expression will be Null. If some records in one of the fields you used in the
expression might have a Null value, you can convert the Null value to zero
using the Nz function.



Category: (SELECT [CategoryName] FROM

[Categories] WHERE [Products].[CategoryID] =

Displays in the Category field the CategoryName if the

CategoryID from the Categories table is the same as the
CategoryID from the Products table

Examples of expressions used in update queries

Use expressions such as the following in the Update To cell in the query design grid for the field you want to

Manipulate and calculate dates





LagTime: DateDiff("d", [OrderDate],


Display in the LagTime field the number of days between the

order date and ship date


Changes a text value to Salesperson


Changes a date value to 10-Aug-99

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Examples of expressions

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Examples of expressions

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incomplete.). The macro will be executed if the condition evaluates to True (or Yes).
"PN" & [PartNumber]

Adds PN to the beginning of each specified part number

[UnitPrice] * [Quantity]

Calculates the product of UnitPrice and Quantity

[Freight] * 1.5

Increases freight charges by 50 percent

DSum("[Quantity] *
"Order Details", "[ProductID]
=" & [ProductID])

Where the Product IDs in the current table match the Product IDs in the
Order Details table, updates sales totals based on the product of Quantity
and UnitPrice

Right([ShipPostalCode], 5)

Truncates the leftmost characters, leaving the five rightmost characters

IIf(IsNull([UnitPrice]), 0,

Changes a Null value to a zero (0) in the UnitPrice field

Examples of expressions used in SQL statements

You can use an expression in many places in an SQL statement, as the following examples show. Expressions
are shown in bold text.

To cause Microsoft Access to temporarily ignore an action (action: The basic building block of a macro; a self contained instruction that can be combined with other actions to automate tasks. This is sometimes called a
command in other macro languages.), enter False as a condition. Temporarily ignoring an action can be helpful
when you are trying to find problems in a macro.
Use this expression

To carry out the action if


Paris is the City value in the field on the form from which the macro
was run.

DCount("[OrderID]", "Orders")>35

There are more than 35 entries in the OrderID field of the Orders

DCount("*", "Order Details",


There are more than three entries in the Order Details table for which
the OrderID field of the table matches the OrderID field on the Orders

[ShippedDate] Between #2-Feb2001# And #2-Mar-2001#

The value of the ShippedDate field on the form from which the macro
is run is no earlier than 2-Feb-2001 and no later than 2 -Mar-2001.


The value of the UnitsInStock field on the Products form is less than



SELECT [FirstName], [LastName] FROM

[Employees] WHERE [LastName] =

Displays the values in the FirstName and LastName fields

for employees whose last name is Davolio.


SELECT [ProductID], [ProductName] FROM

[Products] WHERE [CategoryID] = Forms!
[New Products]![CategoryID];

Displays the values in the ProductID and ProductName

fields in the Products table for records in which the
CategoryID value matches the CategoryID value specified in
an open New Products form.

The FirstName value on the form from which the macro is run is Null
(has no value). This expression is equivalent to [FirstName] Is Null.

[Country]="UK" And Forms!


The value in the Country field on the form from which the macro is
run is UK, and the value of the TotalOrds field on the SalesTotals form
is greater than 100.

SELECT Avg([ExtendedPrice]) AS [Average

Extended Price] FROM [Order Details
Extended] WHERE [ExtendedPrice] >

Displays in a field named Average Extended Price the

average extended price of orders for which the value in the
ExtendedPrice field is more than 1,000.

[Country] In ("France", "Italy",

"Spain") And Len([PostalCode])<>5

The value in the Country field on the form from which the macro is
run is France, Italy, or Spain, and the postal code isn't five characters

SELECT [CategoryID],Count([ProductID])
AS [CountOfProductID]
FROM [Products] GROUP BY [CategoryID]
HAVING Count([ProductID]) > 10;

Displays in a field named CountOfProductID the total

number of products for categories with more than 10

MsgBox("Confirm changes?",1)=1

You click OK in a dialog box in which the MsgBox function displays

"Confirm changes?". If you click Cancel in the dialog box, Microsoft
Access ignores the action.

Examples of default value expressions


Default field value



"New York, N.Y."

New York, N.Y. (note that you must enclose the value in quotes if it includes punctuation)


Zero-length string

Date( )

Today's date


Yes displayed in the local language of the computer.

Examples of macro condition expressions

You can use any expression that evaluates to True/False or Yes/No in a macro condition (condition: Part of the
criteria that a field must meet for searching or filtering. Some conditions must be used with a value; for
example, the field Author with the condition equals with the value Jane. Author equals, by itself, would be

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