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The descriptive essay provides details about how something looks, feels, tastes,
smells, makes one feel, or sounds. It can also describe what something is, or how
something happened. These essays generally use a lot of sensory details. The essay
could be a list-like description that provides point by point details. Or, it could function as
a story, keeping the reader interested in the plot and theme of the event described.
Descriptive Essay: A Beautiful Place
I think we all have a beautiful place in our mind. I have a wonderful place that made me
happy a lot of times, years ago. But sometimes I think that I am the only person who
likes this place and I'm asking myself if this place will be as beautiful as I thought when I
will go back to visit it again. Perhaps I made it beautiful in my mind.
This place is meaningful to me because it is part of the county I loved, is part of the
county where I grew up and is part of my childhood. This place is in the country in an
old region named Appalachia, a small piece of the Appalachian Mountains, in a town
Pikeville is a polluted town because of the coal industry. People live in apartment or
condominium buildings because of its little space available. I grew up in one of the
many buildings in Pikeville admiring from my bedroom window the beauty of the
mountains, always exploring with my eyes the forest or the meadows, looking for a
clean and quiet place. And, I found one on a hill in the back of the town. It is about 100
feet square, it has seven old trees, wild flowers and a lot of bugs and ants during
I used to go there to sit down on a rock and watch the town and my trees. There was a
very old tree, a maple tree, with a huge trunk. The others were smaller, three in the
back, three on my left side and the old maple tree on my right. There were flowers,
many kinds, white, yellow, purple and blue. It was nobody's place. Nobody owned that
hill, but it was beautiful and peaceful and I dreamed many times about a white
house over
I think that, these kinds of places are meaningful to people because they are natural
and people can be there alone, away from their everyday life.
I used to go there to be alone or to dream with my eyes open admiring the blue sky or
the clouds. I liked to go there to lay down on the grass, listen to the wind, kiss the
flowers and watch the leaves moving. It was hard to go up the hill to get there, but I
wanted to see everyday my seven trees, to see how the color of the leaves changed
I used to go there with a reason or with no reason at all. I knew that I had to be there to
forget who I am, to breath and re-feed myself with hope. That was the only place I could
go to dance, or sing, or cry. That place was part of me. The wind was part of my breath,
the leaves were part of my song, the flowers were part of my purity and the trees were
my friends that I used to hug every time when I got there.

I used to go there even in winter to play with clean snow. In my native town, even after a
fresh snow, we got a gray-black layer of soot over the snow. All the town was covered
During winter time my place was still beautiful. My trees had branches full of white,
heavy snow. The flowers, the birds, the grass were gone, also the rock I used to sit on
was hard to be found, but it was still peaceful, quiet and especially clean. The snow
This place is far, far-away in time and space, part of my childhood and my adolescence.
It means a lot to me because it is beautiful and natural, is a clean and quiet place in a
world of noise and dirty air. This place is maybe beautiful just in my mind, but it is one of
the few friends I had, back in Romania. I really hope that the new construction will spare
this place and others like it, for these are the places that can bring us happiness.

A definition essay attempts to define a specific term. It could try to pin down the
meaning of a specific word, or define an abstract concept. The analysis goes deeper
than a simple dictionary definition; it should attempt to explain why the term is defined
as such. It could define the term directly, giving no information other than the
explanation of the term. Or, it could imply the definition of the term, telling a story that
requires the reader to infer the meaning.

Definition Essay: Happiness

Happiness. It is not measurable, profitable, nor tradable. Yet, above all else in the world,
it is what people seek. They want to have happiness, and want to know they have a lot
of it. But happiness, like air or water, is a hard thing to grasp in ones hand. It is
intangible. So how does one know if they have it? Is it just a feeling? And if someone
does not feel happy, how can they go about achieving that feeling?
Happiness is not measured by material wealth. A new car or television, a waterskiing
boat or a three-level house does not equate to joyful feelings. They are status symbols,
surely, and ones that make others assume a person is happy, but they do not guarantee
a happy life. The clichd phrase, money cant buy happiness, is heard often
because it is true. People who have wealth can be unhappy, just as the poor can be
living on cloud nine. Possessions can be gained and lost, and with that comes fear. And
fear rarely leads to happiness.
So if it isnt stuff that achieves happiness, then what can? Well, goals can. People need
to have a sense of purpose. It is no coincidence that Peanuts creator Charles Schultz
died a week after ending his famous comic strip. Without a purpose, he was lost. But
people that have a sense of purpose in their life often have a feeling of satisfaction
about them. They sense they were put on this planet for a reason. To each person, this
purpose can be different. Maybe they were meant to teach. Maybe they were meant to
mother. Maybe they were meant to learn. And goals can be small things, like taking an
extra moment each day to breathe. But having progress in life, a feeling of forward
motion, can make people feel happy.
But taking that forward motion too far can be a bad thing. Success at the expense of
everything else, for example, leads to the opposite of happiness. Life requires balance.
And people that understand that there is a balance to work and play, strife and joy, are
more in tune with the universe and, therefore, better able to achieve happiness. Life
with a dose of humor is more pleasant. Comedians, compared to any other profession,

live the longest because they understand that laughter adds the spice to life, and makes
daily progress worth the minor tribulations.
So people can be happy if they have something to strive for and something to laugh
about. But is that it? Can people with goals and a sense of humor still be unhappy?
Well, yes. After all, the final key to happiness is the decision to actually be happy.
Human nature can see negative energy anywhere. People can fixate on problems
instead of solutions. So at the end of the day, happiness depends upon ourselves.
(Aristotle). As Lincoln said, Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Being happy with who you are and what you have, is a decision that has to be
consciously made. Goals can help lead to happiness. Finding laughter in life is
important. But at the end of the day, a person needs to make a choice about happiness.
They need to agree they want it, deserve it, and have it.

The compare/contrast essay discusses the similarities and differences between two
things, people, concepts, places, etc. The essay could be an unbiased discussion, or an
attempt to convince the reader of the benefits of one thing, person, or concept. It could
also be written simply to entertain the reader, or to arrive at an insight into human
nature. The essay could discuss both similarities and differences, or it could just focus
on one or the other. Acomparison essay usually discusses the similarities between two
things, while the contrast essay discusses the differences.
iPhone 5s Versus iPhone 6
The hype around Apple products seems neverending. The companys announcement of
a new product collects millions of views; people stand lines in front of Apple stores to
get a new gadget just to come at the same place twelve months later, longing for a
new product. Among the companys recent novelties is the iPhone 6 a newer and
more advanced version of the most popular phone in the world. However, the previous
model iPhone 5s seemed to have been satisfying peoples needs just fine as well.
So, what is the difference? Is iPhone 6 worth spending extra money on it?
The most obvious difference is that the new iPhone has got a bigger and wider display
it is now 4.7 inches in diagonal, compared to the 4 inches that its predecessor
possessed. The new model has a larger resolution, which is 1334 x 750. The
technology used in the screen is called Retina HD, and is known to be one of the best
(if not simply the best) screen technologies, allowing to transfer deep, saturated, and
realistic colors. iPhone 5s had nothing like that in its arsenal. Both phones have
strengthened glass covering the display, but the 6th model also possesses something
marked as an improved polarizer.
The overall design has not changed much, putting aside the fact that iPhone 6 has just
become bigger. It is thinner (6.8mm thick, compared to 7.9mm of the previous model),
and slightly lighter; the differences are so subtle, however, that they are not worth
mentioning. Both models are made of aluminium, and have the distinctive round button
at the bottom. Currently, hundreds of tech observers bend over themselves trying to
prove that iPhone 6 is much more comfortable to use, that it fits a hand of an average
person perfectly, and so on. However, all these observers are probably male. iPhone 5s,
although having a smaller screen, fits hands of women and teenagers, whereas the new
model reminds of a shovel, or of an average Samsung megalomaniac phone: okay to
use if you are a man with a large hand, but not comfortable for women.
The hardware differences between iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 are also not obvious to a
normal user (given that this user is not a tech nerd). iPhone 6 uses a 64-bit Apple A8
dual-core, whereas the older model has the A7 one. Both models have 1GB RAM on
board. iPhone 6 also has an M8 co-processor (M7 co-processor in iPhone 5s). Both
models work fine with iOS 8. Both cameras are traditionally perfect for semiprofessional use. iPhone 6 works about 10 hours in talk mode, and this result is a little
bit better than the previous model with 8 hours of battery life on talk mode.

In the outcome, both phones are a high-quality product, able to satisfy the needs of
anyone who uses them. If you are not a geek who cares about processor frequencies,
or a designer who has the eye to distinguish all the CMYK color range, there is no need
for you to update from your iPhone 5s.

The cause/effect essay explains why or how some event happened, and what resulted
from the event. This essay is a study of the relationship between two or more events or
experiences. The essay could discuss both causesand effects, or it could simply
address one or the other. A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something
happened. An effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or
Cause of Lung Cancer
Among terminal diseases which humanity has not yet learned to treat, cancer is
probably one of the most feared illnesses. Unlike AIDS or other diseases widely spread
in countries with low standards of living, cancers geography is much wider, including
both rich and poor countries equally. Among the variety of different types of cancer, one
of the most common is lung cancer; the environment in which people live in the 21st
century greatly contributes to the development of this type of cancer.
The first and the most popular cause of lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. By numerous
estimates, smoking cigarettes causes approximately 86% of lung cancer cases,
including cases caused by passive exposure to smoke exhaled by other smokers.
These chances even increase if a person had started smoking tobacco at a young age.
Passive smoking poses a lesser threat, but is still dangerous it is known that passive
smokers (who are usually exposed to smoke at work or at home) have a 25% higher
risk of lung cancer compared to people who are not exposed to the smoke of cigarettes.
Regular heavy exposure to environmental tobacco smoke can increase the risk of lung
cancer by 50% (CancerResearch UK).
Genetics and lung diseases in ones genetics can also become significant risk factors of
lung cancer. For example, if a persons mother, father, sibling, aunt, uncle, or
grandparent has had lung cancer, the chances of this person developing lung cancer
slightly increases. At the same time, it has not been yet researched whether genes
indeed increase cancer chances, or they simply increase individuals susceptibility to
this disease. As for lung diseases, some of them are known to affect the chances of
cancer development. In particular, among such diseases are tuberculosis and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Other illnesses like chronic bronchitis and emphysema
can cause scarring in the lungs, which means the increase of the amount of tissue in
them and as it is known, cancer is an uncontrolled division of cells, and the respective
multiplication of tissues (Healthline).
As for other environmental factors, one of the most significant among them is the
exposure to asbestos fibers and similar materials. Usually, a person is exposed to these
silicate materials at the workplace: technical works such as thermal and acoustic
insulation involve the usage of asbestos. Nowadays, asbestos is limited or even
prohibited from usage, since it has been proven that asbestos materials can cause both
lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer of the lungs pleura, as well as cancer of
peritoneum a lining of the abdominal cavity). Even non-smoking asbestos workers
have a five times higher risk of developing lung cancer; as for the smoking asbestos

workers, their chances to get

nonsmokers (MedicineNet.com).








As it can be seen, lung cancer does not develop on its own, but is triggered by a
number of factors. The first and foremost of them is smoking tobacco, both active and
passive. Exposure to asbestos materials also increases a persons chances to get lung
cancer. Also, genetics and past lung illnesses can lead to the development of this type
of cancer. The cure for lung cancer is not finalized, and remains an epidemic.

The narrative essay tells a story. It can also be called a "short story." Generally the
narrative essay is conversational in style, and tells of a personal experience. It is most
commonly written in the first person (uses I). This essay could tell of a single, lifeshaping event, or simply a mundane daily experience
My Secret Place
What is your attitude towards loneliness? Do you think it is a curse, when you are
isolated from the rest of the world, left face-to-face with yourself? Or do you, on the
contrary, seek it, appreciating each moment of silence you can snatch from the
surrounding world? These small breaks can help you replenish your energy and
reorganize your thoughts, so that you can start each day as a new onenot as an
extension of a previous one. As for me, I am more of the second kind of person; solitude
for me is a gift, which is valued less by people than it should be accorded.
In my child and teen years, I had a perfect place to go to when I felt like being on my
own. In a small town in the center of America, where I lived back then, we had a steep
hill on the outskirts. On its top, an old warehouse stood. No one, even older people,
seemed to know who had built that warehouse in such an inconvenient place, and what
for. Some said that smugglers used it during World War II for their purposes; others told
stories about local slaveholders, who lived in our town a long time agothose people
were thought to have kept slaves in the old warehouse. For us children, that old wooden
shack was a haunted place with a grim, bloody story of love and treason.
None of the townsmen had ever visited the old warehouse. Children were scared and
adults just did not feel like climbing up the steep slope for no reason. For most of a year,
I was its only visitor. Sitting with my legs dangling from the attics crossbar, usually with
an apple in my hand, I watched the sunsets and sunrises, and tiny ants running here
and there, and the birds in a nest above my head (for some reason they were not afraid
of me), and the life beneath my outlook point. During such moments, what was
meaningful to me was only what I could see, hear, touch, or smell. My school worries,
arguments with friends, unrequited first love, and even Mrs. Finchs cat that I
accidentally ran over by my bicycleall this, as well as many other thingsdid not
exist. And now, when I reminisce about my childhood, I remember the warm golden
light, soft shades in the attic, a smell of fresh hay, and the tile rooftops of my town.
Sometimes, as I visited the warehouse, I met other people there. Usually they were
vagabonds, staying for a couple of days before moving ahead, or seasonal workers
traveling across the entire country further to the West. When this happened, I behaved
like a cautious animal, and fortunately I never had problems with them. If they stayed

long enough, I would bring them some canned food, and in exchange they told me their
stories, or joked with me. I heard stories of loneliness and long railway trails; unpaid
labor and failed marriages; crashed hopes and vehement dreams. In their voices I could
hear the wisdom and the ignorance of the world. They shared their fears, their grief, or
their joy with a 13-year-old kid from an American no-name remoteness, knowing that he
will not spill the beans. Or even if I would (though I never did)still they saw me for the
first and last time in their lives.

A process essay describes how something is done. It generally explains actions that
should be performed in a series. It can explain in detail how to accomplish a specific
task, or it can show how an individual came to a certain personal awareness. The essay
could be in the form of step-by-step instructions, or in story form, with the
instructions/explanations subtly given along the way.
The digestive process is important in maintaining the lives of living organisms and in
providing them with needed energy. Groups of organs, such as the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, and intestines, work together to perform this complex task. Digestion is
theprocess of breaking down food from large molecules into small ones to makeit easier
for absorption. The three major steps involved in the digestive process are ingestion,
digestion, and absorption.
Ingestion, which occurs in the mouth, is the first step of the digestive process. After
food enters the mouth, the teeth chew it. Saliva, which is produced by the salivary
glands, plays a major role in breaking down the food into smaller pieces. These small
pieces travel to the stomach through the esophagus.
In the stomach, the second step of the digestive process begins. When the chewed
food reaches the bottom of the esophagus, a valve lets the food enter the stomach.
Contraction of the stomach wall mixes the food. Acidic gastric juices, which are secreted
by the gastric glands in the stomach, help in mixing the food and in turning it intoa
partial liquid so it will have the ability to move into the small intestine.In the small
intestine, enzymes are secreted, and digestion is completed.
The last step in the digestive process is absorption. Absorption takes place in the
small intestine. The wall of the small intestine is lined with small, finger like projections
called villi. Small molecules of food are absorbed by the huge number of villi. Someof
these absorbed molecules enter the bloodstream to be distributed throughout the whole
In conclusion, the digestive process involves three major steps: ingestion, digestion,
and absorption. Ingestion, which occurs in the mouth, helps to increase the surface are
of the food particles and prepares them for digestion. In the stomach, digestion begins,
and it continues until it reaches the small intestine, where absorption takes place. The
digestive process maintains organisms' lives by providing them with energy needed for
different functions.

An argumentative essay is one that attempts to persuade the reader to the writer's
point of view. The writer can either be serious or funny, but always tries to convince the
reader of the validity of his or her opinion. The essay may argue openly, or it may
attempt to subtly persuade the reader by using irony or sarcasm.
Child abuse Essay
Introduction: Child abuse is an immense problem that does require immediate help
provided to the child from the side of specialists. Once a teacher gets an allegation of
abuse from a child, he must not require a written statement from the child or must not
make the child repeat the allegation in front of other teachers or adult people. The
teacher must not wait until the end of the school day, but report immediately by the
means of telephone and support it with a written report within the next 36 hours. The
teacher takes individual responsibility for the report, so it cannot be done anonymously.
Both the telephone and the written report are subjects of certain legal procedures. The
telephone report should include detailed information about the person making the report
and detailed information about the child, suspected of being a victim of abuse: location,
special needs, injury, ect. Afterwards all the details must be repeated by the contact
person and approved by the reporting teacher. By no means a teacher should contact
the childs parents and a teacher should not make an investigation.
The next step after the telephone report is the written report. A fax report is an
interchangeable form of a written report, required by the Department of Children and
Family Services. The written reports are made through the forms: SS 8572 or SS
8572(2), reporting the fact of child abuse and by the form DOJ 900, which is a medical
report. Copies should be made and saved by the reporter for further organizational
process. Generally all the forms if needed are provided by the child protective agency.
All the information in the forms must be full and as objective as possible. They require
detailed information about the life of the child, his needs and other information. A
personal opinion of the reporter has no legal value. The information of both written and
telephone report is confidential. This confidentiality in case of its violation may result in 6
month of jail, for the person violating it. The teacher may feel free to contact the child
protective agency for any questions that may occur throughout the process of reporting
the abuse or neglect. The identifying information provided by the reporting teacher
should be clear.
Conclusion: The teacher is completely responsible for any information that he conceals,
including the name of the possible perpetrator from the contact person. The response
and the actions of the child protective agency following the reports may have a wide
range. The teacher has to be ready in case the parent requests details about the
reasons the child abuse report was made. Only a small amount of people have access
to the report details and they always are designated reporters such as CARE Program
SCAN Team members. The main role of the teacher is to make the report legally right,
according to the local abuse-reporting plan. Any illegal action, incorrect information that
does not coincide with the reality and is subjective attitude is a law violation and the
teacher takes responsibility for false evidence.

A critical essay analyzes the strengths, weaknesses and methods of someone else's
work. Generally these essays begin with a brief overview of the main points of the text,
movie, or piece of art, followed by an analysis of the work's meaning. It should then
discuss how well the author/creator accomplishes his/her goals and makes his/her
points. A critical essay can be written about another essay, story, book, poem, movie, or
work of The Idea of American Dream in The Great Gatsby Essay

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step up and see the Great Gatsby

Introduction: So many things have been said about the American Dream; so many
people have struggled against themselves to prove that it does not only exist but can
also be achieved. So many people worked hard and devoted their lives to this dream.
Do we really and profoundly feel what it means, or do we keep following the stereotypes
that we have created in our very own minds. To make a long story short What is an
American Dream? One of the most brilliant examples revealing a particular point of view
on the matter is the outstanding work of Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby.
Fitzgerald shows how this dream is full of materialism, how materialism influencing the
lives of people makes it hard for them so see the reality objectively. As the result of
being so materialistic Fitzgeralds characters start idealizing not only their way of life but
their feelings, too. Their existance seems to be a theatre performance, where the actors
are obviously overacting.
Fitzgerald shares his determination of the American dream mainly through the
character of Jay Gatsby. Being a man who shows through his own actions that success
is his prerogative, he truly believes in the American dream of success. He is a man
that gets whatever he wants and gets it primarily by the means of money. As Fitzgerald
shows Gatsbys life we see how easily he can change anything with the help of money if
he wants to. Therefore we can assume, that psychologically he is not ready to take
things for what they are. We suppose that it is the reason for his idealization of love that
later on lead to the collapse of his dream, the collapse of the American dream.Scott
Fitzgerald shows the Gatsbys encirclement and he shows the core of the dream
through their desire to realize it. "Sure I did. I was going to wear it to- night, but it was
too big in the bust and had to be altered. It was gas blue with lavender beads. Two
hundred and sixty-five dollars."[Fitzgerald 36] answers the girl after being simply
asked by Nick Carraway if she had accepted a gift. The stress on materialism and
mentioning money and material things wherever it is possible is a characteristical trait of
people representing the era of Fitzgeralds American dream.
Fitzerald shows how Gatsby almost fulfills the dream having all of its requirements:
position, money and his unique perception of the world that attracted people. . "So he

invented the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old boy would be likely to invent,
and to this conception he was faithful to the end [Fitzgerald 29]." He creates a new man
Jay Gatsby and becomes successful in living his life. Nevertheless, last of the
requirements: ideal love was nevertheless not fulfilled and it started the collapse of
the American dream. For love cannot be bought with anything. He made all the money
with the only aim- he knew that Daisy wanted to marry a rich man therefore he
considered this way to be the only way to unite him with his true love. The
understanding of the dream by the characters in the book is garbled and that is the
primary reason they fail to realize the true message of the dream. Fitzerald is obviously
criticizing the American Dream in The Great Gatsby.The question he asks is from out
point of view a vital question concerning people trying to achieve it: Is this dream really
worth of achieving on such almost impossible conditions? And therefore do we really
need this kind of a dream? Gatsbys life is actually going on in the past, though he lives
in the present because everything he does is done to change it. Fitzerald reveals to the
reader that happiness is not a thing, which you can buy with money or handpick with
power. His fulfillment of the requirements oh the Dream has come to such a point that
between the lines the reader sees how desperate he is. So what is the American Dream
that is criticized in the definition of Scott Fitzgerald? It is successful life and work
through which people obtain the material acknowledgement of their success and
become happy when they do. The problem is that having the person you love also
start being a material acknowledgement, too.
Conclusion: The essence of the book is that when the moral principles are low, people
choose any means for achieving success and people are interested only in the result.
The real understanding of the American dream is lost by the characters in this book
and by this Fitzerald shows that there is no need for a dream like this. It is a dream with
the same name, but with a different content. Having money is not a guarantee of true
happiness. "Her voice is full of money [Fitzerald 102]," says Gatsby, I can buy her,
means Fitzgerald. We want to conclude using the scene when Daisy does confess that
she was the one driving the car and by this she signs Gatsbys death penalty. She uses
Gatsby and he is ready to put her guilt over his shoulders. This little scene shows how
much is love and devotion valued and how responsible can these American dream
seekers be.Success against all odds may not bring happiness but in the contrary it
may bring even a greater pain and disappointment. What Fitzgerald true believes is that
the American dream has been corrupted by materialism, by the effort to substitute the
true meaning of the dream with its fake understanding of people who lack morality. We
support Scott Fitzgerald in his opinion. This dream will be not achievable as long as
people do not stop garbling it. They need to start understanding the real value of the
treasure that is so rare nowadays: dignity and forget about materialism.

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