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An update from Acts 29 in Italy | February 2016

Two ex-Mormon families have
recently come to Christ. It is a
joy to see them growing in
grace and being a part of the
community. Last June we held
a baptism where we had the
privilege to baptize one of


these ex-Mormon converts, as

By definition: "a powerful effect that something,

well as a 72 year old Italian

especially something new, has on a situation or person."

lady who had recently turned

That, in a nutshell, is our hope and vision for Italy! We pray

to Christ, along with 4 others.

and believe that as the wonder of the only gospel is lived

We have been fervently

praying for more workers for

out, in word and deed, this new gospel-message might have

a powerful eect. Impatto!

the harvest and we have some

It is with gratitude and a sense of awe we look back and see

solid prospects for the near

how God has been faithful and awesomely wonderful. Acts

future. God seems to have

29 in Italy (Impatto) now has 11 assessed church planters

provided a few families who

are taking on the burden to
help plant churches in the
region. Please PRAY as we
raise support for these new

involved in 7 church-planting churches and church-plants.

There is momentum as a deep sense of family develops and
we grow together to see healthy leaders lead healthy
churches to plant and plant again.

families and train them for

As you read through the news summaries below, take a

church-planting in two

moment every now and then to give praise for the gospel

different areas around


going out into Italy - and believe for Impatto!

Email: ImpattoItalia@gmail.com | Facebook.com/ImpattoIT | Web: www.impattoitalia.org

Nuova Vita: Bologna

We are encouraged to see the work that God is doing in many
dierent ministries within our church, such as children's

Incontro con Ges:


ministries, training new leaders, and with the ministry that

We have at least three groups

reaches out to the "ladies of the street. There are always a lot of

meeting in homes on a regular

challenges and Satan often puts obstacles in our way to

basis each week to study the

discourage us and show us our failures, but God is the one who

Bible and live it out together.

makes our hearts strong and confirms to us that, despite the

We have one-on-one

diculties, this is His work! Please PRAY for harmony and unity

discipleship being done

among the members of the church and for humility among the

among the members of ICG.


Sometimes this presents

difficult problems as some of
the individuals are battling

Nuova Vita: Salerno

This fall we have seen some significant growth in our community.

very intense problems in their


There is a real sense of family and we are all growing in our

We have been working at

understanding of how to live that out. A few men are being

defining the theological vision

developed and trained in hopes they will become leaders within

of ICG. Another very exciting

the church. With these men, there is a real sense of gospel

ministry within our church is

humility and maturity. We have also had a few significant

called theExit Project, where

opportunities within the city and schools to love and serve. We

we minister and share the

want to see the gospel eect and renew many dierent aspects of

gospel with victims of human

our city. In general, ministry is slow and hard, which can make for

trafficking in the streets. We

discouraging days or weeks. This fall we have also had to walk

have collaborated with some

through the let down of a friend and brother walk away and leave

other similar associations to

the church. It has been hard for everyone.

establish houses of refuge for

This Spring we will begin a new course of Porterbrook Learning

on the Holy Spirit, as well as inviting teams to teach English and
serve the city, and also begin our Partnership (membership)

victims who are trying to exit

from their slavery. Please PRAY
for both spiritual and
numerical growth in our
community, the Gibson family

Please PRAY specifically that the gospel would go deeper and

who will run the new center for

more profoundly in each of us within Nuova Vita, and as it

this association, and for the

changes us we would live that out in our communities and city to

development of male

give every man, woman and child an opportunity to hear and

leadership who can help lead

respond to the gospel.

the church.

Email: ImpattoItalia@gmail.com | Facebook.com/ImpattoIT | Web: www.impattoitalia.org

Chiesa la Rocca:

Impatto: Budrio

We have several new people

We have a few individuals who are continuing to come and explore

that are regularly involved with

what it looks like to daily put their faith in Jesus. After our summer

our church. Most of these are

camp a family starting coming to church, but then unfortunately

not believers yet. But we are

moved away from Budrio. Recently an English friend of Jennys has

excited to see them discover

been learning and growing, and a man has begun to go through

biblical truths for the first time.

Christianity Explained. Coming up, we have a few outreaches

However, as encouraging as it

utilizing sports planned for the schools in our city. In March with a

is to have several new people

baseball team and in May with a basketball team, and hopefully a

attending, the discouraging

summer camp in June. Also an American couple, Justin and Carli,

side is we are not seeing

are about to return back from the USA where they have been

Gospel change in their lives.

raising support, to work with us on our church planting team.

Most have not come to a

decision to follow Christ, and

Please PRAY for Justin and Carli to settle in quickly again to life

many of the believers involved

here, for new contacts in Budrio and for the church as it continues

are not making great decisions

to get established. We are working through membership and a

and commitments to live for

confession of faith at the moment.

In the near future, we are
starting three new small group

Trieste Evangelica: Trieste

Bible studies. One for ladies

This year we have been particularly encouraged to see how God

and one for teen/college age

has grown and unified our team. However, we have been struggling

people. Another one is with

with getting our church body to grasp the vision of living

some unsaved friends.

missionally. As a unified team we are really looking forward to

solidifying how we as a team and church can take active steps in

We ask you to PRAY for

being most eective in ministry. We ask you to PRAY that we

wisdom in knowing how to

would hear God's voice and be lead by the Holy Spirit with

counsel and encourage

discernment in decisions for future endeavors that will eect our

people in their spiritual walk.

team, church and ministry.

We know only God can

change hearts, so we are also

praying for patience. We find

We each thank God for all that he is continuing to do in Italy.

ourselves quite stretched with

Continue to pray for the expansion of His kingdom through the

all the regular activities we are

planting of new gospel-centered churches!

involved in.

Email: ImpattoItalia@gmail.com | Facebook.com/ImpattoIT | Web: www.impattoitalia.org

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