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Rahvusvaheline Delta Kappa Gamma Ühing  Eestis 

Laupäev, 6.märts  2010.a.
Tallinn, Prantsuse Lütseum, Hariduse 3

Konverentsi  päevakava:
9.00  -  Kogunemine ja kohvilaud, avatud loterii

10.00 – 10.20 – konverentsi avamine, DKG Eesti president Anu  Joon ja moderaator Urve

10.20 – 10.50 – Mare Torm : Koolieelse hariduse arendajad Eestis 20.sajandil

10.50 – 11.20 – Sigrun Klara Hannesdottir (Island):

                           What Delta Kappa Gamma Society has meant to Iceland’s educators who
have been           
                           Members since 1975
11.20 - 11.35    KOHVIPAUS
11.35 -12.05 – Anu Sepp: Muusikaõpetus kui meie koolikultuuri osa

12.05 – 12.30 – Ene Eisenberg-Lindqvist : Inglisekeelse kirjanduse kasutamisest 

                            inglise keele tundides
12.30 – 13.30 – LÕUNA

13.30 - 14.00 – Meeri Sild :  Word Clouds

14.00– 14.30 – Merike Saar: Ühistöövahendid WIKI

14.30 – 15.00 - Dolores Lindsay (Canada): Women Educators as the  Shamans of  Estonian

15.00 – 15.15 - KOHVIPAUS

15.15 – 16.15 – Aastakokkuvõte Alpha Chapteri tegevusest:

                                                        - Tegevused ja projektid : president või sekretär(Anu või


                                                        - liikmeskond: Margarita Hanschmidt

                                                        - finantsaruanne: Sirje Hellerma

                                                        - Marianne Skardeus (Rootsi): Stipendiumite taotlemise

võimalustest DKG Ühingus

17.00 -19.00 –Beta Chapter’i Charter night  kooli aulas, buffee


 Mare Torm, researcher at Estonian Museum-Archive of Education at Tallinn

 Developers of Estonian pre-school education in the 20th century

Friedrich Wilhelm August Fröbel (1782 – 1852), a German philosopher and educationist
opened the first  educational institution for pre-school children – a kindergarten - in Bad
Blankenburg on June 28,1840 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the invention of the
printing press. Fröbel showed his respect to the memory of Johann Gutenberg by this festive
event. In June this year we could mark the 170th anniversary of kindergartens as institutions.
According to Aleksander Elango (1902 – 2004) Fröbel’s idea of establishing kindergartens
was one of the most popular export articles of Germany in the second half of the 19th century,
and by the end of the century, his ideas about organising pre-school education were
recognised everywhere. John Dewey (1859 – 1952) who is considered the ideological founder
of progressivism in education, was greatly influenced by Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Fröbel.
The founder of Estonian pre-school education Carl Heinrich Niggol (1852 – 1927) was a
convinced advocate of Fröbel’s educational ideas. In his main work of five volumes „On the
roads of education“ (1921 – 1922) Niggol offered an overview of Fröbels’s life and
educational ideas (in the second volume „Education before schooling“)
Niggol was a lecturer at Tartu Seminar for Kindergarten Teachers in 1920 – 1927and he
trained the first Estonian professionals for kindergartens, several of which made important
contributions to development of pre-school education in Estonia.  Marta Haas (1901 – 1995)
was one of the most outstanding graduates of the first class. Ella Treffner (1890 – 1969) was
one of the best- recognized kindergarten specialists in the pre-WW II period. The post-war
period in pre-school education was most influenced by Meeta Terri (1906 – 1993), Eva
Lootsar (1907 – 1987) and Stella Ernesaks (1909 – 1973), who had obtained her qualifications
in Germany.
Estonian pre-school education has been greatly influenced by several famous educationists in
the 20th century. The content and organisation of education in kindergartens have been
influenced by both Western and Eastern professionals, luckily with consideration of local
circumstances and ethnic mentality of the people at the same time. Even in the period of
limited contacts with the world, Estonian kindergartens have always made valuable
contributions to development of pre-school education, in the field of aesthetic education in
particular. Fröbel’s main values - playing, music and work – have been offered to our children
to support their development and studies in kindergartens.
 Anu Sepp  MA, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre  

Music teaching and teachers in Estonia: yesterday, today, tomorrow 

 Music has a considerably important part in human life. Unfortunately, in the situation, where
the significance of emotional and aesthetic behaviour is decreasing by the domineering
economical matters, where pragmatic way of life is predominating, the importance of music
education has to be proved and emphasized every now and then. Teaching music needs an
ongoing advocacy.
In Estonian school culture music teaching has long traditions. The foundations of the national
Estonian music education were laid in the 20s and 30s of the 20 th century by   Riho Päts.
Among all the musical activities, singing has always been and still is of the greatest
importance, especially popular is choir singing.
But there can be no teaching without teachers. Music teachers  –  key figures of implementing
the music syllabus. 
 Ene Eisenberg-Lindquist, MA, University of Tartu
Homereading and Literature in English Language Classes

 The role of literature in English language classes has been unjustly treated as insignificant
and learners are deprived of the chance to activate their imagination and personal growth
alongside with foreign language learning.

Intrigued by benefits of reading literature in English, the author presents three basic problem
areas. First, the author discusses why/or whether students read less and why teaching
literature is important and attempts to explain the benefits of literature in language classes.
The other questions are:
what sources of the literature in English could be taught to familiarise students with
the culture and enhance the students’ personal development
is there a relation between students’ personal intelligence types and their  reading
habits and attitudes.
The theoretical part of the presentation introduces different approaches to using literature in
classroom. The main objective, however, is to make reading literature more attractive to
students and involve them into reading process directly. Therefore, the empirical part 
analyses the findings and attitudes of the students. It also provides different ideas how to use
the source text, interesting approaches and practical follow-up tasks.  
 Merike Saar, MA, Tallinn French School 
What can WIKIES be Used for?
The 21st century has given us the possibility to access materials online as well as
upload our own material for others to see and use. Some of our things we would like
to share, others can be stored in closed environments available only for people who
have the password. The creator / developer of the material, however, can access these
files online wherever and whenever the need arises – even if they do not have their
computer along. The only thing necessary is internet connection.
One of the possibilities to store material online is different wikis – most known of
them being Wikipedia.
Wikis are free environments that offer different possibilities for educators to store
their teaching material, create new material, make presentations, work in
collaboration with their colleagues or students even from long distances and at
different times, and so on. The presentation will focus on the advantages of wikis and
give examples of how to use them for different purposes.
 Meeri Sild, Lilleküla Gymnasium, Tallinn 
Word clouds turn text into a visual representation or an information graphic. The words from
the original text are arranged in collage fashion in the graphic. Word clouds visually highlight
the most often used words in the passage.The more frequently a word appears in the text, the
larger its size in the visual design. The presentation discusses how to make use of word clouds
in the classroom.
 Dolores Lindsay , Currently serving as the caretaker of the Estonian Baha’i National
Centre in Tallinn and working as an English editor of Estonian academic publications
Provide a definition of a shaman.
Talk about how my perspective has been influenced by my Baha’i beliefs.
Speak about the Canadian experience.
Official Languages and Quebec’s efforts to protect the French
The history of Canada’s immigration policy
The Multi-Language Service Initiative
Describe the situation in Estonia as I perceive it.
Concerns over the loss of culture
Demographic reality
Global reality
Explain the ways the Canadian experience is relevant to Estonia
What is the shaman role of Estonian women educators?
10 pieces of grandmotherly advice for women educators
1. Make unity your top priority.
2. Elect the best people you can find and support them.
3. Make peace with your history.
4. Urge your government to invest in education.
5. Teach morality as well as arts and sciences.
6. Strive to eliminate prejudice.
7. Accept everyone’s contributions.
8. Welcome and integrate newcomers.
9. Preserve what is best in your culture.
10. Have confidence in the future.
Review my presentation.

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