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Terminal Examination-2015

Class- 10th
Subject- General English
Note-Attempt all questions:
Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:
Milk is the best food. It has in it water sugar, fat, vitamins and proteins. People get milk from different
animals. In England, New-Zealand and many other cool lands there are cows. In hot, dry countries i. e.
Arabia and the middle of Asia there are camels. In India there are buffaloes as well as cows. In many
places there are goats. People keep all there animals and get lots of milk from milk they can make butter
and cheese. It is essential that milk we use should be pure and germ-free. In pure milk does more harm
than good to the human body.
1.Find out a word from the passage which is opposite in meaning for pure?
2.We find camels in
A. Cool lands B. Hot, dry countries
3.Why is milk called the best food?
4.Why should we use pure milk?
5.What do we make from milk?
Q.2 Read the passage carefully & answer the questions belowTree are of importance not only to man but also to birds and animals. The branches give shelter to human
beings, birds, and animal. Forests give shelter to numerous wild animals. We value trees for their
usefulness and beauty. They give us wood for fuel, building houses, making furniture etc. besides this
they refresh our eyes and our mind. In ancient times the rishis had their Ashramas amidst forests. They
and their pupils lived in these Ashramas birds and animals lived there too. Thus the pupils got a chance to
live amidst nature and learn to love its beauty. Today we do not have this close relation.
1.Where did Rishis have theirs Ashramas?
2.How are trees useful to birds and animals?
3.Why do we value trees?
4.Give one word for A large number of from passage?
5.The adjective from of beauty is ____.
Q.3 Read the passage and answer the questionsThere was once an engine driver who was a very cheerful person. He always looked at the bright side of
things and was fond of telling people who were in trouble that there was sure to be same good in it
whether they could see it or not. One day this train ran into another train and he was terribly injured.
When he was taken to the hospital, it was found necessary to cut off one of his legs which was badly
crushed. Same days of towards a party of friends visited him and one said to another, I am afraid, the
poor fellow will have same difficulty in seeing the bright side of this affair hearing this the engine driver
smiled and said, not at all I shall only have one boot to buy and clean in future. Cheerfulness is better
than grumbling.
1. The engine driver always looked at the _____side of things.
a. Dark b. dirty
c. bright
2. Antonym of Dirty is _______
a. Untidy
b. Clean
c. Soft
3. What kind of man was the engine driver?
4. What was he fond of ?
5. Why was it necessary to cut off one of his legs?


Section - B
Read the passage carefully & make note and make summaryThere are many different kinds of musical instrument. They are divided into three main classes according
to the way they are played. For example, same instruments are played by blowing air into them. These
are called wing instrument. In same of these the air is made to vibrate inside a wooden tube and these are
said to be of the woodwind family. The examples of this family are the flute, the clarinet and the bassoon,
other instruments are made of brass. The trumpet and the horn are the examples. There are also various
other wind instrument such as the mouth organ and the bag pipes.
Same instruments are played by banging or striking them. One obvious example is the drum, of which
there are various kinds. Instruments like this are called percussion instruments.


You are Rahul Gupta, a student of Govt. H. S. School, Bhopal. Write an application to your principal
requesting him to issue you transfer certificate? OR
You are Ravi Dubey. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her for your elder brother/sisters marriage.


Write a paragraph in about 80 words an Importance of Trees with the help of verbal inputs given below1) Tree gift us nature 2)trees provided oxygen, fruits and vegetables 3) tree plantation drive whole
nation 4) cutting of trees ecological imbalance 5) causes rainfall.
Write an essay on any one of the following topic in about 200 words1.

A visit to a Historical place

Any Indian Festival
Games and Sports
Wonder of Science
Section C


Fill in the blanks using the correct form of verbs given in brackets.(any 5)
1. The sun sets in ______west.(a, an, the)
2. I ______a tiger yesterday (see, saw)
3. Rajguru and Sukhdev refused to ______(go, gone, went, going)
4.Ram is the ______boy in the class.(tall, tallest)
5.He is very fat.(change into negative)
6.the correct rhyming word for play is.(clay, ray)


Choose the correct word from brackets & fill in the blanks (any five)
1.You have to wait _______the signal is green.(while, since, until)
2. We are _______ to play a match on Sunday.(goes, going, go)
3. We ______ obey the rules of rood.(should, must, ought)
4. There was not_______ food in the house.(much, many)
5. You are sitting_______ sita and gita.(between, among)
6. Come/i/sir/in/may? (Rearrange the words to make correct sentence)


Do as directed. (any five)

1. He is poor. He cannot buy books.(combine using so.that)
2.He plays cricket daily. ( change into negative)
3.He watch television.(correct the sentence)
4. He writes a story.(change nto present continues)
5. She usually reads English. ( change into interogative)
6. Mrs. Siddiqui lives in Ratlam. (frame a question beginning with where)


Translate any 5 sentences into English.

1. lhrk [kkuk cukrh gSaA

2- eS vaxzsth i<+rk gWwA
3- lq/kk us ,d xhr xk;kA
4- D;k jk/kk xkuk xkrh gSA
5- eSa bankSj tk jgh gqWA
6- D;k khQk us [kkuk [kk;kA
7- eSa vaxzsth ugha i<+ ldrk gWwA
Section D
Q.10 Tcheriviakoff was terribly confused. He smiled idiotically and began watching the opera again. He
looked at the stage, but no longer felt happy. Anxiety was bringing to trouble him. During the next
interval, he approached General Brizaloff and murmured, I sneezed on your Excellency, excuse me. You
see, i.did not do it to
1) From which lesson has this extract been taken?
2) What did tcheriviak off say to General Brizjal off?
3) Find out a word from the extract which means doubted?
4) Tcheriviakoff began watching the opera. He was feeling.


Read the following extract and answer the questions5

Mamta had been studying in a small school in the nearby town till then, as her parents could not afford to
send her to any of the public schools in the city. It was only because of the scholarship she had was from
a trust that it had been possible for her to join this reputed convent school. Being away from home, in a
hostel, she yearned for same friends, but till now most of the girls had refused to accept a small town girl
as their friend. Most of the girls in the school came from rich families. They treated her as an unwelcome
guest who was too low in status by their standards.

a) From which lesion has this extract been taken?

b) Mamta could not join any public school because_____.
1.She was weak in studies 2.her parents could not afford to send her3.she could not get scholarship.
c) Find out the word from the passage that is opposite of word small_____
d) Why did girls in the school avoid Mamtas company?


1. How did the mother help the boy to overcome his disability? OR
What slogans were raised by three revolutionaries?
2. Why did Dr. Kalam go to Delhi? OR
Why did Tcheriviakoff feel ashamed?

Q.13 How did the boy make himself able to walk and run?
Describe the factors which enabled the boy to became to worlds fastest mile runner?

Q.14 Read the following extract from a poem carefully & answer the questionsIn my house, with thin own hands, light the lamp of thy love I thy transmuting,
lamp entrancing wondrous are its rays.
1. Name the poem?
2. Name the poet?
3. What do you mean by In my house?

Q.15 What is the message of the poem light the lamp of thy love? OR
What does the poet compare with the caresses of the children and their looks?

Q.16 Answer the following questions in 20 words each. (any 2)

1. What does darkness stand for in the poem?
2. Where do the windows open?
3. Who is greater than a king?

Q.17 Answer any three of the following in 30 words each.

1. Explain prevention is better than cure?
2.Why do you think the things give a glimpse and disappear?
3. Which qualities can be acquired through playing games?
4. What is the first requirement of good etiquette?

Q.18 Answer any two of the following questions

1. What does the poet get from the cow?
2. What is main goal of educational system?
3. What is the cart carrying?

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