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Distinguish between Research methods and Research methodology.

Write short notes on:
(1) Design of the research project;
(2) Ex post facto research;
(3) Motivation in research;
(4) Objectives of research;
(5) Criteria of good research;
(7) Research and scientific method.
3. Describe fully the techniques of defining a research problem.
4. What is the necessity of defining a research problem? Explain.
5. The task of defining the research problem often follows a sequential pattern. Explain.
6. Knowing what data are available often serves to narrow down the problem itself as well as the technique
that might be used. Explain the underlying idea in this statement in the context of defining a research
7. Explain the meaning of the following in context of Research design.
(a) Extraneous variables;
(b) Confounded relationship;
(c) Research hypothesis;
(d) Experimental and Control groups;
(e) Treatments.
8. Explain and illustrate the following research designs:
(a) Two group simple randomized design;
(b) Latin square design;
(c) Random replications design;
(d) Simple factorial design;
(e) Informal experimental designs.
9. Research design in exploratory studies must be flexible but in descriptive studies, it must minimize bias
and maximize reliability. Discuss.
10. What do you mean by Sample Design? What points should be taken into consideration by a researcher
in developing a sample design for this research project.
11. How would you differentiate between simple random sampling and complex random sampling designs?
Explain clearly giving examples.
12. Distinguish between:
(a) Restricted and unrestricted sampling;
(b) Convenience and purposive sampling;
(c) Systematic and stratified sampling;
(d) Cluster and area sampling.
13. A systematic bias results from errors in the sampling procedures. What do you mean by such a
systematic bias? Describe the important causes responsible for such a bias.
14. (a) The following are the number of departmental stores in 10 cities: 35, 27, 24, 32, 42, 30, 34, 40, 29 and 38.
If we want to select a sample of 15 stores using cities as clusters and selecting within clusters proportional
to size, how many stores from each city should be chosen? (Use a starting point of 4).
(b)What sampling design might be used to estimate the weight of a group of men and women?
15. What is the meaning of measurement in research? What difference does it make whether we measure in
terms of a nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale? Explain giving examples.
16. Discuss the relative merits and demerits of:
(a) Rating vs. Ranking scales.
(b) Summated vs. Cumulative scales.
(c) Scalogram analysis vs. Factor analysis.
17. Write short notes on:
(a) Semantic differential scale;
(b) Scalogram analysis;
(c) Likert-type scale;
(d) Arbitrary scales;

(e) Multidimensional scaling (MDS).

18. Write short notes on:
(a) Depth interviews;
(b) Important aspects of a questionnaire;
(c) Pantry and store audits;
(d) Thematic Apperception Test;
(e) Holtzman Inkbolt Test.
19. Critically examine the following:
(i) Interviews introduce more bias than does the use of questionnaire.
(ii) Data collection through projective techniques is considered relatively more reliable.
(iii) In collection of statistical data commonsense is the chief requisite and experience the chief teacher.
20. Write a brief note on different types of analysis of data pointing out the significance of each.
21. What do you mean by multivariate analysis? Explain how it differs from bivariate analysis.
22. Distinguish between:
(i) Field editing and central editing;
(ii) Statistics of attributes and statistics of variables;
(iii) Exclusive type and inclusive type class intervals;
(iv) Simple and complex tabulation;
(v) Mechanical tabulation and cross tabulation.
23. Explain how would you work out the following statistical measures often used by researchers?
(i) Coefficient of variation;
(ii) Arithmetic average;
(iii) Coefficient of skewness;
(iv) Regression equation of X on Y;
(v) Coefficient of ryx2 x1 .

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