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Po-ru No Tegami - Paul's Epistle


"Let then give glory unto Liit LoiJ,

JJ>S. Address

and declare his praise in the islands"

Hrs. Harjr Lou Bauer

Z'iO West Elbert St.,

Indianapolis, Indiana,

Japan Address
Mr. & Hrs. Paul S. Pratt
1210 Kamikasuya,

Church Planting
Student Evangelism


Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

Literature Distribution


Bible Correspondence Course

Tel. (317) 787-6753

Dear friends,

Tel. (0'63) 96-1192


Tim and Lisa Turner are coming to Japan!



Tim is the son

of Bill and Betty Turner who are presently serving at Machida

with the church and in Campus Ministry. So, in answer to our
joint invitation they are being introduced to the brotherhood
churches to "work with the Machida Church". They went up to In

dianapolis on April 5 1988 and had a good meeting and visit

with the Central Japan Christian Mission trustees.

Please con

tact them c/o Atlanta Christian College, 2605 Ben Hill Road,
East Point, Ga., 303^^ Tel.
3^9-6^51 Pray for them, too.
Our daughter, Mary Joyce Sawch, is serving as an occupa
tional therapist on Long Island. In addition to teaching at a
school in North Bellmore, N.Y. she has private students. One
of these is Matthew West whose story you read in the January,

1988 Reader's Digest under the heading "The Boy Who Couldn't

Many prayers have been offered, both in Japan and Stateside

in behalf of little Taketora (the name means samurai-tiger).

Tim 8c Lisa Turner

Just after his second birthday, in January, he was hospitalized

with acute lymphatic leukemia. Hearing the doctor's promise

that he had a 50$*^ to 7096 chance of complete recovery, we asked

all of you to pray. God is hearing and answering those prayers.
He has now a good balance of red and white corpuscles, but is
being kept in hospital in order to prevent catching pneumonia.

His mother (See Spring, 1979 'Epistle' ), the ohly Christian in

her family has shown strong faith in spirt of opposition. Con
tinue to pray for her and 'Samurai-tiger' .
We are learning about religion and superstitions in Japan.

Mr. A has been an alcoholic.

His daughter-in-law learned by

consulting a fortune-teller that "He has a curse from the ances

tors on him. He must therefore go to the Shinto priest and re
ceive an 'oharai". This is a ceremony in which the priest comes
and sweeps away the curse by waving a big fan-like object over


You prayed for Taketora

Total cost for this is 500,000 or $^52 at today's rate.

I'll have to report to you later whether it takes or not.

Professor Tom Friskney and I visited Osaka Bible Seminary
during their visit. Here he met Motonobu Ikeda, a preacher's
son who is enrolling at C.B.S. this fall. From there we went
to Onga Cho in Fukuoka Ken where Hideto Yoshii ministers and
serves as Chaplain in a girl's high school. We saw first-hand
the faith of his small congregation which made the down-payment

on a 3600 sq.ft. corner,triangular lot.

Besides, they are mak

ing plans with the Sekisui Co. to construct a small building on

that lot during this year, God willing and funds available. We
plan to do all we can to encourage this kind of faith. Needlene
to say, we implore your help. If you wish to contribute to them
send to our Indianapolis address marked "For Onga Church".
Hideto Yoshii 8c Tom Friskney

Mrs- Yoshiko Nakawa, who came to our

Entering the Cemetery

Christmas service from her hospital bed passed

away on February 21st (see winter Epistle, 1988).
The funeral was held on the 2;3rd, her body was


{/1 ^IH

cremated at that time and kept at the home till

April 12th. On that day seven family members
and friends joined me in taking her ashes to MuWhat a different type of vision this isl At

that same cemetery the Latter Day Saints purchased a couple acres of land and have about 1700

plots laid out with stones. Only a few of them

have nsuses on but evidently they have a selling

point in promising "We have lots ready for you".

Machida Church is on the second floor with

an outside stairway.

To protect the stairway

| ,

from ice and snow we contracted with a fabrieating company to build a roof over the stairs.

The church group paid for "twenty percent of the


-i. -

Grandson / Her remains are



the furoshiki"

cost and Mr. Hasumi, the school teacher who sits

down, climbing those steps one-by-one contributed twenty percent of the amount.
At Sannobara, Stephen Fleenor refreshed us all with his messages during our Week-end Rally.

It was well attended and one young college student determined to diligently seek the Lord. She
hasn't missed a service including the women's meetings since. We eagerly await the return of the
Naoaki Ishiis from Parsippany, N.J. this June. Thanks to all of you who assisted them.

We know that some people read our 'Epistle'. Claire and Donna Boulton. who formerly served
in Okinawa were planning a trip back to Japan. They read of our Missionary Convention and set
their schedule up so as to be able to attend. He preached for us at Sannobara. They boast of
thirteen grandchildren and one more was on the way. They live at Spokane, Washington and Claire

preaches in between trips hauling chemicals with a 26 wheeler.

Some are confused about how to send your contributions.

Central Japan Christian Mission

is tsoc-exempt so follow these instructions, (l) Make your check out in that name and (2) Send
it to Mary Lou Bauer. 2^0 ^ Elbert

, Indianapolis. Ind. 46217. That way there is no bank

charge. If you wish any of it to be Personal, just mark it so. Also, be sure to specify any
that is sent for Onga Church Building Fund. Send gifts for the Tim Turners to his East Point,
Georgia address listed in the first paragraph of this 'Epistle'.
Yours in Christ,


Central Japan Christian Mission

19194 Helen Ave.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46637

Address Correction Requested



Non-Profit Org.
South Bend, Ind.

Permit No. 318



Po-ru No Tegasii - Paul's Epistle


"Let then give glory unto the Lord,

li.S. Address

and declare his praise in the islands"

Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

2^0 West Elbert St.,

Indianapolis, Indiana,

Japan Address
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt
1210 Kaaikasuya,

Church Planting
Student Evangeliso

Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

Literature Distribution


Bible Correspondence Course

Tel. (317) 787-6753


Tel. (OU63) 96-1192

Vol. XXXII, No. 3, Summer.

Dear friends,

Today is August 11th.

Kathleen and ^ went to

Yokohama reminiscing of that day in 1938 when our

family.idisembarked from the freighter, Canada Mail.
So we lifted our voices in thanksgiving to God for
introducing us to all^of you and for keeping you
faithful through all these years. Twenty of the

twenty-three churches (besides various individuals)

have continued financial and prayer assistance over
the thirty years. Then we add our thanks, too, to
the fifteen other churches who have joined their

ranks over the years.

God be praised! We certainly

have never regretted the task of visiting churches

nor presented ourselves as 'beggers'.

We simply

shared our burden for Japan in order to allow you

the chance to share that burden with us. And, God

'On the dock of the bay' - 30 years later

has seen fit to bless us collectively.

Our children watched the July ^th fireworks

display at Indianapolis that summer. A friend re
marked, "Better enjoy this because it may be a long
time before you see something like this where you

are going."

Would you know that when our ship was

mooring in Yokohama at 9'A3 PM, Sunday, we all saw

as big a barage of fireworks (flower fire) as we
ever saw in the U.S.

This became symbolic, and I

am sure the children later looked back on it


way. As Jesus said, "Every one who has left...fa

ther or mother .. or lands for my natae's sake, will
receive a hundredfold , and inherit eternal life."
We certainly have been rewarded in many ways.
Many of these blessings were brought to our
minds thru this year's All-Japan Convention, Aug.

3-3th in Tokyo, sponsored by the Hachioji Church.

We met so many brothers and sisters in Christ from

Some of Sannobara's attendees

all over Japan whose lives have been touched thru

us and vice versa. Many of these we saw come to
Christ and still others we encouraged to enter the
ministry. Our Sannobara Church had a small reunion

there with 28 persons attending.

ing His church.

Christ is build

And He has seen fit to use many of

these our brethren.

One family could not attend. That was the

deto Yoshii family, whose church broke ground



their proposed new building which is to be comple

ted by October.

We admire their great faith


desire to, in Hideto's words, 'Give the very best

for our Lord'.

Your assistance will be appreciated.

Specify your gift as 'for Onga Church building'.

November 13, 1988 will be Dedication Day.

Onga Groundbreaking - July 311 1988

Since Mary Joyce and Steve Sawch are expecting their

first child in September, Kathleen will be going Stateside

to help as of August Ibth. Both of us have had good health
recently and neither is seeing a doctor. The expectant
grandmother wants to be back at her teaching duties by Oc

tober ^th.

We trust the little one will cooperate. Gam-

bare! Steve III.

After that, we both have plans to attend

the World Convention of Churches of Christ in Auckland, New

Zealand, Nov. 2-6, I988. Will we see some of you there?

Some of you have written about the many recent earth

quakes in Japan.

Literally hundreds of them have been re-

cocded just off-shore from Northern Izu.

This fault is 35

miles from us and 65 miles from Tokyo. However, to date,

God has seen fit to hold off great natural catastrophes
from this land for several years. We wonder with you, why
so many, so blessed, still refuse to Praise Him or at least

Library & Children's Science Hall

Thank Him.

Under Construction

Isehara is now a city of over 80,OOP population. The

local churches cooperated in bringing a Christian movie to our new Citizens Culture Center last
year. The building above is to-be the new Library and Children's Science Hall. So, the five
churches have presented 38 Bibles and Christian books as well as the entire set of The N.I.V. Bi

ble on tapes.

We then recommended several other Christian reference books for them to purchase.

Reminiscing again, we were reminded that one set of Children's Bible Stories on the list is the

same one we had placed in 24 school libraries in Kagoshima 26 years ago.

The 'Moonies' are active in Japan, too. A Christian couple from up near Nikko visited us on
the weekend of Aug. 6-7th. Their I8 year old son was attending nightly^meetings with plans to

take an 8-day seminar in Korea. Armed with many prayers and with revealing literature they made
him aware that it was a religion and that it was not Christian. They successfully helped him get
free. We continue in contact with him and praying for him. Pray others have their eyes opened.
Speaking of the Cults our contacts with students at Obirin College are very vital. Bible
classes there are God's positive approach. The Turners and us all look forward to their son Tim
and Lisa joining us next year. Pray for their up-coming meeting with the C.J.C.M. trustees. Re
member, too, that we have nearly $60,000 yet to be repaid on the Campus House land loan.
Hitoshi Nishiyama will be with us for nearly two months, from Osaka Bible Seminary. He was
born the same year we entered Japan, so is just 30 years old. He lead the young people at a camp
in Okinawa; with a fellow-student, had charge of the youth group at the convention and is now
assisting us with D.V.B.S.

us about ministering.

He is a dedicated student and a scholar.

He wants to learn more from

Pray for us as we work together.

The Clear Creek Church of Christ, Ashland, Ohio where Tom McFadden ministers is one of those

which have stayed with us throughout our ministry here.

Their Morning Glories Circle honored us

by skiXTfully and lovingly piecing out the loveliest eight-point star quilt.

It graces our bed

as a display bedspread reminding us daily of their love and prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Central Japan Christian Mission

19194 Helen Ave.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46637


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Non-Profit Org.
South Bend, Ind,

Permit No. 316

/<i? 3;?
Po-ru No Tegani - Paul's Epistle

"Let them give glory unto the Lord,

and declare his praise in the islands"


Mrs. Hary Lou Bauer

Japan Address
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

Church Planting
Student Evangelisco

2'0 West Elbert St,,

Indianapolis, Indiana,

1210 Kanikasuya,
Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

Literature Distribution



Bible Correspondence Course

Tel. (317) 787-6753


Tel. (Oi63) 96-1192

VoI XXXII, No. 1, Winter, I988

Dear fr'ends.

So. ry about those of you who have been experiencing severe weather. Ours has been quite

Of course, winter days on this Pacific Ocean side of Japan are usually clear and sunny. So

Mount Fuji is always more visible during the winter months.

We had a memorable Christmas season for many reasons.

Bible Seminary to assist us.

Hitoshi Nishiyama was back from Osaka

The Sannobara CSiurch is now definitely arranging and budgeting for

his return to work here after he graduates in 1989 or '90. Support him by your prayers.
Mrs. Yukie Koyama* had studied the Bible with Mrs. Koizumi ('Epistle', Vol.XXIX, No.3, 1985)
for over a year. Trouble in her family caused her to think more deeply about the claims of Jesus.
After two counselling sessions with me, she accepted Christ and was baptized on December 20th.
She continues to study and grow in Him. His word still has that power.
On that same day the hospital gave special permission to Mrs. Yoshiko Nakawa to leave her
hospital bed, intravenous feeding apparatus and all, to attend Christmas worship. She is termi
nally ill with cancer and renewed her repentance a month before. As she put it, "I took a long de
tour away after I was baptized at age seventeen and I'm coming back to my first love." How we do

thank God, who is longsuffering to all of usl

Kathleen and I hosted the Christian Church missionaries here on Dec. 29th.

Sharon (Hammond)

and Curt Lueck, with David and Daniel, recent arrivals, attended along with 25 others.

asked for suggestions from the missionaries about evangelism.


Then he reminded us to do our best

to understand the background of the Japanese and their customs so that we can more effectively

deal with them.

Just seven days later, the missionary men joined seventy others from all over
Japan to discuss these very things at Hayama Seminar. Such subjects as 'Spirituality in Christ
ian and Buddhist Thought' and 'Western Individualism as Opposed to Oriental Family and Society
Emphasis' etc. were dealt with. Surely "East is East and West is West..."
We reioice with the Turners and the Machida Church in their recent victories.

Two sisters

(Obirin H.S. and Jr. Col.) were baptized in November. Mrs. Kiyoko Hata, a devout believer in her
50's has been attending at Machida since its beginning. So, Mark and I both, had reminded her of
her need to be immersed into Christ.

So, it was a happy day when she


to obey




Curt Lueck


She was immersed by Bill Turner at Sannobara on December 28th. Mr.

Mitsuo Uchiyama, at

is an English teacher at Obirin High School.

As a classmate of Hideto Yoshii he attended at Sannobara occasionally

years ago.

He not only attends at Machida now^ but enjoys the extra

Bible study he gets from helping Bill put his outline into good Jap
anese each week. He told me recently "I want to come to God in the

near future". Guess who said, "Praise the Lord"i ^ join with


Turners in anticipation of their son, Tim and his wife Lisa, coming
to serve with them possibly late this year.

Just as we were beginning this 'Epistle' a call came from the

Obirin Academy office telling us that Dr. Yasuzo Shimizu, 96, Founder and President of the school had passed on to his reward, after at

tending church services, Sunday, January 17i 1988.

Dr. Yasuzo Shimizu

What a full life

he lived! What great results are visible as a result of his and his
wife's faith! Pray for the future of Obirin Academy. Pray that the

emphasis which he gave to 'educating the whole man', including


spirit, shall be maintained there.

January l^th is Adult Day in Japan. In other words, each young
person who will become 20 by March 31st that year celebrates his commP3iss

ing-of-age then. Girls prepare for special ceremonies at the city

hall, and for photographs by getting outfitted with beautiful kimonos
costing $1000 to $15000 each. Only a few men turned out at the local
ceremony in h^kama haori or men's kimono.

Students tell us that as

adults they now become responsible for their own actions, they


vote, drink Alcohol, smoke and do as they wish.

Hideto Yoshii, whose Onga Church is meeting in his home reports

one more baptism which brought their total for 198? td six. We do
so rejoice with them. Don't forget to pray for them, and as the Lord
blesses, send a gift toward their purchase of property.
This year's Missionary Convention will be held in Niigata where
the Bill Belews and the Joel Likens are serving. Brother Tom Frisk-

ney, long-time Professor of New Testament at Cincinnati Bible Semi

nary will serve as our guest speaker.

Pray for his coming and


the convention to be held March 22-2^, I988.

The dollar is losing its value. So we are economizing. If you
have not written to us within the past year and you wish to continue
(an Obirin Graduate) receiving 'Paul's Epistle' at your address, PLEASE SEND A CARD TO

Kathleen & Miss Ozawa



In Christ,



1919^ Helen Ave.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46637

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A Non-Profit Org.
South Bend,

Attend church regularly/



Permit # 316




The people which sat in darkness saw great light;.." Matt. 4:16
U.^. Address
Mrs. Mary Lou Bauer

West Elbert St.

Indianapolisi Indiana,

Japan Address

Church Planting
Student Evangelism

Mr. 8f Mrs. Paul S. Pratt

1210 Kamikasuya,
Isehara City, Kanagawa Ken,

Literature Distribution

Tel. (317) 787-fa753

Dear friends.

Bible Correspondence Course


Tel. (0't63) 96-1192

Vol. XXXll, No.

Thanksgiving - Christmas 1988

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name;

Make known His deeds among the peoples.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him: Speak of all His wonders." Psalms 105:1|2
We in Japan give thanks along with you for all His bounties.
generous assistance and prayers in our behalf.

We thank Him for you,for your

We are thanking God for the safe delivery of a healthy seven pound ten ounce boy to


Joyce and Steve Sawch on September 22nd. He claims the name of Stephen Gregory Sawch IV, and
is twenty-one inches long. At this writing he has been given a clean bill of health.

Our Sannobara Church group is thankful for haying witnessed a new birth on September l8th.
MichiTaro Kara, aged 16, (see Autumn, 1979 Epistle) was baptized at the church. He is somewhat
physically and mentally impaired as a result of an injury sustained at birth. But there is no
mistaking his sincere faith. He instructed his 10 year old brother, "I will not be able to go
on to college, so you study hard. I will be a servant of God." His child-like faith is an ex
ample and blessing to all of us. "..a little child shall lead them".

We say thanks to God, too, for extra opportunities to witness. Two different retired
persons groups invited me to speak and show a good movie. Then the Isehara Lions Club allowed
me to reminisce about my thirty years in Japan.

We are thankful that the World Convention of Churches of Christ came to New Zealand this

year. We imagined that it was just down the way a little bit past the equator, but it proved
to be ten flight-hours from Japan. We received a challenge from the messages of Dr. Lloyd Oglivee of Hollywood, California. We were able to surprise various folk with the realization that
there are hundreds of direct support missionaries throughout the world and also visited with
several brethren whom we have known from Stateside, Along with Kathleen and I, Mark and Walter
Maxey represented Japan at Auckland. New Zealand is a lovely country.
All who know Hideto Yoshii and the Onga Church are thankful for

challenge of their deep

faith. After meeting in his home for the past eight years they stepped out this year to buy
land and on November 15, 1988 dedicated an adequate, lovely building to God's service. In order
to "Give our very best to God" they have taken out a thirty year loan. We are caused to echo
Jesus' words, "..Not even in Japan have I found such faith". Let's support them in prayer.

Onga Church building - dedicated

Mom, Grandma and


We are thanking; God for the prospect of Tim and Lisa Turner coming; to serve at Machida.
We hear that God is going to bless them with a little one about June, so they have set their
departure date for August. Please remember that the value of our dollar is the lowest now
(120 yen) that it has ever been. So they will need even more financial backing. All of us can
pray, too.

We thank God for every indication of our getting through to .junior college students. After

teaching the story of the prodigal son, Kathleen asked students to write down some things they
had learned. Here are some common answers. 1. God loves all people, impartial.
is forever. 3. We must perceive our sins.
It is important to forgive.

2. True love

Speaking of the prodigal son, iji addition to our thankfulness,"there is joy in the presence
of the angels of God: Last evening here at Sannobara a 50 year old man expressed his desire to
accept Christ. He will be baptized soon. Rejoice with us..

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the ^er'La.stiyi^ F^^ther-, the^ Pri^yice^ of Pea.ce.

/ S /\ t A hi


In His Name,

Central Japan Christian Mission Inc

1919^ Helen Ave.,

South Bend, Indiana, 46637



Address Correction Reauested




Non-profit Org.
South Bend. Ind.

Permit No. 316


BOX 12427

Michitaro Hara's baptism




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