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T 4:005:50
Margery Reed 217
Blog: sjus.blogspot.com

Johns office hours: R 2:004:00 and

by appointment. Email me to meet.

Keelies office hours: T 1:003:00 and
by appointment.
Keelies office: Driscoll South Suite 1

social justice 2030: the global struggle.....

In the fall and winter terms, we discussed the first two of the three most destructive forms of social
injustice identified by Martin Luther King: racism and poverty. The third form, according to King, is war,
and this term well discuss not only war so-called but other, global forms of violent injustice, e.g.,
human trafficking, the mistreatment of migrant workers, the and plight of refugees,
As you know, because this course is part of a Living and Learning Community, class doesnt finish
when the bell rings: it carries over to the dorm, across campus, and with us into town. So all the work
that we undertake in class will contribute to our shared purpose as members of the Social Justice LLC:
to build a collaborative community of social justice activism and inquiry that engages critically and
creatively in the struggle for social justice across campus and beyond.

In addition to taking part in discussions and activities in and out of the classroom, students will (1)
continue to keep a learning journal; (2) present in class; (3) complete a midterm take-home exam;
(4) take part in the all-LLCs Presentations of Learning; (5) take part in our annual Social Justice
colloquium; (6) report in writing on their community work; and (7) write a final paper. Students will
share these assignments with John and Keelie via Google Drive. Instructions are on the Sharing tab
on our course blog: http://sjus.blogspot.com/.

John is available to meet between 2:00 and 4:00 on Thursdays and by appointment. Its best to make
an appointment by emailing me at John.Tiedemann@du.edu.
Keelie has office hours on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:0012:00 in her office: Driscoll South, Suite



SJUS 2030 is the third of three courses taken by the students in the Social Justice LLC. The course has
three goals. First, by critically examining ideas, figures, and texts from the social justice tradition, and
particularly those associated with global social justice, students will continue to deepen their
understanding of the broad philosophical and historical context in which their own efforts on behalf
of social justice take shape. Second, students will continue learning about how to organize ourselves
as a community, one that embodies the social justice values we hold in common. Finally, by working
closely with their community partners, students will acquire hands-on experience as scholar-activists
in the field. This second course in the SJUS sequence, then, builds on the scholarly and activist
foundations we laid last quarter.

Academic Expectations

The experience of taking part in the Social Justice LLC differs from more traditional classroom
experiences. Students have a good deal of autonomy in shaping their learning experiences and thus
have a high degree of responsibility for their individual work as well as for contributing to the learning
experience of the group. Whats more, the learning experience includes not only in-class work and
homework, but also other learning opportunities that the SJLLC sponsors, such as service
opportunities, guest speakers, retreats, and symposia. Finally, the work that students do in the
classroom is relevant to the work they do in the community outside it, and vice versa. In short, the
SJLLC learning experience isnt a series of discrete tasks that you can tick off on a checklist. Rather, it
consists in collaborating with one another and with the wider community to create and sustain an
ongoing, open-ended process of active intellectual and social engagement.
That said, some of the expectations for this course can be stated in conventional academic terms: In
addition to class time, students can expect to devote four or more hours a week to reading, writing,
group work, and community work. In short, SJUS classes are designed to be every bit as intellectually
rigorous and rewarding as any other class on campus, and students are expected to take that work
as seriously as they do their work in, e.g., Honors Writing, advanced calculus, or organic chemistry,

Civility, Tolerance, and Inclusive Excellence

The Social Justice LLC is committed to fostering a diverse learning community that is inclusive and
respectful. We encourage and appreciate expressions of different ideas, opinions, and beliefs, so
that conversations and interactions that could be potentially divisive instead turn into opportunities
for intellectual and personal growth. By respecting what others say and their right to say it, and
listening to each other carefully, openly, and empathetically, we all can further thoughtful and
enlightening dialogue.
Because our course relies heavily on interactions between all members of the LLC, we must all act in
a manner that not only respects but actively supports different positions, perspectives, experiences,
heritages, and gender, racial, ethnic, class, sexual, and other identities. And because we are a
community committed to social justice, we are particularly interested in hearing voices and learning
about ideas that emerge from marginalized groups.
Not only are the ideas well discuss often controversial, but many of the historical events and
experiences well discuss will be disturbing, even painful especially for classmates who have
experienced similar kinds of injustice themselves. As members of a living and learning community, we
must never trivialize or dismiss those experiences; we must remain thoughtful, supportive, and caring.
All of this means that we strive to include one another fully in all of our interactions. We aim to use
inclusive language and to create room for everyone to participate. We aim always to listen to one
another, never to interrupt, and always to respond thoughtfully and respectfully. In sum, we are not
here to prove ourselves right and other classmates wrong, to show ourselves to be smart and
other classmates less so, or to attack one another. Were all here to help all of us to learn and grow.

Computers, etc.

To insure that were all fully present to the conversation and to one another, students will disconnect
from the internet unless otherwise instructed. So put away your laptop, phone, tablet, etc., during
class, and come ready with a good old-fashioned notebook and pen.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The Social Justice LLC will provide reasonable accommodations to every student who has a disability
that has been documented by The University of Denver Disability Services Program
(www.du.edu/disability/dsp or 303.871.2455).


Learning journal

Each week, youll post an entry in your learning journal. Journal entries are to be shared by the start
of class on the day they are due. Youll receive 20 points for posting a complete and manifestly
thoughtful response to the prompt. (By manifestly thoughtful I mean clear, coherent, and on topic.)
You will receive 10 or fewer points if the entry is incomplete, superficial, and/or appears to be hastily
composed. You will receive no points should you fail to share the entry when it is due. (You can
submit up to two extra journal entries for additional credit, upon request. Ask John for an a prompt.)

Midterm Exam

In class in week 5, youll begin to compose a take-home midterm exam, due on by the start of class
on Tuesday, April 26. The exam will ask you apply key concepts from the course.

Class presentation

Small groups of students will make 1520-minute presentations on on each documentary we watch.

Presentations of Learning

On Tuesday, May 3, we will present at an all-LLC Presentations of Learning event

Social Justice colloquium

On Tuesday, May 3, we will present at an all-LLC Presentations of Learning event

Final Essay

At the end of the course, you will compose an essay of roughly 1,000 words.

Class Participation (inside the classroom)

Youll receive up to 20 points for making meaningful contributions to the days discussion (i.e., a
contribution thats manifestly thoughtful and fully elaborated.) You will receive no more than 10
points if you attend class without contributing. Students will receive no points when they do not
attend class, distract classmates by conducting side conversations, fail to observe the no internet
policy, or otherwise disengage. Students will have to 10 points deducted from the days participation
grade if they are late to class or go out for more than a couple of minutes.

GRADES (contd.)

Class Participation (outside class)

Your participation in family dinners, service days, etc., is worth 30 points per event, up to 150 points.
You will be graded on your work with your community partner via the engagement report youll turn
in near the end of the term, in which youll discuss how far and how effectively youve progressed on
the goal that you and your partner set for you, as well what youve learned along the way.

Attendance Policy

As the participation policy indicates, there are no excused absences from class. If, for whatever
reason, you miss class, you will not receive credit for class discussion for that day. Likewise, there are
no make-ups for events that take place outside of class.

Grade Calculation
Learning Journal:
In-class presentation:
Presentations of Learning:
The Cross-Talk colloquium:
Take-home midterm:
Final essay:
Participation in class:
Participation outside of class:
Community engagement:

180 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
100 points
200 points
120 points
100 points
1100 points

Ill assign your course grade based on a 1,000-point scale. However, you can earn up to 1100 points.
This means that there are no extra-credit assignments. Rather, you can compensate for less strong
work in one area by doing exceptionally well in others. Heres the scale Ill use:










All readings and viewings will be made available via our blog or on DU CourseMedia.
T March 22

Introduction: Nowhere People

T March 29

A history of violence
For class, please read The John Evans Report (on the blog).

T April 5

War and terror

Please watch The Road to Guantanamo (on DU CourseMedia).

T April 12

Human Trafficking
Please watch The Dark Side of Chocolate (on the blog).

T April 19

Midterm essay workshop

T April 26

Labor and migration

Please watch Who Is Dayani Cristal (on the blog).

T May 3

War and displacement

Please watch A Requiem for Syrian Refugees (on the blog).

T May 10

The environment and displacement

Please watch Climate Refugees (on Hulu).

T May 17

The environment and poverty

Please watch Waste Land (on DU CourseMedia).

T May 8

Final essay workshop

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