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I know you don’t want to hear this about your community.

And I don’t want to be the one to tell you (just so you know) -- because it’s dangerous to do so.

But if no one tells you now about what is happening to your neighbors,
to people like me,
soon it will be happening to

This is not a joke. I wish it were.

Your fellow citizens are being stalked by gangs sanctioned by the local police, the FBI and the Pentagon according to insiders
who wish to remain anonymous (http://www.multistalkervictim.org/policewhoknow.txt). And your Peace Commission knows
about this terror and does nothing about it. So does the ACLU. Eleven years ago -- long before the Iraq invasion and the
passage of the so-called Patriot Act -- I was assaulted in the Cambridge Savings Bank, in front of a Cambridge police officer
and bank security guard. The man who assaulted me leisurely conducted his bank business, and when he was finished, I
asked the teller who waited on him for his name and address. With this information, I sought the help of the police officer, a
woman, who lied about having witnessed the very loud and long fracas. She asked me to step outside the bank and then told
me there was nothing she could do; that I should call the Cambridge Women’s Commission the following week (this happened
on a Saturday morning). When I called the Women’s Commission as she suggested, and asked to speak with the person she
told me to speak with, I was told there was nothing the Women’s Commission could do for me since I hadn’t filed a police
report. I hadn’t told her I hadn’t filed a police report on the incident, but somehow, she knew I hadn’t. I tried to get help from
the ACLU for this and other things done to me by Cambridge police officers and others employed by the city of Cambridge, but
the ACLU told me they couldn’t assist individuals, though their website is replete with case histories of individuals they’ve
assisted. Most disturbing of all was the fact that when I sought the help of the police officer in the bank that day, I overheard
her telling the security guard, “It’s just not worth it to get involved; they only come after you.”

Attorney Brian Glick uncovered these police-aided gangstalking practices when he represented American citizens and
organizations such as The American Friends Service Committee, after they had been terrorized by the FBI for protesting our
military’s involvement in the wars in Central America in the 1980s and were subsequently denied their civil rights to protection
against unwarranted search and seizure, security of person, free speech and free association. Like Glick’s clients, I, too, am a
law-abiding activist, trying to dispel myths about the type of AIDS I was given and cured of. I am not an elder/child/animal
abuser; a thief; a drug dealer or user; a prostitute; a racist; an anti-Semite, or homophobe; nor any other type of antisocial
person, including a terrorist, today’s “witch.” Congress assured Americans the secret surveillance and social extermination
practices developed by the CIA in programs called COINTELPRO and MKULTRA, which the FBI has used against activists
since the 1960s, had been decommissioned in the 1970s, but Glick found they had lied. Evidence of their widespread use of
COINTELPRO and MKULTRA on American citizens was in the FBI files he obtained through FOIA requests in the late 1980s.
Glick published his findings in the 1989 book, Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It. In it are
reproductions of the declassified FBI documents he received. Agents -- and their subcontractors, such as today’s
Neighborhood Watch groups and those recruited in the FBI’s TIPS program -- used these tactics extensively to discredit and
isolate legitimate activists, and to make them unemployable and ruin them.

Many of the “vigilantes” who conduct today’s terror campaigns were recruited by the FBI on their website, for three months, in
their TIPS program. These “Special Surveillance Groups” – ordinary individuals from all walks of life who work together in
teams – were profiled in a National Public Radio Weekend Edition report on July 5th, 2008
(http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyid=9220787). They work for the MBTA, the Post Office, your grocery store.
They work in your schools and, yes, your local government agencies. They work with undercover agents long embedded in the
community who pose as elderly women, people disabled by mental illnesses and even homeless people because these profiles
are the ones most accepted by members of the community as harmless. This trust gives them maximum effectiveness to
destroy legitimate activists. The more beyond reproach they seem, the more likely they are (and have been) our government’s
sleeper cells, agent provocateurs: the first person to start a prominent weekly protest; the elderly female vegan former
seminary student who sings with a protest group comprised of other elderly women; the African-American homeless person
performing very carefully choreographed ‘schizophrenia’ to distract activists. You would never suspect their true identities.
All of them are this country’s Stazzi, employed to create “wall-less” prisons, today’s concentration camps, around FBI targets.

Glick’s book is one every activist should read and use with his or her fellow activists in order to be certain we are all working
together, but curiously, no Boston-area peace or justice group I’ve spoken with uses it. It is the first defense against
government co-opting of a group and the only tool available to liberate an activist community from these state-sponsored
terrorists. Sadly, Boston and Cambridge’s peace activist community has been completely co-opted by our government.


Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America (2007), claims everything is in place for the closing of American society, which can
happen in any federal emergency where Blackwater is called in, though Blackwater is clearly unnecessary. Did you know that
President Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno, gave advanced technology developed by the CIA, FBI and Pentagon to local
law enforcement agencies in 1993 for “crowd control,” including handheld microwave guns such as the dazzler, currently in
use in Iraq? Deaths of innocent civilians through excessive force by police and FBI have increased in the last 16 years and
include the death of Emerson College student Victoria Snelgrove, who was shot in the eye with a pepper spray bullet by a
Boston police officer after the Red Sox 2004 pennant victory. Brattleboro, VT, police were exonerated by then Gov. Howard
Dean’s attorney general of the cold-blooded murder of peace activist Robert Woodward, shot 5 times – once, as he lay
unarmed, face down, on the floor of a church -- Sunday, 12/02/01, after seeking sanctuary there from the FBI. Ronald Reagan
gave all of the branches of the military the power to conduct intelligence work and now that the military controls local law
enforcement, it is easy to see how COINTELPRO and MKULTRA have become widespread in all our communities. Woodward
claimed to have been a target of the FBI, yet, the local police in their control used deadly force on this unarmed man instead of
the less-than-lethal weapons they had at their disposal.

On 10/18/07 at a book signing Ms. Wolf suggested the idea of the FBI using tradesmen as informants was ludicrous. Could it
be that Ms. Wolf was just unaware of the FBI’s use of COINTELPRO and MKULTRA to suppress activists?. Her publisher’s
headquarters are less than 50 miles from where Woodward was murdered, and she’s a Yale graduate and an award-winning
journalist; you’d think she’d be able to do a little better research, at least. Anne Frank and millions like her are dead because
of government informants. Governments always use informants to oppress their opponents -- even the American government.
Ever heard of Watergate? Informants, spies and state-sponsored terrorism are real and they’re here. DO NOT ASSIGN your
responsibility to be diligent about your freedom to Naomi Wolf, or others like her -- especially those of your leaders who limit
the scope of topics that are permissible to discuss and who refuse to talk about this fascist government in which we all live
now. Ms. Wolf’s job is to make you believe that if you question whether your society is open now or closed, it’s really still open
though “everything is in place” for the government to close it. It’s also the job of those of your leaders who deny these things
to do just that – to make you think that because you can talk about what’s troubling you about your country by walking into a
carefully planned, sporadic meeting like a book signing sponsored by a very insulated, closely monitored and tightly controlled
group that you’re free. Howard Zinn was right when he says this government, like every other government, is not on your side
(11/11/07, Worcester Art Museum).


Disinformation works. When the U.S. illegally invaded Iraq, many liberals called for impeachment -- not of the
Congresspersons who voted for it, the actual ones that put us in Iraq, but of Dick Cheney, whom liberals were told had to be
removed first before anyone would consider removing Bush since to remove Bust would have made Cheney the actual leader
of the “free world” and not just the titular one. Massive recalls should have taken place, but they didn’t. Security advisors and
others were publishing in The New York Times and elsewhere their findings that Iraq was not a threat to the U.S. – that Bush
was merely beating the war drums because his father, sitting in the Oval Office for only one term, hadn’t finished colonizing
Iraq in 1991. Congress had access to the same information as these advisers and we, their readers, had, but they voted for the
invasion anyway. To date, no one has stood up to these tools, toadies and functionaries before. That’s why we live in Stazzi-
controlled communities now.


Since COINTELPRO and MKULTRA programs have never been decommissioned, and since much of what Glick writes about is
happening to scores of citizens across the country today, thanks to laws passed by every administration since Reagan’s, it is
past the time we talk about them. Those laws need to be repealed. Since our city’s government participates in and allows
COINTELPRO and MKULTRA programs, it is past the time we do something about them here. All the campaign rhetoric about
change we heard in 2004-2007 hasn’t done anything to alter the closing of American society -- because it’s just rhetoric. The
Military Commissions Act, which authorizes secret renditions, must go, too. Same thing, the so-called ‘Patriot Act.’ If your
peace/justice organization, or Barack Obama group, church’s social concerns committee, or temple’s outreach program, or
school’s community service initiatives are not talking and learning about and planning ways to de-institutionalize gangstalking,
and decommission the FBI, and defund the Pentagon, they are not serving your best interests because you are not fighting the
true terrorists -- the fascists among us. Your ability to operate freely as a “partner” with any administration no longer exists so
long as these government practices do. I don’t care if you belong to the AFSC; they probably feel exactly the way that
Cambridge police officer who refused to help me in the Cambridge Savings Bank felt, having once been targets themselves. If
we’re all not working on this issue -- the issue of “informants” among us and a government that subsidizes them -- we are part
of the problem, not the solution. We need to create our own groups and do whatever it takes to make sure they remain free of
government interference and free to associate so we can protect each other. No one else is going to do it for us. And we need
to offer sanctuary to FBI targets, instead of delivering them into the hands of their oppressors. Even though demanding your
liberty comes with a price -- our civil and human rights -- your silence is complicity, and while you may not regret it today,
when they come after you -- and they will come after you eventually -- you may find yourself saying,

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade
unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.” (Attributed to (Lutheran) Pastor
Martin Niemoller, imprisoned in Moabit prison during the Holocaust for opposing the policies of the Third Reich.)

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