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Name: SUSAN HERBERT, pro se (See SCOTUS docket)

(if the party filing the petition is a nongovernmental entity, please include the name of its

legal representative(s))

Postal address: 1100 Seagate Avenue 101

Neptune Beach, FL, USA 32266

Telephone: 904.705.6171

E-mail: bdobry@bellsouth.net

Do you want the Commission to withhold the petitioner’s identity during processing?

Yes No





Postal address: SAME AS ABOVE

Telephone: SAME AS ABOVE





Give a full and detailed account of the events. Specify where and when the alleged

violations occurred.

The Officers of the US government have acted to usurp The People and instead
replace The People with dead paper. This is all tied up with Bush V Gore and the

first complaint I filed with the Human Rights Commission. [Note: I forgot to add this

fact the first time I complained: I won a human rights contest in 5th grade.] Please

refer to my first complaint and here is the new information as other violations

occurred and as new proof – fact of a spoken confession given by Obama - was

then given to me by The People themselves.

I was born into injury and every single solitary right has been violated. Then I was hounded

by unjust persons until I died as to kill the truth of my legal argument the US government

has to kill me. I survived my death as I not once violated the equal protection clauses with

knowing and the one time I failed to act in defense of another I did not possess a crucial

fact so I overcame death as a reward; I then chose to return to this physical life on Earth

upon my own will and liberty and with full consent. The facts then are my life; the facts are

US history. I am the very first American ever to mount and win a case of constitutional

authority of original jurisdiction as the only other litigant to press such a case was William

Marbury of Marbury V Madison who never collected his award that is the actual

commission. We both entered SCOTUS directly; no other citizen has done so. And no

nonlicensed lawyer male or female has ever done so. Marbury is the man who secured

actual legal power by suing the US President via the Secretary of State so I had to sue the

Chief Justice and the Supreme Court itself as I am suing for legal power and moral

authority as “moral authority” is what William Marbury lacked. I knew to sue William Clinton

as I was a Navy dependent when my sons and I were first injured by the federal

government with deliberation in 1996 but as you had to be age 35 and as I did not yet have

an answer to the actual federal question afoot I then had to wait out the family courts in

over four states. I had to discover how the state harms women and seemingly “gets away

with it” or rather I had to answer “What do I know that no other woman or other citizen

knows?” This became extremely complicated when Bush V Gore was heard by SCOTUS
as SCOTUS does not have the power or authority to hear such a case and the lawyers

pressing the case lied; in such a case you sue the state of FL not the lone person vying for

the Office but if you do sue the person? Then both litigants must appear pro se for the

Oath of Office reads “I will” not my lawyer will. A lawyer may not not not argue a

Presidential election as it then constitutes an oligarchy rising and being installed in place of

a Republic; it constitutes a military dictatorship in actual reality as it awards legal power to

lawyers and moral authority to no one save the lone citizen hence the illegal and unjust

war in Iraq as the offices of President and Commander become separated in such a way

the chasm created is too great for the lone citizen to ever overcome it, for you have not

one person presiding but everyone commanding so the will of the individual becomes the

will of the group at large; it becomes a case of anything at anytime for any reason or even

no reason at all.

This is about the difference between absolute and whole numbers and also the lone vote

being equivalent to an Executive Order as we are subject to the equal protection and due

process clauses. This is how you win equality for women thus then all humans on Earth.

Therefore my facts are within the attached SCOTUS petitions. I, Susan Herbert, can prove

that William Jefferson Clinton’s election was wholly criminal and that as of Clinton’s

election the US - the institutions – had no intention of ever abiding by any contracts they

entered not even the OAS and/or American declaration and that unjust men and now both

male and female unjust persons already sitting in the offices of legal power never, ever

intended to accord women and children the protection of the law thus never intended to

accord humans actual protection of the law but only what seems as if; the US intended to

protect private interest only.

I can and will prove that in the US when the institutions of power and authority are

corrupted until they are criminal so that even the sitting President is a crook then liberty
and justice is not possible for anyone and to my surprise that this is how Hitler and the

Nazis came to be exactly as in the US an oligarchy or dictatorship can only rise if it is

fascist in nature. Austrian logician Kurt Godel knew this and made an attempt to inform a

federal judge upon his naturalization but was silenced. Lucky for earth I have been acting

to make this case since age 5. I was born knowing what Godel came to know.

“Nazi” and “fascist” are words that represent a personality type and mindset. In the US the

only way to deny women any and all legal power and then to strip them of all moral

authority is to become Nazi like fascists. “foreignization” of the Office of President and

commander is meant to deny women access to two offices in the US, Chief Justice and

President, as only those two offices stand alone and make law. You can and may

foreignize the Office via a SCOTUS case like Bush V Gore and/or by then installing an

actual foreigner, which Barack Obama is. While I can produce the paper I do not need it as

it is obvious or self-evident that Obama is a foreign born citizen as signing resolution 511 is

he and every single solitary sitting officer underneath him resolving to violate my rights and

denying the citizens access to his past – to that paper – and never ever answering

questions about his birth or school records is then he denying all citizens informed

consent. We are to believe Obama or any person until we possess information - proof –

which casts doubt upon his testimony; I had contact with Obama and I made it into

SCOTUS as an authority case and he refused to meet me on a level playing filed so that I

know: He is lying and he is foreign. I also possess other proof. The OAS member nations

and indeed other nations could not know all they needed to know to defend themselves

against SCOTUS, against Bush V Gore or against Obama and nobody could know

Congress would fail to convict Clinton for a crime until it happened. We had evidence

suggesting it would happen but as Nixon was held accountable we had no proof until

Congress actually did it. I then became the defender of the American People, the

constitution, as The People not the offices of power and not the institutions are the legal,
constitutionally set government of the US. Member nations and persons who are black,

women and poor have recognized the institutions over The People and are victims who

became victimizers but who were indoctrinated by privateers, lawyers and academics to

then truly believe what they do is legal when it is not.

My chief complaint or denunciation is: MEN AND UNJUST PERSONS ON EARTH HAVE













I now must face and deal with a world gone crazy as Hitler is alive and well as I saw his

ghost come alive at an American political rally in 2004 and yet the Nobel Committee just

gave Barack Obama a Peace Prize for nothing other than being born black as he did not

do what the Nobel Committee claims and this is the second politically motivated award

they have given out thus causing worse injury and harm as Norway may not know it but

they have given Obama an award for violating the rights of all natural born citizens and

breaching the peace, the same thing Gore and the climatologists did. These awards violate

Alfred Nobel’s own terms. Knowing how sensitive this case is I then made an attempt to
make it worth the while of world court to hear me in person so as my facts are already

within my SCOTUS petitions I then concentrated on PROVING that I am the actual legal

winner of election 2008 as the SCOTUS docket shows: Petition 08-6622 as no other case

is pro se, no other case is original jurisdiction and constitutional authority, no other case

overturns a SCOTUS ruling of o.j. thus invalidating election 2008 before it began, no other

case did not rise from any appellate (the appellate line is empty as there was no lower

court action) and in no other case did the US fail to respond at all! In Petition 08-6622?

The US failed to answer in 30 days thus I won but then SCOTUS clerks took action when

that is a crime against all citizens and when SCOTUS has zero power or authority to then

deny me a hearing in person as if ONLY lawyers may enter paid SCOTUS. That’s why I

am the only pro se case to win as I did: it’s a little known fact that SCOTUS routinely

violates its own case law as it has a policy in place never to allow the pro se an

appearance in person and to keep them from filing if possible.

Consequently this set of facts, as I am making an attempt to tell you what you do not know

is about 300 pages long and is like no other court petition you have ever read as I, Susan,

am a first in world history too: A pro se woman has to make the case for equality – the

case for humanity - as a man will never give birth to a baby thus he can never know

pregnancy or birth as an absolute fact. His testimony is forever evidence and not proof and

he never has the vested right, as he will not vest it physically as women do. WOMEN





I am asking you to be very patient then and read all of the following and all of the

attachments; if nothing else you will go for the ride of your life as Bush V Gore? It’s a tie I
called in my favor as it is actually 9 as (5 as 1) versus (4 as 1) or 1 versus 1, a tie; the

exact words of our law and math dictate that it can never be per curiam - you may not

invoke per curiam due to the unique nature of SCOTUS as all SCOTUS rulings are a form

of per curiam already and due to what per curiam is- and it can never be 9 as 5 - 4 as 1 as

the math will always be bad. In the US you never pit absolutes against wholes; we hold a

vote and that vote then is counted as one whole as the Founders did not provide for a

direct vote as direct votes never work. Thus you do not subtract 4 from 5 to arrive at one!!!

And if you allow the Justices to dissent? You are giving the Justices two votes so you must

then count the dissenting Justices as one whole and the concurring Justices as one whole.

And, even if you count SCOTUS as one whole FOR Bush that then pits SCOTUS against

The People at one whole FOR Gore. It’s still a tie. No matter how you count it if you do the

math correctly it is a tied decision so the actual constitutional authority had to rise from The

People and call it.

Bush V Gore is fiction, as it was never a good case or even a legal case at all: The case

was Gore V FL so should have been Gore V FL again as the loser appeals if he has an

appeal to mount. Bush V Gore is a lie and only became a good case as the actual lawsuit

lies in overturning it once it was heard as Bush V Gore reveals the chink in US law that

exists between the offices of President and Commander that then allows a dictator to rise.

It forces the lone citizen to span the space between President and Commander using only

their one vote thus you build a ‘bridge’ which completes a circuit in an open ended system.

Thus the lone citizen ‘creates’ energy known as liberty, causing it to pour out upon The

People upon ascension to the office as it restores the original Constitution and so restores

The People. It’s the restoration of man after the fall as man fell again at Bush V Gore only

as the door was open this time around I went through it, as when God opens a door no

licensed lawyer can close it: just because a pro se litigant never argued in SCOTUS does

not then mean she can’t; it means nobody ever thought to sue SCOTUS itself or nobody
could sue SCOTUS itself over a wrongly decided case: To sue SCOTUS itself for wrongly

deciding a case thus leveling the playing field by proving you are more able and capable

than 9 SCOTUS Justices put together you have to be a woman and you have to be

without a law license as women have not had any actual legal power since before our

founding and lawyers caused the fall of the Republic by exploiting their expert knowledge

and by violating the separation of powers via undue influence so lawyers are the cause of

the injury.

Bush V Gore was decided WRONGLY, not in error but wrongly as we dumbed down

SCOTUS by appointing less able and capable men only to keep women from securing the

same rights men enjoy and abuse in their favor. All any willing citizen had to do was act in

December of 2000 to then prove ownership of the knowledge (I did) and then sue but act

pro se to then issue the Executive Order calling it in her favor; an appearance in person

was never necessary as bad math is bad math forever and injustice is injustice forever if

not addressed. You had to sue every single sitting officer and citizen and then all of Earth

as unjust men know different but insist upon injuring women and children regardless. All

any citizen had to do was be willing to learn the answer to every question MEN could not

answer and then keep acting until they were on the SCOTUS case conference list w/o ever

making any appearance in lower court as if that happens? Marbury V Madison says we

then adjudicate the actual paper commission known as the Declaration and Constitution:

Does it belong to me thus The People or to the unjust men currently holding the corporate

seats – the titles and bank accounts - in Washington, DC? You had to go back over US

history accounting for all of the mistakes the US has made over the past two hundred plus

years that were never addressed to then correct them as around 1871 the sitting officers

took a criminal vote and then acted upon it and so began to change the original governing

documents in later publications until the present day version is not what our founders wrote

nor intended; it is missing an amendment known as 13 and the 14th, never voted upon but
foisted upon us after the Civil War is meant to strip all power from The People in favor of

lawyers and bankers (politicians). It names the “federal” institutions as the power and

authority clearly going against every Founder especially Jefferson. Why? Easy: After the

Civil War white men had to find new ways to harm us and they did to then stop their

victims from overcoming their victimization.

“Foreignization” of the Executive in the US is meant to then harm all other nations for as

other nations slowly achieve liberty and justice the bankers and lawyers of this world have

to find a new way to injure you. What better way then via The People, by making it all

seem as if it is good and so beneficial when it is anything but?

Proof would be: women do not have liberty and justice over 200 years later, the Chief

Justice and Executive are still exclusively male and I am the only person in the US who

acted to uphold and enforce the world court ruling known as Gonzales V The US as best I

could as both her lawyer and the so the court argued the incorrect property interest and

right; effectively if Gonzales had known Bush V Gore for what it is – bad math and criminal

– and so if she acted pro se then once her case left SCOTUS she then was acting as Chief

Justice. However except she had a paid lawyer; in the US it is fact: ALL LICENSED




privateers and officers and the lawyers they hire plus the money they, Congress, print at

their whim and will. There’s nothing like printing it and then giving it to crooks via

“legislation” or “bailouts” or “stimulus packages” and/or bailing the crooks out and then

printing up the money to do it thus awarding the crooks for exploiting The People and so

forcing us to pay them tribute against our will.

What happened the last time the Nazis with their lawyers and speechwriters came calling?

The world turned a blind eye and/or paid their price.

FACTS (others re my person and injury are within first complaint):

I, Susan, complain or denounce:

1) I was born into lethal harm on December 30th, 1967. It is endemic

generational domestic violence; it is familial and national as domestic violence is named

in Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution and the Republic fell at Bush V Gore and as the

case for women makes a cycle we have seen before reappear upon a worldwide basis:

2)I know you will not believe me at first world court but stick with me as the Nazis are

back only they are disguised as buffoons and ignoramuses dressed in three piece suits. I

stumbled upon this as I, Susan, am the case for equality as I lived it and upon making

this case realized I also reasoned Uniformity. At first I thought this would end there but it

did not; Uniformity then led me down other roads always making more and more

discoveries until finally I entered the Supreme Court of the US with both legal and

scientific unique intellectual property. This is where it gets interesting as to get inside

SCOTUS I had to contact the clerks so I realized it may be too late as the male court

clerks told me that this case would never be allowed to enter as they had been told to

keep it out. They had been told what elements to look for and then shut it down or in their

words “sink” it. The clerk calling himself “Will” who I spoke to on 2/28/07 said this as if it

is official federal policy not merely personal policy.

3)I was floored but no man can stop me as I have been diligently traversing the world

solving problems, honing my skills to then be able to act as a Chief Justice as I needed

answers as the only actual justice in this world is the truth. Without the truth you never

have a resolution and so this became part of my problem: my engagements with the

enemy – the mostly male unjust officers – then led to new questions.

4)That is because my government is trying to make me believe that I am less than

human and am not worth the paper they print a dollar bill upon but they can never, ever

get me to go to that place because: The moon landing is my first sense of self thus the

equal protection and due process clauses are cemented inside of me permanently and

will never be apart from me.

5)It’s also because I am a natural born genius and began making the case for humanity
at or around age 5 when I asked for a life and promised to act in defense of humanity in

return. I had no idea I was a woman until age 37, when “Will” told me that I was only a

“woman”. My story is absolutely amazing and men do not want to believe it as it puts

them to shame: Unjust men believe people can’t be ethical; they believe people can’t

walk away from money. Well believe it as I had a choice to make, a trillion dollars for my

intellectual property or my soul and I chose my soul. Later it became a case of acting in

defense of The People, the constitutionally set government of the US as every officer is

sitting in open and direct violation of the law. At last it became a case of defending the

world as a US Marshall told me in February that I was going to become the US’ –

Obama’s – first test case of locking up Americans w/o a charge, w/o a hearing or trial

and w/o any legal representation.

6)Make no mistake: as a genius I mounted a constitutional authority case of original

jurisdiction and won as every officer defaulted on 11/05/08 and then the SCOTUS clerks

violated every American’s rights by tampering with the SCOTUS docket on 11/20/08 as

to cover up the 11/05/08 default they acted upon an emergency application I filed but

they then refused to file the actual paper application not knowing that the math – the

dates – would never make sense as SCOTUS may not answer a default judgment

instead of The US aka The People not the Solicitor General as once the Solicitor fails to

respond it is always default until The People are informed and respond as it is contract

law; I’m the first citizen to force the US – the officers not The People – into default. To

act but not file the paper? It denies The People standing in all federal courts thus The

People may only enter with a lawyer which is a problem if your whole case revolves

around Bush V Gore being a bad case – not a case at all but fiction – and if LAWYERS

are the object of your disaffection as paid lawyers caused are the injury itself. Lawyers

are actually guilty.

7)A constitutional authority case of original jurisdiction has only entered twice, Marbury

and me. So you can immediately see where this is going: If you sue SCOTUS for being a

male majority you can never overcome thus pull rank you then assume Command of the

US, The People and the military. Basically it’s a stand off between Obama, me and John

Roberts with the winner receiving actual delivery of the paper commission as Marbury

says if the withholding of the paper is now the injury then you argue or adjudicate the

commission thus delivery follows. This is how the case for women must be made. I’m a

genius; I know - it’s the only way. If you check logician Kurt Godel realized what I

realized: The “chink” in chain of command between President and Commander allows for

a dictatorship to rise in the US. Godel tried to inform a federal judge upon being sworn in

as a naturalized citizen but Einstein and the judge stopped him from presenting his entire

argument. It was right after WWII so they were nervous Godel would be rejected as a

citizen as he was Austrian.

8)It’s funny as the author of a book said it left the US to fend for itself. Nope: It left Susan

to fend for The People as the US officers are not the government. It also left Susan to

fend for the planet as exactly like the Nazis rose and walked right over the Jews w/o

anyone seeing anything the Obama administration is now threatening to lock me up as I

am an “agitator”: a person screaming at the top of her lungs with all the constitutional

basis and reasoning you need – I’m telling the truth - and so the issue now is: Obama’s

lackeys never saw what I had to stop them with as they never counted upon any one

citizen being able to do what I can do: Out predate and out manipulate them. Usually the

institutions of government frighten the first people to come forward and usually you don’t

have a Thomas Jefferson in your midst. This time I’m on the scene as I knew if you can’t

see it then listen for it as SOMETHING had to be around and about as Himmler and

Goebels went to school, drove around on dates and took walks in the park. If you

couldn’t see it as it wasn’t wearing a uniform could you then hear or feel it?

9)I never meant to answer the question the Jews have been asking, as it seemed self-

evident and obvious to me. I’ve been engaging the world ever since I was five partly due

to my circumstances in life and partly due to my authentic person. Along the way I had

clues; I knew to watch and listen at certain times and to look for the same themes and

same thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs. I did not realize I was collecting a body of

knowledge or body of evidence within my person that would then enable me to unlock

my genius and then later lead to me uniting or unifying the entire record man has

collected so far via living it. The time came to enter SCOTUS and boy – did I get the

shock of my life as you’d think the US would want the answers. Remember: the US is the

institutions, the officers, as The People are the constitutionally named government. Not

only did they not want me to talk but Obama was installed as the clerks kept obstructing

justice thus I have no idea if the Justices ever actually saw my petitions. It seems as if no

Justice ever did read my petitions but read only what the male clerks wanted them to

know. I could not believe – I found it bizarre and confusing – that you could not recognize

a Nazi named Hitler sitting in front of you only as he was popular and/or appeared to be

black like Obama; I could not believe you could fall for this again. Was it me or was it

you? YOU as about 70,000 citizens cheered for Hitler. From the Sioux city Federal

Complaint and from the SCOTUS Petition to be reheard <edited for length; notice how I

named my legal reasoning for every statement which is why I was not arrested as it is

not a threat if your action is legal and you reason it as such so you own the knowledge;

that’s US law known as the entire Declaration and Constitution and US case law known

as Marbury; other US case law also applies>:

I. Justice? That is the truth so until I get it and until we then get it as a nation
of People none of us are going to stop and trust me – we are going to start
shooting at some point, as we will have no other choice. All the paper you want
and need is within this court already, attached to all of the cases Zoss illegally
and in violation of the law denied and dismissed.

II. The one and only thing protecting all of the federal officers is secrecy. They
do whatever they want to do to me and to all of The People even when they
know different as they are protected by secrecy. Thus all I have to do is make it
not a secret by acting in the open. Any federal officer who reads this now as I
already forced direct action in SCOTUS thus changed everything so federal
officers know they must hear it in person and must adjudicate the commission –
to argue anything else like insufficient fact is to claim I do not exist and neither
does your own job as a federal judge which is ludicrous – so that I can and may
start taking names and I can and may start shooting. If you exhaust the process
and so nothing else is left but violence our Founders said you can and may
shoot. They knew they might have elegant law but it is people who might be our
problem, people acting to violate the law in such a way that they left us no
choice but to shoot. Jefferson even warned: Marbury V Madison is a good
ruling but it can lead to an oligarchy and probably will so if you ever get here -
shoot a federal judge. Did he say, “shoot a federal judge”? No but he did say
dissolve the legal bonds and then abolish something, whatever is the cause.
That’s in Federalist Ten: To address domestic violence attack the thing that
addresses the most effects. It does me no good to attack a piece of paper; I
must attack those responsible for it. So if federal judges are the cause as they
REFUSE to let The People appear in person, and if federal judges are my own
problem as they REFUSE to let me appear in person ONLY as I outsmarted
everyone of them, and if the reason they can do this is secrecy, that their
actions are buried on the federal docket so nobody knows, then I do two things:

file in the world court located within DC and then pick a person who is a federal
agent and whom harmed me on or after 11/20/08 and shoot them. In this way I
do what the Founders told me to do and it is legal as everybody knew but all
chose to participate in what is criminal and in my unique case? As only I have
that SCOTUS docket only I can and may and should escape any and all
prosecution whatsoever. I may not be charged according to our law and case
law but the officers will try it. A judge will want to do it to me even though he
knows it makes him a criminal. I’ll then go to trial. Big deal. A jury of my peers
may not convict me and they won’t - not after I talk about myself and how we all
came to be within a federal courtroom with a dead body – or severely injured
body - and when every single solitary authority in this nation knew as did
millions of people who were prevented from acting and as did the world as I
filed in world court. There’s only ONE actual reason for any of this: Susan
Herbert is the innocent victim and her nation - it’s officers – liked abusing
power and liked acting criminally thus wanted to kill her and needed to kill her
as she found them out and sued them successfully but they could not kill her
before she killed them via the lawful, named process. Nobody is going to feel
sorry for a federal agent. My life story? People will be agog and aghast at how
this nation’s and most likely this planet’s most intelligent person was hounded
since the day she was born and beaten incessantly until finally her children
were kidnapped only to stop her from being who she is, or as the Creator made
her. That so insane are the patriarchs and their minions, women who support
them only for the benefits they personally receive like a title or money, that they
would actively try to kill Susan and even use her kids to do it only as her legal
argument meant no more unjust privilege and favor for the unjust persons in
office or the privateers.

III. Why would this court need to worry? <edited for length>

IV. Nobody is ever going to believe the federal bench could not read. My
attachments: 1. SCOTUS suit 09-6777; 2. SCOTUS Petition for rehearing 09-
6777; 3. Federal Appeals Brief 09-10661 that includes its own attachments; 4.
Federal Appeals Motion to be reheard; 5. SCOTUS Petition 07-9804; 6. Petition
against Obama that Paul Zoss pretended he did not read; 7. Private
investigator’s report on Obama’s birth; 8. List of Records ‘wiped’ or ‘erased’
from Internet once Obama’s eligibility came under question as the ACT to

remove them counts as evidence rising to proof. Some of these records are still
available as people saved them before anyone tried to erase them.

V. This case, against the political parties, was filed as a prisoner’s motion or so
say the documents that were mailed to my home. It is not a prisoner’s motion.
The political party’s make me feel as if I am in prison but I’m not in a physical

VI. It was dismissed. The reason it was dismissed is that I have not established
proper jurisdiction or so this court falsely claims but nobody can deny
Resolution 511 was passed and so exists, Obama is sitting as President when
he does not qualify, no woman has ever been President or that the political
parties are responsible for this as it is not possible for a woman or a third party
candidate to be elected and a two party monopoly has created the legal
situation that logician Kurt Godel warned us about: There is a chink in US law
which allows for a dictator to rise, a nazi like regime – the thing that is and does
- backed by a small group of persons. I witnessed its birth. It is inextricably
inked to political parties and money and how they work – how we elect
Presidents in modern day America.

VII. It’s also about how federal judges are appointed and for how long and how
the federal court is structured as we have created a legal situation whereby the
ethical cannot gain entry to the federal court thus dead paper in the form of
lawyers is given the standing. If you give standing to dead paper only, to
lawyers only, you are no longer Constitutional. If you refuse to hear the case for
women then women have zero protection of the Constitution. You cannot
ignore the political ramifications of this as federal judges are appointed by
Presidents who have all been male and since Andrew Jackson have all been
Democrats and Republicans and that almost all current federal judicial
appointments are political – Reagan was the last President to actually interview
federal judges and most Presidents never bothered - but even that does not
stop the lawbreakers among us from trying to circumvent the federal courts
completely thus circumvent the people completely with tricks like taking bad
and even criminal legislation to the House Judiciary Committee as that’s how
you violate due process if you’re Congress. The judge might not be political but

the person appointing him or her is acting upon what is. Proof would be this
very court as I named it as the only ethical courthouse I happened upon in
America as far back as 2007 and as soon as Obama was elected he
announced he wanted to restructure the federal courts beginning with this very
court as “important” decisions are arising from this court and so this appellate.
In other words: As these decisions would effect the illegally sitting Obama and
other Democrats then stop it by “restructuring” what already works. I’ve looked
and looked: Restructuring the federal court may not be a purely political move
but starting with this one is a purely political move. Physics dictates Obama did
not randomly pick this district; he picked it as I said I was coming back here and
the two party, overtly and even exclusively male monopoly then makes it hard
to defeat such tactics.

VIII. The overly broad power the two parties exert is overcomeable; you’re
supposed to be able to use the federal court to overcome it – sue for equal
protection and due process and to enforce the natural birth clause - but federal
court seems to be siding with the crooks: If you, the victim, are not accorded
your right of redress then you can’t overcome it.

IX. I’m assuming then that this case was dismissed as it was inadvertently filed
as a prisoner’s motion as the passage of Resolution 511 signed by both
members of the Republican and Democratic Parties alone is cause to sue, as it
is obvious conspiracy and collusion as all 100 Senators can and do read. This
two party monopoly came to harm this nation in a gross manner. It resulted in
actual foreignization of the Office of the Executive and caused the insertion of
what is Marxist in nature. It along with the discrimination of women is the main
reason the Constitution has been overthrown which occurred when Bush V
Gore was heard in a court of law as Bush V Gore is the federal case w/o any
actual claim or any actual federal question as you fought a Revolution to win
the vote so why do you need to go to a court to adjudicate it? And it is the
federal case that shut out every person but Christian men who are lawyers and
who are Democrats and Republicans as lawyers not the men vying for the
office argued it and as no winner then goes into federal court only to chance
losing so changing the case from Gore V FL to Bush V Gore was meant to
deliberately shut out all voters but especially female voters, the injured party, as
no lone citizen save me was likely to be able to sue and SCOTUS has never let

a nonlawyer argue before it and has never let a woman argue her own case no
matter how good her case is. Proof is: Obama is a Democrat and a lawyer who
now claims to be a Christian when he was raised Muslim. “Christian” is what
the two parties demand today.

X. I’m not the exception; I’m the actual product of The Declaration and
Constitution as I lived them out as real to test them. Anybody can possess my
genius if they apply themselves but you can’t take shortcuts: no lying, cheating
or stealing and no political party membership as the modern parties ask you to
pledge allegiance to them and their major donors not to the Constitution aka
The People.

XI. Before I go on: I have alerted the Jewish Defamation League and the nine
Sioux tribes as they have a vested interest in this case. I had to serve them. It’s
not appropriate to object to the dismissal as it was filed as a prisoner’s motion
and as I attached the case to another part of Herbert V Obama. You cannot
separate Herbert V Obama from this case as this is a constitutional authority
case and you may not allow men to argue a Presidential election masquerading
as an equal protection issue when it isn’t but then refuse to allow women entry
to do the same when they do have a good case and do have an actual federal
question. Again: Obama is a Democrat who signed Resolution 511 thus
colluded with Republicans to then violate the Constitution namely the equal
protection, due process and natural birth clauses thus he signed it when he had
an insurmountable conflict – it benefited his person - and this could not have
happened if the parties did not have a monopoly that is made impossible to
overcome as a citizen would have stopped them. Two hundred years later the
Senate is mostly male and the Executive is exclusively male as is the Chief
Justice when women make up more than half the population. I checked: all the
Justices are party members. Nonparty members do not even get on a list for
consideration let alone in the front door. See Katherine Harris out of FL as the
Republicans turned on her and she lost the office she ran for. 511 aids only
men, only Democrats and Republicans, only members of Congress and only
foreigners at the expense of women and at the expense of one exact woman:
Susan Herbert as she can, will and did preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution better than any American ever but as she refuses to participate in

what she knows to be criminal activity - an organized political party and/or the
purchase of an office - she is unknown and kept off of the ballot.

XII. I happen to be the PAC case David Souter was looking for when he ruled he
was sick of reading the same PAC case over and over as I lived it. It involves
the parties, women, WalMart who has this nations largest PAC, discrimination,
and their decision to begin funding local campaigns but then naming
GOVERNOR of CA as local and China. Swarzeneggar is now Governor of CA;
this is tantamount to WalMart announcing it will buy the Office of the Executive
in order to foreignize it as foreignization helps large business at the expense of
the People, as it is Marxism they are trying to install…edited…

XIII. It is silly to be afraid of discussing our mistakes or maintaining the status

quo to then maintain no order, as lawlessness is no order at all. Looking back over our
mistakes is how I came to answer the questions the Founders asked including
Madison’s “What exists at the founding of any great government?” And sometimes you
have to go down a road to then have an answer thus you will have dead ends BUT the
Founders never, ever meant for you to install or insert an institution and then refuse to
remove it once it caused harm. Federal courts and other institutions have zero
business tying our hands in any way. I blame a 1920 federal court ruling never
overturned and meant to target blacks, women and Natives: The federal court ruling
that says policy may not be litigated unless you can prove injury has occurred so it
essentially forces you to become a victim before you sue a politician like a President
for unconstitutional policy only now the injury that is realized first especially for women
and children is death so you then can’t sue, can you? This ruling is political in nature
as it was then exploited over and over by administration after administration. It might
not have originally been political but it is now. NOTHING in the Constitution allows for
victimization and policy is something you can reason as legal or not. No policy is ever
gray rather than black or white. That’s a mistaken belief politicians want you to
possess so you’ll go along with just about anything they propose. And if you’re kept
out of court? You are forced to be a victim. This is where it can become convoluted as
federal judicial appointments are mostly: Political. Is the conflict one we can
overcome? The results so far say No, federal judges aren’t willing to set politics and/or
prejudice aside. Thus I’ll make yet another attempt:

XIV. If you look the four PAC cases Souter complained about are all the same all
you need to read are the captions. What’s missing? WOMEN. You need to be able to
prove PACS cause harm by tracing the effects as some effects then become causes
as Federalists Ten states. You need to prove PACS overthrow the Constitution as
private interests use them to do it. As this is such a large case and it’s all related I
decided the easiest way to tackle it was to separate the entities thus starting with
myself and working my way up. As for party/campaign funding in general? Recent
reform is a bust. The money factor causes people to join political parties as they can’t
overcome the money w/o the party...or can they? We can just toss out the money and
the parties completely thus prevent the purchasing of offices as we already have a
system in place to campaign for a place on the ballot if you are a private, independent
natural born citizen: I, Susan, prove for only $1.27 you can secure the Office and/or a
place on the actual ballot in all 50 states by making a case for The People in federal
court. My bank statement listing $1.27 in my account in April 2007 is entered. Ideally
The People need to heal themselves – that’s most important - thus any person so
motivated can choose one of the federal questions afoot and argue it thus vesting his
or her right and interest. You can address a violation of the Constitution to vest it like
Baltimore charging for videos but not any other media: When is James Bond free
versus when is James Bond not free? Does form matter? Isn’t “The Spy Who Loved
Me” always the same spy who loved me whether it’s a book, a film, a book on tape or
a record by Carly Simon? If I sent Sean Connery into the library with Woody Allen’s
library card and Daniel Craig’s driver’s license would he be made to pay and/or qualify
himself in order to see Pierce Brosnan as James Bond? Himself as James Bond? Is
this an unjust tax that targets the poor and the deaf? You can remedy an injury. It’s
your choice. That constitutes you proving you can fulfill the oath if we elect you and
guess what? As The People fund the federal court it’s bang for our buck. You won’t
have many people who succeed; that is you won’t have so very many that the ballot is
overrun and you address the citizens having their right to enter the courts violated at
the same time. If you use a jury then the jury gets to award you that place on the ballot
or not as a second, separate question a part from the point of law as your argument
might win the day but might not be Executive in nature. It’s a system The People can
use now until we have a new system and until this mess is sorted out and it’s wholly
constitutional as that person is vetting him or her self then by subjecting themselves to
the review of The People thus it is voluntary as outside vetting is not legal. ONLY
qualified, natural born citizens can do this. It’s like I told Obama: to prove his
innocence and natural birth status? Obama had to enter his answer before I entered

my brief and he did not so first one to the bar wins as obviously she’s natural born as
her actions produced unique, original, intellectual property that benefits the US and
she even gave up the profits as she copyrighted it in the name of The People not
herself. It’s the quickest way to heal the injury and the quickest way to cause the
People to feel actual liberty once again. It’s not about the appearance of your
documents but what you, the person, bring to court as you then have to support the
paper to the level of proof by yourself. You have to be able to produce in person; you
have to be able to argue it yourself no matter what it looks like on paper as even if you
enter the most professional documents we’re ever seen, a Founder might have written
them as they look so good, but you can’t string two words together in person? We
possess reasonable doubt. This then would inspire people to obey, enforce and
uphold the Constitution as they would know as fact the door would be open for them if
they wanted or needed to walk through it; it would be possible and you never know
what will happen in life: I, Susan, am a past President. I actually vested the right and
the interest in 7th grade as class President. It counts, as it is as valid as any national
election as The People duly elected me, I served two terms and retired as I graduated.
SCOTUS was I then legally vesting it. The People do not participate when they feel
as if it and they do not count. The People need a reason to invoke the law from the
time when they are children so they come to embody it and then to continue to enforce
it, avoiding all negative contracts. As The People have been working on reform plans
this would give us time to evaluate and implement one of those plans and if we chose
one that did not work? We’d have a fail safe back up system to rely upon the control of
which rests wholly with The People.

XV. This complaint is brought under USC 1983 and USC Chapter 18 but firstly
under the Declaration and Constitution as acts of Congress, acts of SCOTUS with the
other Judiciary and acts of the sitting Executive past and current conflict with the
Constitution as does law the citizens made via a direct vote of The People as nothing
within the Constitution, US case law or US code allows for the citizens to make law via
a direct vote, to violate the natural birth, equal protection and due process clauses via
a direct vote or to target women, enlisted serviced members or me and my sons
exactly via a direct vote. And nothing provides for the violation of fully vested
fundamental rights which go w/o redress and w/o any actual remedy and relief as
nothing grants any citizen not even Presidents and Justices blanket immunity. See US
V Nixon. I also have standing to sue to enforce a judgment of default entered by

SCOTUS and am in the correct court as the very first violation of a fundamental right
was perpetrated by the federal government while I and my children were Navy
dependents and this violation is directly linked to a former Executive and
unconstitutional policy he invoked as well as a crime he committed which Congress
then excused, as if it never happened. As it’s core this judgment of default occurred
because every single sitting officer I came in contact with and every single citizen
reasoned and decided they or other officers and/or lawyers were above the law while I
and my sons were below it or less than human and as they insisted that US law
provided for no remedy and relief. It is directly due to women never having been
accorded actual equal protection and due process and as women have never been
able to bring the case for equality before SCOTUS as it is either argued incorrectly, it
is not heard w/o any reason or cause named, men not women bring it, no pro se
litigants are allowed before SCOTUS and unconstitutionally so, and/or the person
bringing it is unconstitutionally denied redress for the violation of her rights perpetrated
by SCOTUS employees.

XVI. Jurisdiction: 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 – 1412: I have read it and this venue then
would be proper as prior court activity occurred in this district and as this may be the
only venue left via process of elimination. Plus as this is an authority case ANY federal
venue would be appropriate as one of the concerned parties, female voters, lives

XVII. What began as a family case over custody escalated until I was challenging
men inside SCOTUS and even SCOTUS itself as ultimately they and it caused the
injury. The case spanned several states and was and is in court in three: NY, PA and
FL. as the creation of impossible standards then created legal limbo; either no action
is taken thus the case sits and sits or the states harm me with impunity.

XVIII. The SCOTUS docket proves my claims – it along with me constitutes

incontrovertible proof - but in this unique case I must now sue those involved in order
to address an intrinsic flaw in the process which now denies us our rights in order to
force sitting officers, whole institutions and the voters to recognize the law and my
person and so the equality of women, the legal and biological reality they deny, or, to
enforce the judgment of default.

XIX. Both major parties are guilty. I‘ll deal with the Republicans first: In the fall of
2004 I went to a political rally sponsored by the Republicans at which George Bush Jr.
was to appear. Ultimately I received the shock of my life, as I am a witness to
genocide born in the US. For years sociologists have been looking for this answer as
have I. Scientists could name the elements and which conditions did not seem to
matter; they could not name the cycle or the pattern or if they had every element or
how they came together. I can answer this question due to the Republican Party.

XX. Several elements do need to exist plus they do come together in a very
specific way and scientists are wrong: I now know what comes before the eruption of
mass violence so that I can state as fact what happened in Rwanda may have been
longer in coming then anyone ever imagined. The best way I know how to say it to a
federal judge: An event such BVG or 9/11 occurs; there seems to be an escalation of
fear plus injustice. BVG is very, very important – what it is and does to cause genocide
is intrinsic – but 9/11 is not very consequential because all it needs to be is anything
the leaders can use as an excuse to act unjustly or create more irrational fear, what I
named suspicious fear: be suspicious; be worried; your neighbor may be your enemy;
you can’t see your enemy. It’s a rev up. Then all necessary elements are realized in
one time and one place and so genocide ripens. I saw the event that no one ever saw
before; when and how it ripens so that mass violence may erupt. At this point it’s
possible as the ‘machine’ is in place and the people did it once so it is then alive and
what I witnessed and what I know tell me that IS how Nazi Germany was born and
nobody realized it but not what Rwanda saw as Rwanda had no central cult
personality surrounded by ‘officers’ who actually did all the dirty work. However I can
answer the questions about Rwanda, as now I know what no other person ever knew.

XXI. This sounds awful; it is. Bush Jr. is not guilty; he had no idea what
happened before he arrived and I saw him flinch when a person held up a sign
reading Jews for Bush. Why? The hate speech, that’s why. I saw Jews cheering for
their own extinction, women cheering for their own extinction and enlisted service
members cheering for their own extinction. The news is not all bad: As I was there the
US can now own up to it and then take credit for giving the world an answer that can
stop genocide forever. The whole event is on tape and I have a witness: A Vietnam
Veteran as it seemed that only he and I and perhaps a few other Veterans knew
something had gone horribly wrong. I, Susan, knew the exact word - genocide - and
so I became terrified and fled for my life.

XXII. We know BVG and everything that happened up to fall 2004 – a time before
we knew it is a bad declaration of war. The Republicans said you had to arrive 5 hours
before the event or you couldn’t get in. 5 hours in the baking sun in FL in a football
stadium; it was an oven. To get in you had to pass through ‘security guards’ –
members of the Republican Party or at least the guy who touched me was. They
began roughing people up. They began confiscating silly things only to throw them out
as if you had to leave it they were dumping it not leaving it for you to claim. So a mood

XXIII. Now we’re in the stadium. As it heats up the concession stands are
charging outrageous prices for drinks and food. You have five hours of this. Then the
toilets overflow all over the stadium. It is getting worse and worse and worse. I can
feel the mood shifting and I begin to realize what I might be witnessing but I keep
telling myself it’s impossible. I’m thinking this can’t be but I know genocide so the only
word I have is ripen, maybe this is how it ripens so then the possibility of mass
violence exists at any time; maybe it’s not possible until it ripens. I now know that’s it,
it must ripen. Something is made physically real. Exacting thoughts, feelings, ideas
and beliefs along with motivation and intent combined with issues regarding power,
victimization, justification not justice and morals not ethics is made real. The otherwise
‘good’ civilians doing it? They are the targeted victims and do not even know it; they
are unaware they have been actively ‘recruited’ to participate and so do not know they
have been deliberately targeted. This is important, as coming into play in order to keep
the recruited participants unaware is a cycle of blame, shame, anger and guilt.

XXIV. A Vietnam Veteran sits down. Everybody is talking and he begins talking
about John Kerry; he’s not here to ask you to vote for Bush as he’s here to tell us:
voting for due to the candidates – none of them are fit; none of them are safe. You’re
either safe or not; safety is or not. There’s no such thing as a little safety or a little
liberty. So people start asking him questions.

XXV. I listen to him talking and I stop him: I have a question: “I know about the
Swift boats; I hear Swift boat everything. Now you just said something – unfit for
command. I don’t need to know about Swift Boats. Why did you, a person not here to

vote for Bush and a veteran just say unfit for command like you did? What’s YOUR
reasoning?” So he said, “He lied about the return of his medals.” I reply, “Okay now I
know: Violation of a renegotiated honor bound contract. He’s unfit to command.” This
happens to be one of the most grievous offenses you can commit. You give up your
medals as it is your claims THE PEOPLE have violated the Declaration and
Constitution wholly and absolutely in your case. You are no longer a party to the
contract. If things change and the contract is renegotiated the President representing
THE PEOPLE reawards your medals. At that point? You had better not look sideways
if looking sideways is a violation. A lie? A violation. Cheating? A violation. Running for
any office when not fit to serve? A violation. This nation needs to get right with itself:
all the proof I ever wanted or needed was that Veteran saying he came here on his
day off not to vote for Bush but to stop me from voting for Kerry. If he said or did
nothing else that is the proof. I believe Vietnam Veterans: I do not believe one of them:
John Kerry. How many veterans have to tell me if you elect that man you might be
killed? 1. Not 2, not 20, not 75 but 1.

XXVI. So all day long things worsen, it’s more heaped on top of what feels as if it
is unbearable, it’s like a sewer, until the hate speech begins. Like nothing I have ever
heard in my life. The speakers begin and it is insanity from the get go; it has been
building up all day as there were acts like musicians every once in a while so a person
would grab a mike and blurt something out or they would broadcast something to
‘entertain’ us while we waited. It is a mixture of politicians and party leaders plus well
known locals. An ex-Model named Kim Alexis gives a speech. [Kim Alexis is a person,
a good person, who then participated. Why? I know why. This is my reasoning for
naming her - not as she’s guilty but as she has some of the most priceless living
testimony ever as she was there and she did it but she did not know.] From among the
speakers she stood out as she’s a woman and a mother and her words made my
blood run cold. Certain words and slogans are repeated ad infinitum. Bloody, bloody,
baby, women, Christian, bloody, murder, and on and on. Men get up. Jesus, bloody,
baby, women, murder, drugs. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Over and over and
over. You think it’ll stop or somebody will react but they do not. Now it’s bloody, baby,
women, WAR, JESUS, WAR, bloody, Christian, abortion, bloody. I’m getting more and
more concerned. I’m watching it all, taking it all in as now I know: I am about to see
how genocide is born; I’m gonna know – how did the Nazis do it, why good people did
it and why the Jews didn’t act. I want the court to note: I always knew I’d have to give
this answer to the Jews then the rest if the world. Once I knew I was actually seeing

it? I captured it all in my minds eye paying special attention to: the emotions. Those I
captured in my body; you can sort of internalize them to recall them later. It’s a gift, as
I have an instrument that is perfectly calibrated – my ears – as I listen different, with
my entire person; I record or memorize things differently than other people do. It’s
related to how I process language so that I experience the actual whole truth while
others experience only a part of it or miss it completely. I was experiencing the truth of
the whole event in that stadium; others missed it entirely while that Veteran knew most
of it. That’s because: If your person matches US law in letter and sprit, if you have
those same beliefs and practice them, your emotional compass is very finely tuned.
Mine happens to be perfectly calibrated the way a perfumer has a perfectly calibrated
nose or a taste tester has a perfectly calibrated tongue. It’s what makes me such a
deadly constitutional attorney: If an argument or ruling – or a belief - does not match
the Constitution? I’ll know it and I’ll know exactly what it is and why. It will light up like
a Christmas tree for me. Then I can read what the Justices wrote and know: This is
what the lawyer needs or this is what they all missed or this is where the Justices
erred. Sometimes I will read one or two sentences and know; other times the caption
alone will tell me. Often I can even identify what mistaken belief specific people
involved in the case have as it’s all over the paper but they do not realize it, as they
aren’t doing what I’m doing. As people produce paper? I can listen to a piece of paper
the same way I can listen to a person.

XXVII. The stadium feels like it is filling up with water, as if we’ll drown, and the
crowd is cheering insanely and then suddenly on the jumbotron is a JEWS FOR
BUSH sign. The crowd cheers; Bush flinches – he knows something is wrong as it is
the way they cheered – only he says something like “We’re a Christian nation but
there’s room for Jews too.” And there it was; it ripened: This crowd let up a roar
EXACTLY like the People hearing Hitler let out. It’s distinctive; I will never forget the
sound and feeling of it. The extreme physical discomfort; the extreme heat and smell
of the overflowing bathrooms; the anger; the nonstop hate speech; the imagery, very
detailed ideas of graphic violence regarding women and babies but labeled
Christianity, mixed with the emotions that were swirling around as if waves washing
over the participants and the sound of that roar rising like an expectant release of joy,
eagerness, but joy for violence and death; a religious fervor for a political agenda
whether it is constitutional or not and no matter who it harms, so urgent even your own
person is expendable for the good of the cause. The sound that the crowd made in
that one incredible roar was deeper and more intense than any cheering I have ever

heard but the intensity of the emotion is what frightened me the most, as if these
people were made to be temporarily insane, actually insane, as they were feeling joy
but expressing the idea of blood and death for no named reason, so that expressing
this insane idea purposely – This is a Christian nation - to then feel that emotion
became their cause and became their reason. If they expressed that idea – those
words in that order no matter how senseless they are in the context of America - they
were rewarded with that emotion – joy - so death and the idea of killing women and
babies made them feel good as it cannot be murder if Christians do it. The emotion
itself became their god; the emotion itself became their cause and they would say or
do anything to get it. I do not like to use the word joy, perhaps joy infused with pride,
you’re proud to be killing women in the name of Jesus, as to feel this you need to have
other people around you who engage in a sort of give and take. It’s as if you need that
outside approval to then feel the emotion, that to get that approval is to then be able to
feel it. I witnessed what happens when individuals have had their sense of self
annihilated to such an extent and degree that they then ‘adopt’ a collective created
sense of self, a sense of self that is located completely outside each person so that if
the group promotes it you then identify with it – you are it or so you truly believe –
thus you feel good when you express it, even it is insensible like equating Christianity
with death instead of life. You have traded your will for the will of the crowd; you have
replaced I with us, not we. The people in that crowd could not tell you what they were
cheering for if you asked them; all they could do is say exact words but not delineate
any actual concept or any actual belief. Human emotion without any reason;
unconditional pride. The Nazis had unconditional pride; it was their sense of self; it
was directly wired to their id but that id only exists as a group. It doesn’t exist if the
group doesn’t exist. Each individual had wholly conditional love, indifference, directly
wired to his or her ego. It’s human emotion without reason as a group and human
reason without emotion as an individual. It’s how and why each individual could be so
brutal – they felt so good doing it. It’s how and why they were such effective killing
machines, as they could operate either in a group or alone. Compare it to what you
know: How hard does a group have to work to get even one person to do what he or
she would never do, such as convince a person to commit rape only as the others in
the group pressure him? How hard does a group have to work to convince one person
to do something ‘smaller’ like rob? It used to be impossible in America; now it is
common and nobody blinks. Kill reason first by battering them with words, render
them powerless – they must feel powerless both mentally and physically – and then
insert a new idea over a long period of time but do it in such a way you make them

truly believe it as real, ‘it’s America’, as you cement it inside them with that one,
massive, final blow: visual imagery, auditory imagery – all of your senses being
attacked - and with a wallop of emotion that feels unbelievably fantastic. But I felt
terrified. I know now that a person could have held up a sign that read Kill The Jews
and I would have heard that same roar as long as the person ‘leading’ the crowd
condoned it and so did the guy sitting next to you. Hitler’s big lie only it is bigger and
much more insidious than anyone ever suspected.

XXVIII. At that exact moment it felt as if the water had risen over my head and I was
going to drown; I was actually going to die. I was going to suffocate. Nobody was
stopping it; I knew exactly what had to happen for mass violence to erupt. I knew I
could do something exactly and we’d have mass violence. And somebody might do
that accidentally. I took one look at that Veterans face and fled for my life. He was
silent and he had a look of confusion and revulsion on his face; his silence was
different as it was as if he couldn’t move. He KNEW something had gone horribly
wrong but he did not have the word “genocide” in his head or he would have had a
different look on his face. The person I attended this event with? That person was
cheering; he had no idea what had happened and when I fled he kept trying to tell me
that I was ‘crazy’ and making it up; he was absolutely clueless as to what he had just
been deceived into doing. He absolutely, positively did not hear the lie he was just
told, the lie of his life, the most lethal and deadliest lie of all: They will think for me; I
don’t have to think; I don’t have to feel.

XXIX. I then went back over the record of genocide that we have. Nazi Germany
and Rwanda are the same; it’s the same but it is realized a slightly different way. It has
to do with power and control; a created fear; there’s a rev up or a cycle; there’s an
event, a moment in time where it ripens; and if one thing happens after that point?
Mass violence will erupt unless the chain set in motion is broken. Genocide is already,
before mass violence erupts. You might slaughter people in one day or you do it a few
at a time in an illegal war or at home killing women; it might take you five years to kill
them all but it’s mass violence and is genocide. In person I can go over this in fine
detail and reason it all for you. I have to do this for all citizens but especially for all
political parties so they never go here again. I also have to break or sever the chain
set in motion with BVG as once it ripened? That chain was never broken; it is still in
motion today and is being realized various ways like the John Woo memos discussing
if they could invoke martial law to then use the military to lock up Americans w/o

cause, w/o any hearing or trial and w/o any charges. Yes, in concentration like
camps. Those memos are more serious than anyone knows. What has not yet
happened is the sudden explosion of violence, which is not so sudden but only
appears to be. If the American people want to know who the Hitler in their midst is I
will tell them and trust me, if I could not prove this beyond any doubts – not
reasonable doubt but any doubt – I would not say it: Dick Cheney. Cheney should be
very afraid of me, as there’s a whole lot of things that he did that he truly believes he
has gotten away with; things he is certain no one will ever know or couldn’t know,
things I can prove. I’m not ‘figuring out’ who did what as I know as fact without any
question whatsoever as following a chain of people is easy for me. Cheney might
believe he did something behind closed doors so you can’t know but you can; if you
have my unique skill you can follow that chain anywhere and know anything.

XXX. I do not want say much more about this event on paper. It’s too important.
You have all of the fact you need as I’m not to be forced to prove my case within my

XXXI. The Republican Party has a federal ruling against it involving voting in which
they were not do certain things again and guess what? They never stopped doing
them and no matter how many people pointed this out nobody did a thing to enforce
that federal ruling. Not in 2004 or in 2008. The Party has no plan to ever obey that
ruling or so I was told.

XXXII. The Republican Party is hoping to nominate Arnold Swarzeneggar to its

ticket in 2012 and/or 2016. They have been promoting this idea all over. You know,
first you agree to seat a foreigner who doesn’t sound like one and then you can seat
one that does sound like one and when we complain? They will cry: If Obama sat why
can’t Arnold sit? It’s a violation of EP&DP to discriminate against people from Austria
but not those subject to the British Crown. Arnold Swarzeneggar will not sit in that
office before I do, and then he’ll never sit in that office ever, and Obama should not

XXXIII. The Republican Party is now placing unqualified people on its ticket; they
know these people are unqualified thus what they are doing is treason as they are
overthrowing the office of the executive, but they do it regardless. And at the expense
of women, blacks and American Indians. WAR VETERAN is not a reason to commit a

crime; nor is it a reason to violate our rights. I have a few choice words for John
McCain as I too am a war veteran and I too was a prisoner of war - we can compare
scars – and I too was tortured – I can describe intimately what torture is and does and
what it feels like when you get to that point where you’re gonna break or you’re gonna
survive. I too had to make a choice: Do I cut and run or remain a prisoner? For at least
ten years? It would be ten years at the least. I remained. McCain said he did it as it
wouldn’t be fair to the other prisoners. I did it as I would not be able to live with myself
afterwards and as nothing would change my children would be injured as adults; I did
it as if I’m the only hope these people have – if I don’t do this it will never be done and
these people and this nation will die – then: I have no other choice. I have never once
used WAR VETERAN as a reason for anything let alone an excuse. I know: I’m not
above the law. I’m like everyone else as we all have one vote. Susan Versus John
McCain? McCain is never gonna be my equal when it comes to moral authority.

XXXIV. The Republican Party has manipulated and controlled the system and
hogged the ballot for more than a hundred years. It’s time for it to step aside. What
happens? That’s up to the People who are the Party. I would like to see some of the
Republican and Democratic Party leaders in jail but it’s not up to me; it’s up to the
people who are the party and to The People, the constitutionally set government.
Republicans can volunteer to jettison the leaders who did this, to begin obeying the
law, to not assume one of the top two slots on all 50 ballots for the next few elections
and work to fix how we even manage campaigns as there’s a problem and a big one
with PACS and I have the case as I am the case, or they can volunteer to cease to

XXXV. The Democrats: The Democratic Party is a vile animal these days. If Kerry
were not enough they gave us Bill Clinton too. Do they HATE Americans or what? The
Democrats told us: We will elect anybody at all, even crooks and foreigners, as long
as we do not elect someone we actually victimized. You can appear to be black, you
just can’t actually be black. The Parties have both been engaging in propaganda and
conditioning tactics. I don’t know who’s worse. Like this: A person who is black tells
me Obama is one of us and will help us. One of us? Yeah, you know – a victim.
Victim? Obama’s mother is white; she and her family were not victims of slavery.
Obama’s father is Kenyan. He and his family were not victims of slavery. Obama
claims to have suffered from discrimination. Nope, as look – he doesn’t even qualify
and he made it into the office. If it were discrimination he suffered from then he

wouldn’t be sitting. But you know how I know he is lying when he says he is a victim?
He looks like the majority population of Hawaii. Most Hawaiians are not white as
Hawaii has an indigenous population. He also grew up in Indonesia; he looks like the
majority population of Indonesia. He doesn’t really look different thus he was not
treated differently as in black versus white. This man is no victim; he only needs you to
believe he is. Listen to how careful this constitutional lawyer is: you do realize he was
careful to say My wife’s family is related to slaves and were slaves as if by being
married to her he is then a victim too? When I point this out to people they are
stunned. They are not hearing it. And then the things they do hear: Everyone can
name Hawaii. So nobody stops to reason what the Hawaiians who are Native look
like? Yes as they are absoluting everything to death instead of connecting it.
Discrimination causes a physical injury; it actually affects your brain. It causes your
brain to sort of cross wires as it’s about annihilation of self. You confuse id with ego;
you lose the human ability to feel liberty as an emotion and physical sensation. It truly
does dumb you down. Nobody is hearing the truth due to the injury: Using words to
make it seem as if, a thing lawyers do too well. Democrats took it to a new level as
they used imagery too such as the “Office of the President Elect”, a make believe
office with its own podium, own news conferences and own great seal. People truly
believe it’s a named office. How severely have the people been injured? I found out:
Incapacitation. Lawyers did it for politicians and then did it for businesses; it escalated
and became the norm and went on for so long the people suffer a form of
brainwashing named in the DSM. I can fix it, as I know how to heal this injury. But I’ll
give you an example of what this injury does to a person:

XXXVI. I ask a person: “I believe John Kerry is unfit for command”. Is that a fact?
The person hesitates and finally She: Yes, Kerry is unfit. Me: I know if Kerry is fit or
unfit. I asked you about your belief not Kerry. You think there is a right or wrong
answer, as if one is good or bad. You were hesitating as you were trying to figure out
what answer I wanted you to say so instead you...answered a question I did not ask. I
asked is this your belief? Is it a fact of you? So, somebody in your world has taught
you that some beliefs are good and some are bad. Nope. They are. Now, did you
even hear what I asked? Say that statement in your head like this: If you ask me that
same thing I’d answer this way: I, Susan, believe Kerry is unfit. I do. Okay, YES, it is a
fact – a fact of me; my fact is I do posses this belief. But you answered, “Yes, Kerry is
unfit.” Can you answer my question the other way? Can you answer it ‘No, Kerry is not
unfit’? You know what else? If I make that statement to you then ask you if it is a fact?

You can’t answer it at all unless you ask me what my belief is! When this happens it is
about self-awareness and sense of self. “I believe”: You don’t see quotes when a
person speaks!

XXXVII. People “can’t believe” what they did. They’re stunned. And guess what? The
Democrats exploited this very injury. How deep does this go? Deep as now it is
everywhere. LAWYERS did it to America. So did speechwriters. People are
hammered all day long with this, even on the news. Thus a person goes to a poll to
vote and although they have been conditioned to vote for a certain candidate they
don’t know it so they truly believe they made a choice born of will and liberty when no,
they are operating upon that conditioning on a subconscious level and then the
carefully chosen words that serve to deliberately steer their choice so it is NOT their
choice and is NOT voluntary. This is exactly how bad it is and how deep is it is:

XXXVIII. A commercial now running says this: “Studies show 1 out of 4 women can
misread a pregnancy test”. CAN? As in ability? 1 out of 4 women have the human
ability to....make a mistake! Who reads a pregnancy test incorrectly on purpose? Who
deliberately reads it incorrectly? Or by accident? Oops! I accidentally looked at my
own pregnancy test! No, it is 1 out of 4 women have the human ability to make a
mistake. Now, what studies? It says “Studies show”. Not even a recent study but a
generic “studies”. You mean millions and billions of our tax dollars went into finding out
if human beings can make mistakes? Is it possible humans make mistakes? And if
possible do humans then act with deliberation to make mistakes? Well, I gotta tell this
court: I know what “studies” these are; I know every one of them. Since the dawn of
man we have tested, studied and determined mistakes. I can even name the very first
scientific study regarding mistakes ever made: Eve made a mistake and we were off.
Government was born! Ever since then we have thought about mistakes, considered
mistakes and examined mistakes. Man debates and argues and promotes his
mistakes in study after study. Man and mistakes: Our own Founders studied mistakes.
They went all over the world studying them. They read about them, watched them and
collected the details of them. They then designed the largest, grandest most important
study ever conducted to answer this question: Can man govern himself, or, is he
doomed to always and forever make a mistake from which he cannot recover? It took
over 200 years for this study to be completed. In November of 2000 the study was
finished. I was floored: Why, it seems the Founders never considered what if the
conclusion of the experiment itself IS the mistake man never recovers from every

time? What if nobody knows the study has been concluded??? Or nobody knows the
mistake??? Time to review our mistakes! Is this the most perfect form of government
on Earth? I am! I could have saved that drug company billions. As it is they might owe
me billions. Notice they aren’t telling us that 1 out of 4 men make mistakes. It’s only
women who have the human ability to make mistakes as if men can correctly read a
pregnancy test 100% of the time and perfectly do everything 100% the time. Well,
make no mistake: Every time I ask someone what that commercial is saying they tell
me that 25% of the time pregnancy tests are wrong as in the test itself is defective but
mostly, almost exclusively, I hear this: women can’t read them as they are confused.
As in can’t understand directions. Not one person realizes he has just been told
women can and do make mistakes 1 out of 4 times – if a pregnancy test is involved.
What? Do women make a mistake 1 out of 4 times when breathing? Opening a can of
soda? Hmmm, in all I do all day long am I, Susan, making a mistake 25 % of the time?
Will the Creator tell me upon death: Susan, 25% of everything you ever did was a
mistake. I’m not kidding: one woman said when she first heard it she thought dumb
as in such a dumb woman would need to go back to school and men have told me
that they do truly believe women are less than men – a SCOTUS clerk told me this
and even said he did not believe the Constitution applied to women and some of that
is because of crap like this as he does not even know he is absorbing it as fact and
truth as it’s so subtle and feeds into the pre-existing injury - and when I asked men
about this ad some did assume it was something women did like couldn’t read the test
or the instructions; as if it was about how women are: DUMB. Dumb is a state of
being for women; it is a fact of men that women are dumb. I understand directions
perfectly; I follow them perfectly. Watch me perfectly follow the directions in the
Federalist Papers and so sue this company for LYING to the public thus harming
women as it implies and infers WOMEN ARE CREATED DEFECTIVE thus it is their
unchangeable nature and uses brain washing to do it. It says one of us makes
mistakes while three of us are perfect and that’s a lie, false advertising, as all women
- 100% - CAN misread a pregnancy test so 1 out of 300 million Americans WILL sue:
You did not say 4 out of 4 women can misread a pregnancy test and I know why: The
jig is up if you said that, isn’t it? This drug company did not make a mistake. It acted
with deliberation.

XXXIX. Exactly as everything these Parties did is deliberate. Don’t believe me? Joe
Trippi of the Democratic Party, the guy who worked for Dean, wrote a book; it’s called
“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”. He told me to use the internet to steal this

seat, to take private funds for the first time since 1976 to steal this seat, and to figure
out a way to motivate the 47% of people who never vote to then vote if I wanted to win
just for the sake of winning as it was about winning. He even told me that I should look
for a minority person, as these voters are mostly low income. This sounds like a plan.
That somebody decided to follow to the letter: I saw a magazine cover that read (not
exact): “How the kid who owns Facebook chose a President”. It was all about how the
internet, namely Facebook, was used to seat Obama and that w/o Facebook no
Obama. I, with my own ears, heard Obama say he was going to take private money
for the first time since 1976. Then I saw the Democrats desperate and scared. I also
saw the wealthy men who control them gleam as they knew: We finally managed to
gain control of it all; all we gotta do is make it seem as if we are electing a black
person when really we’re electing a foreigner as the only thing we can’t get past now
is a victim...if an actual victim sits our goose is cooked so we can make it seem as if
but we just can’t elect a person who was one of our victims. We can even nominate a
woman who used to be a man but had a sex change operation as long as it isn’t one
of our actual victims. And a black guy who isn’t would then motivate those 47% of the
voters we’ve never been able to motivate...you know they’ll vote for us thus making it
seem as if he’s way more popular than he actually is. Nobody will ever realize the
actual numbers tell a different story and who will ever check the actual facts? We can
do this! Now, did I or did I not hear that this election brought out more voters than any
election we could remember? None of this is mistake. Now, did the Democratic Party
leader Harry Reid say they might be able to get a light skinned black who did not
sound black then elected? It’s all history that you deny. See the people who are black
decry this but also embrace it as it proves racism is still alive and well. I attached
Jasmyne Cannick.

XL. Even if we assume everything Barack Obama ever said or did his whole
entire life is a fact it is also a fact that he signed 511. He unqualified himself then. But
not one Party member noticed? Not any members of the Democratic Party knew of
that document? At least two signed it. No Republicans knew of it? So what did they
do? Did both parties collude? As it seems as if they had a silent agreement to remain
silent when 511 was passed – approved by the Judiciary Committee – as nobody in
either Party said a word. <end; see attached Sioux City and SCOTUS petitions>

10) Ready world court? Once I understood that you had been indoctrinated w/o knowing it

by lawyers and speechwriters I began putting my theory to work as I needed to be able

to prove to you that you had indeed fallen for Hitler’s old shtick only bought it lock,

stock and barrel as it seems as if we, the American People, are all going along with it.

With what? World Court:

11) The People are not the officers. Obama does not represent The People as he CAN’T

as even if he was born here – he was not – he then committed crimes to gain entry to
the office. Can the chief law enforcement officer of the US be in violation of the law on

the way into office, or only to then steal it? How can you have a criminal enforcing the

law if the first thing he’d have to do is lock himself up? I outsmarted them by doing what

they couldn’t: If The People know Obama is a criminal and the officers are refusing to

act as they are profiting from this mess and if no authority is left as all moral authority

belongs to The People – The People that the federal court now refuses to allow entry –

what do they do? It’s an impossible legal situation as you can’t escape it…lawyers are

protecting lawyers and all judges are lawyers. And what’s Obama? A lawyer. Lawyers

and businessmen along with two parties kept committing worse and worse violations

without any consequence as they stripped the citizens of the ability to defend

themselves – you can’t be elected in the US unless you are a crook - until that activity

became criminal. Then the criminal activity rose, ascended chain of command and

landed at Clinton whereby the Congress ignored the perjury as if Clinton is above the

law. Wakey wakey! As this is where Susan steps in:

12) I jumped from a kitchen in Philadelphia, spent some time in North Dakota with the

Sioux preparing to engage the enemy and then went for it. Native Americans refer to it

as “staking yourself out”. Native Americans also call another version of this “counting

coup”. I did both. I planned upon nailing Clinton by standing him down but ended up in

a Philadelphia Family Court placing my knowledge of Bush V Gore on the record: By

then I had discovered that across the nation domestic violence was being ignored with

deliberation by all officers of the US especially court officers no matter what they

publicly stated thus women were being slaughtered at home w/o our knowledge. All

these things – drugs, abuse, homelessness – were all because men were rigging the

judicial system in favor of men and the unethical but w/o the knowledge or consent of

women. The states had policy, all 50 of the states but so does this entire planet. These

policies were mostly secret but as I am a master spy in the house of Philadelphia I was
able to know them and then follow the chain of corruption. I realized it was much bigger

than I first thought as at Clinton committing perjury but yet sitting as President and

when he is guilty of actual domestic violence and at Bush V Gore?

13) That’s NATIONAL or endemic - accepted - domestic violence we The People who are

ethical are not protected from; it’s a violation of Article 4 Section 4 thus the Republic

fell. I’m in West Palm Beach, FL in the fall of 2000 thinking either I’m “nuts” or maybe

there’s something I don’t know as the least point of law in Bush V Gore is that neither

Bush or Gore acted pro se and the oath of office is “I WILL” not my lawyer will! The

litigant has to make the argument, as their lawyer is not being seated. The oath says to

the best of my ability thus if you go to SCOTUS you must demonstrate at least some

ability by making an argument in your own defense as if you CAN’T defend your own

constitution then how can you defend ours? THE Constitution? Also a president

decides ties in the Supreme Court as that is chain of command theory. So then: Justice

Paul Stevens tells you that the lawyers are lying. Right as if it’s Gore v FL and FL won

then why would the winner then go to SCOTUS? The “winner” doesn’t as the winner

would not then take a chance upon losing within SCOTUS and no actual authority then

needs to ask a Justice if they are the authority or not. So if the case caption changes

then you know some criminal activity is afoot as they just perjured themselves before

SCOTUS as Paul Stevens said so and you yourself can read it and see that it does not

match anything in our Constitution nor do The People agree with the SCOTUS ruling.

Thomas Jefferson warned us about such a case entering SCOTUS as it is then the

creation of an oligarchy so your vote has been stripped from you; you can cast a vote

but does it or will it have any legal power? No. To lie before SCOTUS is to lie to the

People - commit treason as it’s a Presidential election case - so what lies are they

telling besides the fact that not only would changing the case caption then make it

fiction but that the only number of votes that ever counted is one? Oh – changing the
case caption then makes it the case for women as this means THE FOUNDERS





equality America almost when down the same path as the deluded governments of the

past but I kept it the Founders dream afloat.

14) If you look around the Founders may seem to have made a mistake but did they? If

Marbury V Madison is the beginning of the experiment after two false starts as it gives

actual legal power to the lone vote – it makes it equal to Executive Order - then at the

point the case for a Presidential election which awards the legal power of the office to

lawyers or any third party enters SCOTUS as Marbury created SCOTUS then the living

experiment known as The People has ended. It’s time to evaluate the results. SCOTUS

may not violate The Declaration, The Constitution, Marbury, biology and math, lol.

15) The Founders theory is that man could govern himself and that we had an elegant or

more perfect form as our government is The People thus it would always “respire” – live

- and so be more perfect not perfect. People are never perfect thus we aspire and so

make mistakes along the way. They said they had to make one more change thus it’s

more perfect and then Marbury first tested the theory successfully; Marbury proved

white men do have equality so the vote of a white man does have actual legal power.

So then: Can man govern himself or is he always doomed to repeat the same mistakes

over and over?

16) I say I do not know about man but a woman can and will govern herself and guess

what else? Men can’t do math either as apparently they do not know what absolute and
whole numbers are nor can they count and/or add to 1. I did what unjust men do better

than the unjust men themselves: If you want to be a predator and manipulator of my

caliber you’re out of luck as that requires adherence to the true belief commonly known

as God, not some little old man in the sky but a force. Manipulators like us are rare as

by their very natures predators and manipulators do not believe in God, as they can’t

afford to as then they might meet their maker someday and so have to answer for their

actions especially if they are criminal. Ethical predators do things like: lie to the

attorneys right back and so fudge the math over again thus making the only

inconvenient lie around here the lie that Al Gore has been telling since he lost as he did

not lose by one; did not as in 9 as 5-4 as 1 but by ONE as in the power of one as it is

actually 9 as (5 as 1) versus (4 as 1) or 1 versus 1 and so a tie as this is about the

difference between absolute and whole numbers. The case was thrown to The People

but only I knew this. No matter how you count it as you must count all absolutes or all

wholes it is a tie. Think: One whole electoral college versus one whole nation, The

People. A tie. One whole SCOTUS against The People. It cannot and may not be one

whole and absolute Chief Justice against The People as dissent was allowed. Justices

may not vote twice and so it has to be a tie – a tie is - or it has to be unanimous in this

type of case and it was not; all Rhenquist did was “lie” in self-defense thus tie it but hide

it so only an actual President and Commander, an able, capable voter of Jefferson’s

caliber would then be able to overcome it thus proving her mettle as she then would

have to mount the case that all lawyers say is impossible to make. Thus she then

would be a President, Commander and Chief Justice as she’d have to not only make it

via reasoning it but then call it by entering SCOTUS alone – as her own attorney. Her

entry would be 1st person, sworn testimony aka the truth as she lived the history or she

was there. I swear: I was there, actually in West Palm and then actually in a Court

Room. She’d be setting brand new precedent as only Marbury is like her case as this

type of authority case is the very rarest of all. This is as martial law set in at Bush V
Gore – martial law is physics; you can described it with numbers so it is even if the

President is not wearing a uniform as it is about the legal reality - which is why you had

lawyer John Woo trying to find ways to herd us all into concentration like military camps

and an unjust war. Men often try to fight the universe; see how low the unethical will

go? Men refuse to believe they cannot fight and win over what is physics. They believe

it is only martial law if martial law is declared. Ask yourself: Vietnam was never

declared a war so was it war? Veterans will tell you: Yes.

17) It’s confusing as the same laws that rule this universe rule man so while these guys

think they got away with murder they did not as John Woo and his ilk wouldn’t know

physics so you’re not hearing them reasoning law via those memos but reasoning their

own criminal behavior as in what else can we do to exert absolute power and control

over The People? I know what to look and listen for as this is what I have been training

for my whole life as I’ve been chasing these answers all of my life. If I know “martial

law” is also a law of this universe and I can pinpoint at what exact time it then came into

play – July 4th, 2006 as I was there – I then can snoop around the newspapers and

such to then find out: Who’s up to what today? As I then do not need to go to the

person. I can hear a person; if that person writes it down? Or says it out loud on TV? I

can then “hear” the sheet of paper or the TV like the actual person. It’s not so

complicated as I bring my whole person to it along with unique skills I acquired thus I

can do what seems to be miraculous but is not as it’s theology, physics and

government. The other thing it is? Sound and emotion as I was born with a unique skill

as I “listen different”. I’ve been listening all of my life but on July 4th, 2006 the Creator

told me it was something more as in worldwide so I had to go back over the entire

record of Earth then the universe. Lawyers?

18) Physicists, politicians and priests have been lying to you guys and you keep falling for
it! Do you know how horribly you have been lied to by physicists? By Presidents? They

are all lawyers and they all use the same nasty layer tricks. I know all of the best,

sleaziest lawyer tricks as an ethical lawyer taught me them in order to defend myself

from the predators in my immediate family. When I realized that I knew what other men

did not? I burst out laughing. All I could not plan upon is Obama as while I could know

Hawaii, foreign and black man I couldn’t know that the People were injured to

incapacitation thus did not have the ability to know Nazis were among us and I could

not know that the Nazis lacked a human ability Britain had which may be why Britain

was able to defeat them.

19) I couldn’t figure out why so many Americans were afraid, talking in hushed whispers

and warning me that I was going to be shot and then hiding documents…I’d hear that

fear and not understand it as this is America…the fear I mean is not American as it’s

unconstitutional. I kept asking grown men why are you so afraid? And kept being told

that we could not talk openly and that my court filings were “scary” and too “complex” to

read until at last I had an idea:

20) If this is Nazi Germany being born over again and if I’m correct about a human ability

the British had then I should be able to find out if Obama’s administration is getting

ready to actually round up people. Up until that point I thought ethical men were afraid

out of proportion to the danger as I am willing to be placed in prison as all of my rights

were taken from me unjustly. I am willing to be shot so why are they so afraid?

21) I had to enter my case in a very creative way as you needed to include all points of law

but do it in a way that would get past the officers as if any officer knew I was about to

unseat them then they would try to stop me. So you may read my petitions and not

understand why a fact is there or a sentence seems out of place but as I’m an authority
case there is no lower court record thus my petition is the entire record. If it is not within

my petition then I could not argue it in court. As the clerks hijacked the case? I knew we

had criminal activity in SCOTUS and so a conspiracy of the ethical against the

unethical. But then Norway gave Obama a Peace Prize for breaching the peace just

like Al Gore. How can Norway not know? Is Europe trying to get another Holocaust

going? Then it hit me: If the US’ problem is about self-awareness and self-annihilation

can it be that across the planet this is the case? Yes or: other nations have no idea as

to how Hitler and the Nazi SS actually did it.

22) Acting upon my knowledge I do what I do best: I antagonized some federal judges with

the truth – the whole truth. I called out federal judge Paul Zoss asking him: “Hey: is

your name Hitler?” I brought up Schiavo, lawyers killing innocent women and then 1 st

degree murderers being allowed to live by ‘moral’ doctors thus now you use a law

license to murder innocent women al la Hitler but a medical license to allow the guilty to

go free a la Hitler…I entered 150 pages or so naming points of law over and over until I

leveraged power and authority upon a worldwide basis thus proving I do indeed have

the power to carry out my promises and so liberate the planet from the Chinese nuclear

threat. WHO wouldn’t want Norway and the rest of Earth out from under China?

23) Nazis as they came to my door exactly as I predicted only dressed up as US marshals

and local cops as I also named the thing a Nazi can’t ever have as he can’t go to it as

he lacks the human ability to survive it: humiliation as in being caught publicly. And

guess what? A Nazi in a different costume came to my door threatening me saying that

I, Susan, was THE test case thus if I ever entered truth to the federal court again they

would be taking me away w/o any lawyer, any charge or any defense as one sentence

would convict me. One sentence??? I’d go directly to federal prison. If that’s the case

lock me up now, I said. Take me away now, I said. He said no, if you ever do this again
we will. LOL! You may not as in the US you must first establish that you have the

authority to act under the US thus in this case you must establish Obama’s installation

is legal but first that Bush’s installation is legal. In my unique case I have something no

other American ever had: The SCOTUS docket with my name on it all alone so you

know I’m innocent or this would not be possible. I’m wholly innocent and I’m the victim

but I’m being attacked repeatedly by the unjust persons who did it and others are now

aiding and abetting them as they have been acting like absolute and whole crooks for

about 20 years now. I’m second after Marbury in 1803 but I’m a woman so I’m unique;

I’m the first actual American citizen as the Founders originally intended. I’m the citizen

who understood constitutional authority as only Jefferson did and I can and will act

upon my knowledge like he could not as the conditions have changed. I’m not a slave

to the ignorance of others and/or to the physical institutions as Jefferson was in his day.

24) We did this word dance batterers do until finally he said it: you do not understand that

you will be in federal CRIMINAL prison. He said SEVERAL federal judges are coming

after you. Several? There should be three unless he means the several across the

nation I caught committing felonies as I always name names and then file the charges

to their faces. I get a judge to break the law by telling the truth and then file that

violation to that court thus convicting him, lol. I’m the authority. To conduct the

experiment I had to do this thus then bring it to SCOTUS. Who could know the clerks

would be crooks so much so that there was no way but world court in the end but he

said SEVERAL federal judges wanted me gone for good. So I tried something “new”: I

said the words “world court”.

25) He looked at me funny so either he does not believe I can or does not believe it will be

enforced or he assumes that Obama’s lackeys will harass and abuse the employees of

the world court until they are made to be either so afraid or so uncomfortable that they
then refuse my case. Will the world court be harassed? Will the world court cave into

the new Nazi Party? That’s the game plan according to what I found out: threatening

the world court as you can’t tell these people that “only a little Nazi causes no harm”,

their true belief which they act upon, is wrong. They deny the truth and fight against it.

You can’t tell them that it forms a chain of causation whereby you can’t stop it at a

certain point as you pass a point of no return but if you ask me that’s why they chose

Obama as their front man as it would be harder to drag him down as he’s black and

now a “Nobel Laureate” whatever that means as you actually have to DO something to

win that title and Obama did nothing.

26) This is partly why I took my time as I had to be ready and as I had to have intellectual

property to benefit mankind across the Earth. I do as I’ll become the world’s first Nobel

triple crown winner: Physics for Uniformity, Medicine for when and how life begins in

the womb and Peace for making the case for equality (and so stopping the new Nazis

among us). Take China: The US “authorities” told me that they’d rather lock me up

when wholly innocent than free Norway from the Chinese nuclear threat via my

knowledge of physics and after one of their own, Obama, just took a million dollar prize

from them wrongly. That’s because they think Norway will be too embarrassed to admit

what it did but I have news for the Nazis in my world:

27) I am a woman with a plan. Norway? How would you like to exact payback from these

clowns and buffoons as I have an idea: The only thing I still do not know concerning the

rise of the regime and the elements involved such as how they all click in place is this:

Last time Hitler wasn’t stopped. What happens if you catch him before he rises, as in

before he wears a uniform? As the Nobel Prize is for the pursuit of knowledge and as

Norway couldn’t know a few things and as Jimmy Carter injured Norway – he could not

move two chairs for two Norwegians - but we can find out: If you conspire with Norway
to revoke two Nobel Prizes, amend a third and then award three to the same person

thus causing the worldwide public exposure of the criminal American officers both

public and private who have been abusing the planet can and may Norway then award

itself its own prize as the prizes have been reborn? Or does Norway – the two guys

who sat in the back as Carter is the most ineffectual president ever for real - merely

share theirs with Jimmy Carter’s amended award? Also: what happens to Nazis if made

to confront the thing they do not possess the human ability to cope with? Do they

become whole or do they attend twelve step programs forever and ever but inside

regular prison, not CRIMINAL prison where innocent people are placed like they’re

concentration camp victims but regular prison – you know, with other hardcore crooks?

Let’s find out as with my knowledge we can conduct the experiment and we can also

do things like end “global warming”, provide free energy for the world and put China in

its place thus feed the starving North Koreans.

28) I suffered all of this injustice and so all of this tragedy was because…

29) God had a bigger plan for me than I had for myself as until it happened I never planned

upon surviving my death at 40. I came into the world knowing 3 things were laws or

terms of Susan: My name, “Susan”, my red hair and my death, a death that would

occur at or before age 40. My death was a given so I never questioned it...it sounds

strange but it’s not as if you know this coming into the world you don’t question it. You

learn to live with it as it always is so you know nothing else. It didn’t drive me. When I

did die on July 4th, 2006? Of all of the surprises and shocks – awesome moments – I

have known that was the one, as I couldn’t believe it when I had all eight sacred

experiences of God, died and then chose to return to Earth. Acting upon my own will

and liberty in death did not shock me but something else did:

30) The Creator said something to me that I never read in the bible or any other book. Of

all the words assigned to God this is unique: in my case when God was done showing

me what he had to show me the Creator said: I will be going now. The Creator said

goodbye! And I lived past my own death which something I thought would never


31) So world court: I know all of this is hard to take in but it’s worth it as not only do I have

trillion dollar intellectual property but so does the guy I hired as Secretary of Defense.

Don’t laugh: This is America so you act upon your knowledge. You do not need

anyone’s permission. If you can reason it then you act – no court ruling necessary!

And: Congress can call it a Resolution (511) but if they want to change the Constitution

they have to amend it not resolve to violate our rights. I began to wonder if foreign

nations could read these days. To be fair: This case is massive as in you need to have

the brains of an Einstein or Godel to make it so that 99% of Americans can’t. Most can’t

even wrap their heads around it which is why I think so many fell for the ruse plus

nobody wanted to believe America had fallen. It hadn’t as The Declaration, The

Constitution and Marbury means only one person has to know and I did, as action is

the proof you owned the knowledge. Putting it on the Philadelphia Court record then

preserved my standing while I made it and getting it on the SCOTUS case conference

list then means I won as the SCOTUS clerks didn’t know: An authority case of original

jurisdiction seeking to adjudicate the commission? If you manage to enter it and it gets

on the list then you won it as you can’t get in any other way and as DEFAULT IS UNTIL


MUST ANSWER. Obama never saw an authority case coming as most officers merely

ignore SCOTUS cases. Well, I know a case they can’t ignore due to its type. Think: if

the case is authority and original jurisdiction and you are overturning a ruling of original

jurisdiction and/or unseating a foreigner as foreignization is meant to keep out women

- it opens the door for foreigners thus shutting it for women – then the commission you

adjudicate is the original documents as Congress incorporated in 1871 thus the officers

became a corporate trust. Norway: did you know that the US, the legal entity, became a

business in 1871? The officers have been trying to hide this for years as that means we

– the individual - can sue the trust. The Constitution was changed w/o our consent

upon incorporation and then all sorts of monkey business ensued as Europeans

wanted to use the US as a bank, basically laundering money through the IMF and

Federal Reserve – a private bank NOT a public bank. You can only exploit people for

so long and for so much before it implodes. There’s lots of reasons this happened and

some could not be helped but today it is private companies who are trying to usurp the

power thus make it seem as if we are still a Republic while being able to do anything

they want anytime they want. They’re counting upon royalty to support the privateers as

what’s really in play is Marxism and Marxism is not a political philosophy but a business

philosophy only most do not know that. With the help of the Foreign Relations Council –

Rockefeller’s Fabian socialism - and Bilderberg Group – and with crooks reasoning

they can act crooked but not suffer if they do not prosecute each other – The People

were replaced with another form. So living People are shut out and only lawyers,

bankers and businessmen get in. If you want to be a crook you can get in – it’s one

giant organized mob – but if you are injured? Better call Norway and world court as

these guys aren’t kidding.

32) You look in and think all is well while we sit here within it and suffer. Other nations have

a hard time understanding that People are the government and can’t figure out why we

do not just act to remove the crooks. Easy: People like Jimmy Carter are brain dead.

Then: Others like blacks still suffer from the effects of slavery. If a person who is black

had an injury that went unaddressed he or she COULDN’T defend themselves against
Obama. And as it is now endemic? People are it, are in it and are doing it. PEOPLE are

in denial. They have no point of reference; it’s like being an atom of gum in a vat of

gum. We’re all atoms so what’s up? Some atoms confuse the citizens with tricky word

play and half acted out dramas thus the citizens are led to believe the crooks are

honest – citizens believe lies – or truly believe we can’t ever hold them accountable

and/or liable. Like Obama: we all began screaming and suddenly the paper disappears

or someone starts a rumor that the paper might be forged. Judges react to scare

tactics. Citizens are kept out or injured so badly – dead- that they CAN’T appear. Take

those Senators who signed 511: they all had something to gain so they signed it.

Eventually it’s indoctrination as if you can ignore it long enough you change the belief

and set in motion what you saw in Nazi Germany thus annihilation of self occurs. It’s an

emotional event as you must first annihilate self and then rewire it as you connect ego

to will and id to power or unconditional pride versus indifference. Indifference is the

opposite if love not hate. Upon a group dynamic the will is the will of the group while

upon an individual basis it is indifference. You have to use emotions, words and

sensations to do it and I was there when it happened in the US. I was at a political rally

and knew it and so did a veteran. I witnessed Hitler rise thus knew: I may be onto what

genocide is thus how we can stop it.

33) Trust me: I have been sick about it since then but couldn’t get anyone to do anything. I

finally got a few followers and then that slowly built into thousands and now millions.

But then Obama’s cronies began to harass sites on the internet thus shut us down. You

can’t tell them what they are as it offends them as in “I would never do that”. I knew I

could use world court due to my knowledge and due to my standing as the US never

meant to enforce the American Declaration and later I found out that the US was never

going to enforce any world court ruling so it is a joke to the officers. Joke’s on them as

once Jessica Gonzales went there? I nailed her attorney and then began enforcing her
ruling as her lawyer made the wrong case! You may not go to world court until or

unless you make an attempt to become the Executive as the seat must not leave the

US. Not the corporate seat but the constitutionally set seat of The People. However: If

you become the authority via SCOTUS and they ignore you? The seat goes where I go

so I can do whatever I please in defense of the Constitution. It matters not if the

Justices ever saw my case as The People not SCOTUS decide and crooks are

automatically invalidated. I entered on April 4th, 2007 asking about foreignization then

kept it up until default occurred. On 11/05/08? Obama had to enter an answer or go

home and he merely kept running around acting. The privateers are protecting him. He

thinks that he can keep ignoring us and he is not a law professor of any kind thus does

not realize you can use world court to stop him. He’s counting upon things like world

court or Norway calling me crazy to then save face. He never counted upon a woman

who could best him at every turn as he never counted upon my foreign policy:

34) Listen to the world name their issues and then solve them thus actually have something

to offer the planet. My “campaign platform” in world court - lol as we’ll be adjudicating

the commission thus avoiding another Nuremberg – will be all of the issues I know and

all of the issues I solved: I’ll give you the solutions. As I proved US law is elegant by

working for the US I then was working for the world. I have seen Obama’s work: do you

truly believe that man ever had to do anything on his own without any help from

someone? Check the record: that man has been running around like a maniac, asking

for and getting favors and taking every shortcut in the book. I say maniac as he is a

breed I know well, people who lie so much and so often they then truly believe their

lies. He says lies, acts out lies and writes lies; his whole life is a lie. As everyone

around him is condoning it and encouraging it he FEELS as if he is not lying or as if it is

justified. Your first clue: If all he ever had to do in order to give Americans informed

consent was show them a piece of paper why run? Your second clue: Why is another
man in that office while not one woman ever ascended to it? BLACK man is still a man;

only woman is different as a woman is distinct from a man. Your third clue: Audacity to

hope??? Hope is a basic human right; who is audacious if he or she hopes? Hope is

and if it isn’t? I can produce hope in spades. No case is truly hopeless; it only seems as

if as the bullies have been in charge for so very long. The case for equality? I heard a

person say the government wouldn’t hear it as there would be too many rights for

women. I jumped! Too many rights??? Not possible as it is the same number of rights

so the men mean to say too many rights for women and not enough unjust privilege for

men. The case for equality means the businesses can’t exploit us anymore nor can the

officers. If it is power and authority rather than power and control who loses?


35) Norway: There was a place and time - a moment - when a particular emotional cycle

engaged. You wouldn’t know to watch for it and I now believe it landed in Norway

sometime during Clinton’s administration. It has to do with victims and victimization

itself as victims then become the victimizers. The reason it is so insidious is that the

blame, shame, guilt and anger engagement then causes both sides to become aligned

in such a way neither can back down as they lose the human ability. A Nazi personality

cannot face embarrassment and he cannot bluff. He will never do those two things. He

can’t make fun of himself. It really is German precision engineering. What you need to

know is that you may not have been able to ever prevent this as I read an article by a

man who witnessed an event at an American academic institution quite a few years

ago. He was asked to attend a lecture; he went and was met at the door by someone

handing out literature. He thought that was odd as you wouldn’t be giving out literature

at a lecture. It turned out to be like a political party meeting but more on the academic

side. Different speakers got up and then later they milled about. He said it was a

‘meeting/lecture’ promoting Marxism and what these people did was define a very
certain type of candidate no matter the party and then ask those present to vote for that

personality type. It was like profiling; look for this person. He was very uneasy and he

said as he left a person spoke to him about future candidates. Remember – he was

asked to attend this meeting; he had no affiliation with this group. The member who

walked up to him said: we have a very hopeful candidate in AK – Bill Clinton. So all of

these years later he was bothered by that as Clinton was elected. He should have been

bothered: As this nation would not vote for Marxism ever they then said find corrupted

or corruptible candidates and ‘insert’ them into the system. And now what bothers him

most? This was Harvard. What you had rise here rose the same way in Germany and

the same thing happened: Nobody realized it. I happened to witness it and as a veteran

and myself were not a part of it we saw it come alive in the Fall of 2004. As it is not

physical no person sees it. But what came before?

36) Denial as Clinton was not impeached. He had the most corrupted administration ever

and nothing was done. I heard it: A person in his administration said that yes, they had

all of those scandals and yes it all happened but as they were not convicted then they

were…not guilty. In other words: no paper exists saying we did it so then we did not do

it. I was furious: If you can’t get a piece of paper saying we did it then it never

happened??? And who feels powerless and insulted because of it? The voters. What

you have then is people rationalizing and justifying decisions that they know to be

unconstitutional and criminal; you also have people saying they know they can and will

get away with exactly so much criminal activity as the system to stop them via arrest

and/or impeachment no longer works as the officers aren’t willing to execute their

duties. So criminal activity is normalized and criminals begin to run amok, w/o suffering

any consequences thus it gets worse and worse. In the US we finally had a situation

whereby Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, said, “We will be no impeachments.”

WHAT? You may not announce you will never impeach; if you do then you have just
admitted that you are a crook as who can announce “We can violate the law and violate

your rights so we will”? Some Americans heard her and so protested but not one

person could remove her, sue her or arrest her. What’s wrong with this? I’ll tell you: In

the US any lone citizen should be able to sue Pelosi or press criminal charges.

ANYTHING she does should be reviewed by The People and if any one person deems

it to be criminal? Or reckless? They make the case and win. You may not say it is

impossible as any lawsuit is possible in the US plus we are a nation of firsts. “Arrest” is

a form of lawsuit as you press and try to prove criminal charges. So I began to

investigate: Judges, agents of the Department of Justice, etc. etc. were not willing to

accord the injured citizens their rights. Why? Fear: either that agent – officer – was

afraid they would be attacked in retaliation or that agent knew they too had been

committing crimes and did not want to be caught themselves. Well if it’s a “judge” I can

then read their rulings: Has this judge been committing crimes? To my shock every

single judge in the US that I crossed paths with had been committing crime after crime

after crime within their rulings and orders. An obvious prejudice existed against certain

classes with only the pro se being more hated than “woman” and “gay”. The easiest

way to say this to Norway and the world court: In the US people did anything they could

to secure an office; once in that office they did anything they wanted to do and then

anything they had to do to then keep it. Legal offices became the playground of the

wealthy and well connected who became wealthy. Once caught by The People? That

officer said, “You can’t stop me as not one authority is willing to obey the law.” That’s

true and that’s endemic corruption. At the point of endemic corruption you will then

have officers committing crimes, as there’s nothing left to do for if you broke every rule

now you must begin breaking every law. And Norway: What kind of person breaks

every rule? A person who is unethical. What kind of person breaks every law? A person

who is broken himself. What you have to do to get to a place in which you hold an

office like judge but you are committing crimes from the bench is gross. You have to do
so many low, dirty, rotten things that you are a broken person. And if you do this in the

US? You are the worst of the worst. I watched my own nation elect Clinton; no matter

what he did they rationalized it. Then I watched Cheney run this nation into the ground.

No mater what he did the authorities ignored it. Then I watched my nation push Obama

on us and then make every excuse in the book for him. And I saw something else:

Each time Obama was cornered he or his agent said that as we could not see the

paper it was not the truth or as we could see the paper it was the truth. WHAT???

Norway, in the US paper is never, ever proof; paper is not the proof of anything. Does

the Declaration then prove the US is a just nation? No as you can stand behind that but

be Stalin in the making. You can say it out loud “All men are created equal” but be

Stalin. Paper is not the proof you are Thomas Jefferson and not Stalin. Your words,

combined with your actions plus the results they produce are the proof; life is proof. I

then realized: You have been conditioned and indoctrinated as even while just

governments came to be across the planet the criminals were on the rise in the US and

as The People could not stop them the rest of the world fell for it as the planet

mistakenly believed The People approved of this. We do not.

37) Well I am Thomas Jefferson so I went into action: I’m an expert constitutionalist, the

best constitutionalist this nation ever produced. Judges ruled, “No you are not as you

do not have a degree. No you are not as you are crazy”. Lol! I roared back: Watch how

good I am at this and then I began to slaughter their judgments by reasoning they are

actually mentally ill as ONLY a a Nazi would try to get me to believe I am crazy by

using words to assault and batter me. I said, “You might have pulled this with every

litigant you ever met but not with me. I’m your worst nightmare: A pro se litigant who

knows the law and how to use it. Now, we both know there is a legal definition for the

word ‘delusional’ and a medical definition. LEGALLY if you tell me that I am delusional

as I claimed The People won the Revolution then the only person in the room who
needs a pysch evaluation is YOU as you are mentally ill if you truly believe the British

won.” If a judge wrote you are delusional I’d go through my statements one by one. It

was a game he was playing with me then. A judge would run out of excuses and then

claim: “Frivolous”. Okay then: “Frivolous is a word that first came into legal usage at or

around 1736. It means manifestly futile. We agree then: If you are telling me that

nothing I write will ever satisfy you as you have decided you will never let me have my

day in court then YES it is frivolous of me to make anymore attempts to petition you

thus I will petition SCOTUS as I’m suing you for liability. If Congress will not impeach

you then I will take you all down by suing the entire Federal government, all officers, as

if MEN can sue the sitting president then I can and will as it seems to me the case for

equality has not been made yet.” Judges would laugh. What’s so funny? No woman will

ever be allowed to sue the sitting officers; no woman will ever be allowed to hold the

office of the Executive. How do you know that? It’s impossible. How? Why? You can’t

appear in SCOTUS w/o a lawyer or w/o millions of dollars. You idiots: I do not need or

want a lawyer, as I am pro se. A Supreme Court ruling says I can and may be my own

attorney. In an authority case you can and may represent the class even, The People,

as Bush and Gore were supposed to but did not. But: If SCOTUS makes the unjust

demand that I have legal representation? SCOTUS has the means to provide an

attorney and has done so in the past in the cases of unrepresented men as no man

could or would act pro se. If you are telling me that the Supreme Court will not obey its

own rulings only as I am a woman? Then I’ll sue the Supreme Court and the Chief

Justice. You can’t; it impossible. No man can so you can’t. Why can’t a man sue the

Supreme Court? It’s never been done. Once again you clowns: MAYBE no man ever

sued as he does not know how but I do. And there you have it: I, Susan, discovered

why the US is so unjust: The men in office decided that as no man could sue SCOTUS

or any of the institutions then no woman could as women are believed to be less than

men thus defective by their very nature so when I successfully did it? Then unjust men
had another problem: They were humiliated and embarrassed; they said they’d never,

ever admit that I bested them and w/o a law degree. You think Norway: Rather than a

woman being legally elected or appointed they will install crooks. Rather than a woman

they will let in foreigners. To stop Susan we will turn that crook and that foreigner black

to then confuse the voters. All along I knew and all along I knew I could nail them – if I

played my cards right and part of that was sitting back and letting Norway award

Obama the Peace Prize. As then I could prove to Norway that what they were doing

and seeing plus hearing was exactly how Hitler and the Nazis came to be as nobody

realized what was going on until it was too late. Hitler ran around Europe and people

LIKED him. “Let’s make this former wallpaper hanger the absolute ruler!” How did no

one know him for what he was? He’s barnstorming around Europe on a popularity tour

while the SS was back in Germany putting all of this in place and nobody ever knew

what was going on. What didn’t they hear? Norway, one of the smartest nations on

Earth looks right at Obama. NOTHING about him is true or legal. According to US law?

He should be on death row as “treason” is the one and only crime named in our

constitution and the constitutionally set price is death. People prove he wasn’t born

here but Norway does not see it. People prove his actions are not legal but Norway

does not see it. People prove he purposely manipulated his way into that office –that he

even bought it outright and he’s never been shy about saying “I’m buying this office” –

and people do not see it. Does Norway know black Americans are violating the law but

justifying it by claiming his skin is black so it’s okay? Did Norway ever ask: Why would

persons who are black look around their world and choose Obama to represent them if

he’s criminal scum? Who lowers themselves that way? Does Norway know that in

America you cannot become elected now unless you break the law as of Clinton as the

crooks are running the show? Does Norway know what the burden of proof standard

is? What proof does Norway have as the 2008 US vote was invalid and so never

binding? Without your knowledge but with your consent I used Norway as my constant
to then do some research and conduct an experiment: If Norway awards Hitler the

Peace Prize what will people do? I got the surprise of my life as I already made my

case in SCOTUS so I knew what to expect but others did not: People were furious.

Even the most ardent Obama supporters said that if Obama accepted that prize then

he was a lunatic. Correct as you kept letting this lunatic violate my rights and get away

with crimes only as he’s black and you first felt he would give you whatever you

wanted. YOU helped him do this; you helped him get here. This is also known as

“buyer’s remorse”. What did these people then do? NOTHING. They got themselves

into a situation they now could not get themselves out of as they made Obama more

powerful than they were; they gave him all of their power by making sorry excuses for

their actions along the way like “I’m only breaking the law a little.” Sorry! You do or do

not. If you break a law then you break a law; we have no concept in our law known as a

little law breaking. Now Obama is so powerful they cannot do a thing to help their own

selves. Will the world pretend along? As in pretend they do not see it? YES! So: If this

is the case - the whole world is turning their backs on reality, looking the other way

once again – the American citizens who did not go along with this must have an answer

they do not know they have or else they’d be able to help themselves. I not once read

what Norway stated was the reason for awarding Obama this prize. Norway has a

reason, wrote it down and acted upon it. Obama has that prize. Instead I began to ask

Americans “WHY did Norway give that award to Obama if he never, ever did anything

he says he did and if he never, ever did a thing for peace and if he even breached the

peace here?” Not one person could tell me. Wait a minute: Can you read? WHAT did

Norway say? I received the shock of my life when Americans told me that they believed

something that could not possibly be the truth. So I asked this: If you know Norway just

wrote an exact lie WHY is everyone going along with it? Is Norway so stupid that we

won’t know this? I mean, if that is what Norway told you and we all know it is not true

and can’t be true WHY would Norway ever do it? Americans said: Norway wants to
install socialism here. It might; the US is not a just nation. It might have reasoned and

decided that if they help the crooks socialize the government at the expense of The

People then they will be helping not harming The People. They might not know they are

harming us thus harming their own nation. WHO convinced Norway that what they did

is good? It seems to me all these other Nobel Laureates just went along for the ride.

Not even Jimmy Carter opened his mouth. All of these frightened goats. It’s the big lie

Hitler told and not even Carter can act. I have other ideas; I’ll skip across the world and

land at number 38 in about 200 pages:








Yes Norway, Hitler’s big lie. I figured it out! It’s emotional; it’s domestic violence. It’s

miscommunication. I have no idea why Norway actually awarded the Peace Prize to

Obama. I’m not going to look as I do not need to look. Norway is a sane, rational nation.

Norway is a just nation. Norway would never, ever suddenly begin making up or changing

history as in writing that Obama not Carter is responsible for Peace in the middle east.

Norway can go look: Is there a war in the middle east that the Americans caused? YES so

they know there’s no NEW peace created by Obama in the middle east. Nowhere in the

middle east is there any NEW peace created by Obama. Even Carter’s old peace comes
and goes as war yet rages on. I wonder if Norway realizes that American citizens truly

believe Norway gave that prize to Obama for creating peace in the middle east and that

now Americans HATE Norway as they are blaming Norway for making it impossible to

remove Obama – that that prize then made his lies seem to be okay with the planet – and

that Americans think Norway must be the dumbest thing to come down the pike since

France. Take our country, please!

Norway: The one and only person I know who is American who ever actually CREATED

any peace in the Middle East is Jimmy Carter. I have looked and looked; not one other

American ever managed to do this. Obama? I have found zero instance of Obama ever

taking so much as one action that was legal and peaceful. We have a concept here in the

US: To violate the law is to breach the peace. To lie, cheat, steal and then openly brag you

just stole the office of the Executive out from under women, veterans and other law abiding

citizens only as you could? Why that’s overthrow of the Executive thus overthrow of the

Constitution! THE PEOPLE are the constitution. If you overthrow The People? It’s war

against The People. Man, I’ve been acting in defense of humanity since age 5 when all I

ever had to do was commit crimes? If, I, Susan, chose to commit crimes I’d make Hitler

look like a joke, as I’d do it correctly unlike Hitler. I’d take the world and everything in it and

then hold it hostage long after death as I know how. I could harm you from beyond my

grave as I would not be committing suicide in a bunker but dying in high style and in

comfort and you would not be able to do a thing about it or me. Norway: Do you truly think

Obama CREATED peace in the Middle East? Do you see a war there? Did he end it?

Nope! Did he make everything worse? Yes. I’m going to make an educated guess: Norway

does not know a lot as the US institutions are hiding it as this is the biggest power play the

world has ever seen:







The privatization of the US is not possible w/o first privatizing the office of the executive

and if you do not know life is proof in the US then these people can use paper to convince

Norway of a lot of things. Here “socialization” is so dangerous as it means the companies

will own The People and The People will have zero power and once that occurs? What’s to

stop those same companies that even now exploit people around the world from buying up

Europe? The real, actual reason families like the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s have

pushed socialism is not for the good of man but a game: Let’s see if we can dupe these

people into letting us enslave them. And man oh man did they come close. They forgot to

do their homework: the one thing that could stop them?


Their fatal mistake?




What do I know?


What did Norway not hear about 12 years ago?

George Bush Sr. gave the plot up. He was not a part of it. All these years they – corporate

America, those wealthy banking and business families - have been acting to do this and

we have been fighting it. Something new came on the horizon: academic institutions

promoting socialist causes. As this was reported those same businesses began buying up

the media. However you can never, ever hide the truth: Nobody in America ever heard of

Bill Clinton. I mean nobody. Suddenly he is invited to the Bildergerger meeting. Citizens

who report this as it is criminal and it is worrisome for good reasoning are labeled

“conspiracy theorists”. Bush Sr. pleads with the citizens: “What do you not see? This man

has a pattern of deceit.” Right – a pattern. Denying the reality of his real reason for being

on the ballot – Pamela Harriman bought him that slot via her connections – Harriman dies.

She is given a state funeral. That is unheard of. First: no American women receive this.

Second: Pamela Harriman is a British citizen who spent most of her career as a hooker in

Paris. No American is going to give her a state funeral. Paris can keep her! Third: no

American knows this history. But I do. Well, well, well: a state funeral. A first. What are you

really rewarding her for? As it IS NOT the lies you are making up. Clinton has a thing for

hookers you know. Clinton runs all over this nation harming us. Congress does not

impeach him for perjury. Hey Congress: Are you telling me if Clinton does it then it is

okay? Why? As you Congress are guilty of the same? Yup!

Then we have it: Point of intrinsicity. Zero point. Americans fail to vote thus defaulting but

they do not know they have defaulted. Al Gore, Clinton’s right hand man who aided and

abetted him all of the way as he too was and is a greedy bastard is suing. Susan Herbert is

the one and only citizen who knows what’s up as she has been thinking about this since

age 5: A Presidential election going to SCOTUS means the Founders experiment has
ended and if no justice exists? The Founders failed UNLESS there is a way for her to

overturn Bush V Gore. There is as the one and only thing the crooks could not do is SUE,

lol! It just so happens that I was in the American courts already as I invoked Marbury V

Madison in Philadelphia in 1998 and PA went nuts as that action then meant I could sue

everyone involved for liability due to unconstitutional official state policy targeting women

and children. Every one of my rights were violated. My body was beaten. These people

refused to believe that I was their equal or better and that I would never, ever negotiate my

humanity. They took my home, my possessions and kidnapped my children. They sold us

into bondage for $1. Nothing but nothing they did worked so they began to use bribery as

profit comes in many forms. I suffered injustice after injustice until they finally thought they

had me: Philadelphia, December of 2000.

I had a secret I never told any other human being. I knew the Creator set me up. I knew

that only I understood the law at work. But I had to decide if I was willing to live out another

ten years of abject abuse, as it would take about ten years to go to SCOTUS. I had proof

of God but no proof of my theory as to secure proof of my theory I had to then suffer

whatever they threw at me as if they could not stop me they, my family, had decided to

murder me. I knew my nation had also made this decision: We will murder the woman who

tries this. I knew: I’m Gideon; I’m Lassiter. I’m Marbury and Madison and Adams and all of

these people who came before me. I’m every SCOTUS case ever as I’m the first American

citizen, the first actual American citizen to ever embody the law wholly on her won w/o any

outside help whatsoever. I learned on my own so I began with nothing. This was God

leveling the playing field as for me to do what he needed me to do I had to volunteer to be

crushed…I had to volunteer to become the first American who is wholly innocent to be

stripped of everything against her will - even her own vote - and then without any

resources at all find a way to use the vote as a weapon in my defense thus rise to power

on her own will and liberty, nothing more to then prove American law is elegant. I had to be
the person to embody not only US law but US case law thus establish American common

law. I’m the person who lived the equal rights case only to find in the end it is the

sovereignty case – the sovereignty of the citizen and the sovereignty of the planet – but in

December of 2000? All I knew was that whatever I said in court that day would be my

beginning or my ending. Life or death is the only two possible outcomes. I would become

the proof of life or the proof of death so what was I going to do?

My secret was: I knew God made able and capable like no other. No person around me

knew what I truly harbored. I hid it on purpose. I knew I could be the very first citizen to

topple the institutions of government thus ascend to the presidency legally, w/o any

money, any outside thing, any other person or even a vote as I’d make my case my vote;

I’d make my life my vote. The only paper proof I would ever have is the SCOTUS docket,

with my name on it all by itself. The first woman, the first pro se litigant and so the first

American as I would be the case the Founders began making in 1776. I’d become the

living proof they said would one day exist. An actual power of one, able to defeat any

injustice at all no matter how large or how evil. And this was my Rosa Parks moment but

unlike her no one would know and maybe no one would ever know, at least not until after I

was dead as the case might not be made until after my death. I was going to have to step

out upon ownership of my knowledge - act upon faith alone – and then rely and depend

upon God whenever I exhausted my own human resources.

I felt sick to my stomach for days and days. Not one person in the whole world would or

could comfort me. Every friend and family member abandoned me as they spent their

whole lives negotiating their humanity; the value I placed on my person was beyond their

comprehension. And there I was; the Philadelphia County judge asked me if I wanted him

to consider any other thing when we all knew that my case had been decided already; that
a done deal had been made so nothing I said unless I said “I am less than human” would

ever satisfy these men. I could say that; would I? It was as easy as claiming the Austin's

had violated or defaulted upon a private contract. It was the simplest, smallest legal

argument of all. I stood up and said:

“I want you to consider domestic violence runs in both families”. Nothing more, nothing

less. Period. I said: I know that the Republic has fallen; I know exactly how to defeat you

and I know exactly how to make you pay the exactly named constitutionally set price and

so I am willing as if I did anything less at this moment I would not be able to live with it

afterwards. I said I am not willing to suffer you but I am willing to sacrifice myself; if no

other person is going to argue Bush V Gore then I am. You can’t stop me as you do not

get to reason and decide what my human abilities are.

All this criminal judge heard?

“I want you to consider domestic violence runs in both families.” He had zero idea Bush V

Gore is a tied ruling; no one in that courtroom did. Little did I know that not one person on

planet Earth knew as the conditions Hitler needed to then rise to power were already

engaged or realized thus it was already in progress. I thought I would be fighting the US,

the institutions or the officers themselves all the way up to president. Then Norway told

me: Wrong court, as this is Susan versus Satan Incarnate, not a person but an idea

dressed up like a person. And nobody sees Satan as they do not want to go there, as it is

such a scary idea.

That’s okay Norway: A long time ago I started listening to the world at large as I had a clue

I’d be going global. I vested my interest with you in seventh grade as I told Laurie Stone as

absolute fact w/o any question that I was going to win a Nobel Prize for Peace. She asked
“How?” I said, “Act in defense of humanity.” She was floored. But how did I know? “That’s

what happens if you act in defense of humanity.” But how could I know as the Nobel Prize

Committee had to first choose you. “No they don’t. It’s not an accident.” She could not

wrap her mind around the concept; finally I said it:

“Maybe some people leave their houses and an opportunity comes across their paths that

they take and then they end up becoming Martin Luther King. King may not have known he

was going to become what he became. When he left for his first day of kindergarten he

may not have said ‘I’m off to become Gandhi!’ But when I walked out my front door I said

‘I’m off to become Martin Luther King!’ You can decide to become Gandhi or Martin Luther

King. Americans do that – what seems to be impossible.”

So she asked me where I was ever going to go to school to then learn that. Learn what?

Now I was confused. So she wanted me to read Herman Hesse’s “Siddartha”. She

seemed disappointed that I “didn’t get more out of it”. All these years later I got it:

Laurie Stone had no idea all you do to then ‘learn’ what you need to know is always

choose the hardest thing that nobody else is willing to do. To know the unknown you do it.

How to do this was not the question; the question she should have asked is: “Where do

you take what you learned in school to? After you learn it where do you go with it as there

are no jobs in this world like “Wanted: Gandhi type person to liberate small nation in

Europe”? If she asked me that I might have told her but I might not have as I guarded that

secret carefully. I might have said:

The United States Supreme Court. You become Chief Justice of the US, defender of the

faith! This is the US so all you gotta do is learn it and then THINK your way into the

institution as in the US you can use the legal system to do anything you want or need to do
if only you outthink the enemy. Americans are people with big ideas so have a bigger idea.

The person with the biggest, best idea wins if they keep acting and so if my theory is

justice is a part of the design of this universe then it should be possible for me to sue my

way into that office as long as I never violate the law with intention and motivation to cause

harm. Eventually I’ll be king of the hill as God gave me will in spades as he made me

cunning and clever. I realized early on but did not know the names for it then: Predators

and manipulators. If I watch them and figure out what they do then all I have to do is flip it

around back on them. If you can be a predator with intention to cause harm then you can

be a predator with intention to cause peace. As God made me the smartest person in the

room at some point these people will get the shock of their lives:


The proof of life cases: They are mostly cases that concern women and children or the US

military; most were heard after Bush V Gore like In Re Susan Herbert, Schiavo De Novo

and Castlerock V Gonzales also known as Gonzales V The US, but some go back to our

very founding as we must account for all mistakes we made and for all changes in our law

thus reason them as constitutional or not as our experiment ended and conscious

awareness rose but we did not achieve equality or else we are string theorists and not a

just government of living people.

Let’s put the “conspiracy theory” nonsense to bed first. Either a conspiracy is or is not. Is

JFK a person who is dead as he was shot in Dallas in 1963? Yes so it is not a theory; it is.

If you tell me you have a JFK conspiracy theory you are telling me that you believe JFK is

yet alive, walking around on Earth. What you don’t know is that a theory describes a law.

Do I see a law at work in Dallas in 1963? Yes and Oliver Stone came closer than he
knows. Thus I had a JFK conspiracy hypothesis as taking into account all that I know I can

tell you EXACTLY what happened in Dallas that day. I went over it and over it throughout

the years every time I heard a person talk about it until I had the last piece of the puzzle

this year: the event you all missed.

There is a law at work I named the intrinsic law or intrinsic force. It’s universal. I first found

it in the universe, then in US law and then in theology. “Theology” is a science; religion is

not. Religion is rules; it’s personal. Theology is a science that deals with what is or is not

law of this universe as the same laws that rule the universe rule men. Take Relativity:

Does it apply to men? Yes; what bends man? If I am proving God then my given is The

Creator, exactly named. Some men experience great suffering and triumph. Others fail to

overcome it. What is that thing tempering these people one way or another? Thomas

Jefferson said it is will and liberty, our endowment. If I look around can I see it that

anywhere? Obviously as only man possesses emotional reasoning capacity.

Go back to your books kids: “self-evident” means obvious; you know it and I know it and

guess what? You can point right to it. “Hey Britain! What don’t you get? The proof we

mean business is: WE JUST SHOT AT YOU. It’s self-evident: this is war.” John Marshall

said: The act itself is the proof. If you mean what you say, if you truly believe what you say,

then you will act upon it. Once you act? That then proves ownership of the knowledge.

Einstein said: I believe gravity bends light. Watch me act upon it by publishing this theory.

Thus: I know I am right. I own the knowledge so much so I’m publishing it. Einstein made a

prediction: This eclipse will behave this way. Most other people believed he was wrong

and some even called him crazy. Einstein was calm as calm could be as he was certain he

knew he had observed and defined a law. Ten other people could come along and publish

their theory saying gravity bends light but when he acted to publish it he then owned it. He

proved: I owned it first. So I proved I owned my knowledge in December of 2000.

“Preserving legal standing” merely means you acted upon your knowledge in a court of

law. It matters not what the judge does or doesn’t do. As a law is a law and history is

history: Bush V Gore happened as did unjust war.

Anyway I came to know that a person can have five relationships with a government:

emotion as in a common emotion such a liberty, spatial as in you live in the US, blood as in

DNA, fate as providence or God placed you here at the creation of the universe and law as

in a common law like the Constitution. It’s a conspiracy alright: A conspiracy of the ethical

versus the unethical. And: you really are your own worst enemy.

The clincher to the JFK answer was Oliver Stone’s movie. I heard Oliver Stone describe

what he meant to convey and I thought: Oliver Stone, do you realize you have just

described a thing in physics known as a Bose-Einstein condensate? Think of every person

and legal entity there; each one elongated as they acted more and more unethically until

all were crossing paths. You begin as a particle but become elongated as you act more

and more crookedly. Is there any such thing as an innocent bystander? Nope as ignorance

is not an excuse and even little children are not innocent. We can argue original sin as I

have answered that too but parents make decisions for children and so parents involve

their children.

I noticed that every authority was present from lone voter on up to the President. Either on

paper or in person. That is very rare as you rarely see all authorities present in one place

and one time. For now think of space as time and place, as a juncture. You also had every

authority from mother to Commander, so both chains. Women give birth to the babies who

become Commanders. Men do not give birth. You need male and female, voter and

soldier, President and Commander or will and liberty, all symbolic for both chains. And if

that happens? BOOM! Will a chain reaction occur?

No chain reaction here but detonation: not only could you know JFK would be shot but you

could know the exact details and you could warn him. As every person was acting

unethically you need to look for one thing: permanent death.

I saw the Zapruder film frame by frame as it was in my possession. Still shot by still shot

one after the other. What no person could ever get around is Warren’s magic bullet. Right

and that’s a problem as Warren had to work hard to write what he wrote. Can I say that

Warren was unethical? No, as he may have been in an impossible situation and nothing

exist to prove to me that he ever did this once becoming Chief Justice. Plus physics

dictates that if he was acting unethically with deliberation my outcome would be different.

The bullet we can’t reason came from a second shooter.

Quite a few years ago an American told me his story, his testimony. When I say this I

mean I met this person, I read his words or he was in a documentary. He said he was

there that day and that he always insisted that he saw a man with a uniform and a badge

behind him. He really never paid any attention to it. He saw this man, it struck him and he

then went about watching the car go by. In the aftermath he made a few attempts to tell us

about this person. Often he wondered had he seen what he had seen. It seemed

innocuous yet he knew it was odd at the time, which is why he remembered it. This man’s

testimony is on film. A documentary filmmaker then went out and tried to look more closely

at a photo that MIGHT have captured this man. Sure enough it does seem as if what this

witness described is there albeit very, very difficult to discern.

Lee Harvey Oswald decides to shoot JFK. He takes a shot at a federal judge a few days

before to get his nerve up or so the police believe. I know it was Oswald. Assassins do this

especially if they aren’t pros.

JFK wants us to believe he is moral and ethical. I will never believe that. Catholics lie to

themselves as NOTHING this man does is “catholic”. All around him know he is a slob but

they pretend he is their hero. You people start buying into that Camelot crap. Media

repeats it over and over as if to indoctrinate you. Everyone knows his father purchased this

for him, as he never did anything on his own. Favor and profit are not always cash. You

are desperate for a hero and so you accept him as your hero - even though you know

different. Today we know that so sloppy was JFK that Hoover had a file on him that he

used to control him. So who’s your president, JFK or Hoover?

My hero tells the truth and you do not like it: Malcolm X is telling exactly what he thinks of

the lies you want to believe. Persons who are white hate Malcolm X as he reminds them of

who and what they are merely by existing.

The CIA is out of control, doing anything they are asked to do when the law is you are not

to obey immoral, unethical or unconstitutional orders. Citizens KNOW all of this yet it goes

on and on and on. JFK is shot and you’re all stunned. WHY?

In my home I do not recall one person ever saying JFK’s name. My family is catholic. I

hear people around me talking about him. I notice my grandmother has a statue of him

-and his whole family. That’s odd; who buys statues of a president’s family? In school one

day the teacher hangs up pictures of JFK as it is the anniversary of his death. So I ask my

mother: why do so many people like JFK? My mother says she has no idea as she always

saw him as icky, as a mess. She says she never felt that way and always thought he was

a creep as he said one thing but was another. She can’t understand why other people laud

him. At this point nothing about JFK had ever really come out yet; all the ‘proof’ we had
later was not in the public domain. My proof was my mother. That’s proof of life as I know

my mother and my father? He said the same thing: He could have done a lot but never did.

I never owned the lie you owned.

James Labate, my tenth grade English teacher tells me he went to South America as a

Peace Corp. worker. I NEED to see those pictures. He says he’ll be happy to show them to

me. And there it is: a bust of JFK in South America with his quote regarding ask not. So

foreigners believe this lie too. I knew to ask to see those pictures as I knew James Labate

and I knew the Peace Corp is Kennedy’s so I could know: I’ll see it or at least find a clue. I

keep doing this, collecting evidence and some of it rises to proof. None of it is paper as

paper is not proof. Think: A flower is a flower. You can describe a flower on paper but the

flower is the proof of the paper; the paper is not the proof of the flower! No piece of paper

PROVES a flower named a rose. What’s on the paper is truthful but it’s not the whole truth.

What’s your experience of a rose?

This year an article is published regarding a book Jackie Onassis paid for but then placed

in a vault which is about what happened in Dallas. Various people discuss what became of

the writer as it devastated him and he had died. I have always heard JFK had a death wish

and that odd things were happening in and around Dallas that year. Finally I hear it:

No, very odd like little kids would cheer in a classroom if someone said or even suggested

‘kill the president’. That’s it. You know JFK was going to be shot in Dallas and you could

even point to the Schoolbook Repository; those “clues” would lead you to the physics

involved. If children cheer for an idea like that, if you have children injured to that point, as

it is abhorrent and anathema to our constitution in every way then you know as it’s law of

this universe at work and there is no such thing as “coincidences” so you know to look at

certain points along the route. But if you know the physics then you can do the math and
have an exact answer. How far can you go past the point of no return? That far and that’s

death; death is already as a formerly truly held belief has died. Factor in all of the other

things people name. So JFK will be shot but will he die from the injury? Yes as the other

very odd event this man spoke of described CHURCHES asking for JFK’s death. Now you

have little kids and people who are in church praying for his death. I’d advise JFK: This

means you will die from that bullet. If he does not believe me I’ll sit down and do the math

plotting it out for him and so even tell him “Okay: You’ll be shot by this guy at this point.”

But I, Susan, am not any one of the people in his world. I never would be. I was not even

born until 1967. And my parents stayed as far away from him as they could. They never

even had an emotional relationship with him other than it’s our shared history.

If anyone tells me JFK had a death wish? Yup: That man could have signed the Civil

Rights Act as soon as he took the oath of office and did not. The Creator is only going to

let you cause so much harm before YOU take yourself out of the game as YOU could have

changed your mind and done something different at any time. You did not need to be me;

you did not need to be a rocket scientist to know this.

If you put together all of the facts along with the testimony of the man who saw a second

person you then know: Two shooters. Was there a conspiracy? If the only person within

that event who acted was JFK himself it’s a conspiracy as under the law you conspire

together or alone. To conspire alone you plan and plot alone; you reason your angel

versus your devil and act upon it. The two shooters did not know each other. Both acted,

JFK was shot and Ruby then shot Oswald to keep Oswald from going to trial to then

suppress all that garbage swirling around JFK.

OBVIOUSLY Ruby’s organized crime ties wanted him to do it. We can lie all we want; we

all know how the mob works. If JFK went to trial how much garbage would have surfaced
back then? As nobody was aware that a second shooter was present we later have the

Warren Commission report. There is zero REASONABLE explanation for that magic bullet.

It has to be a second shooter, at least one more shooter. I even once witnessed a

sharpshooter, the best we had at that time, try to shoot and then shoot again as Warren

said it might have happened. He could not do it; he said for Oswald not an expert

marksman to do this would not be possible. Nothing about Oswald tells me he could do it.

But for you to go to THE GOVERNMENT DID IT????

My just, honest, moral, ethical government? IMPOSSIBLE! Agents of the government did

not conspire. Oh yes they did as YOU THE PEOPLE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Whoever

told you that the UNIFORMED officers had to conspire? And if you thought that, the agents

in the offices did it, well then: you, a natural born American are a commissioned officer of

this government. Your vote is your commission; your vote is the executive order. You all

issued it. You all participated. Your uniform is the flag; it is the document. You were

uniformed; how many people waved flags and cheered for injustice that day? Let me

guess: none of you knew persons who are black were being denied their rights?

If I, Susan, knowing all I know could travel back in time and so work the math and prove to

JFK he would be shot that day? If I could show him the law of this universe that only I

know as only I defined it? I would take any action I had to in order to help him meet the

destiny and fate he designed for himself. The shooters that day were a small part of a

much larger problem. Kennedy did choose his own destiny and fate: Ask not what you can

do for your country but what you can do for it like pick up a pen and simply sign your


You can deny it all you want: A second shooter exists but who cares who that person was

or what belief system he represented as you still do the very same things with the very
same intentions?

The Obama conspiracy theory; the birther conspiracy theory; all conspiracy

theorists are crazy.

Is Barack Obama the sitting President while my name is on the SCOTUS docket as the

actual winner? YES. Then call it the SUSAN HERBERT CONSPIRACY HYPOTHESIS:

The People have abandoned me. The Justices may have been injured beyond repair. The

People do not know they have been taken for a ride and have bought Hitler’s big lie over

again but I knew in the fall of 2004 as only one person in my world understood he had just

witnessed what he could not reason: A Vietnam veteran was with me when we saw Hitler

come alive at a Republican political rally in Jacksonville, FL. These people roared and

cheered as Christianity was equated to death. I locked eyes with him as saw him

absolutely frozen and then fled for my life as now my mission was urgent: could one lone

person stop Hitler this time? Or at this moment, ripening, was it already too late?

My “facts” are the life I have lived, a life more exciting than any novel of fiction I have ever

read or any movie I have ever seen. My life is US history. Once I described to myself as a

spy in the house of Philadelphia but today I know I became the world’s first constitutional

physicist as I “poked” the quantum world correctly and with deliberation and to my exact

expectations as I had a theory regarding my person and my Creator the quantum world

answered me:

Malcolm X Versus Martin Luther King

Heroes: I never once aspired to be like the movies stars and celebrities most choose as
heroes. I could act; I could win an Oscar. Do I want to? What makes some people those

superstar human beings you only see once in a while but others burn out like JFK? Why

do so many people never even make the attempt? What do people value and why?

Jared Diamond talks all about how we came to have so much while other nations did not.

A single question changed the course of his life: A man in a nation with almost nothing

asked him “Why do you have so much cargo why we have so little?” Why do we have so

much and why do other parts of the world have so little? Why does it not seem to change

no matter what we then do? Diamond told me it was for many, many reasons all

interwoven and then I read something that changed my world entirely: Diamond said fate is

the reason the American Founders landed here. No Jared Diamond as you do not know

something: God is the reason as we finally measured time when crossing the Atlantic by

going very small as large timepieces never worked but a small watch did. Einstein looked

as far as he could outside of himself while I then looked as small as I could – into the very

deepest recesses of my soul and so I saw into all of those crevices in the ocean we have

yet to explore, containing all of those infinite possibilities and eventualities exactly as the

sky filled with stars above us does. Infinity; as above so below.

In my house there was not one single mention of any civil rights movement. As if the years

before 1970 or so never happened. Not once not ever did I hear any mention of any of

these people. I watched the news reels; I saw citizens who are black crying as Martin

Luther King spoke in DC. I saw citizens who are white crying. I heard Malcolm X jump up

and state: The chicken has come home to roost. That’s me, that thing in Malcolm X. I do

not identify at all with Martin Luther King. Zero emotional response. What in the world are

these citizens hearing in DC when King speaks???

My friend Jessie used to make her son watch the news when Rwanda was suffering.

John’s father is African. Once I asked her how that happened. She said she was “young

and dumb”. She was deliberately looking to be with and marry someone African as she

was caught up in the African movement during the 70’s. I heard Jessica tell John that he

needed to understand that it was only by the grace of God that he was not in Africa; that

he came very close to being one of those kids. That the fact that he was born here was a

blessing, maybe the blessing of his life. I thought: but isn’t that the truth of all of us? I

seized the opportunity:

This type of suffering; what was it, I asked? “Americans do not understand that two groups

of people have had their spirits broken. Blacks and Native Americans were injured so

badly it literally broke their spirits and that is what is so hard to ever overcome.” I knew:

There’s a third group: Women. Another time I asked Jessica about her feelings regarding

both King and Malcolm X. She too identified more with Malcolm X but she said she thought

that it was because he had such a sweeping revelation when he went to Mecca that he

would have become a Christian. That stung me; is that the truth?

I read Malcolm X’s autobiography in grade school. To be in that moment and open that

dictionary in prison. No gun to his head, no force. He looked around and thought: what’s

different? Today we embark upon million dollar studies to then know what is different and

Malcolm X needed only his own person. Prison for Malcolm X: a successful and even

profitable federal program. Or was it only county jail?

Malcolm X the movie is then made by Spike Lee the agitator. It amazes me how much fun

you can have dropping Spike Lee’s name into conversations about films. People get upset.

People say he’s a racist. Once some one said he deliberately used his name to make a

point. A point. That’s funny as I though his crazy parents gave him that name like
everybody else’s parents and maybe he does not know he is actually making a point of law

and his name is also Spike. I heard all about his first movie. I never saw it until much later.

Then “Do The Right Thing” came out.

I’m like Spike Lee: you can lie to me but we all know there is no such thing as a blue

human. Do you get that you just said you’d love me if my skin was blue as if at the point,

when we do finally have blue skinned people then you’ll love me as your equal? So, you’re

okay with aliens but not black people? Or women? Aliens you accepted long ago before

but not us? I like this piece of proof people try to use: “some of my best friends are black.” I

say “Yes, but do they know that you hate them too? As that is NOT proof of anything. I

mean, if they do not know then how can you use that as proof? Besides: Skinheads are

some of my best friends and I’m only trying to discover their secrets. I love them in the best

sense of the word – what Jesus said. And at least they are truthful when they advertise but

I’ll never condone the harm they cause or lie about it.” I laughed when Ron Paul said he

would no longer accept Skinhead money as it bothered Jews. Why, I’ll take it. If Jews get

upset with me? I’ll reason it: It’s less money they have to harm you with and I know them

so I might just be able to turn a few hearts around. Besides: you know me. Do you truly

believe Susan Herbert is a racist only as she took some money from some Skinheads? I

can think of lots of reasons I’d take money from Skinheads; what if I was starving and

needed a sandwich?

Proof Spike Lee is a racist: Do the right thing. The movie. Everyone I know named

absolutes. Roger Ebert came close to seeing what I saw and hearing what I heard. I did

not even hear Spike Lee name it so either Spike Lee is a racist or: He accidentally by

design did something thus I know he isn’t a racist. If you watch that movie but take it in as

a whole it is elegant, like a symphony. My experience of it was not like everyone else’s. I
think that’s what Lee was aiming for and I think Roger Ebert picked up on it but I

experienced it differently as I’m a whole brain thinker. Hey Spike Lee: Even if you do not

know it you actually nailed it exactly perfectly. If you change a single thing it is not perfect. I

mean one note of music wrecks it or one single nanosecond of film wrecks it - what it does

- and that is the only movie I ever watched that did this thing.

So I paid to see Malcolm X only on cable, lol. The person I watched that with did not know

who Malcolm X is and was stunned at how far he came in life. But a native of India told me

that he sat in a theater and could not believe what he was seeing when the American flag

burns into an X. In India the authorities would never allow people to see such images in

any form. I thought about how angry some people still are when you bring up Malcolm X’s

name or mention flag burning. And all of these kids running around wearing X t-shirts who

do all of the things Malcolm X fought against and who take so much for granted.

Eyes on the prize came on PBS. It’s 2007 and still I could not identify with King at all. I

understand his life; what I do not understand is that emotion people feel. I can look at a

photograph and know a heart. I can hear a heart. I swear: you do not have to say it but if

you have a name in your head when you are talking? I’ll hear it loud and clear [bad news

for Oprah and Obama but more on that later.] Why can’t I know King? I filed my first

federal lawsuit on April 4th as I knew a person was going to try and stop me. I was gearing

up to fight him when I heard “Today is April 4th, the day King was shot”. So I said: “Okay, I’ll

borrow your will Martin Luther King: no matter what this man says I am going to the federal

courthouse. If he tries to stop me I will think of you and remind myself that as this will be

important someday I cannot let you down.” This man tried it all even refusing to walk with

me as he said I’d get shot. Oh well. But still: nothing.

Then I heard Jesse Jackson talking about King in those days. I could see his face. A
woman said that the King she knew was different as he was not the same at home. For a

split second there was a photograph of King at home with his daughter. “OMG. I have met

you at long last.” I knew then; I knew. That King was the authentic person; who you

experienced is not. Jackson said that they drew straws to see who would have to walk next

to King as nobody wanted to be killed and they all knew he was going to be shot. He said

that the fear King lived in was abject. I know that fear; it suffocates you. Jackson at the

Lorraine Hotel that morning said that King seemed different; that this fear was not the

same. Did he know? Jackson said that something had changed that morning so he

believed that King might have known today was the day.

I saw a photograph they had taken that day with King over a washbasin or sink, right

before he left. Jesse Jackson: you are correct. King’s face is very different that day; it is a

different kind of fear. So in one instant I knew who King was and then I knew the actual

tragedy no person in this nation ever felt.

If you are a person who ever experiences that kind of abject ever present fear then you

know: It suffocates you in a way that is intolerable. You can barely think. It is like being

held underwater but you are breathing. You cannot cave into it or you will not return from

where it takes you. I caved a little, just once, and two uniformed police officers were

horrified; they said they had never seen a human being made to be so afraid. Five

minutes later they were screaming they would lock me up without any charges as I insisted

they serve and protect and they did not want to so I pulled rank and they went nuts. Cops

only hit you when they run out of options. Pull rank first and they have to creatively violate

your rights like lock you up without a charge. That fear and that person I saw at home that

day told me that the real, actual tragedy of King might be lost to us forever as what people

experienced was perhaps a percentage of 1 percent of his whole person. What makes you

so very emotional is not in his voice in DC. That voice? It is monotone. It’s loud and soft
and high and low but has almost zero emotion due to the fear he felt. The real King then

did have the potential of Jesus.

But still, was I more like Malcolm X? I thought about Jessie’s Christian comment. That

does not ring true for me. That change that came over Malcolm X was the change he felt

when he realized the true intent of the equal protection clauses so it seems as if he might

have become Christian. If he lived he would have practiced actual Islam or so I believe.

That equal protection revelation Malcolm felt is the essence of Christianity, Islam and US

law. I know how hard it was for him to separate himself from the Nation of Islam but I also

know he had no other choice. He knew exactly what these people were then going to do

as I knew. I saw him standing quietly when the Nation of Islam then assaulted him left and

right. Not defiant/angry like the old Malcolm but defiant/turn the other cheek as in “We all

know what you are doing but you can’t make me be what you are. I will never go there or

be that.” I know Malcolm for the most part suffered alone but I know something else: That’s

a sacrifice. Then I began asking what Malcolm X said was his greatest mistake, as how did

the nation of Islam ever hoodwink a hood who became so able and capable? How did he

not know?

Malcolm X told me: his greatest regret was calling that white woman a white devil. He

called a college girl who asked him, “What can I do?” a white devil. But he called lots of

people that. Not like this he said. He now understood that when he did that he was

rejecting a sincere offer of help; he was wrong to have done that as he then was doing

what he had once suffered from. In that moment he became a victimizer so that is his

regret - that he never had to do that but did it. He said, the Nation of Islam was only able to

dupe me as I did that. Never do that and they can’t trick you. Do I have any proof?

My mother. She lived in VA in 1957. At least two times she said that nothing ever

happened in VA. I knew she was lying. Nothing happened? Well something had to or else

the 1960’s would not have been eradicated from our house as if they never were. So I told

her the third and last time I asked: Mom, I know something happened. It’s 1957 in VA. You

had to see something. So just tell me what it is so I won’t have to ask you again.

So she did: She worked at a hospital. She was a nurse. She sat down one of her first days

there to eat. She ate lunch with an aide who happened to be black. The second or third

time she did this the other woman told her in no uncertain terms: Marlene, you are going to

be killed. What do you think you are doing sitting here? They will kill you. And if you can’t

understand this then I’ll have to harm you first as I am not getting killed. You do not know

what these people are capable of. You can’t sit here.

That was it. That emotional wallop was traumatizing as it was not only black and white but

north and south and naiveté as my mother never saw this or felt this ever in her life. It was

also medicine as they were in a hospital. My mother was a nurse. “These people”.

Predators. So my mother decided to never talk about it again or even go there as she had

no idea how to not do this to us as in she had no solution and knew she was in way over

her head. She reasoned, if I just pretend none of this ever happened and never let anyone

say or do these kinds of things around them then maybe my kids won’t have to deal with it.

So the 1960’s never came into my house and never had to leave my house. She tossed

out everyone white or black. She never fell for JFK’s crap.

My mother was that girl Malcolm X harmed; that’s what he meant. That girl acted

unconditionally; she wanted nothing and had no agenda. It was not a case of “see what a

great white person I am”. So I knew: Malcolm X got the love yourself unconditionally part

correct but forgot about the love others unconditionally. So the Nation of Islam was able to
make lying to Malcolm X a condition of their relationship and he never saw it or felt it. And

Malcolm X does not lie as he can’t. Then I knew something else too:

The thing both King and I never veered from is never act like a victimizer no matter what.

Your motivation and intention can never, ever be to harm another. I’m King if he had been

able to live without fear or if he found a way to overcome it like I did. When I conquered the

greatest of all fears? I said, “King me, Martin Luther King me that is as the duality of the

universe dictates that this is also a checkers board.” I used unconditional love to slaughter

that fear that humans never conquer: death. Lots of humans say they have conquered it;

wrong. You’d be me and you’d have made this case if you did what Jesus says is possible:

Entered the kingdom of god and achieved everlasting life.

I have never told anyone every detail but I will tell people who are black a secret of thus

universe that I know: I’m second after Jesus and Martin Luther King is third. I’m still

reasoning what that relationship actually means but I know that King is like Jesus, he

actually should be compared to Jesus as he never made Malcolm’s mistake and that

mistake? It’s one of the biggest you can ever make and if you do you may spend an entire

lifetime attempting to make up for it which is why Malcolm X warned you. That one time

may be the damage you cause that you never repair no matter how many other good

works you perform.

Mistakes Have Been Made

No they haven’t. A mistake is doing something that causes harm but never doing it again.

Does Dick Cheney make mistakes? Never. Does Barack Obama? Never. George Bush

Jr.? One giant walking mistake. A mistake is knowing and deliberate; what if you do not
know something so keep doing it? What if you can’t know something due to the unique

circumstance of your life?

Do not believe what you hear other people say; do not believe the sorry excuses they

make for each other. For instance: everyone in this nation was stunned when George

Bush Jr. said he did not know about Katrina. Why? His advisers did not tell him. You went

nuts; how could he not know? You were angry. I was surprised but not angry as that was

indeed a shock to my system: I just heard a president keep a campaign promise. In my


Bush Jr. said he would have a team of advisers to then tell him what they thought he

needed to know. So he then did. And you were shocked not because he kept a campaign

promise but because he did not break one thus doing the work himself. The team did tell

him what they felt he needed to know and apparently we New Orleanians were refugees,

foreigners, as to that team of advisers it is foreign to exert effort on behalf of people who

do not buy and sell power as they’re too poor to buy the offices and as most wouldn’t even

if they could. I smell Nazis and foreignization of the executive but you smell: racism. Oh,

racism it is but it’s even worse in this case:

To foreignize the office of the executive is meant to keep the ethical out. It’s meant to set

up a system whereby the corporations then choose the president and they will choose

anyone but an ethical person. It’s also meant to keep women from ascending so if you’re

Hilary Clinton? You have to become much more corrupted and much more criminal as you

are way out of your league with these guys which is why you weren’t installed.

You may have been called refugees by mistake at first but later? These animals seized

upon that word and that emotion and that feeling to then steer you into voting for a
foreigner who had to break every rule and every law to then be on the ballot. Are you ever

justified for voting for a person who is black only because he is black? No, so you then

have a lot of explaining to do to me: I have not so much as harmed a fly and I’m the most

able and capable American ever – I did it on my own and the hardest way of all - but I’m

now shut out as you gave in to these maniacs? How do you reason harming me and my

children only as you have been harmed or only as you did not make an attempt to secure

the office for yourself? Some of you do have a reason - ignorance – but most of you do


Ignorance is not necessarily a bad thing. Could you know some of this? No. Was it likely

any of you could gain third party standing? No. Can you read? Yes, so why not read my

suit and act upon it? I have news for you: In my case all I ever had to do to secure that

place on the ballot was make it to the case conference list as I issued an Executive Order

against the Supreme Court of the US and it was obeyed. To issue an Executive Order all

you do is:

Reason your case, pass judgment upon yourself and rule: I order you to place this case on

the case conference list. The clerks harmed me; they still kept harming me but that’s as I’m

a better predator and manipulator than they are and if you do it with intention and

motivation to cause good? It always works out for you, as you can’t fake phony intention

with the Creator. When you meet your maker and he adjudicates your case he knows; he

does not ask you but decides and then you accept it or not. In my case? Not responsible

and not guilty; in fact: not accountable as I paid my dues along the way as if I knew I acted.

So: “Will you experience human grief?” I said, “I will.” Human grief was all I had left to do

as a human. I’d love to tell you that I mistakenly felt human grief but it was entirely with


Ask yourself what reward Obama is getting. “Nazi” is a word that describes a person who

has wired ego to self-esteem. They feel good when they harm others. When they do it it’s

okay; when they do it is pride. It’s connecting outside things like money and flattery to your

id as if those things then prove you are “good”. You do bad but no, it’s good as you are rich

because of it. You rationalize, justify and make excuses. Like this:

“I can violate the rights of all women only as I’m black. I can deny the citizens informed

consent by hiding my papers only as I’m black. Proof it is okay is other black people

support me. Proof is I’ve made it to this office. People love me.” No they do not; they ‘love’

a false idea you represent; you mean to convey that you’re a victim when you are not as

you’re a victimizer.

Mistakes? You had to make twenty million mistakes to get here but I see only one:

German precision engineering. That gave Obama and Co. away each time.

German Precision Engineering

The Nazis had a reputation for precision; for being w/o emotion like a machine. That’s what

this exact injury is which is why it’s so bad: Reason w/o emotion or all reason but no mercy

or compassion. It can be emotion w/o reason like hate for blacks or equating Christianity

with death. Pride: I’m proud to be overthrowing the Constitution.

Obama missed several important votes in the IL Senate. Maybe he was missing

mistakenly but was he? Look at those issues. Why would he miss so many important

votes? If he’s a constitutional law professor he could reason them easily or he could be

exploiting his expert knowledge of the Constitution thus abusing power. So why miss those

votes? To hide his beliefs from you as what he wants is your love; he wants to be popular
not just. You can’t pin him down w/o those votes so how do you know he is a competent

candidate? Hey, if he can’t show up for work will this change? How do you know it is his

voice you hear when he reasons these issues when he can’t make simple decision upon

things like “Don’t Ask”? What if others are telling him what to do?

Since he sat I have heard Obama go back and forth on Don’t Ask so many times I stopped

counting. Now it’s: We’ll hold debates. Are you for real? Obama did this on purpose until

you in the Senate finally volunteered to hold debates thus now you think you did it when

really he just kept changing his mind and waffling. I’ve waited: not once have I heard

anything in his voice; it’s always someone else’s. I asked around; can anyone give me

something he did himself? No and that’s it if you look:

Every accomplishment was not his as a friend was forever doing him a favor. Everything

was engineered; need to get into a college? I’ll call for you. Obama’s own campaign

manager said that on Obama’s first day in the IL Senate Obama walked up to him and

said, “So you’re the guy I see if I want to become President.” WHY? Money and influence,

undue influence. German precision engineering.

No person ever aspires to this job and if they do? Do not elect them. To aspire to this job

and to then get it means you have given up every shred of moral authority you ever had as

our current system forces you to do this. Moral authority is will so that’s why I’m not

hearing Obama’s voice: he has no will. Did he meet me in open court? Nope; did he meet

anyone else? Nope. So he harms us but we are made to then suffer him? Go look at all of

his facts: did he do things the hard way or take the easy way out? If there was a shortcut

he took it thus no will. Will is not power; there is no such thing as willpower. Power is

liberty; it’s legal power. Will is moral authority; will is id and liberty is ego. Wire liberty to id?
I’ll do whatever I want to do to then get what I want no matter whom I harm. I’ll violate my

own daughter’s rights. I’ll lie to your face. I’ll pass off work others did as my own. Wait a

minute: Isn’t Biden a plagiarist? Persons who are black and all Americans: Are you truly

buying into this? What this is?

Michele Obama said this is the first time in her life she was proud to be an American. Lots

of you were upset. I heard that’s because she should have been proud before. Maybe. I

heard that’s because she is saying she’s proud a person who is black made it to the

Whitehouse. Maybe. Proof of life: what do I know?

Pride: Have I ever been proud? I could name one time – maybe two – when I felt pride, the

real, actual feeling and emotion. When I was little my father told me that we had the only

code the Nazis never broke. He said we used Navajo and so only we had a code that was

unbreakable. Why? Think Susan: first Hitler had to know what he was hearing and then he

had to get his hands on a Navajo Indian. Where is the one and only place in the world you

can find Navajo Indians? Here, so what was his chance of then getting his hands on a

Navajo? Navajo Indians are unique American property. I knew: Property like intellectual

property; property like citizens are property. Like I’m unique American property as The

People are the government and we’re sovereign. He said “we”. We did that. I did feel pride.

It gave me one of my biggest ideas ever too: Susan is the unique American property I can

use against the Nazis meaning enemy as I never saw actual Nazis on my horizon.

“American” did not mean the institutions but us, all of us. We’re unique. I once heard a

Native American talk about running horses during WWII. He had to do it to then thwart

Nazis. He was rounding up horses and traveling with them and he started singing then

realized that he was probably the last Native American to do something his ancestors did

only he was doing it during this war and against actual foreigners…he said he then let out

a war cry and he laughed as he said this as he WAS the last Native American as we knew
them. He was proud talking about this; that was my same feeling. Not different but the

same; equal but distinct and then unique.

The real reason to worry about Michele Obama’s comment is: she felt proud

and she felt proud upon doing all sorts of nasty things to then secure that office

and those privileges and she can cry forever but I’m not buying it: Michele

Obama is not a stupid woman. She knows exactly where her husband was born

and she knows all of the lies they told and she also knows this: some lies you

tell w/o saying a word. I thought about her comment as I heard her say it:

German precision engineering. I am so tired of these women claiming they are

deaf and blind but yet managed to graduate with a PhD.

Barack Obama catching a fly: Go watch it. I watched it once. I have seen people catch flies

before but not like this. And there it was: German precision engineering: Mean; his whole

body changes. Watch his face. Ever see his countenance change when he thinks the

cameras are off? Everything about him moves – changes at once - as if a switch is flipped.

Well, this does seem to be one cool customer. Hitler pre-uniform perhaps as Hitler did not

come from nowhere.

Citizens told me to pay attention to him when he went w/o a teleprompter. If he lost it or if

he couldn’t see it he couldn’t perform they said. I did not see that so I went to a website:

Teleprompter President. The clips were funny but still: I have to see and feel something or

else it is not my proof. Plus I know that a website is skewed toward one side only; even if it

is fair it is still skewed as the words may “steer” your opinion. In my case it is not humanly

possible to indoctrinate me – I have a unique skill which is partly why I caught this – but I

need more than what I was seeing. Then I got it: I heard “Obama will confront fat cat


When I use quotes I’m not quoting exact words but ideas and feelings; they might be exact

words. I heard “fat cat bankers” exactly. What is this? 1930? Then I thought: Barack

Obama is not equipped to take on anybody even remotely close to a “fat cat” banker. Then

I saw it: A set up photo op, Obama around a table with cameras galore snapping away.

These men, old men, had huge grins on their faces. Fat cats it is and how. Obama had a

manila folder and on top of it was a piece of paper. They all had this. I saw Obama

struggle and knew: That paper is blank. He can’t do this thing.

A Nazi can’t put up a ruse; he can’t go to that place as that is what this type of rewiring

does. The reason you see him struggle so is when he has no words fed to him he can’t

fake it as no nazi can. This is how I caught the US Marshall who came to my home as he

was at first going to try to get me to come to the office thus pretending he was arresting

me. When I directly asked, “Are you arresting me?” He could not fake it so got angry and

threatened me only Nazis do not make threats either. If they say they will do it? They will.

Remember triumph of the will? Yes, whatever it takes to get our way. Nothing is off limits

and so even a president will break the law.

Kids, the last Nazi we had in office if you do not count Cheney was Nixon. He said it is not

a crime if a President does it. So, is it not a crime if Obama does it?

I learned all about German precision engineering in Philly. I went to a neighborhood that I

did not know was deemed to be the worst in Philadelphia. A woman lied to me to then get

me to go there as she needed to see her mother. After we left she admitted that she lied.

Why? Susan this neighborhood is so bad even I would not be here after dark. She lied as

she thought she had toile or else I would not take her otherwise or even if I did that her
experiences with people who are not black were bad so she assumed this would be too.

That’s self-defense not a lie as she never would have risked my safety but I needed to

know as I was seeing something I never saw before: This neighborhood was ramrod,

pinpoint straight as in neat and clean. It was one of the nicest not fanciest neighborhoods.

Remember: I just spent hours with her family. What was I seeing as it still stuns me to think

about it?

Apparently the Nazis known as gangsters move in at night taking it over. But: they are

outside Nazis like Nazis taking over France. At daybreak they leave and go back to their

own neighborhood. I recall looking up and down that street and being absolutely amazed

as these people had not given up on themselves or had they? When I first felt what I was

seeing with Obama I knew: That neighborhood was a case of German precision


Bill Cosby: You’re close but no cigar. Your target audience is not hearing what you are

saying due to the injury. This? You never want this either and I mean never. Now I know:

that Philadelphia neighborhood was twenty times more dangerous than the most

dangerous place on Earth as nobody could see it. I’ve been in the “worst” places in this

nation. Newark is a haven of safety compared to this. At least if so much as a paper

wrapper was on the ground you would suspect it. But this? Absolutely lethal.

Two Chairs Stand Between World War And World Peace; Is Carter The Most

Ineffectual President Ever? Only If He Is Standing In DC

I’m mulling all of this over in my mind. A while before the election I heard Jimmy Carter.

He’s talking about two guys from Norway. There’s a shindig at the Whitehouse. It’s about
peace. He said these two guys were responsible for it but that they were seated in the

back row. A travesty. So what did he do? Nothing! And why?

He was afraid to embarrass George Bush Jr.

Let’s review: Jimmy Carter, the most ineffectual president ever, is afraid to embarrass

Bush Jr., the worst president ever. Not humanly possible Jimmy Carter: Bush Jr. does not

embarrass. That’s his emotional disability. YOU can do anything as can he but can he take

personal criticism? Nope. So you had nothing to fear as he does not read the papers for

this reason. It's why Bush Jr. is so willing to play the fool: He has no idea what we truly

believe about him plus it's not a crime to make an attempt to go out a false door as he

recovers well as any natural born American does. If I play the fool? I'm having fun with you

as I know you truly believe that I look and sound like a fool. Am I a fool? Nope, as I'm the

smartest person in this room. Besides it’s logic: how can the most ineffectual guy ever

make the worst ever look bad? I mean if you’re the worst that’s it as there’s no worstest.

Carter fails to act and the guys from Norway sit in the back having their dignity insulted.

Wait – isn’t that what Carter wants to avoid? Now, Jimmy Carter: did you just violate the

equal protection clauses for Bush’s benefit? When I first heard you say this I said,

“Somebody call Ruth Bader-Ginsburg as Jimmy Carter is deliberately creating impossible


I then thought about all I knew regarding Carter as people agree he was ineffectual but

they love him. My art teacher Randolph Smeltzer once said: “He was a terrible president

but he did more for peace than anybody”. Why yes as if you fail to act? You then are not

provoking anyone. Duh: No cause, no effect.

Rules of engagement if you’re Jimmy Carter:

1. Act. If it helps keep doing it.

2. Act. It harms stop doing it and do not do it again.

3. Not sure what to do? Things may stay the same while you formulate a new plan of

action but you may not remain ineffectual forever. Think, then act upon your knowledge.

Then I realized: Wait a minute. Both times Carter was within DC. Once as the President

and once as an ex-President. This time all he had to do was move two chairs and he

failed. Should Jimmy Carter stay away from DC at all costs? Yes as DC is the seat of

incorporation and you’re a people person. Apparently you freeze up every time you’re

here. Let’s find out: I write to the Carter Center as in The Jimmy Carter Center. Proof! If it’s

election fraud in the US – actual presidential election fraud – then no help for you. Jimmy

Carter in any form is: ineffectual!

Jimmy Carter can't stand it if he thinks he hurt your feelings even accidentally as he then

feels so guilty so he fails to act. The Jimmy Carter Center is plainly delusional and so then;

We have two injured guys from Norway thus I can address the injury and the Nobel Prizes

awarded wrongly in world court but first here: Jimmy Carter?

The next time you have to move two chairs for two guys from Norway from the back to the

front preferably at my own inauguration? Say this to the reporters: “I’m moving these guys

from Norway up next to me as they told me they have something good to say about the

worst president ever and I need to hear it or else I might lose my title.”

The Business Is People

What’s the measure of a man? I hear Bush Jr. lies. He does not as I can’t find one time he

lied and I’ve found plenty of times he told the exact truth like this: They sat me down and

used history to convince me that I should run for President. Who’s they? Sandra Day

O’Connor will handle difficult cases. No she won’t as presidents do that; they decide those

cases or break ties as after the Supreme Court is The People so if you have to go to world

court it’s the president’s fault. Unless you are Bush Jr. as LAWYERS not he won the office

as they argued Bush V Gore. Lawyers and businessmen have been in charge since which

is why all of Clinton’s cronies moved back into the Whitehouse upon Obama’s criminal

installation. Bush started an unjust war; no he did not as Cheney did. I know as the guy

who wrote the Italian Letter told me so. Cheney knew the “evidence” for war was bad and

so did I as paper is never proof. Since when do we go to war based upon evidence if you

are the US? The writer of the Italian Letter also said he believes Condoleeza Rice thought

the evidence was bad but kept her mouth shut because: she was afraid she’d have no

more undue influence with Bush Jr. I heard everything that author said; I truly believe him.

Does Bush lie?

A lie is more than exact words. But: if you can find an instance I’ll examine it. This is

George Bush Jr.:

He also the worst baseball manager ever. Or so we hear. He said he took that job so he

could be a father and husband as he could bring his family to the park. Did the Rangers

know what they were getting? Yes, as he never said he could manage a baseball team

and they knew who and what he was. You mean of all people in TX they mistakenly or

accidentally called him? Let’s go to the judges:

Laura Bush says that the time they spent with the Rangers was one of her favorite times in

life. She says that they did spend a lot of time at that park and it was fun. She says that
they had decided they might never have kids so were getting ready to move past that

opportunity when she found out she was pregnant so that they then appreciated the kids

more. She says she recalls George Jr. getting the girls dressed up in snowsuits and taking

them for a walk when it snowed and being fascinated watching them watch snow. The

girls? I saw a photograph of he and the girls at the park looking into a cup as if they caught

a bug or something and they were showing him. Their heads are touching and they are

peering into it. I know that feeling. So, is George Bush jr. the worst baseball manger ever?

If your goal as a baseball manager is to spend time with your family no but if your goal is to

make money yes. If your goal is your family you’re the best baseball manager ever.

No matter what a person says today this sitting government then brainwashes The People

with a subtle form of conditioning named in the DSM.

Linda Tripp

All I heard swirling around Tripp was ugly, nasty and libelous. It was slander and

defamation. They actually called Tripp ugly and called her a horrible friend. Then all I

heard was this she’ll be prosecuted for wire tapping chant. A person in my world said:

“According to the law she can’t be” and I froze: do you mean these people know they can’t

charge her and they are saying they can and will regardless? YES. So I looked: According

to what I read she never could be prosecuted and yet you let her be vilified.

This nation sat back and used excuse after excuse to blame her and not Clinton, the man

who is actually guilty. People: you know why you never blame the victim? BLAME: It’s

something you do only to yourself. Tavis Smiley: Why not assign blame?! As you can’t as

blame is something you assign only to yourself! You fault not blame another. Do you not
see a pattern with Clinton? And now Obama?

Bill Clinton: It’s takes a very special kind of power and control freak – a Nazi – to look

around his world and then choose to have sex in the Oval Office. Why that office? Why the

most visible symbol of our nation? To then prove he can piss all over women if he wants

to, that’s why. It’s meant to give you that message. And now we have the ethical fighting

the unethical, the ultimate battle that wages toward the end of any age as it’s control

versus authority so we are in a war we are certain to lose if no one acts. Lying is not

always as innocent as they would have you believe.

The NY Times Should Share A Jail Cell With Carl Berstein

Valerie Plame is outed. That’s not conducive to a career in the CIA. “Secrecy” is a part of

what the CIA does. Journalists used to do it too.

I heard Carl Berstein confess with my own ears: HE told; if he had not opened his big

mouth then Valerie Plame would never have been outed. This confession is on tape; it is

the last scenes in a documentary about the whole mess. The filmmaker must have heard

what I heard as Berstein tries to make you believe that he told someone who then told

someone else. Yes but if you never told him first? NO CHAIN OF CAUSATION EXISTS.

Berstein finds out that this has started and he feels guilty so he calls up and tells another

person I did it to avoid going to jail himself but then says that he did not do it as in “I told

him not to tell” or “I did not know he would tell”. Yes you did know as you do not control

him thus all you could do? Keep your mouth shut. Once you open it the chain then ensues

and it always leads back to you, Berstein, as I’m a constitutional physicist do I know. So

did that filmmaker when he heard you. I sat there and could not believe no one was going

after Berstein. Then I wondered: Is this injury clogging everyone’s ears? Have they been
injured to incapacitation?

The story ends as Libby goes to jail or is supposed to but he secures a pardon: From

whom? That board of advisors? The cabal? Is this the ending? No, as we have another

victim: Two journalists were held for not revealing their sources. A man and a woman. The

NY Times pressures them as do others. The man caves and woman sits in jail; the

investigation ends, the trial ends and that woman? She is fired from the Times while the

man is given his job back. It’s blatant discrimination of the very worst kind:

The female reporter said No, I’m a journalist. If I ever revealed that source I could never

call myself a journalist so I could not talk. She was willing to sit. The NY Times made a

“mistake”: That man caved and the Times assumed the woman would too. When she did

not? They were stuck. They did not count upon her being ethical. Why was she really

fired? Easy as this once happened to me: Every time that woman, a journalist, walked into

the Times every reporter, men, in there would feel inferior to her as they are inferior if they

can’t keep their sources secret. Act like a journalist but don’t lie and call yourself one when

you’re not. They would not be able to stand that feeling. The NY Times needs to do a

reality check:

It has been confirmed that Dick Cheney called up the Times and planted stories – made up

fantasies – about Iraq having nuclear weapons. He was trying to rally the nation for war so

he could make money hand over fist via companies like Haliburton. Lots of people know

about his antics. I do not have to create what he himself did as he cut a trail a mile wide.

It’s like my court case in family court: all I had to do was sit back and let them create the

paper trail for me as they kept it up and kept it up. Here’s why these guys were so


In their lives they have always, always gotten away with this. Since they were kids. Dick

Cheney is the guy who used a baby to avoid Vietnam you know. You do not wake up and

begin this one sunny afternoon; you practice this all of your life. They did it and did it until

they were at the highest federal level only I knew to expect it as Cheney used to work for

Nixon, sitting in an office near him. So I paid close attention. The trail is self-evident. The

pattern is everywhere. Lol! Karl Rove said: It’s not my handprint on all of this; I wish people

would stop saying this is the evil handprint of Karl Rove. I, Susan, never said that.

Cheney’s actual mistake – a real, actual mistake - was assuming all women are as dumb

as he is. Or that this one is.

Clarence Thomas Versus Anita Hill: Senators Lie Too

Anita Hill tells me that she failed to do her duty to herself and so never opened her mouth

when she was around Thomas. She was afraid; she did not know why. Obviously as to

know why you had to open your mouth and find out. It seems in her world consequences

are always bad or that she was taught to be careful as in you can’t speak up. Is it power

and control? Man versus woman? She does not know (again Yes as she can’t and so she

hasn’t figured it out yet); all she knows is that she now finds herself in an even worse

position: now she has to do this live on TV and in front of a kangaroo court. Why? Pubic

hair and duty – to the nation or to We, The People.

Thus I never need to watch Thomas. I could know: It wasn’t sexual harassment. But what

was it? I tune out the Senators only to find Arlen Spector on my TV one night. He said it

was a plot; that his friends in Congress set them up. That HUNDREDS of women were set

to testify and then they did not as the manipulations went on and on. Spector is outraged!!!

He’s furious!!! He wants us to know: he has a duty! So do I:

Arlen Spector: you know names, dates, times and places. Under US law you do not have a

choice: you turn those friends in or you go to jail. You know that you must contact the

proper authorities if you know the exact details of a crime or even semi-exact or else you

too are then guilty of it: collusion and conspiracy. All of these years I have been trying to

make him cough up those names or pay himself and not one person has ever been willing

to act to arrest him. HE CONFESSED ON TV. What: it’s not okay to refuse to snitch out

here as a citizen but inside Congress you can claim I’m not a snitch ad infinitum? Why? Do

they vote out Congressional snitches?

So I’m going to sue SCOTUS. If I have to take down one Justice to then make my point of

law who can I bring down the easiest? Thomas. If I have to look him in the face and tell

him that I did it and I decided for him that he could take the hit then could I? Could I go to a

place whereby he was even remotely responsible? Let’s find out: I get the Justices one

paragraph biographies from the government website. I write their names down. I cut them

out. Then I flip the paper over write only one or two words - whatever stands out – that is

true for me too. I leave them for a couple of days so I’ll forget them. Then I sit down, mix

them up and looking at the qualities only but not the exact names I quickly grab the one

that is most like me. Sandra Day O’Connor. Hey! She should not be in here. This is why

the guy on the bus insisted that you HAD to have a law degree to act as a Justice. It’s not

fair, he said. Justices can’t retire, he said. Fairness? Justice? Of course which is why you

need no degree to be anything under our law; we named zero qualifications except two.

This guy insisted that you needed a degree even though that made no sense and even

though you can read US law: there are zero qualifications for Justice and only two for

President: age 35 and natural birth. He does not know: you enter at the Justice of the

Peace and you leave at a Justice of the Supreme Court, as it is not fairness but justice.

Marbury, a justice of the peace. I choose another: Thomas. I stand still. Thomas? Why?
Catholic? No, that’s not there. I wrote Pinpoint, GA or small town. All this other stuff about

Thomas like catholic or like son or like anti-abortion or like white wife; where do I know it

from? TIME Magazine. I need to investigate this. So I listen for Thomas’ name.

Last year or so Hill is being interviewed as Thomas has written a book or rather he has

given interviews for a biography. Hill is not the same person. Today she like me: strong,

able and confident. Then? She looked like a scared deer but still: Why did she not do what

I would have done? She says Thomas still does not get it. Right - as you never told him. I

know if she talked to him then the person she is now would have arrived on the scene

sooner as that is how I did it: Going into the unknown. She might have lost her job; she

might have had a lot of things happen to her. Jefferson said it: all the damage in the world

caused by might have beens is not equal to the things that are. The writers ask Thomas

about Hill: I still do not get it. I mean, if I did it why didn’t anybody say anything? I can

answer your questions Clarence Thomas!

So here we are: Hill and Thomas’ testimony matched then. It matches now. They both told

the truth. Citizens say Thomas did say pubic hair. So? That’s his best evidence as it rises

to proof – for him not against him. But he lied! They tell me. No, as you listen to those

Senators: when they ask Thomas and Hill questions they are asking about meaning and

intent not if you did this factually. “Pubic hair”: when they ask if Thomas said it, when they

ask Thomas himself, they are asking like this: If you say yes then you did harass Hill. They

are couching the question and asking both hill and Thomas questions to then prove guilt

which is why…OMG! The citizens do not know!

People: “pubic hair”. If a man uses that word in my world I know he is not harassing me.

Nobody, not even doctors, like those words together. It’s the vowel sounds and clipped

then breathy sounds. It’s the image the sounds conjure up. A man saying what Thomas
said would use those words if: he’s me, like me.

Go back and watch Thomas as I did at that moment. LISTEN as now I know what

happened: Thomas begins screaming at the Senators. Yes, as I was wondering why

nobody ever went after them. He flips out: NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I THINK I’D BE


SENATORS BREAKING THE LAW SO BRAZENLY. Correct as our law is not this; you

may not hold criminal trials in the Senate plus the spirit of our law is for the purposes of

informing the public. You may not must. These 5 Senators broke not only the letter of the

law but it’s spirit. That’s treason in this case. I have news for the US: you can and may

violate the letter of the law but I’m still looking for a time when violating it’s spirit is

necessary as I have never found one. To violate its spirit with deliberation is to attempt to

overthrow it. Specter later said he knew ex post facto so it’s even worse: It’s already been

overthrown. I named 1952. Thomas was trying to tell you. Think kids: To criminally try you

first they must charge you. How many laws and how much federal code can 5 Senators

violate on national TV?

I saw Thomas fuming and I laughed: Thomas is exactly like me. Those guys who wrote

that book on him tried to tell me that Thomas was not born in GA. He was there for a short

time so was not really from GA. Sorry! If his parents were there and he was born there

then GA is a fact of him no matter what you say as don’t you think his parents bring GA

with them wherever they go? They dump GA on him like VA was dumped on me and so if



me a woman as in used that as a reason I was stunned, literally stunned. I did not know

that YOU truly believed me to be only that until then. I truly believe you to be a person.

That’s my world view so to be called a black man by those Senators? Thomas would be
shocked. They’re prejudiced. You know: prejudicial. A fake criminal trial.

All that happened between Hill and Thomas was miscommunication. That’s it but 5

Senators made it much worse. I can tell Thomas exactly what he did that a man should not

do unless he knows you very well and I could tell Hill what would have happened had she

opened her mouth as it can go either way depending upon if the person you ask hears

blame or curiosity, as in I do not understand this. And Thomas: if you came up under white

men? Throw it out the window; based upon your age it isn’t an example to follow. Sorry

white men of America but I’ve been avoiding your victimization for years and you do not

get it: you can try to hide it but Susan will hear it every time. Besides: you know if I mean

you reading this exactly or not.

Unlike you Clarence Thomas I would have placed everyone of those Senators under arrest

and then asked if any photographer wanted to come with me while I went to Bush Sr.’s

office so he could enforce the law: Let’s see you explain it to The People when you refuse

to confirm the appointment of the Justice who acted to unobstruct justice.

Thus here we are 20 years later with Thomas on the bench, Hill not on the bench and

those 5 Senators yet victimizing us. Spector will not go home. How’s that working for you,

voters? How long will you blame Thomas? Hate Hill for doing her duty? Arlen Spector: you

said you had HUNDREDS of female witnesses. I needed only one as you put your very

best witnesses up first and last. You can parade a thousand women in front of me all

telling me histories about words. So, you’ve proven Thomas said pubic hair. Have you ever

said that? Why I heard you say that to Hill at least three times. Once was enough. Were

you harassing her? I will always know Thomas is innocent as is Hill who by the way was

never to be questioned as she was not up for that nomination. She said duty and she

meant it. Her intention was clear then and now. I do have a question for Thomas as I’m
curious about a ruling he issued as it seems to conflict with another but I can ask him in

person if the federal government does not lock me up for telling the truth as the US

Marshall promised.

And what became of Time magazine? A person gave me an issue of time. It said “Does

the Supreme Court matter anymore?” The caption said: Clarence Thomas likes the buddy

system! I said this magazine is attacking the court trying to make it sound dumb; this is

brainwashing. Read it as it is an attempt to attack the whole court but it goes after Thomas

as that caption leads the reader. Apparently Thomas and I have even more in common: he

travels around in a motor home. My parents took us in a trailer. I conducted an

experiment: Is it me or is it Time? I placed the magazine in a public place. I waited, doing

some typing and other stuff when about two hours later I heard a laugh. I looked and sure

enough a person had the magazine in his hands. “What’s so funny?”

“Poor Clarence Thomas. When are they gonna leave him alone?” Proof!

Kidnapping A Justice: Risky Business For The Justice

To shake the faith of The People you shake the faith The People have in the Supreme

Court. The Court is The People’s court as The People have the power and authority. Chain

of command dictates The People, SCOTUS and the military have the authority – vertical

checks – while officers possess legal power or horizontal checks. As the officers are

people – ideally – then the power and authority belongs to us as upon committing crimes

the officers are automatically null and void as they are no longer acting under the authority

of the US. Then you can even sue them for liability but they do not want you to know this.

The People do not need to wait upon impeachment. If you know then act upon it thus it is.
Watch this:

Dick Cheney was never the legal Vice President. Since I sued as of December 2000? Dick

Cheney is mine now as I actually reason my legal arguments. He is going to prison, as

that’s what we do to kidnappers. We might then hang them but that’s up to The People not

me. Did you know you were obeying a kidnapper? Under US law he obeys you so you

should have had a clue.

Dick Cheney has a case coming before SCOTUS. He then asks Antonin Scalia to go duck

hunting. I like this: mistaken, accidental duck hunting. Does Scalia know that Cheney has a

case before SCOTUS? We’ll assume he did. Scalia goes with Cheney. Does he know

Cheney shoots people in real life too? We’ll assume he knows he does.

They return only to find that Scalia’s face is plastered all over the NY Times: Justice is no

more! Antonin Scalia is a crook! He’s on the take! This goes on and on. Proof is: A duck


I read all about Cheney. Not in the Times but in a factual book, a book about his life. The

author had fact after fact after fact clearly establishing a pattern of criminal behavior: This

man is the most accidental citizen ever as he reasons it all but it’s never on purpose.

The author used factual statements to support his own beliefs. He says: if you truly believe

that Cheney is not a draft dodger then examine all fact: every event ever is lucky? He can

claim he did not dodge the draft but he did. Correct. Then the author goes nuts:

Scalia is guilty! Torch him! Fry him! I read this and don’t believe the writer has now veered

off into so much emotion. It’s like reading two books. So what is this author so upset

about? Litekey, the ruling in which Scalia had to get around Cheney. Scalia has written a

26 page “apology” and only guilty people do that. He’s guilty alright as he needed only one

sentence, the sentence that reads: I may not cave to the press as then the press controls

the court so you’ll just have to trust me. Scalia committed a crime but he plead to the

wrong one as his crime is: truly believing Cheney is his friend. In over 20 years you had no

idea that you were his prey? So this is how you kidnap a Justice: hijack the reputation of

his person. He’ll pay while you go on your merry way thus you hold The People hostage


Your first clue should be: Antonin Scalia wrote a book. In this book he gives instructions to

lawyers. One of those instructions? Say something not on the paper to me. They can’t as

they’re Nazis. And: look me in the eye; they can’t look me in the eye. No they can’t as

they’re Nazis – they can’t bluff- but at least they must have an atom of conscience left as

they can’t look at you while they do it so I’ll worry more when they do look at you while


I’d feel sorry for Scalia but: Gun control. I see what’s coming. I write to the court and say;

“Unless you find a way to magically insert or erase words you are stuck”. Scalia finds that

way. He writes there’s a “prefatory” clause. I say that the only pre anything is the preamble

of which I still have zero blessings. However: There’s only two sources that I know of that

contain the original version of the 2nd amendment. Did I just hear Scalia say what I think he

said? Go look kids as this might motivate you: Scalia just told you that there’s a comma in

the sentence. You take that back Justice Scalia as it makes you look guilty as sin as if you

read my letter and then did it. You might have but I’m betting I know my physics so knew
this would happen as the clerks told me they do not deliver the mail to you.

Checking You In A Way You Can’t Overcome It

What do you do if you want to prevent a woman from becoming Chief Justice? Besides

threaten to jail her for telling the truth you…make a very young man the Chief thus harm

women from beyond your grave. Cheney picks Roberts to then stop Paul “you’re all lying

to me” Stevens from becoming Chief. I smell a rat as because of Bush V Gore the Chief is

unchecked. So Roberts would then uncheck Bush leaving us with no law, so Cheney is

then a dictator. Why old age? It’s arbitrary and that’s the check and balance you can’t beat.

God could claim you at 50. But is that likely? I’d feel sorry for Roberts but: If a guy with no

legal ability says he admires mine then I’m gonna question it. I might even have 5

Senators question it as I can read those signing statements. Who truly believes Bush

wrote them? John Roberts has a disability as he went to boarding school – all male

boarding school. I asked the Creator: Do I remove him or not? Roberts drops with a

seizure. Imagine if I prayed against instead of for. Can a man have a baby? No but you’d

think they could according to Roberts. A seizure? One kind of man can know how life

actually begins in the womb – a man who has a seizure.

If the world wants to know how life begins in the womb I’ll tell you and in case you can’t

see it think: all of this stem cell research and buying and selling genetic material. Baby

making only in tubes and overseas. I heard Americans value Indian lives at only 5k.

Female lives, a life for only 5 thousand bucks. WHO began dabbling in eugenics? Why, the


You Crazy Scientists You

I began reading about scientists. If I came across an article I read it; if I came across a

book I read it. I’m in the most unsafe, violent and abusive battered women’s shelter and

Richard Feynman’s autobiography falls into my lap(these places are mostly unsafe as the

people running them are the abusers as they thrive on abusing the benefits of a title like

‘manager’; I kid you not: I have seen these people trade upon humanity dignity over

amusement park tickets). I’ll bite, God I think. All of my life I have been hearing this man’s

name. I hear things like: I thought physics was boring; then I read Feynman’s

autobiography and thought wow! Physics can be fun! This strikes me as odd; isn’t running

around looking like Einstein and taking your time wandering around life fun? What do

these people –mainly men – believe? A clue: The other book that fell into my lap at the

same time was “Karen”, a book about a child that was born early and with life threatening

health conditions that survived long before we had the modern day means to care for her.

For instance: her parents had to drive her to the hospital in an old Model T type car so they

had no heater thus had to find other ways to keep the child warm. This book was long out

of print but I knew it as I once read a magazine article that condensed this family’s history.

I read Feynman’ words and thought: Yuck. What are these men saying? Why do they want

to emulate this? These guys are my problem within the institutions? This idea?

It’s how Feynman treats other people and how arrogant he is. He’s always better than the

person he’s dealing with – especially if it’s a woman. People are a game to be won to him

as in “I got one over on her”. There’s NOTHING in this book worth emulating if you are

looking for a role model so why keep citing it as your inspiration even today? It’s not

accident that so many men are yet entrenched in these institutions and so many women

are yet shut out. Go look, as men still hog most chairs, most articles and most awards – no

matter the quality of their work. I heard a woman state that she has experienced

discrimination this way: At times it’s as subtle as “we don’t want her in the room”. Yes, as
then the utter disrespect for others and self-aggrandizing can’t take place; it happens but it

does not feel good if that woman is there. An award established to recognize women has

now recognized women who then went on to win Nobel Prizes in such a way you know it is

not possible for men to still be the majority unless something was up. My first clue? I heard

a scientist quote a number that stunned me: He said about 90% of all scientists are

agnostic or atheist and that’s the problem. A big problem: what do you have to do to

become a scientist like those who worked for Hitler? How many lines do you cross? How

many lines do you cross if you’re a US Marshall then threatening the innocent only for

telling the truth about what is going on in your nation? If you cross them is there any going

back? Will all of these institutions choose to keep doing it rather than face public exposure

as they have now begun justifying anything they do – they openly admit to you that they

know they are criminals but they mean only to keep their own person from consequences,

as if it’s not criminal if nobody is taking my badge or diploma away - so that it’s obvious

they must have killed a thousand people before they ever came to cross your path?

Where’s that point every person finally crosses so that return is no longer possible? I have

found: That line of demarcation is dependent upon the will of the group too; if the

institutions as whole begin condoning this behavior then what you fight is this: If what you

say is true then somebody would be doing something; SCOTUS would not deny your case.

Deny? How would any police officer know if a Justice ever saw my case and even if the

Justices did how would any police officer know if you do or do not need to be heard in

person? Your clue should be the written Constitution and US case law but when I point this


US law and case law does not exist or if it does it says something else. They make it up as

they go along. You have two things going on: Paper is gradually changed over the years

so that the law is changed w/o our knowledge or consent. The paper now supports the

false, inserted belief as people do not realize what the original paper said. Often they have
no copy. Other times judges may get away with writing law – making law – and inserting it

into their rulings so that they then disseminate that false belief as a law. If judges write it

then it’s true! You also have people who are changed as you batter them so much so that

they are indoctrinated. Hitting them over and over again with powerlessness forces that

person to then rationalize it thus the person changes their belief. The paper says one thing

but people do another. Take the US Marshall: can he read the Declaration and

Constitution? YES. So what was his reason? He said, “Several federal judges”. A million

federal judges can be angry that I exposed their lies; can you read the paper documents?

Which ones match the governing documents? So why come after me? The only reason is I

will not obey these men but they then claim you’re making a threat. YES AS I’M


judges vote on your fate; if you can get 5 or 6 to agree that’s proof: Susan is guilty of

whatever we say she is guilty of.

But the stakes are higher for scientific lawyers as they must account for money and

prestige; they must operate in the open to an extent as public opinion counts. Agnosticism

allows you to profit at will; atheism allows you to rationalize any experiment. I’ll be a Nazi

as I’ll get to do all of this research I otherwise wouldn’t for the good of mankind… I’ll

slaughter half of humanity to then save humanity. How do so many scientists then

become agnostic or atheists? Who teaches you to devalue life to this degree so then it is

condoned by the group. My theory is if you are a fan of Feynman’s life you’re halfway there

but then again everybody seems to be a fan so that there’s no other constant; this is how

you are. You are it, you are in it and then you do it. His “success” proves it is correct. That

outside thing is wired to your id but for scientists how does this begin as we all know 90%

of the population is not agnostic or atheist?

The guy the movie “Goodwill Hunting” is based upon or so they say gave me the answer:
He tells me that he was abused as a kid; that his parents did not give him any attention

and seemed to resent him. He focuses only on his mother however. He talks about

spending time in nature, as he had no one so was outside most of the time. Me too. All fact

of me except resentment; my siblings resented me not my parents. At age 14 he decides

he is going to split genes. So he goes to Boston University (it might be another Boston

institution) and meets “famous doctors”. They are so excited to get their hands on this kid

as he’s a genius that they decide to help him “split” genes – an unheard of thing as it is

new. Think gene splicing. So he begins in his garage, experimenting away. He uses

chickens. He’s splitting and combining genes to get a specific result – a specific look to a

chicken. He talks all about dead chickens; still born and deformed chickens as in his

mistakes and accidents that are chickens. He is so emotionally divested from this it is

unbelievable the reporter does not pick up on it. Finally our little Dr. Frankenstein gets his

perfect result chicken. He’s done it! Adult Dr. Frankenstein’s congratulate and flatter him;

at 14 he’s the biggest brain around. He is set to win a very, very prestigious science

award. His mother tries to stop him from going to claim it that night. I mean she really and

truly gets in his way. He hates her for this and will never forgive her. He claims that “prize”.

Dead, deformed chickens are nothing. Flash forward: It’s 2008 and where is he today?

This guy lives as a recluse on an island in the US. He can’t tell us where as Vatican hit

men are out to get him. They are against his knowledge; they want him dead. World court:

There is no Vatican hit list whereby the Pope sends his agents out to get you. To read this

man’s STORY, a made up fantasy, you would believe there are paid hit men out to hunt

him down. He must be a recluse! He must hide! The Vatican does however tell you exactly

who they believe to be so offensive to life that they are assaulting the very nature of God

itself. I’d put this man on that list. He’s now a champion for stem cell research only he has

been waging a campaign to create embryos – life – only to then destroy it. He is out to be
able to perform his dead chicken magic on human embryos and won’t have it any other

way as he’s a world renown scientist with lots of awards to prove it. His legal argument for

stem cell research is: Blindness is a human defect so therefore if a child is going blind then

feel pity, so much so that you choose to become Frankenstein. Better yet if a cop’s child is

going blind feel even more pity. Blindness is a defect? I know a ton of blind people who will

disagree. Further you want me to totally divest myself of any emotional investment in

potential life, life that only came to be as you, a man, created it outside a womb, but then

invest in the poor, poor victims only as it is a cop or a child. But to do that first I must

reason that blind people are less than I am as blindness is a defect. That’s not reason nor

is it ration; it is borderline insanity. It makes no sense whatsoever. You forget: Justice is

reason tempered with emotion. You can never go to a place whereby a prerequisite, your

given, is feel no emotion when creating life. You may never establish your legal argument

upon that especially not if you’re American. And: There was zero potential for life until you

came along and created it by mixing sperm and egg together; now: Do you have a uterus

to then place that life into the proper environment to then realize that potential? No so if

you wanted to you do not have the human ability to realize that potential as you’re a man

but yet you still fail to understand why women have a much different attitude toward these

issues? You have never connected the idea of accountability and responsibility for human

life to your person; it’s an emotional issue and emotions like safety are named

constitutional rights. So how does an American scientist ever get to this Frankenstein

place? EASY: when his mother tried to stop him people intruded and reasoned she was

abusive and crazy so they helped him get to that awards ceremony. Yes, she may have

been abusive but at that one moment she knew she may have created Dr. Frankenstein as

she saw what I saw: No investment whatsoever in those dead baby chickens he was

creating and destroying upon his own will and liberty. He had that idea at age 14 and he

went out and executed it in the real world. MEN aided and abetted him. If he had never

been lauded, awarded and applauded for that action would he be here today still intent
upon death? Upon doing what the Nazis did?

Probably not but I did notice something else: He is still so hateful towards his mother it’s

ridiculous. So what does he do? Now he is going to take it out on the universe. He just

took a year off to think about the universe and write a book on his model. It’s known as the

biocentric model. He says if you turn your back on the moon it no longer exists. Let’s apply

this theory: If you turn your back on Susan then she and her children no longer exist. You

can merely walk away from all injustices; you have no part. I hate the moon; I’ll turn around

and ignore it. He says it only exists if you see it. He will tell you he meant to say if you are

aware of it but that’s not what he said. Like this: He says there are bugs in the jungles we

do not know about as we have never seen them. We aren’t aware of them. Right. He says

that they do not exist until we are aware of them – when we see them. Wrong! You just

made me aware of them therefore we never need to see them to know they exist. You are

saying you can know something does exist as you saw it like the moon and then turn your

back on it so it suddenly does not exist. Those bugs – general bugs – are there but it is not

as if we then go out and describe them once seen and then may turn our backs on them

thus they do not exist. Your model says it exists if you are looking at it but it does not if you

are not looking at it. No matter what you say your theory is flawed and in a big way. Fancy

words and twisty logic won’t fool me. I know when I’m seeing the Copenhagen Model in

disguise. It’s like the missing fossil record: We cannot REASONABLY assume it exists, as

we have nothing to support that statement. The missing fossil record is a rational idea but

not a reasonable one based upon what we know today. Those bugs? That’s both

reasonable and rational as we keep discovering new creatures and we have not finished

exploring every nook and cranny of this planet. We found the source of the Amazon River

only last year or so. But in over a hundred years -about 140 – we have still found no

evidence whatsoever to suggest we will ever be finding any missing fossil record.

This guy thinks it’s noble to be him. He thinks he had it hard - it was a sacrifice - to take a

year off and eat frozen spinach so he could think about the universe. I gave up 4 star

dinners to write a book containing faulty logic. I’m such a wonderful, smart, clever MAN.

Maybe the world at large thinks so but I know a Nazi when I meet one: The reporter did

mention something he found to be very odd. This man had no books in his home. Nothing

emotional. The book the reporter did notice? Our old friend Richard Feynman wrote it. The

book was there or Frankenstein mentioned being a fan.

Recipe: Slowly strip all moral authority from a person by applauding anything he does as

the means justifies the end. If he shows clever and cunning traits with very high

intelligence but blames his emotional issues on his parents then support his biocentric

model of his life: It’s not your fault as it is all your parents fault, namely your mother’s fault.

If possible when his mother does have a moment of clarity tell him how awful it is that she

resents his brain and wants him to fail only so she can feel justified in abusing him. Isn’t it

a pity! Keep supporting this lie whenever he says it. Hey! If science says it’s possible why

not do it? Mix this with a government that has also stripped itself of all moral authority to

such and extent and degree that adults are encouraging children to follow in Obama’s

footsteps: They have children cheering in the US whenever Obama appears as if lying,

cheating and stealing to get whatever you want is okay. Then laud it across the planet as

people liked Hitler at first. You have to strike while the iron is hot: When only one person

knows and can put it all together so she is labeled wrong for defying unjust men.

Norway: When parents here objected to Obama broadcasting his message in schools they

claimed it was a black-white issue. You let other Presidents do this. I heard proponents

and Obama supporters claim. Nope – not this. Is this Dallas in 1963 whereby even

children are made to cheer for the overthrow of the Constitution? No it is not but only as I
am not playing along this time, as I am ethical. This time one person can and will actually

prove she never once caused any harm in her life at all – not even only as she did not

know. She knew and she never did it no matter the cost to her person. Like this: One

reason the men doing this are able to discredit me is that I refuse to secure a paper degree

if it means I must participate in this. I know so I can’t participate. You know what else? I

hear this: The Nobel Committee once gave an award to the people responsible for the

lobotomy. Look at the damge that caused. Incorrect; the Nobel Committee gave an award

to people who did research in that area. It may have led to what we later know of as the

lobotomy. The man mainly responsible for this damage is an American doctor who was

allowed to operate long after he should have been stopped as peers saw what eh was

doing and…turned around and walked away. As if they had not seen what they just saw so

it did not exist. I know but I will not act against it. US law is you must disobey and defy; you

MUST act against it if you know. This is one reason Alfred Nobel made his prize a living

one: Living scientists then can and may lend their conscious awareness to their work and

so IF a Frankenstein appears those same scientists can act against it. Nobel’s motivation

is that he invested dynamite thus had to repair any injury he may have caused as it came

to be used as a weapon of war.

Nazis engage in this kind of “science”. If you must wage a campaign that is nothing more

or less than propaganda as it is ideological warfare – us versus them and it is a lie – then it

is not science but something else. In Nazi Germany all of these forces cam together at one

time and in one place. The opportunity arose for Hitler and the SS. The potential for death

not life was present but no one saw it. Or did they?

Science Is Moral As A Given

Science is only as moral as the people practicing it like anything else in this world.

Theology is not ethical and moral if the practitioners aren’t. Plus:

An ethic? If 90% of your scientists do not possess any belief in the metaphysic then you

cannot have an ethic. An ethic arises from the true belief in a metaphysic. You can and

may insist to me that you do have an ethical code but if you do then I’d possess the proof:

You would not be so much as suggesting things that are not true as any truly good or valid

science need not rely upon a lie. Einstein warned you: You do not understand what you

are doing but keep doing it regardless. You never need numbers and numbers are never

proof. Observations? They lead you to develop a theory but observations are not your

proof! LIFE IS PROOF. Or if you prefer: NATURE IS PROOF. Man is a part of nature.

Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth. The inconvenient truth is: Al Gore is not the winner of

Bush V Gore. He never was and he never will be. Like Obama will never, ever be legal nor

will anything he does. There are not millions and millions of uncounted votes lying around

in FL. Hello world: I’m in FL. I was in West Palm Beach when the vote was counted and

taken to SCOTUS. I was then in a PA court when it was decided. I WON Bush V Gore


IN THE ACT. Is Obama protecting any of you, outside of America? He is not even

protecting those inside America. Like Carter is all people he is all business. Do not be so

silly: Kraft did not accidentally end up buying Cadbury in England. In England the

businesses are not allowed to trample all over The People but here, under our law, is it

possible for this to happen if we let down our guard and then could it spread across Earth

like the Nazis? YES. “Socialism” here is not what Europeans know as “socialism”. Due to

corruption that barrier between people and big business no longer exists so the officers are

protecting the money.

Let’s go to Gore’s claim: MILLIONS of votes are not counted and most of them are votes

black people cast. If true: where are all of these people? If true: Why did not one of these

persons or any one civil rights group sue as I did? One third party did sue but they were

not granted third party standing. Why? They had no standing. A woman or a person who is

black would have had standing. So would a person who does not belong to any political

party. You can and may trust me: not only were there not millions of votes uncounted but

only one single vote counted: The power of one. Wield your vote as an Executive Order as

you may. Actually will yourself to power as it has never been done anywhere in this world

before except when the Founders did it. A group did it; now a lone individual must do it to

prove the law is elegant and does work as it should – if you obey it always. So then:

absolutely refuse to negotiate your humanity under any circumstance and you may then

secure both the legal power and moral authority of the Executive as the proof will be YOU.

Bush and Gore? They negotiated or else they’d have won as I did: justly. They’d be

creating justice not injustice. As my life is proof their lives are proof.

The Supreme Court robbed The People? One vote as in a difference of one – [5 – 4 =1] –

made us suffer Cheney is wrong as we never subtract absolutes in SCOTUS. A 7-2 ruling

is actually 7 as the majority 1 for. It’s 5, the majority, as 1 for. The two dissenting votes are

not counted as a whole but as absolutes in consideration of whether or not the majority

has arrived at a legal opinion as the majority opinion may be illegal, in violation of the law,

delusional or even criminal. Effectively the minority dissenting votes or opinions are

negated or null UNLESS the ruling is in error or wrong. Individual opinions are counted as

absolutes to then arrive at the whole opinion either for or against. A tied ruling is a different

matter as then it is being thrown to The People embodied by the sitting President. If HE

fails then it goes to the WOMAN who can and will cast the tie breaking opinion and then

the ensuing Executive Order. As the sitting President and Chief Justice are male then

WOMEN have the purest legal standing. One vote or one opinion IS NOT the difference
between Bush Jr. and Gore due to math and as neither Bush nor Gore ever entered their

own legal argument pro se. SCOTUS is The People; think of SCOTUS like The People’s

defense attorneys. We check and balance each other. If you counted absolutes you would

need over 300 million Justices to then check The People. You count whole institutions: 1

SCOTUS versus 1 nation. So then BVG is a still tie as the nation collectively voted for

Gore. Where’s that lone gore supporter who can make the case for HIMSELF not Gore?

To make a case for Gore you had to condone all he did while under Clinton. So, your legal

argument is that you and Gore have no moral authority but want legal power regardless?

WHO, what kind of egomaniac, argues this in a just nation??? Hitler argued this in

Germany and like the world at large this time you fell for it.

As for robbery if the Justices know the lawyers are lying and tell you then you know an

impossible standard has been created: to lie to the Justices is to lie to The People; it is to

lie about the constitution to the constitutionally set government – The People - and to do so

under oath. It’s treason if you are lying to secure the office of the Executive as you mean to

overthrow it. The impossible standard then is: Safety, as can SCOTUS do anything? No.

What if no citizen acts? You may be dead so all you can do is act ethically: you might

violate several laws but is it truly a violation if you then keep that door open in case of an

emergency? In case these maniacs then run rampant all over The People? Even if

Rhenquist had no idea why he created a tie all ways – no matter how you count it – if his

intention and motivation was not purely and wholly ethical and moral then he could not do

this “accidentally by design”. This is physics I can prove to you in person. Think Max Plank

reasoning human consciousness. SCOTUS did not rob anyone and we still have zero

evidence that any Justice ever saw my petitions, as Nazi male clerks want me kept out.

World court and Norway: SCOTUS operated in the open. It even allowed dissent. It

violated tradition. It jumped up and down waving a red flag. Stevens said: These men are
lying to you. Is SCOTUS robbing you or harming the world if it tells you all it knows about a

case? If it goes so far as to warn you? NOTHING it did is secret thus “criminal”. I knew

and I never went to law school or even a 4 year college. So other nations may not know

US law but: Can you read the law and case law? Can you add and subtract? Can you see

no other presidential election ever went to SCOTUS so no matter how hard it is to believe

you must consider I do know what I am talking about or else: nobody would fight me so

hard. I am being kept out at all in person; these men do want something kept secret from

the world.

What if: All of their power and control games are based upon the idea that the biggest guy

on the block wins? If those with the most weapons win? What if you have been controlled

and manipulated by the US officers as they dictate policy The People do not agree with but

you truly believe we do agree with it as it seems as if as we vote? What if not one person

ever stopped to reason: until or unless women sit as the chief justice and/or executive then

women never have any legal power thus women are not consenting to this crap. And if

women do not consent? Then The People do not. The sitting officers are putting one over

on you as they receive all of the ill gotten benefit. Proof is: My secretary of defense. His

trillion dollar intellectual property? The US has tried to get it from him. Can you say torture?

He won’t give it up. He resigned himself to being poor like me as once you give the

technology up you no longer control it. Like this:

I can and will give the planet all I know about science. Want the answer to evolution? I’ll

give it to you. I can even give you my knowledge regarding China’s nukes. With simple

math any nation can then out reason China. But: Can you then stop China once you

know? Maybe; some nations have the ability. Would a tiny African nation? No, as they do

not then have the technology. But we all know this technology. In the case of my secretary
of defense he has new knowledge that I share; he then went out and began inventing or

putting together the technology. Like the bomb: you had to reason it and then find a way to

build it. So he has the knowledge and the technology to then put a stop to any other

weapon china might invent. No other person knows his technology not even me. I’ve never

seen it and never asked to see it. Thus: He can use his technology to secure an answer

and then sell and/or give YOU the answer. As you do not have the technology? Then

China can never gain the advantage by stealing it! As long as only one person controls it

then it is a secret. It’s like the Navajo: what are you going to do – steal my sectary of

defense? And even if you do steal him: Will you then break him? Nope. He’s former

special ops in Vietnam. The US – the unjust men in charge - should have considered this

before it trained him, lol. So unjust men have the intention and motivation to stop me from

being heard: So they can keep controlling the planet via bullying.

Norway: did you even mean to indoctrinate American children? Did you ever mean to

create the perfect climate for the rise of a new, Nazi regime by another name and with

another face? Did you intend to cause the rise of a Hitler all over again? I do not believe

you did; my belief was you meant to make it harder to remove Obama as you have an

agenda: You believe we should become socialist like you. You can’t understand why we

would not have universal healthcare and things that you do. You would not know that The

People are all for universal healthcare but that if it is a government plan then that means

that PRIVATE BUSINESS will actually make all profit as they will then receive the taxes

collected so they then can support the campaign of a Senator, install that Senator, get that

Senator to pass any bill they want, harm The People with impunity while we are made to


WORK LIKE YOURS. Are you made to fund your own injury via taxes or do you get what

you pay for? You have a much higher tax rate but do you get those services you pay for?

Yes. Do we get that here? NO. Our system would work IF women had been granted
equality. As they were not the large corporations were able to then seize all power and

control thus we are now lawless. Norway suffers as the MEN in charge harm women so

there is no authority; the US is harming Norway only as the sitting officers supported by the

corporations are. Men demanded that we become unethical or we are shut out. Hilary

Clinton is an example: that woman is a crook, an outright crook. Safe? The most unsafe

thing in the world is having her running around as Secretary of State. If she were able and


ELECTED OFFICE? Examine people like Hilary and Michelle Obama as these women are

able, capable, college grads yet they can’t secure an office unless their husband’s do first?

To keep women out men broke the law so now they negotiate with these women: Join us

or never get in. In Hilary or Michelle’s cases?

Do they truly not know what they married or what they are doing when they do it? These

women “pretend” I had no idea and then come back whining now that I’m a poor victim of

my husband’s bad behavior please elect me. Michelle Obama KNOWS where her husband

was born. Even if she did not? She does not realize all of his thoughts, feelings, ideas and

beliefs are foreign as they are not found within our law?

So Norway: I came to believe that you might not know a lot of things about the US. But

how could it ever seem that The People ARE supporting this garbage? I mean if they know

Obama and Cheney are crooks why do they seem to support them? I got the shock of my

life recently: My son Ethan, a child who has been abused every day since 1998 and is still

being abused, and who now accepts it as normal, began to argue Bush V Gore with me. I

fully expect my son to take me on in such an argument as if any person will ever best me

in arguing law it is my own children. He insisted that all these lies regarding Al Gore being

cheated were the truth. Then he said blacks were cheated. I froze; I said, “Ethan: I am in
FL. I am the nation’s most able constitutional authority ever no matter what any other

person tells you. I argue BVG for a living. Now, you just said that you KNEW lots of black

people did not have their votes counted. How do you know this? What’s your proof?” Are

you ready for what he said?


TO SUPPORT OBAMA! I fell over! He said that the lie Gore was talking about is BVG and

that Gore MUST be the winner or Norway would not give him this prize plus he said that

Gore’s numbers in that movie PROVE the recount was wrong. I asked how he knew

Gore’s science was good as all of those numbers are wrong. He asked if I believed

humans were doing something that caused damage to the planet? YES AS I KNOW HOW

AND WHY THE MAGNETIC NORTH POLE MOVES. Ethan refuses to believe I know this

as this government keeps punishing me but he then said that if I knew “global warming”

was reality then how could I say Gore was wrong? BECAUSE HE HAS NAMED THE


















NUMBERS!!! I could keep going. But Ethan?

Norway: He somehow someway connected that Peace Prize to the election as like me he

knows PEACE is for people while SCIENCE is for numbers so he reasoned if you gave

Gore and other SCIENTISTS a peace prize then you had to be awarding it to them for

BVG – people - not global warming; that you were saying Gore is correct and all these

Bush jokers are liars. Norway, you were had by the sitting US officers as: EVERY ONE OF


FRANKENSTEIN IN THE MAKING. The politicians are lying as are the scientists. A

confluence of the unethical and Norway got sucked into it as:

Bill Clinton is one of the biggest crooks this nation has ever seen and now all of the officers

are out to hide that as Clinton is the man the Bilderbergers and Council on Foreign

Relations installed. Wealthy families that did this to Norway and Europe are now trying to

hide what they did here and Norway only fell for it as Norway can’t know what SUSAN

HERBERT and others are not being allowed to tell them. It is no happy accident that the

very people Clinton had in office are now in Obama’s administration and that no person

ever heard of Clinton until the Bilderbergers anointed him. I found a text of a speech Hilary

gave; in it she says that she never knew the CFR actually ran this nation! You think of that

academic going to that conference all those years ago: He said what still bothered him was

that they named Clinton as their young hopeful to then install Marxism. This guy tried to tell

these people that Marxism is not political but business oriented as Marx and Engel’s were

not philosophers. It’s a way for privateers to seize control and then run those businesses
from offices of power; basically the corporate officers become the political officers and vice

versa. It’s like patronage. It’s NOT NOT NOT socialism like Norway, England or even


The science Al Gore does not know? Physics as nobody could plan this. The unethical

merely took advantage of an opportunity as it arose as this nation refused to end

discrimination. It kept violating the law until the injury was so severe that it actually dumbed

down US citizens. It’s the exact argument Thurgood Marshall made in Brown as it is about

self-awareness and self-annihilation. If you are in it, and you are it, and you do mistakenly

begin doing it, then you enter denial as you have no point of reference. Otherwise good

Germans do not realize they are actually involved until it’s too late. Foreign nations are

hesitant to admit that they may have been hoodwinked as that then is about national pride.

Me? I was taught stand up and scream you did it as then you develop the human ability to

defend others; I was taught defend yourself first so then you can defend others. Upon

realizing liar Al Gore and liar Bill Clinton and liars known as the CFR and Bildergbergers

indoctrinated my own son I also realized they may have gotten Norway too. Okay then!

I’ll use Norway to flip he script right back at them as then Norway becomes part of the

solution as Norway may now posses some of the most valuable intellectual property on

Earth. The nation known for awarding the peace prize may possess the key to peace on a

worldwide basis only as: It’s brave and courageous - it does have as much moral authority

as the US, The People not the officers – so it will tell the planet how Hitler, the Nazis,

managed to get that first nation in its grasp. A predator and manipulator came into Norway

and silently moved around undetected until Norway came to believe a lie, a lie Susan

Herbert, the acting, constitutionally set President and Commander can always and forever

trace back to her own nation. The sitting officers are GUILTY and The People are

accountable and responsible. Hitler’s big lie, the biggest of all, arose in the US and left the
US, silently moving about the globe until Susan heard her clue and knew the Nazis had

landed: All I ever needed to hear after being in the stadium in the fall of 2004 was one

foreign nation repeating this lie in a very public manner. That’s my proof. Why?

NOTHING about Norway tells me it is dumb, stupid, rotten, unethical, immoral, etc. etc. In

fact my best clue proving the US is guilty would be: one of the planet’s most just nations

coming to repeat this lie. I always avoided calling Gore’s award political as that seemed

off: why would scientists ever behave this way? Gore would as he never finished law

school and then never finished theological school. It is universal, commonly held

knowledge that the Bush administration was lying about global warming to then protect

criminal businesses. Does Norway know THE PEOPLE do not believe the Bush

administration? Maybe. Does it know our constitution is not our institution? God is so funny

Norway: Susan Herbert, if Norway, as you know Norway, did not give Gore this prize then

would you have ever figured out that what you were seeing was how fascism takes hold in

this world? No, I never would have realized I was watching Hitler. In hindsight if Norway

gave the prize in error to Gore did it actually create peace? Yes, lol! As I kept saying

Norway is better than that, Norway knows better, Norway is not like this, than I kept asking

and asking. While others said We hate Norway for doing this I was saying: Wait, does this

even make sense based upon all you know about Norway???

I spent my life pursuing these answers. The last one I need? What Norway knows for if it

can tell me the HISTORY of how this all came to be in Norway then we’ll know what

instructions to give the world to then forever prevent this. A Nazi regime can always be

prevented from forming as we’ll know it in its very earliest stages. I can name it all except

for what Norway knows. All I need is for Norwegians to tell me their thoughts, feelings,

ideas and beliefs. There’s no right or wrong answer. Like this: 20 years ago New Zealand

told me that the US is a bully of very specific type. I said tell me more. I’m not that so if
new Zealand tells me that I know New Zealand must be dealing with the US institutions or

those unjust men. New Zealand is not better or worse than the US – only different. Is the

US a bully? YES, so why would that upset me or insult me? Humans are the same all over;

as I’m a problem solver I need to know what everyone else thinks. If the US is the reason

there is no world peace then I need the world to tell me why they believe that is. It might be

the truth. I know China is a part of the reason and maybe the reason. There’s no worldwide

peace because: The People of the US cannot triumph over their unjust officers and as the

rest of the planet can’t triumph over China’s nuclear threat. My own unjust officers could

not so I, a woman, had to so really: There’s no worldwide peace as WOMEN are still

victims as the most just nations in the world refuse to accord them equality. You have to

practice equality – like I do. If New Zealand can prove I’m a bully I can prove: No my

commanding officers are but I’m not. I can defy those officers! I’ll volunteer to get beaten

by every one of them upon confrontation while I skulk around the planet by questioning

every person I meet thus exerting a force known as unconditional love. Eventually

conditions will be perfect; I’ll be able to go to the world and so drop a bomb, starting a

chain reaction in the opposite direction as: I’m ground zero this time around. The whole

time they were “beating” me I was collecting the proof. I was the predator and they were

the prey but as appearances are deceiving they had no idea their greatest fear has been

realized: A woman who is the smartest human alive set her sights on conquering and

resolving injustice using the scientific method as men have failed for centuries. After years

of research and development Susan Herbert understood if it’s a given that this universe is

just then all I have to do is define the law they keep missing as I’ve seen it everywhere I


I, Susan, made a mistake: As I came closer and closer I thought “Oh - it’s equality I’m

seeing not uniformity.” Then I thought, “Homeostasis?” Then I thought: Private versus

public rights…Roe v Wade, a “crazy” privacy ruling out of SCOTUS. I gave up on

Uniformity. Sitting at my dining room table in 2007 (I’m a table top physicist of yore) I wrote

the words PRIVATE and PUBLIC and then reasoned it as if you are the right. Like Einstein

racing a beam of light I had a massive scientific revelation: Uniformity, the equal protection

clauses mimic uniformity. To move the Earth in another direction I must drop the greatest

weight of all upon it – my person.

World court: ANY question you have I can and will answer. I can tell you about weather,

evolution, uniformity, medicine, human nature, sea turtles, religion, war, language etc. You

name the discipline and I have made discoveries in it. All I do is ask and answer questions

and the bigger and more mysterious the better. Like the political authorities failed to

indoctrinate me so did the science authorities. I need to do so in person as obviously you

cannot write the proof of life case down upon paper, as it would never fit. But first I have a

question for you:

All of my life I have been reading that people in Germany couldn’t get out to then tell

anyone what was happening. This sounds strange: There’s no giant wall around Germany

so why couldn’t you get out? I may have discovered the reason. I’ll get to that but first I will

name a few nations and what I can do for you as either I am going to win this case and so

sit as President and Commander in the US or I will need a nation to offer me asylum so I

may leave the US as I’ll never become a Nazi or any other type of fascist.

I’ve been on the case since around 1974, the year Nixon went to China. American leaders

often say America never negotiates. Correct but do they know what they are not to

negotiate? Nope as Obama and most leaders negotiate this constantly: An American is

never supposed to negotiate their safety as that then is negotiating your humanity. Other

nations hear American leaders say this but have no idea what they mean; Obama now
says he will negotiate our safety and Europe liked what they heard. Not so fast Europe: If

Obama begins negotiating my safety then you are threatened as can Obama protect you

from China? Obama and those like him have negotiated their safety all of their lives by

asking for favors, throwing money at problems, taking shortcuts and getting by on subpar

work. If I’m truly Antonin Scalia’s friend I will tell him to take back his gun control ruling as

he has better work inside of him and besides that’s what I pay him for: his ideas. If Scalia

is American he will not be offended as he’s my equal. So who made Obama the exception

to the law even? He himself did as he let those private companies know: you can buy me.

If he cannot then enforce anything that comes out of Copenhagen why would he go there?

Because of the lie he is telling you: He says he is listening to you. Really?

Obama is listening to you; he has the human ability to hear the exact words you say to

him. Now: did he hear your complaint, take it seriously and come back to you with a

solution? No as he can’t. Like I said when I opened this complaint: If you can show me

anything that man has done that proves to me that he is able and capable to do what he

claims then I’ll eat my own words. So he and a bunch of American officers went to

Copenhagen; did you get anywhere? Let’s say he signs his life away by signing that treaty.

Is that legal? No but: did you still get anything or is it all show? He can listen and he can

talk; where is that getting you if he has zero intention of ever acting upon it?

Susan acts:


I made an attempt to inform people when the very first person tried to bomb the World

Trade Center that this was impossible; that this can’t happen here, in the US. People kept

telling me that I was wrong; that the World trade centers were not very secure. That is not
what I was trying to convey; I was trying to tell the citizens: According to US law and case

law no person has to bomb us to be heard and no US citizen should ever be made to live

in fear within their own nation. Thus when it happened over again in 2001 I acted: As this

world was now turned upside down I controlled the one and only thing I could control:

Myself. I laughed at citizens hanging sheets of plastic with duct tape across their windows

as that is a useless, senseless action. Do you truly believe plastic will help you fend off a

biological or chemical weapons attack? A nuclear attack? People caving into irrational and

unreasonable fear is my legal problem. So I did what I could having placed my knowledge

of BVG on the court record already: I acted to eat at one of my favorite restaurants in

Baltimore: House of Kabob.

Usually I would be one of the only people speaking English while I ate as everybody else

spoke Farsi. I felt a twinge of guilt upon acting to drive there as it was the day after 9/11 or

maybe it was 2 days later but I asked myself: Why was I doing this? Was I acting like a lot

of “white” people I know, as in Was I attempting to pat myself on the back for being such a

wonderful, enlightened, “white” person? I despise it when people do that; as if their action

is so damn magnanimous when really it is the LEAST they could do and they know it. No; I

wasn’t that. I was acting against insane, mentally ill, government sponsored fear

mongering and against terrorists who targeted the correct idea – money -but the wrong

people as it is the unjust institutions and privateers they should have targeted and w/o

violence but within our courts. The truth is: This nation gave legal standing to terrorists

over and over but not to my person. The terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center

would have been heard in SCOTUS in person while I would not have been and now?

Today? They are getting their day in court while I am yet shut out.

Anyway as soon as I parked the odd occurrence that marks something in my life as the

Creator’s doing happened: for the one and only time ever the street “House of Kabob” was
on was closed. I had to park on a side street. I asked: although Baltimore had been shut

down there was “no reason” for that street to be closed and it was only that block! I knew

to prepare myself; as I rounded the corner I saw the owner of “House of Kabob”. He was

struggling to put an American Flag in one of those little brackets you attach to a building,

on its side. He could not secure the flagpole in the bracket; that’s normal I thought as

everybody struggles with these brackets; they are more trouble than they are worth at

times. But then I realized something as I watched: No; this is fear I’m seeing; his struggle

is not normal; he’s afraid; this is what this kind of fear looks like. Just then as I froze in

place the owner of “House of Kabob” looked up and saw me. He recognized me. In one

fluid movement the flag slid into the bracket and he seemed: Relieved. His whole body

changed. It was as if in that moment that he knew everything would be okay; as if he then

knew he would not lose the life he had made for himself in America.

I ate my lunch in “House of Kabob” that day acutely aware that whatever this was storming

across America, it was not okay, it was not legal, it would kill us and our unjust institutions

of government had a hand in it. Whatever made citizens wholly unaware of what Bush V

Gore is and says also made them wholly unaware that they had been made to live out the

very thing our Founders defied: you cannot live in a nation under fear but yet be actually

Constitutional as “constitutional” means you have no fear for or over anything irrational

and/or unreasonable. It’s extremely irrational and unreasonable to fear other people in a

Republic. Had I bitten off more than I could chew in the Philadelphia Courts? I was only

one of three or four people in “House of Kabob” that day. I was the only person not

speaking Farsi. And I was not afraid any more or less than I am today for I know now as I

knew then:

I am a Constitutional Republic of one thus other people are the salvation history of me.

New Zealand

New Zealand told me something I never heard before: A nurse told me that she was not

from here but New Zealand. So I engaged her. She was comparing and contrasting her

nation to this one when she said that New Zealand adopted a nuclear free policy. The way

she said this I commented that it must be “good” in that I meant the people wanted this.

She said not really and I was surprised as many Americans promoted this idea. It’s not that

Americans are against nuclear power but that they do not know enough about it and it’s

safety. So many wanted to go nuclear free.

This woman described a situation whereby New Zealand had a policy that other nations

then did not like. Nations such as the US would bully them if they did not cave into their

demands. I know the US can be a bully as its officers are not allegiant to the Constitution

but to themselves and other selfish interests. She described a different set of

circumstances than I ever heard before whereby citizens of NZ suffered directly not

indirectly from this. Usually a nation like the US will take such action but it is far removed

from the citizen. Something like an embargo would not be immediately harmful; the lone

citizen would not feel the effect until after a length of time had passed. She said that at

times the citizens felt it directly; that is what she described.

That’s a problem as any time the US takes such action is not meant to be punitive; it is

meant to address injustice like the whim and will of unjust men that then harm the NZ

citizens thereby then harming us. NZ can vote for anything they want to vote for; like we

conduct an experiment so does NZ. Ideally like me they should reason what they are

voting for before they do it and then watch it carefully. So I had testimony that NZ was

being injured. I knew to pay attention to NZ.

In 2006 I truly believed I had the answer to uniformity. As I studied on my own jealous,

petty men would ignore me or deny me. So offensive was this attitude I wondered if I was

dealing with more, meaning was there something I did not know? Eventually I came to

discover that science was wrong and for years science authorities had indoctrinated

children. If you did not agree with the official accepted version of the truth then you were

ostracized. Some of these errors were blatant; it was like reading 2+2=7 and being told

that you did not know how to add as 2+2 MUST = 7 or else: We can force you to believe

the answer is 7 not 4. Other times it was men fearing being proven incorrect: I’m Niels

Bohr; I can’t be wrong as there goes my reputation. It was also years and years of men

being able to dictate answers to us w/o us having anyway to respond so no debate ever

ensued. Finally I reasoned and decided I had to throw out all I ever learned and start over

as so much of it was wrong even well meaning scientists were making huge mistakes.

Think: how can a whole generation of scientists make the mistake of using observations as

proof if even Einstein says you may not? Because: their teachers told them they could and

they never questioned it as it seemed so good; it sounded so good.

Yes, like socialism is the default government of man as it sounds so damn good to men

until they try it. Then we had string theorists saying this: My theory is so complex only I can

understand it so you have to believe me; my word is golden. I say: Yes and I know you

truly believe it but your work? Not even bronze. I learned everything all over again, had all

kinds of new knowledge, began unifying it all and then came to China: my law. That thing I

defined: Did any other physicist know it?

My first attempt led me to New Zealander Bruce Cathie. As soon as I saw his name and

that he was from NZ I knew I had my man. I looked at his work. It’s all good. I thought:

Thank god – somebody did the math for me. Then I saw something else: Cathie had a

theory. It should be possible to know where and when China is going to lob a nuke at us.
He had it all but he forgot to account for something entirely. If I give him my knowledge he

can plug it in and have the answer. His theory is a theory while mine is the law. If I give

him my knowledge his theory then matches the law I know so he had most of it. I thought:

Well, Well, well, maybe NZ’s nuclear free policy paid off; maybe it’s payback time for NZ.

Why isn’t anybody recognizing Cathie? His work is excellent and ground breaking. Some

of it we share, some is unique to him and some is unique to me. Why is he ignored? Why

is NZ ignored? His history that’s why. Cathie is like me: he saw things in this world he

could not reason IF you used accepted science to then explain them. So he too threw that

out and began on his own. His work began proving accepted science incorrect. Accepted

science can’t have that as there goes the money. But mainly it’s that men cannot let go of

the attention as in they CAN’T be wrong. Me? A person asked me what I would do if I’m

proven incorrect someday. I said: you’re supposed to prove me incorrect; you’re supposed

to take my work and learn more not less. A real, actual teacher wants her students to excel

the master. Based upon what I know now I came to this conclusion; some of those will hold

and others will fall as we know more. If the pursuit is honest and you are too - you are a

scientist for the righteous reasons - you can’t ever be “wrong”. Why did so many men tell

me Cathie was not to be “trusted”?

Cathie said he witnessed an object in the sky that dove into the ocean which is what he

first sought to reason. The answers he was given made no sense when he reasoned them.

He wondered if those answers were incorrect so he stopped being given answers and

instead went after them himself. He began to see almost all he had been told was not

correct but people kept teaching it and people kept believing it as…no new work was being

done. No new discoveries. New ideas were not being explored but instead denied across

the board w/o any real investigation. If your very first answer, your given, is wrong then

won’t all of your work then be incorrect? Most of science begins with the wrong answer. I
was told Cathie was not to be trusted as:

He believes in flying saucers! Well, 99% of Americans believe in life in outer space so

what’s the deal? Cathie says he actually saw one. You can believe in them but if you say

you saw one? You’re “crazy”, lol. You’re only allowed to believe in what you never saw.

Like: Believe in the missing fossil record as you never saw it but not in the existence of

God as you have seen it. I asked, “Are you people for real?” They are! They mean it! I

said, “If Cathie saw a ten headed dragon with purple fangs why do you care? He saw

something, he investigated it as your explanations made no reasonable sense and then he

came to a discovery. I myself have never seen a flying saucer. Do I believe Cathie? Yes as

I am to believe his testimony until or unless I have an actual reason to doubt him. I have

proof: his work matches my own and that’s not possible if he’s a lying snake in the grass


NZ: if you want to address the injury you can and may and you can also get credit for your

unique intellectual property. I knew to pay attention to this once I heard that woman’s

testimony as it was how she said what she said so if not fro NZ? China might bully me

forever and I might have to watch helplessly while Nazis run over me.


I heard you say that you were still afraid to cheer at sporting events because of the Nazis.

To be clear: Nazi is a personality type not a nationality thus it is not only Germans that are

Nazis and not all Nazis are German. We have American Nazis and when you tell them

that’s what they are? I kid you not: Barney Frank of the Senate said, and I am quoting him

exactly, “Blame James Madison!” This man wants to change the way we vote on the

Senators, the composition of the Senate itself, to then stack the power against The People.
He thinks James Madison and Co. threw darts in the dark or something and never worked

the numbers. As he can’t get his way and this nation is crashing and burning all around

him he decided and reasoned it is not him so: “Blame James Madison!” I took him up on

the offer as trust me: It’s not Madison it’s Nazi Barney Frank. A woman then called him a

fascist to his face at a “town meeting” regarding healthcare and he flipped out, screaming

at her: do I look like a nazi? Do you really believe I am? I was not there but I thought, I’m

going to ask Germany as they would know a real, actual Nazi from a faker.

The first time I ran into Germany I was about 5. My grandmother’s friend had a perpetual

calendar from Germany. John Kling asked me if I wanted to see it work, as I did not know

what I was looking at so he showed me. I still remember that idea as it never occurred to

me until then: Simultaneous time or all time now then is no time. Germany is no accident:

English is a Germanic language, German is the 2nd largest ethnic group here and my first

taxi ride was in German Town in Philly. I’ve got a German glass pickle hanging up in my

kitchen, you know – the kind you hang on German Christmas trees? My mother even took

German in high school not Spanish or French. I have lost count of the ways Germany has

run through my life but here’s a big one:

I’m in Ohio. Slaves used to cross the Ohio River and then they were free. I’m in Columbus

as in the voyage of discovery that ended in Hispanola not in the US. There’s a German

Town in Columbus so we ate there. Then I hear there’s a fight over the new Polaris Mall as

in the north star mall. Slaves followed that star to freedom as if you ran far enough no

matter how you did it eventually you would be in the free states. There I am sitting in

Polaris Mall: Is all of this plastic junk what anybody risked their lives for?

I’ve got answers for you Germany but I too want an answer (no strings attached so you do
not have to return the gift): I have read that “America” did not get its name from Amerigo

Vespucci. I read this: “The truth is that the royal families of England and Spain had spoken

as far back as King Arthur in 530 AD that their "treasure house" was located in the

"Mericas" (Source for this statement needed Landaff Charters from the sixth century). The

German who suggested that we named the Americas after Amerigo Vespucci recanted his

story when he found the tales of the "Mericas" stars which lead the way to the "promised

land". So: Who was this German and do you know more about this? as I can’t find

anything on this.

Cheering at sporting events: Go ahead and cheer Germany. Cheer all you want but: never

cheer for unfair play. Never cheer for cheating, lying and stealing and demand that all of

your children never, ever think for one second that there is any short cut in life. Yes it might

be painful but at least then you know. The number one thing you can do to avoid this cross

wiring that occurs when people begin to do anything they want w/o any consequence at

all? Tell your kids that if they do something in life then they had better have the courage to

stand up and say they did it. If asked they have to be able to say they did it and why. If

they can’t or won’t claim ownership of their actions then maybe they should not do

whatever they are thinking of doing.

Demanding that kids be honest and then demanding that they be compassionate towards

others as winning is not everything so sometimes you will volunteer to lose for the right

reasons – in that way its about who you are as a person – forces kids to then think

critically. Critical thinking skills is something American kids lost. That’s a major reason they

began cheering for dishonesty and became indoctrinated. If heard in court I can tell you all

about the ways to avoid the kind of cheering you are concerned about: Pride as in ego not

id. An example in my life that counted for everything:

My school was invited to be on a game show. “What do we get?” Nothing, said the teacher

except...the experience of being on a game show. Yeah there’s a plastic trophy but that’s

not it. I agreed to participate. First we had tryouts. I slaughtered the competition, as it was

trivia. Six of us were on the team. It came time to pick a captain and: These kids picked a

boy who was not the right person for the job and when they knew I was. He was a year

older than me and a man, that’s it. You bet I would have called foul but he did instead as

he knew he never should have been chosen over me only he used: False modesty. He

would not say his real reason: me. So we voted on a captain again. This time I win. So I

pulled a stunt: False modesty, let me try that to see how it feels. Jim Labate, the teacher,

was going to kill me so I laughed and said, “I’m only kidding!” False modesty? Why bother

as it’s silly to go there. Say your real reasoning.

We are then on the show. My team was winning. The other team was back for a third time

as if you won three times in a row you received this trophy. I had no idea what the score

was as we did not care as we went to have fun. What will we get? Nothing but the

experience. My team wanted to answer a question for bonus points. I hesitated, as we did

not need it. Suddenly the girl on the other team broke her pencil and half and threw it at

me. I said: “Well take that bonus question.” WHO does that? I’ll take that bonus question if

that’s your idea of fairness. Think: that girl got physical when she was losing a game.

We win and my teacher is upset I asked for those bonus points. I told him that’s on him not

me as he knows me; he knew I was not “rubbing it in”. The next week we are on again.

NOBODY would walk away with that trophy. The host tells us not to change nay answers

as we can object if a person does that and every time someone does this then they have

to stop tape and adjust the points. He says “No matter what I say they keep doing this and

it is a pain to do it; we are so inconvenienced.” He says it like this: If you change your

answer and the other team captain objects it’s the team captain’s fault I’m put out. In other
words: you can change your answer and you can object but don’t or else. Lol! We play and

the other team charges an answer.

I am stunned. A girl was asked for the name of a Bronte sister. I get them confused all of

the time. So she says a name. The host couldn’t hear her so she changes the answer!

WHO does this? Plus: This is on TV; if you do this do you do it on TV? I would NEVER

change my answer. I do not cheat and: What if I’m right and change it to the wrong

answer? I took one look at this girl’s face and knew: Someone told her to win at all costs.

All costs even your own soul. If I object and they lose they are going to blame that girl

forever. So I’m not willing to harm her. Nobody on my team wanted to object. But the host

waits. “Aren’t you going to object?” NO, I say. Listen: That man can’t threaten me. I’d

object under the right circumstances no matter how put out he is. But he feels guilty for

telling us not to: Object. Lol! He’s supposed to say not to change your answers and now he

thinks he might have done something wrong. Nope; I heard him but I also knew that girl

was mortified. She changed that answer as she felt pressured.

The commercial comes. He asked me again. I said, “I know we can. We do not want to

object.” Now I’m getting it: In all of this guy’s experience nobody on this TV show, a tiny

local TV game show, ever did the right thing before; nobody ever had compassion for

another kid. So we lose. We did not care. We were laughing the whole time. This will not

affect our lives. Or will it?

After the show the host told our teacher that of all of the teams that ever came to play we

were his favorite as we came with the correct spirit: Fun. He said, “No, you don’t

understand: Your kids came to have a good time and did. Other schools do not do this.”

Correct as if you come to win you won’t have a good time. If you come to do your best but

with the intention of winning then you won’t have fun. Fun was our reason; fun was our
motivation and intention. So we had excellent results: We had fun.

Guess what else? We lost because I could not answer a simple question. I was asked a

question and could not hear the host, as if I never heard English before. I tried to tell

someone when we were talking about it later as people were stunned I missed that

question, as it was so easy. I knew I was hearing English like I knew French the first time I

heard it but for that instant I could not understand it. Today I know why: God. The answer

to that question was: X marks the spot! I truly believe God was marking me, lol. As in she’s

the one; she speaks fluent human being. We chose to risk losing a game for all the right

reasons so instead chose to win at life, as in strive to be decent people. Is it ever worth

harming another? You knew that kid was driven by an adult to do that.

Germany: Adults are supposed to be encouraging kids to tell the truth in actions and words

so that they earn whatever they “win” in life. They need a constant internal or moral

compass and this is how you get it and maintain it. If you do it the honest way then you

own it when you finally get there. If you cheat? How do you ever know you did it? How do

you ever know how good you are? I’d lose a soccer game any day if the other team was

cheating as long as I did not cheat as then I own that loss: I’d know the feeling and I’d

know who the actual winners are that day as unconditional love for self is internal not

external. You’re supposed to test yourself; you’re supposed to agree to meet on an equal

playing field not so you have winners and losers but so you have all winners: We’re all on

the same side so it’s about winning the experience of life not the medal or prize money.

You should never, ever connect pride to anything you did not earn honestly and you

should never connect it to outside things. You might win a million dollars; is that proof?

Pride should be connected to why and how you won a million dollars not to the money


The reason the US refused to accept the silver medal for basketball when the Russians

won all those years ago? The referee set the clock back over and over unfairly to then let

the Russians win. We sent college kids and they sent professionals yet we still beat them

fairly. When the Russians cheated – they knew the referees did it and why – the US team

did not accept the silver medal as they would rather walk away with nothing than pretend

they lost fairly. Think: All that work for years and you are forced to walk away with nothing

as taking second best would be so insulting your that your human dignity is assaulted? It

was not easy to refuse that medal nor was it vanity. If they earned the silver medal they

would have taken it. In this way they made a sacrifice as to do anything else would be to

suffer and now they owned their own actions and all of the consequences as they freely

chose. Sure it hurt but that’s liberty. Hey, if it were easy to “lose”? We’d all volunteer to

lose. NOTHING material is worth your soul.

Actual German Nazis? They did not begin by gassing Jews; it took a while to get to that

point. And if you look at WWI it is a cycle: blame, shame, anger and guilt. That awful

feeling of inferiority leads you to act to stuff that emotion down and anger leads you to do

things and you then deny your actions. You feel justified. I can’t have Germans

experiencing these feelings so long after the war. My son was running around saying

“Nazi” so casually. I mean constantly. I asked him where he was hearing this. He said in

NY; that where he was living as we are separated they use this word. I could not believe

that no adult said anything as it was the way he used it to describe people. He’s a victim

and I had to stop him from becoming a victimizer. The people raising him do not care. I

had the worst time reasoning this for him, as everybody does this but not so casually.

Finally I said: “Christopher: Some Germans did not want to participate but were forced to

do so. It’s not so easy to point to the truly guilty. What if you were German and the Nazis

roared through your world and put a gun to your head? You might not want to do what they

wanted you to do but what if only you stood between them and your family? If you died
then your family would die? Or what if you knew that you needed to live to then be a

witness afterwards? Saying that word is about how you project yourself to the world. It’s

about who and what you are. You think: Is that word you? I know you hear jokes about that

word. A few years ago I might have told one of those jokes or I might have laughed at

those jokes but not today. You can do anything you want but this is about you as a

person.” He never said that word again.

This is a tiny part of the knowledge I own regarding this.


I heard every word you ever said about me Canada.

What’s so special about Canada? The world’s longest undefended border. A border that I

believe should remain undefended, as you can never guarantee the right of safety in the

strictest sense as that is the shelter of God only. And even then you are yet subject to acts

of God. Safety is an enumerated protected right but physical safety is the right of women

and children only as if men provide it then they receive the enumerated protected right of

liberty, an emotion. All Canada has to do is work differently to stop terrorists who would

use Canada to then cross into the US as once you begin defending the world’s longest

undefended border you are volunteering to live in a police state and I will not.

Canada told me that it is afraid of becoming America-light thus had to enact culture laws to

protect itself. So what’s this invisible border crossing? We both know the real, actual

reasoning that American culture often seems as if it overwhelms Canada: The reason

people eat at McDonald’s and Burger King and the reasoning people buy Beyonce albums

is: They like it. You don’t need culture laws; you need culture. That’s a joke Canada. But
people do like it. How many Celine Dion records do Americans buy?

I’ve been across the entire length of Canada east to west once and then a second time I

crossed back into the US in Montana. I’ve seen lots and lots of Canada and I had an

unusual experience with a Canadian: Once a Canadian refused to accept American money

from me and I was about ten. I did not know what to make of this. So I asked my father: He

said that he’d take American money as it was always good and that Canada had better

always take it because of that border as do we take Canadian money? Yes. That’s an

honor bond as if a Canadian used paper Canadian dollars in the US I would take it as a

store can drop it in the bank and it will be exchanged or you can always take it but then

replace it with your dollars as it is more important to honor the relationship than to worry

about the bank exchange rate; the exchange rate is supposed to be 400 years of living

next door to each other. So why did this woman refuse two dollars worth of American


I heard all sorts of reasons. Pride came up the most, as it seems some Canadians believe

that Americans are arrogant. Some are. Some can’t reason their Americaness so latch

onto stuff like “we’re the best at everything”. Once I was the only person in a room who

knew the name of the Canadian prime minister. I also knew a goofy American who went

into Canada gold mining and he was stopped by Canadian Mounties who were floored he

just went camping in Canada and started panning for gold. But do owe take Canada for


I’d say it’s even as Canada may have to put up with some nonsense from Americans but

Canada gets to use the idea of our military as other nations know if you invade Canada

you invade the US. I thought about Canada’s opening salvo: They are flooded with

American culture but Americans rarely import Canadian goods. Items made in Canada that
then represent Canada not things like music. I realized I owned something that read “Fait

Au Quebec”. I bought it as I liked it. It appealed to me. I then began collecting it. I did not

know it was made in Canada until much later. So I did some research: Apparently I

accidentally by design began importing Canadian culture this way as this was made during

a certain time in Canada. There’s something uniquely Canadian about it. I won’t tell you

what it is as then more people would want it and the prices would go up and I’d be stuck. I

seem to have a good eye for quality as that’s about the artist, a person.

So then: I am spreading Canadian culture thus I’m not guilty of the named charges but

what Canada needs to worry about is another kind of exchange going on: Canada, you

have an inordinate amount of citizens mainly in the entertainment business who come here

and then become citizens only for the tax break. I hear Canadian entertainers announce

that they are now US citizens then “joke” about the taxes. The reason to come here is not

money but they do it for money. When I hear this it kills me as then both the US and

Canada is harmed as paying just taxes is a duty. There are real, actual reasons to move

here and as people all over the world are literally dying to come here – they die waiting

and attempting to get in and nobody in this world has to run away from Canada – plus it

sends the wrong message to both American and Canadian children. I’m also upset with

Americans fleeing to Canada to escape Vietnam but then returning after Vietnam. A “right”

reason to come to the US if you are Canadian?

I heard a Canadian businessman who opened a factory here as he said in Canada he

would not be able to do this as his company is tiny so the amounts of money he would

need to then comply with the laws in Canada would prevent him from conducting the

experiment to see if his idea and his business plan would work. That’s a great reason: you

can and may test yourself here as long as you comply with the law; that’s the correct spirit
as well as is the letter of the law plus both nations then benefit. It was this very testimony

that told me that other nations looking in at the US had no clue as to why the very type of

socialism they employ would never work here and would be lethal: It allows American

corporations to then buy all the offices of power against the will of The People thus then

stripping The People of moral authority – they cannot overcome the physical force used

against them - and so all of their rights; it’s lethal for the entire planet not merely the US. It

makes the private companies the government; it removes The People and so turns the

living the Constitution into an institution, a dead form of government.

As for other Canadian culture? I rented an episode of SCTV and saw something I hadn’t

seen in 25 years and still can’t stop laughing as it’s so appropriate today: The Credit

Psychiatrist. You can place therapy on your credit card. There’s even a family plan.

People now do this. Who knew? Canada.


You will never, ever hear me apologize for dropping the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and

Nagasaki. I have nothing to apologize for and it was an ethical and moral decision. “Was it

legal and did we have any other choice?” It was legal and the reasons that led us to be in

that moment then were; at that moment – under the exact conditions that were realized -

we had no other choice no matter how we ever came to be there. I’ve watched and

listened to American leaders and other leaders cry crocodile tears my entire life so when is

such a decision ethical and moral? And if it is then why would you ever go back and

apologize for if your motivation and intention are true – righteous and just - then you would

not have such regrets. What is the lie Americans tell regarding their own history?

I once heard my mother say, “Those damn Japs.” I was stunned. “Mom!”

“I know Susan but sometimes I can’t help it. When I see something like this I remember

what the Japanese did to Americans during the war. You don’t know as you did not live it

but what the Japanese did to prisoners of war is disgusting while we never did those

things. You don’t know: I’m talking about things like ramming bamboo needles under

soldiers fingernails – that kind of stuff. So sometimes I can’t help those feelings.” What was

she watching? An old newsreel. Those memories stirred up those feelings in a person who

wouldn’t harm anyone on purpose - ever. And if you knew my mother then you would know

to listen for this wherever you went in life as nobody was telling the truth of WWII. At least

not in the 1980’s.

To have compassion is not the same thing as to have pity on someone; to forgive is not to

go to another human being and ask for it as no human can ever forgive you as that is a

power reserved to the Creator alone. What most humans call forgiveness is not actual

forgiveness as it is justice: Justice is nothing more or less than finally owning the whole

truth so that then people deeply own the knowledge of the injury. You own all of the

causes and the effects but you also own something else: conscious awareness. Once you

own that knowledge you can have insight and so wisdom. And once you are wise? You

would never repeat the injury with deliberation. Coming to own that conscious awareness

is coming to be God aware. As the US exactly named the Creator and named The People

as the constitutionally set government then this potential to be God aware then makes US

law the art of becoming.

I can be compassionate for all the victims of WWII without ever being sorry as to feel sorry

for anybody is to then begin making excuses for them. And once I go there? I’m lying to

myself. It’s like Malcolm X said: Then they have the ability to deceive me and catch me in

the nasty webs they weave. I knew I could turn myself into a better predator thus weave a
very different web composed of the truth: “He drew a circle to shut me out; heretic, rebel a

thing to flout. But love and I had the wit to win – we drew a circle that took him in.” I read

that one time only in a childhood reading textbook and never forgot it. The Founders said it

too: If this happens? Tip the pyramid on its head, being the most inclusionary you can.

Everyone reads the Diary of Anne Frank and says it is a classic and that if she lived she

would be a great writer. I read that book: boring, boring, boring and no, Anne Frank was no

great author in the making. That’s a lie you tell yourself when really your emotions cloud

the issue: what people cannot get over or around when they read that book is that the

Frank family does all the same things any family does – even under those circumstances.

Nazis are outside the door; certain death is ever present. Does that stop you from

expressing your humanity? Do you stop arguing, falling in love or eating dinner? In the

book “City of Joy” the desperately poor people of India still express that same humanity

and something else: Actual human joy. The narrator, a priest, does everything he can to

then walk in their shoes and he finds this amazing as actual human joy is rare indeed. The

only difference between the Frank family and those desperately poor Indians is the

immediacy as every fear you can name is already present in the lives of the Indians while

the Frank family lives with the unknown: Will the Nazis find us? They still hope for a

tomorrow while the Indians live each second as if it’s their last. Only part of it is religious

belief such as reincarnation versus an eternal, heavenly reward. The biggest thing it is?

Human beings when they are completely leveled do one of two things: Die of human grief

or rise of human joy; when left to their own devices w/o material goods and w/o any need

for them? They are all in the same boat so what’s to fight over? Do desperate people do

desperate things? Yes:

The only time in my life a desperate person ever did a desperate thing was the time a

woman who was chronically poor thus chronically homeless had the human ability to steal
anything she wanted from me and chose to steal: A squirt of perfume. She did not take the

bottle but only used it and then lied about it, as I said nothing although it was obvious so

she felt guilty. That’s self-defense; that’s not guilt and so she did not lie to me. I knew then:

this is a desperate person doing a desperate thing. I defy a man who tells me he is

desperate to then tell me the desperate thing he did was steal a single squirt of perfume.

And it is those men who cry those crocodile tears thus announce they are apologizing -

the “US” is officially apologizing – when at least this one person is not ever going to


Only two priests ever taught me anything that I took with me. One was: a priest who was in

Hiroshima when that bomb went off then made it a point to stop and speak at any nearby

schools when he was traveling. He had to come to Albany for something so he asked

where there was a school as he still had time to kill and he ended up in our school, in my

class. He testified to what he witnessed and if you’re Susan then you know exactly what he

meant when he named “radiation poisoning”. I was in 6th grade; did any other kids know?

No, as they never bothered to find out. He himself had glass dust imbedded in his skin

permanently so it never stopped causing him pain and a nonstop itch he could never

escape, like when you handle fiberglass insulation. He named the process – his own

experience - by which the walls and windows of buildings vaporized right before his eyes

and how all the injured wandered around afterwards lost and hopelessly sick. He never

once said anybody was wrong; he said, “You need to think about what you do in this world.

What you cause and how senseless it all is. You need to think about how we value things

and how we value people.”

Yes, as ideas cause everything and people are the cause of ideas. No thing is unless a

person first has the idea. Not biocentrism but a factory does not create a coat; a person

has a need, his idea is a coat and he then creates a coat – a physical manifestation of his
metaphysical idea - and later he builds the factory to produce the coat for others. The coat

is – it exists - whether he turns his back on it or not. He’s the original factory and that first

coat? Adam and Eve as clothes are an outside visible symbol of the covenant we have

with our Creator. God clothed them then cast them out. The covenant came first not the

coat. All of this was born into time.

But not one person in my word understood this. All those ideas that are value judgments

never entered my head. And so while everyone read Anne Frank’s Diary and lied about it I

read something else: A famous Nazi war account of the Holocaust written in the first

person by a man who was there and was a medical doctor and who fully admitted that he

did it and did not feel guilty. In graphic detail - just like Anne Frank - he sat down to eat his

lunch while gazing out a window, watching smoke rise from the chimneys of the camp

ovens, munching away while wholly cognizant that the clouds forming over those chimneys

were composed of human remains. He had no problem performing gruesome medical

experiments on sets of twins that were less than a year old; in fact to read his account the

lower you could go the better. It’s medicine, he reasoned. It’s an opportunity, he reasoned.

He was as cold as any syringe or scalpel he wielded and he did not care. Like the Franks

he had a wife and children and he did normal things like eat lunch or walk through the

park. Is this what the Japanese were?

Several dozen veterans testified to me: some of the worst, most excruciating WWII

testimony I have ever listened to? Survivors of Pearl Harbor told me that there were living

people in those upended ships that they could not rescue as the steel was too thick; they

did not have the technology to rescue them. So as they had water they lived and as

Christmas approached you could hear them tapping, pleading to be rescued but not one

person could help them. One man said he had to walk by those ships every single day and

hearing that tapping noise almost drove him insane. In some cases they could
communicate but everyone knew: There’s no hope.

Another veteran was in what is believed to be the worst of all Japanese prison camps. This

Japanese commanding officer routinely killed his prisoners and ate their livers as some

warrior belief systems claim if you do this then you ingest the strength of that person. The

torture was so very bad here that he refused to discuss it further and never would as that is

how he dealt with it but he did tell me something else: A Japanese guard began a

conversation with him and that this guard often did something for him like feed him when

they were starving him and that he escaped certain death more than once because of this

person. His story was not full of hatred and anger; in fact other people hearing it were

astounded that he did not have those feelings. I knew what he knew: If they cannot kill you

one way they can another: Get you to go to a place whereby you act like they do. What’s

the point of surviving that if you never figure it out and get the answers you need?

You’d think Americans would know that all of this occurred in the South Pacific, they same

place they tested earlier nuclear weaponry like the Bikini Atoll. I received a shock to my

own system when Bush Sr. was asked by a reporter if he was wimp for crying when he

was shot down over the Pacific. Every American alive missed this: when that reporter said

that word, “wimp”, a new concept entered Sr.’s head as he never heard that idea and that

intention before, combined that way as if you were weak for crying or for being afraid of

what lay ahead of you in one of those camps only as you are a man. The exact right way a

man is supposed to cry was lost on this reporter and Bush Sr. did not recover as I would

have: I would have knocked that guy out. Maybe then he’d bother knowing his own history

and maybe then he wouldn’t be such a fascist, ignorant pig. Maybe then he’d speak semi-

fluent human instead of fluent animal.

And so I kept investigating this injury. “Rising Sun” was a popular American movie. But the
producers changed the ending to “protect” the feelings of Asian Americans: Why? “As we

blame Asians for their success and WWII” they said and so Asians are right to complain.

That’s a lie you tell yourself I responded. I read “Rising Sun” the book; if you know your

history then you know that the US patents intellectual property differently than the

Japanese do and Rising Sun is about that so it’s important that the killer be Asian. It’s not

the same to then have an American businessman be the killer as it is about all of those

forces colliding. A native of India who was here on a visa asked me if I knew this; he was

pleasantly surprised that I did so I told him something he did not know: After World War II

we rebuilt Japan. A famous American intellectual who had all of these ideas about

business volunteered to go to Japan and teach them as he could not implement his ideas

in the US due to our laws. The Japanese business model then which is so successful is

largely an American invention as it is this famous intellectual’s ideas Japan adopted. I also

told him: This intellectual and American historians should not kid themselves as Thomas

Jefferson was our first patent clerk – he ran the office - and wrote a letter detailing what he

believed to be wrong with our system so he had some of these ideas too. Jefferson himself

was a party to a patent lawsuit.

The fact this native of India would not believe at first? That parents in America had to send

their kids to school by law. He did not believe it due to what happens in India; I laughed as

I would not know it looking in because of how deliberately ignorant Americans are when

they have no excuse. So I kept collecting evidence. I visited White Sands, New Mexico the

one day a year it is open. We call White Sands ground zero. You can see the sand the

bomb blast turned into glass. It’s still radioactive. Most people listened to a uniformed

military officer talk about the radioactivity still present – you are exposed to so many rads –

but I listened to: A WWII veteran who was there who was stationed in nearby Socorro. He

said they classified everything so he would write home and his mother would get what

seemed to be three or four single words cut out of entire sheets of paper as the rest was:
Top Secret!

Nothing is ever secret; nothing. I know the US military truly believes it is but if you tell me

what you think is top secret I can go get it. It’s like this: Once you tell one other human

being it is no longer secret. “Relativity” was only secret as long as Einstein never wrote it

down and never told another. Once he wrote it down? Not top secret. Did the Nazis believe

they had the bomb? Yes, as they believed they had kept a shipment of hard water top

secret but did not. It was on a ferry and the ferry was sunk. Did we know for certain that it

was hard water? We had to make a “judgment” call; yes innocent people would die but

would we stop Hitler? If it was hard water and we did not sink this ferry would Hitler then

have the ability to win the war? The ferry was sunk. Only recently did they then dive for the

barrels to find out if innocent people died for nothing or died in defense of humanity.

Survivors of that ferry sinking finally had an answer: The truth, so they finally had justice.

If you are in a war and the enemy has told you that he will not reason, that he has the

human ability but is not willing, and he is so bent upon death and destruction that he is

willing to take as many innocent people as he can with him then what do you do? If not

only the kamikaze pilots but all of the Japanese were insistent upon fighting until every

Japanese citizen is dead, what judgment call do you make? If the conditions on Okinawa

are horrific and Americans find themselves fighting what is a war of attrition, do you ever

make the reasoned decision to use a weapon like the atom bomb?

When I sat down and reasoned every fact I ever learned from all sides including the point

of view that WWII was a war fought over colonial interests of European royalty and

banking families I could not apologize, as “I’m sorry” is a lie. And then I suspected that I

had stumbled upon a law of this universe no other person saw as they could not define

what they did not know: Were both Hiroshima and Nagasaki random? If I’m correct then
we had to drop those bombs at exacting times and places and so they could not be

random at all. But FDR and Co. did not have the science or the math. And if I’m correct

then Japan would not be so successful today. A nuclear chain reaction would never occur

if conditions were not perfect so random and/or unethical cannot possibly be; it is the order

of this universe. Chasing this led me to then defeat China’s nuclear threat so if my mother

had not used a word and feeling, an emotion, completely out of character for her then…I

would not be able to defeat Bush V Gore and the new Nazi party. And what was so

different about me? I not once hated or resented Japan and did not even hate the Nazis. I

despised what they did but them as people? I never had anything other than a surface

understanding of the Nazis but I did have actual compassion for the Japanese who were

circumstances of things beyond their control as I did have other proof:

A very, very famous air duel between an American pilot and a Japanese pilot. They were

equals. They ended up in a duel and shot each other while in the sky. At the moment they

both could have shot the other one down and so killed the enemy they did not. The

American plane eventually crashed and the Japanese plane flew off. The American,

wounded, then had to escape from behind enemy lines. The Japanese pilot made it home

but had been shot in the head. Had the American pilot’s guns jammed? Why didn’t the

Japanese pilot take the shot when he could have? The Japanese pilot refused to tell his

side of the story; if he could or couldn’t have shot. 60 years after the fact they found the

American plane: The guns had jammed so he could not take the shot if he wanted to do

so. The Japanese pilot was dead but he took a direct shot to his head, to his eye; could he

have taken the shot? It became such a famous battle as there are two answers and you

can only know which it is if you have this same experience of life as I did: either the

Japanese pilot refused to shoot his American equal when his guns jammed so it would be

like shooting fish in a barrel – wholly unequal and not warrior like at all – or both men could

not take the shot as the Creator leveled the playing field that day.

Japan: It’s a lie to believe that The People “regret” actions we took in the war. But it’s also

a lie to believe we are not compassionate towards those we injured. You hear those lies as

it is the struggle all human beings must engage in as they come to own the truth and

unfortunately some humans will never come to own it as Hollywood producers will protect

us from our feelings only to make a buck when you can’t protect humans from their own

feelings. You should run headfirst into that fray, an internal war of emotions and feelings,

as when I went to secure proof of Japan? My thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs led me

to defeat the standing army of China w/o ever firing a single bullet. If Japan has suffered

the atomic bombing then Japan can now turn it into a sacrifice as that suffering led me to

unlock a secret of this universe and I needed to hear the suffering both sides experienced

as Hitler and the Nazis, those truly held beliefs, are the cause as they were people exactly

like us who every time they had to make a choice then chose death. We have proof of

Japan: Several times the lone Japanese uniformed officer revolted and chose life.


I used to live in New Mexico; people from other states would ask me Is New Mexico is a

state or is it part of Mexico? If you drive along I-10 between El Paso and Juarez it looks as

if a few feet away on the Mexican side you are in the third world not less than 1 mile from

the US. You “can’t believe” the difference you are seeing. You have the human ability to

believe it and do but your sensibilities will not allow you to believe it. For some US citizens

they can’t believe it as they know they are causing that injury and so to go to a place

where they have to admit their actions force that suffering on people then forces them to

admit their whole life has been spent acting like a criminal; they have been greedy and

selfish and they have taken everything they have ever owned for granted – even their own

nation. Their whole life has been a lie.

The US passes NAFTA. That’s was and is Bill Clinton’s pet project. The US officers went

along with him. The American People, the constitutionally set government, were and still

are against NAFTA. The People know NAFTA benefits corporations only and not any

person they “serve” as they serve only themselves. It’s a made legal way to injure people;

what they are doing is not legal but if they pass legislation saying it is legal then it appears

to be legal so nations like Norway and Canada come to mistakenly believe it is legal.

Something can be in violation of the letter of our law but not its spirit; then again something

can be both a violation of the letter and the spirit. To get around this officers of the US

have been passing legislation to make it seem as if; they may have completely

circumvented the named due process like Resolution 511 “changes” the Constitution w/o

ever subjecting the interested parties to the constitutionally named ¾ vote of the Congress

but the citizens and then other nations are tricked into believing it is legal and we can do

nothing to defeat it. Look at Resolution 511: The Constitution names “natural birth” as a

qualification of RUNNING FOR and then HOLDING THE OFFICE of PRESIDENT.

According to US law you may not run – campaign for the office of the Executive and/or

hold it – sit – if you somehow do win if you do not meet two qualifications: Age 35 and

natural born. Why may you not so much as run? Because our system works in such a way,

and because of all other law plus federal code as well US case law that says that running

when not qualified is indoctrination aka ideological warfare and as if you know but do it

regardless then you are guilty. If taxes go to support any part of your campaign? You are

forcing the injured victims – natural born citizens – to then fund their own injury. The

named due process is if you truly believe you possess a constitutional argument that would

negate or remove either one of those “terms” then you sue in SCOTUS but think: If it is a

term not a condition, if it is in the original constitution, may you SUE to remove it or change

it? May you resolve to ignore it? No, you must amend the law via that ¾ vote. Did John

McCain or Barack Obama qualify to hold this office? No, so why were they allowed to run?
Because the unethical know if they do not promote and condone more unethical activity

then the game is over; if they do not install an unethical person against our will they will be

exposed. So then: Why did every foreign nation keep quiet and not once object? Our law

and law all over the world is every nation can refuse to acknowledge Obama and instead

acknowledge the constitutionally set government of The People and if a person like myself

did successfully sue but her case was suppressed only as she defeated the unjust men

then other nations may and must acknowledge her as the lawful leader of The People.

The reason other nations supported Obama against our will is the same reason NAFTA

was supported against our will: The unethical wield absolute power these days so they are

able to assault and batter the planet thereby convincing them that The People want this.

They batter The People via denying them informed consent; once they successfully do that

they then also deny nations like Britain and Norway and even Mexico informed consent. As

they have made it impossible to overcome this in the US courts – it’s a confluence of

politicians and privateers aka lawyers all unethical - the American citizen is left with no

recourse unless they are able and capable enough to then make their case to the world.

And to make your case to the world? You must prove to the world that they too have been

deliberately injured by these same unjust men and women. That is what Americans cannot

do as to do that first you have to prove to the world court that even the Supreme Court of

the US has fallen and to go there means: first you have to get inside the Supreme Court

and since 1803 that has been impossible as SCOTUS stopped hearing original cases in

1803. BUT:

If you are a genius and you have been vesting the interest and right your entire life then

you know that as WOMEN had no legal power since the US was born and since WOMEN

still do not have any legal power then all it takes is for a WOMAN to access chain of

command, stand every man down all the way up to SCOTUS and then ORDER the clerks
to enter her case as an original case as she’s even suing the Chief Justice as he knows

women are treated unjustly yet keeps denying this by injuring them over and over and by

refusing to allow a pro se litigant in the Court. That’s the crux: As this nation has always

and forever said you may represent yourself in a court then SCOTUS MUST MUST MUST

allow a pro se citizen to argue their own case IN PERSON or else SCOTUS itself is

unethical as it is violating US law and its own case law by merely NOT HEARING THE

CASE! The very ruling that created the court, Marbury, says that you MUST grant that

case hearing for if you refuse to offer a citizen redress for the violation of a fully vested

fundamental right then the US had died as it is now foreignized and not a Constitutional

Republic. The secret was to first prove every office was now criminalized and then prove

that SCOTUS was corrupted as the clerks kept your case from the Justices as to get here

and do this the SCOTUS clerks had to injure you and that is what the clerks do not want

anyone to know: that they, clerks, have been harming US citizens as if they are kings and

dictators. And guess who else has been doing this? FEDERAL JUDGES. Why? A lie was

told over and over until the citizens truly believed it: That Marbury allows federal judges to

make law by breaking the law and ignoring exact details of crimes – denying actual US

history - so that they may then deny the innocent redress thus they protect the crooks

instead! Like: Federal judges protected NAFTA as citizens did try to sue.

So Mexico, when I say “Mexico” like I say “Canada” I mean the People and the just officers

not the unjust, dead institutions of government. An unethical and so criminal politician is a

dead institution. What did NAFTA do? It caused worse harm as we were told it was meant

to foster trade to then cause Mexican citizens to earn more money thus causing them to

rise out of poverty but American citizens knew it was meant to make it easier for corrupted

and criminal US businesses to exploit Mexican citizens as Mexico does not have a just

system of government. Its design is flawed and flawed in such a way the Mexican citizens

can never triumph over it. Thus we have lots and lots of Mexicans crossing the border
illegally to escape it and the officers of the US blame Mexico. The officers convince

American citizens that the People of Mexico not the institutions are to blame thus

American people begin resenting and despising the Mexican People instead of the

Mexican officers who are unjust. The US officers, the President, Congress and federal

judiciary is the cause of all harm but they set up a situation whereby they cause the

American People to fight against the Mexican People. I, Susan, do not fall for it. A lot of

Americans never fell for it but we are unconstitutionally and now criminally silenced exactly

like Hitler and the Nazis silenced ethical Germans.

So then: Clinton and his cronies in Congress pass NAFTA; US businesses leave the US

and set up shop in Mexico. Now they exploit Mexican citizens in new ways and pay less

than human wages. NAFTA allows them to get around minimum wage laws and basically

all laws that prevent human exploitation. Mexican citizens then have more not less reason

to escape thus they keep crossing the border illegally. As the holes in NAFTA appear –

you can see, hear and feel that NAFTA was meant to aid and abet unjust officers as

nothing the designers of NAFTA promised is coming true and all possible bad effects are

being realized – these same officers then decide to keep blaming the Mexican People and

so they announce they will now build a giant wall to stop the illegals coming into the US.

Does this make any rational or reasonable sense at all? No. It’s the US officers saying,

“We will go into Mexico, harm you worse and then when you try to run away from us build

a wall to stop you so you are then ours to harm at our whim and will”. It’s the unjust officers

of the US entering a negative contract with the unjust officers of Mexico but as the US

officers label it a “treaty” and as Congress votes it all seems to be legal. The American

Founders said: you can write it down upon a piece of paper; you can even follow the

named due process. BUT: if you shut the lone US citizen out – there’s zero debate or you

have made it impossible to unseat the unethical - and/or if you know it is impossible but

pretend – lie – and say it is possible then nothing makes it legal and constitutional. The
piece of paper naming NAFTA and the piece of paper showing Congress voted exists.

Does that manufactured paper ever make it legal? No; does that paper ever prove it is

constitutional? No as all you go by is US law and case law a part of which is common

sense aka emotional reasoning capacity. Ask yourself: if US officers know as fact that the

Mexican officers are also unjust thus exploit their citizens and contain the will and liberty of

their people can they ever enter a just treaty with them that actually benefits both American

and Mexican people? No, physics dictates it is impossible, as does simple logic.

I observed all of the citizens on both sides. Having lived in New Mexico I am a first person

eyewitness to history. Nobody except unjust officers and privateers who fund their

campaigns are for NAFTA yet it is forced on us. Mexicans die crossing the border; drug

running is rampant and nothing is made better. Then I saw something that sparked my

interest: In NM I watched as an American school bus pulled up to the border and picked up

Mexican children; this school bus then drove those Mexican children into the US to go to

school. Is this constitutional? It might be. Is this unheard of? Yes and I knew if the

American “authorities” found out about it then they would use the legal system now wholly

unjust to stop it so I listened. About 4 months later CNN did a news story on this asking if it

was unconstitutional; apparently the community on the American side has voted to spend

their tax dollar on educating Mexican children who lived in the adjoining border town. I

waited: no uproar. Usually American “authorities” stop this – they shut it down – as every

person and every community has the constitutionally protected right of self-determination

but the US officers do not want people to exercise this as they are out to exert power and

control over the citizens. The unjust can’t have the just defeating them. But there was

silence and I knew why. That’s neither here nor there for if Jews in upstate NY are told by

the government, the officers, that they can’t do this then why is this small town allowed do

it unchecked? It’s a case of unjust men picking and choosing their battles exactly like they

did with me in that if we can’t win then we’ll keep our mouths shut; we won’t meet you in
court and we won’t object. With Jews they can play on emotions The People have

regarding Judaism; they can make people suspicious and resentful, etc. to then use that

against Jews. They can blame Jews but with Mexicans? The average American citizen is

not going to gang up on five or six little Mexican kids and besides: Isn’t this what the unjust

officers said NAFTA would do, improve the lives of Mexicans? So, out of all of Mexico,

millions and millions of Mexican citizens, only 5 or 6 Mexican kids saw any benefit? I knew

Mexican citizens could not benefit and would never benefit and neither would American


Then I heard a news story: The Mexican police department was caught using stolen

American vehicles for its police cars. That’s no accident; every vehicle had a vehicle

identification number that Mexican authorities ignored. They made no attempt to return

these vehicles but instead kept them and used them for their police force. You can then

reasonably assume that there is a healthy trade in stolen American cars as for cops to do it

means the Mexican officers are now criminal exactly like the sitting US officers. It just so

happened that my sister had her new car stolen in Las Cruces, NM and it was never found

thus armed with this new information regarding the Mexican police I could then reason:

This has to be collusion; it’s collusion and in the Mexican government it’s criminal.

American cops may not go into Mexico looking for stolen American cars. And US

insurance companies allow you to drive your vehicle only 20 miles into Mexico or else its

not covered. So I tested my conspiracy hypothesis by:

Traveling into Mexico! I found a person who might have the means and asked this Mexican

privateer – a businessman – what I had to do to get my car stolen so I could then collect

the US insurance illegally - it’s a crime – and he told me exactly what I had to do so I

proved it is collusion and everybody knows about it but the officers both Mexican and

American lie and say they are helpless.

In the past few years a new development has arisen: The US is building a superhighway

from Mexico up into Canada. The I-35 corridor. Americans are screaming it is criminal but

the officers keep dodging all the questions about it. At times American officers have lied

and said this highway does not exist! It is being built with criminally allocated funds and

whenever Americans complain they are silenced. WE CAN ALL SEE THE DAMN ROAD.

Why do they deny this road is being built and exists? This highway is meant to exploit

Mexicans, Americans, Canadians and…the entire planet so the US officers know they

can’t advertise they are building it and can’t use the named process to then secure funds

or other nations would be alarmed. This highway is meant to make the transportation of

cheap goods even cheaper thus you can then run things from Mexico straight up across

the US and directly into Canada, circumventing all law thus The People of North America.

Who’s been awarded the contracts to build this highway and other US projects like it?

Foreign European nations. Unjust foreign nations that would then benefit as: The real plan

is to make it possible to run goods from China into Mexico then up across the US and into

Canada thus across the entire world w/o any oversight at all. Lead coated toys for

everyone’s children not only Chinese children! It’s equality, folks! You know how crooks

launder money? Well this is meant to launder money in a whole new way: By laundering

goods instead thus unjust Chinese institutions can more easily harm the whole planet. It’s

meant to create a situation whereby the private corporations and wealthy banking families

do indeed control earth thus perpetrate a one world unjust government upon us. If you

object they call you “crazy” and say you are a conspiracy theorist.

I, Susan, am a lawyer. I know physics, government and theology. I’ve seen this highway

myself. I defined Uniformity. It is one giant sized chain of causation whereby Great Britain

cannot yet see it and maybe they are not feeling it yet but did Kraft just but Cadbury or

not? Can you come to the US and see this highway being built your own self? Did a Texas
politician recently lie and say he was not funding but then did and he had to admit to it as

he was caught? If you check is there a long record of graft and criminal activity on the part

of US officers regarding this highway? When Americans object are they silenced? Is China

now producing cheap goods at a break neck pace? And lastly: Is China advertising that it

is a communist-capitalist nation when that is impossible as to be communist means by

your very nature capitalism is not your form and never will be? Thus: Is China drugging its

citizens with material goods? Yes. And is the US, “The Fed”, now perpetrating this or is it

THE cause? Yes. And is the only reason so that unjust officers continue to collect unjust,

criminal benefits? YES! And: If you go to China WHO is operating in China? US



THIS? So they can keep collecting profit and keep their seats in the unjust government.

The US officers mean to injure the world and do so against the will of The American

People. And in the end why did all of this come about? The discrimination of women.

Dumb, stupid, unable and incapable men can’t afford to have an able and capable woman

in their midst anymore than they can afford to have an ethical man in their midst: No more

unjust profit if the ethical are elected and appointed.

Realizing I could defeat China’s nuclear threat I then worked backwards undoing the chain

of causation. Everything is a chain of causation since the universe came into being. What

can I, Susan, offer the people of Mexico as remedy and relief that no American man can

offer them? As I do have the ability to put China in its place thus stop its unjust officers I

can slowly address the entire injury thereby creating a legal situation that does offer

humans actual equality. I’ve heard Mexicans say that they risk their lives coming to the US

only for money and that after being here for 20 years or so go back to Mexico.

Mexico: It is not worth your lives to do anything for money. If that’s your reason? You are

risking your lives for what is a lie, as the American Founders never, ever said the reward

would be money. Read the blessings of liberty: Number one is safety: Domestic tranquility.

Peace. If you are liberated then you realize justice; liberty is an emotion and a thing – a

physical condition – that then is realized as justice. And so if you have justice then you are

safe so you have peace. That leads to actual prosperity. Nobody should have to leave their

homes to then secure money, especially if you mistakenly believe that then is prosperity

and/or justice. That’s the opposite of liberty as it makes you a slave forever. You do not

realize you are being used as an actual slave. Mexicans die crossing the border illegally

and for what? Nothing. And as long as you keep doing it then you allow for the unjust

officers to blame you thus pitting you against American citizens when really the privateers

are at fault. As long as you keep doing it Americans feel justified in blaming you thus

hating you. You’ve been tricked: you have become your own victimizers but do not know it,

like Americans voting for Obama only as he is black but then justifying it. So I am going to

try something revolutionary:

Mexico: Please stop crossing the border illegally. I, Susan, will not have 15 or 19 or even 1

person dying for money as every life is priceless. Ideally you should be like those school

kids I saw crossing the border: you should be learning this system and then using it to turn

the unjust Mexican officers out so you too become Founders of an actual constitutional

republic – Mexican Founders. Your officers can call it a Republic but is it if the people

have little or no power? If you cannot control your own destiny and fate from within

Mexico? The very first thing you have to do is refuse to leave your place of birth; you

CAN’T let anyone run you out of your home. If you stop crossing the border illegally then

American citizens can no longer blame you and this chain of corruption will begin to


I know: you will object and tell me that I do not understand and that you cannot even feed

your families. I do know and I do understand; asking you to stop crossing the border

illegally w/o any plan of action does you no good. First let me tell you that I know there are

two ways to starve a human being; that humans can go without clothing and w/o shelter

but not without food:

Actual food is a human need. If you deprive a human of energy he will die.

Actual unconditional love is a human need. If you deprive a human of liberty and justice -

unconditional love - he will fail to thrive and never strive. Eventually he will die. “Liberty” is

a form of energy; you need it or you will die as proven by all of the Mexicans who die in

their own nation or die crossing the border illegally.

To that end I do indeed have a plan to stop the Mexican officers from exploiting you and

colluding with American officers to then exploit all of us: A man I know who I refer to as

“Alexander Hamilton” is a US lawyer who happened to tell me all about the Mexican

banking system. Apparently the Mexican government stole the intellectual property that is

your banking system from a citizen. Hamilton is the lawyer (or was) for this citizen; he

attempted to sue for just compensation. Hamilton told me that as the government is

Mexico it was going to be impossible to collect but it is the point of law: It’s one thing if

Hamilton gives you his intellectual property but another if the unjust men in charge steal it.

The original Hamilton invented what we know of as the stock market but he gave it to the

American People as a gift. This Mexican citizen was robbed of his intellectual property. So

my Hamilton told me that he was trying to press this suit and it would be in the billions

when he won a judgment but then he and his client would never collect it. I listened intently

and kept my mouth shut. Why?

Once Mexican officers injured me personally I then knew if I did successfully ascend to the

office of Executive in America I could turn around and hold the unjust Mexican government

hostage as they hold you and American citizens hostage. I could ORDER them to clean up

their act and I could give you all of the knowledge you need to access the system and take

it down from the inside out thus you could then institute a just form of government that

gives all power and authority to The Mexican People. I could teach you to leverage your

power as I did, to balance it back and forth across the world until at last YOU are the

keystone who then triumphs over the injury or instead acts as yet another victimizer but

whatever choice you make it is yours as that is liberty. There will not be any force or

coercion as the choice will be yours alone. I do not need any court of law; armed with the

knowledge of the Mexican banking system and how the officers stole this property plus my

own injury I can then teach you HOW this injury ever came to befall you so you never, ever

fall for these tricks again. Once you can act to defend yourself and then you start to do it

you will eventually get to a point whereby your person can and does cause change in your

world. You’ll be acting not reacting.

It’s not automatic; it’s not overnight. But it will work and I’m the proof. You will not have to

suffer a lot of what I suffered as I can tell you all of the mistakes to avoid. But first: The

real, actual reason to remain in your own nation and so stop crossing that border illegally

only as I asked you to do so? You can make any choice you want; I’m not threatening you.

This is then the first exercise of liberty you will experience. You might suffer from some

negative effects as we have not attacked the injury yet but if you choose this knowing that

your goal is to then defeat all unjust officers both Mexican and American then you turn that

suffering into sacrifice and once you do that? You are unconditionally loving yourself; you

are acting in your own defense thus your liberty will at some point turn into justice but for

now it is actual energy you can start to thrive upon as now you have purpose and

meaning: YOU. You are the purpose and you are the meaning; you are the just cause. The
only real reason to do what I ask is: for your own self. So you are no longer negotiating

your human dignity.

If you take that stance then you are also saying: We, the Mexican People, are no longer

willing to negotiate anyone’s human dignity. We are not victimizers. Then like me you are

acting pro se and pro bono.


If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t pick on you as I do. France has a lot of potential but the

French refuse to realize it. Instead of fighting over human rights such as liberty rights they

protest over government jobs and government benefits cradle to grave. The French feel

entitled. France: you’ve got to develop a backbone; you have no will. I heard Sarkozy: In

some ways he wishes the French were more like Americans. Yes as if Hitler comes

knocking here? Susan is not going to roll over and play dead and neither are millions of

other Americans. France: What you negotiated with the Nazis was your humanity; you

protected things over people. You made no attempt and the rule of law is you must make

one attempt to the best of your ability. As you did not? There you go: you’ve never realized

the potential of your ability; as you never went there you can’t take care of yourselves so

you need the institutions of government to care for you. Plus: If I’m in born in Britain I’m

going to have trust issues with the people who placed only the English Channel between

my nation – the British People – and France the physical property. What will you do if a

Nazi like Obama comes along? You will not recognize him for who and what he is as if you

ask any American everything Obama said was a lie and every bad backroom deal a

politician can engage in he has engaged in. What change? as black the color is not a

change if Obama was never a victim. For Obama it is business as usual. Woman is an

actual change; victim who triumphs independently is an actual change but once again
France fell for the phony, outside appearance of it all. I, Susan, know a professional

politician when I see one, as they truly believe they are entitled so they act entitled – hey!

What do you know! Obama has a lot in common with France.

France made a mistake once with Hitler; will France make it again now that I’ve informed

it? Unless France makes a different decision yes as I preserved my standing to sue France

as I, as the acting, legal, constitutionally set President and Commander defended myself

and The People by drawing up a bill for past war debt and submitting it to France as it is

due - today. Maybe no other President and Commander called it in but I am as it harms

me to allow France to violate the honor bond so blatantly but yet lie and say France is not

obligated to make an attempt to pay it. It isn’t legal and it is not honorable to avoid your

debts and even run from them. I sent this bill to the French delegation at the UN. I am

willing to settle for equitable goods like the Louver and everything in it. I know: I’ll settle for

one thing only: The Mona Lisa. After all you placed your value at that as you sought to

protect it from the Nazis and now you constantly tell me that is a French national treasure

when a Frenchman did not even paint it! France never answered and that’s it:

In France the lone citizen is not the power and authority; in France action is not proof; life

is not proof. Thus France is dead. Any French citizen acting under the authority of French

law could have accepted my offer thus when I do finally ascend to the office of the

President and Commander? It’s a valid, binding, legal contract. I made one more attempt

as I then attempted to draw up a Treaty and offered it to France. No response again.

Ignoring or denying the situation does not then cause the situation to resolve itself as it

only makes it worse. Proof is: Riots in France over racial differences and religious

differences. Proof is: instead of realizing Bush V Gore is wrongly decided thus is a tie

France instead…blamed American citizens and wrongly accused bush jr. of lying.

Americans responded by renaming French fires “freedom fries”. What’s worse? France’s
sense of entitlement and its refusal to act or Americans stomping their feet and pouting like

little children?

France as Americans possess the self-deprecating sense of humor Nazis can’t defeat and

can’t emulate exactly like Britain does. If France is ever going to defeat Nazis no matter

what they look or sound like then it needs to learn to laugh at itself. My clue was: I watched

a French citizen eat a piece of cheese as if they were having sex with it. Human sexuality

is not about power and control so who or what is France if it’s greatest enemy and worst

bedfellow is bad cheese? And isn’t good versus bad cheese a subjective opinion? It’s not a

federal case. My second clue was: CERN’s particle collider as France vested their interest

in this via millions maybe billions of dollars. If you have no moral authority you can smash

all of the particles you wish but you will never see past the deceptive appearances. If you

France are not the constant then how can you measure thus know the truth of what you

observe? You can’t! In the end I wrote this:

Croissants. Americans can buy croissants in the refrigerator section of an American

supermarket. They come in a can that you “pop” open, lol. Then you pop them in the oven.

France truly believes that they have better croissants. I’ll counter with American bakeries

so you can buy croissants every bit as good here if you look. How much is a French style

croissant worth to you? Now compare: In France can you buy the moon landing or the

Panama Canal in the refrigerator section of a French supermarket? No thus even when

France builds something like the massive CERN particle collider – they have an interest in

it but it is not theirs - an American beats them to the punch: There’s no Higgs particle as it

is described. My genius secretary of defense agrees. Billions of dollars in research and

development only to learn what you already knew: France would never “own” the results of

particles colliding as they did not discover it and ideally the Creator invented it. Me and/or

France “owning” Uniformity is like Thomas Jefferson inscribing that he wrote the
Declaration of Independence on his gravestone as he did not: He wrote a version the

Founders then edited and changed thus it was a group effort. It’s no mystery to me: would

Jefferson take credit for what he did not write anymore than I would? Like him I did not

profit from my “discoveries” as really, are the seminal ideas in our Declaration original? Did

I work alone or did I build upon the ideas of others? Only one idea in our law is unique:

Men, a group, can and may congress to then conspire with each other and God and in so

doing then commune with God. Adams even admitted: we meant to say what we said as

the Declaration was meant to be dramatic. It was meant to be a unique American

sentiment. Well, didn’t Americans name emotions as rights? That’s the unique idea – that

humans possess emotional reasoning capacity thus emotions are an endowment born of

God; emotions are protected rights. It’s why we congress and conspire and why we

succeeded where France failed; it’s about the nature of victims and victimization and

actual liberty versus perceived liberty: We have the most heart.

If France learns to act upon moral authority and in their own defense France just might

start selling moon landings in its supermarkets. France will never know until France tests

itself exactly as you test a law or exactly as a person tests himself: make an attempt. Act!

There are lots and lots of ways to settle a war debt.

But first: it has to occur to a French citizen that they could offer to settle that war debt.

France never answered me as to France it is not possible for a lone citizen to wield their

vote as an Executive Order, and that this order may be wholly legal, binding and valid

while Obama’s is not. I can and may wield my vote as an Executive Order as I am the first

and only American to ever make it here: I’m a constitutional authority case of original

jurisdiction but I’m both victim and counsel. I’m unique in all of WORLD history. The

American Founders wrote it down exactly – the equal protection and due process clauses

and the separation of powers - and yet France assumed if you travel in Air Force One and
the Secret Service protects you against the will of The People then you must be

constitutional. Those things are the trappings of power but they are not actual power.

France never realized:

France paid the Nazis tribute, not just taxes but tribute!!! America informed you and we

informed you for no cost: not one cent for tribute but millions for defense!!! Look up your

own history France as that quote is the result of the XYZ Affair: “The XYZ Affair is a

diplomatic episode that soured relations between France and the United States and led to

an undeclared naval war called the Quasi War; it took place from March of 1797 to 1800.

Three French agents, publicly referred to as X, Y, and Z, but later revealed as Jean

Conrad Hottinguer, Pierre Bellamy and Lucien Hauteval, demanded major concessions

from the United States as a condition for continuing bilateral peace negotiations. The

concessions demanded by the French included 50,000 pounds sterling, a $10 million loan

from the United States, a $250,000 personal bribe to French foreign minister Charles

Maurice de Talleyrand, and a formal apology for comments made by U.S. President John

Adams.The demand came during a meeting in Paris between the French agents and a

three member American commission consisting of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John

Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry. Several weeks prior to the meeting with X, Y, and Z, the

American commission had met with French foreign minister Talleyrand to discuss French

retaliation to the Jay Treaty, which they perceived as evidence of an Anglo-American

alliance. The French seized nearly 300 American ships bound for British ports in the

Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Caribbean seas.Adams decided on sending Pinckney as part

of the commission as Franco-U.S. relations had recently worsened by Talleyrand's

rejection of Pinckney as America's minister to France. The French continued to seize

American ships, and the Federalist Party, incited by Alexander Hamilton advocated going

to war. Congress authorized the buildup of an army.The American delegates found these

demands unacceptable and answered "Not an eightpence", but in the inflated rhetoric of
the day the response became the infinitely more memorable: "Millions for defense, sir, but

not one cent for tribute!" “ - public domain. The quote was actually said at a banquet given

in honor of …John Marshall, author of Marbury v Madison. Jefferson warned you about

Clinton, Gore, Obama and Cheney and even a ruling like Bush V Gore and so warned you

of any impending Nazi invasion: Jefferson said Marbury could result in an oligarchy if we

were not careful and vigilant and he said John Marshall is a hypocrite and he was. John

Marshall acting as a federal judge presided over the trial of Aaron Burr. After Aaron Burr’s

acquittal on charges of treason for plotting to overthrow the government by using force –

making war - to remove Jefferson as President and so install himself, Burr, as king? The

American People burned John Marshall in effigy not Jefferson and not Burr. France: You

ARE the XYZ Affair; how could you forget the lesson of it???


There are two kinds of dangerous gun owners: Those who shoot at anything that moves

and those who own guns but refuse to shoot at all. You are not safe and you have no idea

what the 2nd amendment means. The real reason we may all own guns? So we can return

fire in the event of a military coup and/or foreign invasion. Look at how very afraid the

federal judiciary became when I merely suggested that as I successfully dissolved the

legal ties thus I may now begin abolishing the unjust, dead institutions. That is because

Americans can and will shoot unlike the Swiss. The actual Nazis with Nazi uniforms came

marching up to Switzerland and the Swiss said, “We are neutral.” Nope, as you are all for

Switzerland. As neutral as you want to be you will find there are times where you cannot

and may not remain neutral. A part of moral authority aka will is reasoning and deciding

when it is legal – ethical and moral – to shoot. Do you shoot a Nazi? Is every person in a

Nazi uniform “bad”? If you do shoot can you then live with it after the fact? What if the

planet burns and you sit back and do nothing? You can wave your guns around and tell
me that you are a responsible gun owning nation. Wrong! As that is a false and deceptive

appearance only.

Recently I rescued an item from Australia: An Australian was selling a WWII item, a piece

of jewelry that is a silver rifle with a silver heart dangling from it. On the heart is

representation of the US Capitol. I bought this for two reasons: one no Australian would

appreciate it as much as an American and it is curious as to how it ever came to rest in

Australia and two, this symbolizes America. We wear our hearts on our sleeves and our

guns on our hips. Gun ownership? It is about the exact opposite of violence as we abhor

violence but if you take us there we can and will return fire. The concept of warring for a

just cause in US law is the same as you find in the Koran. You do not like war, you do not

seek it out, and you never, ever invoke the name of God when killing another human

being, but if you must kill another human being you then pray that God will help you deal

with your decision after the fact of it. You do not want to but you can and you will.

When I finally received this pin from Australia I thought: I need to inform Switzerland…I

need to tell Switzerland that if I had my way I would author a new “motto” that describes

America and Americans…”We the People” and ”In God we trust” are great but so is

another that says the same exact thing with different words and more succinctly so:

America : Hearts and guns!

Chile / Venezuela / South America In General

As long as I’m making it very clear that I do not attack the people of any nation but only the

criminals and unjust officers also known as the dead institutions I’d like to tell Hugo

Chavez that not only did I vest the interest and right but so did James Monroe. I know
Chile is not Venezuela or Argentina and claiming a person from Chile is exactly like a

person from Venezuela is like saying Canadians and Americans are identical but it’s the

correct part of the world and I can only work with what I’m given and I was given

somebody from Chile so that’s what I worked with:

1. You should remember that it is the Monroe Doctrine that has kept communists and

jack booted Nazis out of your nation thus far. Any injury South Americans suffered is

because of you and officers like you, as you are not just. That injury is not my fault. Proof

would be: you volunteered to negotiate with Obama. You volunteered to lower your

standards for a crook. Wait: you demanded that I lower my standards to meet yours and

the just citizens refused so when Obama came along and said “I’ll talk to you” you then did

not hear what he was truly saying: I’m willing to sell my soul and yours to privateers; I’m

willing to sell all of you to privateers, to enslave you against your will. You fell for it:

because Obama's skin is darker than mine and you liked what you heard as it fulfills your

selfish interest. Obama’s family were not the victims of slavery and he received every

single break and short cut he asked for or was offered thus he never had to struggle. All of

those people he names in his books that he met along the way? One of them did have to

struggle and when he asked Obama for help he was rebuffed as Obama can use you but

you then had better not ask for a favor in return no matter how dire your circumstances are

as you might then be a chink in Obama’s cool exterior, a false and phony exterior. It’s like

Malcolm X said: As you are unjust and as your motivations and intentions are not what you

purport them to be then Obama could take advantage of you so he did: he began to tell all

of you penny ante foreign dictators that he’d negotiate so you jumped. You reacted and

you then supported him as that’s what you wanted your whole lives: power and control,

unjust power. It never occurred to you that while past Presidents pre-Clinton refused to

negotiate with you as you never negotiate your safety that they did instead uphold the

Monroe Doctrine. Well, Hugo Chavez, as you are unjust I heard you name your price: you
said you would not sell oil to the American People to then force us to cave to your unjust

demands. You said it was George Bush Jr. you were injuring but as the President is the

living embodiment of the law, the Constitution aka The People then we all knew you meant

to harm us and weaken us not Bush Jr. I, Susan, do not play those games: Oil is your

named price? That’s the value you place on your humanity? Then you, Hugo Chavez, are

in dire straights as I do not want or need your oil as I’m a physicist who has the human

ability to provide free energy to The People and as once you name your currency as

something outsiders then manipulate or control the supply and demand of then you have

made your authority and power a matter of supply and demand; you have allowed it to be

controlled by these same outside forces. You sold yourself to: American and European

private corporations. To the oil barons. I think I’m going to let them keep you. So you know

as James Monroe is one of the people who taught me this: you can say your intention and

motivation is one thing; you can then even act your words out so make it seem as if that is

your actual motivation and intention. But if your heart harbors something else so you are

lying? I, Susan, have the human ability to hear your heart and eventually physics dictates

that what you harbor metaphysically will be realized in the physical. If you meant to accord

people justice they’d have it. It’s that easy and that simple but if you think for one minute

that I ever believed the lie you are living? In 10th grade I met a person from Chile who was

here as an exchange student and she told me all about what really goes in inside Chile if

you live there. I spent a lot of time listening to her and so listening to all of the problems

Chileans actually have and a lot of them are your fault. It’s not the Chilean People – it’s the

unjust officers forced upon them. LOL! You can’t jerk me around via threatening to

withhold oil. The American People? They have been trying to get out from under oil for a

hundred years as not only is it a racket, organized criminal activity, but it is now an

exhausted resource. The truth is: Hugo Chavez named something that has zero potential

value as his price; he told Susan Herbert he was not worth anything thus the joke’s on him,

the joke being Barack Obama.

2. Hugo Chavez owes the American people an apology. Every one of the vile remarks

you made about this nation and its offices? You were not attacking the unjust officers but

The People as The People have been fighting crooks like Dick Cheney and Clinton for a

long time. Once Congress allowed Bill Clinton to commit perjury but yet sit then every

single contract fell back to the original documents – the ones the American Founders

wrote. Why, even the Monroe Doctrine fell. If even one person knew then that means The

People are yet the constitutionally set government and The People are not to blame as if

they could have defended themselves they would have. We can and may now walk away

from South America. Several tried; I was successful. You may ask the US Navy as when I

had a choice to make – blame the military or the unjust officer known as Bill Clinton – I

went after Clinton giving up an opportunity to appear in SCOTUS against the Navy and

instead securing an appearance in world court to then convict Clinton - as he never meant

a thing he said. He lied to planet Earth and he defaulted. I went toe to toe with a

commander in the US Navy and it was a draw thus I preserved my standing to sue the

entire US government. A draw means they acknowledged I am their equal; this

commander even admitted that I possessed a human ability he did not as I knew how to

justly work a chain of command from bottom to top. I’ll try to reason this for you on paper

but I will reason it for you in person: If you injure any one American then you injure the

world as only America stands between justice and injustice in the end as power and

authority does actually and legally belong to the lone individual so you might someday be

in a legal situation whereby you can be Great Britain and you can be an actual

constitutional monarchy but if you are attacked it may be one lone American who knows

and is willing to act for you thus that one American is your lone defense. The genius of the

American system is upon your own will and liberty you find a way, as you have no

excuses. Thus you might want to make your best attempt and your best personal effort

when apologizing to the American People as by my count? You owe planet Earth an
apology, as you are one of the main reasons we almost had another Nazi regime inflicted

upon us. That’s right Chavez: I, Susan, have your ticket no matter how you package it:

you’re one of Hitler’s henchmen, equivalent to a Nazi SS officer. A South American Stalin.

Your mistake: You took your case to the officers and they are not the constitutionally set

government. You took your case to a kangaroo court not even named in our law as even

having any power an authority at all: Where does it say a US Presidential election or any

election may go to a court? US law, US case law, logic and physics says WHITE,


federal court. And if it does do you ever count to more than one? No. May you sue an

individual rather than a state or party? No. Jeb Bush even said: you must sue the one

state of FL not Bush. Some people call this the “law of one”. Your clue? Thomas Jefferson

said: All power and authority belongs to The People. A stupid human trick is your game:

You say you are just but your authority is Obama not Jefferson??? Let me guess: Obama

fooled you by standing in front of the Jefferson Memorial so you truly believed he shares

all of Jefferson true beliefs? Well go do the experiment: You and all other world leaders

can sit down and read the Declaration and Constitution. Now compare: Is anything Obama

advocates in either of those documents? Nope. How about in the Founders letters? Nope.

So WHO is the authority? I’m the proof: I copied the Founders not Obama. If I even for one

second made the wrong choice and so copied what is not in our law? I would not be on the

SCOTUS docket all by myself or in world court. Obama might need to buy the offices of

legal power with private money but me? I started with less than nothing – no resources but

my own person – and on the day I finally entered federal court on April 4 th, 2007? I had

$1.27 in the bank, lol. That’s partly why I was injured: Lady Liberty says I want the poor as

I love the poor but federal judges saw $1.27 and so assumed poor and to them as they are

racist, prejudiced, sexist pigs, poor then means stupid so they made a fatal mistake: They

said it was IMPOSSIBLE to triumph over injustice w/o any money or private connections.

They said; you NEED a lawyer; you NEED to be rich. My response? “You idiots – I am a
lawyer. What do you think a physicist is??? All I did was concentrate in government and

theology so if it makes you happy call me a constitutional physicist. Besides: A federal

judge is to know: John Marshal of Marbury V Madison said ACTIONS not paper is the

proof! Lack of a law license and $1.27 prove nothing about me but your ruling which you

wholly based upon that fact as well as ‘woman’ as in you truly believe women are defective

by birth proves YOU are my legal problem. It is not the Constitution and it is not your one

ruling but it’s YOU, the unjust officer.” Are you so very stupid and ignorant Hugo Chavez?

Do you truly believe US citizens can and may argue every clause in the Constitution

except natural birth? Where does it say those who are black or Native get a fee pass?

Actually, it does say the Native get a pass, lol. But not for free. Reason it: As we were born

in a war over independence aka the vote aka equal protection then when the day comes

whereby we cannot argue the natural birth clause? This means war; Nazis are afoot; Hitler

is about to rise to power and dupes like Chavez will fall for it hook, line and sinker as

“America” is the prize every unjust man on Earth has sought to defeat. Egomaniacs

believe if they can defeat America then they rule the world. Newsflash: Several times The

People have said we have no desire to rule the world and/or colonize you. We’ve had the

opportunity and we rejected it each time. Go ask Japan. Susan Herbert knows the people

of Chile; their leader might be this gullible but they are not. My proof: Not once has any

citizen of Chile repeated anything Hugo Chavez said to me. Hugo Chavez: you have egg

on your face. Ready? I can call you a bad egg in Spanish; I know how: Hugo Chavez es un

mal bicho. My Spanish teacher told me that is vulgar; that it is considered to be one of the

worst things you can call a person in Spanish. In English it’s not vulgar but in Spanish it is.

I came across it accidentally so I knew to then file it away as someday I might have to

insult a foreign leader with deliberation, insult an unjust officer, to then prove a point of law:

the officers and The People of any nation are two different things and so if it does not

apply to you? You then should not BE insulted as you should not FEEL insulted. To be:

also different in Spanish as there’s ser and estar. One applies to people who emote and
reason while one applies to things. So, you might feel insulted and you might but are you

the cause? Are you guilty? Is your emotion and feeling the proof? Maybe you are guilty of

something else if you feel guilty; maybe…you’re accountable and responsible but not

guilty. What are the Chilean people “guilty” of? What are The People of South America

guilty of? Putting up with the likes Hugo Chavez, Pinochet and Barack Obama but first

Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton and actually harboring Nazi war criminals. All of these guys

knew different but did it regardless as they are anything but stupid and ignorant. South

American People: I can teach you too how to defend yourselves.

I can go on and on all across the planet, stopping in every nation but as this lawsuit was

never supposed to be a book I will concentrate on one continent and a few other nations

as you can never place the entire proof of life case on paper as we only have so many

pieces of paper as paper is a limited resource:


I deeply understand how and why people who are actually starving cannot help

themselves. We conducted several experiments; did any of them work to relieve what

seems to be a chronic problem in Africa? No as it is never enough to make people

physically strong only. That’s the first thing you do and then you need to do several other

things to make them internally or metaphysically strong. I am also aware of the endemic

problem rape has become and know for a fact that while scientists cite the numbers of

women raped they totally overlook the men who are also raped as “rape” is about power

and control not the act of sex. If you count the number of men raped then those numbers

are more than astronomical; it makes the huge numbers cited today look like a joke.

The first thing Africa needs to know is that when I went all over Earth collecting knowledge
– collecting the evidence rising to proof – I was struck at how much knowledge Africans

had. “Salvation history” is history but African knowledge was being ignored. If you cannot

understand how salvation history is history look to the legendary city of Troy. History is first

fact, it happened, and then it becomes a story as it is retold and so then a legend and

lastly a myth. If we “forget” it then it might become a “dream” as like Carl Jung said we

have a collective consciousness. Everyone thought Troy as only a myth but Hermann

Schliemann thought otherwise. Like you can point to the world and see evidence of the

places named in the bible so we know where they are even today he could name places in

the Iliad and the Odyssey that he recognized so he began to think if he followed the

landmarks in those legends he would find Troy. People do not repeat the stories they tell

w/o reason; they tell them over and over for actual reasoning. Schliemann then did find

Troy to the shock and awe of all other archeologists. Was it exactly as described? No but

the point is in one place at one time an epic battle was fought and so advanced were these

people that they must have left behind a “treasure” – a physical record of their existence.

As I resolved Uniformity and as I brought an incredible amount of knowledge to the table I

found that science was incorrect and even wrong time and time again while indigenous

Africans were not. Like Native America I could often use native Africans as a constant. The

difference is war and starvation; it was killing the African people making some tribal

knowledge become extinct as it died with the people. I was led to explore the Orion

Correlation and that is a real, actual thing. Men said it was not. Finally a scientist reasoned

why he did not believe it: He said stars precess so people could not know this star

knowledge thousands and thousands of years ago. His science sounded great but it was

wrong as he based it all upon incorrect assumptions: you need the approved, official

science to know any of this so if tribes did not know the science their knowledge is then

wrong. For instance: If a person in Africa did not know calculus then he could not know

something you could prove with calculus. Wrong, as calculus is; it came into begin with the
universe thus anything true about the universe can be known to you but you may never,

ever come to know calculus thus you may have it all correct expect the math. Your proof

may be nature as in nature behaves this way. Newton may come along and agree saying

yes as the math is this way too. Or: you may be an African who was given star knowledge

by your creator or even by an “alien”. Like God slowly reveals himself to people God

revealed himself to you. Or maybe an alien did give it to you. All I know is I proved all of

this stuff and then went looking for supporting evidence and each time I came across

something like the doggone knowledge versus the scientific knowledge the Doggone were

correct. At times I had to choose: Who’s correct? Having to choose if I could establish that

the native knowledge was undiluted like the Iroquois then I chose the native knowledge not

science and I was always correct. Sometimes modern science proved the native

knowledge: The Doggone have always maintained that Sirius is a three star not two star

system and now science has evidence suggesting that there are two stars revolving as the

Doggone say with a third that seems to be as the doggone say. Science then said: maybe

we are incorrect and the Doggone did know this all along. For science proof will only be a

photograph or other measurement; for me proof is life: Can we look right at the pyramids?

Somebody built them and they knew something we do not. That’s just it: I know how they

built the pyramids but then I never thought it was beyond my ability…if life is proof then

you can do anything they can do and you can know anything they knew. “Knowledge” is

never truly lost but only forgotten. My own experience of the Native Americans tells me

that my authority should be the Doggone if I’m investigating Sirius as obviously – it’s self-

evident - they know something we do not. If I’m investigating the number of grams of fat in

a hot dog? Then my authority might be a scientific lab not the Doggone. Thus:

I came to know that native Africans have some of the most valuable knowledge on Earth.

I also know that it is a lie to say we can’t feed starving Africans. We can but we have not
yet made the decision to do so as we keep electing unjust men as we believe the leis we

tell ourselves. There is plenty of food to feed everyone on the planet; food has been used

as a sort of currency as a means to wield power and control. Look at North Korea today

and in the past the Ukraine: Forced or rather enforced starvation is used to control the

populace. You must do one of two thins to starve people: deny them food or deny them

liberty but denying them actual food is the ting that is nigh impossible to overcome: Is a

starving and nearly dead John Adams of any good to you? He can have all the big ideas

he wants but can he act upon them if he is starving? No but can he overcome a denial of

liberty if he is fed? Yes. The main reason to feed Africans is that they are human beings

nom ore no less and so to do less is to commit a sin, as you know of the injury they suffer.

But to temporarily feed them is no good as they must then receive something else: The

means to defeat the very systems that caused them to starve to begin with. I can address

guerrilla warfare, the weather, “global” warming or environmental damage and then the

systems of government that are unjust. To reveal all I know on paper is not possible;

weather would take several books alone as it is not what you think it is once you know

how and why the magnetic North Pole moves. So to prove I can do what I say I can do I

will address guerilla warfare as I already addressed their arms race via Jimmy Carter so

now I’ll address the cause that will remedy the most effects as Federalist Ten instructs:


To rape a human you target the original separation of powers. Thus to rape a woman you

must insert something in her vagina against her will as the female power is childbirth. To

target childbirth is to harm a woman in the most extreme emotional and most extreme

physical way. You are absolutely and wholly injuring the physical and metaphysical; you

then annihilate the whole person, the self, this way. Many legal codes name sodomy as an

act of rape; it is not as sodomy when the victim is an adult is an act of sex not an act of

power and control. Many legal codes have erred and so legislated that it is possible to rape
an adult male. No it is not; you can write that on a piece of paper but unless that man is a

child and unless that man has a vagina buy birth acts of sodomy are not rape. It’s

biologically impossible and biology is an inviolate law of this universe: a man will never

have a baby.

Guerrilla soldiers often rape women and force their husbands, sons and fathers to watch.

Red cross workers know that after the fact a cycle of blame, shame, anger and guilt

ensues but they cannot find a way to overcome it. That is because: to forcibly restrain a

man and so force him to watch as you annihilate or murder a person vulnerable or

defenseless is to rape him as the male power is physical, upper body strength. Male

strength is for the sole purpose of protecting and defending the vulnerable thus ensuring

physical safety. Patriarchy perverted this. So then to force a man to witness the rape of

women is to then rape him as his sense of self in annihilated which is why men then often

blame the victim – as they cannot comprehend the emotions and feelings they have so to

stuff them down blame what is easiest to blame: The victim. If Red Cross workers would

begin to reason for these men that their victimizers deliberately, knowingly and willingly

targeted them this way as a means to stop them from defeating unjust regimes then men

would not become so helpless and whole communities would not fall apart. If Red Cross

workers began teaching male victims that these guerilla regimes count and depend upon

their male victims blaming their female victims then men would stop doing this as they can

control their destiny and fate by merely refusing to go there. It’s as simple as this:

Guerilla warlords know that they MUST enact a chain of causation whereby their male

victims must then blame the female victims. This then totally disempowers an entire

society. Once they engage this chain of causation, a chain reaction, it is self feeding in that

you must act directly against it to undo it. This is also why these same guerilla warlords

target and recruit children: they have to annihilate that sense of self and so condition
children to kill. It’s easiest of all to accomplish this if your victims are children and you force

them to be violent as you then create a force of Nazi children who grow up to be Nazi

adults. Recall Hitler’s youth? Think of the prayer of St. Francis: All St. Francis is describing

is a chain of causation; to break it you first sever it - as I am doing by disseminating

knowledge so you are no longer ignorant – and then you act directly against it: you do the

one and only thing that these guerilla warlords can’t have you do: you refuse to blame the

victim. So if you are a man you instead fault the guilty party: The guerilla soldier as he

must if he does nothing else defeat the men as if he does not then the men may always

come to defeat him via physical force. It’s never enough to merely harm all women. You

currently tell men not to blame the female victim for the sake of the female victim and the

children. No: you must begin teaching these injured men that the one and only reason to

refuse to continue this lethal cycle is for their own persons. They were and are the actual

target of guerilla soldiers who rape women; the women are a means to an end. You have

to teach these men: They are after you not the women as they are not afraid of an army of

women but they are afraid of an army of men – just men. Your weapons may be sticks and

stones but no person on Earth can defeat you if you are just and your enemy is not. I can

prove it as I am the proof; it’s about a law of this universe; it’s about uniformity. Persons

who are injure this way must regain a sense of self; you should never tell them to do

anything for another but for themselves and eventually they will be able to connect good

consequences – good results - to their “new” or “different” choices. Currently it is beyond

them that they actually do have the power to effect change under or in such one sided

conditions. No; it only seems as if it is one sided and that is because Red Cross workers

and other relief agencies –not even Jimmy Carter - have given you the correct knowledge

and if you do not have the right tools for the job then you can’t do the job, can you? Now

you can. You are born able and capable; due to the nature of the injury it seems as if you

have forgotten this knowledge; it seems as if you are less than or defective by birth when

you are not. Proof?

Did the US citizens fall victim to the same injury only they were raped by the sitting

officers? So the Americans with all of their material garbage and all of their fancy

institutions of learning still fell victim to what native Africans fell victim to and Americans?

They had something the Africans did not: Knowledge and a just system of government. All

people are born with the exact same potential; some of us realize it and some of us do not.

Something Africans have going for them that Americans do not? Human grief for if you

know that actual emotion then you can then feel human joy. Americans rarely experience

actual human grief as they are given everything. I never took anything for granted: If John

Adams told me three times over that human grief is one of the most valuable human

experiences then I’m going to listen to him. As a physicist I “get” this:

US law only works if you act for yourself and then act for others selflessly. TERMS are

never violated; there’s terms but not conditions. The natural birth clause is a term not a

condition. There’s a difference. The Scottish often act more American than actual naturally

born Americans; why? Will, that’s why as Scotland fought a 700 year war for

independence and weather conditions in Scotland are not ideal: The Scottish capital

Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow; the Scottish often faced starvation and

desperate outside conditions but did not give up and they too like Africans had an idea of a

Creator. Adams said human grief is a term of my humanity; he said it was not something I

could choose to experience or not but that I had to experience it. He said it’s a term so it’s

a need not a want. I listened to him, as he is another sort of creator like a founding prophet

as he is largely responsible for the Declaration so I know: If you are a people that

intimately know or deeply understand human grief you have an extraordinary advantage

over those who do not. My proof is: The American Revolution as those people did know

human grief yet triumphed. My other proof is the Civil Rights movement as those people

knew human grief but made a mistake: They then became victimizers thus never yet
realized their potential. Human joy and liberty eluded them as they harmed themselves

each time they harmed another in revenge, retaliation and/or desperation.

People must first be able to act in their own defense to then be able to act in defense of

another. “Turn the other cheek” does not mean stand there and let someone hit you!!! It

means: you own the knowledge of what the injury is and so you do whatever you have to

do to overcome it thus not be a victim even if that is refusing to blame a woman for what

happened to you. If you know guerilla soldiers are targeting you then if they do restrain you

and force you to watch them while the rape your wife and daughters you can silently

reason it with your own person, telling yourself you know what they are doing so your

power rests in staying alive and protecting the vulnerable victims after the fact starting with

yourself; that you may not be able to physically defy these people but you can

metaphysically defy them in a way they can never then actually defeat you as you now

have the human ability to avoid those emotional places that incapacitated you in the past.

In this way refusing to struggle is not giving up but instead is you reasoning and deciding

that not reacting as they need you to react is your way to then make yourself strong.

Eventually guerilla soldiers will lose and lose permanently as you’ll become as cunning

and as clever as they are -as strong as they are – only as good is on your side – you

mean to help yourself and help others - you then are destined to win. It’s physics. It does

not work any other way.

Africans sometimes refer to the power of one; this is what you have forgotten as one lone

person can change the planet. You truly are a power of one that can defeat many. All you

need is for me to answer all of your questions and tell you everything I learned about the

injury. Then you will have all of the exact same tools I have; then you too can enter the

world court or do anything else you please and you do not need a formal education or a
gun to do it. You only need your one person.

Another problem I have named when dealing with Africa is: lack of infrastructure. You’re in

luck Africa: Like The US rebuilt Japan the Army corp of engineers - the US military – can

help build the African infrastructure you need. You have the resources so all you need is

teachers. Ideally the US military is to be an offensive force not a defensive one. By

offensive I do not mean on the attack but that the US military is The People and is

controlled by The People so that they are only as good or as strong as the American

People are. The People actually have a vested interest in helping Africans build

infrastructure the US military is already there in some parts of Africa doing this. Once I

defeat the Chinese nuclear threat and the situation in Iraq the US military is going to need

something to do. As we are not a colonial force then Africans do not need to be afraid as

we do not want or need another America in that way. Africans once turned on the US

military shooting a helicopter down and killing US service members; why?

Unjust officers that’s why as they then convinced those Africans that the US military is their

enemy. It might be – if the Commander in Chief is an idiot and/or is a Hitler in the making.

Immediately we can help feed starving Africans and if Africans are then willing to help

themselves? We can give you all of the knowledge you need and a few basic piece of

infrastructure – we can’t and won’t just hand all of this to you as we couldn’t if we wanted

to do so and as some things like cell phones are a want not a need - so you can then act

like African Founders and liberate yourselves. In this way you then address the injury to

the American military as they too suffer from a self-esteem issue. And in the long term this

addresses the injury slavery is that is still reverberating across the globe. Ask yourself:

When a slave trader arrived and stole 7 or 8 hundred Africans did you have the human
ability to stop him and/or chase him to then take back your citizens? Did you ever imagine

fellow tribesmen helping slave traders? Did Americans know the evil that slavery is but

keep condoning and even practicing it? Did you or America ever envision exactly how

devastating that injury would become? No, so you can’t let that injury go unadressed

forever; what you need to do is empower yourselves so no unjust, vile person can ever do

that to you again. You can and may accept help from me or from any American if it is a gift

- no conditions attached – as that it is upon your own will and liberty and then you own all

of the consequences. Americans cannot and will not say that we did anything for you – you

can’t blame or credit us - as all that happened is you made a different choice for


This is about demonstrating what is possible as sometimes your outside conditions force

you to live the same choices over and over - you do what you are forced to do - so you

come to a point whereby you know nothing else and can’t even imagine it. If a US soldier

showed you how you could easily build a school or a hospital with only the raw materials

you do have - it would not be fancy but would be more than adequate – could you then do

it? And what if: A solider, a uniformed solider, demonstrated that a military force does not

have to be violent; that not all uniformed soldiers act to cause devastation and death. In

your world all uniformed soldiers are “bad”; in your world the idea of a military acting in

defense of life is not even in your head. You can’t imagine it so you can’t do it; you can’t

act in self-defense, as for you violence and starvation is the only way. The real

infrastructure I mean to build is internal not external but first you need to become

physically able so we might need to build a school or a hospital or two.

I could write sets of books on all I know about Africa. I even know the Adam and Eve

salvation or creation words that apply to Africa. The words that define sense of self; that

sever the chain of causation. Like Adam and Eve – “white” humanity - came to truly believe
they were separated from the Creator thus are unequal so did Africans. You can say three

words to people who are the victims of endemic, generational discrimination to then sever

the chain of causation as they have been conditioned and/or indoctrinated. A physical

injury affects their brains; that is what Thurgood Marshal demonstrated with proof of life

and later Roger Perry proved again via science. It’s not “I love you”. These words only

work if you hear them so I can’t write them down, as it is neuroscience. I can’t amend the

laws that are neuroscience as man did not write that law as the Creator did. All man did is

come along and define the law on paper via living life or via actual trial and error. Unjust

men who are officers and/or agents? They are not acting in error but wrongly, as what they

are doing is very deliberate. It’s a sin to starve Africans knowingly.


I know the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian not Iraqi so why invade Iraq? Oil as the

unjust US officers like Cheney who have a personal stake in the oil business do not want

to upset the unjust Saudi royal family but also do not want China to appropriate via

invasion middle eastern oil reserves. As we once stopped Hussein from invading Kuwait

the unjust US officers felt as if they could justify going to war with Iraq so you had people

like Cheney manufacture evidence to then justify it. The flip side is: Iraq named Islam and

oil as its price; it valued its humanity as such so it was an easy thing for unjust US officers

to then make war on Iraq but convince the citizens it is legal and constitutional. Your first

clue? US military personnel confiscating and destroying copies of the Koran as that is not

just war but ideological warfare. I’ll go into what I know about Islam in person. Several

things led up to an unjust war being waged thus citizens dying in defense of the dead

institutions and not any constitutions including the still reverberating effects of Korea and

Vietnam and big oil suppressing free energy plus an unprecedented attack on the US but

who and what did the terrorists attack? Money thus this is also your clue as money is not
justice and money is not what the American Founders named as the benefit – the

blessings of liberty are the named benefit number one of which is safety both emotional

and physical. This is impossible if your government is corrupt and then becomes criminal

as the corruption passes completion of is beyond endemic. World court: In the Us you

might have to violate the letter of the law when you act in self-defense or in the defense of

others as they are one and the same but do you ever have to violate the spirit of the law?

No, so whenever an American especially an officer violates the spirit of the law you know

as fact he or she has committed what is a crime no matter what other officers say. Take

Clinton and Obama: they both violated the spirit of the law several times over. That very

first time was criminal even if no federal judge and no member of Congress will convict

them. Take Cheney: what he has done is treason even if no officer will charge him. Why

won’t other officers charge him or convict him charged like Clinton was? Because: In order

for people like Clinton, Cheney and Obama to ever be able to rise to power every single

sitting officer beneath them had to compromise our safety thus commit a crime; to convict

Clinton, to charge Cheney or to force Obama to answer in a court of law is to admit or

confess to guilt as proven by the reaction to my lawsuit and proven by the refusal of the

US elected and appointed government to take any action upon Gonzales being heard in

world court. Who declares war? Not the President but Congress so do you truly believe

those same crooks will ever charge Cheney thus admit guilt themselves?

Examining all causes and effects surrounding the Iraq war I realized I could resolve this

war. The Iraqis turned on the US military after turning upon another ‘force’ first: the very

first people the Iraqis went after when this war became obviously criminal were two private

businessmen not soldiers. That’s proof of life. The Iraqis named the correct issue but as

the unjust officers in the US kept allowing privateers to harm them with impunity thus profit

off of their suffering then the Iraqis went after the US military – a military who still does not

know how to fight a Vietnam style war as those problems were left to fester w/o resolution.
The good news is: I can help both the US military and Iraq as one of the major things you

are seeing in Iraq is a people struggle to discover their identity after experiencing

thousands of years of colonization plus the corruption of Islam that came into being shortly

after Mohammed’s death which is now inflicted upon all Iraqis by an elite few who stand to

benefit. If you check the historical records almost all religions and all forms of government

become corrupted as persons are forever trying to profit via exploitation, then as they

promise the citizens the exploitation will benefit them too most citizens agree thus a

personal agenda is waged, then citizens forget the original intent of the form and then if

they do know it are powerless to fight it and so the corruption then becomes the law – it is

inserted or entrenched - even though it is no where to be found in the words of the

founding prophet/prophets. This happened in the US too; it is also about a minority ruling

class that are then removed from power while the persecuted majority class then begins to

govern itself. At times nature takes its course as in the US like in Iraq white men are no

longer the majority but cling to power by any means possible – even via criminal means –

while men in general have harmed women who make up more than 50% of the population

since the dawn of patriarchy but are now falling out of favor as women either become

criminal too thus access the institutions or the criminal men die out as end stage criminal

activity – injustice - means insanity, prison or death. In this case it is physical death such

as US soldiers dying for no reason and no cause in Iraq. MEN manufactured the evidence,

men declared that war, men then waged that war and men keep denying they are killing us

in order to escape the consequences of their action. Physics dictates then it was only a

matter of time until a new Nazi regime appeared, the US died out as a nation both

metaphysically and physically and/or I, Susan, appeared. Because of the original American

Founders I am able to take a different course. I can and will choose what no man was

willing to choose.

Patrick Henry told me what liberty denied felt like; like him I was willing to be killed or to kill
when I felt actual liberty denied. Your skin crawls. If you do not surrender and so give up

on yourself you CAN’T live in liberty denied as the unjust officers are suffocating and

smothering your very person; it is emotionally and physically so painful death is the only

out and so Revolution becomes a necessity. Imagine owning knowledge – the truth – and

other people seek to stop you from telling the truth; imagine if you the person is the truth

so they must stop you from existing or kill you but leave your heart beating. This happed to

blacks that were slaves and it still happens to women upon a routine basis. It’s why you

see the rise in violence among women for if violence is the only currency men understand

then women must trade upon it or remain powerless to change their world; it is happening

in Iraq now only Iraqis mistakenly blame Christianity and the American People instead of

the unjust officers. You will live or in liberty or die trying; it’s a human self-defense

mechanism going off. Henry also said that he could only reason and decide what course to

take now by examining the actions others took in the past; what worked and what did not

or what action had never been tried. I did the same. As hard as it may be to believe you

can end a war as easily as you start one but you can. That’s the course I chose. I not only

have the truth regarding the ideological warfare of Islam over Christianity but the means to

teach Iraqis how to tap into their id – self-awareness – thus balance will and liberty thus

exert or produce individual energy while also providing them with external free energy thus

replacing oil so that they no longer value their humanity in amounts of oil and neither does

the rest of world. I can address all of this at the same time I address the US military. I can

do more for Iraq than any of you would ever believe only as I kept acting justly when given

a choice.

There is one other thing I can help planet Earth deal with while ending the war in Iraq:

There is a real, actual reason you fought this war and died in this war. This is for the US

allies too: while you can never, ever justify what the criminal officers of the US along with

the US privateers have done the very fact that I knew exactly what was being perpetrated
upon the world and that I knew children were dying without reason or cause then made me

work harder and faster. If you could not wrap your head around the math of Bush V Gore

or why nothing any US officer ever writes upon a piece of paper is law – even an

amendment passed by a ¾ vote may be unconstitutional if it changes our form of

government - and/or that the officers must be defied if anything they do is unjust so that no

Executive Order, ruling of SCOTUS or act of Congress not even a declaration of war is

ever binding and valid if it flies in the face of the governing documents - then I would work

w/o relief until I found the means to reason it for you in person. Along the way I came to

know: The human grief you feel over the death of a child? It is emotional pain so great it

actually can kill you but if you survive it? It is this kind of grief that then enables you to feel

intense, actual human joy. Joy, the divine spark in man, is accessible once you survive

human grief. This kind or type of joy is so rare as most people never suffer these

conditions so never have to reason the senseless loss of a child. Should you be glad or

happy that you may have lost a child in this war? No but if you did I promise you (and I

never make promises lightly) that if you can ask and answer the question “Why me? Why

my child?” at some point you will come to a place whereby a dam breaks and you do truly

become whole. Thus:

No matter how dark it appears to be, and no matter how dire it is, and no matter how large

this point of law seems to be there is hope. Think of it this way: I volunteered to go there

first myself so I would have the answers for you – so I could give you all of the facts and

inform you of all of the effects you might experience if you give up on the unjust officers

and unjust forms and instead rely and depend upon yourselves instead of others and

instead of paper: Your children did not die in vain as I knew so I acted. They caused me to

exist. They actually did rescue The People and so will bear new life. You need to “never

forget” in their name and in your own.


I came very close to being born and raised in Scotland not the US as my great

grandmother Susan Marie Livingston left Scotland and came to American at around 11

months old or so I was told. I know nothing about any of my relatives as one of the ways

men in my family abused power and control was to deny family history, hide family history

and lie about family history thus if they controlled the knowledge they then controlled family

members. They used fear as in fear of the unknown or they manufactured fear; in my

family all women were at fault and/or crazy for rebelling and apparently I’m the only woman

who objected and fought back. I reasoned and decided I did not need that personal family

history as I had salvation history, as even US history is salvation history. When I finally

corned one of my relatives and got the truth they stunned me: The problem I identified was

so old it began before human memory that is as far back as any human could recall we

have been living out domestic violence. If you look in all creation stories the first humans

engage in what is domestic violence thus the very thing that makes us human also makes

us prone to abuse of power and control as we insist upon placing authority outside of

ourselves. The decision Adam and Eve made? It is fear based and it is also the

endowment of will and liberty; by eating that apple Eve created outside of herself – outside

of her constitution - or she created the institution government. Adam then did the same as

he too lied about his person as he blamed a woman for what he himself did.

This is the exact injury my relatives brought with them from Scotland. It’s not happy

accident that Scotland fought a 700 year long war for independence; it’s that same

inviolate will that then caused my relatives to leave Scotland when they had no hope and

for my family – at least me - to become successful once here. It’s that same will that then

allowed me to resist the unjust men in my world and then to resist an unjust nation and an
unjust planet. It’s that same will that allowed the first American Founders to triumph. It’s

why I’m not angry or resentful and why no matter what unjust officers accuse me of they

can never, ever make me guilty: I was able to turn that will right back upon them as I know

a secret they do not, that if you pervert that will so that your moral authority becomes

anything but moral then you are the point of law and you are the cause of the injustice. The

proof will be self-evident so nothing you write on any piece of paper will change this and

eventually you will not be able to deny it: Scotland, is it a fact that it is over 200 years later

and America still has not accorded all people justice? That after 200 years the unjust

sitting officers of the US yet refuse to share legal power with women? Is it a fact that I am

wholly innocent but every officer I cross paths with is desperate to make me guilty? Does

Scotland believe life or believe the pieces of paper and the false appearance the unjust

officers are selling them? Is Scotland truly independent today? I was told by a person from

Scotland that they still have a tax issue afoot and it concerns sheep. I find this funny as if

unjust people believe we are sheep and will be led to the slaughter w/o a fight they do not

know me and they do not know Scotland. They have made a fatal mistake, assuming we

are weak.

I can and will advise Scotland: If pressed to choose sides, either the constitutionally set

government known as The People or the officers like Obama, Biden, Byrd or Pelosi? I’d

choose The People as I have proven that The People like the sound of a Scottish accent

above all others. In America that accent has the most effect. Realizing this and studying

the history of the English language and upon also discovering that English is an elegant

language but you only notice this if you are enlightened – if you are more consciously

aware than most you will hear English “shift” so that you can and may interchange words

like ‘prodigy’ and ‘progeny’ and even idioms and colloquialisms flip back upon themselves

revealing new shades of meaning - I then looked up what Scottish clan my family might

belong to as I never knew. Of the two clans Livingstone's belong to the one I reasoned and
decided must be mine then made me laugh for I checked: After choosing which clan my

family most likely descended from I found my Scottish “motto” to be “I shall do it if I can” or

if it is humanly possible then I will do it. You can’t be more American than that. Then I

laughed even harder as God does tell the best jokes: I know exactly why there is a salmon

and a lion rampant on that family’s coat of arms. This is a perfect example of how the

physical world and everything in it is symbolic for the truth. An actual lion symbolizes the

truth of nature the same way a lion rampant does if you know all of the facts…you might

come to vastly different conclusions but then again you may not as nature is nature; how

this universe works is how it works. If all man does is come to know the truth of the

universe and then write it down on paper isn’t possible what is universally true about

America is also universally true about Scotland? So then, what am I? Scottish or

American? Catholic? Woman? I’m universal; I’m the constant. I do not know the name of

the ship my grandmother sailed upon but I was told she came into Philadelphia not NYC.

And my English relatives? We all know what ships they sailed upon as they landed at or in

what is now known as Jamestown, VA: The Godspeed, the Discovery and the Susan


I have seen film of the starlings congregating and flying en masse each year in Scotland.

Maybe someday I’ll witness that in person. For now Scotland: look up the name “starling”

and what that bird is said to symbolize. Then think about the millions of birds flying in

unison. Doesn’t that mimic something humanity does? If you witness animals do it, if you

find it in nature, humans do the same thing – they have the ability even if they have not

accessed it yet - or do what is equivalent to it. Proof is: I can do some amazing things and

there is an American citizen who is blind who uses echolocation to navigate without sight.

You, Scotland, have a percussionist who is deaf but who plays with a symphony orchestra

as she uses a highly developed sense of touch; she can feel vibration thus tone so she

does not need to rely upon conventional hearing - exactly like some animals. Then ask
yourself this: Of all the great migration journeys animals undertake who and what

undertook the greatest migration journey of all?

If I could inform Scotland of anything? I’d tell Scotland: you need to discern suffering from

sacrifice. Once you do that so you no longer tolerate suffering so you then ARE truly

independent. Maybe you made the same mistake modern Americans have made; maybe

your war for independence hasn’t ended – yet - as you finally received the paper but now

like me you have to act to claim it thus making it reality. Maybe like Rocky you have one

last battle ahead of you to then prove it to yourselves once and for all.

“Hail to the Chief” is based upon a Scottish lyric poem about a guy named Rodderick Dhu,

a potential father-in-law and a true love but which people claim is about men at war with

each other and lost physical lands. I have to check to recall if Dhu is the guy in love or the

father-in-law never to be. Scotland, for you or anyone to truly believe my theme song, a

Scottish poem about unconditional love, romance and sex, with an alternate title of “The

Lady Of The Lake” by Walter Scott is a big, fat random accident is ludicrous not delusional.


Poland told me it was finally going to tell me the truth about America. So what’s the truth,

Poland? Poland has a preoccupation with country music and other things “American”. I do

not like country music; in fact one of the first thoughts I had after ending the war - on paper

not in person - and after resolving uniformity thus equality was: “Country music, your reign

of terror in the Whitehouse is over.” Polish country music is nothing like American country

music which proves a point of law: you do not become “America lite” if you adopt the form

known as US law as your own. American culture does not swallow you up but will and

liberty unrestrained tend to promote certain forms of expression over others such as
movies, music and political expression. You’re a body politic, an individual, within a body

politic, a whole nation. Some politicking is necessary so you have opposing forces

politicking and sometimes it is not very pretty like the Obama poster – propaganda – that

reads “hope” and has his face plastered upon it as if black means hope and change while

totally ignoring man and crook and lazy is more of the same. Was the artist informed of all

fact? Nope so you fight propaganda with truth and then the US Marshall threatens to arrest

you for telling the truth, lol. That’s all politics some of which is legal and some of which is

not as John Marshall is correct – there are two forms in the US. So then: I’d watch and

listen to Polish country music any day of the week over US country music. It’s not identical.

Then Poland told me the truth:

The real, actual reason it seems to be taken with all things American? Poland is vesting

their interest and right as it knows if it is ever in trouble via invasion or some such thing a la

the bartering that went on after WWII ended that only the US will help (how did Stalin end

up with half of Europe??? If you sent me and Queen Elizabeth instead of Churchill and

FDR we would have ended up liberating most of Europe as Stalin would be a cakewalk for

us which reminds me: when you are dealing with Nazis? It’s not as if Mussolini can say

‘”Ooops! I made a mistake choosing to play for Hitler’s team; let’s all forget about it and go

home”…at some point Nazis can’t back down as it is their personality you are dealing with

and they need a therapist not a president; this personality quirk has taken a lifetime to

develop so you are not going to cure it or fix it overnight and may be you can’t ever ‘fix’

what’s broken in these people as you have to have one serious defect to accept a Nobel

Prize you know as absolute fact you did not EARN…Obama may not have chosen black

but he did choose to accept that award even when his own best friends were arguing

against it. Go look at the famous photo of FDR, Stalin and Churchill. That’s why Stalin

ended up owning most of Europe). Anyway, Poland told me that only the US will come to

their aid; that if they have any opportunity at all to escape such a catastrophe it lies with
the US so they’re not stupid – they’re vesting the interest and right today instead of waiting

for the disaster to happen. Poland said only the US could help and would help them. I

agree. I did the same thing only in reverse as I vested my interest and right by doing some

reverse migration but never leaving the US as all of you came to me. It’s one of the prices

you pay for liberty: everybody can get in but not too many actually make it once they’re

here. Of 300 million only I rose this time; it took quite a while to secure the allegiance of

other Americans as first – I had to get them to read a lawsuit like no other ever in world

history. I had to ask them: Do you truly believe in the Declaration and Constitution? and

then I had to tell them or order them: then act like it. In some ways Poland believed in

those documents more so than natural born Americans. I can and will deal with people

who tell me the truth; I mean if only Canada would say they borrow the idea of the US

military w/o any of the worry US/Canadian relations would be so much better. Maybe two

people in a room would be able to name the Canadian prime minister. Yes, I’m joking


Poland: at least one nation isn’t taking me for granted so I won’t take you for granted. I

know something about the Polish workers strike that most people do not know that has to

do with John Adams and women and I had contact with John Paul that was private – only

one other person knows about it – and I am willing to tell Poland all of the details. The

Catholic Church is out to make John Paul a saint but you do not want them to do that – yet

– as you want history to judge him once you have emotional distance from the events you

have lived. If John Paul represents Poland then you want him to stand alone in the light of

history - no special favors, as he doesn’t need any. He’s not the exception to the rule –

he’s the law at work and the thing all people should aspire to especially if they’re Polish.

Poland and the Poles can do it on their own or so they’ve proven. BTW: A Pole gave me

the clue I needed to crack evolution.

China / North Korea

Once I realized and then proved that you can know when and where you must detonate a

nuclear bomb if you want it to result in a chain reaction – if you do not detonate it at

exacting times and places then you will not start a nuclear chain reaction – I knew I could

defeat China’s nuclear threat and China’s standing army w/o ever firing a bullet so I went

on the internet and posted: North Korea - wanna come out and play? The only “power”

China and North Korea have is perceived as it is not reality. Listen up world: any person or

nation that uses fear, coercion and/or threats is not actually powerful; they can never, ever

make good on whatever they claim. They are lying to you. It might seem as if China can

lob a nuke at you and that it will detonate. Fro that to happen China would have to violate

the law of nature. As man is a part of nature? If your enemy is human and he uses fear,

coercion and threats he too is full of poop. He might gain the upper hand in the beginning

but at the end? Justice is the design of the universe; as man is liberated by his very nature

then any person using fear as their weapon is faking or lying and will lose. He has to lose.

North Korea’s ‘leader’, Kim Il Jong II, uses propaganda and physical, forced starvation to

then control its population. If you go to North Korea? North Korean’s will tell you that they

won the Korean War even though the US has had troops in South Korea since it ended as

we actually won. We fought in Korea to prevent the Chinese from storming all over Earth;

we called it the domino effect. I knew to listen for the “silent” domino effect as it is the war

of ideas you need to win and you need to do it justly via proof of life. If your system of

government worked then it would work; a citizen would be able to prove it via living it.

People like Obama would not need all sorts of help and shortcuts. So we had two

communist nations but one was proving money is the opiate of the people while the other

was proving forced starvation and conditioning is the opiate of the people. North Korea

reasoned and decided: Keep the people physically weak and they cannot possibly revolt. It
used China and the idea of its military like Canada uses ours.

North Korea: I do not believe a thing you say. Also: I do not condone torture. If I was on

duty (and I am) and two American citizens wandered near enough to you to then become

your hostages? I’d leave them. What? I’m to believe they did not know what they were

doing? Please: They knew. They bought plane tickets and went there, didn’t they? And if I

myself somehow become your hostage? If, I, Susan, was told I was being “rescued” and I

stepped out of my jail cell only to be greeted by Bill Clinton I would then…step back into

my jail cell and tell North Korea I’m safer with you than with Bill Clinton. That was your

foolish mistake: you asked us to send you an “authority” so we sent you…Bill Clinton, the

person Americans refer to as the most corrupted, criminal president in all of US history. As

you, Kim Il Jong and Co., are w/o moral authority we sent you a former President devoid of

any moral authority. Let’s put this in perspective:

Americans truly believe Bill Clinton is a bigger, worse criminal than Richard Nixon as at

least Nixon volunteered to resign so we did not have to impeach him and/or try him. Nixon

took responsibility for his unjust actions. Clinton merely pretended he is not guilty so we

dumped him on North Korea and two silly Americans who also committed perjury as they

said they accidentally - you know ‘mistakenly’ - went to North Korea. It’s lies; it’s

propaganda. All propaganda is lying you have an agenda, like not going to jail or not being

held hostage by North Korea. You rationalize and justify your behavior even though it is

wholly unconstitutional and then even criminal. You profit from crimes so you keep

committing crimes. Criminal Clinton indoctrinates people like Jong does as he told me as

long as no paper says he’s guilty then he…never committed perjury! And although he paid

a million dollars to a woman he sexually harassed, Paula Jones, as it was a settlement

then he never injured her. I’m not medically delusional like Hilary: I responded: you may

have fooled silly North Korean officers, your silly wife (she once had a Bill is the victim of
Republican Party members who targeted him a la Alexander Hamilton conspiracy

hypothesis) and those two silly tourist/reporters but you have not fooled me; you owe this

landlord damages and you owe me a criminal trial as you should not be collecting a

pension as what you did constitutes treason: No paper makes you guilty and no paper

makes you innocent. Want to indoctrinate people like Kim Il Jong? Then you two belong


North Korea: you chose China as your friend and so you chose poorly. The truth of this

universe – how it actually works – means that your nuclear threat is a joke. I’m out to

liberate the North Korean people from forced starvation and from the lie that is killing them:

The truth is Jong has no actual power or authority. So I invited North Korea’s people to

come out and play after decades of abject abuse. I, Susan, have no fear as I know the

truth and so I know if a foreign “power” kidnaps me and/or otherwise holds me hostage I

can play it one of two ways:

O. Henry’s “The Ransom Of Red Chief” whereby you get so sick of me you try to give me

back or “Savannah Smiles” by Hollywood whereby you love me so much you beg me to

stay even after the US pays tribute to you thus ‘ransoms’ me.

Obama truly believed he was paying tribute to you, as did self-important Clinton; I knew

they were making my case for me. Ready? Douglas MacArthur left my commission on or

around the 38th parallel. Eisenhower fired him for actual reasoning and I know it. All I ever

had to do was pick up that commission; I never needed it but if Obama and Clinton want to

give up their 5th amendment rights thus incriminate themselves via proof - their own

actions – then so be it. Clinton flying to North Korea by order of Obama is my proof none of

these clowns are acting under the authority of the US – The People - but under the

authority of Marx and Engels: privateers masquerading as officers of the government.

Since when do we place troops in South Korea, risk our lives fighting communism, but then

turn around and support communism by aiding and abetting North Korea? That’s

delusional! That is wholly illogical thus criminal only this crime is against the world.

“Delusion”, the medical and legal definition of the word, is a hallmark of Nazis. It’s legally

frivolous of you to negotiate with Nazis. As for China?

I’m going to inform planet Earth that companies like WalMart and Yahoo are negotiating

what are treaties with the communist government of China only they are doing so in private

and not via the named constitutional process. US officers are pretending that they do not

know, as they want the money these companies contribute to their campaigns. These

companies harm Chinese citizens thus harm the world as they then cause China to be so

seemingly successful business wise and cause China to compete upon a global basis for

resources like oil while they suppress new technologies. China begins to engage it what

seems to be capitalism but is not; its citizens begin to chase the dollar while giving up on

securing liberty. They truly believe “democracy” is about material goods as it does seem to

make their lives more tolerable and even “good”. Thus as private corporations seemingly

thrive in China then China needs oil; as China competes for oil so-called “free” or western

nations are threatened. Oil prices rise as oil is a limited and now almost exhausted

resource and most oil reserves lie near China, in the middle east. The empty nuclear threat

combined with the business threat then leads leaders like dick Cheney to eye places like

Iraq as the manufactured, false fear is: China will exert power and control over the middle

east via its standing army of 2 million and its nukes. Consequently it becomes a first strike

situation as Iraq is not able to defend itself after hundred and hundreds of years of

colonialism. As all of these unethical forces converge you have a point of intrinsicity:

Unethical and criminal dick Cheney reasons and decides he can declare war on Iraq via

the sitting President and make a profit while doing it as he has an interest in a Halliburton.

People like Cheney are willing to do anything in order to profit and they justify it; they enter
denial as it backfires and as the American People are rendered helpless by this

manufactured fear then they seemingly “get away” with the injury and harm they have

caused. Cheney and the like walk around as if they never did a single thing to harm

anyone. A person like Susan comes along as volunteers as she knows how to make a

case for treason but federal judges are afraid for if you admit to any of this the whole thing

implodes and so all sitting officers are proven guilty - even the federal judges themselves.

China taught me: Like the system in India is a fine balance whereby effects as the develop

are addressed but no person ever addresses the actual cause – injustice -the same fine

balance was realized in America due to modern day citizens forgetting their own law and

The American Founders original intent. After WWII the rise in the standard of living was

equated to material goods not liberty; soon Hitler was forgotten along with the American

Founders. But two events soon came to the forefront: blacks and women as neither group

ever had legal power and neither group was sharing in the new found “prosperity”. In

response white men then began violating US law in both letter and spirit in order to then rig

elections to keep blacks and women from exercising their vote as a block. Can you say

Richard Nixon and his infamous “Checkers” speech when the Republicans were caught

amassing a secret campaign war fund? White men found ways to deny the People

informed consent. White men denied this. Backlash then ensues as blacks and women

justify their illegal actions. Eventually you have a system where nothing is ever actually

resolved and whereby indoctrination and propaganda rule the day; where even the rules

are now ignored and denied. All of this came to a head with Bill Clinton and as congress is

also guilty of perjury and failing to fulfill its oath of office thus it too abandoned its

command I found myself in a legal situation whereby batterers and abusers were being

rewarded by NY and we, my kids and I, were then actually sold into human bondage and

slavery. Money exchanged hands, as did other forms of profit. And the voters who are

supposed to protect me from this? They were justifying their action to install Hilary Clinton
as a Senator in NY although she is not a New Yorker and although she said she was using

NY as a doormat to then secure the Executive -and after she proved she is as crooked

and as dangerous as her husband.

Voters feeling hopeless and powerless began denying the truth and instead began to insist

they believed whatever they wanted to believe such as Hilary is a poor, innocent victim of

her husband thus she is not responsible for her own actions. They held her up as a model

of “power” and “authority” although all evidence and proof goes against this. Her person is

not to be found in our original governing documents or anything our Founders wrote. Our

founders named that countenance as the model of what not to become. And what did

white men do as soon as a female version of their own sorry selves might win the office of

the Executive? They began to proffer persons who appear to be black and unable,

incapable persons who appear to be female and so falsely advertise black and/or woman

made them different when really “criminal” made them all the same. It became a

conspiracy of the unethical versus the ethical. The citizens were tricked into believing this

lie. I never bought it as we can all make different decision if we wish; if profit and flattery

are your price then you’ll aspire to be a crook. It’s that simple. No person ion Earth who

wants to make conditions better or who wants to accord me liberty and justice will then

justify why it is okay for their person to violate the law and lower their standards and I will

never lower my own to then meet theirs. Instead I’ll find a way to fight china and the unjust

American officers and businessmen as well as foreign businessmen and bankers. The

actual domino effect? America became more like china than Chine ever became more like

America. While you concentrated on the physical I focused on the metaphysical as a

nation is a system of belief and ideally a people then expresses our common, shared true

belief or faith.

All of these criminals can tell me anything they want to tell me but I’ll never believe it as I
can read the Preamble. Americans may not know and the Chinese may not know but:

Indoctrination is when lies are used to convince you a belief that is not supported to the

level of proof is the truth. For instance: If you tell me that US law is elegant then either it is

or is not. Once you lie to me I know that you have an agenda thus you can’t prove your

claim but yet are desperate to do so thus I’ll start asking “Why”? An agenda is nothing

more than a belief system that you seek to force upon the masses for whatever reason.

Propaganda is the lies you tell to then get your way. NOTHING ever justifies this no matter

your title. If your belief is true then the evidence exists and the proof will reveal itself. Take

climatologists: began to lie and fudge their numbers and their research as they became

desperate for all of us to believe the lei known as global warming. I can see the evidence; I

TRULY believe humans do something that causes damge to our environment. But is THE

cause the Earth heating up? No, as that defies laws of physics. We know it is a law:

energy travels from hot to cold. So why begin lying? I’ve read the memos written by so-

called scientists admitting they skewed data with deliberation. And why claim you won a

presidential election that you actually lost but tie it into climatology, specifically a lie we all

know the Bush administration is also telling? Why use lies to contain the will and liberty of

other scientists who do not have any agenda but who only want to know the truth? I began

asking what is it you hope to win? I began comparing all of these people to: communist

China as it is ideological warfare and brainwashing. To prove it I exerted my own will and

liberty independently of any scientific institution or government institution and so I came to

know the truth of global warming; I came to know the causes as I could identify them once

I discovered how and why the magnetic North Pole moves and o I could then see how it all

worked together. It’s causes plural not lone cause as you can legally, theologically and

scientifically argue this back to the creation or birth of the universe. So why suppress

knowledge with such vehemence?

No person on Earth benefits when you enable a government or any manmade institution to
contain the will and liberty of their own citizens – their own kind - plus if you do contain the

will and liberty of your own citizens then you can never return the investment an honor

bond is; it is manifestly futile of anyone to enter a honor bond with you as you will forever

profit while a nation like the US forever loses. There’s no benefit to be had expect by the

unjust institutions and the people who hold those offices. The reason for a company like

Yahoo to agree to censor the internet is to then make money off of the suffering of Chinese

citizens and as the problem seems so large it is not likely the communists or the

businesses that do business with them will ever be stopped. This is in some ways worse

than Nazism –fascism - as it keeps an entire planet in the dark; it creates a one world

government that is private and a one world rule by a very few and as the cause is so far

removed from the effect -injured – people – these unjust men operate from for decades

and decades without detection.

It’s an actual trust issue and America is no better or worse than China if the officers of its

trust as the US government - the institution - incorporated as a business in 1871 have now

defaulted. Why not admit that you are an incorporated business? Why not admit you slowly

replaced the constitutionally set government of The People with criminals who have

business interest? Are you communist or are you a Republic? Europe might go along as it

too is denied informed consent. Europe might not realize that the sitting US officers have

an agenda: to spread what is a private business monopoly across the world to then secure

their seats forever and ever as elections become nothing more than a show. It IS exactly

like Rome as the tax burden falls on the middle class but it seems as if it does not; it IS like

Rome as the Senate wields absolute power upon wholly corrupting the office of the

Executive. Didn’t Jefferson express concern over the inclusion of a Senate, a failed

institution of government? What proof has life itself revealed to you? I told a federal judge:

You might say Bill Clinton played the saxophone while Rome burned.

Another “Rome” was burning too: I found myself grieving over ancient China when I was a

child. How do you explain to anyone in this world how you can grieve over something you

have never known? Over an idea? I knew then that my fortunes were somehow tied to

China so I paid close attention. As history began to seem if all points were converging over

and over and as if history was repeating itself in a cycle, a circle or hoop, the physicist

within me kicked in: This is about time, the other dimension known as the metaphysical

and the outside physical conditions in that history does not repeat itself people do as

people live history. I realized: People do not understand all of reality represents taken

together the truth of the universe. Fro instance: a word is a symbol for a belief system.

Nazi is not personal; it’s a personality type. Communist is not personal; it’s a type of

government, a belief people hold as true. Numerical equations? They symbolize what we

see, hear and feel. It is all an illusion like Buddha, Jesus, Paul and Plato said.

And so I was eventually led to a place whereby I had a theory and I tested it; I came to

know: China? Your reign of terror is over. Can and will I force anything upon the Chinese

people? Nope but I can tell the rest of the word what I know about nuclear chain reactions

thus liberate them from fear. This is where other nations will NEED the American people;

China caused America to be a world wide need not a want: Being the healthy skeptic I am

I withheld my opinion regarding Ronald Regan’s star Wars initiative. Like all lawyers -

politicians, scientists and theologians – Regan made his idea sound great but is it? Can we

even really and truly do what he said Star wars could do? Realistically if China lobs a

nuke at us we would not have time to intercept it. But could I find an instance where Regan

lied? Exact words yes but as for his intentions and motivations? No. Upon realizing I could

give all nations the ability to know EXACTLY when a nuclear chain reaction is possible

thus they should watch China and other nuclear nations for activity, could I then give them

the means to prevent or even stop a nuclear attack? YES: The Us can use Star Wars to do

this; as other nations did not have the means to develop such systems they then would
have to rely and depend on the US but only if an ethical, moral person was in Office as

then we could remove the unjust person who got in bed with private corporations. Math

and physics dictate that you need your highest office and your lowest office to contain an

ethical, moral person or else it does not work. To remove only your highest person or only

your lowest person does not sever the chain of causation as it is like an open ended

circuit. It’s a circuit that grows like a cloud from an atom blast including more and more

people not less and less; it is the opposite of a snake eating its own tail.

China was and is the opposing force that I had to meet and so like it or not here I am: I

legally ascend to the office of President and Commander due to China not in spite of it. I

can tell you all of the clues I had along the way that I acted upon; I can prove my case in

such a way you can no longer deny the truth. And so back to that profit unjust men seem

so fond of: The unjust men told me that just nations like Norway would never, ever own the

truth as they would be too embarrassed. They said: A Nobel Prize has never been revoked

and never will be. I said, Norway decides that not you plus like there’s a first time for a

woman becoming the smartest person on Earth currently there’s a first time for Norway

revoking a Nobel Prize as they have been targeted; there’s a first time for everything and

anything you can think of – even for a lone citizen to defeat a standing army of two million

with only a pencil and paper. The single ingredient you must have?

Just persons who are willing to not only admit the truth but then act upon it as that is actual

courage. I have proof Al Gore is a coward; I have proof that Obama is a coward. I have

proof that Chinese communist unjust officers are cowards. I have proof that every sitting

US officer is a coward and so are the lawyers who represent WalMart and then the

WalMart’s victims (it does not count if you act upon the truth but then refuse to admit to the

truth; you must do both). I even have proof that several dozen climatologists are cowards.

I’ve looked high and low: I have proof that Switzerland might be full of cowards but Norway
and the Nobel Committee? All evidence and proof I have goes against them being

cowards. You can’t possibly be a coward if you award the most ineffectual president ever a

Nobel Peace Prize as that’s taking a risk.

Big Business

Before I land on Great Britain I’ll address big business and it is all related: I know you truly

believe you can injure someone or something until it dies. Did you ever consider your own

death? It’s possible to cause so much injury that you are then the cause of your own

demise not someone else’s. It’s a law of this universe scientists name but then dance

around as it means they must subscribe to a TRUE belief or faith in God and that they

can’t do anything they want with little or no consequences. Scientists like lawyers do not

generally like the idea that they are not gods themselves. A glass of water: there is only so

much space between the molecules. Add more sugar and that sugar then settles into the

spaces between the molecules of water. Thus you can only corrupt something so much. At

a point there will be no more room for corruption. Then it becomes criminal activity; you

witnessed this with Bill Clinton but as all of Congress is criminal they did not want to point

their finger at anyone else. It’s LAW, not fact but law: In order for the elected president to

be a criminal then every person under him or her had to fall already; criminal activity is.

Every citizen save one – me - had to act with deliberation to do something they knew to be

“bad” or “wrong”. If another wholly innocent person were alive he or she would be me and

their name would be on the SCOTUS docket. Some people changed their actions upon

hearing my case thus they then entered a plea of responsible but not guilty. When you

keep adding sugar past the point of completion eventually you displace water and replace

it with sugar. You change the form. So then: Replace the just with the unjust and you

change the form from a republic to an oligarchy, an oligarchy whose members seek to

protect each other at our expense. These crooks would have you believe there is
something wrong with me. Nope, it’s them and if the only thing they can point to is “Susan

is smarter than all of us are” aka “We can’t understand her” that’s your first and only clue:

who is punished for achieving??? An honest person in a den of thieves would be. Every

crook in the room would compare him or her self to the honest person and feel bad so then

act upon it, which is the story of my life.

If you want the key to genius I can give you that for as hard as they try to convince you

scientists are lying to you when they claim Einstein or Jefferson were autistic. Scientists

want you to believe this as they cannot reason why they are not so smart when it’s as

simple as honesty. Both Einstein and Jefferson were whole thinkers – they used their

whole brain – and I use more of that than either one of them, as I do not have the

egotistical streak that sank both of them in the end. If Jefferson couldn’t solve it he denied

it and if Einstein couldn’t solve it he ignored it. I did not have that same luxury. When I say

I can solve all problems I mean it and that includes big business and just as you can’t let

big business run rampant you can’t live without it at all. There’s a way for business to profit

but one of the things they have to redefine is that very word: “profit”. I’ll say this a

thousand times: all physical things are symbols. The word profit is a symbol; in different

parts of the world it means something different and even in my own nation it means

something different to each person.

Asking me to explain how I think is impossible; it’s me. It’s who and what I am; I’ve been

doing it my whole life to your consternation. The best way I can describe it is like Temple

Grand in; I can see in pictures, words or numbers but I have a much deeper understanding

of whatever I’m looking at as I know the spatial relationships present. I have a

photographic memory but only for what I choose to recall; I instinctually know what I’ll need

later so discard the rest in a sort of junk file but I can recall it at will. Some scientists will tell

you that “one” and numbering is the biggest concept man ever mastered. Science says
numbers allowed us to form spatial relationships with things. If you think like Temple

Grandin you think in terms of one; you ARE it like she placed herself in the position of the

cow in a herd of cattle. For most people they can’t place themselves in the position of one.

They can’t see that or hear that. It seems as if Grandin’s work is mind-blowing when really

it is mostly the application of simple logic: if people talk for reasons then cows moo for

reasons as everything happens for reasoning. The only thing I do differently than other

people is place myself in the position of zero instead o of one. I disagree with science as

“zero” seems to be the most difficult concept man mastered, as it’s some thing that then

represents no thing. It’s one word that symbolizes no thing at all. I can place myself in the

zero position when arguing constitutional law; like Buddha said you are everything and

then nothing so I’ll be able to argue it in a circuit NOT a circle – not circuitous reasoning

but a completed circuit – and I can argue it as it applies to both man and woman as I can

do the thing man cannot: give birth to people. I can level the playing filed by placing myself

within it, as it and as a part of it, a government of people, by the people and for the people.

I’m one of the people. All I do differently is understand and apply the equal protection

clauses as intended thus if big business truly believes their vested interest lies in silencing

me? LOL! If you want – I mean want – Hilary Clinton or John McCain running your

company just let me know and I’ll make that happen for you. I own the legal argument. My

secretary of defense said it: These people would not know what a budget is. Correct, as

these people spend and print money to cover it. I’ll tell big business and the world court:

you’re next.

Jefferson said you would know when the Republic had fallen when at least one of two

things passed ands both came to pass: The US became built up and crowded like France

and the government takes from the labor of one and then gives it to another. An example

would be the Wallstreet bailout. A trillion tax dollars went to bail out companies run into the

ground by criminals. That’s not a bailout it’s a buyout. And what did we get for our taxes?
Nothing plus two of the criminals then helped themselves to a 13 and 16 million dollar

BONUS for a job criminally done. They took that tax money and no one made a sound.

Congress did not allot that money to then pay bonuses for the job you did not do but to

keep jobs for potentially unemployed workers. I have news for Wallstreet: 1, all bonus



FEDERAL MONEY. Congress knew as I informed it but it kept giving you those bonuses.

Why? 2, Easy; to make Wallstreet their slaves too. If Wallstreet is greedy enough to take

those bonuses then Congress will give them to you as when the poop hits the fan

Congress will point at you. It needs a fall guy. At first Congress is your friend. It then tests

the water; will America put up with it? Congress is only going to do what Americans let

them do so who do you think goes down first when Americans revolt? Wallstreet. If

Wallstreet had a brain in its head it would turn on Congress now and side with The People.

After all: no people then no potential citizens to exploit via future criminal activity. I say:

they’re all wearing suits. Congressmen, lawyers and Wallstreet executives all look alike.

It’s in your best interests to let me be heard. I’ll tell you all of the possible consequences.

Look at it this way: I’m certain to put my foot in my mouth if I hang around long enough,

aren’t I? Shut me down now and I’m sure to live forever as I’ll go down in history as a

perfect human being. Back to my vested interest and right to be heard in world court via

Great Britain (I know we’re subject to the American Declaration but I’m proving the US

government, the officers, never had any intention of honoring any agreement with the

world court and as for all other contracts? They all fell with Bush V Gore so if you want to

renegotiate you deal with me and my officers as we’re legal; as I made it inside SCOTUS

via Executive Order upon my own will and liberty we’re constitutional in letter and spirit.

Great Britain can “hear” us even if world court does not as it is up to The People of Great

Britain so I’ll name them too and every other nation I collected evidence rising to proof of
as “Daphne Herbert”, one of the perpetrators, is British not American born):

Great Britain

The British do not seem to know that when Queen Elizabeth paid income tax she then

granted you the right of dissolution. I heard you say it but you do not own the concept.

Symbols: you can call yourself a constitutional democracy; are you actually a constitutional

democracy if your people cannot dissolve unjust institutions? No; the right of dissolution is

a necessity or you aren’t a constitutional anything. So you called yourself what you were

not for centuries. It seems action followed the thought as you finally became it. Now you

have to exercise it to then make it reality and boy, do you have a golden opportunity before


Great Britain, how would you like to put the prime minister in his or her place, restore some

legal power to the monarchy, give the monarchy an actual job so you get some bang for

your buck and then ultimately secure all power and authority for The People of Great

Britain? You can by exercising your right of dissolution in a way you never considered: you

do not jack the queen in this case; in this case you jack the prime minister. All I keep

hearing is Gordon Brown will not hold an election. Then someone told me that the prime

minister decides when to hold an election. What kind of system is that? It’s far from elegant

but you have a form that can be come elegant now that you can use the idea of taxes.

Exactly as you let your voice be heard regarding the royal family you go back to the Queen

and order her to order the prime minister to hold an election. You force a stand off between

the Queen and parliament. Remember: parliament is supposed to represent you, as is the

Queen. Calling for an orderly, timely election is rational and reasonable. It becomes you

and the Queen verses the prime minister and WHO is parliament and the Queen going to

pick? YOU! The People as you pay the bills. Via taxes you pay their salaries. You’re not
asking for anything unreasonable and even if you were let the Queen then reason it or let

the prime minister then reason it.

What you are attempting to do as a People is find the correct balance of power between

the Executive, legislative and judicial branches. In a constitutional republic or monarchy

YOU are all three. So you jerk the chains of power to find the proper balance. Before the

royal family had too much legal power; now they have too little. If you can leverage this

correctly what you are doing is giving yourselves a voice that cannot be ignored. You are

inventing the form as you live it as in other nations like Tonga they are dealing with this

same shift. That royal family is not handling it so well. You have a unique opportunity

before you to do this and then show others how to do the same in their own nations. You

can send a message to all future grand standing prime ministers: you may not ignore The

People. Like I heard you I heard Gordon Brown and he is not telling you the whole truth

especially not the truth of America and Iraq. I can’t have that.

America and Great Britain have an honor bond that goes back 400 years. We fight whole

wars and then kiss and make up. When the US entered WWII it became a matter of an

honor bond, one that has been inviolate ever since - until Gordon Brown started violating it.

An honor bond is a life and death issue; it is an actual emergency. I know the unjust US

institutions might have caused you confusion over that word but all you ever need to ask

yourself is this question: Is this is a life and death safety issue? If you answer Yes then it’s

an emergency. No matter how we ever came to be in Iraq are we there? Yes so it is now a

life and death safety issue whether Gordon Brown likes it or not. He can make attempt

after attempt to blame the US but I’m not going there.

I, with my own ears, heard the Queen when she visited VA upon the anniversary of the

Jamestown colony and she restated the honor bond calling it inviolate. She said it should
never be violated after the close call Britain had with the Nazis, as the US did not enter

WWII until it was almost too late. Correct and I can name a few Kennedy’s who were

involved. The reason the US – The People – did not want to go to war is we did not know

all of the facts and Americans abhor war as we were born in a war. Americans are violent

but not in the way you believe as most Americans cannot make that leap in their minds to

realize all violence IS war; it’s war against their own person. It’s treason. Americans

consider violence against each other on an individual level separate than violence we

know as war and the violence against one another? The product of unjust men who refuse

to share power unless you get violent and take it from them via force. Unjust men teach

victims to become violent and victims fall for it time and time again. If I have to choose

between Brown and the Queen I’m choosing the Queen because:

I did not have to live under Tony Blair. This is in no way an endorsement for him; me telling

Britain whom to elect as prime minister is like Britain telling me that Obama is good for me.

I’m describing a personality type only. Blair told me that bush Jr. phoned him and asked

him to commit troops. Blair said that Bush gave him every out. Bush told him he would

make it easy for Britain to say no. Blair was concerned about Iraq. Bush told him it was not

an excuse for war. Neither considered Dick Cheney, a guy who worked for Nixon. Neither

one of them is an expert in human psychology as I am. Tony Blair said that he refused and

so committed troops as it was “The right thing to do”. What he exactly described is an

honor bond. The crew filming him then asked him the million dollar question: now that you

know this decision cost you the job of prime minister would you make the same choice

over again? Tony Blair said YES. That’s what you want to look for in a politician: a person

who gets all the facts and then acts upon them so that he owns the decision he or she

makes and all of the consequences both good and bad. Iraq had tragic consequences but

at least one person like me is willing to man up. That’s ownership of knowledge. That’s

faith. If Blair had other facts would he have made a different decision? Likely but based
upon all things being the same he would make the same decision even if he knew it would

cost him a meaningless title. “Prime minister” is a trapping of power; at the end of the day

“citizen” is more powerful than “prime minister” and you need people who, unlike Obama

and/or Brown, are not greedy for the trappings of power and who tell the truth of their own


I’ll give you another clue: I know as fact your emotional compass has been skewed like

Americans – in the same way – as I saw a photo of Blair and Bush in the US. The

interaction in the photo is unconditional love; it is platonic. It’s the correct way men are

supposed to interact but Americans and British citizens were outraged as Tony Blair was

not…angry at and with Bush. I think there was probably a time in Tony Blair’s life when he

cringed upon hearing the name “George Bush” but anger will get you no where; it will not

get you anywhere other than grandstanding will. That kind of “easy” friendship is a

thousand times more productive. Based on that one photo of Tony Blair? If you sent a

person like him to negotiate on behalf of Britain against Stalin I’d be able to use a sort of

shorthand with him having never met him in person. It’s neuroscience and

neuropsychology; it’s a hearing illusion, an illusion you hear exactly the way you see an

optical illusion. I could run circles around Stalin and he’d never known what hit him while

Tony Blair would hear everything I was actually saying. It’s like this: all those lies you tell?

You are conditioning your own self!!! You are actually using propaganda against yourself.

Take a good long look at Kim ill Jong: is he a man who truly believes his hype? Yes but do

we believe it? Nope. He had to starve his people and tell them North Korea won the war to

then “force” his own citizens to believe it. In a meeting Tony Blair – that personality type -

and I could run around him like cats playing with mice. If you’re honest and on an even

keel you’ll notice it when another person is not. It will stand out; it will light up. You’ll match

another honest person so you can then use a sort of shorthand and gain the advantage in

any given situation. So when and if Britain exercises its right of dissolution you need to
consider WHO you will be replacing Gordon Brown with and what you want to look at are

words, actions and results - proof of life. “proof of life” is not always so immediate…I

seem to be ten years too late in arguing Bush V Gore but I’m not as it was dangerous to

enter an argument to lower the age limit of a president plus I needed more evidence rising

to proof once I understood I was on the trail of Hitler. “President of the US” is a

meaningless title; going down in the history books for cracking the code over who and

what Hitler was and how he did it? I threw out “President of the US” once I realized I had

the case for equality let alone the answer to Hitler and how he did it. What’s more

important in the long run if your goal is act in defense of humanity? If that’s your mission

statement when you’re five then you stop Hitler and forget about ever sitting as President

of the US. If I chose sitting as President? Britain would know I’m a liar as I said one thing

and I seemed to act it out but when ?I had the choice to make I chose myself. “Lying” is

not always a matter of exacting words. I truly believe Gordon Brown is a lair and is

dangerous as he says what he says about the US only to seem as if he’s powerful. I never

hear him back it up with any actual evidence let alone proof. [I can and may call Gordon

Brown a liar as I myself call several US “saints” nothing but liars and thieves. I call ‘em like

I see ‘em and feel ‘em. No matter which nation owns them. [BTW: We sent you Wallace

Simpson and so you lost a king while you sent us Pamela Harriman and so we were

saddled with a crook for a president. You have Queen Elizabeth and the US has me as a

result; I’d say the proof is in: we’re even at this point.]

While I’m on the subject of the Queen, Britain should know: you’re too hard on her. You

asked the queen to grieve publicly. What you really wanted was to know that she felt your

pain; you were so severely injured when Diana died you wanted someone else to

acknowledge it and as the queen represents you then she would be symbolic for that injury

and the depth of it. What you asked her to do was never, ever done before. She was first.
Think: if you had to do something that you’ve never seen anyone else do, could you then

do it? If I handed you a piece of paper and a pencil and said “resolve uniformity” could

you? What if you never even saw a scientific equation? What you want Queen Elizabeth

to do you are not going to get from her as that is what you have to be to then rule as an

actual Queen: That chink in the queen’s armor? I’m about to tell you what it is but if it was

nothing more than she fell apart as someone died then criminals would be targeting her

kids thus YOU constantly as that is what terrorists do. They try to hone in on that chink and

go for it so if the Queen ever went there in public? Every pente ante terrorist on the block

would then know how to harm you. I heard your criticism of her behavior when Diana died:

if I were the Queen? As I know how vile humans can be I too might call France and tell

them I know you have British property in your possession – just in case they had any vile

ideas. You forget: “Queen” is a job first not a relationship as you have not yet established

the emotional relationship via exercising your right of dissolution and restoration of legal

power to The People via the royal family. You truly believe it is emotional and it is but not

in a healthy way as what you want and need is an emotional relationship that’s

interdependent; the monarchy is not that today and may be it never has been. That fine

balance of power was never achieved. Great Britain can trust me: The hardest way of all to

live your life is with will and liberty but in the end it has the greatest rewards. It may be a

rocky road but you have 200 years of experience to draw upon so you can avoid some of

our mistakes. The relationship you have with your institutions of government will change

but for the better as it then makes you rely and depend on yourselves like you never have

before thus you then claim all of the benefit. If something fantastic happens? It’s all your

fault! Nobody is doing anything for you. Nobody is giving you anything. Recall how I said

all humans base decision making upon fear both real and imagined? Actual independence

is what most nations fear as what they fear is failure. Actual independence means you

have to be an actual leader and an actual citizen; it makes everything you do deliberate.

Britain should ask itself: why was France so afraid? What’s different about France and
Britain? Will as Britain had Queen Elizabeth I. France couldn’t put on a formal gown and

stand upon the rubble of the blitzkrieg and tell Hitler he wasn’t running her out of her own

nation. I’ve told you Nazis hate and fear shame and humiliation and so avoid it at all costs;

they also hate and fear women who are actually powerful. It’s why in the US you rarely see

women who are black in positions of power - as men fear them. Walt Disney had a

Hawaiian princess and a blue princess – this thing was colored blue - and even and alien

princess – this thing was from another planet - before it had a black princess but the Walt

Disney Company says it is not misogynist. It announces “in 2010 we have our first black

princess” and nobody blinks. You can’t tell them they are misogynist and that a part of it is

black and the idea of the ultimate victim, a black woman, succeeding over her victimizers,

as some of it is the collective unconscious exerting itself. [Condoleeza Rice does not count

as if you have to act like a crook to “succeed” then you did not triumph over anybody.]

Britain hit the Nazis right where it hurts a Nazi the most. About the only thing worse Britain

could do to the Nazis – the one and only thing that could cause more damage - was have

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret deliver that speech, lol!

Open letter to Queen Elizabeth via the world court as someone can and will deliver it

to her: You told me what the chink in your armor is; you told me exactly what to attack if I

want to attack the British people. You put it on film so if I heard it then vile people heard it

too thus by revealing it here I can dispel it as you are incorrect and as the British people

can look and listen so then know if and when a vile human being is going for their jugular.

Queen Elizabeth, you said that your fear is that you are stupid. You exactly said that you

did not believe you would be able to graduate from college like your kids did as you did not

have their education. Wrong!

First let’s examine the evidence and proof: compare yourself to your kids and to the

several prime ministers that have come and gone. Do you truly believe they are smarter
than you only as they have a piece of paper any monkey can secure? I’m working with an

11 year old printer and I could knock out copies of a diploma from oxford other people

would believe not as it is real but as I myself prove it as the accepted, official perception is

if you graduate from Oxford you must be intelligent. Really? Isn’t Bill Clinton a Rhodes

scholar? That’s intelligent behavior? What thoughts, feelings, ideas and true beliefs is he

acting upon??? Why are you so able and capable when your son seems to have missed

out on this gene?

I deliberately did not go to college; I was damned if I received a diploma and damned if I

did not so I did not as I know exactly how smart I am: if I was not the smartest person in

the room men would not resent and hate me so much. The day a person in my world said

the reason opt get a college degree was as other people wanted to see one as if it proved

something about me I decide I am never getting one. I was told the truth: employers do not

care if you own the knowledge and they do not care if you took the exams; all they want to

see is the paper. Why? If that violates several clauses in the constitution why? And why

are you buying into this nonsense? Because: college became a business that revolved

around monetary profit; academics do hold themselves up to be better than as if real life

teaches you nothing. Listen to the perceived qualities Americans look for in their

presidents” they cry experience, you need experience, as in elected office experience.

Why, so you then have experience being and acting like an elected crook? As a President

like a queen represents the people you need one kind of experience only: The experience

of living life aka the experience of people. Americans are living a lie as any monkey can

buy an office.

But: can any monkey exert will and liberty? You lived a sheltered life in some ways that

was anything but sheltered in other ways. Will also known as moral authority is its own

kind of intelligence. If you possess the human ability to delay gratification and to remain
emotionally stable in an actual emergency then that is the hallmark of actual genius or so I

have found. Several philosophers tell you that you will genius into being as you will

anything else into being. It’s true. As your own children do not have that same sense of

duty they are approaching the world differently and that’s the key:

Yes it seems as if you may not understand some of the material like kids do and yes it may

seem as if you do not understand it like men. It seems as if they grasp it more easily. It

goes back to what I stated earlier: your entire approach is different and you think differently

so that you seem to struggle as you are actually in the process of owning the knowledge

while all these kids are doing is memorizing and repeating it. When it comes to practical

application of knowledge - applying it to real life – these kids can’t do what you do. The

number one ingredient is you have no fear where they are possessed of all kinds of fear.

Take ego: all these kids care about is a gold star and an A+ - they can’t face not getting

that outside empty thing – while you connected the idea to id, what is internal as in would

you and Margaret be able to learn and understand and then apply the knowledge. The kids

you see, even your own kids, are not making the connection to ownership of knowledge

being the goal itself rather than the outside reward, the profit.

Queen Elizabeth: in a minute I’m going to tell your grandson that some people are actually

so small in this world that they live and die for a gold star from Oxford. I’m more like you

and queen Victoria: I am not impressed. Is my sworn testimony: I promise you that you

could choose the course considered the most difficult to master at Oxford and take it with

me; you would indeed struggle but when you hit that wall whereby you will own the

knowledge or not that wall will give as you possess the human ability to will yourself past it

while the kids would be dropping like flies. And all those kids who passed so easily with an

A+ in only a few weeks? Ten years from now it would be as if they never took that course;
they never once utilized that knowledge as you would. We might be the last two people

standing and we might have to get physical – you’d hit me with your scepter while I

clobbered you with the great seal – but we’d be the two actual valedictorians as “give up”

is not in our vocabulary.

NEVER let anyone tell you that you are stupid – never let anyone make you feel stupid - or

that you are defective as you did not go to college, as you can’t earn a degree in what you

do know as no college offers it. You know what else? You’d be surprised at how

advantageous for you underestimating Queen Elizabeth’s actual intelligence can be. In

some ways you want your opponent to assume you not as smart as you did not go to

Oxford. He’ll make mistakes early and he’ll make huge mistakes at that. If you enter the

engagement fully aware that is the situation you then can sit back and let the unjust men

around you act like fools. You’ll know and I’ll know but they won’t know what hit them until

after it happens, lol. They will be kicking themselves: how did she do that to me??? I have

learned: It is one of the blessings of my life that Harvard or Yale never got their hands on

me as they never then had a chance to indoctrinate me. I truly believe you may want to

consider if college indoctrinated Prince Charles as he does not have that sense of duty as

he never connected id to the internal feeling of contentment and satisfaction; he never

connected unconditional love for self and others to id. Pretend: Prince Charles, you and I

have a discussion on architecture. Later he tells the press we talked about buildings as in

physical structures. You and I wonder if he was present for the same discussion we were

as we talked about physical structures and the structure of human souls. We spent a lot of

time talking about the God in man expressing itself in the details while Prince Charles

talked about the exact relief on a historic building in London. That’s an ego problem and it

is indicative of a person who lacks actual will.

The good news is: it’s not your fault. If you’re the example then Charles has zero excuses.
He whines about feeling like he’s unloved as he was only born to be a heir and you

ignored him when he was little. FDR’s children had the same complaint. I’m certain my

own will. Tell Charles to take his cure from Hamilton as Hamilton had a lot to complain and

whine about too but every time he had to make a choice he made the righteous one. He

exerted actual will. The one time he veered from this he was actually targeted for blackmail

as people in his world exploited his injury. Does Charles truly believe he is a victim? My

own mother never made me feel love. Not once. I’m betting she herself never once felt it. If

that’s your lot in life? All you can do is please yourself by pleasing the Creator thus

someday you will feel his actual unconditional love for you. I think this is what the British

people do not understand: you as a member of the royal family were thrust into

circumstances beyond your control thus you were raised to do a job first and it’s a job a

weak person cannot do. If you’re the daughter of the person who took over after Edward

abdicated and you only ever gained entry to the royal family as it was inconceivable that

you’d ever ascend to the throne and then you kicked Hitler's butt back to the bunker where

he committed suicide you then might raise a very different kind of daughter as you then are

responsible for finding that perfect balance as the truth of your life is most of your strength

is born of difficulty in life.

I’m Susan, I know all about you and your mother and your family’s origins. If I glue a few

plastic “jewels” onto my chair I too am a “queen”, lol, as a “throne” is merely a fancy place

upon which to sit and make life or death decisions. It’s a chair; we’re all sitting on chairs

and for some of us that’s the floor and/or our own rear ends. Thus even if we are not

aware of it we are all born on thrones and with the same potential. It’s not the chair as it’s

not even a throne unless you can get other people to truly believe it is a throne. That’s

perception and that’s subjective UNLESS you act like an actual leader: I just heard Queen

Elizabeth express the idea that she might be less than her own people. That’s self-doubt;
that’s the truth and the proof: The balance of power in Britain has shifted to The People as

every time they asked Queen Elizabeth to prove she is an equal she was willing. I’m

American; if I ever treat you like a “Queen” it’s not the fancy chair or the fancy headgear -

it’s you. Pay attention to how you feel when people use your title around you. If Obama

calls you “The Queen” it will feel differently than if I refer to you as that same thing as

Obama is not legal and he does not know you as a person.

You have to trust me on this, as you won’t have the absolute proof until you meet me in

person. But you know what you said and how you truly feel; how could I know this if it was

not the truth? So then, what are you if you are born under an actual Queen that you truly

believe is a Queen but she, the queen in question, turns around and makes a different

decision thus she liberates you by giving you all of the power and authority? Fortunate.

Lastly: everywhere I go I hear this: “What’s up with Queen Elizabeth and her dogs?” I saw

you react to horses and dogs. I grew up near the Saratoga Springs racecourse. I can tell

you; the turning point of the American Revolution was Saratoga – both times. Official

historians argue about this but it was Saratoga Battlefield. The next time you come to the

US I’ll take you to the races but if I come to Britain you have to show me your dogs as I

saw it so I get it now: I saw you send one of your dogs after a rid that was about a mile or

more away. You waved the dog on and twice he looked back unsure of himself but you

told him to go for it. He TRUSTED you and he went, getting the bird and surprising

everybody who saw it even your own self. The dog acted surprised and pleased. I

understand that relationship as it’s an actual trust issue. This is not a condition but if I ever

come to Britain I want to see your dogs do that in person and that does impress me.

Proof if Britain needs it: Joe Biden plagiarized a British citizen; did you know in the US if

you are convicted of plagiarism you might be subject to arrest upon re-entry to the US as
the US Marshal’s may possess a warrant for your arrest? Biden admitted he committee a

crime like Clinton but was never prosecuted for it. As Biden and I know the laws regarding

what you can and can’t say or can and can’t claim in Britain versus America are not the

same Biden had reason to target Britain: It is not likely a British citizen will ever have the

human ability to sue him for damages. Biden never suffered any consequences for his

actions and he thinks he “got away” with it as we’d be too stupid to know he ripped off a

British speech thus violated an inviolate honor bond but then claimed it is own work as if

he wrote it not as if he “mistakenly” sounded similar. He said: I plagiarized the work; he

said It wasn’t a mistake. It’s an actual conspiracy as Biden is from Delaware, our first state

and as admitted criminals then may not act as the Executive or any part of it by its very

nature as that then is foreign. “Delaware” is an important fact: If you go to Delaware you

will find that they have no sales tax and that even though Delaware is a very small state

most large corporations incorporate there – their business headquarters are in Delaware -

due to those very same tax laws as it is extremely profitable for your company to operate

out of Delaware as opposed to other states as your business taxes are dependent upon

where your business headquarters physically is. It’s about the corporate trust as a legal

entity not actual people. So then: Biden rips off a British citizen thus violating the honor

bond and then is forced upon Great Britain and America against its will and the next thing

you know Kraft purchases Cadbury against the will of the British People? I need to act; as

Queen Elizabeth and I are the same she must not know about Delaware. Biden’s “election”

was and is rigged; it is not a legal election and not an actual election at all as he was

installed by those same privateers. Joe Biden was planted, plain and simple. Proof the

British people are anything but stupid: An “ordinary” British citizen alerted me to the Kraft

deal and said he felt as if it was “odd”. The People on both coasts in both nations caught

Joe Biden and all of these political cronies. I, Susan, am no slouch when it comes to

defending Great Britain as I have a duty and an obligation: I listen to the BBC every once

in while on my satellite radio to then know as fact what The British People think, feel and
believe about “America” and themselves.

An open letter to Prince Harry: Okay kid, I saw you do the one thing I could never see

you do as this is going to go one way or the other: you’re going to be Hitler or Gandhi and

you went and dressed up like Hitler. So now I need to pull out the biggest guns I have:

Harry, you know damn well what you were doing. You know your own family’s history and

world history and you meant to cause harm. You wanted to cause harm and you did and

so as we both know this then if I ever see you do it again? Not many things in this world

are a sin but that is so I will be impeaching you – you and I will not be on speaking terms -

and as I know law I then know how to impeach you, as ‘impeachment’ is largely a British

convention. I make promises not threats as I’m not a fascist nor do I dress up as one.

The good news is: I did the same exact thing you did so if you are confused here is why: I

did not dress up like Hitler. I failed to act one time ever. As birth is the female power then a

woman will fail to act while a man will act out. I swear to God: you would think an

earthquake hit and I did not understand why it was so wrong to fail to act but I did know

one thing: I needed to fail to act with deliberation this one time as it taught me something

about myself: That good feeling other people get when they abuse power and control? I

felt…nothing. I only feel something and I only feel alive if I act. It’s not my nature to fail to

fail to act; it’s how I am created and it will never change. For me, I can’t not act. Hopefully

you felt nothing.

It’s not accident or coincidence that we did the very same thing. It’s proof of life. So I asked

myself: what do I know about Harry that makes him the same as me? I named five things:

you walking behind your mother’s coffin in public, you in the military playing on some tanks

but with the appropriate gleam in your eye, you dressed up like a miniHitler (we can go

there; it’s easy for people like us), you feeling as if you were left alone in the world and
your red hair as I have red hair. If you wanted to hide in a room you couldn’t so combine

red with royal and you’re a moving target, aren’t you? No matter what you do or where you

go red and royal will always be a part of you as those ideas other people have and act

upon about red and royal helped shape whom you are. So I know: you have that X factor

like I do. Your brother might have it but I have not seen it in him like I see it in you. So

then, you have learned something about your world:

I want you to make a list of every person that saw you the night you dressed up like Hitler.

I mean every person even the damn bartender. Who served you. Every one of those

people is unsafe; they are not your actual friends no matter what they say to you. A friend

would have stopped you but all of those people were swayed by the idea of royal and so

feared losing your favor thus jeopardized your safety and their own. No other person on

Earth may know this but I do and what you did is an actual emergency; it is a life or death

safety issue and not one person stopped you so how tiny are these people that they would

not only let you do this but then be seen with you? Go look at these fakers: In the photos of

you as a Nazi they are not very clingy but in all other photos I have seen? These same

people hang all over you. Harry: you can never, ever trust these people ever. It’s ugly but

it’s the truth of your life: for you actual friends are going to be few and far between. If I was

there that night? I would have physically tackled you or gotten a body guard to do it. I’m

not kidding you: I would have told your grandmother or tackled you, anything I had to do to

stop you. If I was the bartender? I would have refused to serve you until you took off that

uniform. NONE of those people have a reason or an excuse. Their reason is: If it means

they can be in your world they are willing to dress up like Nazis and for some of these

people their price is nothing more than getting their photo in a newspaper.

If you are born into power and privilege it’s natural to then struggle with those ideas. Why

do some men enjoy exploiting and abusing people while others do not? A man is
supposed to learn that while he can exert physical force to take what he wants in life he

never should; if you never went there how would you know? And if you did feel nothing and

so do not realize you did do this on purpose as you do not perceive any benefit then you

wouldn’t understand that the people around you most likely had no idea as to what was

actually going on. How did someone catch me? My mother caught me as the neighbors

were stunned I failed to act as it is so out of my character they told on me. Mothers know

their kids; my mother said, “Susan, I have seen you stop grown men in their tracks so you

wanted to do this. If any of my other kids did this it would not be so shocking or serious but

you? You’re gonna be Hitler or Gandhi and I’m not raising Hitler.” Think about that: even

Hitler had parents. But you lost your mother early. I can help you as I did a lot of the same

things your mother did and as I hear the lies you and your brother hear.

What you are struggling to discover is what unconditional love is as you might never have

felt it yet. That’s because everything in your world and about you is conditional upon you

being “royal”. And/or “Princess Diana’s son”. I do not have those preconceived ideas about

you. Unconditional love is an idea that you turn into action until you eventually feel it

yourself. This is me unconditionally loving you as a human as there are zero conditions.

You do not have to do anything for me and you have nothing I need. I have life experience

you might benefit form and your mother asked me to help you so I am.

When your mother knocked over Buckingham Palace with a bicycle and tape recorder she

did what I did: if there is a fear in your world that no person can name but it controls

everyone then you have to destroy it or you will be its hostage forever. The idea that the

royal family couldn’t let anyone know it is human was injuring everyone especially you and

your brother. Your mother was not asking the People to take sides with her over your

father; she was asking people to be aware of the situation two children were now in and it

was not of their own doing. By directly attacking that fear then nobody could use it to
control her thus abuse you. I kid you not: somehow that greatest fear – that she might

never see you again – was realized. A shopkeeper could have said something like “So

sorry to hear about the divorce. You do realize why it’s never happened before?” and so

that fear came alive. Nobody had to threaten your mother directly. It was said and so your

mother acted as a mother should; she was throwing your case to the People as she can

leave the throne but you can’t: you were born into it while she was not. Your family might

have threatened her but do not believe it when you hear it as that might never have

happened. All that’s important is: your mother did the exact perfect thing. Based upon

results – I heard her so I knew to listen for it – I’d say she has been wildly successful even

in death. Americans do that; we exert will from beyond the grave. Now you will never be

abused and controlled by an irrational fear.

As for death? Physical death is an illusion. We are spirit infused matter. I met the Creator;

we do change into another form of energy. All these people running around talking to dead

people? There’s no such thing as death; you CAN’T possibly talk to dead people!!! The

emotional investment I see you making in the world is like your mothers; that’s what you

want to keep doing as in death that investment in other people makes some of us seem

more alive than others. Some of us seem to be living spirits not ghosts. Your Hitler get up

tells me: you have a better shot than most at becoming a living spirit.

I can introduce you to an American who was denied her father as vile unjust men reasoned

he was not important so caused his death. Her mother took her case to the Supreme Court

and lost. This woman had no idea who her father was or that an entire court case revolved

around him. In her world he was erased. As she dug through the emotional rubble after her

mother died she came upon the legal documents and learned: lawyers lied to the Supreme

Court thus lied to The People so won by totally fabricating their case. They all wanted to

avoid liability, as they knew what they did was criminal. It just so happens her father died in
a plane crash so as she sought to secure justice – she needed the truth - she went to visit

the crash site. When absolute strangers remembered her father and every detail that night

as if he was important she sat under the stars in the open field where he crashed thinking

about how not having a father robbed her so that when these men harmed her father they

then caused untold damage as in that same instant they reasoned generations of people

were not important. She then felt unconditional love move out of her and then back through

her as if her she was feeling her father’s love for her. So amazed was she that she has

since taken up his case again albeit unsuccessfully. All she wants? She wants people to

know the truth of her life and so her injury so it never happens again. .She knows injustice

so she knows justice; she knows how huge it is to lie to the supreme court and then be

allowed to get way with it: It leads to things like BVG and unjust wars. What’s important is I

know what that woman actually felt: She expressed unconditional love so perfectly it then

boomeranged back through her as she completed a circuit. She pinged the Creator and he

answered her. I know as it happened to me on the Dan Ryan Expressway outside of

Chicago, IL and it caused me to ask and answer what just happened? as I know what I felt.

I recall every detail. This energy moved out from me and then back through me exactly like

a circuit. I finally found my answer from Victor Frankl as what I could not get over or past

were the absolutely horrific conditions I was living in and under. They were concentration

camp like. You can be in a royal family and still experience gross injury as it’s not about

outside things. Frankel was in an actual concentration camp and had this same experience

so he too chased the answer: what was this and why? He felt it when thinking about his

wife; he wondered if she felt it too as they were separated by the Nazis and she did not

survive. You need to read Frankl’s account of this experience: “... We stumbled on in the

darkness, over big stones and through large puddles, along the one road leading from the

camp. The accompanying guards kept shouting at us and driving us with the butts of their

rifles. Anyone with very sore feet supported himself on his neighbor's arm. Hardly a word

was spoken; the icy wind did not encourage talk. Hiding his mouth behind his upturned
collar, the man marching next to me whispered suddenly: "If our wives could see us now! I

do hope they are better off in their camps and don't know what is happening to us." That

brought thoughts of my own wife to mind. And as we stumbled on for miles, slipping on icy

spots, supporting each other time and again, dragging one another up and onward,

nothing was said, but we both knew: each of us was thinking of his wife. Occasionally I

looked at the sky, where the stars were fading and the pink light of the morning was

beginning to spread behind a dark bank of clouds. But my mind clung to my wife's image,

imagining it with an uncanny acuteness. I heard her answering me, saw her smile, her

frank and encouraging look. Real or not, her look was then more luminous than the sun

which was beginning to rise.A thought transfixed me: for the first time in my life I saw the

truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many

thinkers. The truth -- that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire.

Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought

and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood

how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief

moment, in the contemplation of his beloved. In a position of utter desolation, when man

cannot express himself in positive action, when his only achievement may consist in

enduring his sufferings in the right way—an honorable way—in such a position man can,

through loving contemplation of the image he carries of his beloved, achieve fulfillment.

For the first time in my life I was able to understand the meaning of the words, "The angels

are lost in perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory...."

That’s “perfect” love, devoid of any conditions. The American I can introduce you to

believes she did feel her father’s love that night; did she? I truly believe I felt the creator’s

love for me as I finally, at last, molded myself in his image. I copied the model perfectly.

But what is the Creator if it’s not a parent to you? If you believe that because your mother

died that you cannot feel her unconditional love for you at all or ever again then you would
be: wrong. You can but it takes work, some of the hardest work you’ll ever do. If obeying

the equal protection clauses was easy everybody would do it. We would not still be

struggling and debating this 2,000 years later and we would not yet be causing the injury


Lots of events caused your mother’s death but she told me the number one thing: People

lied to her so she was denied her informed consent. She named the turning point: if your

father had been honest with her about love she would not have suffered so much as she

would not have been so confused about what unconditional love is or is not. She might still

have married your father but she never had that choice. Do not believe it when people

claim your mother was “crazy” for doing things like – this is merely an example I pulled

form the press – throwing herself down a flight of stairs. All of that is indicative of a person

who is struggling to own the truth of herself and her world not a person who is “crazy”. If

she did not have anorexia I’d be worried. Healthy people do something to effect change.

They act to defend themselves and/or their kids any way they can. So now you can make

a different choice: whatever you do in life be honest with women in your world. If all you

feel is romance and sex and your bound and determined to cheat on her then admit it as

actual unconditional love?

You only come to know if it is real by going there thus you have to live it. What men and

women feel is not actual unconditional love!!! It’s sex!!! After 20, 30 or 50 years you might

be able to say it is unconditional if you were always able to choose one another and so

weather the storm life is as you weather good things as well as bad things. Some people

actually die as a direct result of winning the lottery, you know. I have a clue for you: you’re

not anybody. Your father’s complaint about being the so-called heir and a spare? Do you

truly believe your mother felt that way about you? Then why does your father? You can go

ask your grandfather a question most people can’t ask him: your father got the surprise of
his life when his parents had two more babies. MAYBE he wasn’t a duty. Ask Prince Philip:

it’s 50, 60 years later. Does he actually love his wife? Did he ever cheat on Queen

Elizabeth and if he did would he do it over again knowing what he knows now? If he could

stand here now and not cheat after everything thy have been through does he regret ever

doing it? Tell him you need him to be honest as you need the answer ot then live your life.

Men cheat as it is about ego and connecting self-esteem ot outside things. Sex is not

human sexuality but men confuse the two. One is an act but one is the quality known as

love. When a man cheats/ as women die in child birth not men and women die form

sexually transmitted diseases at a rate far greater than men then when a man cheats he is

taking his wife’s life for grnated; he is making her wholly unsafe. When a woman cheats it

is about other deatais but it’s the same principle at stake: a man works to support a woman

and defend a woman so if she cheats she is taking his life for granted, as if he is nothing

but a money machine ot be disposed of. Do you want a person to love you or that crown?

You or the idea of royalty? Two things are within your control as other peopel are not: you

can be an honest person in both word and deed thus honest in your intetiions and

motivations and you can keep making the emotional investment in the world that you have

been making, your faith being it will pay off someday. You can’t know that until you go

there as all you have is my word…or is it? If your mother can throw a pebble in the ocean

and it hits ONLY me on the head of all people on Earth then isn’t it possible we know what

we are talking about as we lived it?

I believe your mother was fighting a bigger monster than she knew. The Creator had to

directly intervene and so teach me I was making the same exact mistake about an idea of

love. It was so small I balked but the Creator told me that No. it seems as if it is tiny but it

colors everything in a human being’s world so it’s the biggest mistake a human can make.

It killed me but I survived my own death. But that’s because I learned to rely and depend
upon myself in a way your mother was still learning. Would she have succeeded? Maybe

but her biggest mistake? TRUSTING UNSAFE PEOPLE. Start making that list – now. Yes

you can hang with them and yes you can have fun with them but do not trust them. Ever.

Lastly: a very wealthy kid I know – I heard his testimony but never contacted him - asked

his father about the nature of wealth. Wealth tends to breed selfishness, laziness and a

sense of purposelessness if you are born into it. Lots of very, wealthy people commit

suicide. In America we have old money and new money. Old money is what I’m referring to

and boy, is old money “nuts”. The writer Dominic Dunne talks all about it as old money

people? They have high standards: Read the US papers. Apparently half of the people in

the burned out sections of Detroit or Philly “qualify” to gain entry to old money institutions

like foo-foo country clubs as their qualification is: you have to be able to live in your house

with a dead body for four days but tell police you did not know a houseguest died in your

closet. You did not notice it. Somebody finally opened the door to the closet to look and

oops! A four day old dead person. Do you know what the process of death does to a

human body after four days? Are these people for real? This actually happened in Palm

Beach, FL, home of BVG. Do you know how many thugs then “qualify”? How many

battered women and abused children in America then qualify as “old money”? Who would

want to be “old money good”? what kind of standard is that? Insane, that’s what.

Harry, to keep you from going old money insane I have a plan: I have been told that the

British People have no written constitution. mind you my information may be out of date as

I took it from an 1894 copy of “Conciliation With The Colonies” by Burke. As you’re are

about to become actually constitutional you’ll be needing a written Constitution. The idea is

to first declare yourself via a formal Declaration; you want and need to make it dramatic as

emotions like safety and liberty are protected rights but that is uniquely British. It’s to be a

Declaration of The People’s will; of The People’s moral authority. Then you craft the form
based upon an elegant model. I can show you several dozen as America “owns” them all.

Your most basic model is Adam and Eve but not as patriarchy would have you believe it as

all Eve did was create government by man by acting upon her own will and liberty. Eve is

not faulted and blamed by God. It’s about faith: how can you know God loves you unless

you test it? Via faith alone. But then: where’s the triumph? In the perfect model there is no

evolution as man is perfected by his very nature: he remains an animal; he never chooses.

Is there any such thing as justification by faith alone? Nope as if your just you never have

to justify anything and besides: Even Adam had to be told or taught about God by God

himself. I can show you various elegant forms but then the British People have to vote on a

one of them. You re-craft it in your own style thus you are not “America lite”. You declare

your intentions and then give birth to yourself via a written Constitution as it is the ACTION

of People voting upon it that is the proof. The goal of this document is to balance power

correctly between all branches of government but which names The People as the British

Republic so then you get to live it out as real by doing it. Like American case law is

American common law someday you’ll have “new” British common law born of an actual

constitutional monarchy. As you are so much alike me and this is a need why not you?

Why not make this your goal: “to give Britain its written Constitution”? It’s that easy: decide

to do it. You have me, the world’s foremost expert and leading authority on Constitutions

who will volunteer to help you if you’re ever stuck. This then allows us to plot something

else in defense of the British People:

If we conspire correctly we can then plan upon giving Britain a birthday like the American

Independence Day. Call it something only a person who is British would call it but

“independence” is a perfect word for it as is “liberation” and “providence”. You missed your

actual birthday as the Queen called it her “annus horribilius” and Britain was riding an

emotional rollercoaster at the time so this is your opportunity to plan another birthday with
deliberation. I can deliver this as I can bring you with me when I inform the unjust

institutions of China (and now Iran) its reign of nuclear terror is over. Britain can say,

“We’re with the American People – we’ve had it with this crap as we suffered Hitler once

already in another form. As we now know the truth of the physics involved so the US can

and will stop any nuclear attack in its tracks then we are not afraid of you and your empty

threats.” [Do not forget: between me and my secretary of defense we have the human

ability to stop other kinds of weapons too as it is various forms of energy and we cracked

the code. It’s like Enigma all over again only this time Americans broke the Nazis BEFORE

they realized their evil intentions.] Thus you can plan this on a day like St. George’s Day;

we can conspire to act on a date like that so Britain has its “birthday”. Before I go: I heard

China needs a statue of the “tank man” so act French and commission one with your very

deep pockets, Richie Rich. It can be a joint gift as you can trust me, an American, to pay

my fair share of the cost, lol. In America I would say: “Spot me a few million for a statue,

will you? I’ll pay you back.” Then you would take Susan’s word for it thus hand me a few

million dollars as I’m not any old American as I’m a Founder. I’m trustworthy. I’m safe. This

is how you win actual Revolutions: you give your word and shake hands on it with other

trustworthy people. Then even if you shake hands with me, a woman, it is an actual

gentleman’s agreement.


Religion is not a science; theology is. Religion is a set of rules you can and may follow to

then access the divine but theology is the truth of what does or does not work as theology

deals with law not theory and not rule of law. Theology like government is a matter of

physics. Academics would have you confuse the two as would ministers. “Religion” is rife

and ripe with perversions and aberrations which are the work of men not of god as men

use religion to control and manipulate you like they do government. The game is he who
controls knowledge of the sacred then controls man. There’s one problem with that theory:

It’s anathema to God to then use knowledge of God to harm other people. It’s anathema to

God to then use God to profit as God GIVES you knowledge of him thus the universe at no

cost. Men refuse to believe I actually gave up trillions of dollars? Believe it as so did my

secretary of defense. At about the time you realize your intellectual property is more

valuable than any ever with maybe one or two exceptions so you are looking at ridiculous

profits you also realize there’s no point in profiting. Me profiting off of the injury is like me

shooting fish in a barrel; what fun is that? That’s not sportsmanship. I never sought profit

(which reasons why I was able to do this) but when it was in front of me? You can never

place a value on me that is correct – my secretary of defense said he’d demand a trillion

dollars and Congress could then do what it always does: print it up, lol - so if it’s priceless

then it’s…without price. Why bother naming one? Give it away as that is the one thing

churches, governments and scientists refuse to do as they refuse to give up control of the

knowledge. That’s why the US Marshal told me to stop telling the truth or else, as unjust

men are about to lose control of the power – if I reveal all of their “secrets”. Unjust men are

screwed then as I know things they do not know and I never told anyone so it actually is a


I can and will tell all seven major religions the truth about it (7 counting US law as one as

some refer to it as a civic religion). A lawsuit is not the place to do so but it is the place to

prove that men use religion to pervert justice. I’ll use Christianity is the example: not one

Christian religion actually practices what Jesus taught as everyone took something from

the roman Catholic Church when it splintered off from it thus brought corruption with them.

Their first premise is incorrect thus their reasoning is fatally flawed and mostly based upon

what is patriarchic and unjust by it’s very nature. Proof is Jesus was the living embodiment

of the feminine divine; he did not hate or belittle women and Jesus taught and practiced
constitutional authority thus – no institution is necessary. Paul and Jefferson shared the

exact same struggle: do you allow the institutions to rise if it promotes the idea or do you

squelch the institutions in their infancy but then deny millions maybe billions of people the

knowledge in so doing? Paul and Jefferson realized they were going to have to learn to

live with and even create some of the institutions. Their faith? Somebody like me would

come along and tell you the truth so you could then make a well reasoned decision

regarding the institutions. That’s what constitutions do: reason and decide and then act

upon the decision.

I can and will tell you the truth like the truth of transubstantiation, “hell” or the caste system

but first you need to ask yourself if you want the truth and why. Nobody ever has to believe

what you believe and ideally we are not to share the exact same beliefs thus be identical.

We share a federal or national law but as for beliefs? If your God is a piece of bread I

might point out the flaws in your argument but I’m not out to convince you of anything as

truth is self-evident; once you own it then you own it forever and that -wisdom – happens

via insight. You might need to experience the futility of worshipping a piece of bread or the

graven image known as a US dollar to then know the futility of it. And for all of you “The

catholic Church is the cause of all of my problems in life so I’m suing”? you’re out of luck

as a FL state ruling against the liability of the whole church rather than the individual

supports my legal argument – mine is better – and I already have the catholic church for

the actual crime involved: making a treaty with a foreign power as no church has that legal

[power but the catholic church did it regardless as the Vatican city is an independent

nation. I have them for violence against women on an individual basis and then as a whole

but guess what? I’m not suing for liability as I’m suing for access to legal documents as I

want and need to see them. We all know they exist so it’s merely a case of seeing them

with my own eyes. If you’re the person suing for money thus making unjust lawyers

wealthy the actual federal question you need answered is Why did I not know? Why did I
not know to defy unjust authority? Why didn’t my parents? If Susan knew why did I not

know and if Susan is the product of the Catholic Church why are we so different? The

injury affects your ideas of self and your relationship with the Creator; you do not repair

that relationship via suing for money. Hating a church that is just as a whole then you hate

yourself; you hate something about yourself or to do with yourself as it is like hating God (if

you practice actual “Catholicism” not what men made up ex post facto it is just as it

revolves around constitutional authority). “Resentment” is what developed within you

instead of any healing. It’s like this:

A woman’s son was murdered by a priest. 20 years after the fact her church discovered

this and acted to withhold the collection from the bishop until or unless he addressed the

injury as the priest was dead and it seemed as if he would escape punishment thus this

woman would escape justice as would her son. This one parish is correct: if one person is

hurt then every person is hurt and the tax collector’s known as priests and bishops

understand money even if they do not understand justice. Money is a means to an end but

not the reason. As the church is The People it is then up to the People to rally around this

woman and her murdered son. It worked but at the end of the interview this woman gave

she was…going to Mass. The interviewer could not believe it. This woman’s response?

That priest can and did take my son from me but he can’t take God form me unless I let

him. He does not get that. EXACTLY as “God” is not individuals or the physical structures.

It’s not the collective, official “Catholic Church”. Faith is relying and depending upon God

and yourself and then others. God creates what is perfect so you’re perfect – equal - even

if you don’t know it yet. Faith is not transient; it is not dependent upon outside conditions

as other men not God create suffering. You have to give up on yourself to then give up on

that divine spark within you. I can’t take God from you as you have to first give it to me and

you can do this via resentment and hatred.

So you first need to decide if you want the truth as: A Mormon was distraught as she

overheard men talking about “the Mormons”. These unjust men said Mormons were very

wealthy hoarders of gold; because they hoarded gold in their temple they were wealthy.

The truth? The Roman Catholic Church makes the Mormons look like absolute beginners

when it comes to actual wealth on paper and hording the “finer things” in life like art.

Personally, this is one of the things that most appeals to me about the Catholic Church: we

know pomp and we know circumstance; we have and are responsible for some of the

greatest art ever produced. If you want a show go to the Catholic Church. I know the truth

of this but I still like it regardless; my awareness of it makes me understand all the actual

reasons for and against this and having to choose between the Mona Lisa and a real

person I’m choosing the person but still: it’s great art. I like it. Some things you do not want

to change or need to change. The only real difference is: armed with all of the facts you

can make the best decisions for yourself. NOTHING any church did is any better or worse

than what any government has done or what modern science has done. Hitler’s early

beginnings? Eugenics or the study of the human genome – exactly what is going on today.

That should scare you way more than the catholic church as society is sanctioning it under

the guise of anything for science; it labels it science so makes it seem legal and ethical. It’s

like nuns going offshore to say Mass: is that really productive? What does a tax collector

have that you need? Is it always okay if it’s scientific?

I have a moral and ethical obligation to avoid shattering any persons faith with the truth as

that is very counterproductive and not my goal. That’s my main reason for not writing down

what I know but the world court should know this:

The US is lying to you as it is not religiously tolerant. The officers lie and claim we are a

Christian nation even though our Founders said over and over that they never modeled the

nation after any religion as religion as your government does not work. John Adams even
placed this in writing but men insist upon telling this lie as it entrenches injustice and as

men use this lie to justify their actions. They have zero legal reason but only inflict what is

personal upon us. These men go so far as to lie and say Thomas Paine is an atheist as his

reasoning logical sense as it is actual common sense aka logic. Paine was not an atheist.

He subscribed to a true belief in a Creator. Men have said to my face that unless I state

that “Jesus Christ” is my savior and lord then I will be injured with the utmost impunity not

merely impunity. “Jesus Christ” is a fictional person as Christ is not a last name but a state

of being and as Jesus never taught this: if you read the bible Jesus said DO NOT kneel

before him but only before the God. He preached and practiced equality. The Catholic

Church taught me that if it’s valid and true it will stand on its own – life will prove it - so they

even taught me different theories of religion. Notice how Obama has been more than one

religion? That’s because: if you do not claim to be a perverted “US fundamentalist

Christian” subject to a fictional, nonexistent authority then you will not be accorded the

protection of the law and you are not electable. In fact: Thomas Jefferson not only could

not be elected in 2010 – he’d never make it on the ballot - but he couldn’t even be buried in

his own cemetery so out of since with the equal protection clauses thus the actual,

historical Jesus is the behavior of some of these unjust people.

I am not only harmed as I am a woman but as I REFUSE to publicly “accept” “Jesus

Christ” as my savior and lord. Men have told me to my face: unless you declare this lie out

loud then you will NEVER receive protection of US law as what they mean is they will

never protect me. These unjust men claim to be saved thus claim to know. This happens

to be the Joan of Arc trick question that Thomas Paine answered correctly: How can you

know you are saved unless you have the experience of being saved? Not once, not ever

has any of these unjust men described actual salvation as if they did truly know it then they

would tell you: 1, We are born “saved” 2, You can and will meet the Creator upon attaining
everlasting life thus “salvation” 3, “salvation” is something you act to claim and 4, Any

Christian who says he does not have to prove his faith is a faker and a pretender; he can’t

prove his faith as he does not live what he says he truly believes. He does not practice

what he preaches and/or he preaches what is a lie and some of these liars tell their lies

with intent to cause harm. You can say the words but that does not then make it reality.

You might want to add a number five to the above list: motivation and intention count for

everything. Life will prove your motivations and intentions – they will be realized one way

or another - so you can make an attempt to lie about yourself and me and even Thomas

Jefferson and John Adams via co-opting their images but you will not succeed. History –

other people – will judge us and I have no idea in whose company you plan to be other

than your own thus Satan’s but I will be in “good” company: I met THE Creator once and

THE Jesus once so I’m guessing I’ll meet Dr. King when I die of old age. BTW: THE Jesus

told me I am correct and you are wrong. He even laughed – hard- when I thought I was still

dealing with God so I yelled at him as he was not acting fast enough for me. He said he’d

be rescuing me immediately then said 15 more minutes. Wait a second: If you’re the God

then you’re instantaneous; what’s this 15 minute crap? Jesus kept laughing at me until I

realized: This is a second person. Not THE Creator but...Jesus. I recognized him when I

wasn’t so upset. Jesus said: “Only YOU, Susan.” Then I burst out laughing as Yes, only I,

Susan, would equal myself to the God so yell at God for not acting as fast for me as he

did for everybody else. Only I would be: unafraid of God as I’m actually wholly innocent.

Innocent people do not fear the Creator but run headlong to him which reasons why I

seem to be the only person alive to have met him as I did.

The Jews told me: other innocent people exist so you have to actively find them. Then over

2000 years ago Jesus said: avoid the lawyers thus all judges, scientists and politicians;

look in the most disabused populace like drug addicts, whores, gangsters, actual

prisoners, battered women and children and otherwise “homeless” people. Jefferson
reiterated: avoid the trained and paid lawyers as they are paid to exploit their expert

knowledge thus paid to exploit you and they LIKE this.

The reason the world court must address SCOTUS’ violation of its own case law?

Preventing a person who is not a trained thus paid lawyer from arguing in SCOTUS is

meant to cement injustice upon a worldwide basis as it then prevents the case for equality

from ever being heard. It makes “lawyer” a privileged, exclusive class. Remember: The

very first clerk I contacted in 2007 said that he had been ordered or told to sink the case

for equality as if another person warned him. He said he knew what elements to look for

and so knew I was it so he then KNEW to sink the case as if it is official policy. “Policy” is

almost always nothing but unjust personal opinion. To date the clerks and Justices of

SCOTUS have violated every SCOTUS ruling I have ever cited so they do not practice

what they preach and then inflict upon us. All recent SCOTUS rulings are based upon

opinion only not US law which is why lawyers are wholly fabricating fictitious cases that

have no arguable basis in US law as they are not to be found in US law. World court’s clue

is: SCOTUS cases are supposed to be about people not money so where are The People

in any of these cases? In Castlerock V Gonzales the lawyer asked for $31 million but my

clue was the state of CO citing money immediately not the exclusive adult female victims

and child victims of both sexes. In Castlerock you had every bell and whistle: SCOTUS

asked for dead bodies as the proof women are injured by men so Gonzales delivered her

three dead DAUGHTERS and SCOTUS then said: Dead women are not enough proof so

we need to see dead men. I, Susan, offer you my own son, Christopher Quinones, a

named legal unborn person by the state of FL who is now actually 13 linear years old so

legally he was never born and my other son, Ethan, who died as a person on January 17 th,

2007. I can prove it as a therapist prepared me for his death so I’d know it when I heard it

and then could enter federal court. This injury to women and children? It is RELIGIOUSLY

motivated. Proof is: The Austin's, the third party crooks, told my children they hated them
by saying they hated Catholics. They exactly hated Catholics and my kids are baptized

Catholics. My kids were distraught. Unjust men use or cite religion – money - to justify their


World court and Norway need to know: in America the idea of money is a religion and

religion is an actual billion dollar business - and a corrupted one. Germany is correct to be

wary of Scientology or anything that reeks of the cultish as so much money changes

hands. It’s why Marxism aka socialism is so dangerous here. Look at a US dollar; it is an

actual graven image. The same department that handles engraving for US money then

protects the sitting, criminal president: The US Treasury. Unjust men want you to believe

women are trash but men are golden even while they rob you. It’s why a male Secret

Service, a part of the treasury, protects a man they know is illegally and criminally holding

the office as I was told to my face: Any man even a crook is better than a woman. Do you

truly believe I am garbage as I possess a vagina while Barack “do me a favor as I have a

penis” Obama is a national treasure??? That’s US “Christianity” for you as Obama was

raised a Muslim but then said he is a Christian but then divested himself of his church so I

do not know what he is as it is not either. He’s not one of The People. That’s the proof of a

religious motivation and intention not a constitutional one as he never needed to become

anything other than what he was raised to be - if he is natural born. It’s not rocket science:

He is not natural born but you who are not the US could not know that as my case was not

heard in person. Even Americans were confused by the paper and the lies. For good

measure I checked: I have discovered conflicting records of what he is and who he is but

not once have I found any record of him actually achieving anything on his own as a favor

or shortcut is always involved. What he did is criminal as the authorities known as Jesus

and my mother said TREASON IS AN ACTUAL SIN. No actual Christian according to

Jesus or actual Muslim according to Mohammed commits treason as it is: Unconscionable.

US law and case law says a conscience is a prerequisite as you must reason your actions
or you’re an animal not a man. Go look: animals do not pray as they do not aspire.

That’s what the truth is supposed to do: Not shatter your faith but make it stronger as it

makes you aspire to be better than you were before as you know more and different than

those who came before you. So think long and hard before you ask me to tell you the truth

of religion as it is both “good” and “bad”.

A post script as I personally like the literary device: As Jesus turned over the tables of the

money changers in the temple? Watch me Susan copy a play out of his book by turning

over the tables of the politicians and lobbyists in Congress.

Jews Especially

I took all of your advice. I can’t tell you or the Dalai Lama what it is like to live in exile in a

foreign nation but I can tell you what it is like and how to survive if you live in exile within

your own nation as that’s what slaves are: Exiles. I’m like an elephant and actual elephants

helped me crack the code as I too never forgot until I had the answer as I’m not satisfied

with half truths: I’m rooting for the elephants not the orangutans or dolphins as they

express what is equivalent to human grief and it will be funny to see what they do with

those trunks once they learn to read and write as it will be nigh impossible to turn a page.

Jews: I not once not ever heard anybody express the idea that Jews are to blame for the

death of Jesus as Jesus is a Jew. The first time I ever heard that theory in my whole life?

Around Mel Gibson’s movie as: A Jew told it to me. WHO makes this stuff up??? Let’s

examine this logically, in light of the facts and in comparison to recent history we have

lived so we know it:

Pontius Pilate takes a fake, phony vote. The outcome is predetermined as Barack Obama

was given the protection of the Secret Service at taxpayer expense an unprecedented 18

months before the election. Sp Pontius Pilate and his ilk know what the outcome of the

vote will be so Pilate pulls a nasty lawyer trick: He lies to The People and tells them that

they get to choose; feeling empowered they then act as victims who are now victimizers

thus fueled by what is propaganda – lies about Jesus and the Jewish government of

lawyers and the politicians who love each other but not The People conditionally – the

People vote to harm themselves. Pontius Pilate then tells himself a lie: I’m not responsible

when really all he ever had to do was make a different decision as he had all of the legal

power. That’s the crux of this argument as the only votes that counted were male and as

so Jesus acted for women and for the disenfranchised it was privileged men who voted to

kill Jesus to then enslave others but all they did was enslave themselves in the process.

Blacks had no idea that they were voting to harm themselves nor did you. Hitler’s living

ghost said hello and you said hello right back. You had no idea tax monies are never to be

allotted 18 months before any election so over a year before any possible winner as we

weren’t supposed to even know who the candidates were at that point so it had to be a set

up. Would you ever protect noncandidates that are not even on the ballot? So how can you

KNOW who is on the ballot? You can be the Democrats plotting to force a person who

appears to be black but is not and who does not sound black. You can also be the

Republicans going along with it in silence as you believe you can defeat the idea of black

with the idea of woman. You are totally unprepared for Susan who says.”Time out as I

know ideological warfare when I feel it; they do not call it a war chest for nothing. Sorry

fellas: Bush V Gore is a tie and only I knew it and only I acted plus I ten received two legal

votes thus I win. Take that Harvard law.”

WHO murdered Jesus? Men as women had zero legal power then. Conditions are not the
same now as I’m a term not a condition and I know it. WOMAN is a term. Animals are not

woman but female. Men? Humanity is both woman and man as it takes two to tango. You

cannot and may not arbitrarily remove a term. You must vote via the process not directly

as the Romans and Greeks learned the hard way: direct votes of The People spell doom

and certain failure. It’s like Alan Greenspan truly believing markets can baby-sit

themselves. Do you know what he did? Like Pontius Pilate he used the derivatives from

OTC derivatives themselves to then prove his theory of derivatives. Did he ever hear of

Jesus or Einstein??? Like Pilate was and Obama will be he was crushed when he had to

admit the truth: his model of the universe is fatally flawed and is criminal to boot. You can’t

tell me Greenspan or Pilate was not power greedy as they both worked for the Federal

Reserve, a private concern. Go look: Pilate’s phony public vote is not named under the law

– it was unprecedented - nor is the Federal Reserve in the phone book’s blue

‘government” pages. But Jews like modern Americans truly believed the illusion so later

they blamed and faulted themselves for murdering Jesus and later for slaughtering the

world’s economic markets as they felt guilty. They needed a scapegoat. Hitler and others

before him took advantage of that feeling. By the time Hitler came along Jews failed to act

as they assumed God would save them as always. Yes but Abraham and Moses took

action. Check the record: Men act in desperation like Obama voters or they fail to act at all

like Jews. It’s about the very nature of victimization. I do not fault or blame myself for any

of this not even the Federal Reserve or Obama as I acted. If you can build it then you can

tear it down – if you’re not afraid. I blame and fault men as after ten thousand years they

are now desperate to hang onto a failed system of government that is exclusively male as

crooks never win but they keep making the attempt.

Blame the exact MEN responsible: Pontius Pilate and: two of the planners and designers

of the world economic collapse that are now plotting another collapse? Who know their

failed system is about to fail absolutely but who do nothing or only make it worse? They
are now Barack Obama’s chief financial advisers. Good luck with that Earth! The world

court can look it up as all you need to do is Google the name “Brooksley Born” and the

condition “OTC derivatives” as one of Greenspan’s cronies recanted testimony he gave

before Congress against Brooksley Born. He said he made a mistake as Brooksley Born is

one of the most dedicated public servants the US ever had which is why Born was

eventually shut down and shut out. PBS did entire shows about this and the Jews. I’m

guessing this is why PBS keeps losing its funding when it goes before Congress: It tells

the truth about the Jews and it tells the truth about Americans.

You were close Jews as “justice” is a part of the very design of the universe. In colonial

America? We had one of the only free synagogues in the “western” world. George

Washington visited it. The reason you hear the “stereotype” about Jews being good

lawyers and it seems as if Jews, money and the law are seemingly inextricably linked? It’s

like Catholics being good lawyers as all you do if you are raised as Jewish is study the law

only Catholics call it “doctrine”. If you can argue the law then you will be very, very

successful in any society. “Money” naturally follows then. But guess what? Success itself is

not a crime. I myself copied the Jews as all good advice – advice that works - is advice you

should take. Want to be successful? Jew have thousands of years of proof if life (Hindus

have even more). I even use a Jewish “story” to reason my existence for people who can’t

wrap their minds around it: I’m the person who comes along every generation or so who

can hear the voice of God in my dreams as I remember.

Jews: go read the “stories” of the golem like the golem of Prague. Anything sound familiar?

My clue was: My mother had a statue in our house that I was fascinated with: The infant of

Prague. You “dress” this statue up in vestments, like a doll or a person. “Golem” sound

constitutional to me but then again lots of Jewish stuff does. “Golem” is symbolic for the

truth like all of this is. The word, idea and concept is symbolic but not necessarily the
exacting words. Your job is to discern the truth yourselves thus avoid the lies. Besides:

The Golem is a fantastic “ghost” story if nothing else. Native Americans have one just like

it. The difference is: Deliberation.

So here I am back at this fact of my life: America.

America has so many problems I’ll be here all day so I’ll only name a few to prove I can

deliver on all I promise. If you know anything about what is known as “bee colony collapse

disorder” then you know we have a case of “American colony collapse disorder”. When I

dissected Americans I found so many illnesses and diseases I was stunned. It’s one single

disease, annihilation of self aka fascism, but it appears is a dizzying array of forms. That’s

what this last hindered pages was about: my fact which is my life so you know I can and

will deliver in person but I could never place all I came to know about this universe and

people upon pieces of paper; that’s why you are to prove your case in person not on or

within the paper as for the injury thus the case to be “real” you need a victim who can and

will testify to it. A paid lawyer did not live the injury; thus he does not give testimony to it.

His argument then is theoretical application not reality and not law. A lawyer CAN’T know

what he never lived. You see why it is so very convenient to then kill your victims and/or

lock them away w/o any charge or hearing? My “fact” is everything I ever learned which

enables me to then solve other people’s problems. I can give you the solutions but you

have to act upon them.

Black Firefighters Who Were Heard In SCOTUS

Once again I am an expert: We had this same issue in Duval County as in Jacksonville, FL

city and county services are consolidated to avoid redundancy. White firefighters were

denied promotions and equivalent pay as black firefighters were not advancing via testing.
In this case the white firefighters sued and won and so secured past due back pay. The

next thing that happened was a black firefighter showed up for work and found a noose

hanging on his gear.

Do not play this game: This has everything to do with race but then nothing to do with race.

Persons who are black are not passing this written test for an actual reason but it is not

“work harder”. This cuts to the very core of who and what you are and the injury you

suffered. I know as I suffered the same injury but overcame it. Black firefighters need to

know things they were never taught but first they need to “undo” a false, mistaken and

corrupted belief they hold as true.

Firefighters need to know that your greatest enemy became Sandra Sotomayor, an

admitted racist, who said that if she could not achieve then nobody could achieve.

Sotomayor plays a word game exchanging the words “man” for “woman” making it seem

different while she also changes other words such as “white” and “Hispanic”. She would

NEVER compare a white man to a Hispanic man so why then do it? Because: She

believes she is not racist; she justifies her action by claiming it’s sexism. Wrong. How do

you know? Her lower court ruling as it violates the letter and the spirit of US law; it’s

anathema to US law as she violated every word of the Declaration – as if it does not apply

to people who are white. If blacks and Hispanics think they aren’t being manipulated think

again as choosing her for the position of Justice when she is in open and direct violation of

US law is a direct attack upon The People. Ask yourself this: If all 8 Justices said your

ruling is WRONG not in error but wrong, and you are nominated, and you are a supposed

legal expert so you then know what you did and are doing, how can you ever sit as a

Justice if Obama has zero legal power and capacity to appoint you and do you truly

believe it is an accident that he found the one person all other 8 Justices would then be

forced to fight? Even if you were fooled and so came to believe this lie, is your ego worse
than Obama’s if you sit smirking at us as a justice when all 8 fellow Justices waved a giant

sized red flag at us? When they told you that you were not qualified to serve as a Justice

thus they reviewed you as a peer, did you then think you are better than or smarter than

they are? If, I, Susan, am qualified but will never sit as I will not play the game nor will I act

like a crook how do you ever reason your seat as legal thus constitutional? Sotomayor told

me: HISPANIC. I say: Bullshit.

Let’s compare: Thomas was shocked to discover he is a MAN and is BLACK. Scalia had

no idea he was ITALIAN. Me too and me neither. When I set my sights on “SCOTUS

Justice?” It was before O’Connor and I had no idea a WOMAN never sat as a Justice. So

let’s go back further:

Affirmative action was an experiment we needed to conduct as people who are black still

are not advancing and worse (more so) Native Americans are not advancing.

“appearance” never affected me at all; I never needed to see a woman instead of a man as

I assumed I am that person as what I am is their equal. “Justice” is a job description not a

person as in a man versus a woman or black versus white. “woman” is intrinsic but “black”

is not. “black” is a deceptive appearance only like “Italian”. Is the theory that kids need to

see people who look like them the law? So we tested that theory and affirmative action

failed to do all of the things we predicted. It had the opposite effect: Unqualified persons

were now advancing while qualified persons like me were not as we could not. At some

point, a point I named at or around 1952, this became about honesty as in the ethical

versus the unethical and so persons who are black mistakenly began victimizing

themselves as did women. How did the model known as Dr. King become 50 Cent? You

began to equate money with justice and success.

Finally we had what seems to be a reversal of the landmark Brown V Topeka as SCOTUS
said you can no longer use money as a remedy for segregation. Why? .Like affirmative

action we conducted that experiment and it failed miserably. No amount of money ever

remedied any ill effects related to discrimination; it made zero difference so finally we

admitted we had not yet hit upon the solution. Correct, as first you name your actual

problem. The roots of the correct legal argument and the actual injury discrimination is lies

in a case the black firefighters may not be aware of that is even more important than

Brown as Thurgood Marshall’s theory and reasoning is fatally flawed thus technically

Brown is a bad case but legally? Marshall entered what he needed to enter: Proof of life as

in proof the injury is reality. He entered black girls choosing white dolls thus proving

annihilation of self occurs at a very young age if you are a victim. But Marshall claimed the

paper is a living document. Unfortunately this sounds so damn good liberals ran with it.

Marshall himself said he did what he had to do meaning he may have violated the letter of

the law but never its spirit. Thurgood did a lot of crafty things to get his point across. His

advantage? He was victim so he is intimately acquainted with the injury in a way no white


Look up another SCOTUS case concerning the state of TX and Hispanics. I’ve never read

it as I listened to the living witnesses. TX was segregating its schools legally and physically

by claiming “Hispanic” was white so it was not segregation even though you had districts

that were 100% white versus 100% “Hispanic”. The man who argued the case and won

was Hispanic and boy, are his facts fascinating. He was an alcoholic; he raised the money

to mount the case as he was a licensed lawyer so was subject to the costs by himself,

within the community. The very day he was to argue? He went out and got drunk out of

his gourd the night before. They had to sober him up for him to be able argue. And his

performance? An eyewitness told me that he argued so well that SCOTUS did something

for him they had never seen before and that they did not even do for Thurgood Marshall:

for one of the only times in US history he was allowed to exceed his allotted 30 minute
time limit as the Justices had so many questions. His performance then was masterful.

But this man died of alcoholism as he was never able to survive the injury and then

overcome it. He was never sober long enough to overcome and/or the opportunity did not

exist in his lifetime thus he was a victim who knew the injury so well he was able to convey

it to the Justices in such a way they heard him. Having never read the text or the ruling but

knowing the facts I can tell you: This man was able to demonstrate how it is the INVISIBLE

barriers prejudice raises that people cannot overcome. To look at the so-called “Hispanic”

kids? You would have no clue they were “Hispanic” unless you knew their address as

schools are funded by taxes thus the only perceived “defect” some of these kids had was

their physical address so it was the thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs others dumped

on them that were causing the injury, an injury of which the effects are addiction,

prostitution, violence, teen pregnancy, high abortion rate and endemic poverty as if poverty

or victimization is a state of being. He argued that YOUR true beliefs about yourself are

shaped by what others dump on you exactly like propaganda. It’s bigger and deeper than

the examples you see in your world as what stops you from then being different? From

acting differently? Why do some of us read the Declaration and truly believe and that it

applies to our person while others do not? If the state of TX keeps telling these kids “you’re

different” than they will aspire to a lower standard or even no standard as they will never

develop the human ability to overcome the injury. It’s simple logic: reason how and why

some of these kids are “Anglo” but still suffer if the only difference is what part of town you

live in IF Texas is not guilty of discrimination?

Susan Herbert will tell you there is one other difference: Unlike Brown, this small

community invested in themselves and took it all of the way so these kids did have a very

different example: Help your own selves. The attitudes of the parents were wholly different

as their history was not slavery. It was never we can’t or we might but we will. Read the
history of the case as even deadlines were missed and rules were broken but it was still

heard. IN PERSON. Black firefighters need to think about how this case is different from

Brown and then ask what their federal question actually is as it is not the one their lawyers


This is my sworn testimony: the only proof these firefighters have is my person as I did it

first. What they have to do is huge and it is a matter of going back to one plus one, but you

can do it and if you do? The rewards are bigger than you can imagine as I could not

envision them. What happened in your life is people mistakenly blamed and faulted “black”

as the reason for your failure to achieve thus accidentally injured you worse as if “black” is

an actual reason. The truth of the Constitution is if you open and a door and decide to go

through it then no other man can close it so black is not a reason. Every white person in

America can gang up on you but you will still achieve as you are a force. Because people

around you absoluted you to death like they do women you then never came to own

certain basic concepts on any deep level. Going back to “1+1” means you need to learn

everything you never learned to begin with not that you need to relearn anything like

counting or simple addition. Here is where I need to warn black firefighters:

Recall Don Imus being accused of raccism. That’s not true; is Howard Stern a sexist? You

had the number one national champion basketball team fall apart not as they lost on the

basketball court but as they lost in the court known as life: A single word made them

crumple. We had an emergency but it was not Imus; it was those young women and their

ideas as who could miss this if you were their coach and who ever taught them a trophy

then proved you thus earned you respect? Being a champion is about your insides self not

those outside things. Another person may never know about your victory; is it any less as

only you know? How did I, who never played organized sports, then learn all you are
supposed to learn from sports while these women learned nothing?

The knowledge these girls should have owned was that they did it alone, by themselves,

and that they are the equals (or better) of any male team. If men then compare them to

men that’s ridiculous as on the field of men one team is the best male team; on the field of

women one team is the best female team; on the field known as humanity then pound for

pound they are equals but they would never compete against each other. Who lied to them

for years and years and never realized that they falsely believed that once they were

“number one” that men would suddenly respect them??? Is Don Imus even a basketball

expert? I am. “Nappy headed ho” has NOTHING to do with basketball so it would effect me

this way: Man, I would have picked up the phone and scheduled my appearance on the

Don Imus Show to then demonstrate WHY he should respect me. I’d say, “Thanks for

calling me nappy headed as that’s what I am: nappy headed. But you erroneously called

me a ho – I never once played basketball for monetary gain nor did I take any form of profit

not allowed by the rules - and you forgot: I am a champion. You do not get to falsely

accuse me of being a crook and cheating as that, unlike nappy headed, is NOT a fact of

my person. 20,000 angry black women and Al Sharpton agree with me not you so you

need to have me on your show tomorrow to correct your mistake or you have a date with

20,000 angry black women who will be at your door promptly at 8AM. Al will be there at

7AM. So, what time should I show?” That situation was perfect; all those girls had to do

was flip the switch from victim to champion and they never did. The motional injury sports

is supposed to help heal was never even addressed. So firemen need to prepare


I promise you: The first time you pass the test? Another person will then say you took five

times instead of one time. You can never go there; at that point you answer: “Yes I did but

you said the term is that number of attempts did not count only that I received a passing
grade. We are not going to change the condition now but to humor you I will go there: If

you are claiming I am still not your equal as I had to take the test over again then you are

correct but if you account for what I had to do to then pass this test you will never possess

my heart so in terms of spirit or sheer will – I win. You know what else? I would never do

what you just did so I guess we know which one of us passed the test that counts for

everything.” CHAMPIONS comport themselves this way in life but you need to be prepared

for it as it is a lie to tell you that once you pass a paper test then you’ll be respected. A

champion acts; he or she does not react.

Another fact firefighters need to know? Ask yourself why you chose “firefighting”. Some of

us choose a job like that as it personally appeals to us and then some of us choose that

job as it is the “best” we believe we can ever achieve. There are lots of reasons we choose

jobs. My fact? When I was about 4 I said I wanted to be a garbage man an everybody

laughed. “Garbage man” pinged every part of liberty that ran through me. Even hanging off

the truck riding down the street directly appealed to me. The people who asked me and

then tried to make me feel ashamed should now be ashamed of themselves as really, if

you attack every crook in America, then I guess I’m still taking out the trash 40 years later.

I still believe garbage man is one of the best jobs to have as there’s so much freedom

doing it. I’d be the legendary, genius–philosopher garbage man other garbage men talked

about in hushed whispers who once actually walked and worked among living garbage

man, lol. A part of me is always going to be rooting for the garbage men of America. On a

hokey show they did “measuring” IQ? Garbage men came in last and I thought, “I can’t

believe you people did not represent!” Then I heard them: They believed you did not aspire

not be a garbage man and that you were a garbage man as you COULDN’T be a Nobel

Laureate. That’s a lie: This is America; I am America; you are America: liberty means you

can choose to be Nobel Laureate garbage man - if it makes you content; if it satisfies and

pleases you.

I once thought “Justice” was my aspiration; you couldn’t do or become more than that if

you are American. What’s bigger than defending the faith? Defending the faith of a planet

not merely a nation. My term with god is defending humanity not only American humanity

but I could not imagine that. “world court” was not a concept in my head as “American”

means I should not ever need world court. And then something else happened to me:

I was assaulted and battered. I had flesh torn from me and bones broken - all in an

attempt to stop me from achieving. Men use physical force when they can’t otherwise

control you. It’s a last, desperate act just as kidnapping my kids is. As I couldn’t be

stopped? Every family member and friend fell away as they said they could not do and be

what I am. A lie. They said that they could not understand how I could value myself so

much that when men named my kids and said they’d kill them I said, “I can’t stop you as

NY and this nation will not so become murderers if you must as I’m perfectly fine with God

but you will never be if you go there.” They would do anything these men ordered them to

do; yes, as someone convinced you that you are less than as you are willing to name and

meet a price. I seemingly lost everything and everyone I thought I knew and believed in as

my entire first premise was incorrect: “Everybody understands what liberty is and

everybody knows the true value of their being.” But what did I gain? More than I could ever

imagine for myself.

There’s two “stories” you can examine. One is the movie “Rudy” as what you want to pay

attention to is how his own family treats him once he aspires beyond anything they could

ever imagine as he forces them to confront the actual reasons they never achieved past a

certain point. In his world EVERYBODY worked in the steel mill and married their high

school sweetheart; nobody ever went to college. Tragedy befalls him and he then has a
different idea he acts upon: he attempts to enter Notre Dame and play on their football

team as his family named this as an ideal but nobody ever acted upon it. “It’s impossible!

Stop!” they all scream. Even his finance abandons him. Essentially his family dies but

something else is born: his authentic person or himself, as he was Created.

The second story is the Cherokee story of the Utkena based upon historic events. “History”

is fact, IT HAPPENS, then it’s a story, then a legend and finally a myth. We do embellish it

but at times it is literal. The story if the Utkena actually happened to me and my son sons;

we lived it. In this story a warrior kills a great fear – a giant snake – and as a reward he is

given a crystal. He does the impossible; he accomplishes what is believed to be beyond

“normal” or accepted human ability. But he loses his family in so doing. It literally tells you

that if you become this type of champion then you should expect the things of your old life

to die even your own family as that is how nature works as fear stops most humans. I

exactly lived this story only the snake we killed was metaphysical not physical. In that

moment every skill I ever acquired came into play and I even surpassed my own

expectations. I actually saved three lives in a single second. In hindsight I thought:

Washington's untold billions for he said if you can’t do it for yourself do it for the untold

billions who will come after you or: until you can do it for yourself. I never heard this story

but my son actually found a strange crystal in our backyard the next day that I knew was

so odd and bizarre that I kept it safe. Two years later I read this story and fell over as I

actually lived it. I will show any firefighter this crystal as the Cherokee still have one too.

Theirs has a red streak in it while mine does not as they killed a physical monster. Like me

you have to slaughter an unseen dragon, an invisible enemy.

Why is this crystal so important? Science dictates that humans are barbon based and so

pressure turns us into diamond. If you cannot bring yourself to believe my words I can

show you the crystal and my own kids can tell you how they found it as I was not with them
but they came running to me as they knew it was odd. Recall how I keep repeating that all

of physical creation is symbolic for the truth? I truly believe this crystal symbolizes the

covenant I have with God and that we have with God; that it represents that the stories we

tell our true and that what we perceive to be impossible is very, very possible. It

symbolizes how we tell very different version of the truth but at its heart we are all the

same as humans. “Humanity” unites us while our personalities born of our experience of

life make us different, unique creations. How can I be Casper the ghost white but be

blacker than you or more native than Indians? Because: I volunteered to go there on your

behalf as you have been told another lethal lie:

You look at our founding documents and truly believe that no people who are black were

present. You see no black signers. You are taught to act like a Founder is to act white.

Nope as it is to act like a champion. I know the lies you hear about our Founders but all the

proof you ever needed is life: James Madison as he took the notes. There came a pivotal

moment in our founding whereby slave owners were going to walk. Ben Franklin stands up

and gives a rambling speech. It’s not like him; he then motions for prayer. The motion is

not carried. Years later Franklin admitted that he was desperate to stop people from

walking out as he knew it meant we would never exist as a nation so he said anything

merely to break the tension. If you check, the one and only time a motion to pray was not

carried was during the debate on slavery. Why? Even actual slave owners said it was

unconscienable to pray to then enslave other humans; they refused to invoke the name of

god to then cause what they knew to be evil. That’s all the proof a person who is black

ever needs to then know they were in that room as were women. If you need more proof?

Read the original document known as “The Constitution for the United states of America” –

for The People – not the 1871 version. Nowhere will you find certain words like “Black” or

“woman”. Why? The Founders told you over and over and Malcolm X, Soujouner Truth,
Bobby Seale and Dr. King heard them loud and clear: you are only 3/5ths of a person if

YOU truly believe you are only 3/5ths of a person. Your action then proves what you truly

believe about yourself. Ask a white person what they truly believe about bobby Seale; you

will most likely hear that he was a rebel who was killed as he was a criminal. I know a very

different Bobby as a “white” priest and “black” persons who were there told me: when

Bobby Seale walked into a room little children lit up like firecrackers and I, myself, know

when I’m looking at the scene of a murder not a justifiable homicide. I’m not angry: it’s our

shared history but I’m willing to own it. Why can’t the police own it? Most cops alive today

were not born then so why not talk about it now? I was not there but I can stop it from ever

happening again by repeating HOW little kids acted around Bobby Seale and the idea of

him in their world; LIBERTY. So then: if all you ever know is a photo of Seale in a black

panther salute why aren’t you Bobby Seale? Do you believe what you see? What you

hear? What you feel? I can hear the lies about Bobby Seale forever and ever and even if it

is all true – fact – all people act for reasoning so he had his reasons. Why aren’t they the

same as my own? Little kids tell the truth. Maybe they are the same if you truly believe

you’re human first and last and those kids did truly believe it for an instant. Now I need you

to truly believe it.

I will now make a sworn promise to all black firemen who want to take that test and pass it:

I will personally help you pass that test by teaching you everything you never learned. If

you were five when you were injured? If you were not even born yet? The emotional injury

is massive but you can and will clear it like an Olympic champion if you decide to go there.

If will be the hardest thing you ever do in this life and I expect you to make a thousand

mistakes but I also expect you to surpass me as any good, actual teacher wants her

students to surpass her. You get no free passes like Obama. I’m going to hold you to the

very same exacting standards I hold myself to and you will meet and then exceed them.
You’re going to become actual American Founders as we are not founded yet as a nation

until we clear this last hurdle. If you reason and decide to take up this challenge then you

will be returning to SCOTUS to make your own case as you will act pro se as I’m not giving

you anything as LIBERTY is not something you can wrap up and then give to another.

Your lawyers entered the incorrect legal argument; you will enter the correct argument but

all I’m going to do is lead you to have insight thus you’ll be claiming wisdom. You will be

like me, a deliberate American, and when you do break through that wall that is now in

front of you then white firemen will not believe what they are experiencing as the tables of

power have been overturned – in your favor. And you never, ever get to claim “white”

people did this to you or white co-workers hate you because you are black. Some do and

some do not even have those thoughts in their head. You are never going to judge another

like you were judged as you only judge yourself in this life and as the content of your

character will be reveled in this world as you become a cause that has an effect: JUSTICE.

Your very first lesson in self-awareness? Print out a copy of the two governing documents

but make certain it is the original versions. Read every word and think about it. Does this

truly apply to you? Are you this? Are you willing to go the distance for others? Are you

going to live those thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs in letter and spirit or are you a

coward? If you bought the lie you were told, that no black people were present in the room

when those documents were written, then act to change that history as today conditions

are different: pick up a pen and sign your own name wherever you please. Sign bigger

than John Hancock if that’s you. There; now a black person did sign those documents but

I’m going to hold you to your sacred, honor bound duty as that duty is to yourself first.

Lesson number two:

The Flag

People do things for reasons so why do you salute the flag? I know why I do as I’m self-


I’m in Saratoga. We fought more than one battle there and so did I. It’s racing season and

we’re at the track. Everybody but me stops to salute the flag when the national anthem is

played. People YELL at me and tell me that they are embarrassed; why? Because: you

HAVE to do what everybody else does; you HAVE to salute the flag. Why, if it does not

apply to you? If they all jumped off a bridge or acted like crooks would you? Once people

told me I had to salute the flag then I could not as I had to conduct the experiment: why are

all these people performing what is a meaningless action? I NEED to figure out what I

believe about our flag if I’m ever going to salute it as I can’t lie about my person.

My first “revelation”? The history of our national anthem as people do not know it and often

lobby to change it. There’s four verses not one. What actually happened at Fort McHenry?

What did those people feel? I know as about six years after the “Saratoga flag affair” I was

traveling from FL to NY and got stuck in the worst fog of my life. It was so very thick we

had to stop as you could not see so much as an inch in front of you; it is the most amazing

fog I have ever been in and I’ve been in all kinds of extreme weather conditions. I literally

stopped dead where I was.I had no idea where I was. Ethan was with me and he was

about six weeks old. Slowly this fog lifted.

First I was stunned to find several other cars inches from my own as we could not see

each other. Then I was stunned to realize I was on a bridge as a sign began to reveal

itself: Francis Scott Key Bridge. I sat in silence. The Creator! I am living US history!!! I

wished Ethan was older as I knew what I might witness: Exactly what the people who

survived Ft. McHenry in 1814 witnessed. I did not have any clear recollection of ever
seeing Ft. McHenry but I had seen the actual flag in the Smithsonian. Was Ft. McHenry

down there, below me? Would I see it? I was transfixed; little by little Ft. McHenry came

into view and…I screamed: The flag was actually still there!!! I was jumping up and down

in my car pounding the window and then I realized: not one other person on that bridge

knew what they had just witnessed and so only I felt it. I felt the exact same emotion and

physical sensation those first people felt. I, Susan, relived the battle for Ft. McHenry. I am

France Scott Key. Later I would come to live in Baltimore but then? All I knew was I

needed to pay close attention to our flag as the Creator wanted me to know something or

maybe I was remembering as we truly do share a collective unconscious. It’s not

synchronicity but intrinsicity; I am.

My favorite movie ever is “Rocky”. It’s all about the will and liberty of men and women as

ethical creators. As Americans. There’s even perceived racial overtones and perceived

sexist overtones as well as endemic domestic violence that harms both Rocky and Pauly.

It’s actually about the individual and about unconditional love for self and others. You won

the war but now for the necessary final battle to then prove it to yourself. Rocky seemingly

“loses” but the Republic does not fall. Good triumphs over evil. It’s July 4th, 1776 all over


I have been to the Philadelphia Museum of Art featured in the famous staircase scene.

Leading up to the actual Museum is Ben Franklin Parkway and all along it are flags from

every nation. I’m Rocky only when I run up those steps I know I’m carrying every person

whoever lived and died on Earth with me as it all culminated here. What culminated here?

The greatest story still in the telling as man made the greatest, most impressive, most

impossible migration journey of all but you do not realize it. The migration journey we

undertook is billions of miles long; it began in Africa as the form was born and then

became human in or around the middle east/Asian border as will and liberty was endowed
upon us there, in that geographical region. The Founders knew this and so when they sat

down to climb that last mountain range they did not use their feet but used a pen. They

thought their way around that final, impossible barrier. I then knew to do the same as iron

gall ink is our blood as we live history so our life is our service record. When the Creator

showed me exactly how large the job ahead of me was? I took a pencil and wrote “In the

Supreme Court of the United States” on a piece of paper. This is a job for pencil not pen as

I’m going to make lots of mistakes, lol.

I did as the second thing I ever wrote down in regards to this case was my name, my exact

name: “In Re Susan Herbert”. Then I erased “In Re” and erased “Herbert”. I literally wrote

an “X” as in “Susan X”. X marks the spot; X DNA; Malcolm X; the crosshairs and cross

roads; the driving of the Golden Spike in Utah when all races were finally reunited. So I

knew to look for myself and the flag in “Africa”. I must know something you do not. Much

later I came to rest in the rainforest of New Guinea. Those people are considered to be

black by most Americans. I found the stone age tribes still practicing cannibalism.

Antorpologists will tell you they are indigenous and so are “Aborigines”. If you tell a

cannibal that you believe he ate a human he will be stunned as he truly believes with all of

his heart that he ate a kakkuwa, not a human. Eating humans is disgusting, they will inform

you so you must be sick yourself. I LOVE that as unjust American men eat humans every

day but judge indigenous people for a way of life they have lived for thousands of years?

Hey, they managed to keep unjust Europeans away, lol. So what is this seemingly inviolate

true belief you do or do not have about our flag, so strong that you can’t clearly articulate it

but you’ll try to stop me, a citizen and/or Spike Lee from burning it? Maybe I have reasons

to burn it. Maybe you’re a kakkuwa in my world. [An aside: mad cow? Logical as the rarest

recorded human illness is a virus humans contract via eating human brains. You contract

diseases; it’s law. You can feed an animal to itself but you should never do it.]

SCOTUS says you may burn a flag in political protest but not to light your barbeque. I have

news for SCOTUS: I’ll wipe my butt with it if I feel like it until I own the knowledge of it.

What are you going to do, arrest me? As long as I do it in private then it is between me and

my Creator not me and SCOTUS aka The People. But I’m Susan: I’ll do it in public as I am

not afraid of you.

Then Charles Rangel of NY roared through my world. He named a $30 million dollar

building after himself and did not know why it is a crime. It’s treason. It’s makes you a

dead institution but he said he gets to judge if his actions are worth $30 million or not. Not

in America as that is the tax dollar so history gets to judge you about ten years after you

die. Living constitutions engage in an emotional exchange; dead things do not do that. A

building can’t exert love or liberty; it has no will so if you name it after yourself while alive

it’s treason. It’s a violation of the honor bond as you are taking from me, from my labor,

and awarding it to yourself against my will. The proof? You, Charles Rangel.

You offered me zero protection of the law even after I informed you. You’re black and you

know what it is to be a victim yet you justify harming me. You are demanding that I die in

defense of your unjust, unreasonable cause and I will not. You knew as I told you twice

over that I won a spot on the ballot and that I then won this election yet you publicly

supported crooks like Hilary Clinton and then Obama. You used every excuse in the book

to ignore me and then deny me as if you suddenly lost the human ability to read but it is

nothing but rigged, political cronyism and patronage.

I’ll get a hammer if I must and physically take your name off of that building as you of all

people do not get to harm me as I heard your testimony: you said you knew that the post

of President and Commander had already been abandoned in the Korean War as you

were a soldier and your officers literally left you and other kids on the field. They deserted
you so you had to take charge. You said all night long the Chinese insulted your dignity by

informing you that you were fighting for a nation that hated you and they asked you why

you did it. All these years later? You still couldn’t say why but you knew it had something to

do with your life and what became of you afterwards. You named that event as the lowest

ever for you personally, to be accused of fighting in defense of people who hated you or in

defense of your own injury and you had no answer. When I told you that I was now

suffering the same injury? You acted as if you are blind and deaf. How is it that I, Susan,

know what you did not that night? You act to harm the US via harming women and then

justify it as if you are helpless but you’re not so helpless you can’t secure $30 million and

use it to name a building after yourself instead of saving lives that’s why as the proof of

your treason is that you cannot answer the Chinese while I can:

Hope is why. America may hate me now but at least in America I have hope as you can’t

stop me from ascending if I choose it. In America I can wield my vote as weapon while in

China you cannot. In China you are forced to live with lead paint coated toy dragons

dressed in designer clothes but you will never feel actual liberty thus you have no hope. If

I, Susan, had been in Korea with you that night? I would have taken command and routed

the Chinese in a hurry as I would have pulled out my handy dandy Chinese-English

dictionary and/or Korean-English dictionary and told you the correct word for “hope” and

then passed it down the line. If this is the Chinese version of ideological warfare I have just

won as my idea is the best; by the end of the day the Chinese will be on the run and/or

begging to join the US. Did I not assume command when Bill Clinton abandoned his post?

Did I not start disseminating actual hope while Obama and you dispelled false and phony

hope – a false sense of hope but not the reality of hope - and even committed crimes?

What did I do when I had to choose? Did I choose myself or did I keep my promise to my

Creators plural and act for my brother and so literally leave no person behind? You’ve

been black in America for 70 years; what don’t you know???

Then a person asked me to consider a new idea: is our flag aesthetic? Is it artistically

pleasing as far as flags go? Why do we place the symbols we place upon flags? This

joke’s on NY as NY’s flag says “Excelsior” and I took it at its word. What about color? Red,

white and blue: There’s a very wide red, white and blue line Americans walk so if you find

yourself on the thin blue line? You are about to fall off the edge of the universe so only

God can help you. Mix all three colors and you get purple, the color of royalty and death.

It’s why we award a purple heart as something is supposed to die inside of you so

something else may be born; just war is supposed to temper you.

I’m Catholic; red, white and blue is about fire, water and air or baptism of blood, baptism of

intention and baptism of water. How can you be American and not know that the promise

God made to Abraham he then made to Washington? Sorry Buddhists and Hindus as you

too have that same God as it’s ONE universal vehicle for all of us; it’s one all

encompassing universal force with 300 plus million individual belief systems under it.

When I think of myself having been born in an ocean of wisdom, an actual ocean of

wisdom, and that every type of person or thing on earth is here in America, then I know as

absolute fact that our field of stars upon blue is no random accident. God meant for me to

reason this; he meant for me to notice this. He meant for me to tell you that if you sign our

governing documents? Then you are vowing to become a cause that has the effect of

creating descendants who know your name and who are literally as numerous as the stars

in the sky: I am. Infinite.

If you salute the flag? You need to do what I do as for me it’s a deliberate action on my

part. I mean to salute the heavens and those thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs. I mean

to salute those of us who give our all for the actual cause: Unconditional love. I’m not

saluting a flag. Bobby Seal might have been grabbing a star but I’m putting a billion back in
his name exactly like the spider woman and coyote of Native American legend. That’s


The American National Anthem

Critics of the national anthem claim we are the only nation who names violence in our

song. Correct as we acknowledge our violent past: We were and are born in war. I’m a bad

ass. I’m a Marine and I know it. Precisely because Islam will not admit it too was born in a

war it is overtly violent in a terorristic manner. Americans are not terrorists and never will

be on my watch. The truth of our national anthem?

Read the lyrics. It’s perfect. You know what else is perfect? The form as the national

anthem is impossible to sing really well so consequently even great singers trip over it and

everybody takes a shot at singing it. It does what art is supposed to do then qualify it as

“art”: it evokes an emotional response. You know the scene from Rocky; you know the Art

Museum. You felt it. What if I told you that four griffins sit on the corners of that building in

reality and griffins jealously guard their golden eggs and the one eyed people who possess

the seal of God? Read the myth. Are we those one eyed people? Another name for a

griffin is keythong derived from the same roots as keystone. What if the actual treasure is

people and what if the actual treasure is our governing documents as they are elegant and

American people produced or invented those ideas? What if I told you clowns broke into

the museum and stole: a crystal ball and a statue of Osiris and only I laughed? A treasure

beyond price sat in that museum as I saw it and felt it when I was there – in Philadelphia

no less - and they did not steal it but stole very symbolic articles.

I steal ideas. I steal emotions. I steal the truth. I’m a master detective and the most

successful second story man this nation ever produced. There’s no safe I can’t crack as
my father told me a secret: First walk inside of your own volition and then break out. Act

like you belong there and they won’t know as it’s a game of one upsmanship so never

bluff. Deliver the performance they expect but never tell them you’re a spy unless you are

asked; then give only your name, rank and serial or social security number. They won’t

know what hit them until AFTER you nail them. They won’t realize you never spent a day

of your life in prison while they spent every moment in one jail or another. What side of the

bars are you on? They do not design systems of government that you cannot break into

and in the US? It’s nature is inclusive so you’re already inside as you were born inside it.

My mother would literally say this to us: “Get cracking.”

There’s no human heart I can’t crack. You too can become a safe cracker of my ability and

capability. Change your perception of our national anthem: Watch videos of “ordinary”

people singing it. That song is a national treasure as we have the one and only national

anthem that levels the playing field for all comers as even trained, professional singers

can’t sing it so it literally is a matter of equal protection and due process. It’s the truth of the

American People. It’s art. It’s elegant.

A fact you might not know? The other contender for our National Anthem was “Columbia,

Gem of the Sea”. We accidentally by design chose “The Star Spangled Banner”. That’s

God. It’s funny too as sometimes a lie is a very simple thing; it’s not as complicated as you

are made to believe; you never needed to know who Osiris is or what is on the actual

Museum of Art. The idea the word “Columbia” symbolizes is not about a million shades of


Upon finding out that we almost chose “Columbia, Gem of the Sea” my father responded:

“Columbia is a country in South America you idiots. The last time I checked it was then.”

All you had to do to get my father going? Me and my friend Jessica once conducted the
experiment: We told him we LIKED Ray Charles’ version of “America The Beautiful”. His

law was: If you wanted to hear “God Bless America” sung correctly you NEEDED to listen

to Kate Smith and if you wanted to hear “Battle Hymn Of The Republic” you NEEDED to

listen to Anita Bryant. I never thought to ask him who sang the “definitive” version of

“America The Beautiful” but he was emotional if you named Ray Charles. It’s art then as

he emotionally responded: He hated it. If Kate Smith sang that arrangment of “America

The Beautiful” in that way he would despise it.

I never told him my fact as I only recently knew this: everyday in Baltimore I would wake up

at around 5AM on purpose as a radio station played Marvin Gaye singing the National

Anthem. It’s one of my favorite records and nobody ever plays it. To this day I prefer

Marvin Gaye’s version over any others. I love the crowd’s response as he builds upon the

emotion until it crashes over people like liberty pouring out upon The People. The crowd

gets anxious as we all know how it ends and it’s as if you can’t wait. This is the exact

opposite of the Nazi idea of pride; this is correct pride.

So I will close by take up a current National Anthem case: A woman who is black was

asked to sing the National Anthem. She agreed; she sang the words to “Lift Every Voice”

to the tune of the actual Star Spangled Banner. Now that’s a feat. We can’t sing the real

words and she sang different words? In tune? People were outraged; I’m not as I know

that song and I once owned a copy of it. I agree with that song. What she did is correct

political protest. How do you know? No matter what unjust men said to her and no matter

what the public threatened her with she said, “I’m not sorry and I‘d do it again. I wanted to

do it, I needed to do it and you gave me the opportunity so I took advantage of it. I did not

disrespect the true belief. I could have trashed the song if I wanted to do it but that’s is not

my point of law as this is about my person. Maybe you need to think about why you’re so

angry with me. I meant to prove my point of law. If you are provoked then that’s about

She’s right and you’re: Wrong. But mostly you’re: Mistaken as you do not know all of the

facts. You need to consider all of the facts until YOU own the answer that’s “right” for you

and you alone.

Let Clinton, Obama and any of these Nazis talk about the flag or the National Anthem.

What’s Obama the lawyer going to do? Have his lawyer call in the answer for him? Obama

can and may rot as far as I’m concerned but Charles Rangell? If I did not make you

remove your name from that building I would be failing you as I would knowingly and

willingly be letting you walk out of your house wearing a Nazi uniform. I’m not letting you

throw your life away as you did not have all of the advantages Obama did and nobody got

you out of Korea with a phone call or letter from a close, personal friend. I never heard you

play the “pity me as my mother died“ card or “I’m a war veteran so I’m the exception” card.

I can’t and won’t let go of you – yet. The idea is to put new, brighter stars on our flag not

remove them!!! 60 years later you’re still wondering about yourself and the Chinese and

naming it as the very worst day of your life. So then: you’re still kicking. It’s not too late to

address that injury: Americans are superstars.

I want modern day Americans to think about this stuff for what may be the very first time in

their lives as no American is to ever do anything devoid of meaning and purpose. I know it

seems as if it is small but it is not as it is like the Creator told me: It colors everything in

your life. You do not need me - government - to take care of you as you can do it for

yourself as you ARE the government.

Emancipation Is A Lie

“Emancipation” is something someone else gives you. “Liberty” is something you act to

claim yourself. Lincoln never meant to liberate you and the Civil War was fought over

economics not slavery. Every time I say “Civil War” my Secretary of Defense corrects me:

“You mean the War of Northern Aggression.” Correct.

I know blacks truly believe they were liberated at the Emancipation Proclamation but you

were not and then several illegal, unjust actions were taken to enslave in you ways you

could never imagine: The real, actual reason the Constitution was redrafted thus changed

in 1871 was to empower lawyers as a class and to strip The People of all power. It was a

way to enslave women and blacks against their will and w/o their consent. The nasty

lawyer trick is to change the paper in such subtle ways no person notices or all in power go

along with it as it seems to profit you personally. It seems unbelievable that our governing

document could be changed and for over one hundred years no person sued but that’s the

injury: to sue to resolve the legal problem you had to sue the legal profession itself and

prove collusion and then conspiracy.

So go back to the books once again: Who benefited when the 1871 version of the

document came into play thus incorporating us as a business concern and not People?

Lawyers and privateers, then politicians. Remove the 13th amendment and then you allow

for a violation of power that crosses all boundaries as a lawyer can then exploit his expert

knowledge to gain access to the offices of power, a violation as if you accept a law license

then you are a part of the Judiciary. It’s a violation you then can’t fight as there are zero

consequences for that lawyer. Can a lawyer ever divest him or her self of that paper

license? Nope, as once you accept it then you are claiming to be an expert and an officer

of the judicial branch which is why we call them “officers of the court”. It is also meant to

prevent the pro se from appearing as “SCOTUS” then becomes a venue the pro se are
shut out of and all of this happened as: sexists and racists sought to deny you liberty. If

Lincoln meant to liberate you? Then we would have had black Presidents who look black

and are black and likewise woman Presidents as “Reconstruction” almost succeeded. It

produced people like Robert Smalls. It eventually failed because of: Malice.

I could write all the live long day about emancipation versus liberty but I know: you want

and need proof. Ideally that is me but if you need more before you hear me in person?

Watch the documentary “Eyes on the Prize” as a Southern man displays malice, what that

actually is, when he smirks and brags: “The North may have won the war but the South

won Reconstruction.”

This then is an opportunity for persons who truly believe they are “minorities” and so are

“disadvantaged” to wield actual legal power for the very first time ever as they get to

choose freely upon informed consent without any consequences other than: they cause

their own injury and/or healing. Currently “candidates” are forced upon us. If I ever express

the idea that Barack Obama is the most able and capable black person in the US to then

“justify” violating the entire law and all known US case law? That’s treason as that’s


Ask yourself: if you never once felt actual liberty and not one person can describe it to you

then how do you ever recognize it or recognize an impostor? I’ll tell you how: were you

born here? Did you pay your dues the legal way w/o any help? Did you fund your own

self? Then why not you instead of a guy who was not born here? Because:

For the plan afoot to work, to permanently buy out all power thus wield ultimate control,

your victimizers must must must convince you to victimize yourself and then others like

me. They have to get you to give up the one and only natural resource you have, your vote
as that’s you, the person. They must convince you to vote AGAINST yourselves.

Spike Lee called Tyler Perry a buffoon. Actually he said Perry’s work contains a type of

buffoonery he would not produce. A reporter tried to bait Perry: what do you think of Lee

calling you a buffoon? Perry said: I disagree as people like my work. Finally: An intelligent

debate about race.

Spike Lee: There’s some buffoonery afoot alright as they tricked you into electing actual

buffoons. How did you ever fall for this crap? People do not know you mean that people

who were not white and male were forced to act as if they are buffoons to then be

successful so you had to pretend to be less than and only then were you accepted.

Sounds like modern day politics. Tyler Perry: People like what they like but they should

know why; I’m quite sure I find Dave Chappell’s “blind so he’s a black person who is a

white supremacist” funny for very different reasons than you do. I heard your life story.

Other people, some people, do truly believe that your work means YOU are stupid and

weak and do not realize what they would be in for if they picked a fight with you. Me? I’m

with Chris Rock: black people produce TV just as crappy as the junk white people churn

out. And every once in a while they produce a masterpiece. The ideas that cause people to

react to Lee but to embrace you are the same but we lie and say they are not. I’m a

witness: by no means have white people cornered the market when it comes to buffoonery

and on some level we like what we like but do we always need what we like? Is it always

good for us?

I can promise you this: If you act to claim liberty you will come to know the real, actual

reasons for every second of your life and every thing you are or are not. If you reject

another form of emancipation and defy your victimization you will find you were never

really making actual choices as to do that? You’d have to know all of the facts. You’ll
realize: OMG – I did do that on purpose! Or That had to be God!

This is what I want “Obama voters” to think about: It’s is like Jessica said: of all Africans or

of all other people on Earth why you? Once I imagined if I were on a slave ship I could run

it aground as I know how. Today if John Adams and I were fighting and he was going to

act to run it aground I would stop him. Ideally you would get here upon your own volition

but this world is not ideal. I once thought my reasoning would be we could not know WHO

was on a certain ship but that’s not a “good” reason. Recall how I began this by naming

700 or 800 missing people who no person then acts to find? Don’t you want to know why

the Creator looked around planet earth and plucked you from obscurity? I would stop john

Adams by telling him he is the biggest racist I ever met if he runs the ship aground as if he

does then how do people who are black ever make it to America? So all other people can

become Americans but not persons who are black? You may not believe it now but

someday you will: Why you is very important as you couldn’t pay me to be born a white

man as the injury gave me an advantage like no other and so will yours.

You should never have to suffer injury but if you do you want to suffer it in America and/or

because of America as that then means God is lighting a fire under your butt. God expects

almost nothing from those who are given everything as this is about doing it only as you

can and you want to of all other choices you could possibly make. Which brings me to:

Oprah Bought The Political Office But Denies It As She Is A Willing Victim But Not A

Willing Officer So I May Be $2 Billion Dollars Richer

I know things about Oprah that only an expert could know as my old roommate is Shelley

Boston, Ernie Boston’s daughter. Ernie is a newscaster who worked with Oprah in
Baltimore. Shelley and several others regaled me with tales of a piece of videotape that

has since disappeared and Oprah’s old channel pretends they do not have this piece of

tape Oprah does not want anyone to see. Ernie brought it home so Shelley and her friends

viewed it over and over and over BEFORE “Oprah Winfrey” was “Oprah”:

Oprah is interviewing Frank Perdue. She asks him if he minds it when people tell him he

looks like a chicken. He answers: Yes. Do you mind it when people tell you that you look

like a gorilla?

Shelley insists that it is Oprah’s reaction that is so priceless but only I know why.

Frank Perdue means: I do not mind it if you compare me to the qualities of a chicken as

I’m no chicken but all people mind it when you pick at an appearance they do not control.

Me? Call me a gorilla as gorillas are not animals you want cross and they own their

environment. I’ve even witnessed gorilla murder. But if you call Oprah a gorilla you are

pinging her sense of self as for several years Oprah has told Earth her very first sense of

self is a man sticking his tongue out at her, as if she is bad or wrong. Oprah says this is

important as she was so small but people tell her she can’t be remembering this. Yes she

is as that is when she became a cause with an effect thus connected it to an intrinsic

emotion. I have memories of being an infant – before I had the human ability to talk but

could think cognitively. I have a memory so early you may never believe my testimony, not

even when I prove it as then it makes you consider what you dumped on your own children

never knowing they could perceive information cognitively thus recall it later. Also: you are

frustrated and envious as you do not recall your own existence so well.

So my sense of self is the moon landing and Oprah’s is a man sticking his tongue out in

response to her. One is not better than the other but different as it drives you your whole
life. Oprah: you might be actually delusional as you also told us that you got all the therapy

you need on your own show but yet no therapist ever informed you of this and when a

person wearing your dress walked up to you and said, “Hi! I just stole this dress out of

your closet!” you said, “Steal some more from me!” You need to get some professional

therapy not bystander therapy. You know, directly? Proof is:

Mattie Stepanek and you had an entire conversation about when you should retire and you

said you had definitely decided at the 25 year mark so I started counting knowing the

predators would be circling. Jimmy Carter was even on this show; the idea of him was or

so I recall. Every issue and person was alive and well and in the same room even; it is

intrinsicity. But yet you say it is a “surprise announcement”. WHO did not know, you?

Why? You are lying to yourself as you think you can’t be manipulated and you truly believe

you take your own advice when you do not. That’s why you’re still struggling with weight:

you are lying and you are in denial. I can name every single thing you are in denial over

but I’m only going to name a couple here:

I never laughed so hard as when you held up a pitiful piece of paper and said your weight

issue is because YOU NEEDED A MANICURE. Are you for real? You do one show where

you tell GIRLS not to treat themselves like garbage cans and then another whereby you

advocate stripper poles in bedrooms as an act of self-empowerment. Girls do one thing but

women do another. I’ve also seen you acting for gay marriage, for plural marriage and for

porn as a business but with little or no actual reasoning. But yet you wonder why girls are

confused. Stripper poles is when I shut you off. I actually told a nurse I know: Oprah says

we are UNCONSCIOUS; she’s making that up as if we were we’d all be prostrate on the

floor. The only person who is asleep at her wheel is Oprah as she acts subconsciously not


So then: I listened and heard you and Barack Obama tell a whopper. You announced you

were out to purchase the office of the Executive ONLY as Obama is black and you are in

love with him personally and at the same time you slammed Jesse Jackson. You and

Obama never once said the words “Jesse Jackson” out loud but you did say it as I heard it

so OBVIOUSLY you and Obama’s intentions and motivations lined up perfectly: you’re

crooks who meant to cause us harm and then went and did it when you knew different.

First: I’m the constant; if your compass is skewed? I’ll know how much so what it is exactly

even if you truly believe you have hidden it by not saying it or denying it. Imagine me

slamming into both you and Obama at the same time; I’ll come to a stop while you and

Obama will land at places and times relative and intrinsic to my person. I’ll see it or hear it

thus know it. Second, you kept saying repeatedly that you never, ever felt you could or

should support a candidate but the time felt so very right, now. That is you operating on

your subconscious and then our collective consciousness. YOU named 25 years not me;

you said you FELT it now, today, as if this feeling was different than ever before. But

you’re not innocent as you clearly articulated that you knew what you were doing and even

said do what I say not what I do plus you have knowledge younger citizens do not.

YOU made me think about Jesse Jackson as I never once thought about him as in

ruminated and hope is not audacious. Suddenly your vocabulary goes out a window? You

know what “audacious” means. Hope is a given; it is a birthright. Can any person be

audacious to hope? If even I cannot be audacious to hope, is it possible for anyone?

Maybe: are you calling me less than you thus I’m not as human as you are or somehow

you are more human than I? I knew nothing about Jackson except that he ran for

President several times and he is the go to person if you want Dr. Suess not Shakespeare.

I had no idea he marched with Dr.King until only quite recently. But YOU knew this as you

lived it. What else did I know? You and Obama said you despised people who said one

thing but then did another. Oh, so you two despise yourselves? You said people who are
black do not know how to “pick” a leader so you had to do it for them. You were going to

harm us and then cut and run. But you said that you knew what holding an office meant

and you were NEVER going to do it. Personally if you tell me that you know what is

involved in holding an office but you aren’t willing than you had better not tell me who I

should vote for as you then have zero moral authority. You and Obama deliberately meant

to steer people into connecting the “revelation” that Jackson had a child out of wedlock to

then NOT voting for him as we’re all too stupid to know a lie when we experience it. Wait a

second: How many out of wedlock kids does Jackson have? Is this a pattern over a

lifetime or a single event? Did he deny the child a la Edwards? Can I draw a clear line

between Jesse Jackson the person and Jesse Jackson the politician? Yes; can I do that

with Obama? Nope. Obama is the very slob you said you would never support. I can draw

a clearer line between Al Sharpton the person and Al Sharpton the politician than I can


Since Obama’s election you seem to be the Whitehouse’s little flutterby, as you are forever

talking about being with Michelle Obama and being near Barack Obama and to hear you

tell it you inventoried their closets and the contents of the Whitehouse. Why don’t you have

your staffers count the number of times you mention something to do with Obama or DC in

your shows since the election. When I saw you crying at the inauguration as I caught a

replay of the tape? I defy you to name what you are crying about and/or over as I do not

know how it is possible to cry over treason unless you’re the victim. Oprah: you will never

be able to justify keeping me off of that ballot while buying Obama the office as he never

would have won if I had been on that ballot or if privateers were not allowed to purchase

the office. Don’t ever come to me crying you are sorry as nothing you ever say or do will

ever make up for the damages you directly caused me and the havoc you wreaked in my

life. You take your victim as you find her: you are one of the people that almost got me

shot by a local police officer and at one point I had to calculate my odds as I could provoke
this officer once I knew he was willing thus I had to reason if getting shot was the only way

to overcome the odds against me as at least then IF I did survive I’d get a criminal trial.

Wanna know the odds of surviving a direct gunshot to your head? I can tell you; don’t

forget to factor in if there is or is not a trauma center in your city and if the medivac

helicopter can land nearby or you might die in the ambulance. You don’t impress me and

you might want to start living what you say you truly believe as you do not do it. Do you

know what? You have even gone so far as to tell me that you want to live what you say

you believe but some things are too painful to live out. So then: If you won’t sit as you’re

not willing and it’s only my life you’re throwing away then buy the office thus via cronyism

you then do sit? It seems as if or so you feel?

I have legal issues with every person who did what you have done but you exerted

extreme undue influence and you had a stricter standard to adhere to as you do have that

talk show and you are well aware of your influence.

You missed it: Obama and his cronies (of whom you are now one crony) knew to wine and

dine you – romance you – and you fell for it hard. He’s a trained, paid, lawyer and he

knows every nasty lawyer trick and he plays them. Lawyers are taught some

neuropyschology in law school. He exploited his expert knowledge of you. Did I? I’ve

known about you for years and years; did I ever make a true attempt to dig up that

videotape? No but I could have. Here you go Oprah:

You committed treason. What you did falls under the definition of treason and traitor as

you knew. It’s one of the worst cases I have yet come across as you went much farther

than most people and you knew exactly and specifically what you were doing as you kept

telling me you knew it. It wasn’t once; and you had to act overtly. How many rallies did you

attend? You were going ot them not the other way around. Question: Obama claims to be
Hawaiian but carpetbagged into IL and so into your exact city, Chicago; how long did you

know him before you had him on your show for the first time or before you endorsed him

for the first time? You did not just meet him as if you never heard of him before he wrote

(or ghost wrote) an autobiography before age 45 and before he ever did anything in life of

his own volition. I’ve got ten years of YOUR shows proving this. I’ve got a LONG memory:

Weren’t you caught using actors instead of real life guests and you swore you’d never lie

to us again? So why’d you prop up the biggest pretender of all but lie and say he was the

real deal and then act to buy the office only as you, an actor yourself, aren’t willing? Do

you know how sick we are of listening to you tell us how “glamorous” but “accessible”






WANTS TO CAN BUY AND USE MICHELLE OBAMA. Apparently she received a Harvard

dergee in shmoozing and decorating to hear you tell it.

Oprah: You fell in love with the boy your mother warned you about and nobody not even

Susan Herbert could talk you out of it as you stopped taking letters and calls. You might

want and need to “communicate” with The People if you host a talk show and act to buy a

legal offfice. I tested you and you failed: either you do not read your own website but only

say you do or your staff does not want to go to jail so they did not show you what I posted:

The SCOTUS docket. Then I called you “thick skulled” as not many people then brag on

national TV and international TV that they are committing treason and are thoroughly

enjoying it and your staff told me I “offended” them. They do not post what they believe is

offensive they only act as offensively as they can as they know they are guilty as sin as

they colluded: If they worked on one of your shows they then colluded; it falls under the
RICO Act. Do you truly believe “Oprah” means you get to injure me with impunity? Think

again as you ARE hard headed and thick skulled. It fits so wear it for once in your life: I

saw the clip whereby a woman in your audience stood up to speak agaisnt going ot war so

quickly and you silenced her and shamed her and made her shut up and sit down. It was

a show saying “Let’s go to war!” – you actually spent an hour promoting an unjust, wrongly

declared war - and you would not allow any opposition to your point of view. How many

service members died because of you? How many Iraqis? If you wrote me a check to

settle out of court with you what number would you write on it? What if you wrote that

check to Jesse Jackson? What if you wrote it ot the US, to The People? But you’re

offended I stated as absolute fact I proved within SCOTUS that you and your staff are hard

headed and thick skulled?

You once told me you and Steadman could buy anything you want. Anything. Guess what?

I’m not for sale so you CAN’T buy me and I, Susan, can and may buy you as your two

billion dollars will be mine at the end of this day if you continue to commit treason as if

there are no consequences for you as there are. Perhaps you need an objective, rational,

reasonable explanation for why you’re fat again that does not come from me:

Elle Magazine, March 2004, page 94: Susan J. Douglas' groundbreaking 1995 book,

"Where the Girls Are” laid bare women's love-hate relationship with the media-and vice

versa; now, in “Enlightened Sexism: The Seductive Message That Feminism's Work is

Done” (Times Books), Douglas, a communications prof at the University of Michigan,

shows how glam representations of women calling the shots in the boardroom, the

bedroom, and beyond lull us into thinking we're much more powerful than we really are.

She skewers television shows, women's magazines, and ads for peddling false "fantasies

of power" that make men anxious and keep women complacent. Most seductive is the
message that feminism's work is done. Impressively, she takes down Oprah by showing

how the national guru's message of self-improvement distracts women from fighting for

real change: "The Oprah dynasty affirms - indeed demands - that women turn within"

instead of storming the barricade. The real irony, Douglas contends, is that amped-up

images of fierce, sexy Superwomen may actually thwart our forward momentum. But she

has only a few suggestions for how to take control of our media images and turn those

power fantasies into reality; she doesn't give enough credit to the blogs that have already

embraced this challenge. [Susan says: The solution is a lawsuit naming every criminal in

the US and all 9 Justices as they are in and you are out only as you’re a woman and are

smarter than they are combined thus throw yourself into the breach like Hamilton as this is

propaganda and treason not a ‘message of self-improvement’. Did I do what both Gore

and Bush could not, argue the case aka the governing documents and US case law pro

se? were their lawyers let in while I am not? Can you name one woman Chief Justice or

Executive? No so you know as absolute fact it’s the discrimination of women and the

ethical as you can ever reason me away with your untrue and illogical excuses. No amount

of self-improvement will ever be enough as once you achieve beyond the men? They act

to kill you. If women agree to aspire to death then no more America as no more living

government of People. ]

If Oprah ever reads this and needs personal proof to then admit to the truth of what she

has done? The Creator told me to tell another person a specific word that I always thought

was “junk” who then kept a record of it. It is a word that would have meaning to Oprah or to

anyone who saw the same show with Obama that I saw and heard what I heard. I did not

want to say this word to another person as it seemed to be “crazy” at the time- I knew they

would think it was senseless - but the Creator told me my very life depended upon it so I

stopped arguing and just did it. Today I know why: I would need living witnesses exactly as

the Jews suggested. This person? She said she would NEVER forget me, her experience
of my person, as I did something she thought and felt was odd and it was not saying that

word, lol: it was keeping a physical object as close to my heart as I could when I died.

What was it? A satellite radio as Jesus told me that this was my big clue as to my person

as I “listen different”. He said “You KNOW Susan” and then told me where to place this

object for safekeeping leaving me to figure it out. I said: “I need to remember this [the

image of that radio with a heart shaped crack in the tuner glass], don’t I?” and Jesus said,

“Yes you do.” Then I asked, “Is this where you turn out the lights?” he said Yes and

BOOM! I went down. But not before I said an exact word out loud. I’ll tell Oprah what I

know. I’ll prove it so she can’t deny it any longer. That radio has no crack in the tuner glass

but a nurse did find it on my dead body.

A Dead Body Of Government: Jefferson Lies!

Recently some revisionist historians have begun lying about Jefferson and Disney even

made a movie about it. Every historian I have ever read is incorrect when it comes to the

American Founders although some have come close to the truth for what any historian

does is attempt to tell you the facts one of which is the emotional facts of the person to the

reason their actions. Most historians do not know proof of life then is proof of the persons

motivations and intentions as everybody’s emotional compass is skewed then they CAN’T

tell you the whole truth as the can’t discern the emotions present.

The world needs to know books of history are works of nonfiction not written by the people

who live it thus they are written by other people who are reporters and so these books of

history are often a very telling product not of the past but of the present - the society the

historian lives in today. Books written by the people who lived it are called autobiographies.

Two people have presented very good arguments as to whether the study of history is a
science; one is Robert Evens author of “In Defense Of History” and the other is Jared

Diamond who’s argument is presented in the notes following his books “Guns, Germs and

Steel” and “Collapse”: The Rise And Fall Of Societies”. When it comes to Thomas

Jefferson the historians are: wrong.

Did Jefferson have children with Sally Hemmings? Obviously as he never hid them. One

look and it was self-evident. How do you reason this then as he “denies” it in letters?

Jefferson is the person who wrote “All men are created equal” and that “They are endowed

by their Creator”. Jefferson and Hemmings? Jefferson living what he said he truly believed.

The letters denying this? Self-defense as people came to Jefferson's home, saw his

children, knew he then had children with Hemmings but could not reason it as they are

racists, sexists and bigots so they then would write to Jefferson asking him. IF Jefferson

ever told anyone the truth in person or in writing would the lives of Hemmings and her

children be in jeopardy? Yes; in fact you can depend upon it: They would have been

murdered as men would seek to murder the truth. So be Jefferson:

“Okay John Adams; okay Lafayette. You KNOW what I believe; you claim you believe it

too. Did you see my kids with your own eyes? Do I hide them in any way? Then why are

you asking me this question, a question you know is impossible for me to answer? If you

will not be happy until I deny it in writing I’ll deny it but we both know it is a lie and it only

serves to make you emotionally comfortable.” Jefferson had to deny some things when

pressed as he could not make a different choice in his own time. Like slavery: at some

point Jefferson had to acknowledge that he would not live to see it ended. Historians claim

he became like a grouchy old man debating the Missouri question; wrong as if we did go to

war over this question? The nation would not have survived and slavery then might be

institutionalized in some places and that then might be forever. Jefferson’s truth is best

described by a slave he owned as he was born into slave ownership:

A slave overheard Jefferson tell Lafayette the real reason slaves were not taught to write:

They were equally as smart as white men so they then could and would do what any sane

person would do: forge their own papers thus freeing themselves. This slave said “it

warmed his heart” to hear what Jefferson said and don’t you think Jefferson knew what he

was saying, in front of a slave? Jefferson also said he knew the days of slavery were

coming to an end; he could not say when but only soon.

So then, is Jefferson lying when he said “miscegenation” is the greatest evil of slavery?

Nope as if you are Jefferson and all of your friends and family have died save one

daughter but you have other children you can never, ever publicly acknowledge or be a

father to in any real way then you would be the man to know: miscegenation was the

greatest evil and greatest cruelty of slavery. He told the truth, a truth he knew better than

any other person.

Was Jefferson then a racist? Yes, exactly as he was sexist. That is largely the product of

his upbringing and his own experiences of life but if you want to know his heart read a

letter he then wrote in response to an Englishman who read “Notes On Virginia” and asked

him about some of his stated beliefs. Jefferson responded thusly: Yes he had written down

those beliefs as at the time they were his true beliefs. But he had since lived many more

years and learned that some of them are not the truth so that his beliefs were not the same

as an old man. Then he revealed a secret desire he held deep in his heart: He said one of

his greatest wishes was to finally discover what seemed to make us different as no matter

what he did and no matter how we tried to solve the problem it seemed as if people who

were not white did not and maybe could not achieve as white men did. Even the

Englishman did not state that blacks were true equals but only that England was more

“enlightened”. Jefferson said that was not good enough and that until he could discover the
truth of why this injury exists and what it is he would never be satisfied so he knew this

would be the challenge of his life and he might never come to know the answer in his

lifetime. That’s: Honest.

The lies you are making up about Jefferson are incredulous but he is not the only Founder

being defamed and slandered in such a way. Take John Adams who is labeled a mean

sexist. A series of letters exists between Adams and Jefferson regarding equality of the

sexes; Adams will not allow a female servant to copy his letters. Historians say it is

because they were “gentleman” and would not allow a woman to read what they wrote

about the act of sex. A lie: The reason is because Adams of all people knew what a

woman could harbor as he was married to his equal so he was not about to let the wrong

woman see those letters thus start the war he said men would surely lose. Historians are

extracting absolutes but not considering the whole person and they inflict or subject those

absolutes to their own limited understanding of the truth so you receive or read what is a

lie. Historians are so dangerous though as it is the lies unjust men tell to then justify their

acts of prejudice that harm you.

You would have to be medically delusional to look around the US and ever truly believe

the lies you hear about Jefferson or any of the Founders. If proof is life, what does your life

prove? What does my life prove? They may not have been perfect and they did have to do

things they knew might cause injury but they were ALWAYS honest about it and Bill

Clinton is no Hamilton: Hamilton had the human ability to do unbelievable things outside of

his office but inside of it? He exerted will; he was always and forever able to put aside his

personal beliefs and separate his own life from the duties of his office for the greater good

no matter how much it personally bothered him even casting that tie breaking vote for

Jefferson. Hamilton like me had incredible self-discipline; you would be hard pressed ot

find any self-dsicpline or any self-control in DC at all today. Why did Hamilton seemingly
hate Jefferson so much? Because Jefferson was all of the things Hamilton wanted to be as

he was certain those things would then “buy” him respect. For instance; Hamilton

compared himself to Jefferson and realized he could never change the fact that he was not

born here so Hamilton then told Washington if he could not fight he was quitting

Washington and striking out on his own as it was necessary for him to fight physically to

then vest his interest and right or to…earn the respect of the other Founders. Jefferson

and Hamilton? It happens to me everyday: I sit in a room silent but yet people start

comparing their person to me and then start acting out to injure me as it is their own

feelings of inferiority they are dealing with; I do not “do” anything any more than Jefferson


Adams was not making fun of his wife when he said you can depend upon men to keep

women out of the offices of legal power either. Read the letters; he is playfully teasing her

admitting what they both know to be true: men are arrogant and foolish and afraid of

powerful women thus he had to study war to then be able to give his kids both male and

female the opportunity to study something else. You can’t possibly be sexist and then be

married to Abigail Adams; you are no more or less sexist than all of 1776 is and you might

be a whole lot less sexist.

The Founders are and were something else too and you believe lies about this as no

Founder ever lied about his person unless you call being a hypocrite a liar but if you know

this guy is a hypocrite as he never hid it and maybe he put it on display? How is that then a

lie if you know it? If the Founders made a mistake they left a record of it. Adams said he

had one regret about his actions and he was correct: He said that lobbying for a Christian

national holiday would cause incalculable future harm. It did but as he was honest about

it? I can address it. Also: If any person was ever going to make this mistake you want John

Adams not Jim Baker making it for you. When I read about these people I feel “sadness”
and I think it is “bittersweet” as men like Adams and Hamilton could never understand who

and what they actually were in their own time; they could not believe that they were people

we needed and that they were geniuses. They undervalued their own persons; they did not

unconditionally love their own selves but they did unconditionally love you. I consider all

the people we never named in books of history: What if they could have known the effect

their actions would eventually have in 2000 or in 2010? What if they had lived to meet me,

their proof, the proof they said would someday exist?

If I ever meet John Adams I’m going to make him suffer by telling him there is a huge

monument of questionable artistic merit in DC to Jefferson but not to him. It might be the

result of political motivations on the part of the Democrats but the proof is people LOVE

Jefferson and equate Jefferson to “America” or as “America” more than any other Founder.

Then I’ll show Adams a paragraph from a book of history that I found claiming of all of the

Founders Adams was second only to Washington in the minds of their peers. He almost

became our first President. Then I’ll show him an ad I found in a magazine for a movie I

have never seen; it reads “John Adams: He United the States.” He’ll be stunned that this is

what WE think of him and I’ll say, “That’s your problem John Adams. You were so worried

about how history would regard you that you never stopped to think via your actions

Americans, the people who are history, would someday build the only monument to you

that ever counts for anything: The monument in their hearts.” John Adams would fall apart

then and I’d say, “You know you deserved to suffer for a second as that’s you: Vain.” Then

he would laugh. For good measure I’d show him Jefferson’s gravestone too as Jefferson

never took credit for a declaration he did not write as the final product was and is a group

effort. It forever bothered Adams that people gave Jefferson most of the credit. I say:

The Founders admitted they staged the ”signing” of the Declaration. It was planned. It’s a

reason we confuse the dates of the actual singing versus the printign and then the reading
of it: Was it July 2nd or July 4th? It was meant to be overtly dramatic as we named liberty

as a birthright. Do you truly believe these men said some of the things they said without

practicing it first? I can imagine John Adams choosing what he was going to say as it is a

very, very deliberate statement of his intentions and true beliefs. It’s my favorite prayer. In

fact every time I hear Oprah say her “prayer” is “Use me” I laugh: That is a lame prayer; it’s

one of the worst prayers I know; is it even a prayer??? Like Adams said: you have to meet

God half way and at times more than half way. You must act with knowing and

deliberation; sitting there waiting will get you nowhere…don’t you know the futility of

waiting for Godot? It’ an inside joke.

The biggest lie and the biggest liar of all? The white people who wouldn’t give up a strand

of hair once we developed the technology to trace our DNA as the idea they might be

related to blacks bothered them. Or the NY lawyers who tried Jefferson for crimes in

abstentia 200 years after the events and when I could have appeared. Aren’t their statutes

of limitations on some sex crimes? Is it legal to rape The People via Jefferson 200 years

after he did something only as you do not have any deep understanding of it or only as

another lawyer was “crazy” enough to give you, the NY Bar Association, a law degree?

Lies: Is it a lie for me to write “I am Thomas Jefferson”? We can go to all of the silly,

ridiculous places you want to go as I am willing but the only reason you would ever argue

this is to then avoid the actual point of law as if a I sound like Jefferson, act like Jefferson

and do things only Jefferson ever did and if I finally finish something Jefferson started then

how can you ever prove I am not Jefferson? We can argue reincarnation as the Buddhists

have volunteered and as I know the actual science so I know “reincarnation” is not it as

time is not linear. What will Buddhists do once I prove reincarnation is not actual reality?

Adopt a new belief as they aren’t wrong but mistaken. I know as when I experienced
enlightenment I thought, “Oh, I did this before” but then realized it did not match what I

knew about science so I sat on my thought until I figured it out: The concept and

knowledge Buddha had of time was not correct as it does seem to be linear but that is a

manmade construct that does not match reality. Do you know how close I came to making

that exact same mistake? Close.

I have had people confront me and call me a liar; they do not want to believe they were

taken for a ride or that our law says what it says and they did not know it. They try to argue

“The Da Vinci Code”, a book I have never read or the “Jesus has kids” and/or ‘you’re

Jesus” theories NOT hypotheses. “The Da Vinci Code”? It’s a real, actual book – no

argument there - but it is not the truth. Does Jesus have kids? YES as we are all related to

each other thus to Jesus via human X DNA. You can lie and tell me Jesus did not have a

human father; John Paul and I do not agree and we have the argument. But we’ll give you

that and still win as the Catholic Church has NEVER denied Jesus had a mother, lol: X

DNA is matriarchal not patriarchal.

Silly arguments like that which really have no place in a court of law as my actions and the

results thereof prove my true beliefs are introduced only to distract you but to humor the

world court and to prove I can and will answer any and all questions I am asked by any

person? Let’s argue fictitious science and fictitious religion: Evolution.


Both camps are wrong but one camp is closest: The creationists. An American federal

judge agrees as their science is better but they then lied about their intentions: The Creator

does not lie or make mistakes. If you were not spreading propaganda you then would not
lie in a federal court upon a witness stand.

Darwin: Darwin considered only the physical but never separated man from other animals

or why. Also: what Stephen J. Gould and Carl Sagan told me they believed did not then

match their own writing or their own interviews. They did not lie: they were not aware of the

fatal flaw in their reasoning or that they were contradicting themselves. They wholly

ignored a piece of proof as they are men. They wouldn’t have this piece of proof: The

experience of childbirth.

Once I truly belived Sagan’s work of fiction known as “Contact” as he came so close to the

truth – he even writes that we picked up a rebraodcast of a Nazi rally upon cracking a code

sent to us from beyond our galaxy - but upon hearing a previously taped interview he gave

after his death? I began arguing with his person. I had to stop myself for I believed the

fiction but not the real person.

There’s a flaw in the logic that sinks the Darwinists every time and a part of that is: You

may never say the proof might exist someday as in we have zero evidence of it but we

might someday. You must give me evidence that your proof may exist and you never did.

“Dinosaurs” are not the evidence that suggests we might someday discover the fossil

record. They are evidence something is going on but at some point as we develop the

technology you must admit: We have not found the fossil record as it does not exist as the

technology now dictates we can find it; we should have if it existed. Then you claim dozens

and dozens of theories are laws when they are not and you know it; you also try to use

your observations as your proof like using Miller’s embryos to then prove human babies

have gills. What you observe is not gills!!! And even if it were gills? You may not then use

that as your proof as you must now predict what we do not know and watch to see if it then

happens. Now, you predicted a fossil record that never came to be so you must look

I will tell Darwinists what I know to be a hardcore fact and Robert Thurman the American

Buddhist monk gave me my final clue so I was able to put it all together: The closest

animal to humans that exists is the lemur. That is the closest physical link to our purely

animal past but we were never lemurs. After I proved this I then went looking for the fossil

record and found it: apparently several years ago science found a lemur like fossil but kept

it secret until recently. That’s your proof. The lemur school wins but again: HUMANS



Read the Buddhist concept of evolution as it matches the physics; it has female rising out

of chaos and the egg born leading up to the live born. It describes entropy. Thurman gave

me another idea: He said think of how GOOFY humans look and upon reading his

description I knew, “Lemurs look like humans.” Had no idea you were keeping a fossil from

me. Other proof? If you look red haired Neanderthals seem to have died out in France.

Why? Need. Humans develop a need then a new skill and then as the form no longer suits

them it dies out. Need drives our form as we choose it via our true beliefs.

It’s like this: All of this is the result of an idea and men produce ideas. A dinner plate’s

cause is an idea based upon a need; the need is not always life and death. You must

factor is the thing only men do: aspire. Neanderthals died out as they developed the ability

to reproduce what they saw in nature in 3 dimensions as that is what is unique about those

exact cave paintings. The Neanderthal form did not accommodate the need to produce art.

Science has never been able to reason some populations like the stories of giants. Are

they real? Yes as a South American scholar was told a private collector had a suit of armor

from a supposed race of giants and he was able to see it so he then described it to me. He
had zero reason to lie. This suit of armor is amazingly similar to one described in the bible,

in the story of David and Goliath. That’s simple: look to Ethiopians today; they value and

need “running” so they grow to be long and lean, excellent long distance runners and

runway models. Look to Americans: how large are we compared to the Japanese? It’s

partly what we value but also partly what we need as Americans had to farm a prairie while

the Japanese did not. We came to value being “big” and “strong” thus we are. Today you

see this evolution passing completion as it is time for our form to change: We are

becoming obese not strong as patriarchy has run its course.

Creationists: You do have the science but what you do not have is any logical reasoning;

every time it comes to “proving” the existence of God you lie and say ridiculous things like:

Kurt Cameron held up a picture of a tiger with wings and said Darwinists want me to

believe it. I have looked and looked; no scientist ever told me a tiger with wings is or once

was. Kurt Cameron - you are making that up. But let’s go there:

All of mythology is based upon history. At some point a creature like a dragon but not

necessarily a dragon as we know it existed. The Story of St. George is about constitutional

authority; if I merely accept that a creature that caused citizens to be deathly afraid so

much so they failed to act once existed I can then reason the story as actual reality only I

know the details are not exacting. Why not use dinosaurs as an example? We know

people and dinosaurs did not exist together but we can know people did see and

experience animals we do not as they become extinct: is the passenger pigeon real? I will

give you two concrete examples of where actual reality meets myth and science is blind:

If you reason US law as pictures or algebraic equations you will find that it looks like a

segmented snake that grows wings and then ascends, like a phoenix and the phoenix was

our first national bird. The Cherokee tell a myth regarding the winged rattlesnake of

OMEGA – and in Mexico you will find the winged serpent rising on the steps of

Chichennitza as the sun casts a shadow that looks just like a winged snake twice a year.

Has science proven birds and reptiles are related? Yes. Did our Founders know this? No.

In algebraic terms you move along and if you obey both the letter and the spirit of the law x

and y meet and then you ascend into both x positive and y positive. This is our vertical and

horizontal checks and balances but most Americans do not know we have both horizontal

and vertical checks and balances. “Science” does not prove US law: we do. And not all

science is then proven in a lab. Myth and actual reality meet within US law, within your

own life and existence. Cast your vote correctly? That segmented snake seems to move

on its own as if the paper is alive like we are but it is not.

Another example is “rainbows”. Supposedly there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow

IF you can catch it. Why did we ever start telling this story? Because: The science dictates

you CAN’T ever catch the end of a rainbow due to the properties of light and human optics.

People tried to reason a world they could not understand plus some stories sound great.

We LIKE them. So I was driving in the desert and The Creator pinged me: A rainbow

landed about two feet from the front end of my car. I could not believe how close I was to

it! I looked and the road was deserted – it was a back road – so I went for it. Breathless I

then phoned Hamilton: You will not believe what I just did: I chased a rainbow in my car

and came so damn close to it I may have caught it. Hamilton immediately began to put me

to sleep telling me I was silly and wrong as you CAN’T catch a rainbow. He wholly missed

the point of law. I said, “I am a genius and you know it so don’t you think I’m well aware of

the science? What has that got to do with if it is possible or not? Have you ever acted to

then prove or disprove the science? WHY do you insist that the numbers are the only truth

and the whole truth? Numbers are never proof.”

Creationists: Based upon the results did I, Susan, catch a rainbow and if so is there a pot

of gold at the end of it? Yes as the thrill of the chase and the beauty of it – the stark

contrast and incredible loneliness but the absolute gorgeousness of it all and the

immediacy of it all revealed an entire side of the universe and human existence men

ignore. If I never acted to secure that pot of gold for myself then I would not have come to

resolve Uniformity.

I would tell Creationists that I have your proof of God: the magnetic North Pole as I know

how and why it moves. But I will inform you that you need to cease and desist the

humorous, illogical and wholly false accusations and that you need to revisit your very first

premise – “God” as a given – as I did not know this until atheists told me this but when you

say “God” what do you mean? Define it as atheists truly believe you are making the claim

an actual old man lives in the sky and directs all of this. I interchange the words “God”,

“universe” and “Creator” as they all mean the same thing to me: An all encompassing force

that is; it is the uncreated Creator we can never know that exists outside of or “before”

time, a physical structure as that’s what time is, but that is not any of the common

illustrations we use to express this idea. It is not literally an old man, lol.

Upon direct confrontation not one scientist has ever denied the existence of this force; the

argument is about how we have been defining it and you often talk about the exact same

thing but do not know it as you have very different concrete ideas about each other’s true

beliefs in your head; you’re: prejudiced. IF 90% of all scientists are atheist and agnostic?

They disagree with your exact words not your ideas!!!

Uniting faith and reason is an easy thing for me and so far I have not been able to answer
one question only; I have an idea of the answer but no definite, proven answer: what

makes this force choose an animal to then endow it with will and liberty? I know The

Creator plays with the forms as currently he is playing with three: dolphins, orangutans

(see the unique national zoo exhibit) and elephants. As I previously said: I’m rooting for the

elephants but in the end how does he choose? Why? My idea is: maybe he chooses

based upon who or what appeals to him most like he gravitates towards the little upstart

who acts to eat the apple as that action both upsets him and pleases him as he knows

everything so he meant for that to happen, lol. He LIKES it.

The Book of Urantia contains a passage about lemurs being related to humans. I read this

in late 2009. The Book of Urantia is not an inspired work – it is not the word of God - and I

disagree with lots of it but other parts of it I am in total agreement with such as the

passage on Thunderstones. There’s a stone known as the NH “egg” that is said to be a

record of a treaty between tribes that was found at a construction site. It’s not a record of a

treaty. Look at how perfectly shaped this egg is. Why one single perfectly formed egg?

Also: Check out Marija Gambutas work regarding symbols as a language. The same

symbols repeating themselves over and over with very subtle variation do reflect the truth

of the universe. She’s correct.; it’s language. To “crack” evolution thus be able to prove or

disprove the various theories you had to possess a massive amount of book knowledge

and life experience. You even needed to ask yourself where the lemur fossil was found: Is

“Germany” random? I can even tell you what is unique about German emigration records

and head shape and match it up with a biblical passage: We, humans, will be sorted as if

poured through a sieve. Unique experiences of life that I had then enabled me to do what

men could not. Lots of my knowledge isn’t in any book as I never wrote it down. I can

answer any objection you throw at me. Got questions about this universe and our

existence? I have answers.

Legally Arguing Existence

World court, Norway and America: The reason for me to legally argue our existence back

to our original documents and then the creation of the universe? To leave you the

knowledge to protect yourself in the future. Some institutions we will destroy; others we will

change. Some we will keep even though they may violate the letter of the law as they

provide a temporary fix while we develop a permanent fix and then others like the National

Park Service? We like them so we want to keep it as it is in accordance with the spirit of

our law.

I legally argue this back to the two original documents while arguing the science and then

legally not scientifically argue us forward to now thus “legally re-establishing” the possibility

to keep some institutions. That way if they become abusive after I am gone you then can

help yourself. It’s like a comprehensive Federalist Paper as we have 200 years of proof.

Take our currency: Earth needs America to resolve the currency/financial crisis and to then

institute a constitutional currency. So-called modern currencies are actually stone age.

None of them work today as YOU must control the supply and demand that supports your

currency not an elite few. You then are wasting your energy hoarding gold as “metal”

based will never work. A poor person even posed this question to me: “If I’m not a crook so

I’m poor then what do I do if I have no paper money to convert into gold?” You’ll be fine as

I have a better idea than Hamilton that yet abides by the “gold” and “silver” the Founders

named. Your clue? Justice and there’s a reason you can refuse to do business with me

thus you can’t be forced to accept another persons currency. You are never forced to

accept what is said to be legal tender. If you enter a contract with a person then all legal

tender can and may be exchanged for the debt but that is it: Constitutionally we are not to

be a debt money nation as that makes you the property of privateers. Debt money is a

criminal act but now that we are here?

We must slowly get ourselves out of it but still make good on our foreign debts. Like:

France and I thus we can negotiate an honor bound contract regarding US debt and their

past due war debt. We can both plead and so both address the injury as France

recognized the institutions as legal not The People thus caused Clinton, Cheney and

Obama. France can read; France can hear. Why? Who cares why if we can now use it to

then ‘force’ France (it’s not actual force as it is voluntary) to turn around and recognize my

authority thereby the authority of The People, the lawful, named government? France did it

once before. “America” means friend and have The People been a friend to earth even

when its institutions have not? Yes, so we can and will demand that foreign nations now be

our friend when we are in need.

America First

While I can do a lot for The People of Earth, America has to be my first choice if the world

court recognizes The American People as the lawful government. Why?

The reason America has always been able to help those in need is our people were

internally strong and now they are not so if the world is going to need us in the future then

first I have to make Americans strong again so that they then can help you. No American

can help Poland if that American cannot first help themselves. If America is strong then all

humans are strong; if America is weak chaos reigns.

At least one Nobel laureate was worth his weight in gold: John Nash. Apply his law to the

US: when every nation agrees not to attack the US we have relative peace and prosperity.

We are safer. When Americans agree never to attack the Office of the Executive as in

never buy it and never aspire to it? We do not have endemic violence so it is as Nash said
it is: If the group names something they will never attack then we all have a common

purpose and we all make out like bandits but once one of us then does attack the thing we

have named? There MUST be consequences. Adam Smith unlike like Alan Greenspan is

mistaken; Greenspan is an arrogant bastard.

Markets? They CAN’T baby-sit themselves as they are product of an idea a man had and

men do not want to baby-sit themselves. The last actual market to baby-sit himself was

Hamilton. He was self-regulating.

Your very first premise is wrong: The thing our Founders named that I restated at age 5?

The value or price that drives the actual US market known s The People? OUR

HUMANITY. Attack that and I’m striking back and hard as I am not an animal.

The Sword In The Stone

I am Arthur, the once and future President. The same thing that marked both Arthur and I

as different is: We had a need. We filled it as nobody ever told us we could not pull the

sword from the stone. We needed a sword, we saw a sword and so we took up a sword.

The concept that it is impossible was not within us so we pulled and it moved. Our inviolate

faith is our strength.

My entire life is littered with the elements named in the Arthurian legend and at times this

is exact like the name “Arthur”. People do not know where this story comes from so they

do not know they too are finely honed blades:

To make a sword you had to pour molten iron – steel – into a mold. Then you had to
temper it and if you did not do this perfectly then your blade would shatter into a thousand

fragments. I knew I was born with a gift, that it would cause me gross injury my entire life

and that eventually it would cause my death so in my mind whenever I was injured it was

as if a blacksmith was striking a piece of metal: I could hear the clang. It made me stronger

and then strongest not weak. At last I would know: I was forging my own self in the fire

while god was gently tempering me over the centuries as humans are carbon based so

have a diamond self not merely a golden self. If you have never experienced an actual

blacksmith think of the stone arrowheads our ancestors used:

If you learn to turn the other cheek as Jesus intended but never as a willing victim then it is

like you are flaking off pieces of stone or coal until finally you are a perfectly formed,

flawless arrowhead made of diamond. You even refract light as if you are a diamond. You

are liquid crystal; you have mass not weight; you produce energy. Your food is not actual

food but something else.

It may sound horribly frightening to you to think that you could deliberately meet your

Creator while alive but it was not for me as I never forgot that connection as you did upon

birth. I always knew it was there and I always felt it as did others. People would say out

loud that I radiated something different than any other person they had met. I knew if it was

a mistake and if my motivations and intentions were sincere then there was nothing I could

ever do to then make the Creator “punish” me. I, Susan, ran as fast as I could toward the

Creator never realizing how rare that is. What sane, rational creature runs away from

unconditional love? I guess I was giving my fellow humans way too much credit; I acted

upon faith: if I’m this then you are. In some ways my naiveté is very humorous.

When Jesus laughed at me? One of the things he laughed at was that I did not know very,

very, very few human beings ever achieved enlightenment and that only I in over 2000
years managed to enter the Christos while alive. The Creator was granting me informed

consent when I had all 7 sacred experiences of God to be had on Earth and when he told

me the truth of infinity – it’s an emotion – so that I then could exert liberty thus return to

earth. I made my decision before I met Jesus and it was so easy to make that I truly

believed tons of you had done it too so Jesus had to tell me: No, Susan, only you were

able to exert actual constitutional authority over your person; not even Paul or Jefferson

did that.

My sworn testimony is: It took me about a year to digest this as I did not want to believe it.

Trust me: Jesus was the last person I ever expected to meet in “heaven”. I’m a very

healthy skeptic: I believe it is all possible but I’m going to question the hell out of you and

it. I’m like Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church: If 20 people tell me that you can

bury potatoes under a full moon then go back two months later, strip naked, paint yourself

blue and do a dance and then when you dig up the potatoes you have gold, but NONE of

you has ever done it yourself, then I’m going to go and do it. I’ll conduct the experiment.

My best proof? I did not follow Jesus or Jefferson – I followed John Adams. Like I never

studied US law formally I never studied any religion other than Catholicism formally. I only

read about Buddhism AFTER I attained enlightenment. Then how did I ever accomplish or

do any of this? EASY!!!

I followed the two laws Jesus said are fundamental thus I paid my debts when due. I never

let interest accrue on the loan that is my life.

I, Susan, am elegant as I had no actual “plan”. Because I happened to be born in America

is was and is accident by design as I was then born into the “shelter of the lord”. If you are
me and you have been made different in every way possible so you are like a billboard

advertising “God” then you do not have any choice but to have faith or else you will not

have peace even in death as God is going to have a lot of questions for you as you knew.

Even my very name was part of the design: It is like no other in my family, my family hated

me for it, and it means “lily” and is Hebrew. There’s even a biblical story we expunged from

the record named “Susannah and the Judges” that is the story of my life that another

human being recognized.

If you go back to the question that changed the course of Dr. Diamond’s life, “Why do you

have so much cargo while we have so little?” maybe the question that changed my life was

not “Why am I special?” but:

“When I do meet my Maker do I want to appear as a vegetable? In the end when I am

asked and I know I had the ability and capacity but wasted it, do I want to answer that I

acted or do I want to answer that I was worse than an animal as I was a vegetable as I

could but yet I did nothing?”

Failing to act was never an option for me like it is for you and that is what you will never

understand about my person as it is hardwired in me in a way it is not hardwired in you;

you seem to truly believe you can choose to not act. You deny the truth: Once Eve made

that decision for you? ACTING UPON YOUR KNOWLEDGE became a part of the design

as humans are created for the purpose of discovery.

All the American Founders did was check themselves against the record, avoid all past

mistakes starting with and finishing with the number mistake #1 – blame and so false guilt -

and then write it down on paper. Jefferson even said this in writing, with actual exact

words: Allodial title is a real, actual thing but you will have a very difficult time proving it as
first you have to live it to then secure the proof. The Founders so knew how hard this

would be that they did not wish me luck but instead said, “Godpeed to you as you are

going to need it.” They died afraid for us. I was born fearless because of them. If you look

you’ll see I informed the federal court: People like Sojourner Truth, Patrick Henry, Molcolm

X and Frederick Douglas did not die wholly liberated but I will. It already happened thus I


The living government commonly known as We, The People exactly matches the design of

the universe. Allodial title is about will and liberty, people and their Creator, not land or

things. It’s why we have no colonial interests: The universe is already ours.

So then after landing back in American we return to Norway and the Nobel Prize

Committee. Do you see how as I reason the point of law certain facts and certain concepts

begin to repeat themselves? That is because it is like a circle with a beginning and end but

if you pass the completion of the concept but do not achieve perfection and make no

corrections then you have no more positive benefits but only negative benefits. Also it is a

confluence of events and and the facts are like photons being placed along lines of

electromagnetic force thus it seems as if all is converging or coming to a head and it is: In

my person. What seems to be intangible then becomes tangible. It’s the Bose-Einstein

condensate. It’s a mobius strip only the twist, the equality of women, is not present until I

argue in person thus humanity then reaches into infinity as a closed ended system means

a dead system. Thus this becomes Norway’s opportunity to liberate itself as it is not truly

liberated unless it takes action to claim it exactly like Britain must.

If I could have picked up a phone and warned the Nobel Prize committee away from

Obama would I have done so? At first I thought yes but today I know that I could not have

done so as to have this answer we had to live it out. If I did not let Norway award the prize
to Obama and then listen and feel the various reactions across the world then I’d never

know how Hitler and Co. did it exactly; a piece of the puzzle would be missing. I had to let

that award happen not only to have that missing piece but then to see what happens in the

aftermath as one question we needed to ask and answer is “Was there a point a nation

could have stopped the Nazis before their plans were put into action?” The answer is yes

but no nation was courageous enough to do it as you had to admit you made a huge

mistake and you would have to stand against the “popular” view of Hitler and do the early

Nazis. Plus: If I never heard my son equate Gore’s prize to his movie and then to that

being the proof that he was the rightful winner of the election I would not have known how

badly injured Americans are and further if I had not then heard every person I asked tell

me that Obama was receiving the award for “Peace in the Middle East” when he was a

part of the Congress that declared war in Iraq and then did nothing to address the bad

declaration when they found the evidence was no good and when this war is still going on

so he cannot possibly be responsible for “Peace in the Middle East” then I would not know

that Europeans and Americans are experiencing this injury in two very different ways. We

all know Obama received the award for being born black and born outside the US but then

ascending to the Office of president; but did Norway know he purchased the office in open

and direct violation of our law or that he actually committed several criminal acts against all

women to then do what he did? Did Norway know he violated all US case law and that no

person was being allowed entry to SCOTUS to argue the case - to sue Obama – as that

then means it is the case for equality and the sitting officers never want the case for

women heard? Did Norway do what it did only as it assumed that as Obama had not faced

criminal charges and had not been dragged into court that he must then be legal?

My answer is: do the research. He CAN’T be legal; even if you ignore his birth you can

never ignore the Resolution he signed, 511, in which he resolves to violate the right of

women and all natural born citizens when congress must take a ¾ vote not pass a
resolution and Bush V Gore makes every candidate on the ballot no good and invalidated

the 2008 election before it began. When you consider in all facts like the secret service

protecting him so what was tribute became organized criminal activity on the part of US

officers then you know this election was rigged. Harry Reid’s quotes regarding placing a

light skinned black candidate upon the ballot are more proof positive; how much proof do

you need? Arnold Swarzeneggar?

I’m the proof of all I claim as I proved I am smarter and more able and capable than any

person alive, and I am a natural born American citizen, yet I could not appear in federal

court in person, on the ballot or hold any office of legal power only as I am a woman and

only as I am so smart. How do you reason Bush Jr, John Roberts and Obama holding

offices while I do not and when I bested them each and every time? You have a crook for

the sitting President and the citizens are being told that the Declaration and Constitution do

not apply while you have a Chief justice issuing fatally flawed court rulings that kill women

and one of those women, Terry Schiavo, was wholly innocent so you have state waged,

state sponsored and state enforced genocide and Susan is being told that she will go to jail

if she tells: all because the unjust institutions of government do not want women to actually

achieve as what they do not want to give up is their unjust privileges and profits. I did what

no other American ever did and SCOTUS “denied” me a hearing in person when US law

and US case law is SCOTUS does not have the power and authority to ever deny an

authority hearing and if it denies an authority case or original jurisdiction hearing?

SCOTUS then is dead.

But even at it’s most basic and simplest: If male lawyers can argue to then secure the legal

offices of power for themselves WHY can’t a woman then sue to do the same? A vote if

you are a woman has never had any actual legal power as it is negated by men. These

men did not count upon a woman ever besting them so when I did? I was threatened with
prison. If I told these men in writing within my complaint that I am not afraid of jail then why

are they coming to my home threatening me with it? Because: They believe they have the

means to control and manipulate me and they do not so they will keep it up and keep it up

until someone is shot as when unjust men run out of options? They kill you.

I then had to let Norway and to some degree the US do whatever it was going to do so we

would have the answers we needed as no Jew could answer my questions and neither

could a German. Also: Norway now needs to do the one thing no other nation would ever

do if it seeks actual liberation: Admit it made a mistake. The named men are to fault not

Norway. In this way then Norway claims its own independence as all the American

Founders did was what no other nation had ever done before so this is Norway's

opportunity like it is Great Britain’s opportunity. We can place an asterisk after Gore’s

award after it is revoked meaning there is more to the story and re-award Obama’s and

then Norway would share in the 2012 Inauguration as it will be legal but until that time I will

keep acting as I have been only with the legal recognition of the planet.

I volunteered to be “wrong” in sixth grade to find out what it feels like: It will sting for about

two seconds Norway and then you reap all of the rewards as you become fearless. I’m

asking other nations to be a friend to The People and so to obey my Executive Order thus

the equal protection clauses and to to do only what I myself have already done for if

somebody needs to go where no other person has ever gone then I am your volunteer.

This planet is not safe with a US that does not so much as obey and enforce its own

Delcaration and Constitution let alone its own case law but who then falsely and

criminally claims it does when killing the witnesses.

38)If you look within my attachments you will find a report issued by the “federal government”,
the unjust men in charge, that reads that you will need millions of dollars to become a

member of the US Congress and at least one billion dollars to RUN for President which

means the large corporations have taken over these offices. If your nation issues official

reports thus LEGALLY stating that the ethical and women may never, ever run for

President or be appointed as Chief Justice as the Senate “controls” that nomination?

Then it is claiming it is guilty; it is admitting guilt and so admitting that we did form a

corporate trust in or around 1871 that was finally realized in or around the end of WWII.

But these privateers forgot: Systems of currencies are based upon the beliefs and

judgment values people act upon as “reality” when they are not and that exactly like

“Nazi” is a personality type so is “banker” and “lawyer” thus as within the office of the

Executive there is a chink to be exploited if you NEED to overturn and remove the crooks

from office: Armed with the actual facts you can attack the corporate trust. Like this:

39)If you check you will see that I named the conspiracy commonly known as “Bretton

Woods” that US officers denied for decades. FDR was involved; think back to the photo

of FDR, Churchill and Stalin at the end of WWII; think back to my question: how did

Stalin walk away with half of Europe? Is it a fact today that now China is taking over the

planet via the production of cheap goods? So then WHO had the most to win and lose?



this is coincidence as that is not a real law at work but a made up description to then

“explain” what seems to be unexplainable. What you had happen in the US is a socialist

named Woodrow Wilson rise to power based upon a scheme to take control of the

offices of power via taxes, another word for banking and law. The election of Wilson

actually involved a 3 way tie than then resulted in his election and he then began to

attempt to tax us into: Equality. Churchill said you can’t tax a people into prosperity.

Correct so then why do politicians, bankers and lawyers – businessmen – keep doing it?
They tax us by telling us they will then tax us into equality such as tax us all into

healthcare. All that does is privatize the business in question as a favored few then get

all of the “federal” contracts. Wilson’s tax plan was written by a European and so were

the other two plans so the same law firm had a hand in every candidates pocket. Income

tax was a rigged, done deal then. All of this benefits the wealthy few only. It’s

corporations that get all of the tax breaks so stop right here: If the private corporations

then have all of the power and you incorporate your government then aren’t you then

claiming or giving all power to the privateers INCLUDING those who sit in the offices?

Doesn’t it make the trust one and the same for both sectors thus obliterating the line

between public and private? In the past few years a reporter for the Seattle Times began

following the trail of money and directly linked campaign contributions to the

Congressional funding of PRIVATE ENTERPRISE via the awarding of government


OF THE WRONG KIND. “Marxism” will never give you equality as it then gives the

private trust who runs the so-called public trust all of the power; people like David

Rockefeller can pull all of the strings they want from behind the scenes. As it seems to

be legal as the budget is made public? Voters act upon it BUT: Go look world court: The

US Congress does everything it can to deny The People the facts including using made

up vocabulary you won’t find in any dictionary, 8 point type and technical English even a

Harvard law professor said was too complex to be understood. SHE said, “I can’t

understand this so the average person can’t.” Yes, as it is a lie. But still: Why does

Europe, The European People, support this? 1, It provides the royal families with unjust

privilege and unjust power; the citizens can’t remove royalty unless they wage war so

royalty does support it and 2, Europeans have a different history than we do; we as

Americans do not know what it is like to be “taken care of” while Europeans are used to

being taken care of by their institutions. A result of this is: A survey showed Americans

were some of the least “happy” people on the planet while Norwegians were some of the
most happy. Why? Norwegians expected to be disappointed so were happy if they

achieved very little while Americans expected a lot from their own persons and each

other so were disappointed when they or their fellow citizens failed. Norway and other

nations are settling then as that is not contentment or satisfaction; it’s not “the pursuit of

hapiness”. So what isn’t Europe feeling and hearing?

40)The Federal Reserve and the IMF, the two institutions the wealthy and the royal families

now protect at our expense are beginning to harm those very people only they do not

know it. These are not public institutions but private institutions. Meant to lauder money

upon a worldwide basis for the elite few they do so with more efficiency than the royal

families ever expected: If you are an African unjust regime hell bent upon raping every

woman in your nation you can launder the money to fund your regime through the UN

w/o any opposition whatsoever. The privateers help you. Then a nation like Britain, as a

just nation, ends up sending Peace Keepers to these very places – governments that

could not exist if you, Britain, did not insist upon using the IMF to then launder money as

“money laundering” is the only name for what these institutions do. You fight the

destruction of these unjust institutions to your own detriment and injury, as the people

they benefit are terrified of losing control of planet Earth. Proof would be: Exchanging

food for oil. That’s money laundering. WHO funded it? Mostly the US as the UN is here.

So then, how did these privateers get around all US law and US case law thus The

People? Via the unjust institutions as Europe is recognizing the titles and offices as the

constitutionally set government when it is not so a “UN delegate” makes out better than

Prince Charles in terms of profit. The US, not The People but the Congress – offices and

officers - who vote and allocate UN funding along with the NY State Legislature. Each

time you trace the money you find that you end up funding your own injury, at times you

fund your own deaths.

41)For my entire life I have been told The Bretton Woods agreement was a lie and never ever

happened and that only crazy people truly believe in it as in truly believe it is our history

as a nation. I’ve been screaming that unjust men NOT women own all of the offices and

all of the private corporations – there are only 13 female CEOS among all of the major

CEOS – and zero female CEOS among the very largest corporations. Who runs Kraft???

MEN NOT WOMEN DID THIS AND KEEP DOING IT. But Europe and most Americans

seem to be in such deep denial that is it possible to get them to see the error of their

ways? Sarkozy might as:

42)I went to turn on my TV on February 27th, the 3rd anniversary of the day I dealt China a

lethal blow by dealing WalMart a lethal blow in my town of Neptune Beach, a town born

in a tax revolt exactly like our nation only to see the head of the IMF giving a “speech”.

[Later I returned to China on paper via the Internet and dealt it a lethal blow via the truth

of nuclear chain reactions so the truth about its empty threat. You attack the source of

the money if money is fueling the injustice and so fueling the weapons industry thus

fueling or funding the lie. You cut off its head firstly and then you come back for the still

warm body if you need to do so.] The “leader” of the IMF is a French citizen or so he

claims. His name is Dominique Strauss-Kahn. He was standing under a large banner

that read “Bretton Woods 2010”! And what was he talking about? Funding regimes

across the world or making governments equal by awarding them money via a complex

web of lawyers and bankers running Wallstreet. In other words: Taking from me against

my will to then fund the rape of women and children across Earth. This man was

incomprehensible at times; he is old and sounded old as if he could not form coherent

sentences. I laughed: The unjust men of Earth left him in charge??? It was not a

language barrier either. At one point they showed the entire panel and then audience

and guess what? It was composed entirely of old, balding men wearing 3 piece suits. I

checked: I did not see a single solitary woman. They were all of the same outdated,
antiquated belief system: Let the decrepit old men of this world do what’s good for you as

we know what’s best for you while you do not, as if some creepy uncle was offering us

candy. I kid you not: it was like the scene in “The Passion of The Christ” when Jesus is

tempted. Think of that ugly, old, wizened creature calling to Jesus by whispering in his

ear via a visual image: A cloaked monster luring him in with the wave of a finger and the

spoken word. And what did I hear Strauss-Kahn say? A lie. He said that while it was

predicted that there would be a global financial collapse and that the US dollar would

then fail that obviously the US dollar had not fallen. I have news for Earth: Did the world

experience a financial collapse? Yes. As for the US dollar? The US dollar as you once

knew it? It is not even worth the paper it is printed upon as Congress now prints it at will

with zero energy to support it and as the raw materials to make a penny now cost in

excess of a penny. The US dollar has already collapsed; failure of the US dollar is. The

only thing that makes the debt China or Japan purchased valuable? Our human ability to

make good on it and our willingness to do so. The People are not willing to make good

on it due to how it accumulated so that is why Obama and Congress use “bailouts”

against our will: to force us to pay. Europe: How long will that work before that is

exposed as criminal? In essence the US Officers harm you double and triple time and

then enter contracts with you that they know they can never ever make good on but as

the Officers prop up a Frenchman as their leader you then buy into it as if it’s good for

you when it is not. Has the US dollar collapsed? ASK ICELAND: October 12, 2008:

Icelandic meltdown: ‘Vulgar ambition’ among the country’s sheltered elite was at the root

of its financial collapse By Tony Allen-Mills

43)This is why my knowledge of currencies and banking systems as well as human

psychology is so very important: Other nations are now on the precipice as they all fell

for Obama’s “I’ll use private money to buy the offices thus sell you down the river w/o you
knowing it”. They fell for the US history they do not know and for the privateers

exploitation w/o having informed consent. It’s a fine balance like in India only as it seems

to be “good” as it composed of mansions and four-star dinners we aren’t experiencing it

like that “evil” injustice Indians experience. How do you expect to collect that debt w/o me

and how do you expect to solve or actually fix this problem w/o me? If it’s possible to

harm the world via harming the American People isn’t it then possible to fix Earth via

fixing the American People by restoring our Declaration and Constitution?

44)I’m trying to inform you of millions of facts in a tiny space – I can lead you to answers

concerning AIDS, autism and volcanoes too - but if nothing else do you now see how

endemic corruption becomes criminal and if left unchecked it then creeps across the

planet via the US unjust institutions aka via the sitting officers? This will sink into what

the French Revolution then became. Proof would be: websites that encourage unjust

Americans to turn in other just Americans and which say as you enter them “No whites

allowed”. I actually posted on one of these websites. What’s actually happening INSIDE

America is lethal for the entire planet.

45)You cannot run a nation as if it is a corporation; it never, ever works nor does a direct vote

of The People. It is as Jefferson said: “Paper is poverty,...it is only the ghost of

money, and not money itself” and “The issue today is the same as it has been

throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled

by a small elite.”

46)This then is some of what I can and will do for Earth and the US. If you check the record I

asked for one thing as remedy and relief the last time I entered federal court on paper: A

passport and a one way ticket out of here. LEGALLY I am to give The People the

opportunity to respond – to remove the unjust men in charge – and legally I am to give
my nation one last chance. I can do this via world court but if in the end my nation

refuses after I am heard in person?

47)I am asking another nation to issue to me a passport and a ticket out so that I might

escape my persecution. I am willing to go to the most desperate places on Earth. The US

is obligated to honor that passport if I accept it. So far the US has unconstitutionally

denied my request to be allowed to return my citizenship and to leave as I dissolved the

legal bonds. Think world court: A lunatic like Bobby Fischer, a man, is allowed to leave

but I’m not? YES as I’m a threat as I tell the truth and I am not actually mentally ill so you

can’t dismiss me. I even posses a report by a forensic psychiatrist stating that I am

perfectly same while MEN in my world are UNREASONABLE where I am concerned.

The Philly Court wanted it hoping it could then claim I am crazy, lol, but the doctor called

them crazy instead. Like ethical Germans could not escape I can not escape w/o the

help of the rest of Earth. The ruling is the order I issued; if my nation chooses to become

an oligarchy and a military dictatorship that is fascist then I will leave any way I can -

even by running the border. A passport making me a citizen of another nation is

preferable to running the border as it is not as deadly as the US Marshal’s are watching

for me so they can stop me from existing. They have a list with my name on it, you know.

48)Read all of the attachments for the facts regarding my enslavement, the sale of my

persons and my children's persons for $1 and the abject emotional and physical assault

and battery we suffered and for most of the facts regarding the rest of my life, a life filled

with police reports, medical reports, school reports, news reports, federal government

reports and court reports that all went unheeded or were never enforced – the repeated

petitions that fell on deaf ears – and then I’ll appear in person to prove them and to prove

my legal and scientific argument. I will not leave any one person behind. Even if I then

“lose” at least I will escape the torture and abuse heaped upon me here and I will be able
to tell or teach any other nation that wants to know; I can solve the problems they have

via giving them the answers they need thus all humans become equal and peace does

reign for a thousand years. If The People of the US, the lawful, constitutionally set

government who currently have no voice because I was silenced then choose to be

victims thus informing Earth they can’t lead then I will become a citizen of another nation

who is willing to become a leader upon a worldwide basis and nuclear weapons aka fear

will not be its currency.

49)Yes these people can lie in wait for you in a dark parking lot and hit you over the head with

a tire iron and kill you but will they? Will the Creator allow for that if you are just? World

court can know I am being truthful and that my story is all fact as I kept one of those facts

from the US authorities for all of this time: In 2006 when I was finnaly ready to take on

the entire sitting government I looked for the people we know as Lassiter, Miranda and

Gideon; what became of them and their children? I could not find them but did find

Lassiter wihin the court transcript as the men sitting as judges and later her lawyers

missed the actual point of law she was making as they tore apart her speech, her

vocabulary and her appearance. But I kept looking and looking: Where are all of these

people? Then one day I saw it: A photogarph of John Qunincy Adams arguably the first

photgraph of a President who is also a Founder that we have as he was alive for most of

what happened at our founding. Quincy Adams is scary looking – it can’t all be attirbuted

to the technology; he had a scary apeparance as an old man and he actually died in his

actual seat in Congress or so historians claim. Suddenly it hit me: PHOTOGRAPHS ARE



CHARGES AGAINST YOU. So I looked for that photo: There was Gideon leaving his

seat in the gallery of SCOTUS with a paper in his hand. That’s not possible as you are

not to take any phtographs at all within SCOTUS but there he was: Inside SCOTUS or so
the caption claimed and it seemed to be true. And what bothered me so much about this






and poor. That was their reasoning for denying me any appeal. NY exactly said: Susan,

indigent and no reason as if I did not know something NY knew. I actually said this out

loud upon opening this order and reading it: “If I do not know something it is only

because NY is hiding it from me.” All of those words are lies about my person. Were

other women truly believing such lies thus being assaulted and battered all over again by

judges? YES. NY could not know woman, poor or stupid w/o meeting me in person and

even if it did know those things who needs 20 or 30 pages to label mothers whores,

idiots and child abusers as family court rulings do? That’s criminal but The People truly

believe the paper. So I did some more digging: Americans do not know what nation

awards the Nobel Prizes; I found a photograph of the awards ceremony that said it was

taken in STOCKHOLM. It might have been for actual reasoning but then again it might

be a mistaken caption; do Americans know this and do they know SWEDEN is not

SWITZERLAND? And that Alfred Nobel is Norwegian not Swedish or Swiss? Nope, as

they do not even know New Mexico is a state. But that photo of Gideon the person drove

me as how did I happen upon it if it was not The Creator at work as it is supposed to be

impossible to take a photo inside SCOTUS during a hearing? So I never named Gideon

or rather invoked it as I did all other US case law thus if I am lying then how did the US

unjust authorities know to attack Gideon by locking me up uon a criminal charge but w/o

any actual charge being made or any hearing taking place as I would be denied legal

representation as a right? I never said that; the US Marshal told me that as he said I

would be nailed as people who did not have lawyers could not then win against the
government. Why would he ever state that as a fact if it is not and if I never, ever said it?

Because: “Several federal judges” told him that this was their plan or so he claimed:























List Of Evidence

SCOTUS Petitions with all attachments and SCOTUS docket; Sioux City filing; list of filed

evidence and proof such as Iroquois Constitution entered to federal court on April 4 th,

2007. Petitions & Attachments support all claims.


All Americans who are not guilty and then people across the earth like the man who gave

Americans his satellite coordinates to then prove he himself heard Obama’s grandmother

claim Obaam was born in Kenya. I can provide witnesses but they are not necessary as

US authorities signed confessions when they singed their court orders that are criminal.

Once SCOTUS acted w/o any response form the US then any and all action against me

became criminal. US authorities sign reports and sign court orders thus they singed

confessions as once I appeared on the SCOTUS docket showing the US failed to respond

and no lower court action existed? EVERY CITIZEN ON EARTH WAS SERVED AS THAT

IS WHAT MY OWN ACTION CONSTITUTES. In short I outsmarted the crooks at their own


Brian Dobry placed his testimony on the family court record of PA and NY State in person

and then the federal record in writing as I entered the lower court record and his vote was

the only one of two legal votes I received in election 2008 which is two more than any

other person.

Identify the persons and/or authorities responsible for the facts denounced.

The names of the federal officers involved are too numerous to list but as I previously

reserved the right to name others in the future such as those that have been served notice

of suit and/or have been indicted by grand juries or who appear in my petitions PLUS I am

naming every Obama appointment as US law and US case law is if you know that your

appointment is not legal as Bush V Gore was heard and argued by lawyers not on the

ballot, a two party monopoly that shuts out women and the ethical from commanding now

exists, that an insurmountable male majority that harms women has always existed within

the Supreme Court, Obama signed resolution 511 which violates the birthright of the
natural born and violates the process named for amending the law plus targets women and

denies all of the citizens informed consent as the House Judiciary Committee is being

used as a quasi court of constitutional authority that apparently violates US law upon a

routine basis as they approve every act of Congress no matter how outrageously criminal,

and that Obama used private money to buy the office of the Executive then your action to

accept such an appointment is criminal so you then are liable as ignorance is not a valid

legal excuse as paid Officers – they receive pay as an officer with a title - sitting in actual

offices are to be held to the highest, strictest standards of all. This is a very short list:

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Roberts, Richard Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, William

Clinton, Al Gore, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Elena Kagan, Sandra Sotomayor, Carl

Berstein (as a natural born citizen he is a commissioned officer of the federal government

and he confessed on film as to blowing Valerie Plame’s CIA cover thus jeopardizing her

safety and the safety of The People as well as causing us millions of dollars as we then

held a trial when the outcome was predetermined), “Scooter” Libby, Karl Rove, Alan

Greenspan, Ben Berneke, Tom Lantos (Foreign Affairs Committee), Colin Powell, past

FCC Chairman Michael Powell, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, 2 agents of the

Secret service, other agents of the Secret Service who acted to protect Obama 18 months

prior to the election thus prior to any primary and who now protect him in open and direct

violation of the law and who admit that they knew they were violating US law and are

violating it now but do it do it regardless, one agent of the US Marshal’s office attached to

Jax, FL, several FBI agents, Mike Mullen and every single sitting officer, city, county, state

and federal plus most US citizens as every person in the US could have made different

choices and every person in the US could have acted to defend women and their children,

soldiers and innocent Iraqis (Iraqi women and children who could not make different

choices as the religious extremist and military extremist government of Iraq did not allow

them to make just choices). Every voter could have chosen to act to defend Jessica

Gonzales and Terry Schiavo and her mother and then even all humanity: all foreign
citizens as well as all American citizens as I did but instead they chose to harm humanity.

My true belief is: MEN always had another choice to make. I am also naming the leaders

of any South American nation who harbored or still do harbor Nazis wanted for crimes

against humanity or any person wanted for a crime against humanity. It’s no accident that

these same nations acted to “harbor” Obama by supporting him as legal when they know

he is not as he can’t be according to US law, US case law, math and biology; not only can’t

he reason the case for women as he can’t give birth but as he’s a man then we know you

only supported him as he is black – or so it appears. As only woman would be distinct and

would be actual change then it has to be black you are lending your conscious awareness

to unless you are lending it to “foreign” as he is foreign born and his ideas are not to be

found within US law.

I’m naming the entire Congress as three times they were served plus I then served some

members four and even five times. I admit it: I despise Congress the most but I’m not

acting prejudicially as I have proof to support my utter dislike of and utter disrespect for the


Some persons I named I am not holding as guilty such as Jimmy Carter and George Bush

Jr. Charles Rangel appeared and made his case at a “hearing” in front of other members

of Congress or so I was made to understand as I saw footage of the testimony he gave;

Jeff Flake the opposing force who is his peer could not answer Rangel’s questions as to

why naming a building after himself was unconstitutional. I then contacted Flake and held

him to his sworn testimony before Rangel and The People and Jeff Flake proved himself to

be in the wrong – he was lying - and Flake’s actions in my case are criminal so I may not

hold Rangell or even so much as accuse him of guilt until or unless I give him all of the

facts and then he acts in such a way he is doing so with deliberation and knowing as:

Rangell, as a Korean War veteran abandoned on the field and as a person who appears to
be black, was injured by the military and The People. Not all war veterans are immune

due to their injuries; the person has to clearly articulate the injury in his or her own words

and with constitutional reasoning. Unfortunately for Rangell he has since been charged

with other crimes in the short time between when I wrote this and when I mailed it.

World court then needs to know: Upon discovering that Rangell was being charged with

other crimes I then knew that justice in NY was worse than impossible; in NY if you are not

a crook then you can be wealthy and yet still not buy a verdict in your favor if that is all you

can do in self-defense as if you are not a crook then NY will never, ever accord you a

thing. NY has a “crooks only policy”; it has now gone through one Chief Judge and two

governors and is about to install a third insider governor instead of looking at ethical

people who have not yet participated in such activity. It is possible that a citizen can find

themselves in a worse than impossible situation in a court of law as it happened to me.

As for Bush Jr.? I can prove he has a debilitating emotional disability; that is, our

Constitution via the 26th Amendment covers physical disabilities but not emotional

disabilities that prevent you from executing your duties. I made an attempt to invoke that

Amendment but no federal judge would obey or enforce our Constitution. I also know he

was targeted as he kept giving the public more and more facts. You may not find a person

guilty if he could not know something, if he was targeted by persons like Cheney and if he

was never, ever the legal President or Commander to begin with so Americans and the

world can be as angry as they want to be BUT: I informed the courts in December of 2000

that Bush was not legal and according to several million Americans who voiced their

opinion they knew he was not the legal office holder. As for Bush Jr. lying? I have looked

and my Veep has looked; to date we cannot find a single instance whereby Bush Jr. lied. A

lie is willful, knowing and deliberate. You tell it to then profit even if the profit is merely

escaping your mother’s wrath.

I am naming the clerks of the Supreme Court and I must name the Justices. It matters not

if they read my petitions or not as they are to maintain “control” over their clerks via acting

with authority. At some point every Justice gave power and authority to the clerks so that

the clerks began executing the duties of a justice; clerks began adjudicating cases in

secret. Chief Clerk William Suter is guilty of a crime or so I have proof as are some other

clerks and I must name all 8 Justices besides Sotomayor and then a ninth: Souter as he

knew but acted to harm me and The People regardless. He retired knowing Obama had

zero power to then appoint new Justices and knowing I was suing. One of the funniest,

most incriminating letters I ever read is attached; it is SCOTUS informing me that it would

not aid me as according me liberty and justice would be a violation of Article III. In other

words: according women their rights would be a violation of the separation of powers, as

men hold the monopoly of power and keep their interest separate from women. Negating

any of their unjust privileges would then be a violation of the unjust power men wield. For

the first time ever SCOTUS would not have control over women. Instead I answered: If the

law does not protect me then it does not find me. SCOTUS CAN’T FIND ME WITH


DEFAULT. If I can’t wield the law as a weapon in my defense then SCOTUS can’t either

thus this is why you want to accord all people the protection of it: So you can then protect

yourself from me and my lawsuit.

SCOTUS did not realize it but the genius of my legal argument lies within Article III as no

citizen could find a way around Article III to then hold the federal judiciary responsible and

even liable. When I first contacted SCOTUS I had no idea that all Americans did not know

how to mount and argue a constitutional authority case. You sit as an officer but do not

know what constitutional authority is? So I’m charging every officer with being dumb as a

doorknob to boot but yet claming they are competent, as not one officer that I encountered

knew the most basic things about US law. It’s other proof that these clowns are buying
offices and titles, as they are not winning any battle of the wits: It’s all contract law; if you

refuse to accord women the benefits of the contract then you have denied all humans

those benefits as women give birth to humans. Men then are born into the harm they inflict

upon women. The US officers CAN’T deny women justice but then enter contracts with

citizens of other nations as it’s impossible.















V. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATED (If possible, indicate which provisions of the

American Convention or of other applicable instruments you believe were violated)

Every single word, phrase and clause of the American Declaration and American

Convention was and is violated, as are the original Declaration and Constitution. The world
has been doing business with an entity that is not legal; it has been fooled by the trappings

of power as the officers are not the constitutionally set government of the US. Sitting at a

desk in the oval office does not then prove that you are the legal President or that any of

your actions are legal. It does not prove anything other than you know how to sit at a desk,

exactly as casting a vote does not prove anything other than you know how to cast a vote.

What if your vote violates every word and every clause of the named documents?

Genocide is in the US currently as has been since around or about 1952 as that is when it

became impossible for me to overcome it in the US thus world court was my only option

since birth. Innocent women and children are put to death in the US against their will and

when they did nothing to cause their own injury. Justice is wholly nonexistent for women.

Reading the entire documents in question I realized that not once has the US ever

accorded me single, solitary named right. Every word was and is violated.



Detail the measures taken by the victim or the petitioner with judges, courts or other

authorities. If the victim or petitioner was unable to institute or exhaust this type of

measure, was it because (1) the domestic laws of the State do not provide for due

process of law to protect the violated right; (2) the party alleging the violation was

denied access to the remedies under domestic law or has been prevented from

exhausting them; or (3) there has been an unwarranted delay in rendering a final

judgment on the aforementioned remedies?

All of the above. This case has now dragged on for over 13 years. The law exists but the

US refuses to acknowledge it and enforce it, I am denied access to all remedies most
especially an appearance in person in federal court, one reason there has been a delay of

several years is the outcome of my case then affects all lawyers and all currently sitting

federal officers thus as they control the system itself they then can prolong my suffering for

year and years and men claim they truly believe women are their equals when they do not

as proven by the injustice women suffer as well as the complete denial of liberty I suffer.

Even my smallest claim was ignored and denied; even my vote was not protected as if you

accord me protection of the law first you must recognize that the Declaration, Constitution

and American Declaration exist, and if you acknowledge the existence of those

documents? Then the officers must confess: They sat in their specific office of legal power

and never had any intention of enforcing the Constitution or any other contract they

entered; they never had any intention of according women or the ethical justice. It’s this

simple: If they intended to accord women justice and intended to execute the terms of any

of these contracts then violence against women and their children would not be

acceptable, I and my children never would have been kidnapped and then sold, legislation

that would protect women would be enacted and then enforced and a natural born citizen,

a woman, who did not commit any crimes would sit in the office of the Executive. Bush V

Gore never would have been heard. Currently the federal courts including SCOTUS are

claiming by refusing to grant me an appearance in person that not one enumerated right

will be protected in my case and in the cases of all women that the venue to protect their

enumerated, protected right of safety does not and will not exist as the “natural birth”

clause will not be heard in any court as that then does accord women equality thus liberty

and justice.

SCOTUS has now said via its refusal to hear my case in person that lawyers are the

government and its own rulings are the government; that the venue to execute the oath of

office does not exist but that this is for women only as Bush, Gore and Obama had their

day in court. By refusing to release his long form birth certificate before the election?
Obama disobeyed a direct order of The People as the court he appeared in was a national

court and his appearance was made via the ballot. The People cannot make a reasoned

decision of their own volition if they are not informed of all fact and law and so due to

Clinton’s perjury, due to Bush V Gore and due to election 2008, every action undertaken

by the sitting officers is automatically null and void as it is repugnant to the Constitution, so

if even the sitting President is repugnant then the system is exhausted as it was

successfully overthrown save my one person; I not only entered the system having won

my case but I entered a system in which I was never going to be heard only so the officers

could protect their own selfish interests.

I, Susan, became the very first citizen to exhaust the entire legal process in the US – the

whole system - by going to every single solitary agency and authority. To my knowledge

no professional lawyer ever exhausted both chains but only “president” or “legal power”. I

accessed chain of command and made it all the way to the Office of the President and

Commander; I exhausted both chains. I was told to my face that while remedy and relief

existed, that it was known that I won my case, until or unless I could produce a piece of

paper affirming this then I was out of luck and would eventually be locked up in federal

prison w/o any charge or hearing if I kept making noise. Recently I was told that if I

pressed my case in world court then either it would never be taken seriously or that world

court employees and other nations would be harassed and pressured via those same

threats and physical acts of violence I have suffered from my whole life as have my kids so

that the world court would not be willing to help me. Nazis do this. It’s how they operate, as

they are power and control maniacs thus Nazis must then resort to physical threats.

Kindly indicate whether any judicial inquiry was conducted and if so when it began.

If it has ended, please give the date the inquiry was closed and what the finding

was. If it has not yet closed, explain why.

I first entered the courts US SCOTUS in 1996. In attempting to escape violence in the US I

then did every single thing the ‘authorities’ suggested only to find that escaping violence

was made impossible by the authorities themselves for if they did not make every woman

a victim then they knew they could be sued for liability for refusing to apply the law to

women. It became apparent to me that the authorities meant to make every woman a

victim, by actually victimizing her when she requested protection of the law or by lying to

women and claiming the discrimination of women was not reality. In 1998 I was finally able

to invoke Marbury and the entire Constitution against the state of PA as directly due to

their refusal to act in my case I had bones broken. PA then retaliated in an attempt to foil

me by defaulting upon a contract I entered with the state, by holding a hearing for which I

was not present as I was never served and as no hearing should have taken place and by

then awarding our persons to the very people who assaulted and battered us. PA was not

discreet; more than once officers of PA told me they were out to kill me if that is what they

had to do to then stop me from entering SCOTUS on my own. Social workers said they

could not name one person who managed to escape violence successfully and that in their

experience that all women died of exposure, drug addiction or violence related to either the

original perpetrator or to life on the street. Court officers and lawyers admitted that PA and

indeed all family courts in the US had a policy in place but in PA this policy was openly

advertised: Domestic violence will be ignored and denied as soon as the door to the court

room closes.

Although I placed my knowledge of Bush V Gore on the record in 2000 I could not bring

the case before SCOTUS until I turned 35 and then only after I discovered how NY was

falsifying reports of abuse against the mother; that is in my case NY did falsify a report and

a master did perjure himself on the witness stand but I had to first discover how NY

managed to do this and why NY had not been caught previously. Upon being informed by
a NY social worker that the abuse hotline had been ordered to ignore all reports of

emotional abuse thus ignore NY law and so equate women and children to animals and

upon being able to connect all involved parties including the judge to the same common

denominators I then began to make my case in February of 2007: I phoned the US Navy

and spoke to a Lt. Commander; I stood him down and he refused to act citing that he had

to see me do it in person or he had to see the piece of paper issued by SCOTUS. That

itself is unconstitutional as I, only as a mother, outrank a Lt. Commander and as paper is

never proof in the US but your action is so my action to stand him down and to cite US law

and case law is the proof but I was glad to hear him say he needed to see me do it in

person in federal court – within SCOTUS - or see the paper ruling itself as that then set up

the basis for the legal argument I would eventually bring forth: The natural birth clause

would be applied to women thus so would the equal protection clauses and we would test

the only part of Marbury V Madison never yet adjudicated as it states that if the denial of

the paper commission is then the source or cause of your injury then you must adjudicate

the actual piece of paper so delivery of the commission may follow. The very first time I

was told that until or unless I had a piece of paper from SCOTUS then my rights would

never be protected? I was about 8 years old but once the military said this to me, the legal,

constitutionally set Commander in Chief according to the Constitution and all US case law,

as well as according to the law known as math and biology, then the ballgame changed:

My legal standing became the purest, most absolute of all. It’s my claim that no other

litigant can or may bring this case before any court as all failed to act pro se and/or failed

to stand down the military via chain of command. To my knowledge I am the only

American ever to realize my vote as an Executive Order, by actually issuing the order,

signing it and then having it obeyed by the court of constitutional authority: SCOTUS and

The People, as The People have been slowly recognizing my authority as they happen

upon knowledge of the case via the internet and political action groups.

Clerks, judges, Bush administration officials and now Obama administration officials sunk

my case on purpose or so I was told by some of these very officers thus 4 times I entered

SCOTUS as the authority and 3 times I was denied hearing in person and once I was

acted upon but then not actually filed when that is not possible according to US law and

case law but I do not know if any sitting Justice ever actually read my petitions as the

SCOTUS clerks intervened in violation of the law. Plus: I gave up exacting details of

criminal acts and our law is if you know those exacting details and you fail to act then you

become an accomplice to those crimes. Not one single ‘authority’ acted to address past

crimes, current crimes or threats of future crimes. I entered SCOTUS 4 times changing the

petition in response to the criminal activity employees of SCOTUS engaged in until at last I

could demand that the paper commission be adjudicated and that if this did not occur then

world court then became the venue as Gonzales appeared and the US issued an answer

thus acquiescing its authority to me, before world court, as I filed as the authority and as

Bush V Gore and now Obama are meant to injure the planet and did injure the planet not

only The People of the US. As life is proof and only I acted to enforce Gonzales then the

world now knows: The sitting officers of the US were dishonest and were lying to your

faces when they agreed to abide by the American Declaration. In fact any contract the US

entered since Clinton committed perjury is suspect as is anything entered into while

Clinton was in office as he was known to be an abuser of power who targeted women

before he ever ran for President. Do these unjust men expect the world to believe that if

they ignore the Constitution, violate the criminal code, refuse to protect women and

discuss thus set US policy in private that it does not harm the whole Earth eventually?

If the sitting President is a crook as he had to violate the law to then sit in the office or if no

constitutionally set sitting President exists save myself as legal power was awarded to

lawyers via Bush V Gore who were not on the ballot and who fabricated their case then no

justice exists in the US so it is not possible for me to secure the aid or assistance of any
“authority” in the US as they are authorities in title only but not in reality. The word

“DENIED” is being used to make it seem as if I have no case or as if the involved persons

actually reasoned the application of the law but if you check you will see they ignored

every fact, denied the Revolution was a historical event and even denied I am a living

person who was born.

I entered US federal court claiming “I am human equal to any man” and the US told me

that women and their children are not human. You cannot possibly reason with those who

lack the human ability to reason or who are not willing to reason: I even went so far as to

enter all known strands of human DNA back to common X and this too was denied.

My other federal complaints were meant distract my enemies so I could enter SCOTUS

undetected and to prove my last point of law: Hitler and Company kept ethical Germans

from escaping from Germany and so informing the world; but how? The US Marshal

Service then told me how and also told me that the US would NEVER answer my petitions.

Why? As they can’t answer them as first I dissolved the legal bonds that tied us and then I

began abolishing the unjust forms as per my instructions, the commission known as the

Declaration and the Federalist Papers thus the US has no answer of 11/05/08, the day the

sitting officers officially and so legally defaulted. Default? Default is. Unless I renegotiate

the contract then default is thus I win and I will never enter another contract with these

batterers and abusers. They’re like pedophiles: The recidivism rate for political crooks is

nearly 100%.

Lastly: I have a unique legal problem on my hands as the current Solicitor General of the

US is an Obama appointee as is one Justice; both of these people, women, sit in open and

direct violation of US law and so their interest is in silencing me or else they no longer sit.

The current Solicitor has answered that she will act in her own selfish interest to then
preserve her seat: She tried to waive the rights of The People and the interest of the world.

I told her, Elena Kagan, that the President and Commander in Chief, me, knows she is full

of horse poop and that she will be losing her seat as I ordered her out of it. Then she will

face criminal prosecution. Because of Bush V Gore? The Tenure in Office Act does not

apply. And: The People currently have about 13 LEGAL and BINDING indictments that I

am attempting to enforce as the authorities refuse to do so; I myself contacted the Justice

Department to remind them of US V Nixon but they, mostly male lawyers, refuse to

acknowledge me as that then means they have to plead guilty as they protected Obama,

Sotomayor, Kagan, Cheney, Pelosi and others and also placed Americans in jail for

nothing other than acting to enforce the Declaration and Constitution. It’s lawyers

protecting other lawyers at the expense of me, all women, all children and then all ethical


If the court proceedings have ended, please indicate the date on which the victim

was notified of the final decision: January 19th, 2010, Supreme Court of the US.




If you’re an American then this question is the legal argument as you have asked me about

constitutional authority as in the US the People are the government and their one vote is

equivalent to an Executive Order, thus you are your own authority so you should not then

need to go to other, outside authorities:

As my taxes pay others to do the job of protecting me from harm I was obligated to go to

the named authorities and was obligated to do so until it was made impossible or until I

exhausted them. As all taxes are collected as tribute then I could reasonably expect to be

denied any protection of the law. I, Susan, could know I would as fact be denied any

protection of the law as I knew Bush V Gore for what it is: A tie thus the unjust installation

of a Commander only but in this unique case the commander is a cabal of lawyers. If

protection existed the first physical injury would have been my last as I acted in my own

defense via the courts but was then threatened by a FL judge for doing what is legal and

what is my duty. Eventually I took my case to the ‘highest’ federal authorities. [In the US all

authority exists sideways, as in shoulder to shoulder or as in an actual chain as if stretched

across a chess board as we are equal thus labeling some authorities as higher and lower

is not correct but I do it for the sake of convenience. You do not access this chain and

move up or down but across; you ‘switch’ places with another link exactly as if you remove

a chess piece by capturing it. In US law there exists no hierarchies; any hierarchy is

merely a manifestation of a man’s imagination, of his deeply held prejudices and his

selfish desires. Via your vote thus election you retake an office or capture an unjust officer.

English then accidentally reinforces some mistaken and false beliefs, as the written word

deceives you especially if you do not possess the human ability to visualize US law and so

the eventualities of people in pictures or in multiple dimensions. This gives mostly male,

left brained thinkers a disadvantage so as they are the majority of office holders then the

made up, fantasy hierarchies then are. I tell them that these hierarchies are not reality, that

they exist in the US at large as men instituted them and acknowledge them as if they are

legal thus falsely and deceptively empowering them but that they are not to be found within

US law thus are not legal reality and men cannot fathom that they are acting out what is

not real. They do not understand that a man may invent something like a clock and time

cards and appointment books listing time and date and yearly wall calendars but that they
in no way then match the actual reality of what time actually is and how it is structured; in

their minds if a man invents it then it is the truth of the universe or else it would not exist at

all. The universal truth of the linear clock is: It’s a lie, lol, exactly as hierarchies are a lie.]

The response of the sitting authorities was to act to kill me; it’s the ‘authorities’ who are

now my greatest danger. Twice I survived death. I have been threatened with death over

again and then permanent physical harm that will incapacitate me thus prevent me from

pressing my case and false imprisonment in a federal penitentiary; it was implied that I

would be injured beyond repair in federal prison. The authorities do not know that as

fascists they will have to act upon their ‘biggest’ threat, death, thus kill me and that the

emotional cycle that is realized as physical and sexual violence has already engaged in

such a way that every single confrontation is then violent. For instance, if a US Marshal

comes to my home with the intention of threatening me and when he knows he is violating

my rights and committing what is a crime so then when he opens his mouth to speak what

constitutes violence will come out; he refuses to acknowledge the truth of his actions or US

history, that the Republic fell and he is one of the causes as he is protecting criminals and

obeying orders without any reason or cause other than what is selfish: He wants to avoid

losing his job. I’d like to avoid losing my vote and then even losing my life so the US

Marshal has reasoned that I am worth less than his salary, badge or job title BEFORE he

confronts me as his reasoning is what drove him to be at my home let alone to threaten me

as if he had the intention of obeying, upholding and enforcing US law he would never act

to come to my home after he reads the documents in question one of which is my federal

complaint. I kid you not: At this point I am forced to write “The People won the Revolution

or so I allege” as what the authorities are now denying is that The People fought and won

the American Revolution as the offices of government did not exist until we created the

Constitution and then enacted it via a vote of the original 13 states. We had no President

and Commander and we had no federal judges or US Marshals; we had men and women
or soldiers and mothers. No piece of paper made us the authority as we acted. Some of us

saw combat and some of us did not as some of us constituted unique, original intellectual

property or gave birth to the future American citizen him or her self that would become the

US thus we protected our brain trust; we protected the living government of People. I

actually told the US Marshal that I knew that he was not afraid of me – I had done nothing

illegal - but that he was afraid of the truth and of other people then discovering the truth

and then acting upon the truth and he answered: YES. He actually told me that if I entered

the truth to a federal court ever again then I was being sent off to prison thus would

become this fascist regimes test case. He said: “You are not to enter the federal court with

stuff like this [the truth] ever again.” I then clarified that he meant the truth; I said the truth

exactly and he said yes.

I was also told that the authorities are going to find the nastiest agents they can find to

then harass me; that they sent their “nice” agents so now they will begin sending their

nastiest agents as they refuse to believe my testimony: that they do not have a big enough

weapon to frighten me with. This is a pattern of criminal behavior the ‘authorities’ have

resorted to in the past as all unjust men resort to force when they have no other options.

The tactic is to get an agent that is willing to harm me physically as their goal is to claim

justifiable force if I defend myself as that then justifies every action they took and every

false thing they ever claimed; once you react then they can use force against you and

even kill you and a court will never hold them liable. It’s why cops are never found to be

liable in brutality cases, as the victim does not know he cannot physically fight back or else

he has no case. No matter how many times they ask and no matter how I say it they

steadfastly refuse to believe that I am no longer afraid of death and that I never did fear my

own death. It’s a fact: death is always the end game if you are human as death is the

CONDITION of your humanity that you must defeat; death is not a term.

My case and the absolute denial of all rights and then the sale of my person occurred as I

was the victim of domestic violence that ran from my nuclear family all the way up into the

Office of the Executive; this violence then settled in the Supreme Court of the US with the

hearing of Bush V Gore and the installation of Bush. The sale of my person or actual

slavery was realized only after Bush V Gore, in October of 2003. As lawyers argued the

case and the Iraq war was declared upon bad evidence then The People were actually

sold to privateers – the people who own an interest in oil and/or in other private interests

that intersect with the public sector and generate huge profits as a result. It was only a

matter of time until a US citizen who is natural born would come to have an actual bill of

sale for her person.

Every single authority and agency I have ever dealt with has been abusive and has acted

criminally. Thus they are crooks not officers. Once Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint

Chiefs, acted like a crook I could no longer hold the US military harmless. He may not be

guilty but he and all of the Joint Chiefs thus every enlisted service member and their

mothers are accountable and responsible as the strictest or highest burden is on them. If

the ugly truth is that you obeyed an unjust and unconstitutional and so not real

administration for 8 years and your decision was based upon the bad math of 9 Justices

that you never questioned and that does not match our written Constitution or any US case

law then you need to own that knowledge so you then own the results of your action: You

do not take your orders from Washington, DC but from yourself and from each other thus

you are responsible for an unjust war here and abroad. If you wholly disconnect your vote

from the state of your own life and your own nation, if you are subjected to conditions and

not terms, then you know: The legal authority does not exist.

This question makes me laugh, as I am an American thus anybody can call themselves an

authority but that then does not make it so. As I am the one and only legal, constitutionally
set authority? My response then is: Here I am in word court as the seat of power and

authority is wherever I am.




NO. I have an insurmountable conflict where the UN is concerned: The UN voted for the

Khmer Rouge instead of for the communist backed “Democratic” Cambodians. How can

you reason your act to then vote for thus support the people who murdered over two

million Cambodians but yet claim you act in defense of humanity and that you uphold

human rights? The named reason to vote for the Khmer Rouge was to maintain the status

quo or to maintain the level of injustice aka patriarchy, which is a failed system of

government and always will be a failure as it is inherently genocidal. Your vote then

sounds like a confession to me. Oil for food was merely another insult on top of a mountain

of insults the UN has heaped upon The People. Due to more bad math the US vote for the

Khmer Rouge is no good as The People are not a party to the Treaty that recognizes the

UN as a legal entity. Check the dates on the legislation that contracts business with the

UN and then check the dates on the Treaty itself; ask yourself if you can do business with

an entity that you have not recognized as legal yet? The UN can stand for 1,000 years but

the physical building in NYC does not then make it a legal entity the officers may then

conduct business with if The People are deceived. Thus the Europeans can cast off the

IMF as those legal bonds have been dissolved thus Europe then ceases to fund their own

injuries and the officers of the US answer to God but first to Cambodians who survived the

slaughter for this particular sin.

It’s manifestly futile to petition an authority in name only to then uphold human rights as it
routinely caves to the institutions if the political stakes are high enough as this conflict is

about money. I gave up the money, remember?

SUSAN HERBERT, forever pro se and forever pro bono

FEBRUARY 28th, 2010


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