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Participant s Semantic Role

State : affected, recipient, positioner, attribute

Event : affected, attribute
Action: agentive, external causer, positioner, affected,
resultant, instrument, recipient, attribute

Affected :
the person or thing being a quality, in a temporary state,
or undergoing a bodily sensation
the knowledge, emotion, attitude or perception
experienced by a Recipient
the person possessing a quality or temporary
characteristic, or experiencing a private state
(intellectual, emotion/attitude, perception)

a person or other animate having taken up a stance

The quality or temporary state which an Affected participant is or which a Recipient

possesses and have the effect of being an identification/a characterisation

Affected: terlibat langsung tp tdk berperan aktif.
Orang/benda yg dikarakteristikan (dlm
temporary state) atau menjalani sebuah
kondisi (dlm bodily sensation)
Pengetahuan, emosi, tingkah laku atau
persepsi yg dialami oleh penerima.
Recipient :
pemilik kondisi(quality) atau karakteristik
sementara atau mengalami kondisi pribadi
(intellectual, emotion/ attitude, perception)

Positioner :
orang/benda yg mengambil posisi

Attribute :
quality atau temporary state dari
affected atau yang dimiliki oleh


1. The idea seemed too ridiculous.
2. Abby didnt seem discouraged.
3. His head was aching with strain.
1. I could hear the ticking of the clock.
2. Madam would know the word that unlocked the safe.
3. He has one of those dictaphone things
4. Our world belonged to Sonia and me.

1. Melville stood by the window.
2. Hes staying at my flat just now.
1. Every individuals is different.
2. It is short and familiar.

The Departement of Public

Prosecutions regards the evidence against him as

Affected :
orang/benda yang menjalani peristiwa/kejadian.
Ex. : My earring have disappeared.

Attribute ( atau lebih tepatnya Resulting Attribute):

menandakan kondisi pelaku yg terkena akibat dalam
sebuah proses sbg hasil dari proses sebelumnya (spt
yg disebutkan oleh kata kerjanya).
Contoh: The pale blue eyes became narrowed and


Agentive :
pelaku yg mencetuskan atau menyebabkan sebuah
harus merupakan makhluk hidup karena mengimplikasikan
adanya tindakan berdasarkan keinginan/niatan.
Ex : Janet drank her tea.

External causer :
sesuatu &penyebab yg tidak diniatkan dari sebuah tindakan.
Contoh : - A computer has prepared the bill.

Positioner :
orang/ makhluk lain yg mengambil sebuah kedudukan

Ex: Richie shouldnt have been carrying a brief-case that morning.

Affected :
orang/benda yg terkena akibat langsung atau yg melakukan


I drank punch in the wardroom.

Resultant :
sesuatu yg akhirnya ada sebagai akibat dr sebuah tindakan

Ex: Our club chef cooked Gefulter fish a Jewish dish.

Instrument :
alat yg digunakan dalam melakukan tindakan
Ex: Joe cut an apple with the silver knife.
Recipient :
orang/makhluk lain yg menerima/mendapatkan
keuntungan dari sebuah tindakan
Ex: Why did they send you nurses to this unhealthy place.
Attribute :
karakteristik/kondisi yg menerangkan pelaku yg
terkena sebuah tindakan.
Ex : She had appointed herself my executioner.

Jackson, Howard, Grammar and Meaning.
Longman, London .

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