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Early Childhood Care Advances Lifelong Learning
Children are born ready to learn. They cultivate 85 percent of their intellect, personality and skills by
age five. The first months and years of life set the stage for lifelong development. That is why early
childhood represents a window of opportunity for the life time development of an individual.
Humans are born with 100 billion brain cells, which begin connecting, with up to 1,000 trillion
connections. The brain operates on a use it or lose it principle. Only those connections and path
ways that are activated frequently are retained. Other connections that are not consistently used will
be discarded so the active connections can become stronger.
For childrens brains to become highly developed for learning, repeated experiences are essential.
Connections become stronger and more efficient through repeated use. Reading to children very day,
for example, helps strengthen essential connections. Connections are also made stronger when
children have daily opportunities to develop both large and small muscle skills, have the chance to
practice developing social skills, and interact directly with their environment.



Learning corners are ideal work spaces for children.

It encourage children to learn in ways that are natural to them.

It provides for a wide range of abilities and interests.

Competencies of Learning Corners


Language and Literacy Corner

Library Corner

Listen attentively to stories and rhymes.

Talk about their experiences.

Use increasing vocabulary to express thoughts.

Take part in role-play.

Make up their own stories.

Use and enjoy books.

Know that pictures and words have meaning.

Text is read from left to right and from top to bottom.

Recognize letters of the alphabet by shape and sound.

Write their names with appropriate use of upper and lower case letters.


Creative Arts

Explore colour, texture and shape.

Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel.

Show increasing ability to listen and observe.

Use imagination through art, stories and imaginative play.

Use different media to express and communicate feelings



Basic Mathematical Concepts

Use mathematical language to describe shape,

Position, size or quantity e.g. circle, cube,

Behind, bigger, than, more etc.

Compare, sort, match, order, sequence and count, using everyday objects.

Are familiar with counting games, number rhymes, songs and stories.

Recognize and use numbers through practical activities, begin to solve practical problem.

The World Around Us

Talk about their families and events in their lives.

Talk about where they live.

Explore features of living things natural and manmade objects.

Look closely at similarities, differences and change.

Talk about and record their observations.

Question why things happen and how things work.

Explore and select materials and equipment to use skills such as cutting, joining, folding
and building for a variety of purposes.

Make appropriate use of technology.

Health & Safety.


Personal & Social Development

Have confidence and self respect.

Behave in appropriate ways.

Work well in groups and are willing to take turns.

Treat living things and property with care and concern.

Show a range of feelings such as wonder, joy or sorrow.

Respond to cultural and religious events.

Concentrate and persevere.

Take initiative.

Are able to select an activity or work well independently.

Have personal independence in dressing and hygiene.


Health Hygiene and Safety

More confident and imaginative.

Increased control, coordination and an awareness of others.

Use a range of large and small equipment with increasing skill.

Use balancing and climbing apparatus, with increasing skill.

Handle appropriate tools, objects with increasing control.

Guidelines for Establishment of ECE Classroom

The human brain grows rapidly during childhood. Because the young childs day-to-day experiences
affect neural growth and brain development, it is crucial to make the most of the available time with
young children. As their brains develop, children begin to show new understandings and skills in
cognitive, social, and emotional areas. At the same time, they grow physically. Quality early
childhood centers promote school readiness, enhance verbal ability, and decrease the likelihood of
reading difficulties later in school. The learning environment is an important and powerful teaching
tool. If the environment is set up with the knowledge of how children learn and develop it can
positively support teaching and learning.

Guidelines for Establishment of ECE Classroom

The human brain grows rapidly during childhood. Because the young childs day-to-day
experiences affect neural growth and brain development, it is crucial to make the most of the
available time with young children. As their brains develop, children begin to show new
understandings and skills in cognitive, social, and emotional areas. At the same time, they grow

physically. Quality early childhood centers promote school readiness, enhance verbal ability, and
decrease the likelihood of reading difficulties later in school. The learning environment is an
important and powerful teaching tool. If the environment is set up with the knowledge of how
children learn and develop it can positively support teaching and learning.
An early childhood classroom needs to be both functional and appropriate for the children that
spend large portions of their days there. Follow these steps to set up an ECE classroom that
makes kids feel like they belong.
1. Step 1
Consult National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education 2007 and Early Childhood
Education Training Manual 2010 Based on National Curriculum 2007 developed by DSD to
establish ECE Classrooms.
2. Step 2
Setting up of Learning Corners
In each ECE Classroom establish six learning corners (Goshay). Arrange each learning area
according to the competencies given in National Curriculum.
1. Personal and Social Development
2. Language & Literacy
3. Basic Mathematical Concepts
4. The World Around Us
5. Health Hygiene and Safety
6. Creative Arts
Make the corners well defined and easy to recognize and label each corner.
Sample labels of corners are given.
Competencies related to each learning corner/Sample pictures are attached.
3. Step 3
Wall Painting
Paint walls of ECE classroom according to the competencies given in National Curriculum of
ECE 2007. This will enhance students interest and learning.
4. Step 4
While selecting learning material it should be kept in mind:
Fill the ECE classroom with age-appropriate learning materials and toys that support all
areas of kids interest and development.
Learning materials should foster exploration.
Learning materials should be concrete and relevant to a childs own life experiences
Page 2 of 2
(A list of Learning Material is attached)
5. Step 5
Maintain a flow of traffic that makes sense. Arrange your furniture so that its easy for kids
and parents to enter the room, hang their bags, move from center to center and walk to the
6. Step 6
Place child-size furniture inside of your ECE classroom. The children in your class will need
a place to sit, eat and carry out their daily activities.
7. Step 7
Put short, reachable shelves in the classroom. Fostering independence in children is
important in an ECE program, so having shelves that enable them to reach their own learning
materials without assistance is important.
8. Step 8
Create bulletin boards that are visually appealing to children. You can design bulletin boards
from scratch, or you can purchase them from market. Your bulletin boards should be changed
frequently to reflect seasons and holidays etc.
9. Step 9
Place a parent board near the entrance of your classroom. Mothers and Fathers appreciate
staying informed about whats going on inside of their childrens classrooms. A parent

boards is the perfect place to post newsletters, upcoming events, ongoing functions and
birthday well-wishes.
10.Step 10
Leave enough open floor space for kids to comfortably participate in circle time activities.
You can use an area rug to define the space that will be used for large group activities. You
can use an area rug to define the space that will be used for large group activities.
11.Step 11
Some samples of ECE Room Titles are given.
12.Step 12
Sample Floor Plans to establish ECE Classroom are given.
For further queries, you can contact at given number and visit DSD website:

Learning Environment
ECE Classroom
Key Features of An ECE Classroom
The early years are the most important period in childrens development. Classroom must be created
to make learning occur. Both the physical structure of the classroom and the environment established
by the teacher lead children to interact with one another and to value a cooperative way of life.
Classroom design should support children as they grow physically, developing motor skills and
coordination, and as they learn and develop the social skills which can ensure success in life.
Tomorrow Takes Root Today

Children will develop best if they are provided with:

Positive, reliable and supportive relationships

Regular routines and consistency

Chances to repeat activities

Opportunities to learn through hands-on interaction

Exposure to rich, interactive language

Novel ways to learn

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