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Hopes and Wishes: Practice with regular verbs in the past tense
In the first entry the teacher says that one of the challenges of the past tense is learning the
pronunciation of the -ed endings of regular verbs. There is a downloadable worksheet with a
lesson plan. The worksheet explains several activities to practice the pronunciation rules for ed endings. Example:

2. Student Stumper 35: As if and As though (grammar)

In the second entry the teacher the teacher explains the difference between the uses of As if
and As though. There isnt a downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan only the explication
about this.

3. Design Team Challenge: A pair activity to practice prepositions of

place (grammar)
In the third entry the teacher says that we often use prepositions of place but we need to put
these structures into the communication. There is a link to a video for Beginners. There is a
downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan. The worksheet explains several activities to
practice this. Example:

4. Naming Names: A pair activity to practice yes-no questions with

beginners (grammar)
In the fourth entry, the teacher works with Yes - no questions to guess the identity of a person.
There is a downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan. The worksheet explains several
activities to practice these questions. Example:

5. Wants and Needs: A pronunciation activity to practice word stress

In the fifth entry the teacher explains the rule for word stress in two-syllable words that can
function both as nouns and verbs. There is a link to a listening for Beginners. There is a
downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan. The worksheet explains several activities to
practice word stress. Example:

6. -ed Ending: Reviewed and Practiced (pronunciation)

In the sixth entry, the teacher explains the differences between -ed endings. There is a link to
an audio recording for Beginners. There is a downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan. The
worksheet explains several activities to identify and pronounce them well. Example:

7. Guess Who? Using photos to practice questions with WHO and

WHAT (grammar)
In the seventh entry, the teacher shows an activity that reviewed all wh- questions in the
present tense. There is a link to a listening for Beginners. There is a downloadable worksheet
with a lesson plan. The worksheet explains several activities to practice questions with who
and what showing photos to the students to practice this.

8. The Wrong Way, The Right Way: Practice with // (pronunciation)

In the eighth entry, the teacher teaches the correctly pronounce of the sound //. There is a
downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan. The worksheet contains several activities to
understand and to identify this sound. Example:

9. A Day at the Zoo: Using an Online Map

In the ninth entry, we will use the map of a zoo to have a conversation (Asking for Directions,
Interpreting a Map/ Question Formation, Forming a Plan). There is a link to print out the map
of Southwicks Zoo. There isnt a downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan.

10.IT vs THIS: Practice with pronouns (grammar)

In the tenth entry, the teacher says that we often use pronouns like IT and THIS that we need
to differentiate. There is a downloadable worksheet with a lesson plan. The worksheet
explains several activities to practice different situations with it and this. Example:

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