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Shepherd of the Pines

Lutheran Church
1950 125th Street
Rice, MN
Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home/Study Phone: 320-363-1323
Email: sotpministries@jetup.net
Church Website:
We have just celebrated one of the most powerful events for us Christians, that Jesus
Christ, God in flesh and blood, has paid the price for our sin by His suffering and death. By His
resurrection, He is telling us what He has done is real and empowering for us for time and for
eternity. We have a living God who is keeping His promise to never leave us, or forsake us, and
He is with us always on our journey through life. I thought the following devotional words
from the Jesus Calling devotional are important words for us to hear in light of the Easter
message that our Lord is alive and with us. Read it as though Jesus is speaking it to you:
It is good that you recognize your weakness. That keeps you
looking to Me, your Strength. Abundant life is not necessarily health
and wealth; it is living in continual dependence on Me. Instead of
trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the
lookout for what I am doing. This mind-set will free you to enjoy
Me and to find what I have planned for you to do. This is far better
than trying to make things go according to your own plan.
Dont take yourself so seriously. Lighten up and laugh with
Me. You have Me on your side, so what are you worried about?
I can equip you to do absolutely anuthing, as long as it is My will.
The more difficult your day, the more I yearn to help you. Anxiety
wraps you up in yourself, trapping you in your own thoughts. When
you look to Me and whisper My Name, you break free and receive
My help. Focus on Me, and you will find Peace in My Presence.
Isnt that a powerful word to us for daily living? Jesus is with us by His Spirit He is alive and
well Live in that Easter message.

Joint Board of Lay Ministry/Executive Ministry Team Meeting

Pending Approval Minutes
March 17, 2016

BOLM members present: Brent Betker, Deb Erdmann, Curt Kvamme, Tim Neutz, Wayne
Johnson, Sarah Anderson, Bruce Resch, Pastor Bob Absent: Wayne Anderson Properties: Keith
Meeting was called to order by President Brent Betker at 6:37pm. Pastor Bob opened the
meeting with prayer.
Mission statement was read by Tim Neutz. Acts Chapter 21 was read and discussed.
Treasurers report was reviewed. The last bill for kitchen expansion will be paid tomorrow.
Motion made to accept the report by Tim Neutz, seconded by Bruce Resch. Motion carried.
Properties Report: Exterior doors are on order. Keith is working to evaluate our insurance
coverage to ensure it is adequate.
Secretarys report was read by Sarah Anderson. Motion made to accept the report as read by
Bruce Resch, seconded by Deb Erdmann. Motion carried.
Old business:
Alliance Defending Freedom Tim has researched the materials. Suggested church
policies include a facility use policy, statement of faith, religious employment criteria,
formal membership and marriage policies. SOTP adopted a statement on marriage that
LCMS suggested in January 2014. We need to research what other LCMS statements
exist. Pastor Bob suggested that we contact the district president. Tim will follow up to
see what documents the synod has in place.
Brent reported that Pastor Greg Tomhave is willing to fill in for weddings and funerals if
a pastoral vacancy occurs after June 30th, 2016. Pastor Bob and Brent will schedule a
meeting with Pastor Tomhave to coordinate his services.
Pastor Hicham Chehab has not yet been rescheduled to visit SOTP.
Pastor Bob and Karen will work to transition the church credit card after Easter.
Pastor Bob reported that Jim and Ardelle are recovering, are in good spirits and
appreciate all the assistance.

New business:
Worship Shepherd schedule was reviewed through April 30th.
Next EMT/BOLM joint meeting will be on Thursday, April 21st at 6:30pm.
Call Committee - Bruce and Brent reported that the committee has interviewed two
candidates. The committee has plans to meet with Pastor Brady at his earliest
convenience to plan a second interview and talk about vacancy plans.
April 3rd 8:00 am service Crusade Choir will perform
April 10th 10:30 am service Prince of Peace Lutheran Childrens Choir will preform
April 2nd & 16th are new member classes, five people are currently signed up
Discussion was held on preparation for pastoral care during a vacancy
We should hold a congregational meeting to organize for the following: communion in
the absence of a pastor, covering (live, streaming or prerecorded) sermons, baptisms,
visitations, confirmation, counseling, coordinating with the church secretary,
Designation of elders was also discussed
LCEF signature authorization form was sent to SOTP Curt will call LCEF to
Motion was made to sponsor a day on Spirit 92.9 in June by Deb Erdmann, seconded
by Sarah Anderson. Motion carried
Pastors comments- Pastor commented that he sees a spirit of unity in the board regarding the
decisions that will come in the near future.
Motion was made by Bruce Resch to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sarah Anderson.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:27pm.
Meeting was closed with circle prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Anderson, BOLM Secretary

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email: Outpost Ministries.org


In the face of rising secularism and the declining
influence of Christianity across the continent,
presidents of three North American church bodies
addressed increasing governmental encroachments
on the free exercise of religion during a Feb. 8th Faith
and Freedom Forum at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Archbishop Rev. Dr.
Foley Beach, Lutheran Church Canada (LCC) President Rev. Dr.
Robert Bugbee and LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
each spoke about the respective challenges the three churches
face as government institutions codify laws that undermine
traditional marriage, devalue human life and restrict expression of
Christian faith in the public square.
Harrison began by explaining the ideal relationship between
church and state, as intended by Americas Founding Fathers.
Natural law, reason and the Ten Commandments
When natural law or reason is functioning properly, it agrees
with the Ten CommandmentsOur [nations] founders recognized
that Christian morality agreed with reason and natural law, said
Harrison. Our founders had a view of the relationship between
church and state that was much closer to Luther than to that of
modern secularists. The church served the state by providing
moral, charitable and decent people. The state served the church
by providing peace and order the context in which religious
[institutions would] prosper. The founders and [early] leaders of
this nation not only believed in God but sought to create a nation
based on the ethical and sociological foundation of the Ten
Commandments, said Beach. They understood the words of
Proverbs 14:34: Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a
reproach to any people. They had seen the miraculous events of
the American Revolution and the obvious hand of God in the
founding of this nation thats why our nations motto became In
God We Trust.
The strong clash between secular ideologies and the free
practice of the Christian faith is no longer some remote worry,

located way off in the distance. In concrete ways, it is hitting us

right now, said Bugbee. Christian churches and their pastors will
need to think with the mind of Christ to diagnose such threats for
what they are and also to figure out effective responses to them,
both in congregations as a whole, and for the lives of individual
The Two Kingdoms
Harrison provided insight into Luthers Two Kingdoms
doctrine, explaining when it becomes necessary for Lutherans to
engage in government matters by exercising their civic rights and
responsibilities and by preaching the Word of God to the nations
leaders: What is the proper distinction between what is due to
Caesar and what is due to God [Matt. 22:21]? Luthers view is
unique, he said. Luther asserted that the conscience, the
religious convictions of the Christian belong to Godthe Bible
teaches two realms. The right-hand kingdom is that of the Church.
In this kingdom, there is to be no coercion, no force, no corporal
punishment. Its the kingdom most solely [established] by the
Word of God in service to the Gospel of Christ.
The left-hand kingdom is temporal government, he
continued. This kingdom [normally] operates by reason and
natural law. The temporal government is established by God for
maintaining good order, for peace and to thwart evil. When
government forbids the gospel, however, or commands us to act
against the Christian conscience, then we must obey God rather
than men [Acts 5:29].
As some Lutherans might struggle to grasp how to apply this
doctrine, the staff of the Synods Commission on Theology and
Church Relations (CTCR) offered more clarification apart from the
forum, while echoing Harrisons comments.
One God rules the world [1 Tim. 1:17], but in two different
ways in two different realms. This twofold reality produces
tensions for the Christian that are not easily resolved, said the
Rev. Larry Vogel, associate executive director of the CTCR, who
also facilitated the forum.
In His kingdom of grace, where Christ reigns, He uses His
Word and Sacraments to bring people to faith without coercion
and to glad acceptance of His rule and authority [see John 3:3,
18:36; Col. 1:13-14; 2 Peter 1:11]. In His kingdom of power, His

temporal or earthly kingdom, God uses governments to maintain

order, stability and justice in this sinful, imperfect world [see Rom.
13:1-5; 1 Peter 2:13-14, 17] he continued. Thus, Jesus Himself
tells us to render to Caesar and to God [Matt 22:21]. And, even as
Christians honor and obey governing authorities, they must boldly
disobey government when it usurps Gods authority [Acts 5:29].
Vogel said just as Christians respect human authority, they
are also free to engage with government to prevent governments
from acting unjustly.
Dont be discouraged
Beach cited Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be
strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be
dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you.
Take that with you wherever you go, said Beach.
You are equipped for this moment, so rock-n-roll! said
Get involved in the gift given you the freedom to participate in
the political process. Ask god to guide you and give you wisdom
glowing from His Word and vote for able, godly leaders.
--Pastor Bob
Sunday evening April 17th from 6 - 7:30 pm please
join your fellow church family members as we hold
a Prayer Meeting for the direction God has for us
as a church. Let us together ask God to reveal to
us the next Pastor He has for us to lead us into the
next phase of the journey God has for Shepherd of
the Pines. Come with a prayer, an openness to allowing
the Holy Spirit to speak and to being guided.
Pastor Bob


April distribution is
Thursday, April 7th,
at the Old
Village Hall

BLOODMOBILE will be at
Shepherd of the Pines Church
on Monday, April 25th,
from 1:30pm until 6:45pm.
Anyone who is 17 years old or older,
weighing at least 110 pounds and who is
in general good health may donate
blood so others may live. 16 year olds
may donate with a signed Red Cross
parental/guardian consent form. Call 1800-GiveLife to set up your appointment.
Thank you for your support.
We have been praying for our
church family each week as we
go through our church directory
from A to Z. As you go about
your daily tasks lift a prayer for the family
of the week as the Lord brings them to mind.
In April we will be praying for:


April 10 -

Karen Ellefson
Children: Hannah & Noah
John & Annette Elliott
Children: Joshua, Rebecca & Zachary

April 17 -

Adam & Clare Elyea

Children: Donovan & Brielle

April 24 -

Lloyd & Deb Erdmann

Child: Erica

There is a red tote in

the fellowship hall for
you year-round
shoppers. Feel free to
fill your own shoeboxes (wrapped or
unwrapped) as you find things and bring
those also. We started the year with
generous cash donations so were off to a
good start already! Some new ideas have
emerged that can make this mission more
successful: Check out the red tote in the

fellowship hall for red card stock patterns that

fold into banks to save pocket change to cover
postage this fall ($7 per box). You will be
surprised how much change this little box
holds! There are patterns for making simple
sundresses out of pillow cases or other fabric,
ideas for melting crayons into fun coloring discs
for the little ones, homemade jump ropes,
homemade bead jewelry, hair scrunchies,
painting wooden race cars, and crocheting
handles for 100 purses that were donated to us.
For you shoppers, we especially need items for
the boys around age 14 and the girls and boys
age 2. It has been the trend that most boxes go
to warm climates so that is something to keep in
mind. There are idea lists on the red tote. Also
dont be shy to ask your dentist to donate tooth
brushes and paste as most are willing to help
out. Other things you can buy at discount are
non-chocolate wrapped candy, gum, small
stuffed animals, hot wheel cars, games, books,
crayons, balls, sewing kits, and any toys for all
ages. Pray for the children and families, pray
for Samaritans Purse and the safety of the
distribution volunteers, and pray about being
more involved, volunteering a day at the
processing center this December, and lastly
helping with the idea/planning level as a
broader network multiplies our results!


The Crusade Choir will be

with us on Sunday, April
10th, during our 8:00am
service. They will be
encouraging us in our faith in
Jesus Christ, as they present a
worship event celebrating God's
resurrection power. Plan to join
us for this very special
presentation and bring a friend!

How do I become a member of

Shepherd of the Pines?
We offer membership classes to those who
would like to become members of
Shepherd of the Pines and join us on our
journey with Jesus. The class consists of
two Saturday sessions. The next ones
are: April 2 and April 16. Each class will
be from 8:30am to 12:30pm with a brunch
included. There is a sign up sheet for this
class located on the counter in the church
lobby. Our goal is to help each person take
steps into Gods good plan and to discover
and live out Gods wonderful purposes for
our lives. Questions, contact Pastor Bob at

We will be quilting on
April 14th and April
28th from 2:00
church. Contact Ardelle for more
info at 656-5858.
Anyone is
welcome to stop in and join us!


We will be taking up
our noisy offering on
Sunday, April 17th,
for the Rice Elementary School
Staff. Thank you for your support
and your generous donations!

Our youth group has some

amazing things coming
up..we are planning another
Fun Day at the Ellefson
house, attending the movie,
Gods Not Dead 2 and we are
going to a St. Cloud Rox game!
We are learning a great deal
through our new SALT
curriculum and growing closer
as a group at the same time.
We continue to offer for sale
the beautiful hand-made
wooden crosses which are
available on the table in the
fellowship hall and have
exciting things planned to
celebrate our wonderful
parents on Mothers and
Fathers days. Be sure to
attend church on those days!
Blessings in Christ,
Karen & Michelle

Dear Brothers & Sisters

In Christ,
Thank you so very
much for your spiritual
and financial support
that you have given
us during the past 2
months. We are especially
thankful for your continued

prayers, as well as the

numerous cards and the gifts
of money for daily expenses.
We cant wait for the joy of
returning to worship with you!
Jim & Ardelle Amundson

Good Shepherd
Community and
Prince of
School are
co-hosting a FundayFest Event
at Good Shepherd to celebrate
Bringing Generations Together
to benefit both organizations in
their mission of outreach and
growth in Christ. Along with
this fantastic opportunity for
fellowship, there will be family
games and contests, music,
and a grilled lunch to enjoy.
Please plan to join us on
Sunday, May 22nd from 11:00am
to 3:00pm on the Good
Shepherd Campus at 11115 4th
Avenue North in Sauk Rapids.
Lunch will be served until
1:00pm with the cost for
admission and lunch being
$8.00 per person or $20 per
family of any size. Tickets are
available for purchase until
May 9 at the following
locations: Good Shepherd
Community and Prince of Peach

Have you asked yourself,

"How can I have a variety

inspiring Bible based
information and teaching
on many topics & issues for
kids, teens and adults
available on my
smartphone, I-Pad, TV,
computer, etc?" Shepherd
of the Pines offers you, for
no charge, all of that on
RightNow Media. Just send
us your email address and
we will send you the way to
connect to all this
wonderful stuff to help you
grow in your faith! You can
refer your friends and
family members too!

Greetings and Praise our Risen Lord!

I pray that this finds each and every
one of you enjoying the blessings of
spring! It is the time of year I enjoy a lot.
A time of fresh beginnings, new life all
around, and time to clear away the dust
of winter and embrace the fresh air! I feel
that way about Gods word too!
Sometimes we get stuck in the rut of
dark days like in the winter and we just
need the SON to shine into each day.
Before we know it, life begins to bloom
and produce!
We are in the bloom stage of VBS! As
we meet 2 times this month for a little
more detail in the planning, I ask you to
keep the team uplifted in prayer. That
God provides the doors to open, the work
to get done and the parents to PLAN for
this great event! Please watch for the

signup sheets, the more hands the

lighter the load!
If you are interested in doing a
triad group, or interested in a
certain topic to study, please let
me know and we can try very hard
to get the resources you need.
Gods word is full of
seeds to plant, to
water, and watch
grow. I pray that as
you enter into
the time of
sowing the
seeds, you
Gods word also
needs to be
planted in those
who are close to your hearts. May the
Son-Shine embrace this month for you
and may His word be ever so bountiful in
your life. Have a great day!
Brenda Hackett
Small Group Team Leader

for this
Our nation
is in

desperate need of us all coming

together in prayer.

The National Day of Prayer event

is coming up and will be held here
at SOTP. Enclosed in the
newsletter is a copy of the flyer
for this event. Please feel free to
take this copy and hang up within
your community to help us

The 65th Annual

National Day of Prayer Gathering

Thursday, May 5, 2016
Meal: 5:30pm
Event: 6:30pm
Shepherd of the Pines Lutheran Church
1950 125th Street NW
Rice, MN
Our theme for 2016 is Wake Up America, emphasizing the need for
individuals, corporately and individually, to return to the God of
Fathers in reverence for His Holy Name.
To further highlight our theme, weve chosen Isaiah 58:1a as our
Scripture for this year:
Shout it aloud, do not hold back. Raise your voice like a trumpet.

April 10

8:00am Al & Bev Gerads

10:30am Bryon & Michelle Motschke

Worship Shepherds
April 3

Sarah Anderson

April 17

8:00am Brad & Holly Jasmer

10:30am Beth & Shawn Richter

April 10
April 17
April 24

Bruce Resch
Wayne Anderson
Brent Betker

April 24

8:00am Brent & Jennifer Betker

10:30am Bruce & Sandie Resch

April 3

8:00am Paul Tschida

10:30am Carol Trinklein

April 10

8:00am Roxann Ree

April 3

8:00am Randy & Donna Klaphake

10:30am Troy & Deb Popp

10:30am Heather Ostendorf

April 17

8:00am Ruth Brutcher

10:30am Sandie Resch

April 24

8:00am Lois Perleberg

10:30am Carol Trinklein


3 Keith & Evie Kirchner


10 Jordie Stay


17 Joyce Saldana


24 Karie Wagner
Ernie Oltz, Milton Popp,
Jerry Nelson, Barb McKeever

If it is your turn to serve fellowship,

please bring some treats to share
and arrive early to help set up. If
your name is first on the list, please
arrive 30 minutes prior to the
8:00am service to make coffee.
The directions for making coffee are
posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen. When you serve
fellowship, please plan on serving coffee and treats and
cleaning up the kitchen after the first service. The others
serving with you would appreciate it!

April 17 - K. Kirchner, R. Brutcher, J. Hendrickson,

S. Douvier/J. Johnson, B. Betker
April 24 - K. Peterson, R. Weinand, J. Stay,
S. Manea, K. Warzecha

3 - Revelation 1:4-8
John 20:19-31

April 10 - Acts 1:9-22

John 21:1-14
April 17 - Psalm 23
John 10:22-30
April 24 - Acts 11:1-18
John 13:31-35

Nancy Anderson, Joan Ramey,
Pam Fuchs, Sandie Resch

April 3

8:00am Samantha Dubbin

10:30am Donovan Elyea

April 10

8:00am Bill Paradeis

10:30am Matthew Neutz

April 3 - P. Tschida, B. Motschke, D. Diehl,

R. Kreifels, S. Ree

April 17

April 10 - K. Maleska, C. Collins, D. Dubbin,

K. Huehne/J. Popp

8:00am Donovan Elyea

10:30am Noah Ellefson

April 24

8:00am Dennis Arntson

10:30am Denise Leahy


Jesus Died For...

Bob Trinklein, Pastor

Church Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323
Email: sotpministries@jetup.net
Church Website: sotpministries.com
Sarah Anderson, Secretary 267-2628, Wayne Anderson 393-2128, Brent Betker, President 584-8170, Deb Erdmann, 393-4279,
Wayne Johnson 253-9020, Curt Kvamme, Treas. 393-3353, Tim Neutz, 393-3386, Bruce Resch, Vice-President 360-4562
Keith Peterson, Church Properties 292-4007
Brenda Hackett - Small Group Team Leader, Candace Dingmann - Worship Team Leader, Maria Traut - Service Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to, 98 COUNTRY 98.1, SPIRIT 92.9, KCLD 104.7, WJON 1240,
or call the church office and listen to the message.

Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement: Connecting People to GodTo Othersand To Service
The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great
Commission (Matthew 28), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families
and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach
with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ.
Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, To equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping
people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts
and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.
Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us
baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.
And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued
zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be
taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregations faith and life.
To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures
to Make Disciples.

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