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Over 25 years, Sumatran elephant has lost 70% their habitat, as well as the population shrinks to more than half.
In 2007 the population Sumatran elephant declining with a very large number reaching up to 84%, only the remaining
210 tails. However, during the quarter-century Sumatra island become the castle for elephants. The rate of deforestation
increased in particular Sumatra forests due to the development of the pulp and paper industry, oil palm may also results
in shrinking the forest. At the end the Elephants loss their habitat and forced them to get into the neighborhood residents
and damaging the garden to the house residents. As the result, the conflict between humans and elephants, which
potentially in the killing of this species. Well, let me explain you from my point of view based on Tourism Sustainable
Development Program.
The first point. Improve the functionality and usability of the National Park. The National Park is a nature
conservation area which has the original ecosystem where management and its utilization, among others, for the purpose
of research and education, conservation and recreation. In Indonesia, over approximately 50 national parks spreading.
The National Park is expected to enhance the role of the community in maintaining environmental sustainability. So
that way, the community can feel itself an issue that will be faced in the future if nature is constantly broken.In addition
to the environmental aspects, national parks are also paying attention to the social and economic aspects. the National
Park is also useful as a catalyst and as a conservation successful examples that forests can produce financial gain with
sustainable business. According to the data of Elephant Conservation Forum in Indonesia. In 2014 from 26 Sumatran
elephant habitats , 13 of which are no longer found the elephant population and presumed extinct. As for the 11 other
habitats declared critically endangered and the other two in a critical threshold. The cause among others is the
narrowness of the space motion of an elephant to do activities and a lack of food in the habitat itself.
The second point. In order to support wildlife animals protection. We need to make optimal use of environmental
resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping
to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. Oxford Universitys wild CRU analyzed 24 different types of wildlife
entertainment attractions in tourism across the world. They rated them based on welfare and conservation criteria. One
of them is riding elephants. To make elephants submit to giving ideas, they are taken from their mothers when babies
and forced through a horrific training process known as the crush. Typically, they are restrained in a small cage, beaten
and abused until their spirits are broken so that they will accept a person riding on their back or other direct contactbetween tourists and elephants. Tourist Destination should release back the elephant to the natural habitat, they need to
breed and have a family in the wild life. Tourism destination can make a Community based tourism, all the activities
are related to the local community, from the conservation, the elephant temper or instructor, and the management of the
organization. The community not only get profit but also get benefits from this program, saving the environment, reduce
human elephant-conflict, and economic improvement.

The strengthening of law and policy is also important for someone who came to hunt and kill elephants on
purpose. Because of decreasing the original of elephant habitat and conversion land into palm oil plantations, coconut
groves and Acacia, changing behavior and patterns of feeding on the Sumatran elephant and human conflict and resulted
in the elephants because elephants sometimes take Palm fruit is regarded as pests by humans. Among the experts predict
the threat of extinction of Sumatran elephant in the next 10 years if it is not done for controlling Sumatra elephant
killings. At this time the perpetrators of poaching protected wildlife can be find Act No. 5 of 1990, about conservation
of natural resources Biodiversity with a penalty of five years in prison and fine of Rp. 200 million. Some of the efforts
related to the elephant conservation is carried out starting from the reported crime of forest and wildlife to local
authorities, maintain habitat quality and quantity, to the elephant conservation efforts in the form of changes in elephant
training center becoming a conservation center, as well as reach out to Minister of agriculture to address sales of pest
poisons the elephant be sold freely.
In my conclusion. As a society, especially in urban areas, the role of us in the rescue mission of elephants is
also highly expected. The role of the community in calling for a campaign of this elephant can support the success of
the rescue mission of elephants. This Elephant campaign will educate people to have concern on elephants and
participate as a Board of Trustees for the protection of elephants and their habitats.
1. Understand the role of an elephant in the biological diversity and the sustainability of this nation. By having a sense
of curiosity about elephant, we can feel and understand the importance of wildlife conservation.
2. Get used to living an eco-friendly be smart consumers by choosing products with the eco-label, which is the products
we buy are already responsible for environmental sustainability.
3. Participate in the campaign preservation of elephants and not hesitate to share information related issues.
Sources and references: www.worldwildlife.org

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