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ME 413: System Dynamics & Control

Servo Trainer
Trainer (4
(4 )

Proportional Plus Integral Control of

Servo Trainer Speed



ID #:


Section #:


Due Date:




ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual


The objective of this experiment is to investigate the effect of proportional plus integral
control upon the servo-motor speed control loop in terms of steady state errors, and
transient responses.

The block diagram representation of the configuration for this experiment is shown in
Figure 1.

kp +

Figure 1


s + 1

Block diagram representation

It is well known that an integral controller increases the system order by one. The
closed loop transfer function of the system shown by Figure 1 may be given by

k + ki G1

G1 (k ps + ki )
Y (s )


Yr (s ) 1 + k + ki G1 s 2 + (G1k p + 1) s + G1ki

s s + 1


The denominator in Equation (1) represents a polynomial for a second order system. It
can be easily shown that the steady state error of the above system is

ess = lim E (s ) = 0
s 0

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed


ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

The proof of Equation (2) is left as an exercise for the student.


CE110 Servo Trainer

CE120 Controller
Chart Recorder

Part 1:

Effect of Integral Action on Steady State Errors

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2(E4.1) that corresponds to the block
diagram of Figure 1.

Initial Controller settings:

CE 110 Servo Trainer

Clutch disengaged.
Large inertial load installed.
Rear access door firmly closed.

CE 120 Controller

Potentiometer turned fully anti-clockwise (i.e., set to 0V output)

PID Controller: Proportional gain

k p =1,

Integral gain

ki = 0.1

and switched out, while Derivative gain switched out.

Function generator: Select offset 0, level 0 DC.

Slowly increase the potentiometer output voltage to 4V, and

observe the steady state error. (For k p =1 this should be


approximately 2V).

Observe the error signal as integral action takes effect, as

follows: with ki = 0.1, press the integrator reset button and
switch the integrator into the controller. (Notice that it is most
important to press the reset button each time an integrator is
switched into a circuit. Failure to do so can cause unpredictable

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Figure 2(E4.1)

Observe the speed slowly increase and the error signal slowly
decrease to 0 as the integrator output increases so as to cancel
the error. Switch the integrator out the circuit.

Repeat the above procedure for

Notice that as


ki = 0.5,

1, 2, 4, 6 and 10.

is increased the error is reduced to 0 more

rapidly until a point is reached when the error overshoots zero,

and oscillates before settling to 0. The oscillations became more
pronounced as ki is increased.

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Part 2:

Selection of Proportional and Integral Controller


Use the equipment connections for Part 1. Specifically: connect the equipment as
shown in Figure 2(E4.1), and notice that this corresponds to the block diagram of
Figure 1.
In part 1 it was demonstrated that integral action will remove steady state error, and
also that the speed at which it does so is influenced by the size of the integral gain,
ki . In this part, the effect of ki upon the speed of response and the experimental
choice of




for optimum transient response are investigated.

Initial Control settings:

CE 110 Servo-Trainer

Clutch disengaged.
Large inertial load installed (all discs).
Rear access door firmly closed.

CE 120 Controller

Potentiometer set to 5V.

Function Generator set to: square wave.
Frequency 0.05 Hz offset 0V, and level 1V.
PID Controller: Proportional gain

k p =1,

integral gain

ki = 0.3

and derivative gain switched out.

The square wave generator signal provides a series of step changes in the reference
signal, which can be used to investigate the step response of the servo-speed control

Investigate the effect of proportional gain


system step response by:

i) plotting the response for values of

k p =0.01, 0.1 and 1.

upon the control

(Suggested chart recorder speed 2 mm/sec).

Comment on the shape of the results in terms of speed of

response and amount of overshoot.

Investigate the effect of integral gain


upon the control

system step response by:

i) setting the response for values of
ii) plotting the step response for

k p = 1 and
values of ki =0.5,

1, 5,

and 10.
Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Part 3:

Comment on the shape of the resulting step responses in terms

of speed and amount of overshoot.

Selection of Proportional and Integral Controller

Gains for Specific Transient Response

Use the equipment connections for Part 1. Specifically: connect the equipment as
shown in Figure 2(E4.1), and notice that this corresponds to the block diagram of
Figure 1.

Initial Control settings:

CE 110 Servo-Trainer

Clutch disengaged.
Largest inertial load installed (all discs).
Rear access door firmly closed.

CE 120 Controller

Potentiometer set to 5V.

Select the proportional and integral gains to give a closed-loop

transient response with desired undamped natural frequency
n , and compare results with standard plots for second order

Function Generator set to: square wave.

Frequency 0.05 Hz.
PID Controller: see the following procedure


step responses and discuss possible reasons for differences

between the observed responses and the standard second order

fn = 1/4 Hz (or
n = 2fn = /2 rad/sec), calculate the values of ki and k p for
responses with damping factors of =0.2, 0.4, 0.6 0.8 and 1.0.
With a desired undamped natural frequency of

Summarize your calculated gains in Table E4.1.

Plot the step response for each of set of gains (suggested chart
recorder time base settings 2 mm/sec). Notice that it may be
necessary to approximate the theoretical gains which you
calculate to the nearest available gain setting on the CE120
controller unit.

Compare the results with standard plots for second order step
responses. Discuss possible reasons for differences between

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

Now select a damping factor





and calculate the values of

for step responses with natural frequencies

fn = 1/2,

1/3, 1/4, and 1/5, and enter your calculated gains in Table

Table E4.1

Plot the step responses for each of set of gains (suggested chart
recorder time base settings 2 mm/sec). Notice that it may be
necessary to approximate the theoretical gains which you
calculate to the nearest available gain setting on the CE120
controller unit.

Proportional and integral gain calculations for desired natural

frequency fn = 0.25 Hz and various damping factors
(Clutch disengaged)

Damping factor

[G1 =1 and =1.5]
ki =

2n 1
[G1 =1 and =1.5]
kp =

Table E4.2

Proportional and integral gain calculations for desired natural

frequencies and a damping factor of 0.5
(Clutch disengaged)

Damping factor

fn (Hz)

[G1 =1 and =1.5]
ki =

2n 1
[G1 =1 and =1.5]
kp =


Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

1. Show that the closed loop transfer function of Figure 1 is given by

G1 (k ps + ki )
Y (s )
= 2
Yr (s ) s + (G1k p + 1) s + G1ki


2. Write the characteristic polynomial of the above equation in the standard

second order form and find expressions of the damping ratio and the
natural frequency

k p , ki


of the system as a function of system parameters

G1 ,

3. Show that



2n 1


ki =

kp =

4. Following the same procedure as in the previous lab (proportional control of

servo trainer speed), show that the theoretical steady state error of the
system shown in Figure 1 is given by

ess = lim E (s ) = 0


s 0

5. Enter the steady state results obtained in Part 1 into an appropriate table and
show that these results are in agreement with Equation (4).
6. For Part 1: Discuss the steady state error results and in particular give
reasons for any sufficient differences between the measured and the
theoretical values of steady state errors.
7. For Part 2: Plot responses for values of

k p =0.01,

0.1 and 1. (Suggested

chart recorder speed 2 mm/sec).

8. For each of the above plots calculate the settling time and the maximum
percent overshoot. Summarize your finding in a tabular form.
9. Plot responses for values of

k p =1 and ki =0.5, 1, 5, and 10.

10. For each of the above plots calculate the settling time and the maximum
percent overshoot. Summarize your finding in a tabular form.

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

11. For Part 3: Select the proportional and integral gains to give a closed-loop
transient response with desired undamped natural frequency n , and
compare results with standard plots for second order step responses and
discuss possible reasons for differences between the observed responses and
the standard second order plots.
12. With


n = 2fn = /2




rad/sec), calculate the values of

with damping factors of


fn = 1/4 Hz (or
ki and k p for responses

0.4, 0.6 0.8 and 1.0. Summarize your

calculated gains in Table E4.1.

13. Plot the step response for each of set of gains (suggested chart recorder time
base settings 2 mm/sec). Notice that it may be necessary to approximate the
theoretical gains which you calculate to the nearest available gain setting on
the CE120 controller unit.
14. Compare the results with standard plots for second order step responses.
Discuss possible reasons for differences between plots.
15. Now select a damping factor
step responses with natural

=0.5 and calculate the values of ki and k p for

natural frequencies fn = 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5,

and enter your calculated gains in Table E4.2.

16. Plot the step responses for each of set of gains (suggested chart recorder
time base settings 2 mm/sec). Notice that it may be necessary to
approximate the theoretical gains which you calculate to the nearest available
gain setting on the CE120 controller unit.
17. Discuss the results in the manner mentioned in the experiments.
18. Could it happen that the design method for
value of




leads to a negative

k p ? How would this be implemented and what does it mean?


CE110 Servo Trainer Manual, TQ Education and Training Ltd

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual


In specifying the transient-response characteristics of an underdamped second order
system to a unit-step input, it is common to name the following:

1. Delay time,

td .

tr .
Peak time, t p .

2. Rise time,

4. Maximum

Mp .
Settling time, ts


1. Delay time: Time needed for the response to reach 50% of its final value the
first time


1 + 0.7


2. Rise time: Time needed for the response to rise from (10% to 90%) or (0% to
100%) or (5% to 95%) of its final value

tr =


is expressed in radians.

j d

n 1 2

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed

ME 413: System Dynamics and Control Lab Manual

3. Peak time: Time needed for the response to reach the first peak of the

tp = / n 1 2
4. Maximum Percent Overshoot (MPO): The maximum % overshoot



is the

maximum peak value of the response curve

M p = 100e /

1 2


5. Settling time: Time needed for the response curve to reach and stay within 2%
of the final value

ts =



6. Damped frequency:

d = n 1 2

Servo Trainer (4): Proportional Plus Integral Control of Servo Trainer Speed



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