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Lingstica II (Seccin ingls) Bibliografa completa U1 | U2 | U3 | U4 (2015)

U1. Language, Cognition and Interaction: Conceptual structures, Figure-ground and Frames.
Ungerer, Friedrich & Hans-Jorg Schmid. 2006. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (2nd ed.) Excerpt from Chapter 1: Prototypes and
categories. London: Pearsons.
Cuenca, Mara Josep and Joseph Hilferty. 1999. Extract. Chapter 2: La Categorizacin. In Introduccin a lalingstica cognitiva. Barcelona: Ariel.
Cuenca, Mara Josep & Joseph Hilferty. 1999. Excerpt. Chapter 3: Semntica y Gramtica. In Introduccin a lalingstica cognitiva. Barcelona:
Saeed, John I. 2009 (Third Edition). Chapter 11: Cognitive Semantics. In Semantics. Malden (MA): Wiley- Blackwell.
Renkema, Jan. 2004. Extract ("The metaphor in cognitive research"). In Introduction to Discourse Studies. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John
Croft, William & D. Alan Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. Selected excerpts from Chapters 3 and 8. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Deignan, Alice. 2005. Metaphor and Corpus Linguistics. Chapter 9: Metaphor and collocation. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Ungerer, Friedrich & Hans-Jorg Schmid. 2006. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (2nd ed.) Excerpt from Chapter 5.3: Language-specific
framing and its use in narrative texts. London: Pearsons.
Carranza, Isolda E. 1995. Multilevel Analysis of Two-way Immersion Classroom Discourse. En James E. Alatis et al (eds.) Linguistics and the
Education of Language Teachers. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. Pp. 169-187.
Carranza, Isolda E. 2000. Contribuciones y desafos para la comparacin y la enseanza de las lenguas. EnOralia, Vol. 3. Madrid: Arco/Libros.
Pp. 53-72.
Carranza, Isolda E. 2004. Discourse markers in the construction of the text, the activity and the social relations: Evidence from the courtroom. En
Rosina Marquez-Reiter & Mara Elena Placencia (eds.) Current Trends in the Pragmatics of Spanish. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp. 203-227.
Sidnell, Jack. 2007. 'Look'-prefaced turns in first and second position: launching, interceding and redirecting action. En Discourse Studies, 9. Pp.
Schiffrin, Deborah. 1987. Extract. Discourse markers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ferrara, Kathleen. Excerpt on Discourse Markers.
Bonvillain, Nancy. 1993. Extract ("Gender Bias in English"). Chapter 7: Language and Gender. English and English-speakers.
In Language, Culture and Communication . Englewoods, NJ: Prentice Hall.
U2. Language Use and Society: Sociolinguistic Variation
Downes, William. 1984. Extract from Language and Society ("A Tapestry in Space and Time"). London: Fontana Paperbacks.
Downes, William. 1984. Chapter 4. Discovering the structure in variation. Language and Society. London: Fontana Paperbacks.
Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2006. Chapter 2. Variation and language. In Introducing Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Routledge.
Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2006. Excerpt. Chapter 3. Variation and style. In Introducing Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Routledge.
Bonvillain, Nancy. 1993. Extract ("The Structure of Black English"). Chapter 6: Societal segmentation and linguistic variation: class
and race. In Language, Culture and Communication. Englewoods, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Meyerhoff, Miriam. 2006. Chapter 7. Real time and apparent time. In Introducing Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Routledge.
Bonvillain, Nancy. 1993. Extract from Language, Culture and Communication ("Lexical Choices"). Englewoods, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Romaine, Suzanne. 2003. Variation in Language and Gender. En Janet Holmes & Miriam Meyerhoff (eds.) The Handbook of Language and
Gender. Maiden, MA: Blackwell.
In Introducing Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Routledge.
U3. Discourse in Private and Institutional Settings.
Goatly, Andrew. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing. An Introductory Coursebook. Extract. Generic structure. London: Routledge.
Johnstone, Barbara. 2002. Discourse Analysis. Extract. Discourse schemata and the structure of narrative. Oxford, UK / Walden, US: Blackwell.
Schiffrin, Deborah. 1987. Discourse Markers. Excerpt on Argumentation. Cambridge: C.U.P.
Carranza, Isolda E. 1999. Winning the battle in private discourse: Rhetorical-logical operations in storytelling. Discourse and Society. Vol. 10. No4.
Sage: London.
Carranza, Isolda E. 1998. Low-narrativity narratives and argumentation. Narrative Inquiry, 8 (2), 287-317.
Coulthard, Malcom. 2004. On plagiarism, patchwriting and the problems of overseas students in British universities. Plenary Lecture at AESLA
Asociacin Espaola de Lingstica Aplicada.
Kress, Gnther. 1989. (reprinted 1990). Extract from Ch.1 in Linguistic Processes in Sociocultural Practice. Oxford, UK: O.U. Press.
Carranza, Isolda E. 2012. Los gneros en la vida social: La perspectativa fundada en las prcticas sociales. En Martha Shiro, Patrick Charaudeau
& Luisa Granato (eds.) Los gneros discursivos desde mltiples perspectivas: teoras y anlisis. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert. Pp.
Carranza, Isolda E. 2007. Strategic Political Communication: A leader's Address to the Nation. En Nueva Revista de Lenguas Extranjeras, N 10.
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Mendoza. Pp. 25-56.
U4. Discourse and the Social World: Global Trends and the cultural change.
Carranza, Isolda E. 2007. Globalized discourse trends in local contexts. Lenguas Modernas, 32. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Pp. 7-23.
Mendoza-Denton, Norma. 2008. Homegirls. Language and Cultural Practice among Latina Youth Gangs. Chapter 6. Smile now cry later:
memoralizing practices linking language, materiality and embodiment. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Hill, Jane. 1998. Language, Race and White Public Space. En American Anthropologist. Vol. 100 N3. Pp. 680-689.

West, Candence, Michelle Lazar and Cheris Kramarae. 1997. Extract. Chapter 5: Gender in discourse. In T. van Dijk (ed.) Discourse as Social
Interaction. London: Sage.
Johnstone, Barbara. 2002. Discourse Analysis. Chapter 2: Discourse and the world. Oxford, UK / Walden, US: Blackwell.
Carranza, Isolda E. 2006. Face, social practices, and ideologies in the courtroom. En Mara Elena Placencia & Carmen Garca (comps.) Research
on Politeness in the Spanish-speaking World. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaun. Pp. 167-190.
Santa Ana, Otto. 2002. Brown Tide Rising. Excerpt. Austin: University of Texas Press.

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