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Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Convent,

Jalan Tanjung Bendahara,

05300 Alor Setar
February s Test
Chemistry Form 5


Section A: Objective Questions (25 marks) Rate of Reactions

1 Which of the following changes can be used to determine the rate of reaction?
Antara perubahan yang berikut, manakah boleh digunakan untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas?

A pH and size
pH dan saiz

B pH and colour
pH dan warna

C Pressure and size

Tekanan dan saiz

D Concentration and shape

Kepekatan dan bentuk

2 Which of the rate of reaction is matched correctly?

Antara kadar tindak balas yang berikut, manakah dipadankan dengan betul?


Rate of reaction

Tindak balas

Kadar tindak balas

A Photosynthesis

B Formation of stalagmites
Pembentukan stalagmit

C Silver nitrate mixed with sodium chloride

Argentum nitrat dicampurkan dengan natrium klorida

D Combustion of magnesium and oxygen

Pembakaran magnesium dengan oksigen





3 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between excess marble and dilute nitric acid to produce carbon dioxide gas.
Persamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara marmar berlebihan dengan asid nitrik cair untuk menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida.

Which of the following graphs does not show the correct plot for the reaction?
Antara graf yang berikut, manakah tidak menunjukkan lakaran tindak balas itu?

4 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.
Persamaan kimia yang berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara natrium karbonat dengan asid hidroklorik.

Which of the following changes is the most appropriate manner to determine the rate of reaction of the reaction?
Antara perubahan yang berikut, manakah merupakan cara yang paling betul untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas bagi tindak balas di atas?

A The decrease in concentration of hydrochloric acid per unit time.

Pengurangan kepekatan asid hidroklorik per unit masa.

B The change of the temperature per unit time.

Perubahan suhu per unit masa.

C The increase of water per unit time.

Peningkatan air per unit masa.

D The increase in volume of carbon dioxide.

Peningkatan isi padu karbon dioksida.

5 When excess sulphuric acid is used to react with 5 g of granulated zinc, the residue of zinc after 1.5 minutes is 1.25 g. The
average rate of reaction is
[Relative atomic mass = Zn : 65]
Apabila asid sulfurik berlebihan digunakan untuk bertindak balas dengan 5 g ketulan zink, zink yang tertinggal selepas 1.5 minit ialah 1.25 g. Purata kadar
tindak balas ialah
[Jisim atom relatif = Zn, 65]

A 0.0006 mol s1 C 0.06 mol s1

B 0.004 mol s1 D 0.4 mol s1
6 The graph in Diagram 1 shows the volume of carbon dioxide released when bromine reacts with some methanoic acid against
Graf dalam Rajah 1 menunjukkan isi padu karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan apabila bromin bertindak balas dengan sedikit asid metanoik melawan masa.

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

Which of the following statements about the graph is true?

Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah benar tentang graf di atas?

A Carbon dioxide is produced at a constant rate at t3.

Karbon dioksida dihasilkan pada kadar yang tetap pada t3.

B The methanoic acid is used up at t3.

Asid metanoik telah habis digunakan pada t3.

C The rate of reaction of methanoic acid is the highest at t3.

Kadar tindak balas asid metanoik adalah paling tinggi pada t3.

D There are more carbon dioxide produced between t2 and t3 compared to the volume produced between t1 and t2.
Karbon dioksida yang dihasilkan antara t2 dan t3 adalah lebih tinggi daripada isi padu yang dihasilkan antara t1 dan t2.

7 Diagram 2 shows the graph of hydrogen gas liberated against time when zinc is reacted with hydrochloric acid.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan graf isi padu gas hidrogen yang dibebaskan melawan masa apabila zink bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik.

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

Which of the positions, A, B, C and D in the graph represents the instantaneous rate of reaction in
0.0 cm3 s1?
Antara kedudukan A, B, C dan D dalam graf, yang manakah mewakili kadar tindak balas seketika pada 0.0 cm3 s1?

8 The gradient of the curve at a given time in a graph of concentration of product against time tells us the information about
Kecerunan pada lengkung pada masa tertentu dalam suatu graf kepekatan hasil melawan masa memberitahu kita maklumat tentang

A the average rate of the reaction.

purata kadar tindak balas.

B the initial rate of the reaction.

kadar awal tindak balas.

C the constant rate of the reaction.

kadar tindak balas malar.

D the instantaneous rate of the reaction.

kadar tindak balas seketika.

9 Table 1 shows the volume of gas liberated when sodium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan isi padu gas yang dibebaskan apabila natrium karbonat bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik.

Time / s

Volume of gas / cm3

Masa / s

Isi padu gas / cm3


Table 1 Jadual 1

What is the average rate of reaction from the 3rd minute to the 4th minute?
Apakah purata kadar tindak balas dari minit ke-3 hingga minit ke-4?


0.10 cm3/s
0.04 cm3/s
0.05 cm3/s
0.06 cm3/s

10 The combustion of carbon in excess oxygen produces carbon dioxide. 40 cm 3 of gas is produced after the reaction is completed in
2 minutes. What is the average rate of the reaction?
Pembakaran karbon dengan oksigen berlebihan akan menghasilkan karbon dioksida. 40 cm3 gas dihasilkan selepas tindak balas lengkap dalam masa 2 minit.
Apakah purata kadar tindak balas itu?

A 0.20 cm3 s1
B 0.33 cm3 s1

C 0.66 cm3 s1
D 0.72 cm3 s1

11 The initial rate of reaction for 1 g of small marble chip is higher than 1 g of large marble chip when reacting with 30 cm 3 of 0.1
mol dm3 hydrochloric acid. This is because
Kadar tindak balas awal bagi 1 g ketulan kecil marmar adalah lebih tinggi daripada 1 g ketulan besar marmar apabila bertindak balas dengan 30 cm3 asid
hidroklorik 0.1 mol dm3. Ini adalah kerana

A the large marble chip is tougher than the small marble chip.
ketulan besar marmar adalah lebih keras daripada ketulan kecil marmar.

B the total surface area of large marble chip is larger than small marble chip.
jumlah luas permukaan bagi ketulan besar marmar adalah lebih besar daripada ketulan kecil marmar.

C the total surface area of small marble chip is larger than large marble chip.
jumlah luas permukaan bagi ketulan kecil marmar adalah lebih besar daripada ketulan besar marmar.

D the large marble chip is too heavy.

ketulan besar marmar terlalu berat.

12 Curve P in the graph in Diagram 3 is generated when 5 g (excess) of zinc powder is added to 70.0 cm3 of
1.0 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid in conical flask.
Lengkung P pada graf dalam Rajah 3 dihasilkan apabila 5 g serbuk zink (berlebihan) ditambahkan kepada 70.0 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm3 di dalam
kelalang kon.

Diagram 3 Rajah 3

In what condition, the curve Q can be produced?

Dalam keadaan apakah lengkung Q akan diperoleh?

A 5 g of zinc powder + 50.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid

5 g serbuk zink + 50.0 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm3

B 5 g of granulated zinc + 70.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid

5 g butiran zink + 70.0 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm3

C 5 g of zinc powder + 70.0 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid

5 g serbuk zink + 70.0 cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.5 mol dm3

D 5 g of zinc powder + 70.0 cm3 of 1.5 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid

5 g serbuk zink + 70.0 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.5 mol dm3

13 In an experiment, 40 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate solution is mixed with 5 cm 3 of 1 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 28
C in a conical flask. Which of the following alterations will increase the rate of reaction?
Dalam suatu eksperimen, 40 cm3 larutan natrium tiosulfat 0.5 mol dm3 dicampurkan dengan 5 cm3 asid sulfurik 1 mol dm3 pada
28 C dalam sebuah kelalang kon. Antara yang berikut, manakah boleh meningkatkan kadar tindak balas?

A Increase the temperature to 40 C.

Meningkatkan suhu kepada 40 C.

B Add 20 cm3 of water to the mixture.

Tambahkan 20 cm3 air kepada campuran.

C Use 40 cm3 of 0.2 mol dm3 sodium thiosulphate.

Menggunakan 40 cm3 natrium tiosulfat
0.2 mol dm3.

D Use a bigger conical flask.

Menggunakan kelalang kon yang lebih besar.

14 In the following sets of experiment, the highest initial rate can be obtained from
Dalam set eksperimen yang berikut, kadar awal yang paling tinggi boleh diperoleh dari

A 4 g of magnesium ribbon + 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 25 C

4 g pita magnesium + 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.1 mol dm3 pada 25 C

B 4 g of granulated magnesium +
50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 35 C
4 g butiran magnesium + 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.1 mol dm3 pada 35 C

C 4 g of magnesium ribbon + 40 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 35 C

4 g pita magnesium + 50 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.5 mol dm3 pada 35 C

D 4 g of granulated magnesium +
40 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm3 sulphuric acid at 35 C
4 g butiran magnesium + 40 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.5 mol dm3 pada 35 C

15 Which of the following statements about catalyst is not true?

Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah tidak benar tentang mangkin?

A Catalyst is only needed in a small amount to achieve a huge increase in reaction rate.
Mangkin hanya diperlukan dalam kuantiti yang kecil untuk meningkatkan kadar tindak balas yang besar.

B Catalyst helps to increase the activation energy of the reaction.

Mangkin membantu meningkatkan tenaga pengaktifan tindak balas.

C Positive catalyst plays a role in increasing the rate of a reaction.

Mangkin positif memainkan peranan dalam peningkatan suatu kadar tindak balas.

D Negative catalyst is also known as inhibitor.

Mangkin negatif juga dikenali sebagai inhibitor.

16 The following chemical equation shows the composition of hydrogen peroxide solution.
Persamaan kimia yang berikut menunjukkan komposisi larutan hidrogen peroksida.

The rate of reaction decreases against time because

Kadar tindak balas berkurang melawan masa kerana

A the pressure of the solution decreases.

tekanan larutan berkurang.

B the concentration of oxygen increases.

kepekatan oksigen bertambah.

C the production of water decreases the concentration of solution.

penghasilan air mengurangkan kepekatan larutan.

D the production of the products increases the volume.

Penghasilan hasil meningkatkan isi padunya.

17 Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set-up to study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas yang disediakan untuk menentukan kesan kepekatan ke atas kadar tindak balas.

Diagram 4 Rajah 4

Which of the following is the most appropriate method to determine the rate of reaction?
Antara yang berikut, manakah merupakan cara yang paling tepat untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas?

A Record the time when the solution starts changing colour.

Catatkan masa apabila larutan mula bertukar warna.

B Record the time when bubble is formed in the solution.

Catatkan masa apabila buih terbentuk pada larutan.

C Record the time taken for the cross mark to disappear from view.
Catatkan masa yang diambil untuk tanda x itu hilang dari penglihatan.

D Record the time taken for the solution to achieve 40 C.

Catatkan masa yang diambil untuk larutan itu mencapai 40 C.

18 The following chemical reaction shows the reaction of iron(II) sulphate solution with bromine water.
Tindak balas kimia berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara larutan ferum(II) sulfat dengan air bromin.

The change of colour from green to brown is faster when the mixture is heated. Which of the following do not contribute to the
Perubahan warna dari hijau kepada perang adalah lebih cepat apabila campuran itu dipanaskan. Antara yang berikut, manakah tidak menyebabkan perubahan

A The frequency of effective collisions increases.

Frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan bertambah.

B The activation energy decreases.

Tenaga pengaktifan berkurang.

C The kinetic energy of the reactants molecules increases.

Tenaga kinetik molekul bahan bertambah.

D The size of the molecules decreases.

Saiz molekul mengurang.

19 Which of the following methods can help 25 kg of potatoes to be cooked faster?

Antara cara yang berikut, manakah boleh membantu 25 kg ubi kentang dimasak dengan lebih cepat?

A Cook the potatoes in microwave.

Memasak ubi kentang dalam mikrowave.

B Add salt to the potatoes.

Tambah garam kepada ubi kentang.

C Cook the potatoes in a pressure cooker.

Memasak ubi kentang dalam periuk tekanan.

D Steam the potatoes using hot water.

Merebus ubi kentang dengan menggunakan air panas.

20 The following chemical equation shows the reaction between magnesium ribbon and dilute sulphuric acid.
Persamaan kimia yang berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara pita magnesium dengan asid sulfurik cair.

The liberation of hydrogen gas can

be slowed down by
Pembebasan gas hidrogen boleh diperlahankan dengan

I using magnesium powder.

menggunakan serbuk magnesium.

II reducing the temperature of sulphuric acid.

mengurangkan suhu asid sulfurik.

III reducing the pressure on the reaction.

mengurangkan tekanan tindak balas.

IV decreasing the concentration of sulphuric acid.

mengurangkan kepekatan asid sulfurik.

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja

B I and III only

I dan III sahaja

C II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja

D II, III and IV only

II, III dan IV sahaja

21 Which of the following sets of reactants for the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and sulphuric acid will result in the
maximum rate of reaction?
Antara set bahan yang digunakan untuk tindak balas antara natrium tiosulfat dan asid sulfurik yang berikut, manakah akan menghasilkan kadar tindak balas
yang maksimum?

Sulphuric acid
Asid sulfurik

Larutan natrium

Volume/c Concentration/ Volume/c Concentration/

mol dm3
mol dm3



mol dm3


mol dm3





22 Dilute ethanoic acid was reacted with excess zinc powder at 28 C, 34 C, 39 C and 44 C. The volume of hydrogen gas
evolved was shown in Diagram 5.

Asid etanoik cair bertindak balas dengan serbuk zink berlebihan pada suhu 28 C, 34 C, 39 C dan 44 C. Isi padu gas hidrogen dibebaskan ditunjukkan
pada Rajah 5.

Diagram 5 Rajah 5

Which of the following curves represents the volume of gas measured at 39 C?

Antara lengkung yang berikut, manakah menunjukkan isi padu gas yang diukur pada
39 C?



23 The reacting condition for the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid is shown below.
Keadaan tindak balas bagi tindak balas antara zink dengan asid hidroklorik ditunjukkan di bawah.

Which of the following factors do not affect the rate of reaction?

Antara faktor yang berikut, manakah tidak mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas?

A The temperature of the reaction.

Suhu tindak balas.

B The concentration of the acid.

Kepekatan asid.

C The amount of copper(II) sulphate solution used.

Amaun larutan kuprum(II) sulfat yang digunakan.

D The excess mass of zinc.

Jisim zink yang berlebihan.

24 Which of the following does not explain the meaning of effective collision?
Antara yang berikut, manakah tidak menerangkan maksud perlanggaran berkesan?

A The collision that produce a chemical reaction.

Perlanggaran yang menghasilkan satu tindak balas kimia.

B The collision in correct orientation.

Perlanggaran dalam orientasi yang betul.

C The collision that successfully overcome the activation energy.

Perlanggaran yang berjaya mengatasi tenaga pengaktifan.

D The collision with the low kinetic energy.

Perlanggaran dengan tenaga kinetik yang rendah.

25 In the reaction between sulphuric acid and sodium thiosulphate, sulphur precipitate will be formed at a faster rate if higher
concentration of sulphuric acid is used because
Dalam tindak balas antara asid sulfurik dengan natrium tiosulfat, mendakan sulfur akan terbentuk pada kadar yang lebih cepat jika kepekatan asid sulfurik yang
lebih tinggi digunakan kerana

A the frequency of collisions increases.

frekuensi perlanggaran bertambah.

B the number of particles per unit volume decreases.

bilangan zarah per unit isi padu berkurang.

C the ions move faster.

ion bergerak lebih cepat.

D the activation energy decreases.

tenaga pengaktifan berkurang.

Section B: Subjective Questions (15 marks) Electrochemistry


The set up of apparatus below is an electrolytic cell. A student is required to

investigate an electrolysis of molten lead (II) bromide

Carbon electrodes
Molten lead(II) bromide


During the electrolysis, which ion moves toward the

cathode :



anode :

[2 marks ]
Write the half equations.
anode :
cathode :
[ 2 marks ]

State the observation at the

anode :

cathode :
[2 marks]


The diagram below shows the set up for the electrolysis of concentrated
hydrochloric acid using carbon electrodes P and Q . The ammeter shows the
reading when the switch is closed.


Write the formulae for the ions in the concentrated hydrochloric acid?
[ 1 mark ]


What is the observation at electrode Q?

[ 1 mark ]
Name the product at electrode Q.
[ 1 mark ]
Give a chemical test to identify the substance formed at electrode
[2 marks ]



Write the half equation for the reactions that occur at

electrode P

electrode Q
[2 marks]


If dilute hydrochloric acid is used to replace concentrated

hydrochloric acid in the electrolysis.
(i) Name the product at anode.
[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Write the half equation.
_______________________________________________[1 mark]

Section C: Essay Questions (10 marks) Rate of Reaction



The graph above shows the production of ammonia at two different pressures.
Graf di atas menunjukkan penghasilan ammonia pada dua tekanan yang berlainan.

(i) Which of the curve is obtained at higher pressure?

Lengkung manakah diperoleh pada tekanan yang tinggi?.

_____________________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]

(ii) What is the name of the production of ammonia in industrial process? Name the catalyst used in this process.
Apakah nama penghasilan ammonia dalam proses perindustrian? Namakan mangkin yang digunakan dalam proses ini.


[2 marks / 2 markah]

(iii)Give three other factors that can increase the rate of reaction without changing the amount of product.
Beri tiga faktor lain yang boleh meningkatkan kadar tindak balas tanpa mengubah jumlah hasil tindak balas.

iii)___________________________________________________________[3 marks / 3 markah]
(iv) How does the use of pressure cooker speed up cooking?
Bagaimanakah penggunaan periuk tekanan dapat mempercepatkan pemasakan makanan?

[1 mark / 1 markah]

Explain the statement above based on collision theory and give suitable examples.
Jelaskan pernyataan di atas berdasarkan teori perlanggaran dan berikan contoh yang sesuai.

[3 marks / 3 markah]
Good luck and all the best !!
Section A:




Section A
Section B
Section C
Total Marks



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