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Oxford International School

Chemistry Lab
Candy Compounds Lab
Teacher Nancy Mendoza
Teacher Simn Robles
Gonzalo Bernal
Ana Huc
Sneha Nainani
Andrs Santiago
Michelle Zhong


Matter is defined as anything that takes up space and has mass. Almost everything
around us is matter, including the people we talk to on a daily basis. Now, the real question is,
what exactly makes up matter? The answer is rather simple.
Matter is made up of atoms. Two or more atoms can form molecules, and if the atoms
belong to different elements, theyll form compounds. Why does this happen? Atoms rarely
ever exist alone in nature, because they arent stable enough to do so. They are held together
by a chemical bond. These are the main types of chemical bonds:

Ionic bonds: This bond is the result of attraction between cations and anions. It
transfers electrons.
Covalent bonds: This bond is the result of sharing pairs of electrons between two

Other types of chemical bonds include metallic bonds and hydrogen bonding.

1. What small particle makes up all substances?
An atom is the small particle that makes up all substances. It can be subdivided into even
smaller particles (called subatomic particles) which are: neutrons (no charge, found in the
nucleus), protons (positively charged, found in the nucleus) and electrons (negatively
charged, found in the clouds that surround the nucleus).
2. Which is larger, an atom or a molecule? Explain.
A molecule is defined as a group of atoms bound together, which means that its larger than
an atom.
3. How is a compound different from a molecule?
A molecule can be formed either by two or more atoms of the same kind (O2, for example) or
different atoms (CO2). The latter are usually called compounds.
4. Are all molecules are compounds?
No. Molecules, as previously stated, are called compounds if they are made up of different
types of atoms. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.
5. Looking at the models above, explain why two hydrogen atoms bond to an oxygen
atom to make a stable water molecule? (Hint: look at the valence electrons)
Each hydrogen atom has one valence electron. Each oxygen atom has six valence electrons.
Neither of them are stable on their own, but as soon as one oxygen atom bonds with two
hydrogen atoms, oxygen gains two electrons and both hydrogens lose one each.
6. One of the properties of a pure substance is that they always exist in fixed
How many hydrogen atoms are needed to form five water molecules?
How many oxygen atoms are needed to form five water molecules?
7. What is an ionic bond? What substances form ionic bonds in this lab activity?
It is a chemical bonding that results from the electrical attraction between cations and anions.
NaCl, NaO2, and CaCl2 form ionic bonds in this activity.
8. What is a covalent bond? What substances form covalent bonds in this lab activity?
It is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs from one atom to another. H2,
H2O, CH4, CO2, CHCl3, NH3 and C2H6O form covalent bonds in this lab activity.
9. How do compounds and molecules form?

In nature, only the noble gases can be stable while unboned. Due to this, elements tend to join
together chemically to form a molecule. As stated before, the bond between the atoms may
vary depending on the type of elements. If the atoms joined in the molecule are of different
elements, the molecule is a compound.





3. H O
4. Na O
5. CaCl
6. C H
7. C O
8. C H Cl
9. C H Cl


C2 H 6 O

Since single atoms are too unstable to stay alone, they must form bonds in order to
achieve stability. These bonds are formed chemically, and can be any of four types. Ionic
bonds are the result of transferred atoms and are always formed from the bonding of anion
and cation. Covalent bonds are the result of shared electrons and formed from the bonding of
either to anions or two cations. The other two are known as hydrogen bonding and metallic
These bonds are the basis of everything as we know it. Without them, wed lack
certain things that are important for life.

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