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This project/dissertation is deemed to be:

Select one
Type 1

Project work using secondary sources only no human

involvement. (Complete Section A and C only)

Type 2

Project work involving human interaction and where

ethical issues can be considered and appropriately

Type 3

Project work where there is a significant ethical dimension

in connection with human interaction.

Is this application a resubmission?



(delete as appropriate)

Title of proposed research project

An Investigation into Causes of Delay and Examination of the Relationship between
Delay and Critical Success Factors in Construction Projects in Saudi Arabia


Project Focus/Aim
The aim of this research is to analyze the potential causes of delay and examine the
relationship between delay and critical success factors in construction projects in Saudi


Project Objectives

To analyze the construction industry of Saudi Arabia

To indentify the causes of delay in the construction projects of Saudi Arabia

To examine the critical success factors of construction projects in Saudi Arabia

To analyze the association between critical success factors and project delays.


To provide recommendations to avoid delays in construction projects

Research Strategy. How will you undertake data collection for your project?
The data will be collected by quantitative research based on survey
SECTION B (Only Necessary for Type 2 and 3 applications)

5. If you are going to work within a particular organisation do they have their
own procedures for gaining ethical approval for example, within a hospital
or health centre?
The construction industry does not have any special procedures for
obtaining ethical approval; however, the researcher will attain special
permission from the top management for conducting survey
6. Are you going to approach individuals to be involved in your research? How
will you ensure you gain informed consent from anyone involved in this
The participants of the survey will be invited through Emails and there
will be sent the consent form. The participants who have signed the
consent form will be provided with the link to survey.
7. How many people will be recruited or involved in the research? What is the
rationale behind this number?
The sample frame will comprise of 500 participants from all regions of Saudi Arabia.
The sample will include contractors, owners and consultants from the construction sector
of Saudi Arabia. The purpose of including large sample size is to obtain reliable results
8. Are there any other ethical issues that need to be considered?
The ethics will be observed by the researcher all through the research.
The information obtained through the survey will be kept confidential
and will not be amended for any reason.
9. Are there any data protection issues that you need to address?

The data obtained through the survey including the personal

information of the participants will be held secured in a password
protected laptop. Neither the names nor any other demographic
information of the participants will be included in the study

10. Are there any health and safety issues that you need to address in
undertaking your research? Specifically if conducting face-to-face interviews
are there any lone worker safety procedures that need to be put into place?
Since this study will involve a survey, there will be no health issues

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