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English Lesson Plan

Class :

Year 5 Cerdik

Proficiency level :


Enrolment :

/ 18 pupils

Date :

7 April 2016

Time :

11.00 a.m. 12.00 p.m.


Language Arts

Integrated Skill :


Theme :

World of Knowledge

Topic :

Unit 5 Moving Forward

Learning Standard :

4.3.2 Able to plan, prepare and participate in a performance with

guidance based on literary works

Learning Objectives :

By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:


recite the poem entitled My Teeth with correct pronunciation

and rhythm.

In groups of three, transform the poem into dikir barat, rap

and action song and practice them with correct pronunciation
with guidance shown by the teacher.

perform their new form of performance in front of the class

with correct pronunciation and rhythm using the props
provided by the teacher.

Previous Knowledge :

Pupils are familiar with dikir barat, action songs and rap.

Educational Emphases :

Thinking Skills (Understanding, Evaluating),

Multiple Intelligences (Verbal, Linguistic, Musical)

Moral Values :

Physical Cleanliness (Eating healthy foods will keep your teeth

white and healthy)

Teaching Materials :

A video entitled Sad Tooth and Happy Tooth, mahjong paper, song
lyrics, props, speaker, set of stars
Lesson Plan

Phase (Time)


Teaching Learning Activities


Set Induction

1. A video of

1. Teacher asks the pupils to get

EE :

( 5 minutes)

Happy Tooth and

ready to watch a video.

2. Teacher plays the video.
3. Teacher then asks questions

Thinking Skills

related to the video.

4. Pupils answer the questions.
5. Teacher then introduces the

Moral Value :

Sad Tooth


Eat healthy food

pupils to the lesson of the day,

to keep your

the poem entitled My Teeth.

teeth white and

2. Questions


-What do you need


to eat to have a

Materials :

happy tooth?


-have you
toothache before?
If yes, why? If no,
why? Explain.
-describe your
experience at the
-What are other
teeth diseases that
you know?
( 10 minutes)

1. Poem entitled

1. Teacher pastes the poem on the

EE :

My Teeth

2. Teacher recites the poem with


correct pronunciation and rhythm

2. Difficult words


followed by the pupils.

3. Pupils recite the poem with
correct pronunciation and rhythm.
4. Teacher then explains the

Moral Value :
Eat healthy foods

meaning of the difficult words in

to keep your

context so that the pupils will be

teeth white and

able to understand more about


the poem.
5. Teacher explains the meaning of
the poem.
6. Teacher also gives examples of

Materials :
Manila card,

healthy foods for healthy and

pictures of

white teeth and unhealthy foods

healthy foods and

unhealthy foods
for teeth.
7. Teacher emphasizes on the moral for teeth
value that they can learn from the
poem to eat healthy foods to
keep our teeth white and healthy.
8. Teacher welcomes room for the
pupils to ask questions related to
the poem.

( 20 minutes)

1. Transfrom the

1. Teacher asks the pupils to sit in

EE :

poem into dikir

groups of three.
2. Teacher explains briefly on what


barat, rap and

action song and
practice their
performance with
pronunciation in
groups of three.

they are going to do. They need


to change the form of the poem


into dikir barat, rap and action


3. Teacher distributes the lyrics to
the pupils in their groups.
4. Teacher then demonstrates how
they are going to sing their dikir

Materials :
Song lyrics,

barat, rap and action song.

5. Once they are able to follow,
teacher lets them practice for 10
minutes. Pupils are reminded to
do their best as the best group
will be rewarded.
6. They need to use their own
creativity to practice and do the
actions. The props that they are
going to use are provided in front
of the classroom. Pupils are also
encouraged to memorize the
7. Teacher facilitates and monitors
their progress.

( 15 minutes)

1. Perform their
performance with
correct rhythm and
pronunciation in
front of the
classroom using

1. Once they are ready, the teacher

starts the competition and she will
be the emcee and the judge.
2. Their performance will be judged
by looking at their pronunciation,
creativity and cooperation among

EE :

the props provided.

3. Teacher as the emcee then calls
the pupils to perform at random,
they need to use the props
provided by the teacher.
4. Once they have done performing,
teacher allows rooms for the

Thinking Skills
Materials :
Set of stars,

audience to give their comments

and opinions to their friends
performance. Later, they need to
reflect themselves on how are
they going to improve themselves
better in the future.
5. Once the judges have decided
the winner of the performance,
teacher lets the pupils to get
ready for the prize-giving session.

1. Prize-giving

( 5 minutes)


1. Teacher then announces the

Moral Value :

winner of the performance.

2. Teacher delivers the prize to the

Eat healthy foods

winner and congratulates

everyone for their efforts and
3. Teacher sums up the lesson and

teeth white and


reminds the pupils to always eat

Materials :

healthy foods to get healthy and


clean teeth.

My Teeth

to keep your

Can you see my teeth?

I use them to chew.
I chew things like carrots
so my teeth stay like new.
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to bite.
I bite things like apples
so my teeth will stay white.
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to speak.
I say "t" and "f"
every day of the week.
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to smile.
I brush until my grin
is as wide as a mile!

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