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C++ program
the current
Jarmo Lammi
Last update

calculating the sunrise and sunset for

date and a fixed location(latitude,longitude)
1999 - 2000
January 6th, 2000

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define pi 3.14159
//extern double pi;
double tpi = 2 * pi;
double degs = 180.0/pi;
double rads = pi/180.0;
double L,g,daylen;
double SunDia = 0.53;

// Sunradius degrees

double AirRefr = 34.0/60.0; // athmospheric refraction degrees //


Get the days to J2000

h is UT in decimal hours
FNday only works between 1901 to 2099 - see Meeus chapter 7

double FNday (int y, int m, int d, float h) {

int luku = - 7 * (y + (m + 9)/12)/4 + 275*m/9 + d;
// type casting necessary on PC DOS and TClite to avoid overflow
luku+= (long int)y*367;
return (double)luku - 730531.5 + h/24.0;

the function below returns an angle in the range

0 to 2*pi

double FNrange
double b =
double a =
if (a < 0)
return a;

(double x) {
x / tpi;
tpi * (b - (long)(b));
a = tpi + a;

// Calculating the hourangle

double f0(double lat, double declin) {
double fo,dfo;
// Correction: different sign at S HS
dfo = rads*(0.5*SunDia + AirRefr); if (lat < 0.0) dfo = -dfo;
fo = tan(declin + dfo) * tan(lat*rads);
if (fo>0.99999) fo=1.0; // to avoid overflow //
fo = asin(fo) + pi/2.0;
return fo;
// Calculating the hourangle for twilight times
double f1(double lat, double declin) {
double fi,df1;
// Correction: different sign at S HS
df1 = rads * 6.0; if (lat < 0.0) df1 = -df1;

fi = tan(declin + df1) * tan(lat*rads);

if (fi>0.99999) fi=1.0; // to avoid overflow //
fi = asin(fi) + pi/2.0;
return fi;

Find the ecliptic longitude of the Sun

double FNsun (double d) {


mean longitude of the Sun

L = FNrange(280.461 * rads + .9856474 * rads * d);


mean anomaly of the Sun

g = FNrange(357.528 * rads + .9856003 * rads * d);


Ecliptic longitude of the Sun

return FNrange(L + 1.915 * rads * sin(g) + .02 * rads * sin(2 * g));

// Display decimal hours in hours and minutes
void showhrmn(double dhr) {
int hr,mn;
hr=(int) dhr;
mn = (dhr - (double) hr)*60;
if (hr < 10) cout << '0';
cout << hr << ':';
if (mn < 10) cout << '0';
cout << mn;
int main(void){
double y,m,day,h,latit,longit;
time_t sekunnit;
struct tm *p;
// get the date and time from the user
// read system date and extract the year
/** First get time **/
/** Next get localtime **/
y = p->tm_year;
// this is Y2K compliant method
y+= 1900;
m = p->tm_mon + 1;
day = p->tm_mday;
h = 12;

double tzone=2.0;
cout << "Input latitude, longitude and timezone and month\n";
cin >> latit;
cin >> longit;
cin >> tzone;
// testing
// m=6; day=10;
double d = FNday(y, m, day, h);

Use FNsun to find the ecliptic longitude of the


double lambda = FNsun(d);


Obliquity of the ecliptic

double obliq = 23.439 * rads - .0000004 * rads * d;


Find the RA and DEC of the Sun

double alpha = atan2(cos(obliq) * sin(lambda), cos(lambda));

double delta = asin(sin(obliq) * sin(lambda));
// Find the Equation of Time
// in minutes
// Correction suggested by David Smith
double LL = L - alpha;
if (L < pi) LL += tpi;
double equation = 1440.0 * (1.0 - LL / tpi);
double ha = f0(latit,delta);
double hb = f1(latit,delta);
double twx = hb - ha; // length of twilight in radians
twx = 12.0*twx/pi;
// length of twilight in hours
cout << "ha=" << ha << " hb=" << hb << endl;
// Conversion of angle to hours and minutes //
daylen = degs*ha/7.5;
if (daylen<0.0001) {daylen = 0.0;}
// arctic winter
double riset = 12.0 - 12.0 * ha/pi + tzone - longit/15.0 + equation/60.0;
double settm = 12.0 + 12.0 * ha/pi + tzone - longit/15.0 + equation/60.0;
double noont = riset + 12.0 * ha/pi;
double altmax = 90.0 + delta * degs - latit;
// Correction for S HS suggested by David Smith
// to express altitude as degrees from the N horizon
if (latit < delta * degs) altmax = 180.0 - altmax;
double twam = riset - twx;
double twpm = settm + twx;
if (riset > 24.0) riset-= 24.0;
if (settm > 24.0) settm-= 24.0;
cout << "\n Sunrise and set\n";
cout << "===============\n";

// morning twilight begin

// evening twilight end

cout << " year : " << y << '\n';

cout << " month : " << m << '\n';
cout << " day : " << day << "\n\n";
cout << "Days until Y2K : " << d << '\n';
cout << "Latitude : " << latit << ", longitude: " << longit << '\n';
cout << "Timezone : " << tzone << "\n\n";
cout << "Declination : " << delta * degs << '\n';
cout << "Daylength
: "; showhrmn(daylen); cout << " hours \n";
cout << "Civil twilight: ";
showhrmn(twam); cout << '\n';
cout << "Sunrise
: ";
showhrmn(riset); cout << '\n';
cout << "Sun altitude at noontime ";
// Amendment by D. Smith
showhrmn(noont); cout << " = " << altmax << " degrees"
<< (latit>=0.0 ? " S" : " N") << endl;
cout << "Sunset
: ";
showhrmn(settm); cout << '\n';
cout << "Civil twilight: ";
showhrmn(twpm); cout << '\n';
return 0;

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