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Breaking Free

Reoccurring destructive habits that ultimately lead to our demise are strongholds. Spiritual
warfares main playing field is the mind, thoughts and imaginations (2 Corinthians 10:5). The
Bible gives us a way to stand firm in battle by being clothed in the full armor of God. Here
are ten ways to break spiritual blockades that have been holding you back, so you can start living

Know Your Opponent

Do you know who is against you. Its not your bossy co-worker, its not the person spreading
gossip about you and its not the person that stole your idea. It is the ancient enemy of humanity
since the Garden of Eden, the devil. The Bible reminds us that our battle is not people-based, its
spiritual. Identify your opponent, his strategies and tactics and be empowered through the Holy
Spirit to thwart them.

Accept The Battle Is Won

Jesus said all power and authority is His, so if youre in Christ guess what youre on the
winning side. Many believers are not walking in the power and authority that Christ died to give
them. Let the revelation of His victory permeate your faith and cause you to operate from a
winning stance.

Catch Up To Your Faith

Allow your faith to be demonstrated in your actions. Dont just say you believe you are the
righteousness of God through Christ and then when crisis hits you become frazzled. Let your life
be faith-filled and live like you believe the words you read in your Bible. Its not about
memorization, its about revelation and transformation.

Speak & Think

Your words and thoughts are containers of power. They can carry in power from the Kingdom of
God or the kingdom of darkness. You choose. This is one of your most powerful weapons against
pulling down strongholds, because the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
speaks and also as a person thinks so they are. Change your thoughts, change your words and
Gods power will change your life

Claim Whats Yours

Read the book of Ephesians. This book shares the inheritance that God prepared for you and the
rich blessings He intended for your life. Its like a gift that has your name on it, but you havent
even opened it yet. These gifts live in the spiritual realm where no man can touch. Spiritual
warfare and strongholds are designed to keep you from accessing your heavenly rights and keep
you spiritually bound.

Pray, Decree & Declare

Pray and seek Gods face. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your prayers. Use your words
to declare, decree and establish the authority of Gods word in your life over negative spiritual
influences. This means those negative thoughts, feelings of jealousy, envy or revenge. You need
to reject them and insert Gods say on the matter instead.

Stand & Be Strong

Paul tells Christians, to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Wow! Dont go this
alone, stand strong in the Lord and He will fight the battle for you. Walk in the spirit and not in
your own natural ability. The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.

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