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Washing machine

design and manufacture

Testing the prototype
Manufacturing engineering process
Testing of performance
Market research

01 30 Museum of old washing machines

02 00 Market research


02 30 Issuing the design brief

03 00 Drawing and designing
05 30 CAD

Making the prototype

06 10 Making the Prototype

06 10 Making models by hand
07 00 Model being scanned into computer
08 00 Laser sintering machine
10 00 Paper layer machine
11 20 NC Milling of prototype
11 40 Industrial design workshop
12 20 Testing the prototype


13 50 Making the injection moulding tool

13 30 Plastic Injection moulding
14 50 Manufacturing Engineering Housing
14 50 Injection moulding of aluminium
15 30 Sheet metal - bending
15 45 Sheet metal - stamping
16 30 Powder coating
17 10 Safety and RSI prevention
17 45 Making and assembly of gearbox
18 50 Workplace efficiency
19 00 Assembly line
20 00 Rolling SS bowls
20 20 Plastic injection moulding machine

21 00 Welding plastic


21 15 Quality assurance
21 00 Installing wash bowls
22 20 Quiet room for testing by ear
22 40 Testing of performance - cleaning and fraying


27 50 Marketing

Sigue el proceso de diseo durante la creacin de una lavadora Simpson en una fabrica adelaida.
Muestra el proceso brainstorming, mira los prototipos y las pruebas de estos en la fabrica, y
muestra la manufactura y lanzamiento del producto
La creacion del producto se basa en un estudio del mercado , el video enfatiza la importancia de
la apariencia, y que tan apetecible sea para el cliente, segn las ultimas tendencias de la moda,
gustos y disgustos por lo que se toma en cuenta a quien se dirige el producto, se observan las
tecnologas utilizadas en el desarrollo de los prototipos convertir un archivo tecnical drawing
CAD, formato digital, en fisico protoptipo de capas de papel o plastico sintetico, tambin resalta
las nuevas tecnologas usadas para su construccin y su riguroso proceso de control de calidad
para asegura que al final del proceso los productos sean verdaderamente eficientes. Se prueba si
el producto realmente encaja, se da forma a los engranajes del sistema y se aceitan de modo tal
que de una garantia de eficiencia de al menos 20 aos. Promociones televisivas del producto y


l Importance of public opinion on design plans.
l Historical development of the washing machines.
l Effect of chemicals, contained in washing powders/solutions on the
product materials.
l Use of freehand sketching for design concept ideas.
l Developments in technology which impacts on the evolution of design.
l Discussion and dialogue which precedes a new design move.
l Importance of the most visual portion - "the console".
l Progressive development of the console.
l Importance of graphics and colour.
l Choice of materials and finishes.
l The model before the technical drawings.

l Use of lasers to transfer from model to drawings.

l Wire frame concept.
l Use of Laser sintering machine.
l Use of Laminated Object Manufacturing Machine (LOMM).
l Methods of producing a prototype.
l Process of multi prototypes.
l Value of flexible moulds.
l Choice of materials.
l Ensuring all components fit and work on prototype before manufacture.
l Importance of final decisions before moulds are produced.
l The assembly line process.
l Changes to assembly line procedures to improve productivity.
l Safety procedures to reduce dangers.
l Significance of technology and materials with the gearbox construction.
l Uses of the conveyor belt system.
l Testing the effectiveness.
l Various testing techniques for fatigue and reliability.
l Checking finish quality.
l Justification for marketing strategy.
l Appealing to the consumer.
l Importance of marketing the product.
l What makes it better than its competitors.

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