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The Science of Spirituality

2012 Brent Phillips

Day 1: The Science of Spirituality

One of my primary purposes in life is to act as a facilitator to bridge the gap between the Western
rational, scientific, and linear way of thinking, and the Eastern esoteric, spiritual, and non-linear
way of thinking. My first book, Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles explains
how energy healing and the Law of Attraction work in terms of the underlying physics. (This
book and the mp3 audio book version are free downloads within the VIP Club you may want to
check it out if you havent already.) This material expands and builds upon that foundation to
give you a deeper understanding of the science of spirituality. There is an intersection where
science and spirit meet, and its a wonderful place, so Id like to help guide you there.
In particular, I am an engineer more than I am a scientist, so my personal focus has been on
understanding and creating powerful tools from the world of mysticism, spirituality, mind power,
and alternative medicine that can be used to get real, practical, reliable results in your day to day
life. Thats what engineers do: they take principles and equations discovered by scientists, and
apply them via technology to serve us and improve our day to day lives.
Unfortunately, there are WAY too many people running around in the holistic health/Law of
Attraction industry claiming that their products and/or services are scientific and based on
quantum physics - but when you push them and ask a specific questions, it quickly becomes
obvious that its just a bunch of hand waving, and they dont really know what they are talking
about. Im on a mission to discover the truth, and not only share it with the world in a way that is
accessible and easy to understand to the linear Western mind, but also to provide you with
practical tools to solve real problems in your day-to-day life.
Recently I was introduced to the work of Nassim Haramein and Elizabeth Raushman via the
documentary movie The Black Whole. (You can download this entire film for free online, or
order a DVD from Amazon or other online merchant for around $10.) I was blown away, because
his work is a vital missing piece in providing a complete and accurate scientific model for
exactly how energy/mystic/spiritual phenomena work (including but not limited to instant
healing, manifestation, future readings, remove viewing, talking to the dead, etc.) It is not
required to view or understand this documentary or know anything about physics or mathematics
to benefit from this material, but Id recommend you watch it at least once, or download it and
have it handy, as there are points in the film that I will reference here because they can make the

points much more clearly and vividly with 3D animated graphics than I can with stick figures in
a text document.
In the following days, were going to explore the deepest secrets of the Universe, and truly
connect science and spirituality in a deeper and more profound way than has ever been possible
But before we jump into the thick of it, I first want to cover with practical reasons to learn, study,
and understanding the science behind spirituality. After all, theres nothing wrong with curiosity
and understanding for their own sake, but while were there, why not also make more money, get
healthier, and experience greater love, happiness, and fulfillment in life?
Let me offer you two answers: one short answer, and one long answer.
The short answer is that its not important to know this stuff obviously there are many
incredibly talented mystics and healers throughout history who knew little or nothing about
physics, mathematics, or science. As far as we know, Jesus never lectured on mathematics or
science, and its a historical fact that Muhammed was illiterate. In modern times, Vianna Stibal
(founder of Theta Healing) has created an amazingly powerful energy healing system thats
changed many lives, and has done so with little formal education or knowledge of the advanced
mathematics underlying quantum physics.
The long answer is that understanding the science behind the miracles may be critically
important to changing your life, depending on your personality and how your brain works. The
above examples of healers and mystics who did incredible and miraculous things without
understanding the science are all people who are very present and in their bodies, and are
generally divergent, right-brain thinkers. So if you arent deep in your head, if youre not an
obsessive thinker, if you can clearly feel your body, and if doing intuitive readings is easy for
you, you may not need to know any of this stuff.
However, if you are like me (and the majority of the population in the modern western world),
then you tend to be more of left-brained, analytical, linear thinker who needs to figure it out. In
this case, you may need to understand how energy healing and Law of Attraction processes work
in order to get maximum results from them.
Why? Its pretty simple if youre an in your head kind of person who thinks too much, your
brain and rational mind are incredibly powerful, and will generally not let any change into your
life that is not understood or that does not fit your mental paradigm and/or subconscious
mythologies. And this is exactly why young children and animals tend to heal more quickly,
more easily, and more thoroughly than adult humans: their mental process is less developed and
hence doesnt interfere with energy healing, so the healing goes right in and miracles just
If youre like me, what usually happens is that your mind wont completely shut off the healing
process (though thats possible too), but instead you will heal and see changes in your life more
slowly than others who are more present. For example, you may go to a wealth building or

positive thinking seminar, and within a month your friend gets great results and makes tons of
money but you struggle with the process, and it may take you years to achieve the same results
simply because your mind tightly controls what and how much change it lets in. For better or for
worse, your mind is so powerful that is simply rejects anything it doesnt understand or that
doesnt fit with your mental models and paradigms, and no amount of energy healing seminars
or sessions is going to give you the results you want until you upgrade your thinking.
Fortunately, once youve learned new paradigms and new ways of thinking that are more correct
and more complete than your old mental models, your rational mind will relax and allow more
changes in more quickly. This is exactly why listening to the lecture portions of my programs
Unleash Your Inner Millionaire and In Love for a Lifetime are so critical for many people to get
good results. Without a more expansive, complete, and correct understanding and mental model,
the right brain changes done via energy healing are weakened and slowed down by your
rational mind.
And thats exactly why Ive created this special event material: to give your rational mind a
better, more complete, more truthful model of the Universe works that is compatible with and
explains how energy healing and the Law of Attraction really work. As a result, your mind will
much more comfortable using these tools, youll get better results, and you'll experience more,
bigger miracles and life transformations more quickly.
In summary, no, you dont necessarily need to know any of this to heal your body or make tons
of money or find love or even be a successful energy healing/Law of Attraction professional. But
if you are the kind of person who thinks a lot and likes to learn and figure stuff out, Im
confident that this material will help you achieve a significant increase in the effectiveness and
results of all your healing and manifesting work. Not to mention that youre part of a growing
movement that will literally save the world by uniting science and spirit!

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