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Assignment 1


: Dony Rismawanto


: 1H


: 1531210114


: 11

1. Why do the engeneering have to know the best materials to use ?

Answer: because it is very important for every engineer and its can limit the cost
2. How many kind of materials used in engineering ?
Answer: there are two kind of materials.
3. Mention two kind of the materials ?
Answer: metals and non-metals
4. mention the materials including non-ferous metals?
Answer: alumunium, copper and the alloy, bronze, and brass.
5. mention the material are non-metals ?
Answer: plastics and ceramics
6. How many types of plastics ?
Answer: two types
7. Mention the types of plastics?
Answer: thermoplastic and thermoset
8. how thermoplastic can be reshape ?
Answer: by heat and preasure
9. Why ceramics are often employed by engineers ?
Answer: because it can withstand high temperatures
10. How many metter can be classified ?
Answer: three
11. mention all the metter !
Answer: solid, liquid, and gasses.
12. Give an example of solid !
Answer: Rock, wood, papper.
13. which one from solid, liquid, and gasses have definite form?
Answer: solid have definite form
14. why solid have a definite form ?
Answer: because the atoms or molecules of solid are densely packed and have very little
freedom movement.

15. what happen when solid are heated ?

Answer: solid will transform to liquid
16. how many classes of solid ?
Answer: 2 classes
17. mention all the classes of solid !
Answer: crystalline and Amorphous
18. give the example of crystalline !
Answer: rock, wood, paper
19. give the example of amorphous !
Anwer: rubber, glass, and sulfur.
20. How about the atoms of liquid ?
Answer: the atoms of liquid are not densely and atoms are loosely and cant keep their
21. how about structure of liquid ?

Answer: the structure are not rigid.

22. give the example of gasses !
Answer: air, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
23. why gasses fill the whole space of container ?
Answer: because the atoms of gasses are wildely spaced.
24. how abaout the atoms or molecules of gasses ?
Answer: the atoms move rapidly and move widely.
25. what is the characteristic of gasses ?
Answer: have no fix shape and volume of their own.
26. what is the characteristic of liquid ?
Answer: liquid will take shape of any countainer.
27. Mention main idea of pharagraph one!
Answer: main idea of pharagraph one is classified of metter.

28. Mention main idea of pharagraph two !

Answer: main idea of pharagraph two is solid have definite form

29. Mention main idea of pharagraph three !

Answer: liquid have definite volume and will take shape of the countainer.
30. Mention main idea of pharagraph three !
Answer: gasses have no fixed shape or volume of their own.

A. Types of Engineering Material

Engineers have to know the best and most economical materials to use. Engineers must also
understand the properties of these materials and how can the be work. There are two kind of
materials, metals and non metals. Metals can devide into ferrous and non metals. The former
contains iron and non iron. cast iron and steel are two most important ferrous metals. Steel
contains a smaller proportion of carbon then cast iron. alumunium, copper, bronze and brass are
common non-ferous metal.
Plastic and ceramics are non-metals. Plastics are classified into two types, Thermoplastic
and thermoset. Thermoplastic can be shape and reshape by heat and preassure, but thermoset
can be reshape because they undergo chemical change as they harden. Ceramics are often
employed by engineers because it can withstand high temperatures.

C. Classificattion of Engineering Materials

All matter can be classified as solid, liquid, and gasses. Solid are firm and have difinite
form. Such as wood, rock, paper, iron. solid can devided into classes: crystalline and
amourphouse. Rock, wood, and paper are crystalline.when solid are heated it will melting.
Amourphous substance include rubber, glass and sulfur.
Liquid have difinite volume and their atoms are loosely structured and do not keep their
shape. Example of liquid is water, milk, and oil.
Gasses, such as air, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Gasses have no fix shape and volume.
Gasses will fill the whole space of countainer.the atoms or molecules of gasses are widely
spaced and move rapidly. Gasses can adapt any area.

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