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Bipolar II disorder is one of the the forms of manic-depression psychosis. What defines
this affection is that the mood swings never reach the intensity of full-on mania.The manic phase
may be characterised by exaggerated psychomotor activity, elation, and disruptions in ideation.
However, in Bipolar II disorder, the patient only reaches a state of hypomania. In this phase,
the patient, at the surface, may seem to be in a specific good mood. He appears elated at a
moderate level, confident, clever, witty, entertaining, and, despite neverending activity, seems
never to be tired. People in this phase are often capable of accomplishing a great deal if they can
control their affect. This seems, at first sight as state we would like to experience, but the truth is
that it degenerates into a series of acts that are dangerous both for the pacient and the people
surrounding him: people in hypomanic phase are at risk of engaging in impulsive behaviours like
spending money they do not have and engage in promiscuos sexual activities. All too often,
however, the person who originally appeared to be brilliant aggresive, and sociable begins to
appear domineering, incapable of following a plan to conclusion,and hostile with the risk of
becoming extravagant and sexually promiscuos. In this phase, the pacients usually does not have
signs of delusions or hallucinations and, in their lack of insight into their condition, they are in
denial about their medical condition.
The other extreme that theese patients experience is the depressive episode. The picture is
now totally reversed. Depression, also called dysphoria implies feeling melancholical and
discouraged, along with a relative degree of retardation in physical and mental activity. The
energy for doing

everyday chores is lacking, and somehow this activity does not seem

important. This view is often accompanied by feelings of personal unworhiness silfulness and,
failure. The loss of interest in outside activities is often reflected in a loss of apetite and
consequent weight loss, with digestive symptoms, like constipation. Insomnia, is also frequently
experienced. These pacients barely talk and words are used sparingly and slowly.
Meeting the criteria for a Bipolar II Disorder implies having evidence for at least one
hypomanic episode, as the general rule states that forms of mania or euphorical states are always
preceeded/succeeded by depression episodes.
The treatment for this disorder follows multiple directions: medication, individual or
group psychotherapy. Among the pills that have proven to be effective in Bipolar II Disorder,

we can name mood stabilizers as lithium, Depakote, Lamictal, antipsychotics (for severe manic
or depression episodes) like Abilify, Risperdal, and Zyprexa or antidepressants like Prozac,
Zoloft, and Praxil. Along medication, psychotherapy may be useful as the patient has the chance
of discussing and analyzing feelings, thoughts and states he experiences.
The statistic data seems to be worrying, as only in America, six million people have been
diagnosed with this illness, which, as other mental diseases is a stigma for the patient, who
besides having to face the disease, also must deal the social perception of mental illness,
perception which, in most cases is biased by stereotypes, fear and lack of knowledge.

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