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2006-2007 Kofax Image Products, Inc,. 16245 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, California 92618, U.S.A.

All right reserved. Use is subject to license

terms. Portions 2002-2006 LCI GmbH.
Third-party software is copyrighted and licensed from Kofaxs suppliers. For information on third-party software included in this product, see the About
box from any Ascent Xtrata Pro module.
Kofax Image Products, Kofax, the Kofax logo, Ascent, Ascent Capture, Ascent Capture Internet Server, Xtrata, VirtualReScan, the VRS VirtualReScan
logo, and VRS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kofax Image Products, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
U.S. Government Rights Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Kofax Image Products, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.
You agree that you do not intend to and will not, directly or indirectly, export or transmit the Software or related documentation and technical data to any
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Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes ......................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Additional Documentation and Resources ............................................................................................. 1
Training .................................................................................................................................... 1
New Features ....................................................................................................................................
Foldering ..................................................................................................................................
Locator - Database Evaluator .....................................................................................................
Locator - Database Locator ........................................................................................................
Locator - Format Locator ..........................................................................................................
Locator - Invoice Group Locator ................................................................................................
Locator - Invoice Header Locator Formatter .................................................................................
Locator - OCR Voting Evaluator ................................................................................................
OCR for Locators at Project Level ...............................................................................................
OCR On Large Test Directory ...................................................................................................
OCR On Large Tiff Files ..........................................................................................................
Project Builder - Test Documents Working Mode .........................................................................
Project Builder - Validate Document Working Mode ....................................................................
Project Builder's - Graphical User Interface .................................................................................
RecoStar OCR Engine ...............................................................................................................
Script Functions - DB Lookup ...................................................................................................
Script Functions - Redaction ......................................................................................................
Script Functions - Suppress OCR ...............................................................................................
Script Functions - Project Mode ..................................................................................................
Synchronization - Folder Projects ................................................................................................
Synchronization - Additional Batch Editing Settings ......................................................................
Validation - Access Ascent Capture Fields ....................................................................................
Validation - Automatic Focus ......................................................................................................
Validation - Settings For Left-Click .............................................................................................
Validation - Open Batch Refresh Option ......................................................................................
Service Configuration Tool .........................................................................................................


Resolved Problems .............................................................................................................................

Project Builder ..........................................................................................................................
Locators - Advanced Zone Locator ..............................................................................................
Locators - Database Locator ........................................................................................................
Locators - Format Locator ..........................................................................................................
Locator - Invoice Group Locator .................................................................................................
Locators - Invoice Header Locator ...............................................................................................
Locators - Standard Evaluator .....................................................................................................
Locators - Table Locator ............................................................................................................
OCR - Profiles ..........................................................................................................................
OCR - Page Counting ................................................................................................................
Release Script ............................................................................................................................


Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes


Server - Barcode Locator ............................................................................................................ 9

Synchronization Tool ................................................................................................................ 9
Validation ................................................................................................................................. 9
Statistics Viewer ...................................................................................................................... 11
Known Issues ..................................................................................................................................
Ascent Xtrata Pro Server - External Server Processing .................................................................
Ascent Xtrata Pro Installation ....................................................................................................
Project Builder - Test Documents ..............................................................................................
Project Builder - Unique Naming ...............................................................................................
Validation - Reject Pages ..........................................................................................................
Validation - Ascent Capture Fields .............................................................................................


Silent Installation ............................................................................................................................. 13

Technical Support ............................................................................................................................ 15


Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

This set of release notes contains important information not included in other Ascent Xtrata Pro documentation. Please read these release notes carefully before you install, upgrade, or use this product.

Additional Documentation and Resources

These release notes are a supplement to the following documentation:
Installation Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro 3.1
User Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro 3.1
Using the Ascent Xtrata Pro Knowledge Base Administration Module
Using the Ascent Xtrata Pro Database Dialog Utility

Kofax offers both classroom and computer-based training that will help you make the most of your Ascent
Xtrata Pro and Ascent Capture solutions. Visit the Kofax Web site at www.kofax.com for details about the
available training options and schedules.

New Features
This section contains information about a new feature provided with Ascent Xtrata Pro 3.1.

Use foldering to reveal the structure of data being processed by Ascent Xtrata Pro Server. For example you
can use foldering when a batch contains various documents dealing with the same customer, supplier or invoices referring to the same order number that need to be grouped.
Within the Project Builder you enable, setup, and test foldering by defining folder fields and folder validation rules and criteria for Auto-Foldering. Ascent Xtrata Pro Server uses these settings to create folders when
processing the batches.
The Auto-Foldering process in the Ascent Xtrata Pro Server will create folders and redistribute the documents among them according to the rules you set. For example, if foldering is configured to group the documents by suppliers, the resulting batch will have a folder for each supplier containing the documents for this
supplier only.
Note Use Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder to set up scripting for Auto-Foldering. For details see the As-

cent Xtrata Pro User Guide and Script Documentation Online help topics.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

By default, foldering is disabled for a standard project and it is not available at all for invoice projects.
To map Ascent Xtrata Pro folder to Ascent Capture the Synchronization module was expanded and additional synchronization steps have to be taken when a project is synchronized that has folders enabled.
Note that, if batch editing is enabled, it is also possible to add or change folders manually in the Ascent Xtrata Pro Validation module.
Two sample projects are part of the Ascent Xtrata Pro setup to show how to use foldering.

Locator - Database Evaluator

The Database Evaluator was improved and further property settings added. For further details see the User
Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro or the Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder Help topics.

Locator - Database Locator

The new version of the Database Locator allows defining subsets of database fields and penalties for items
that are not found on the document. To set these additional options the graphical user interface is changed.
For further details see the User Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro or the Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder Help

Locator - Format Locator

The Format Locator was reworked, and an improved graphical user interface is provided.
The algorithm was improved, especially when you search regular expressions in combination with dictionary
entries. For further details see the User Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro or the Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder
Help topics.

Locator - Invoice Group Locator

This section contains details about new features for the Invoice Group Locator.
A Regions tab has been added to the Invoice Group Locator making it possible to set OCR to the first,
middle or last page of a document. This limits the invoice extraction page count.
Training VATID Field
An internal, hard coded validation check for the VATID field was removed as this caused a validation error
when validating a document for the extraction training set.

Locator - Invoice Header Locator Formatter

Some dates, especially in the YY-MM-DD format, were not correctly formatted internally by the Invoice
Header Locator. A list has been added to the locators Format Locator's tab that can be used for selecting a
formatter for dates.

Locator - OCR Voting Evaluator

The OCR Evaluator was improved and further property settings added. For further details see the User
Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro or the Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder Help topics.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

OCR for Locators at Project Level

Locators, such as the Advanced Zone Locator or Barcode Locator that are defined at the Project level will no
longer return inconsistent OCR results.

OCR On Large Test Directory

Performing OCR on a large test directory now works without crashing the application.

OCR On Large Tiff Files

Performing OCR on large (more than 500 pages) large tiff files now works without crashing the application.

Project Builder - Test Documents Working Mode

To avoid confusion with the foldering feature Project Builder's Test Folder working mode is renamed to
Test Documents and is completely reworked .
If desired you can load and test a complete test directory including sub folders (Classify and Extract Documents Recursive).
When foldering is enabled, the documents are listed in a batch tree view, and can be used to navigate within
the batch and to manually create folders, or to test Auto-Foldering. Remember to create folders, folder fields
(if needed), and the obligatory script programming first, before testing Auto-Foldering.
When foldering is disabled, the documents are displayed in a list.
New Commands
New menu commands were added to Process OCR on Selected Documents, Classify Selection and Extraction selection to work on all selected documents. (SPR00029209)

Project Builder - Validate Document Working Mode

The Validate Document Working Mode has been modified and now allows validating a complete batch.
Therefore, Project Builder's Validate Document working mode displays a batch tree view similar to the
Ascent Xtrata Pro Validation module.
Note Documents that are not processed yet, cannot show up in the validation form as they are not classified.

A message appears instead. You can validate the document manually by assigning a classification result and
manually indexing the document to test the validation.

Project Builder's - Graphical User Interface

Multiple changes to the Project Builder's graphical user interface allow easier and faster use thanks to the
addition of new toolbar icons, adding new adjustments to menus, context menus for new features, and improvements for overall consistency.

RecoStar OCR Engine

The following section contains details about new features for the RecoStar OCR engine.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

New Version
A new version of the RecoStar OCR engine solved the problem that rotation on certain documents was not
RecoStar Dictionaries
The RecoStar OCR engine allows selecting a Recostar dictionary. The Recostar Profile Settings dialog box
is changed, and an additional Dictionary panel allows selecting a special dictionary from the list.
Note These dictionaries are not similar to the Ascent Xtrata Pro dictionaries used, for example, by the For-

mat Locator.
Central European Languages
The RecoStar engine now works when the Central European language is selected in the profile.
The RecoStar engine now works correctly when OCR-A / OCR-B is selected in the profile.

Script Functions - DB Lookup

Ascent Xtrata Pro provides a script function that can be used to implement a database lookup during Ascent
Xtrata Pro Validation.
A separate DLL needs to be referenced within the script. This DLL, as well as a documentation and a sample
project, are provided in the Ascent Xtrata Pro installation. You can find the all in a zip file in your Program
Files\Ascent\Xtrata Pro\Examples directory.
Note Use Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder to set up scripting. For details see the Script Documentation

Help topics.

Script Functions - Redaction

Ascent Xtrata Pro provides a script function to redact zones that can either be processed during Ascent Xtrata Pro Server processing or performed in the Ascent Xtrata Pro Validation module. The new function is
called Redact, and is part of the CscImage class interface.
Note Use Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder to set up this script function. For further details see the Script

Documentation Help topics.

Script Functions - Suppress OCR

Ascent Xtrata Pro provides a property that allows defining document pages for which OCR is suppressed.
The property is called SuppressOCR and is part of the CscCDocPage class interface.
Note Use Ascent Xtrata Pro Project Builder to set up this script function. For further details see the Script

Documentation Help topics.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Script Functions - Project Mode

Ascent Xtrata Pro provides a property that a script can use to determine whether the script is being executed
in the Server, the Project Builder or the Validation module. The property is called ScriptExecutionMode and is part of the CscProject class interface.

Synchronization - Folder Projects

Synchronization of Ascent Xtrata Pro projects that use foldering need additional steps. Depending on the
type of project you want to synchronize (with or without folders) the wizard provides the necessary synchronization steps.

Synchronization - Additional Batch Editing Settings

Additional batch editing settings on the Extended Settings dialog box are available to allow deleting, adding
documents or pages, copying documents and performing Auto-Foldering when foldering is enabled.

Validation - Access Ascent Capture Fields

Ascent Capture fields that are not mapped in the Ascent Xtrata Pro Synchronization can be displayed and
changed in the Ascent Xtrata Pro Validationmenu . A context menu at the batch, folder and document level
can be used to access the available Ascent Capture fields.

Validation - Automatic Focus

The Automatic Focus button has been added to the toolbar.
The Automatic Focus button can be used to temporarily lock the zooming center point. To force the document image viewer to zoom in or out using a specific point on the image, scroll to that area and click the
Automatic Focus button. Alternatively, you can double-click a point on the image where this no text. Either
way, the view will now zoom in and out around this point until you release the lock by clicking the button or
double-clicking again.
You may find this eliminates repeated scrolling if, for example, you are using the Rubber Band OCR feature
to enter multiple data fields from a part of the document that is not visible in the default view.

Validation - Settings For Left-Click

Additional options in the Editing panel of the Settings dialog box can be used to define the behaviour
for the left-click. The default behaviour is to add words to the current field, but it can also be set either to
Zoom to rectangle or Pan image.
Zoom To Rectangle
An additional Zoom to Rectangle mouse click option is available for left mouse clicks in the Ascent Xtrata
Pro Validation module.
By default, when you click on a text region in a document, that text is automatically entered in the currently
selected index field. You can change this behavior so that when you draw a rectangle on the screen, the image view zooms to best fit that rectangle in the image viewer display area.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Note To use the zoom change the settings for the left-click.

Pan Images
Another mouse click option Pan Images can be used to change the default left-click behaviour. Select
Pan Images so that you can move the image in the Document Viewer while left-clicking and moving the

Validation - Open Batch Refresh Option

A refresh option was added to the Open Batch dialog box. Click this button to update the list of batches
that are waiting for Validation.

Service Configuration Tool

The Ascent Xtrata Pro Service Configuration tool is a utility that you can use to setup and change settings
for the Ascent Xtrata Pro Batch Processing Service. For example, there are special user management settings, the language used within the log file as well as the number of used CPUs for a multi-processor computer.
During installation you can set the parameters for the services, but you can later change the settings by calling the configuration tool from the Ascent Xtrata Pro program group.

Resolved Problems
This section contains information about issues that you can resolve by installing Ascent Xtrata Pro 3.1.

Project Builder
The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Project Builder.
Advanced Zone Locator
You can now import an Advanced Zone Locator even if you have not yet used any Advanced Zone Locators
during the application session. (SPR00031369)
Rename Classes
Renaming a class while it was in the cut state (after selecting Cut Class from the classes context menu) no
longer causes an exception. (SPR00031868)
Script Icon for Classes
The class script icon in the Project panel now appears immediately when script code is added to a class,
and not only after reloading a project. (SPR00028988)
Document Viewer
The Viewer now displays the correct DPI in the status bar for documents for which the unit of measurement
for the resolution was not correctly stored in the TIFF. (SPR00029375)

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Extraction Design
Field names are now case sensitive. This means that Field names that differ only in case are now treated as
duplicate names, and are no longer allowed. (SPR00028900)
New Samples
Deleting a document from the list of new samples and then switching to a different file list mode and back
could cause the deleted documents to re-appear. This no longer happens. (SPR00029800)

Locators - Advanced Zone Locator

The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Advanced Zone Locator.
RecoStar for Zones With Unreadable Content
When using the Advanced Zone Locator with a RecoStar profile on a zone without any readable content it
will no longer fail. The zone is now ignored and an empty value is returned. (SPR00030711)
Delete Zones and Assigned Subfields
When a zone was deleted, the assigned subfield remained in the list. This subfield is now removed.

Locators - Database Locator

The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Database Locator.
Database Import
Now, database import continues without problems, even if, the importer encounters an illegal character, for
example an EOF character, in the database. (SPR00030634)
Internal Confidence Values
Sometimes, the Database Locator did not return records that satisfied the confidence threshold. For example
a record with a 35% confidence would not be returned even if the threshold was set to 32%. The internal recalculation of confidences has been changed to avoid such cases. (SPR00030718)
Using Groups
The Database Locator is changed in order to avoid incorrect results. For example, if groups were used in the
Database Locator, and the option to replace the field text was not chosen, the order of the field item texts
might become corrupt. Additionally the confidence might be too low, and some items might not have been
found depending on the order in the database. (SPR00031084)
Too Many Short Words
Some short words occur very often in a large database, some records that are located near the end of the
database might be missed by the Database Locator. The internal fuzzy logic has been enhanced to avoid unexplainable results and to fix a problem where in some cases even 100% correct records were not returned.
(SPR00031337, SPR00031600)

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Locators - Format Locator

The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Format Locator.
No Anchoring Supported
Content has been added to the User Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro that the Format Locator does not support
anchoring characters like ^ and $ to find beginning-of-line and end-of-line. (SPR00029181)
Dictionaries and Regular Expressions
In some cases, the Format Locator did not process a regular expression. For example, if there was a dictionary with the name Test containing the word test, the regular expression [A-Z]{1,5}Test did not
match the phrase abcd test because the Format Locator was trying to find the longest possible regular expression part first. That would be abcd t. Then, est was no longer matched with test in the dictionary.
The dictionary entries are now searched first so that this problem no longer occurs. (SPR00030362)
Numerical Date Regular Expression
The predefined date formats were not sufficiently precise. A string such as 99.99.99 was identified as a
date when using the default regular expression for a numerical dates. The default expression has been updated so that it now also checks the number ranges for dates. (SPR00030978)

Locator - Invoice Group Locator

The Invoice Group Locator will no longer result in batch errors when blank pages are present in the document. (SPR00030385)

Locators - Invoice Header Locator

The Modify button on the Keywords tab is now enabled when the weight for a keyword has changed.

Locators - Standard Evaluator

The Standard Evaluator now also shows locators that are inherited from parent classes. (SPR00028367)

Locators - Table Locator

In the manual mode, testing the Table Locator before defining a master item is improved as it could be cumbersome to define a master items after testing. (SPR00028891)

OCR - Profiles
If you have added a new default zone profile and then deleted the original default zone profile, creating a
new zone in the Advanced Zone Locator will no longer cause an error. (SPR00030383)

OCR - Page Counting

The Ascent Xtrata Pro page count will no longer be deducted for pages for which no OCR is performed. Additionally a Regions tab is added to the Invoice Group Locators that can be used to limit the locator to performing OCR only on specific pages. (SPR00030815)

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Release Script
When there was an apostrophe in a field content, this could cause an error in the SQL statement that added
the document's statistics to the Statistics database. Apostrophes are now correctly treated before the fields
containing them is used in an SQL statement. (SPR00029302 )

Server - Barcode Locator

The Barcode Locator no longer causes an error in the Server when all the pages of a multi-page document
were not saved in the same Ascent Capture image directory. Ascent Capture limits the number of files that
can be stored in an image directory to 200. (SPR00028886)

Synchronization Tool
The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Synchronization tool.
Publish Warning For Class Mapping
Mapping more than 13 classes to Ascent Capture form types in Synchronization works correctly now, and
will no longer display a warning during publishing. (SPR00028366)
Naming For Index Fields and Table Columns
Ascent Capture does not allow duplicate index or column field names. Due to this restriction, the Synchronization tool no longer allow duplicate index or column field names in the same document class.
(SPR00028206, SPR00029006)
Same Naming For Form Types And Document Classes
The Synchronization tool now supports using the same name for a form types and a document class. The
previous workaround of renaming one or the other in the Ascent Capture Administration module is no longer
needed. (SPR00029344)
Table Field Mapping
The mapping of table extraction fields to index field now works correctly, even when a column name starts
with a substring of an index field or another table column in the same document class. (SPR00029020)
Renaming Form Types
The Synchronization tool now supports the renaming of form types that have the same as the document
class. (SPR00031098)
Duplicate Form Type Names
In the Synchronization tool, it is no longer possible to add two form types with the same name.

The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Validation module.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Locked Validation Status In Batch Manager

Certain errors, such as loss of access to the images folder, caused the Validation module to remain open,
even though it was opened by the Batch Manager. This has been fixed so that the module now closes after
displaying the error message. (SPR00026856)
Tables - Field Navigation
The field navigation, for example Next Field, now works within a table. (SPR00029038)
Tables - First Keystroke
The first keystroke no longer appears to be lost when a table is selected. (SPR00028835)
Floating Windows
Problems with floating windows that disappeared when you selected the next batch, are fixed.
Suspending Batch
Suspending a batch with a reclassified document now works correctly and no longer crashes the application.
Tables - Insert Row
The Insert Row button now supports adding a row to a table that does not yet have any rows.
Tables - Scroll Bars
The scroll bar for a table now works for tables that have only two rows. (SPR00028793)
Tables - Adding Rows Via Script
There are no longer problems with single-row tables not displaying properly. (SPR00030792)
Tables - Single Rows
When using validation scripts to add rows to a table, the row is no longer invisible. Note that this error also
occurred in the Project Builder Validate Document working mode. (SPR00031076)
Viewer in Floating Mode
The viewer in the Validation module is now working correctly in floating mode. (SPR00029260)
Viewer Size
When the viewer is docked to either the left or right of the screen, the pane size of the viewer now retains
when you switch between Edit and Normal mode. (SPR00028771)


Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Word-Click Pointer
When the viewer is docked to either the top or bottom of the screen, the word pointer had trouble aligning
properly when the focus in the data entry panel switched from one group of fields to another. This has been
fixed. (SPR00028956)
Wrong Classification Result
If the document is changed, for example by adding or deleting pages, the classification result for the document is now deleted. (SPR00029162)

Statistics Viewer
The following section contains details about resolved problems for the Statistics Viewer module.
Field Recognition Accuracy per Day Report
The selection of the Field Recognition Accuracy per Day Report does no longer cause an error.
Daily Statistics for Today Report
The short date format is now consistently used in the Daily Statistics for Today report. (SPR00029351 )
Daily Statistics for Today Report
A problem with an invalid date range check was fixed so that the Document Count and the Page Count
columns in the Document Volume group display the correct document volumes. (SPR00031828 )

Known Issues
The following sections describe known problems, and if available useful workarounds for Ascent Xtrata Pro

Ascent Xtrata Pro Server - External Server Processing

Because of the way Ascent Xtrata Pro is registered with Ascent Capture, the Ascent Capture Recognition
Server module can not be placed after Ascent Xtrata Pro Server in the workflow queue. (SPR00032055)
Workaround: If needed, the following workaround can be used to able to place the Ascent Capture Recognition Server module after Ascent Xtrata Pro Server.
How to place place Ascent Capture Recognition Server module after Ascent Xtrata Pro

De-register Ascent Xtrata Pro Server module in the Ascent Capture Administration.
Important Remember to remove the Ascent Xtrata Pro Server module from the workflow queue

of every batch classes first, before you can de-register the module.

From the Admisinstration module menu bar, select Tools | Custom Module Manager.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes



Select Xtrata Pro Server from the list.


Click Delete to remove the module from the list.


Open the Mailroom.aex that is located in the Ascent/ Bin directory with for example Microsoft


Delete the following line, Function=Automatic Index, from the [Xtrata Pro Server] section.


Save and close the file.


Register Ascent Xtrata Pro Server module in the Ascent Capture Administration again. For details
see Ascent Xtrata Pro Installation Guide.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Installation

The items described in this section may occur for Ascent Xtrata Pro 3.1 when used with Ascent Capture
client/server installations.
Disk Space on Drive C:
Note that you need at least 1 GB on the C: drive for Ascent Xtrata Pro installation, otherwise the installation
cannot be completed, and the modules will not function.
Silent Installation
Note that silent installation will only work for Ascent Xtrata Pro Server and Ascent Xtrata Pro Validation.

Project Builder - Test Documents

Remember to click Save before adding a split document to a taining set, otherwise an error will be generated
and the new document will be added to the training set. (SPR00032302)

Project Builder - Unique Naming

Naming for folder, classes, templates and fields must be unique. Do not use names that differ only in case as
such projects can not be synchronized. (SPR00032248, SPR00032250, SPR00032290)
Note In general, you should only use those characters that are allowed by Ascent Capture when defining


Validation - Reject Pages

Note that rejecting a page in Validation does not send the batch to Ascent Capture Quality Control. As a
workaround, you can reject the entire document instead of just the page. (SPR00032298)

Validation - Ascent Capture Fields

Always use the string data type for the Ascent Capture Fields that are displayed in the Validation module's
Ascent Capture Fields dialog box. Since the dialog box does not enforce the Ascent Data Type, it is possible
for a user to inadvertantly enter a string value into a numeric field, which can cause problems on the release.
This situation can be avoided by only using fields with a string data type. (SPR00032218)


Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Silent Installation
Silent installation can be used to automate the installation of Ascent Xtrata Pro Server and Ascent Xtrata Pro
Validation. This means that during installation, no user interaction is needed.
To use the silent installation feature, you first have to record the installation and then run that recording on
the target system.
Use the following instructions to create and run a silent installation file. For details about installing Ascent
Xtrata Pro, see the Installation Guide for Ascent Xtrata Pro.

How to create a silent installation file for Ascent Xtrata Pro


Select Start | Run and enter cmd to open a command box.


Within the command box, change to the folder that contains the Ascent Xtrata Pro setup file. If the
setup is located on a network drive, remember to map the network drive first.
You can also use the product DVD. This means that you change to the DVD drive.


Run the setup from the command line by entering the following command
setup /r /f1"FullNameResponseFile.iss" [/f2"FullNameLogFile"] [/
Runs the setup and records it.
Specify the full path and name for the recording file, for example
C:\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetup.iss. Note that the extension for the file is iss.
Use this optional parameter to create a log file. Specify the full path and name for the log file,
for example C:\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetup.log. As the extension for the file you may either use .log or .txt.
If you want a detailed log file, use this parameter instead of the /f2 parameter.
Specify the full path and name for the log file, for example
C:\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetupDetailed.log. As the extension for the file you may either
use .log or .txt.
Important Make sure that the directory to which you save the recording or log files is accessible

with read/write permissions, otherwise the files cannot be created.


Follow the instructions in the setup wizard until the Feature select window is shown.


Clear the Project Builder and Statistics option and continue the installation, otherwise an error
message appears and the installation is cancelled.

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes


Note that silent install can only be used for Ascent Xtrata Pro Server and the Ascent Xtrata Pro
Important If you have chosen to install Ascent Xtrata Pro Server, the Ascent Xtrata Pro Ser-

vice Configuration dialog box will display. Note that those settings are not used when you run the
silent installation file for Ascent Xtrata Pro Server on a target system. An additional installation
step, to run the Ascent Xtrata Pro Service Configuration tool on the target system, is obligatory to
complete the Server installation.
Use the following instructions to perform silent install on the target system.

How to run a silent installation file for Ascent Xtrata Pro


If needed copy the silent installation file locally to the target system. This is only necessary, when
the recording file is not located on a network drive that can be accessed by the target system.


On the target system select Start | Run and enter cmd to open a command box.


Within the command box, change to the folder that contains the Ascent Xtrata Pro setup file. If the
setup is located on a network drive, remember to map the network drive first.
You can also use the product DVD. This means that you change to the DVD drive.


Run the setup from the command line by entering the following command
setup /s /f1"FullNameResponseFile.iss" [/f2"FullNameLogFile"] [/
Runs the silent installation for a recorded file.
Specify the full path and name for the recording file, for example
C:\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetup.iss. Note that the extension for the file is iss.
Important Make sure that you have access to the directory where the recording is located. If

needed, map the network drive, before you execute the setup command.
Use this optional parameter to create a log file. Specify the full path and name for the log file,
for example C:\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetup.log. As the extension for the file you may either use .log or .txt.
If you want a detailed log file, use this parameter instead of the /f2 parameter.
Specify the full path and name for the log file, for example
C:\SilentInstallAXP\ServerSetupDetailed.log. As the extension for the file you may either
use .log or .txt.


Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

Important Make sure that the directory to which you save the log files is accessible with read/

write permissions, otherwise the files cannot be created.


For the Ascent Xtrata Pro Server installation run the Service Configuration tool from the Ascent
Xtrata Pro program group. Remember that the Server will not work until the Batch Processing
Services are configured.

Technical Support
For additional technical information about Kofax products, visit the Kofax Web site at www.kofax.com and
select an appropriate option from the Support menu. The Kofax Support pages provide product-specific information, such as current revision levels, the latest drivers and software patches, online documentation and
user manuals, updates to product release notes (if any), technical tips, and an extensive searchable knowledge base.
The Kofax Web site also contains information that describes support options for Kofax products. Please review the site for details about the available support options.
If you need to contact Kofax Technical Support, please have the following information available:
Ascent Xtrata Pro software version
Ascent Xtrata Pro and ACI Server software versions
Operating system and service pack version
Network and client configuration
Copies of your error log files
Scanner make and model
Scanner engine (board) type
Special/custom configuration or integration information

Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes



Ascent Xtrata Pro Release Notes

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