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Test Anxiety

Most students experience some level of anxiety during an exam. However, when anxiety
begins to affect exam performance it has become a problem.

What Causes Test Anxiety

Lack of preparation as indicated by:

Cramming the night before the exam.

Poor time management.
Failure to organize text information.
Poor study habits.
Worrying about the following:

Past performance on exams.

How friends and other students are doing.
The negative consequences of failure.

Physical Signs of Test Anxiety

During an exam, as in any stressful situations, a student may experience any of the
following bodily changes:

Sweaty palms
Upset stomach
Rapid heart beat
Tense muscles

Effects of Test Anxiety


Having difficulty reading and understanding the questions on the exam paper.
Having difficulty organizing your thoughts.
Having difficulty retrieving key words and concepts when answering essay

Doing poorly on an exam even though you know the material.

Mental Blocking:

Going blank on questions.

Remembering the correct answers as soon as the exam is over.

How to Reduce Test Anxiety

Study and know the material well enough so that you can recall it even if you are
under stress.

Learn and practice good time management and avoid:

Day dreaming
Build confidence by studying throughout the semester and avoid cramming the
night before the exam.

Learn to concentrate on the material you are studying by:

Generating questions from your textbooks and lecture notes.

Focusing on key words, concepts and examples in your textbooks and lecture

Making charts and outlines which organize the information in your notes and

Use relaxation techniques, for example, taking long deep breaths to relax the body
and reduce stress.

Study Habits & Test Anxiety


The Immediate Environment

The environment in which you study can have a big effect on how efficient your study time
is. Check your place of study for the following conditions:


Minimize distracting noise. Some people need some sound and some like silence.

Find what works for you.

Culprits are family and friends. Consider a "do not disturb sign" and turning on your
answering machine. You can catch up with folks later.

75 watt bulbs are best, but not too close and placed opposite the dominant hand.
Better cool than warm.
Have plenty of room to work; don't be cramped. Your study time will go better if you
take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up.

A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best. Don't get too comfortable--a bed is
a place to sleep, not study.

Have everything (book, pencils, paper, coffee, dictionary, typewriter, calculator, tape
recorder, etc.) close at hand. Don't spend your time jumping up and down to get

Preparing for or Anticipating Test Anxiety

What is it you have to do? Focus on dealing with it.
Just take one step at a time.
Think about what you can do about it. That's better than getting anxious.
No negative or panicky self-statements; just think rationally.
Don't worry; worrying won't help anything.

Confronting and Handling Test Anxiety

Don't think about fear; just think about what you have to do.

Stay relevant.
Relax; you're in control. Take a slow, deep breath.
You should expect some anxiety; it's a reminder not to panic and to relax and cope

steadily with the situation.

Tenseness can be an ally, a friend; it's a cue to cope.

Coping with the Feeling of Being Overwhelmed

When the fear comes, just pause.
Keep the focus on the present; what is it you have to do?
You should expect your fear to rise some.
Don't try to eliminate fear totally; just keep it manageable.
You can convince yourself to do it. You can reason your fear away.
It's not the worst thing that can happen.
Do something that will prevent you from thinking about fear.
Describe what is around you. That way you won't think about worrying.

Reinforcing Self-Statements
It worked! You did it!
It wasn't as bad as you expected.
You made more out of the fear than it was worth.
You're getting better. You're learning to cope more smoothly.
You can be pleased with your progress.
You like how you handled it. You can be proud of it.
Adapted from Asserting Yourself, Bower, Sharon Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,

List of Self Verbalizations

The list below contains some common thoughts and worries which many test anxious
people have. Check those which you can identify with most. Feel free to add statements
which more accurately reflect what usually goes on in your head.

A. Worry about Performance

I should have studied more...I'll never get through.
I just want to finish and get out of here and hope for the best.
I don't know anything...what's the matter with me.
My minds a blank...I'll never get the answer...I must really be stupid.
I can't figure out what the professor wants...no way I'll do well on this test.
I can't remember a thing...this always happens to me...I never do well on anything.

Only 10 minutes left...there are so many questions...I'll never get through everything.
I just can't think...why did I ever take this course.
It's no use...might as well give up.
I knew this stuff yesterday...what's wrong with me.
My mind's a blank...I'm just not cut out for this.
I have to get an A...smart people always get A's.
This stuff is easy...I should get everything right.
This is terrible, absolutely the worst test I've ever had.
I'm just a no good, terrible, worthless person.

B. Worry about Bodily Reactions

I'm sick...I'll never get through.
I'm sweating all over...it's really hot in here.
My hands are shaking again...can't even hold the lousy pen.
My stomach's going crazy...churning and jumping.
Here it comes...I'm getting really tense again...normal people just don't get like this.

C. Worry about How Others Are Doing

I know everyone's doing better than I am.
I must be the dumbest one in the class.
I'm going to be the last one done again...I must really be stupid.
No one else seems to be having trouble...am I the only one?

D. Worry about Possible Negative Consequences:

If I fail this test, I'll:
flunk the course
be kicked out of school
never get into graduate school
have to get A's on the midterm and final
have to go to summer school
never get a good grade

never graduate on time

never get the kind of job I want
my family (or friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, teacher, etc.) will really be disappointed in
me...I'll never be able to face them again
everyone will think I'm stupid...I'll really be embarrassed

Goal Setting
Be sure your goals are your own. It's your life. Do what means most to you. Self-set
goals are better motivators than those imposed by others.

Put goals in writing. This will lessen the odds of losing sight of your goals in the
shuffle of daily activity. Writing goals also increases your commitment.

Make your goals challenging but attainable. Good goals are neither too easy nor
impossible. They should cause you to stretch and grow. A challenging, attainable goal
will hold your interest and keep you motivated.

Goals should be as specific and measurable as possible. Don't say, "I want a better
job." Ask yourself: What kind of job? Making how much money? In what industry?
Living where? Requiring what kind of skill? By when? Specify clearly what you want
and you will save an enormous amount of time and effort.

Every goal should have a target date. Never think of a goal as a goal until you set a
deadline for accomplishment.

Check your major goals for compatibility. Don't fall into the trap of setting major
goals where the achievement of one will prevent the attainment of another.

Frequently revise and update your goals. As a growing person your needs will change
over time, and this means goals will have to be modified, discarded and added from
time to time. Plan flexibly. Don't think of your goals as carved in stone.

Preventing Perfectionism
Going through life as a perfectionist will always damage your self-esteem and strip you
of any warm feelings of self- acceptance you may have for yourself. That's because the
impossibly high demands you make of yourself--and the unrealistic expectations you place
on others--will invite only disappointment, self-repudiation, and widespread unhappiness.
Living your life as a perfectionist will also set you up for continuous rejection and selfputdowns--and deny you peace of mind--because demanding perfection usually results in
failure. And even if you achieve an exceptional result, chances are that you'll still be
unhappy, as you'll find additional reasons for not being good enough. That's the destructive

nature of perfectionism and that's why it destroys self-esteem. Nothing is ever good
Remember, being a perfectionist may paralyze your future chances of success--in
either your personal or your professional life--because you'll eventually fear taking any new
actions that might produce an imperfect result. Preventing perfectionism begins by saying
no to unreasonably high demands that produce only failure and self-contempt. The new way
of thinking requires you to choose goals that are easier to achieve and are within the realm
of your possibilities. Moderate your expectations--and stop focusing on faults and flaws-and then watch your performance and self-esteem soar.
Briefly describe one situation or part of your life in which you would like to be less
perfectionist. What are some specific ways that you could moderate your goals in that
particular situation/area? What consequences might follow from such changes?

Power of Failure
Failure is a teacher and can be the source of much personal growth. Experiencing
failure--and learning to judge your own capabilities--demonstrates that you have the
strength to accept life's challenges. Never condemn yourself for not succeeding. That's
being unfair to yourself. See failure for what it really is: an opportunity to discover that
future success lies in another strategy or direction. You will achieve your next goal if you
learn from your past mistakes. In this section, describe how and what you have learned
from some past "failures".
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." -- Helen Keller

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