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Organic Chemistry Definitions

Homologous Series:
A series of organic compounds that share a general formula, possesses similar chemical properties due to the presence of
the same functional group, with each successive member increasing by CH2 and showing a gradation in physical

Two or more organic molecules that have the same molecular formula but different structural formula

Functional group:
An atom or group of atoms within the structure of an organic molecule, which gives the molecule its characteristic

A compound consisting entirely of carbon and hydrogen

(Catalytic) Cracking:
A process whereby long-chain hydrocarbons are broken into shorter-chain hydrocarbons and hydrogen gas (through the
use of heat and a catalyst)

An organic molecule which contains at least one C=C bond and is hence able to undergo addition reactions

A material that can be decomposed naturally by the action of bacteria

Substitution reaction:
A chemical reaction in which a hydrogen atom on an alkane is replaced with another atom, such as chlorine

A chemical reaction in which many small molecules (known as monomers) combine to form a large macromolecule (known
as a polymer)

A chemical reaction in which an unsaturated organic molecule combines with another substance or itself to form a single
new molecule

Addition Polymerisation:
A chemical reaction in which many small unsaturated organic molecules combine to form a single macromolecule as the
only product

A chemical reaction in which two or more organic molecules combine to form a larger organic molecule, with the
elimination of a small inorganic molecule (such as water or hydrogen chloride) in the process

Condensation Polymerisation:
A chemical reaction in which many small organic molecules combine to form a macromolecules, with the elimination of
small inorganic molecules (such as water or hydrogen chloride) in the process

A large molecule consisting of repeating structural units, formed by the reaction of many small organic molecules joining

A small organic molecule, which can join with many other small organic molecules to form a large molecule known as a

A large molecule consisting of repeating structural units, formed by the reaction of many small organic molecules joining
together (polymer), which has repeating ester/amide linkages in its structure

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