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A Note from Emily

What a sobering message I received from Emily recently. It reminded me of how
deeply children can be hurt while growing up in ministrybut also of Gods heart for the
wounded MK, of his gentle pursuit, and of the unfinished stories Hes yearning to redeem.
Dear Michle,
I'm the MK who grew up resenting her parents' dedication to the mission field, who wants
nothing to do with the Christian faith. What you write finally makes me feel understood.
Depression. Suicidal thoughts. You know how it goes
Since starting college until now, I have progressively and consciously drifted away from the life I
so despised. Part of me yearns to run back to God, but the other tells me nobecause that
would mean voluntarily subjecting myself to the life I barely escaped. But while I am enjoying
this unchained living, I am realizing more every day that I still need Jesus.
Your words give me hope and encouragement Permission not to be perfect. Permission to
doubt. Just being allowed to be a human being with feelings and wants like everybody else.
Thank you for being that voice, because in realizing the hurt and discovering who I can be as a
person, Ive found I can also heal.


Be shepherds of Gods flock that is under your care, watching over them not because you
must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be. I Peter 5:2
Hope and Healing for MKs
The note from Emily (page 1) expresses both the burden and the
blessing of growing up MK. She has experienced a broader and
richer world than she would have in a more traditional setting, but the
stresses and demands of being raised in ministry have left her
wounded too. She so clearly expresses her need for Jesus that Im
convinced her story isnt over, and Im humbled that something I
wrote into the Internet Void guided her toward a deeper
understanding of her souls hunger for Jesus.
In many ways, this ministry is also a burden and a blessing. The
burden is measured in hours of travel, responsibility, workload
and energy. But the blessings are counted in stories like Emilys
in increments of questioning, wrestling and finally reaching
freedom in Christ. The wonderful far outweighs the hard!


Giving is not just about

making a donation. It is about
making a difference.
There are dozens on the team
alreadydozens who have
believed in this ministry and
prayed it into a growing
redemptive endeavor.
At present, there is a deficit of
$500/month in giving, yet full
funding is necessary to keep
this work going.
A commitment of even $20/
month would be a huge help!
Would you pray about it?

Ill admit it, the last few weeks of back-to-back trips have been
taxing. But theyve been crucial and exciting too! Since January, Ive
been to:
Indiana - Speaking to 220 adult MKs about grief and the way it
influences their relationships
Thailand - Keynoting a conference for missionary families serving in
Asia, then teaching multiple sessions with the students & staff of Grace
International School in Chiang Mai
California - Speaking at a ground-breaking event about the need for
MK care in American churches
Germany - Leading sessions for many of the 450 global MK-educators
attending the ACSI conference in Kandern

Each opportunity to speak, teach and mentor has lead to new

invitations (like Russia, Indonesia and Taylor University!) and a
broadening network committed to assisting Missionaries Kids like
Emilychildren displaced and destabilized by an important call,
adults whose faith and wellness depends on the understanding and
help of those who love them.
Because of you, I get to be one small link in that chain.
God is using you to bring hope and healing to MKs.

Quick and easy!

Send your first check to the
G.O. address at end of this
letter and specify that youd like
to join in Michles ministry
~ or ~
go to www.missiongo.org, then
click on ministries/give to
arrange for online giving.
~ or ~
email me & Ill send you a link!

Catching up on all the communication that was left
unattended during my travels.
Continuing/finishing conversations begun with many
missionaries and MKs while overseas.
Teaching about MKs at TeachBeyonds and Global
Outreachs pre-field conferences.
Leading the MKs at TEAMs Reap conference.
Preparing for two re-entry retreats this summer.
Loving on MKs far and wide by engaging with them,
listening to them and mentoring them.


Praise for safe travels in an age when there are no guarantees

Praise for the MKs and missionary families who expressed how much they learned &
gained from the sessions I lead (Thank you, Jesus!)

Praise for evidence, like Emilys email, that God is illuminating and healing MKs


Pray for clarity as I seek to communicate complicated truth

Pray for wisdom as I mentor MKs and share with their parents and caregivers

Pray for ongoing health and stamina as I serve


Mission: Global Outreach, PO Box 2010, Buffalo, NY 14231-2010
Michle: 27W190 Emerson Court, Winfield, IL 60190
Email: shellphoenix@gmail.com
Phone: (331) 625 9030


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