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a - indef. art. 1. ca (cha). 2. one - wa (wa).
able, to be - v. o/khi (o-kee-hee) 1st cl.
about - adj. approximately - wahha (wa-hay-ha)
above adv. iwkab (ee-wa-kab)
abroad - adv. mantu (ma-nee-too)
act, to - v. /Ska (shka) 1st cl.
afternoon - n. wicofahiyaye sam htaytu (wee-cho-gka-hee-ya-yay sam hXta-yeh-too)
again - adv. ak (a-kay)
agency - n. owkpamni (o-wak-pa-mnee)
airplane - n. 1. kiyafiyapi (kee-ya-gkee-ya-pee). 2. jet - kiyfiyapi oh'ako (kee-ya-gkee-ya-pee oh
alcohol n. 1. Pine Ridge - mniwaKN (mnee-wa-kXaN). 2. Rosebud mniSca (mnee-shee-cha).
alcoholic n. 1. itmni (ee-tom-nee). 2. mniwaK ikjapi (mnee wak-kXa ee-koo-zha-pee). 3. Rosebud mniSca kola (mnee-shee-cha ko-la).
all adj. 1. iyha (ee-yoo-ha). 2. oysi (o-ya-see).
all my relatives! - coloq. 1. midkoysi (mee-dak-o-ya-see). 2. formal - Midkuye Oysi (mee-ta-kooyay o-ya-see).
alone adj. iSnla (eesh-na-la)
alot - adj. ta (o-ta)
also - adv. 1. me too miS (meesh). 2. me too mSiya (meesh-ee-ya). 3. as well, also Siya (eeshee-ya).
American - n. milahska (mee-la-ha-ska)
American Indian Movement (A.I.M.) - n. pazo oklakiciye (ay-pa-zo o-ko-la-kee-chee-yay)
and - conj. na (na)
angry, to be - v. 1. angry - a/czeka (a-cha-zay-ka) 1st, 3rd cl. 2. angry - /canzke (cha-zay-kee).
animal - n. 1. any/all living creature(s) wamKaSka (wa-ma-kXa-shka). 2. any four-legged - hu dpa
(hoo do-pa). 3. any two-legged - hu npa (hoo noo-pa). 4. any four-legged domesticated Ska (shooka).
announcer - n. eypaha (ay-ya-pa-ha)
ant - n. Tajska (tXa-zhoo-ska)
antelope - n. hetCikrla (hay-tojeek a-la)
apaloosa - n. higlSka (hee-glay-shka)
apple - n. Tasp (tXa-spa)
approximately - adj. wahha (wa-hay-ha)
April - n. maGksica agl wi (ma-hXak-see-cha a-glee wee)
Arapaho - n. MaHpyaTo (mahX-pee-ya-tXo)
Arikara - n. Hewktokta (hay-wak-tok-ta)
arm n. body part Stima (eesh-tee-ma)
around - prep. ohmni (o-hom-nee)
arrive, to - v. 1. gli (glee) 1st cl. 2. future - gnn kte (gneen ktay) 1st cl. 3. v. here - hi (hee) 1st cl. 4. to
someplace else - /i (ee) 1st cl. 5. at home there - ki (kee) 1st cl.
arrow - n. wahkpe (wa-heek-pay)
aspirin - n. natyazan pejta (na-ta-ya-zan pay-zhoo-ta)
at - prep. 1. da (dta). 2. ekd (ayk-dta). 3. el (ayl).


August - n. "red plums moon" - Kta Sa wi (kXa-ta sha wee)
aunt n. 1. fathers sister Tuw (tXoo-wee). 2. mothers sister in (ee-na).
Aurora Borealis - n. hawaK (ha-wa-kXa)
automobile - n. 1. iycika yaka (ee-yay-chee-ka ee-ya-ka). 2. contraction iycikaka (ee-yaychee-ka-ka).
Autumn - n. ptaytu (pta-yay-too)
baby - n. 1. waKyeja (wa-kXa-yay-zha). 2. newborn hokScala (hok-shee-cha-la). 3. cca (cheecha). 4. bbela (bay-bay-la).
back - n. 1. on body cuw (choo-wee). 2. in back of - hktakiya (hayk-ta-kee-ya). 3. back there fkiya
(gka-kee-ya). 4. back then - hha (hay-ha).
backwards - 1. adv. hktakiya (hayk-ta-kee-ya). 2. n. someone who does things - HeyKa (hay-yo-kXa)
bad - adj. sca (shee-cha)
bad, to be - v. /sca (shee-cha) 3rd cl.
badger - n. Hok (hXo-ka)
badlands - n. makSica (ma-ko-shee-cha)
bag - n. Pa (pXa)
bald - adj. Sla (shla)
bald eagle - n. ankasa (a-noo-ka-sa)
banana - n. 1. Skpela (shko-pay-la). 2. zSkopela (zee-shko-pay-la).
bathroom - n. ohe (o-ee-hay)
be, to - v. 1. a member of a group, nationality, people or species - h/ca (hay-cha) 3rd cl. 2. /u (oo) 1st cl.
3. in a place - yak (ya-ka) irreg.. 4. it is, to be a certain person or thing - e (eh) irreg.
beaded - adj. kSpi (k-shoo-pee)
beadwork - n. wakSpi (wak-shoo-pee)
bean - n. omnca (om-nee-cha)
bear - n. 1. maT (ma-tXo). 2. grizzly Sakhaska (sha-kay-ha-ska).
beating - adj. like a drum or a heart SkaSk (shka-shka)
beaver - n. cpa (cha-pa)
because - conj. ca (cha)
bedbug - n. hlablaska (ha-la-bla-ska)
beer - n. mnipGa (mnee-pee-gXa)
behind adv. 1. ilzata (ee-la-za-ta). 2. backwards hktakiya (hayk-ta-kee-ya).
bent - adj. Skpela (shko-pay-la)
beyond - prep. sam (sam)
bighorn sheep - n. 1. hechSka (hay-chee-shka)
bird - n. zitkla (zeet-ka-la)
bison - n. 1. in general, or bull taTka (ta-tXa-ka). 2. bison cow - pte (ptay). 3. bison cow - pte
wyala (ptay wee-ya-la). 4. bison calf - pte hcila (ptay hee-chee-la).
bitter - adj. oskyacake (o-skoo-ya-cha-kay)
black - 1. adj. color - spa (sa-pa). 2. n. negro - hsapa (ha-sa-pa).
Black Hills, the - n. 1. traditional - He spa (hXay-sa-pa). 2. modern - pha spa (pa-ha sa-pa).
Blackfeet Sioux - n. Sihsapa (see-ha-sa-pa)
blizzard n. iwblu (ee-wo-bloo)
blue - adj. To (tXo)
boiling water - n. mnipGa (mnee-pee-gXa)


bone - n. huh (hoo-hoo)
Boogeyman, the - n. 1. cci (chee-chee). 2. Cchi (jee-chee).
book - n. wwapi (wo-wa-pee)
bow n. weapon itzipa (ee-ta-zee-pa)
boy - n. hokSla (hok-shee-la)
brain - n. 1. nasla (na-soo-la). 2. my brain - masla (ma-soo-la).
branched - adj. HKa (hXa-kXa)
brave - 1. adj. cattriza (cha-tayt ee-za). 2. v. to be brave - ohtika. 3. n. warrior, soldier akcita (akee-chee-ta).
brave, to be - v. o/htika (o-hee-tee-ka) 3rd cl.
bravery - n. woohtika (wo-o-hee-tee-ka)
bread - n. aGyaPi (a-gXoo-ya-pXee)
breathe, to - v. /ni (nee) 1st cl.
brother - n. 1. male, older ciy (chee-yay). 2. fem., older - tibl (tee-blo). 3. (both male and fem.)
younger - mis (mee-soo).
brother-in-law - n. 1. female speaker - Sic', ice (sheech ay). 2. male speaker Tah (tXa-ha).
brought, to be - v. a/ (a-oo) 3rd cl.
brown - adj. Gi (gXee)
Brul - n. SicGu (shee-cha-gXoo)
buffalo - n. 1. in general, or bull taTka (ta-tXa-ka). 2. bison cow - pte (ptay). 3. bison cow - pte
wyala (ptay wee-ya-la). 4. bison calf - pte hcila (ptay hee-chee-la).
buffalo robe - n. SinhiSma (shee-na-hee-shma)
burn, to v. 1. to burn, singe or scorch - /Gu (gXoo)3rd cl. 2. v. on fire, blaze il (ee-leh).
but -1. adv. however dkeHci (do-kayhX-chee). 2. conj. duK (doo-kXa).
butte - n. pah (pa-ha)
butterfly - n. kimmila (kee-mee-mee-la)
buy, to - v. oP/tu (o-pXay-too) 1st cl.
buzzard - n. hec (hay-cha)
cabbage - n. waHpyutapi (wahX-pay-yoo-ta-pee)
caf - n. owtetipi (o-wo-tay-tee-pee)
calendar - n. wiywapi (wee-ya-wa-pee)
called, to be - v. e/Cyapi (ay-jee-ya-pee) 3rd cl.
camp - n. wicti (wee-cho-tee)
camp, to - v. [y]otaka (ee-yo-ta-ka) 2nd cl.
campfire - n. octi (o-chay-tee)
car - n. 1. iycika yaka (ee-yay-chee-ka ee-ya-ka). 2. contraction iycikaka (ee-yay-chee-kaka).
car n. 1. iycikaka (ee-yay-chee-ka-ka). 2. iycika yaka (ee-yay-chee-ka ee-ya-ka).
casino - n. oksukute (o-ka-soo-koo-tay)
cat - n. 1. in general - igm (eeg-moo). 2. house - igm Ska (eeg-moo shoo-ka). 3. wildcat, lion or
mountain lion - igm watgla (eeg-moo wa-to-gla).
Catholic - n. Spau (sa-pa-oo)
cedar - n. HaTSala (hXa-tXay-sha-la)
center - n. central meeting place hocka (ho-cho-ka)
ceremony - n. 1. in general - wicoH'a (wee-chohX a). 2. smudging - azliya (a-zeel-ee-ya). 3. sweat lodge
- inpi (ee-nee-pee). 4. vision quest - Hablc(ay)a (ha-blay-ch[ay]a). 5. throwing of the ball - Tpa
wakyeyapi (tXa-pa wa-ka-yay-ya-pee). 6. ghost dance - wanGi wacpi (wa-na-gXee wa-chee-pee). 7.


sun dance - Wiwke Wacpi (wee-wa-kay wa-chee-pee). 8. smoking a pipe canpa (cha-noo-pa). 9.
naming/adoption - Huk KGapi (hoo-ka ka-gXa-pee). 10. Council with Spirits/healing - Yuwpi (yoowee-pee). 11. Thanksgiving - Wpila (wo-pee-la).
Chadron, NE - n. Cpa wkpa oTwahe (cha-pa wak-pa o-tXu-wa-hay)
chair - n. okake (o-a-ka-kay)
charge! - superl. hka he (ho-ka hay)
cherry - n. cPa (cha-pXa)
chest - n. body part maK (ma-kXoo)
Cheyenne - n. Sahyela (sha-hee-yay-la)
chief - n. itca (ee-ta-cha)
child - n. 1. cca (chee-cha). 2. baby waKyeja (wa-kXa-yay-zha). 3. newborn hokScala (hokshee-cha-la). 4. son ckSi (cheek-shee). 5. daughter ckSi (chook-shee).
childish - adj. someone who acts like a baby - bbela (bay-bay-la)
chin n. ik (ee-koo)
Christ - n. Wankiya (wa-nee-kee-ya)
Christmas - n. Wankiya Tpi (wa-nee-kee-ya tXoo-pee)
church - n. owcekiye (o-wo-chay-kee-yay)
cigarette - n. cal (cha-lee)
circle - n. 1. (orig. wagon-wheel) caglSka (cha-glay-shka). 2. womme (wo-mee-may).
circle - n. wmime (wo-mee-may)
clean - adj. ska (ska)
clean, to - v. 1. [y]usk (yoo-ska) 2nd cl. 2. [y]ujja (yoo-zha-zha) 2nd cl.
clinic - n. okje tpi Ck'ala (o-koo-zhay tee-pee jeek a-la)
clock - n. mazaSkSka (ma-za-shka-shka)
cloth - n. 1. mniHha (mnee-hXoo-ha). 2. white cloth, linen mniHhaska (mnee-hXoo-ha-ska).
clothes - n. haypi (ha-ya-pee)
cloud - n. maHpya (mahX-pee-ya)
clown - n. 1. a mischievous person Klte (kXlay-tay). 2. someone who does things backwards HeyKa
club -n. 1. weapon caks (chak-sa). 2. society, organization okolakciye (o-ko-la-kee-chee-yay).
coffee - n. 1. pejta spa (pay-zhoo-ta sa-pa). 2. waklapi (wa-ka-la-pee). 3. waklyapi (wa-kal-ya-pee).
coin - n. any (quarter, dime, penny, etc.) kaSppi (kash-pa-pee)
cold - adj. 1. osn (o-snee). 2. runny nose Pamn (pXam-nee). 3. flu osn oblspe (o-snee o-bloo-spay).
color - n. wa (o-wa)
commodities - n. government issued, "commods" - wakpmnipi wicu (wak-pam-nee-pee wa-ee-choo)
community - n. tiSpaye (tee-o-shpa-yay)
computer - n. 1. mazanasla (ma-za-na-soo-la). 2. iycika yaka (ee-yay-chee-ka ee-ya-ka). 3.
wuspe omnye (wo-oo-spay om-na-yay).
confidence - n. wacyapi (wa-chee-ya-pee)
continuing - adj. hcena (hay-chay-na)
cook, to - v. i/Hr (eehX a) 1st cl.
cool - adj. 1. temperature cusn (choo-snee). 2. popular, stylish (person) co (cho).
corn - n. wagmza (wag-mee-za)
cough 1. v. hoHP (hohX-pXa). 2. n. hoHP (hohX-pXay).
count coup, to - v. a/P (a-pXa) 1st cl.
country - n. maKce (ma-kXo-chay)
courage - n. woohtika (wo-o-hee-tee-ka)
court, to - v. /Skta (sh-ka-ta) 1st cl.


cousin - n. 1. male speaker, male cousin TahSi (tXa-ha-shee). 2. female speaker, male cousin
hakSi (ha-ka-shee). 3. male speaker, female cousin SiCSi (shee-jeh-shee). 4. female speaker, female
cousin cePNSi (cheh-pXa-shee).
cow - n. 1. Pine Ridge - pte blSka (ptay blaysh-ka). 2. pte glSka (ptay glaysh-ka). 3. Standing Rock ptewanyapi (ptay-wa-nee-ya-pee).
cowboy - n. 1. ptele (ptay-o-lay). 2. Snkafal wicSa (shoonk-a-gkal wee-cha-sha).
coyote - n. Sukmnitu (shook-ma-nee-too)
crafty - n. skilled with one's hands - wa/ypike (wa-yoo-pee-kay) 3rd cl.
crawl, to - v. /sloh (slo-ha) 1st cl.
crazy - adj. 1. daring, reckless - wtko (weet-ko). 2. very - witktkoke (weet-kot-ko-kay).
creek - n. wakpla (wak-pa-la)
cricket - n. tiySlo (tee-yo-shlo)
crippled - adj. huSt (hoosh-tay)
crooked - adj. Skpela (shko-pay-la)
Crow - n. (Tribe) 1. kaG wicSa (kXa-gXee wee-cha-sha). 2. psloka (psa-lo-ka).
crow - n. KaG (kXa-gXee)
cry, to - v. 1. /cya (chay-ya) 1st cl. 2. out to - hye/ya (ho-yay-ya) 1st cl.
cup - n. wyatk'e (wee-yat-k ay)
dance - n. wacpi (wa-chee-pee)
dance, to - v. wa/c (wa-chee) 1st cl.
dark - adj. spa (sa-pa)
daughter - n. cksi (chook-shee)
dawn - n. po (a-po)
day - n. aptu (a-pay-too)
December - n. wancoka wi (wa-nee-cho-ka wee)
deer - n. txHca (tXahX-cha)
depend on, to - v. wac/ya (wa-chee-ya) 1st cl.
desert - n. makSica (ma-ko-shee-cha)
desk - n. aflwowapi (a-gka-wo-aw-pee)
destitute - adj. waHpnic (wahX-pa-nee-cha)
diabetes - n. 1. skyakuja (skoo-ya-koo-zha). 2. mniskyakuje (mni-skoo-ya-koo-zhay).
die, to - v. /t'a (t a) 3rd cl.
different - adj. Tkca (tXok-cha)
difficult - adj. 1. tHi (tay-hXee). 2. otHi (o-tay-hXee). 3. extremely difficult otHika (o-tay-hXee-ka).
dime - n. kaSppi (kash-pa-pee)
dirty - adj. spa (sa-pa)
dizzy, to be - v. (also, to be drunk) - i/tmni (ee-tom-nee) 1st cl.
do, to - 1. v. /kGa (ka-gXa) irreg. 2. v. /Ska (shka) 1st cl.
dog - n. Ska (shoo-ka)
dollar - n. 1. one dollar wajla (wa-zhee-la). 2. bill (one, five, ten, etc.) - wwapi (wo-wa-pee).
doorway - n. tiypa (tee-yo-pa)
dream - n. hablceya (ha-blay-chay-a)
dream catcher n. spider hoop iktmi canglSka (eek-to-mee chan-glaysh-ka)
dress - n. cuwgnaka (choo-weeg-na-ka)
drink, to - v. 1. [y]atk (yat-kay) 2nd cl. 2. alcohol, unless otherwise specified - w[y]atke (wo-yat-kay) 2nd
drum - n. cceGa (cha-chay-gXa)


drunk, to be v. intoxicated or dizzy - i/tmni (ee-tom-nee) 1st cl.
duck - n. maGksica (ma-hXak-see-cha)
dusk - n. Htakyaka (hXta-kee-ya-ka)
each adj. iyhila (ee-yo-hee-la)
eagle - n. 1. wabl (wa-blee). 2. spotted eagle wablgleSka (wa-blee-glay-shka). 3. bald eagle ankasa (a-noo-ka-sa)
ear - n. nGe (noo-gXay)
earth - n. maK (ma-kXa)
East - n. whinPa (wee-hee-na-pXa)
eat, to - v. 1. w/te (wo-tay) 1st cl. 2. [y]ut (yoo-ta) 1st cl.
eight - n. SaglGa (sha-glo-gXa)
elder - n. Tfafa (tXa-gka-gka)
eleven - n. ak waj (a-kay wa-zhee)
elk - n. heHka (hay-hXa-ka)
employment - n. wicoH'a (wee-chohX a)
enemy - n. Tka (tXo-ka)
engine - n. "by itself" iycika (ee-yay-chee-ka)
English - n. language waScu (wa-shee-choo)
englishman - n. gleSa (o-glay-sha)
entrance - n. tiypa (tee-yo-pa)
evening - n. Htaytu (hXta-yay-too)
every adj. iyhila (ee-yo-hee-la)
everyone - adj. oysi (o-ya-see)
excessive adj. ismya (ee-sam-ya)
excuse me interj. ska (ee-ska)
exhausted, to be - v. wa/dkxa (wa-dtoo-kXa) 3rd cl.
eye glasses n. iStmaza (eesh-ta-ma-za)
eyes n. Sta (eesh-ta)
F.B.I. agent - n. TukSila woPe wabsi wicSa (tXoo-ka-shee-la wo-o-pXay wa-ba-see wee-cha-sha)
face n. it (ee-tay)
faith - n. wacyapi (wa-chee-ya-pee)
Fall - n. ptaytu (pta-yay-too)
family - n. 1. tiwhe (tee-wa-hay). 2. extended tishpaye (tee-o-shpa-yay). 3. relatives dkuye (da-kooyay).
fast - adv. lzaha (loo-za-ha)
fat - adj. 1. cpa (chay-pa). 2. bub (boo-boo). 3. large, great Tka (tXa-ka). 4. of meat Si (shee).
father - n. at (a-tay)
feast - n. a feed wlwicayapi (wol-wee-cha-ya-pee)
February - n. 1. canpopa wi (cha-na-po-pa wee). 2. TiyHeuKa wi (tXee-yo-hXay-oo-kXa wee). 3.
wictra wi (wee-chat a wee).
Feed - n. at a ceremony or gathering wlwicayapi (wol-wee-cha-ya-pee)
ferret n. itpta spa (ee-top-ta sa-pa)
fig - n. TamnoHpi (tXa-mnee-ohX-pee)
fight - n. fichzapi (gkee-chee-za-pee)
finger - n. naps (nap-sa)
fire - n. 1. Pta (pXe-ta). 2. campfire or bonfire octi (o-chay-tee). 3. blazing il (ee-leh).


fire pit - n. octi (o-chay-tee)
fireplace - n. octi (o-chay-tee)
first adj. tokheya (to-ka-hay-ya)
fish - 1. n. hoG (ho-gXa). 2. v. to go fishing - ho/kwa (ho-koo-wa) 1st cl.
five - adj. zpta (zap-ta)
five dollar bill - n. mzaska zpta owpi (ma-za-ska zap-ta o-wa-pee)
fix, to v. aPya (a-pXee-ya) 3rd cl.
floor - n. cwija (cho-wi-zha)
flower - n. wanHca (wa-nahX-cha)
fog - n. p'o (p o)
food - n. wyute (wo-yoo-tay)
foolish - adj. 1. daring, reckless - wtko (weet-ko). 2. very - witktkoke (weet-kot-ko-kay).
foot - n. si (see)
forest - n. 1. ca (cha). 2. cata (cha-o-ta).
form, to - 1. v. /fGa (ga-gXa) irreg. 2. pref. fa- (gka).
four - n. dpa (do-pa)
fox - n. 1. SKila (shoo-kXee-la). 2. kit fox Tokla (tXo-ka-la).
Friday - n. aptu zapt (a-pay-too zap-ta)
friendship - n. wlaKota (wo-la-kXo-ta)
from - prep. etha (ay-ta-ha)
frost - n. Heyka (hXay-yoo-ka)
fry bread - n. wgli u fGapi (wee-glee oo ka-gXa-pee)
gathering - n. wicoH'a (wee-chohX a)
generosity - n. 1. wacte ognke (wa-cha-tay og-na-kay). 2. wactognaka (wa-cha-tog-na-ka).
get rid of, to - v. iHp/ya (eehX-pay-ya) 1st cl.
get, to - v. i/c (ee-choo) 1st cl.
ghost - n. 1. a persons ghost or a non-human supernatural presence wanGi (wa-na-gXee). 2. an animals
naGla (na-gXee-la). 3. a haunt, ghost (a spook or goblin) - Cchi (jee-chee).
girl - n. wiccala (wee-chee-cha-la)
give, to - v. 1. to give to - /k'u (k oo) 1st cl.
give-away - n. after a ceremony or gathering wHpeyapi (weehX-pay-ya-pee)
go, to v. 1. present tense [y] (ya) 2nd cl.. 2. past tense i[y]ya (ee-ya-ya) 2nd cl. 3. future tense - [y]in
kte (yeen-ktay) irreg.
God - n. 1. WaKTka (wa-kXa tXa-ka). 2. TukSila (tXoo-ka-shee-la). 3. archaic - db dob fi (dob
dob gkee). 4. Savior, Christ - wankiya (wa-nee-kee-ya).
gold - n. mzaska zi (ma-za-ska zee)
gone - adj. dKahe (do-kXa-hay)
good - adj. 1. waSt (wash-tay). 2. very owStecake (o-wash-tay-cha-kay). 3. very - lla waSt (lee-la
good-bye - interj. 1. dkSa (dok-sha). 2. formal - dkSa ak wacya fi kte (dok-sha a-kay wa-chee-ya
gkee ktay).
goose - n. maGsapa (ma-hXa-sa-pa)
gossip - n. 1. wyaka (wo-ya-ka). 2. belittling oStgla (osh-tay-gla).
gossip, to - v. w[y]aka (wo-ya-ka) 2nd cl.
government - n. wkicuze (wo-kee-choo-zay)
grandchild - n. Tafja (tXa-gko-zha)
grandfather - n. 1. TukSila (tXoo-ka-shee-la). 2. coloq. to Pine Ridge faf (gka-gka). 3. coloq. to
Cheyenne River, Rosebud, Lower Brul - lal (la-la).


grandmother - n. uc (oo-chee)
grape - n. 1. cuwyapehe (choo-wee-ya-pay-hay). 2. Kta (kXa-ta).
grass - n. pej (pay-zhee)
grasshopper - n. gnugnSka (gnoo-gnoosh-ka)
gray - adj. Hta (hXo-ta)
great - n. Tka (tXa-ka)
green - adj. TTo (tXo-tXo)
grove - n. cawta (cha-wee-ta)
gun - n. mza waK (ma-za wa-kXa)
gunpowder n. caHl (chahX-lee)
hail - n. weather - washihe (wa-soo-hee-hay)
hair - n. 1. human Peh (pXay-hee). 2. animal - hi (hee).
half - adj. okse (o-kee-say)
half-breed n. iyska (ee-yay-ska)
Halloween n. itGi kitpi (ee-to-gXee kee-too-pee)
hand - n. body part - nap (na-pay)
hang out, to v. somewhere; slang - o/ye (o-oo-yeh) 1st cl.
hangover n. 1. itmni opSni (ee-to-mnee o-pee-shnee). 2. hard, difficult, hung-over tHi (tay-hxee). 3.
sick, hung-over kje (koo-zhay).
happy - adj. oyokpi (o-ee-yok-pee)
happy, to be v. i[y]Ski (ee-yoosh-kee) 2nd cl.
hard - adj. 1. tHi (tay-hXee). 2. otHi (o-tay-hXee). 3. extremely difficult otHika (o-tay-hXee-ka).
have, to - v. [y]uh (yoo-ha) 2nd cl.
hawk - n. 1. cet, ceta (chay-ta). 2. red tailed hawk caSk (cha-shka).
head - n. nat (na-ta)
head-dress - n. wapha (wa-pa-ha)
heal, to 1. recover from a wound - o/Kzi (o-kXee-zee) 3rd cl. 2. through a Lakta ceremony - v. aP/ya (apXee-ya) 3rd cl. 3. through a Lakta ceremony - v. waP/ya (wa-pXee-ya) 3rd cl.
hear, to - v. na/H'n (na-hX on) 1st cl.
heart - n. cat (cha-tay)
Heaven - n. MaHpya (mahX-pee-ya)
hello - interj. 1. male - hu (ha-oo). 2. formal greeting/introduction to crowd or strangers - cat waSt nap
ciyzapi (yelo) (cha-tay na-pay chee-yoo-za-pee [yeh-lo]). 3. familiar (how are you?) dSke (doshkay). 4. familiar (how are you?) - doSk yau (hwo/he)? (dosh-kay ya-oo (hwo/hay)).
help, to - v. /okya (o-kee-ya) 1st cl.
her - poss. adj. Twa (tXa-wa)
here - adv. lel (layl)
hiccups n. blokska (blo-ka-ska)
his - poss. adj. Twa (tXa-wa)
hit, to 1. v. a/P (a-pXa) 1st cl. 2. v. shooting something - /o (o) 1st cl.
hit, to be - v. a/P (a-pXa) 3rd cl.
holiday - n. wwaSi et asnkiyapi (wo-wa-shee ay-ta a-snee-kee-ya-pee)
holy - adj. waK (wa-kXa)
Holy Man - n. 1. wicSa waK (wee-cha-sha wa-kXa). 2. iyska (ee-yay-ska).
home - 1. n. dwelling - tpi (tee-pee). 2. n. lodge, dwelling tipStola (tee-paysh-to-la). 3. v. to return to /fu, ku (gkoo) irreg. 4. v. to go - /gla (gla) 1st cl. 5. v. to arrive - gli (glee) 1st cl.


homosexual - n. wkte (week-tay)
hoop - n. caglSka (cha-glay-shka)
horn - n. an animals - he (hay)
horse - n. 1. Sunk (shoonk). 2. SkawaKa (shoo-ka-wa-kXa). 3. roan hiT (hee-tXo). 4. apaloosa
higlSka (hee-glay-shka).
horseman n. 1. Snkafal wicSa (shoonk-a-gkal wee-cha-sha). 2. cowboy - ptele (ptay-o-lay).
hospital - n. okje tpi (o-koo-zhay tee-pee)
hot - adj. 1. Kte (kXa-tay). 2. weather oKte (o-kXa-tay).
Hot Springs, SD - n. Mni Kta oTwahe (mnee kXa-ta o-tXoo-wa-hay)
hotel - n. 2. oHpye tpi (ohX-pa-yay tee-pee). 2. oHpyeti (ohX-pa-yay-tee).
hour - n. 1. oPe (o-a-pXay). 2. o'clock mazaSkSka (ma-za-shka-shka).
house - n. 1. tpi (tee-pee). 2. tipstola (tee-pays-to-la).
housing cluster - n. H.U.D. housing - wicti tpi (wee-cho-tee tee-pee)
how - adv. 1. dkel (do-kayl). 2. dkeSke (do-kaysh-kay).
how many - adj. dnakca (do-nak-cha)
how much - adj. dnakca (do-nak-cha)
however - 1. adv. dkeHci (do-kayhX-chee). 2. conj. duK (doo-kXa).
humble - adj. Sika (oo-shee-ka)
humble, to be - v. /Sika (oo-shee-ka) 3rd cl.
hungry, to be - v. loc (lo-chee) 1st cl.
hunt, to 1. v. /kwa (koo-wa) 1st cl. 2. v. o/l (o-leh) 1st cl.
I - pron. mye (mee-yay). 2. miS (meesh).
I.H.S. - n. Indian Health Services - okje tpi awke (o-koo-zhay tee-pee a-wa-kay)
insect - n. wablSka (wa-bloo-shka)
inside - adv. mahl (ma-hayl)
interpreter - n. iyska (ee-yay-ska)
into - adv. mahl (ma-hayl)
iron - n. mza (ma-za)
jacket - n. gleSka (o-glay-sho-ka)
jail - n. okSke (o-kash-kay)
January - n. teH wi (tay-hXee wee)
jeans - n. uzGe (oo-zo-gXay)
jerky - n. 1. wakqaqi (wa-ka-bpa-bpee). 2. qqa (bpa-bpa).
Jesus - n. Wankiya (wa-nee-kee-ya)
job - n. wicoH'a (wee-chohX a)
July - n. cPa spa wi (cha-pXa sa-pa wee)
jump, to - v. 1. over something - a/psca (ap-see-cha) 1st cl. 2. /psca (psee-cha) 1st cl. 3. up - waklye
/c'iye (wa-kal-yay eej ee-yay) 3rd cl.
June - n. 1. tNpsila wi (teemp-see-la wee). 2. wipjutkan waSt wi (wee-pa-zhoot-ka wash-tay wee).
just adj. Se (ee-shay)
kill, to - v. fat (gka ta) irreg.
knee - n. cakp (chak-pay)
know, to - v. slol/y (slol-ya) 1st cl.
Kyle, SD - n. Pejta Hka (pay-zhoo-ta hXa-ka)
lake - n. ble (blay)
lame - adj. huSt (hoosh-tay)


lance -n. wpaha (wa-pa-ha)
land - n. maKce (ma-kXo-chay)
language - n. 1. suff. ipi (ee-a-pee). 2. Sioux Laktiya (lak-ho-tee-ya). 3. Sioux Lakhl (lak-hol). 4.
Sioux Lakta (lak-ho-ta). 5. English waScu (wa-shee-choo).
large - adj. 1. Tka (tXa-ka). 2. bub (boo-boo).
laugh, to - v. 1. i/H (eehX-a) 1st cl. 2. hysterically (lit. die laughing)- i/Htra (eehX-at a) 1st cl.
law - n. woPe (wo-o-pXay)
leader n. itca (ee-ta-cha)
leaf - n. cawPe (cha-wa-pXay)
learn, to - v. o/sp (o-spay) irreg.
led, to be - v. a/ (a-oo) 3rd cl.
left - 1. adj. side of catK (chat-kXa). 2. adj. catKyakakiya (chat-kXa-ya-ka-kee-ya). 3. v. went away i[y]ya (ee-ya-ya) 2nd cl.
leg - n. hu (hoo)
lemonade - n. 1. mniskuya (mnee-ee-skoo-ya). 2. mniskya (mnee-skoo-ya).
lies - n. wwicakSni (wo-wee-chak-shnee)
life - n. 1. wicni (wee-cho-nee). 2. healthy, balanced wiczani (wee-cho-za-nee).
lightning bug - n. wayca (wa-yay-cha)
like, to 1. v. waSt/laka (wash-tay-la-ka) 1st cl. 2. suff. to like to do something - sa (s a).
live, to - v. 1. to be alive - /ni (nee) 1st cl. 2. somewhere - /ti (tee) 1st cl. 3. somewhere temporarily o/ye
(o-oo-yeh) 1st cl.
lizard - n. aglSka (a-glay-shka)
lodge - n. 1. tpi (tee-pee). 2. tipstola (tee-pay-sto-la).
lonely, to be - v. iy/kSica (ee-yok-shee-cha) 3rd cl.
long - adj. 1. long, tall - hska (ha-ska). 2. long ago - hha lcetu (hay-ha lay-chay-too). 3. a long time
ago, then (far in the past) - ehNk ehN (ay-hooNk ay-haN). 4. a long time ago (in the old times) - ehni
lcetu (ay-ha-nee lay-chay-too).
look ! - interj. wa! (wa)
louse - n. hya (hay-ya)
love, to - v. 1. /teHla (tay-hXee-la) 3rd cl. 2. waSt/laka (wash-tay-la-ka) 3rd cl.
M.C. - n. eypaha (ay-ya-pa-ha)
mad, to be - v. 1. angry - a/czeka (a-cha-zay-ka) 1st, 3rd cl. 2. angry - /canzke (cha-zay-kee). 3.
insane, foolish - witkke (weet-ko-kay). 4. insane, foolish witkco (weet-ko-cho)
maggot - n. waglla (wa-gloo-la)
magpie - n. 1. halhte (hal-ha-tay). 2. ukcGila (ook-chay-gXee-la).
make, to - v. /fGa (ga-gXa) irreg.
man - n. 1. wicSa (wee-cha-sha). 2. common, ordinary - kce wicSa (eek-chay wee-cha-sha). 3. Holy,
Medicine - wicSa waK (wee-cha-sha wa-kXa). 4. young man KoSklaka (kXosh-ka-la-ka). 5. old man
wicHcala (wee-chahX-cha-la).
Mandan - n. Miwatni (mee-wa-ta-nee)
Manderson, SD - n. OyHpe (o-yoohX-pay)
mangy - adj. SlSla (shla-shla)
manure - n. cesl (chay-slee)
many - adj. 1. dna (do-na). 2. ta (o-ta). 3. how many dnakca (do-nak-cha).


March n. month 1. sore eyes moon - iStawicyaza wi (eesh-ta-wee-cha-ya-za wee). 2. Siy iStHcapi
wi (shee-yo ish-tohX-cha-pee wee).
marijuana - n. slang pej (pay-zhee)
May - n. 1. cawPe to wi (cha-wa-pXay to wee). 2. wojpi wi (wo-zhoo-pee wee).
maybe - adv. 1. placed at beginning of sentence - ugn (oo-gna). 2. placed at beginning of sentence
ugnS (oo-gnash).
me - pron. 1. mye (mee-yay). 2. miS (meesh).
meat - n. 1. Tlo (tXa-lo). 2. pemmican (dried/jerky) wakqaqi (wa-ka-bpa-bpee). 3. pemmican
(dried/jerky) qqa (bpa-bpa).
meat - n. 1. Tal (tXa-lo). 2. pounded, mixed with berries - wsna (wa-sna).
medicine - n. pejta (pay-zhoo-ta)
medicine man n. 1. wicSa waK (wee-cha-sha wa-kXa). 2. n. interpreter of the spirits - iyska (eeyay-ska).
metal - n. mza (ma-za)
Mexican - n. Spayla (spa-yo-la)
midnight - n. 1. hacka (ha-cho-ka). 2. after - hacka ismya (ha-cho-ka ee-sam-ya).
milk - n. aspi (a-sa-pee)
mine - pron. 1. miTwa (mee-tXa-wa)
missing - adj. dKahe (do-kXa-hay)
mixed-blood - n. part Lakota; may be offensive to some - iyska (ee-yay-ska)
modern - adj. 1. new, modern - Tca (tXay-cha). 2. modern times lhaN (lay-haN).
Monday - n. aptu Tokheya (a-pay-too tXo-ka-hay-ya)
money - n. 1. money (in general) - mzaska (ma-za-ska). 2. coins, change fasppi (gka-spa-pee). 3. paper
money, bills - mzaska owpi (ma-za-ska o-wa-pee).
month - n. wi (wee)
moon - n. haw (ha-wee)
more - prep. sam (sam)
morning - n. wicofyaSni (wee-cho-gka-ya-shnee)
mosquito - n. caPka (cha-pXu-ka)
mother n. in (ee-na)
motor - n. "by itself" iycika (ee-yay-chee-ka)
mountain - n. He (hXay)
mouse n. iTnkala (ee-tXoon-ka-la)
mouth - n. body part - i (ee)
move about, to - v. /Ska (shka) 1st cl.
Mt. Rushmore - n. Wicte fGpi (wee-chee-tay ka-gXa-pee)
mule - n. SSula (shoo-shoo-la)
music - n. 1. lowpi (lo-wa-pee). 2. olwa (o-lo-wa). 3. rock music, any new music - lowpi tca (lowa-pee tay-cha).
myself - pron. 1. mye (mee-yay). 2. miS (meesh).
mysterious - adj. waK (wa-kXa)
name - n. caj (cha-zhay)
named, to be - v. e/Cyapi (ay-jee-ya-pee) 3rd cl.
nation - n. oyte (o-ya-te)
neck - n. Tah (tXa-hoo)
need, to - v. /ci (chee) 1st cl.
nephew - n. 1. fem. ToSk (tXo-shka). 2. male ToSk (tXo-shka).


new - adj. Tca (tXay-cha)
newspaper - n. 1. wwapi uwyaka (wo-wa-pee oo-wo-ya-ka). 2. wyaka (wo-ya-ka).
nice - adj. owStecake (o-wash-tay-cha-kay)
nickel - n. kaSppi oKse (kash-pa-pee o-kXee-say)
niece - n. 1. fem. Toj (tXo-zha). 2. male Toj (tXo-zha).
night - n. hahpi (ha-hay-pee)
nine - n. napcuka (nap-chee-oo-ka)
no - interj. 1. hiy (hee-ya). 2. hoH (ho-hX).
noisily - adj. bya (boo-ya)
noon - n. 1. wcofa (wee-cho-gka). 2. wicofhiyye (wee-cho-gka-hee-ya-yay).
North - n. wazyata (wa-zee-ya-ta)
Northern Lights - n. hawKa (ha-wa-kXa)
nose - n. 1. Pas (pXa-soo). 2. runny nose Pamn (pXam-nee).
not - encl. Sni (shnee)
not much - adj. Ckrala (jeek a-la)
not yet - prep. nahH'ci (na-haX chee)
nothing - pron. dkuni (da-koo-nee)
November -n. wanyetu wi (wa-nee-yay-too wee)
now - adv. 1. right at this moment - lehl (lay-hal). 2. nakS (na-kaysh). 3. wan (wa-na).
ocean - n. mniwaca (mnee-o-wa-cha)
October - n. cawPefasna wi (cha-wa-pXay-gka-sna wee)
offer, to v. 1. give away a/Hpeya (a-eehX-pay-ya). 1st cl. 2. offer, to the spirits iyaH/Kiye (ee-yahXay-kXee-yay) 1st cl. 3. wangxi wicu /k'u (wa-na-gXee wo-ee-choo k oo) 1st cl.
officer - n. akcita (a-kee-chee-ta)
Oglala, SD - n. MaKsa wakp (ma-kXa-sa wak-pa)
old - adj. Tan (tXa-nee)
on - prep. afl (a-gkal)
one - 1. adj. wac (wa-chee). 2. waj (wa-zhee). 3. indef. art. wa (wa).
one hundred - n. opwiGe (o-pa-wee-gXay)
one-thousand - n. KktopawiGe (kXok-to-pa-wee-gXay)
onion - n. pSi (pshee)
only - adj. Se (ee-shay)
or - conj. niS (na-eesh)
orange - 1. n. fruit Taspzi (tXa-spa-zee). 2. adj. color zSa (zee-sha).
organization - n. okolakciye (o-ko-la-kee-chee-yay)
our - poss. adj. uTwapi (tXa-wa-pee)
outhouse - n. ohe tpi (o-ee-hay tee-pee)
pants - n. uzGe (oo-zo-gXay)
paper - n. 1. mniHhaska (mnee-hXoo-ha-ska). 2. n. wwapi (wo-wa-pee).
pasture - n. 1. owyaSla (o-wa-ya-shla). 2. buffalo pasture - pte uye (pte o-oo-yay).
path - n. cak (cha-koo)
pawn shop - n. waHpayapi (wa-ohX-pa-ya-pee)
Pawnee - n. Palni (pa-la-nee)
peace - n. wlaKota (wo-la-kXo-ta)
peach - n. TasphiSma (tXa-spa-hee-shma)
pear - n. Tasp pstola (tXa-spa pay-sto-la)


pemmican - n. 1. wakqaqi (wa-ka-bpa-bpee). 2. qqa (bpa-bpa).
pen - n. mnispawicazo (mnee-sa-pa-wee-cha-zo)
pencil - n. wcazo (wee-cha-zo)
penis - n. sus (soo-soo)
penny - n. mzaSala (ma-za-sha-la)
people - n. oyte (o-ya-te)
perhaps - adv. 1. placed at beginning of sentence - ugn (oo-gna). 2. placed at beginning of sentence
ugnS (oo-gnash).
peyote - n. ukcla (ook-chay-la)
picture - n. idwapi (ee-do-wa-pee)
pig - n. kukSe (koo-koo-shay)
Pine Ridge, SD - n. 1. town of - Owkpamni oTwahe (o-wak-pa-mnee o-tXoo-wa-hay). 2. Reservation,
area - Waz pah (wa-zee pa-ha).
pipe - n. smoking/ceremonial canpa (cha-noo-pa)
pitiful - adj. Sika (oo-shee-ka)
pitiful, to be - v. /Sika (oo-shee-ka) 3rd cl.
play, to - v. /Skta (sh-ka-ta) 1st cl.
playing cards - n. Kans (kXan-soo)
plums - n. Kta (kXa-ta)
point, to - v. /pazo (ay-pa-zo) 1st cl.
police officer - n. 1. caksyuha (chak-sa-yoo-ha). 2. caks (chak-sa).
poor - adj. 1. Sika (oo-shee-ka). 2. waHpnicha (wahX-pa-nee-cha).
poor, to be - v. /Sika (oo-shee-ka) 3rd cl.
porcupine - n. Pah (pXa-hee)
Porcupine, SD - n. Pah ste (pa-hee see-tay)
potato - n. blo (blo)
pow wow - n. wacpi (wa-chee-pee)
prairie - n. oblya (o-bla-ya)
prairie dog - n. pispza (pees-pee-za)
pray, to - v. 1. hye/ya (ho-yay-ya) 1st cl. 2. /cwakiye (chay-wa-kee-yay) 1st cl.
pregnant, to be - v. /iglzica (ee-gloo-zee-cha) 3rd cl.
priest - n. Catholic - spau (sa-pa-oo)
probably - adv. (placed at the end of sentence) nacce (na-chay-chay)
pull, to - v. [y]utta (yoo-tee-ta) 2nd cl.
pulsating - adj. SkaSk (shka-shka)
puppy - n. SuKpla (shookX-pa-la)
purple - adj. TSa (tXo-sha)
push, to - v. /qatta (bpa-tee-ta) 1st cl.
quarter - n. Skela (sho-kay-la)
question - encl. 1. male - hwo (hoo-wo). 2. fem. - he (hay).
quilt - n. 1. owja (o-wee-zha). 2. star blanket - wicHpe owja (wee-chahX-pay o-wee-zha).
rabbit - n. maStcala (mash-ti-cha-la)
racism - n. oyte Tkeca wawHtelaSni (o-ya-te tXo-kay-cha wa-weehX-tay-la-shnee)
racoon - n. wictegleGa (wee-chee-tay-glay-gXa)
radio - n. 1. ikcola masrPe (ee-ka-cho-la mas a-pXay). 2. hTate (ho-tXa-tay).
railroad - n. train or R.R. tracks mzacaku (ma-za-cha-koo).
rain - n. 1. maGju (ma-gXa-zhoo). 2. hih (hee-heh).
Rapid City, SD - n. Mni lzaha wakp oTwahe (mnee loo-za-ha wak-pa o-tXoo-wa-hay)


rat n. 1. iTnkalaTka (ee-tXoon-ka-la-tXa-ka). 2. iTnkTka (ee-tXoonk-tXa-ka).
receive, to - v. i/c (ee-choo) 1st cl.
red - adj. 1. Sa (sha). 2. scarlet - lta (loo-ta).
Red Road, the - n. proper path (in life) - cak lta fi (cha-koo loo-ta gkee)
Red Shirt, SD - n. Ogle lta (o-glay loo-ta)
red willow - n. caSSa (cha-sha-sha)
region - n. maKce(ma-kXo-chay)
relative - n. 1. dkuye (da-koo-yay). 2. adopted - huk (hoo-ka).
reliability - n. wacyapi (wa-chee-ya-pee)
repair, to v. aPya (a-pXee-ya) 3rd cl.
respect - n. 1. yuniha (yoo-o-nee-ha). 2. wowci Tka (wo-wa-chee tXa-ka).
rest, to - n. asn/kiya (a-snee-kee-ya) 1st cl.
restaurant - n. owtetipi (o-wo-tay-tee-pee)
return - 1. v. home, to - /fu (gkoo) irreg. 2. adv. ak (a-kay).
rice - n. psi (psee)
rifle - n. mza waK (ma-za wa-kXa)
right - 1. superl. correct hcetu (hay-chay-too). 2. adj. side of - iSlya (eesh-la-ya). 3. adj. side of
iSlyaTakiya (essh-la-ya-tXa-kee-ya).
river - n. wakp (wak-pa)
road - n. cak (cha-koo)
rock n. ya (ee-ya)
Roman Catholic - adj., n. spau (sa-pa-oo)
root - n. of a tree or plant cahte (cha-hoo-tay)
run, to v. /yake (ee-ya-kay) 1st cl.
Rushville, NE - n. OwaTksu oTwahe (o-wa-tXok-soo o-tXoo-wa-hay)
sacred - adj. waK (wa-kXa)
sad, to be v. iy/kSica (ee-yok-shee-cha) 3rd cl.
sage - n. plant - pejHota (pay-zhee-hXo-ta)
said, it is interj. 1. eypelo (ay-ya-pay-lo). 2. Sk (shkay).
salt - n. mniskya (mnee-skoo-ya)
Sans Arc Sioux - n. Without Bows - Itzipco (ee-ta-zeep-cho)
Saturday - n. owkayujajapi aptu (o-wa-ka-yoo-zha-zha a-pay-too)
saviour - n. Wankiya (wa-nee-kee-ya)
say, to - v. ey (ay-ya)
saying n. oe (o-ee-yay)
scared, to be - v. nihciya (nee-hee-chee-ya) irreg. 3rd cl.
scarlet - n. lta (loo-ta)
scattered - 1. adj. inanimate objects only - hiyya (hee-yay-ya). 2. n. (They) Scatter Their Own - Oglla
school - n. owyawa (o-wa-ya-wa)
sea - n. blTaka (blay-tXa-ka)
search, to v. for something specific - o/l (o-leh) 1st cl.
season - n. maKcaGe (ma-kXo-cha-gXay)
see, to - v. wa[y]ke (wa-ya-kay) 2nd cl.
seemingly - interj. "it would appear" - seche (seh-chay)
sell, to - v. wyoPe/ya (wee-yo-pXay-ya) 3rd cl.
September - n. cawPe Gi wi (cha-wa-pXay gXee wee)


settle down, to - v. [y]otaka (ee-yo-ta-ka) 2nd cl.
settle, to be - v. in a place - [y]ak (ya-ka) irreg.
seven - n. Sakwi (sha-ko-wee)
sheep - n. 1. THca Skala (tXahX-cha shook-a-la). 2. bighorn - hecSka (hay-chee-shka).
shield - n. wahcaka (wa-ha-cha-ka)
shirt - n. gle (o-glay)
shit - n. cesl (chay-slee)
shoes - n. 1. in general - hpa (ha-pa). 2. ordinary (casual) shoes or moccasins - hanpkceka (han-peekchay-ka).
shoot 1. v. to hit when shooting /o (o) 1st cl.
shop, to - v. wPe/Tu (wo-pXay-tXoo) 1st cl.
short - adj. 1. singular - ptcala (ptay-cha-la). 2. pteptcala (ptay-ptay-cha-la).
shy, to be - v. w/Stece (weesh-tay-chay) 3rd cl.
sick, to be - v. /kja (koo-zha) 3rd cl.
sickness - n. okje (o-koo-zhay). 2. runny nose Pamn (pXam-nee). 3. diarrhea gaj (ga-zho). 4. cough hoHP (hohX-pXay). 5. cold, flu osn oblspe (o-snee o-bloo-spay). 6. diabetes - skyakuja (skoo-ya-koozha). 7. diabetes - mniskyakuje (mni-skoo-ya-koo-zhay). 8. alcoholism - mniwaK ikjapi (mnee wakkXa ee-koo-zha-pee).
side-by-side adv. 1. iskib (ee-sa-keeb). 2. iskibya (ee-sa-keeb-ya).
sing, to - v. /low (lo-wa) 1st cl.
Sioux - n. 1. person, language; "friend" or "ally" - Lakta (lak-ho-ta). 2. language - laktiya (lak-ho-teeya). 3. language, anything Lakta - lakhl (lak-hol). 4. Pine Ridge Sioux - Oglla (o-gla-la). 5. Brul, Crow
Creek, or Rosebud Sioux - icGu (shee-cha-gXoo). 6. Cheyenne River - Mnikju (mnee-ko-zhoo),
Two Kettle - Ohenupa (o-o-hay-noo-pa) (both bands live on the Cheyenne River Reservation). 7.
Standing Rock Sioux - Ukpapa (oo-pa-pa), Sans Arc (Without Bows) - Itzipco (ee-ta-zeep-cho),
Blackfeet Sioux - Sihsapa (see-ha-sa-pa) (all three bands live on the Standing Rock Reservation). 8. Seven
Council Fires of the Sioux (Lakota) - Octi akwi (o-chay-tee sha-ko-wee).
sister - n. 1. adult - hakta (ha-ka-ta). 2. male, older - tak (ta-kay). 3. fem., older - cuw (choo-way). 4.
male, younger - takS (tak-shee). 5. fem., younger - tak (ta-ka).
sister-in-law - n. hka (hoo-ka)
sit down, to v. [y]otaka (ee-yo-ta-ka) 2nd cl.
sit, to - v. [y]ak (ya-ka) irreg.
six - n. Skpe (shak-pay)
skilled, to be - v. skilled with one's hands - wa/ypike (wa-yoo-pee-kay) 3rd cl.
skin - n. 1. ha (ha). 2. light-complexioned - hska (ha-ska).
skunk - n. mak (ma-ka)
sky - n. 1. Ska (shka). 2. maHpya (mahX-pee-ya).
sleep, to v. /Stima (eesh-tee-ma) 3rd cl.
slow - 1. adv. slowly - Hrahya (hX a-hee-ya). 2. adv. - owStegla (o-wash-tay-gla). 3. v. to be - /Hah
(hXa-hee) 3rd cl.
small - adj. Ckrala (jeek a-la)
smell, to - v. /mna (o-mna) 1st cl.
smile, to - v. i/H (eehX-a) 1st cl.
smoke, to - v. can/pa (cha-noo-pa) irreg.
smudge oneself, to - v. azlya (a-zeel-ya)
smudging ceremony - n. azlya (a-zeel-ya)
snake - n. zuzca (zoo-zay-cha)
snow - n. 1. wa (wa). 2. snowing - whihe (wa-hee-hay). 3. snowing - ichmna (ee-cham-na).
sobriety - n. 1. blesyu (blays-ya-oo). 2. waytkeSni (wa-yat-kay-shnee).


society - n. okolakciye (o-ko-la-kee-chee-yay)
soldier - n. akcita (a-kee-chee-ta)
some - adj. 1. dnakca (do-nak-cha). 2. et (ay-ta). 3. huH (hoo-hX).
sometimes - adv. wathal (wa-to-hal)
son - n. son - ckSi (cheek-shee)
song - n. 1. lowpi (lo-wa-pee). 2. olwa (o-lo-wa). 3. rock music, any new music - lowpi tca (lowa-pee tay-cha).
soon - adv. 1. dokS (dok-sha). 2. ecni (ay-cha-nee).
soup - n. whapi (wo-ha-pee)
sour - adj. oskyacake (o-skoo-ya-cha-kay)
speak, to - v. w/glaka (wo-gla-ka)
spear - n. wpaha (wa-pa-ha)
spider - n. iktmi (eek-to-mee)
spirit - n. 1. a persons soul (while alive) - naG (na-gxee). 2. a persons ghost or a non-human supernatural
presence (a persons soul after death) - wanGi (wa-na-gXee). 3. an animals - naGla (na-gXee-la). 4. of an
inanimate object - Sic (shee-choo). 5. malevolent ghost or goblin - Cci (jee-chee). 6. supernatural, nonhuman (Yuwpi) - iktmi (eek-to-mee). 7. traditional trickster (not the same as uncapitalized) - Iktmi (eekto-mee). 8. malevolent bigfoot, harbinger of misfortune - UkcGi (ook-chay-gXee).
spoon - n. ciSk (chee-shka)
spotted - adj. glSka (glaysh-ka)
spring -n. 1. season - wtu (way-too). 2. of water - wiwla (wee-wee-la).
squirrel - n. TaSneca (tXash-na-ay-cha)
stand, to v. up or still in/jin (ee-na-zheen) 1st cl.
star - n. wicHpe (wee-chahX-pay)
star blanket - n. wicHpe owja (wee-chahX-pay o-wee-zha)
still - adj. 1. continuing - hcena (hay-chay-na). 2. not moving owjila (o-wa-zhee-la).
stone - n. ya (ee-ya)
stop, to v. in/jin (ee-na-zheen) 1st cl.
store - n. maspiye (mas-o-pee-ay)
stormy, bad - adj. 1. osceca (o-shee-chay-cha). 2. really stormy - oscecake (o-shee-chay-cha-kay). 3.
thunder storm wakya agl (wa-kee-ya a-glee).
stove - n. octi (o-chay-tee)
stream - n. wakpla (wak-pa-la)
stretch oneself, to - v. /iglzice (ee-gloo-zee-chay) 3rd cl.
strong - adj. sut (soo-ta)
strong, to be - v. wa/Ske (wa-sha-kay)
struck, to be - v. a/P (a-pXa) 3rd cl.
student - n. waywa (wa-ya-wa)
sugar - n. cahpi (cha-ha-pee)
summer - n. bloktu (blo-kay-too)
sun - n. wi (wee)
Sunday - n. aptu waK (a-pay-too wa-kXa)
sunny - adj. maSt (mash-tay)
sweat n. 1. perspiration Temn (tXaym-nee). 2. ceremony Inpi (ee-nee-pee).
sweat lodge n. ceremony or structure Inpi (ee-nee-pee)
sweet - adj. 1. tasting - skya (skoo-ya). 2. smelling - waStmna (wash-taym-na).
sweetgrass - n. wacGa (wa-cha-gXa)
table - n. waglwotapi (wa-glay-wo-ta-pee)
tail - sit (see-tay)


take, to - v. (command) 1. male - i/c wo (ee-choo) 1st cl. 2. fem. - i/c we (ee-choo) 1st cl.
taken, to be - v. /ye (a-yay) 3rd cl.
talk, to - v. w/glaka (wo-gla-ka) 1st cl.
tea - n. 1. waHp (wahX-pay). 2. mint tea - ceyka (chay-ya-ka)
teacher - n. waspekiya (wa-oo-spay-kee-ya)
teens - 1. adv. in counting - ak (a-kay). 2. n. teenage boy - koSklaka (kosh-ka-la-ka). 3. n. teenage girl wikSkalaka (wee-kosh-ka-la-ka)
telephone - 1. n. omsoHe (o-ma-so-pXay). 2. v. to call on - mas'Pa (mas a-pXa).
television - n. wicteowapi woyka (wee-chee-tay-o-wa-pee wo-ya-ka)
tell stories, to - v. w[y]aka (wo-ya-ka) 2nd cl.
ten - adj. wikcmna (week-chaym-na)
than conj. ism (ee-sam) [mism, nism, ism, uksapapi, nismpapi, wicsam].
thank you - interj. 1. pilmaya (pee-la-ma-ya). 2. wpila (wo-pee-la).
thankful - adj. pikla (pee-kee-la)
thankfulness - n. wpila (wo-pee-la)
that - pron. 1. fa (gka). 2. he (hay). 3. fi (gkee). 4. fi (gkee).
the - indef. art. 1. fi (gkee). 2. fi (gkee).
their - poss. adj. Twapi (tXa-wa-pee)
them - pron. 1. iypi (ee-yay-pee). 2. iS (eesh).
then - adv. 1. in the past - hha (hay-ha) 2. a long time ago, then (far in the past) - ehNk ehN (ay-hooNk
ay-haN). 3. soon dkSa (dtok-sha). 4. soon - ecna (ay-cha-na).
there - adv. 1. fkiya (gka-kee-ya). 2. kal (kal)
therefore - conj. ca (cha)
these - adj. 1. hen (hay-na). 2. lna (lay-na).
they - pron. 1. iypi (ee-yay-pee). 2. iS (eesh).
think, to v. i[y]kca (ee-yook-cha) 2nd cl.
thirsty, to be v. /puza (ee-poo-za) 3rd cl.
this - pron. le (lay)
those - pron. 1. close objects - hen (hay-na). 2. distant objects - fan (gka-na).
thought - n. wyukca (wee-yook-cha)
three - adj. ymni (yam-nee)
throw away, to - v. iHp/ya (eehX-pay-ya) 1st cl.
thunder - n. 1. wakya (wa-kee-ya). 2. WakNyaN hotN (wa-keeN-yaN ho-toN).
Thunder Being - n. Wakya (wa-kee-ya)
Thursday - n. aptu dpa (a-pay-too do-pa)
tick - n. insect - Taskkpa (tXa-skak-pa)
ticket - n. Kans (kXan-soo)
time - suff. -tu (ay-too)
timid, to be - v. w/Stece (weesh-tay-chay) 3rd cl.
tip n. of something kpa (eek-pa)
tired, to be - v. 1. sleepy - /Hwa (hX-wa) 3rd cl. 2. exhausted - wa/dKa (wa-doo-kXa) 3rd cl. 3. physically
tired, not sleepy - [y]uG (yoo-gXo) 2nd cl.
to - prep. da (da)
tobacco - n. 1. cal (cha-lee). 2. red willow bark (traditional/ceremonial tobacco) - caSSa (cha-shasha).
together - adv. Cska (ja-ska)


tomato - n. ujjitka (oo-zhee-zheet-ka)
too - adv. 1. me too - miS (meesh). 2. me too - mSiya (meesh-ee-ya). 3. as well, also Siya (ee-sheeya).
touch, to - v. /paTan (ay-pa-tXan) 1st cl.
tourist - n. maKwaca camani (ma-kXo-wa-cha ee-cha-ma-nee)
towards - suff. kya (kee-ya)
town - n. oTwahe (o-tXoo-wa-hay)
tractor - n. maK iyblu (ma-kXa ee-yo-bloo)
trade, to - v. wyoPe/ya (wee-yo-pXay-ya) 3rd cl.
trailer house - n. tiyslohapi tpi (tee-yoo-slo-ha-pee tee-pee)
translator - n. iyska (ee-yay-ska)
transported, to be - v. /ye (a-yay) 3rd cl.
traveler - n. maKwaca camani (ma-kXo-wa-cha ee-cha-ma-nee)
tree - n. 1. ca (cha). 2. planted (as in a wind-break or garden) - cglepi (cha-glay-pee)
tribe - n. oyte (o-ya-te)
trousers - n. uzGe (oo-zo-gXay)
trust - n. wacyapi (wa-chee-ya-pee)
trust, to - v. depend on - wac/ya (wa-chee-ya) 1st cl.
Tuesday - n. aptu npa (a-pay-too noo-pa)
turnip - n. wild - tNpsila (teemp-see-la)
twenty - adj. wikcmna npa (week-chaym-na noo-pa)
two - n. npa (noo-pa)
Two Kettle Sioux - n. - Ohenupa (o-o-hay-noo-pa)
uncle - n. 1. mother's brother - lekS (layk-shee). 2. father's brother - at (a-tay).
under - prep. oHlte (o-hXla-tay)
understand, to - v. 1. i[y]kca (ee-yook-cha) 2nd cl. 2. o/kHniGa (o-kahX-nee-gXa) 1st.
unemployed - adj. waHpnica (wahX-pa-nee-cha)
unity - n. oyte ptyela (o-ya-te pta-yay-la)
uranium - n. waKglimaza (wa-kXa-glee-ma-za)
us - pron. 1. ukS (oo-keesh). 2. ukye (oo-kee-yay).
usually - adj. eySna (ay-ya-shna)
vagina - n. Sa (sha)
van - n. iycikaka Tka (ee-yay-chee-ka-ka tXa-ka).
very - 1. adv. lla (lee-la). 2. suff. Hca (hX-cha).
village - n. wicti (wee-cho-tee)
vine - n. cuwyapehe (choo-wee-ya-pay-hay)
vision quest - n. 1. Hablca (ha-blay-cha). 2. Hablcaya (ha-blay-chay-a)
voice - n. ho (ho)
vulture - n. hec (hay-cha)
walk, to - v. m/ni (ma-nee) 1st cl.
wannabe - n. non-indian trying to "be" Indian - Lakta ktci - (lak-ho-ta ktay-chee)
want, to - v. /ci (chee) 1st cl.
war - n. ozye (o-zoo-yay)
warbonnet - n. wapha (wa-pa-ha)
wash, to - v. [y]ujja (yoo-zha-zha) 2nd cl.
wasp - n. wicpajipa (wee-cha-pa-zhee-pa)
water - n. mni (mnee)
we - pron. 1. ukS (oo-keesh). 2. ukye (oo-kee-yay).


weak - adj. hkeSni (hoo-kay-shnee)
weather - adj. 1. sunny, nice - maSt (mash-tay). 2. rainy - maGju (ma-gXa-zhoo). 3. stormy, bad - oSceca
(o-shee-chay-cha). 4. hot - oKte (o-kXa-tay). 5. cold - osn (o-snee). 6. snowy - whihe (wa-hee-hay).
Wednesday - n. aptu ymni (a-pay-too yam-nee)
West - n. 1. wmaheya (wee-ma-hay-ya). 2. wiyHpeyata (wee-yohX-pay-ya-ta).
what - 1. pron. dku (da-koo). 2. adv. in general - dku (da-koo). 3. adv. specific - duktl (dook-tayl).
wheel - n. ( spotted wood describes the appearance of a moving wagon wheels spokes) - caglSka
when - adv. wadhal (wa-do-hal)
when -adv. 1. past or future - ca (cha). 2. past - dha (do-ha). 3. future, present - dohl (do-hal).
where - adv. 1. in general - dkiya (do-kee-ya). 2. specific - dukdl (dook-dayl).
white - 1. adj. color - ska (ska). 2. n. caucasian - wascu (wa-shee-choo).
White Buffalo Calf Woman - n. Ptehcala Ska Wi (ptay-hee-cha-la ska wee)
who - pron. 1. duw (doo-wa). 2. duw (doo-way).
why - adv. dKa (do-kXa)
wife - n. 1. Tawcu (tXa-wee-choo). 2. Taw (tXa-wee).
wilderness - n. mantu (ma-nee-too)
will - encl. future tense - kte (ktay)
wind - n. Tat (tXa-tay)
window - n. ojjaglepi (o-zha-zha-glay-pee)
windy - adj. Tat (tXa-tay)
winter - n. 1. wanyetu (wa-nee-yay-too). 2. last - wanha (wa-nee-ha).
winter count - n. wanyetu oyke (wa-nee-yay-too o-ya-kay)
wisdom - n. wokspe (wok-sa-pay)
with - prep. fic (gkee-chee)
within - adv. mahl (ma-hayl)
wolf - n. Sunkmnitu Tka (shoonk-ma-nee-too tXa-ka)
woman - n. 1. wya (wee-ya). 2. wi (wee). 3. young - wikSkalaka (wee-kosh-ka-la-ka). 4. old winHcala (wee-nuhX-cha-la).
wood - n. ca (cha)
wood pile - n. cglepi (cha-glay-pee)
woods - n. 1. ca (cha). 2. cata (cha-o-ta).
word - n. oe (o-ee-yay)
worm - n. waglla (wa-gloo-la)
worn out - adj. Tan (tXa-nee)
Wounded Knee, SD - n. Cakp opi (chak-pay o-pee)
wow! - interj. 1. kil (kee-lee). 2. great surprise - takili (a-ta-kee-lee).
write, to - v. o/w (o-wa) 1st cl.
wrong - adj. 1. dkca (dok-cha). 2. ecSni (ay-chee-shnee).
year - n. 1. maKa (o-ma-kXa). 2. wanyetu (wa-nee-yay-too).
yellow - adj. zi (zee)
yes - interj. 1. male - hu (ha-oo). 2. fem. - ha (ha). 3. ah (a-ho). 4. ho (ho). 5. oh (o-ha).
you - pron. 1. niS (neesh). 2. niy (nee-yay).
your - adj. 1. niTwa (nee-tXa-wa). 2. to a group ("y'all") - niTwapi (nee-tXa-wa-pee).
zero - n. 1. dkuni (da-koo-nee). 2. dkuSni (da-koo-shnee).


Verb Conjugation in ENGLISH/LAKOTA Section:
1st cl. - wa/ya
action caused by subject
2nd cl. - bl/l
either/state of being
3rd cl. - ma/ni
action happened to subject
/ - indicates where the definite article is embedded in verb.
[y] - in the case of 2nd class verbs, this indicates that this y is the def. art. for he/she/it (and subsequently
transforms to bl for I, l for you, etc.).
For example:
The verb "to walk" is listed here in the following form:
"walk, to - v. m/ni (ma-nee) 1st cl."
This indicates that it is a 1st class verb, and should be conjugated like so (note that the "/" indicates where
the conjugated forms are inserted):
I walk:
we walk:
you walk:
you all walk:
he/she/it walks:
they walk:
For 2nd class verbs (as well as a few 1st or 3rd class verbs) the "y" is replaced by the conjugated form.
Because of this, the dropped "y" is written in brackets:
"have, to - v. [y]uh (yoo-ha) 2nd cl."
I have:
we have:
you have:
you all have:
he/she/it has:
they have:
For 3rd class verb, ma and ni replace wa/ya bl/l:
I walk:
we walk:
you walk:
you all walk:
he/she/it walks:
they walk:


If this is confusing, or if the verb is listed as irregular ("irreg."), refer to the word in the
LAKHOTA/ENGLISH section of this book.


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