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MOOC Entrevista en ingls. Cmo prepararte?

Espaa se sita en el puesto 23 en el ranking mundial

de pases de habla no inglesa en nivel de ingls por delante de pases como Italia (32) o Francia (35)
aunque de los peores de la UE (Estudio English Proficiency Index EPI- de la organizacin Education
First EF).
Sabemos que realizar una entrevista de trabajo en otro idioma puede llegar a convertirse en una
situacin muy estresante mxime cuando no se ha realizado una entrevista en ese idioma antes. En
este MOOC, Abdona Mitsuko Fernndez -Headhunter y Directora de I-Lumini- nos ensear a superar
una entrevista en ingls con flying colors.
A travs de la tcnica del ROLE-PLAY simularemos en los temas 3, 4 y 5 situaciones de entrevistas en
ingls que se presentan en la vida real.
De qu hablaremos?
Bajo el ttulo Entrevista en ingls. Cmo prepararte? hablaremos de:
Cmo prepararnos, qu preguntas nos pueden hacer y las respuestas que podemos dar con ejemplos
para que puedas practicar de cara a tu prxima entrevista en ingls. Nuestra mxima: practice makes
Introduction / Introduccin

Tema 1. Are you ready? / Ests preparada? Hemos pasado el filtro telefnico con la persona de
RRHH y el siguiente paso es mantener una entrevista personal. Para ello tenemos que prepararnos.
Qu hacer antes de la entrevista? Estoy lista para triunfar? Eres ms que un CV.

Tema 2. Keep these in mind at all times / Durante la entrevista. Estamos listas y ya estamos en la
sala con el entrevistador. Puntos clave a recordar durante toda la entrevista: Qu dice mi lenguaje
corporal? Estoy aburriendo a mi interlocutor?

Tema 3. Who are you? / Hblame de ti ROLE-PLAY. Posibles preguntas y respuestas acerca de tu perfil
/ CV & trayectoria.

En este tema profundizamos en preguntas relacionadas con tu perfil y trayectoria. Te dejamos

algunas de las preguntas y respuestas puestas en prctica en el vdeo.
I see Patricia you studied Economics, why did you decide to study Economics?

I decided to study Economics because my father and grandfather were both bankers and since
it runs in the family I thought it would be a good idea to continue the tradition.
Well, I had always been interested in business and I thought I could work in a variety of
different fields from finance and banking, sales, marketing, insurance and so on.
I chose Economics because you learn a lot of skills and knowledge that you can apply to other
jobs or to your personal life.

Excellent! So after graduating from University you started working for FCK as a Brand
Manager. How did you come across this opportunity?

It came through a friend of mine from University that had recently joined the company
I saw it in a job site
I found it through social media
I sent my CV directly to the HR department

As a Brand Manager, what were your responsibilities? /what were your duties?

I was responsible for supervising the brands content & function and for tracking consumer
and market insights by reviewing pricing, distribution and consumer research

I was in charge of determining new products and had to work closely with other departments
such as manufacturing or R&D

After 5 years as a Brand Manager for FCK you went to G & G. Why did you leave FCK?

A Headhunter got in touch with me and offered me a great opportunity

I felt I had no potential for future growth
I left because I had the need to invest my career in a company whose mission was in line with
my passion
I had a chance to move overseas
I had the opportunity to manage a team for the first time
I was let go after a change in management
I was made redundant due to the crisis

What do you consider your greatest achievements?

I reached new clients

I established new quality standards
I developed a new program for the Marketing department
I achieved project goals
My greatest achievement was meeting my sales goals every month

What do you consider your greatest failure? Or what would you have done differently?


wasnt able to manage my team + happy end

couldnt handle a situation under pressure + happy end
didnt ask for help + happy end
should have asked for help + happy end
should have listened to my team + happy end
realized I had to control myself + happy end

What do you like about your current job?

It allows me to have direct contact with our clients

I can manage teams located all over the world
I feel part of a team and I see a lot of potential growth

What do you dislike about your present job?


feel the company is too big

think the company is too small and I don't like that someone has to approve everything
am not allowed to make any decisions
don't feel part of the team
dont agree with the slow decision-making process
feel stagnant

Tema 4. Why you? / Por qu eres la candidata ideal? ROLE-PLAY. Posibles preguntas & respuestas
acerca del puesto/oportunidad en concreto.
En este tema profundizamos en preguntas relacionadas con el puesto y tus puntos fuertes y a mejorar.
Te dejamos algunas de las preguntas y respuestas puestas en prctica en el vdeo.
Why are you interested in the Marketing Director position?/Why did you apply for this

I read the job description and I think I have the skills and competencies required.
I am ready to make a change in my career and this position would be the next step forward.

I have the experience that is required by your client and I would like to work for them since I
know I can develop my career with them.

What would you bring to the company?


am a hard worker and dont give up easily.

have the experience and industry knowledge to help the company grow rapidly.
am a problem solver and have excellent communication skills.
am dedicated to my work and to the team.

What are your strengths?


have excellent IT knowledge.

have great communication skills
am client-oriented
am a team-player and I love to lead teams
like numbers and I like to make projects profitable
am results-oriented

Is there anything you can improve about yourself?

I would like to improve my leadership capability

I think I can always improve
I need to learn how to work well under pressure

Tema 5. Present & Future / Presente y Futuro ROLE-PLAY. Posibles preguntas & respuestas acerca de
nuestro salario actual/expectativas/beneficios/siguientes pasos en el proceso de seleccin.
En este tema profundizamos en preguntas relacionadas con la negociacin del salario, beneficios,
prximos pasos en el proceso de seleccin. Te dejamos algunas de las preguntas y respuestas puestas
en prctica en el vdeo.
What is your current salary? What is your current pay?

I am currently earning a fixed salary of 45,000 gross/annually + a variable of 20%.

Do you have any fringe benefits? Do you have any incentives?

Yes, I have free medical insurance

Yes, I have a company car and free parking
Yes, I have lunch vouchers
Yes, I have stock options
Yes, I have equity-based compensation
No, unfortunately due to the crisis we only have a fixed and a variable that depends on the
company overall results

What are your salary expectations?

I would like a 20% increase in my fixed salary.

I had in mind a 15% increase in the total package.
I am more interested in job satisfaction than money so taking into consideration my current
situation along with my skills and experience I am sure we can both agree on a package we
feel comfortable with.

What is your notice period with your current employer?

A Headhunter got in touch with me and offered me a great opportunity

I need to give 2 weeks notice.

I need to let them know one month in advance.

I still have some days of vacation so I could start next week.
I am currently on maternity leave but so I could start working in 3 weeks.

Ok, Patricia, I think we have covered everything. Do you have any questions for me?

When will I hear from you again?

How will you get in touch with me?
With regards to the current vacancy, do you think my profile fits with the position?
What are the next steps in the process?

I will call you in the next few weeks once I have feedback from our client but in the
meantime please feel free to contact me at any time.

Well thank you so much for your time Abdona and I am looking forward to hearing from you in
the next few weeks.

Tema 6. More Q&A! / Otras preguntas ROLE-PLAY. Otras preguntas que pueden surgir a lo largo de la
entrevista: estado civil, hobbies, cmo describirse a nivel personal y profesional, etc.
Te dejamos otras preguntas y respuestas que pueden surgir durante la entrevista.
Is there anything else you would like to share with me that isnt reflected in your resume?


am taking a 3 month sabbatical to travel around Asia.

dont have a drivers license, would this be a problem?
dont mind travelling.
dont have any kids.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am an avid reader and love to play tennis.

I enjoy outdoor activities.
I love to cook .

How would you describe yourself?

I am open-minded.
I have people skills.
I am friendly and like to socialize.

How about in a professional environment?

I am a team-player.
I like to motivate others.
I like to help people.

If we were to ask people that have worked with you, what would they tell us about you?

I think they would say I am a team-player and I like to plan ahead.

They would tell you that I am very responsible, client-oriented and I like to meet my goals.

Is there anything you will never accept from your boss or from a supervisor?

I dont like people lying to me.

I would not accept to be forced to do something I strongly disagree with.

Cundo y a quin est dirigido?

El MOOC Entrevista en ingls. Cmo prepararte? estar disponible a partir del martes 30 de
septiembre. Desde ese momento, podrs acceder a los 6 temas de la formacin. Una vez que hayas
accedido al contenido, podrs volver a ver los vdeos y hacer los test las veces que necesites. Este
MOOC est dirigido cualquier persona que est preparando su prxima entrevista de trabajo en ingls o
que desee ampliar sus conocimientos.

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