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I am Self-Righteous because I know better than Common Justice.

What else but a weak and whining body heaves complaints of whining demands through references to
enforced ''rights'', his rights are his right and those against them are his wrong, we are.
What else but a corrupt body spreads as it is allowed to speak, a corrupt vision on the world, how it is
(lacking), how it has been and should become to his taste which is nothing else but perspective, the
perception (consciousness) and relationship with the earth, natural phenomena, otherness, himself,
emotions, instincts - manifested and cultivated ideals as is one's body.
What else but a partialised mongrel, in class, unrooted in Modern fashions, with peppered and salted
taste buds, can come up with something called as ''Common Sense'' and refer to Justice served in a
political manner of mere debate as the Scale of Eternal Judgement.
Yes, I am one angry son of half-god, a mongrel in between the lower and the higher.
Too lowly, it gives me depth and mocking in the height of my soul.

How fancy these pale-wired dolls are in their suits and ties, it ties them up easily in false senses of
superiority. A Common Judgement as them to be of High value, business orientated, tentacle-armed
plebs with a more rich, or rather, specialized vocabulary than the common untied marketing slaves.
Then you talk to me about ''narcissism''?
What about your common sense of grammar rules and political doctrines.
You see them in your hierarchy, the taste you never had, given to you and digested without reflexes.
I have the arrogance to speak out and call the little man out upon his height in depthless spirit.
A teacher-mentality, specifically reserved by females and autistic border-line Statists of the chinless
male variant, they point out each grammatically incorrect word, not seeing the prose, or the lines in
between, the superfluousness of language as an organic world in itself, a reflection of climate and
blood. To them all is set and anything out of their order is ''narcissistic'' or ''fool-talk'', it is their talk and

I saw a man some days ago without legs, his body attached on some wooden wheelly skateboard,
without wheels.., lifting himself up with his arms upstairs out of the metro; he had to take a rest halfway
even though muscular in arms.
''Muh micro-agressions''
If you see shit, feel shit, do shit, are shit, among shit; you just realize how fast The Language will
change once the West will collapse and words such as ''misogynist'', ''phobe-anything'' and ''microaggression'' will disappear as fast as they came (in popular usage).
They don't exist in my order already, phantoms of a corrupt world with corrupt mongrels fantasising
their own bubbles of hierarchies, never popped by the top of Natural carelessness and taste, but a
pyramid on its top about to fall, or rather, float to its height it does not have. Hatred with gender
problems, your words come with your existence, ''women'' to be despised, ''men'' to be a laughing
stock, what else but a mirror in front of the Television; be gone and so your Grammar of Living will be.

A city's historic fundament is a prosperous town or village, or a military settlement.

Each city, if surviving, testifies its ideals of representative architecture, living standards, victories and
defeats, dominant class and various skilled peoples.
A clear top of ruling taste with ruled under layers.

Then it splinters as a mongrel infested rat's nest, the ruled classes becoming more dominant in
influence and overall representation; the taste drains together with their bodies due to over-population.
City-rats adapted to noise, hyper-social, ego-less activities.
The classes start to mingle and the top becomes overwhelmed.
The reserved places for the Highly Tasteful elite become business offices surrounded in a cess-pool of
A (Modern) city is nothing more than a mongrel's nest populated by partialised individuals who think of
their own ego-less desires, as if there is something as an ''I'' in them. The city layers are layers of
fusing parts together of a bit of taste from here, and there, and spices from behind, juices around the
corner; until the taste has a taste for anything except wholeness, a cynical all-eater without digestion
and preferation, selection.

A 'Man of the Museum'; again, a partialised mongrel who thinks that he transcends the past and all
centuries, as if he is not a link, a continuation, whether inferior or not, with the past.
Each section, to his taste, he looks at with either the feeling of superiority or fascination. Superiority as
if his taste and era of manifested ideals and technology are totally detached from anything of the past,
and ''fascination'' as with ''how could they live and survive like that with such and that'', not realising his
degeneracy and weakness.
The Man of the Museum, or an history professor, a Modern archaeologist; they look at our forebears
as if some ''wild cavemen'' with whom we have nothing to do or in common, people that are not within
us, to which we cannot ''revert'' to with instincts taking over or the environment pressuring us.
They study the History of Man as if they analyse the heart apart from the body, different worlds alike
different planets. They see history as in Museum sections, in parts, with different eras mingled
together in one building with each a specialized department next to each other, a linear measurement
towards some ''transcending'' nowness, Modernism, a timeline.
To a degree we are different, we are degenerate in everything in body and mind and the few of us are
those to build a greater generation upon, us flashbacks from ancient times.

How does one want to conquer the world if the world is all he knows; the world of man, the world of the
museum, the world of the television; at his height he merely conquers the minds of degenerate and
underdeveloped men, children and women.
The Talmud and Hadith say that with each person you kill, you kill a whole world.
Here I go wrong already by saying ''person'' instead of ''human'', too much emphasis upon some
transcending detachment from a collective surrounding and past of pressuring.
But with ''human'', why not organism, why not any animal with basic perception, memory and ability of
learning skills; why are your human nerves, not even of your own, of more sensible value than that of
a dog, for a dog's world is bigger than that of ours, we who see everything in small by knowing where
we are.
So what if one kills the world of man in man,
The world will do without us as it once did before
Too much emphasis upon each mind as some detached entity

Yes, follow your heart as you should follow your head and all the other parts of the body as if there are
no parts; for each path there is a reference to an organ or body part which of course should correlate
to all the other bodily processes. But if I have learned one important thing; silence your heart and listen
to your feet, they have a better touch than any beat of the heart. Better to be heartless (to be bitter
about that is to be an inner-cripple) than limp on a crank.

It takes some time but everything returns to its origins. So life returns to death, unconscious matter,
death to life through convincing the right chemicals and elements, blood to its spirit with its ancestral
memories. But sometimes things get so confused, thus this confusion is a new source of beginning; for
the better, the worse, or unnoticed.

"Let us speak another time again".

But time is never "an-other"; time is continuously manifest(ed). We are time and it is our (bodily)
matter and relativity of the positioning of our earth in this universe (space / gravity / compactness),
which determines how we are affected as the manifestation of time.
It is that we are (Self)-conscious to a degree, that we are aware of the illusion of the apperent
movement of time without the need of biological automatic processes regulating our whole lives, such
as the mating seasons of the many other animal species.
But time is not movement, it is the conciousness of life which is aware of its time-span that is ending
as life. But after life, existence continues and so does time, without a break.
Life is movement / organising and time measures this moving and is experienced, only when
conscious, as "passing by".
Time is. But the matter / substantial elements are affected as time, dependend on the time-span of
the many substantial / species lives and simple (lifeless) existence that endure.
More, or less, resistent to the creation / decay of the movement of its self-organising / ordering
existence against the movement of entropy. Hence "it takes time" for the substance to be-come /
manifest - it's matter(ial) relative.

You can see how much the body is to people, mainly women, as not in sync with but as the mind itself
by observing these nonsense-diets propagated to certain demographics with the reason for 'sale
results'. Women suffering anorexia, men being self-absorbed in their muscles, fat people being spoon
fed how they should be comfortable in their bodies (this one actually indicates a discomfort of the mind
which Political Correct policies tries to numb to become not wholly with but merely the body), make-up
and clothes to ''correct'' and accentuate certain parts - partialisation of the body and thus the mind's
perspective, just like a slut is a walking cavern, a male who merely perceives his world through sexual
prickles, is a dick. But nonetheless, health and ugliness cannot be ignored with political views and
what you perceive through the mind so will feel your body in stimuli.

It takes some time but everything returns to its origins. So life returns to death, unconscious matter,
death to life through convincing the right chemicals and elements, blood to its spirit with its ancestral
memories. But sometimes things get so confused, thus this confusion is a new source of beginning; for
the better, the worse, or unnoticed.

"Let us speak another time again".

But time is never "an-other"; time is continuously manifest(ed). We are time and it is our (bodily) matter
and relativity of the positioning of our earth in this universe (space / gravity / compactness), which
determines how we are affected as the manifestation of time.
It is that we are (Self)-conscious to a degree, that we are aware of the illusion of the apperent
movement of time without the need of biological automatic processes regulating our whole lives, such
as the mating seasons of the many other animal species.
But time is not movement, it is the conciousness of life which is aware of its time-span that is ending
as life. But after life, existence continues and so does time, without a break.
Life is movement / organising and time measures this moving and is experienced, only when
conscious, as "passing by".
Time is. But the matter / substantial elements are affected as time, dependend on the time-span of the
many substantial / species lives and simple (lifeless) existence that endure.
More, or less, resistent to the creation / decay of the movement of its self-organising / ordering
existence against the movement of entropy. Hence "it takes time" for the substance to be-come /
manifest - it's matter(ial) relative.

To think for yourself means to smash the Idols that you once took for granted, to see in them nothing
more but a historic fraud and the re-production of a illusionary but often unifying, narrative and the
Idealism towards greatness.
Willem of Orange (1533-1584), with his title 'Father of the Fatherland', of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands. What is he but an Idol to unify a nation under a common narrative, a shared historic
perspective, a common understanding of the 80 years revolt. But a simple search into history, shows
the other sides. The Catholics were suppressed and during the liberation from the Spanish,
massacred in the Southern Netherlands, and today these people celebrate him as the Founding
Yes, that is right, he was in a way, but not from the start - it is the Idolization that made the
Netherlands as it is.
To Idolize for a nation means to secularize for the masses. To Idolize for the few means to inaugurate
and exclude, for the people to live up to, like Hercules as an Ideal to inspire.
But once you see through it all, and the Idols become mere perspectives and you see through the
false historic narratives of our histories of the nations, you start to think for yourself and not the Idol
and the nation thinking for you.

Once the walls of sheltering civilization and ''human rights'' will collapse under the weight of its stacked
lies and holes filled with more political perversions; then truth will haunt each of those plebeian
opinion-trannies. For outside civilization, you cannot hide and survive with deludering lies and
fantasies about equality and 'the right to live'.
They may kill the Wolf in their fantasies. Or behind a fence sheltered from its nature.

But the Wolf kills them in reality, when standing face to face, each bare naked - on this world, outside
the Human Zoo.

I do not trust ''love at first sight'' (except in instinctual context, recognition of beauty) .
It is not about ''I love'', but it rather is ''I can love''.
For 'if you love' it is as easily lost; but if you can love, it means that you can build and set aside some
of your differences.
If you can love, you can for some time temporarily dislike your love - but once you realise that life isn't
'romantc' and absolute, you can also love again.
To be able to love is to see clear, patience and friendship - not just something impulsive and to be
thrown away, once you feel some kind of disillusionment.

Opinions, even though objectively true, can be like personal opinions. Because truthfulness in regards
with opinions, is often (bureaucratically) measured (by the masses), like in democrazy, through the
popular vote.
The ''personal'' opinion as objective truth versus the institutionalized public ''opinion'' of the masses
and its Moral codes.

~ Sjoerd Heeger

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