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Curriculum has changed for many times and every changes expected
creates students with good ability and good creativity although in every
curriculum has its weakness. In 2004 government created new curriculum
that popular as Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. This curriculum paid more
attention to students participation in teaching-learning process1. Then in 2006
the governmnet made Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. In this
curriculum every school gives its participant become active in increasing the
curriculum2. Since the application of this curriculum some of critical
educations found some weaknesses that happen in this curriculum. Likewise,
there are only few people who can apply this curriculum. In kompas wrote
that Curriculum Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan cannot create students
critical thinking3.
As the solution to increase the condition, the government makes a new
education curriculum names Curriculum 2013. In guideline book of
curriculum 2013 writes that in curriculum 2013 the teacher not just prepared
the students to be the generation who ready for the future but also have a good

moral and attitude4. Therefore the activities on the teaching learning always
pay attention to students attitude. Besides that in this curriculum prepare a

http://duniainformatikaindonesia.blogspot.com/2013/05/karakteristik-atau-ciri-cirikurikulum.html retrieved at 28 mei 2014

retrieved at 28 mei 2014
Kompaas online media 11 December 2013, retervied at 12 april 2014

Wasis D. Dwiyogo. 2013. Implementasi kurikulum 2013. P.15

place for the students to learn the subject that they might interest or they learn
when they enter to an university5.
Senior high number one Curup applies this curriculum in the first grade6.
Therefore, the system and the time allocation for the lesson are quietly
different with the second and third grade that still use curriculum Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. The most common different is in first grade which
use curriculum 2013 there is new program namely Lintas Minat.
In Lintas Minat, students can choose the lesson to be educated;
because the aim of Lintas Minat is to increase the students ability in the area
which is they interested in to prepare their future. It based on the law number
20 of the National Education System of 2003 chapter 12 paragraph (1) point
b, states that learners are entitled to be educated in accordance with their
talents, interests, and abilities7. Meaning that since many years ago the
government gave the students chance to take the lesson based on their interest
and the term of this chapter applied on curriculum 2013. Lintas Minat divides
into two (2) kinds of lesson that the students choose by themselves. For the
first grade the time allocation for Lintas minat time is six (6) hours of school
schedule. In the second and third grade the time allocation is four (4) hours of
school schedule and they have to choose one subject for Lintas minat8. In this
research Lintas Minat is a new program that at takes from three group interest;
language group interest, sosial group interest and science group interest.

Interviewed the deputy of curriculum and the English teacher at 22 march 2014
Pre Observation at 5 feb 2014 in SMA N 1 Curup
UU No 20 tahun 2003, copy edaran kurikulum 2013
Dr. Wasis D. Dwiyogo, M.Pd, lecturer of Teknologi Pembelajaran Program Pascasarjana
Universitas Negeri Malang. Implementasi kurikulum 2013

As the part of language group interest there is English Lintas Minat.

The main goal of English Lintas Minat is to improve students ability in
English especially in writing and oral skills 9. Therefore the main activities of
teaching learning the teacher focus on improving those skills. This is
considering because in their group interest is not specific to improve oral skill.
In Lintas Minat class the material must be different from the lesson that they
get in their group interest class. So that in English Lintas Minat the material
must be the same as the lesson in language group interest not as same as the
lesson in their group interest (English material in social or science group
interest)10. The common problem while the government change the curriculum
they not ready yet such as the text book of Lintas Minat is not ready. As the
evident of this condition in the pre-observation the researcher found that for
English Lintas Minat there are no teacher guideline book and English Lintas
Minat text book11. As a result, the process of teaching and learning the teacher
just focus on the syllabus. In spite of the fact just syllabus is not enough to
make the teaching learning process runs well12. It is contrast with the concept
of curriculum 2013 where text book as the monitor of the activities in teaching
Since it is a new program thus it is interesting to investigate on the
implementation of this program the more specific for English Lintas Minat. By
doing an investigation toward the implementation we can get valuable
information about how this program has been implemented on SMA number one
Curup. Based on the information from the head of high school development, and

Interviewed, English language teacher , at 22 march 2014

Pre-observation activity, during the PPL on SMA 1 Curup
Interviewed, an English language teacher, at may 2014
Perbandingan tata kelola pelaksanaan kurikulum, p. 26

the survey that the researcher did to three schools which apply curriculum 2013
this school is the only one school which apply English Lintas Minat14. So in the
end of this research the researcher will get the result how is the condition of
English Lintas Minat from the teachers roles and the students roles, the problem
facing and the attempt for the problem in English Lintas Minat. Then this
research can give valuable information to the school itself and other school that
may apply English as Lintas Minat class.


Research Question
In this research, it is better to identify the problems covering the research. To
make the study clearer the writer identifies the problems as follows:

How well is the implementation of Lintas Minat in the school

which is viewed from;



The teaching learning activity


The teaching materials , and


The evaluation system used in the program?

What problems do the teacher and the students encounter during

the implementation of Lintas Minat?


Is there any attempt from teachers or students to overcome the



The Objective of the Research

This research aims at finding the answer to the questions stated in the problem
statements. Thus, the objectives of the study are:

To investigate the implementation of Lintas Minat in the school

which is viewed from:


Interviewed Mr Ansori, the head of high school development DIKNAS, at



The teaching learning activity


The teaching materials


The evaluation system used in the program.

To find out the problem do the teacher and the students encounter
during the implementation of Lintas Minat.


To find out the students and the teachers attempts in

overcome the problem in english Lintas Minat


Delimitation of the Research

During the process of research, the researcher just focus on two aspect bellow
that is going to investigate, as follows:
1. The Teachers role and the students role
This research effort to investigate the implementation of English
Lintas Minat from the teachers and students role. According to
Michael there are four roles that teacher appropriately has in







coordinator and facilitator, teacher as manager and organizer,

teacher as instructor and teacher as investigator and research.
Moreover there are one main role that student do in teaching
learning student as the actor. In this research the researcher
investigates both the teachers and students roles in doing
teaching and learning.
2. Teachers problem and students problem encounter during the
teaching learning in English Lintas Minat class.

After doing an observation toward the teaching stage, the

researcher is going to do an interview to know what problems
that the teacher and the students face in English Lintas Minat.
3. The attempts from the teachers and the students
Attempts means make an effort to achieve15. The researcher is
going to get information from the subject of the research about
what they have done to solve the problem in teaching learning at
English Lintas Minat.


Operational definition
Implementation is defined as a specified set of activities designed to
put into practice an activity or program of known dimensions. According to
this definition, implementation processes are purposeful and are described in
sufficient detail such that independent observers can detect the presence and
strength of the specific set of activities related to implementation 16. In
addition, the activity or program being implemented is described in sufficient
detail so that independent observers can detect its presence and strength.
In this research implementation means all the activities in teaching learning of
English Lintas Minat.

Lintas Minat
Lintas Minat is a new program that include in Curriculum 2013, as a

program to give a chance for every student to improve their skills more based
on the lesson or subject that they like more.17 According to Budi Kurniawan

Oxford dictionary, page 23 . Oxford Learners pocket

http://nirn.fmhi.usf.edu/resources/publications/Monograph/pdf/01.pdf retrieved at 3 April


Interviewed the deputy of curriculum in SMA 1 Curup, at 22 march 2014

Lintas minat is a chance for every student to take a lesson from other group
In PERMENDIKBUD number 69 2013 state that, Lintas Minat must be apply
for every school which use curriculum 2013 as a chance for students to learn
more the subject that they interested in but that subject not include in their
group interest19 . On this research Lintas Minat is the class as the part of
Language Lintas Minat which students choose based on their interest and not
a part of their group interest.

Significance of the Research

Theoretically, this research can give contribution of thinking toward
the important of English Lintas Minat so it can be evaluate to increase the
quality of Lintas Minat especially English Lintas Minat. The result of this
research can be evaluation to the teacher in increasing their teaching quality in
the area of their role to help the students in four skills of English.
Practically, this research can be an evident and an evaluation for the
school to improving the quality of Lintas Minat especially in English Lintas
Minat from the side of teaching learning activity, the teaching material and the
problem that the teachers and students face, it also can answer the attempts
from the teachers and the students in face the problem happen. Having
finished the research, the writer expects to get additional information about
teaching learning process, especially in teaching English. It is hoped that the
writer has better understanding about teaching learning activity, thus, the
writer can prepare to be more creative in teaching.


Systematic of the Research

http://budikurniawan77.wordpress.com/2013/12/20/peminatan-lintas-minat-pendalamankurikulum-2013/ retrieved at 24 may 2014


This part provides the paper organization from chapter one until
chapter five. Chapter I is Introduction. It consists of background, research
questions, the objectives of the research, delimitation of the research,
operational definition, significance of the research and systematic of the
research. Chapter II deals with review of related theories. Chapter III is
Research Methodology. It deals with type of research, subject of the research,
technique for collecting data and instrument of research. The analysis of the
collected data would be done thoroughly in chapter IV, which is analysis of
the study, which provides the findings and discussions. Finally the writer
concludes all the result of the analysis and provide in chapter V that consists
of conclusion and suggestion.


Lintas Minat
Definiton and the goal of Lintas Minat
Lintas Minat is a part of curriculum 2013, this program give a chance

for the students to learn the lesson from the other group interest which is not
include in their group interest. It is a place for student to improve their
knowledge in other lesson which they are not learning in the regular class20.



Meaning that students who have science group interest be able to learn the
subject from social group interest or language group interest.

The system of Lintas Minat

The implementation Lintas Minat is purely handled by the school

because every school can manage the lesson for Lintas Minat class based on
some roles and policy. First, the facilitate in the school, likewise classroom.
The classroom that use for Lintas Minat does not disturb the teaching learning
activities in every group interest. Or the school has to manage the time so that
every activities has a conducive room.
Second, the teachers condition. The teacher must be sufficed for the class in
every group interest. Then the last is students entusiasem toward the lesson
that being Lintas Minat lesson.
In Lintas Minat student and teacher have participation in choosing
Lintas Minat lesson. Students become an active participant that they can
choose the lesson based on their interest. Teacher gives recommended to the
students which Lintas Minat that they should be. Students choose two lessons
for Lintas Minat. Then in second grade the students can choose the Lintas
Minat class that they like more and continue it until third grade.
For example : Student X: is the student of science group interest, it means
this student can choose Economic Lintas Minat, geography Lintas Minat as
the part of social group interest or English Lintas Minat as the part of
Language group interest. Then in second and third grade this students is going
to choose one subject for his Lintas Minat.


The material is based on the syllabus that has constructed by the

government. Thus the teachers accomplish the activities based on the syllabus
such as the other lesson.
In Economy Lintas Minat, the students are from science group interest. In
science group interest the students are not taught about counting debit and
credit. In Economy Lintas Minat they get the material and the teacher is used
the Economy syllabus and book. Besides that the activity during the teachinglearning is handed over by the teacher such as the role on the class, how the
classroom management is. The activities must be agreeable with the
curriculum 2013 where the students are force to be more active than the

c. English Lintas Minat

As a part of Lnguage Lintas Minat, In the role that write on
PERMENDIKBUD number 6921, explain in part II in point C tell that school
which does not have Language group interest is recommended to make a
language Lintas minat. Langauge Lintas Minat can be a place for the students
from science and social group interest to learn more about language.
Senior high school number one Curup as the only one school that
apply English Lintas Minat in Rejang Lebong22. So that English Lintas Minat
the first time doing in Rejang Lebong is in SMA N 1 Curup. The reason why
English choose as one subject or lesson for Lintas Minat is the changed
concept in curriculum 2013. English just teach in one meeting a week.
In this school English Lintas Minat has five classes with three teachers and in
every class has more than 35 students.
1) Definition and goal English Lintas Minat

PERMENDIKBUD, number 69 2013

Pre Observation at 5 February 2014 in SMA N 1 Curup


Engish lintas minat is a place for the students who like English More
to enhance their accuracy and fluency in understanding and using English. As
a part of language group interest the main goal of English Lintas Minat is to
improve students ability in English especially in writing skill and oral skill.
2) The system of English Lintas Minat
a. Time allocation
General description from theories above that every Lintas Minat in the
first grade has six (6) hours a week, it divides into two kinds of lesson. It
means that English Lintas Minat has three hours meeting a week or totally
English Lintas Minat has 135 minutes a week. In second and third grade
English Lintas Minta has four hours meeting and has one meeting a week.
b. Teaching learning activities
English language in English Lintas Minat is different with the lesson
in social and science group interest 23. The teaching material is suitable with
the material in Language group interest. The teacher has to make the students
improve their Oral skills24. In oxford dictionary oral means done or taken by
mouth25, in line with this explanation the activities in English Lintas Minat
mostly form in speaking activity. The teacher guide and invite the students to
explore their speaking skills.
In the first activity, the teacher gives information to the students about
the topic for that day. Then the teacher gives direction what the students
should do. In first activity uses to improve students writing skill. In this step
the students forces to be creative. Moreover this activity is the way to analyze
students grammar understanding in writing skill26.
Oral skill as the main goal for English Lintas Minat is taught in the second
and third hours of meeting. All students explain and practice what they have
been written or made.

Interviewed deputy of Curriculum SMA N 1 Curup , at 22 May 2014

Oxford dictionary, p. 307
Pre-observation 19 march 2014 SMA N 1 Curup



Teacher roles in teaching learning

Teachers play a central role in teaching learning process. To create an

effective teaching, it requires individuals wsho can foster their students

academic achievement and guides them toward important social, moral and
ethical goal. According to Michael in his book entitled Process and
Experience in the language Classroom, that rewrite in Denny Setyaningrum
research, he argued some teachers roles in classroom namely27:
a. Teachers as coordinator and the facilitator
The general role of the teachers in the classroom is as the coordinator of the
learning process. The teachers are responsible to carry out the learning as the
whole process and maintain the right to intervene with help and advice or set
to the targets.
b. The teachers as manager and organizer
In particular classroom, especially in language classroom, the teachers may
have the role as manager and organizer through three various approach,
namely, (1) creating the framework project, (2) creating and managing the
learning climate, and (3) structuring and guiding the learning process.
c. The teachers as instructor
The role of the teachers as an instructor is to show the students how to learn
experientially. The teachers also need to create the conducive climates and
opportunity as a part of teachers managerial, conducting, and participating in

Denny Setyaningrum, The implementation of KTSP in teaching English at the second year of
Wedarijaksa pati, 2009, p.40 , published University SEBELAS MARET, Surakarta


the instructional given. In other word, the teachers act as guides who
encourage the students to become proactive contributors breaking away from
the passive and receptive role.
d. The teacher as investigator and researcher
In company with Breen and Candlin proposing the communicative classroom,
the teachers roles cover the roles to engage the knowledge actively in
researching what is happening in the classroom with certain view. It is meant
to understand its process in order to be clearer and to bring about
According to Martinis Yamin rewrite by Denny Setyaningrum, he argued that
a teacher or instructor acts as a mediator and as a facilitator. Dealing with this
definition, teachers job descriptions are28:

Provide leaning experiences in order to be responsible

in teaching activity for instance are planning, process and


Provide or give the stimulus for students inquisition

and help them

To express and communicate their schemata the teachers
become the facilitator when they provide problem experiences and
motivation in conducting learning process.

Evaluate monitorial and show student rational in

problem solving.




In conclusion, teachers extremely have essential and central roles in

teaching learning process. The teachers roles cover the role as the mediator,
facilitator and monitor to make the student active in the classroom.
Douglas Brown divides the teacher role without combine each other role for
interactive teaching leraning activities into five categories29;

The teacher as the controller,

Douglas explain that in this role the teacher is the person in the class who
determine what should the students do in the classroom, when they should
speak and what form of language that the students can use in the class. But the
teacher still give a freedom for the student to express what will they say and
do but he still control the class.

The teacher as director

On this stage the teacher has a function to keep the process of teaching
learning in a good and efficient. As students engaged in either rehearsed or
spontaneous language performance. Then the teacher take his role to guide the
students to an effective leaning.

Teacher as manager

Here, teacher makes a plan of the lesson but still appreciate the students
creativity. Teacher make the role, and any plan for the class activities, then he
allowed the students to be active.



Teacher as Facilitator

Brown Doughlas, TEFL ,


The teacher prepare the material, but here he forget his role as manager and
director, but on this role the teacher still guide them based on the roles that
teacher makes on the class. Teacher give chance to the students to get their
own step to understand.

Teacher as resource

When the students learn and they face some problem then they come to the
teacher, on this case the teacher play his role as the resource. This step also
means that the teacher give chance for the students to know.

The students Role

In learning process, the learners have the significant role. Nowadays,

students are demanded to be more active and innovative in learning process.

According to Glasserfeld adapted from Denny Setyaningrum, he argued that
learners role is to construct his or her own understanding in the transferring
of new information. The learners should actively look for meaning and try to
find regularity and order the events of the world in the absence of full or
complete information.
In line with this, Dimyati and Mujiono state the roles of the learners could be
described as follows30:
a. The actor of searching problem and problem solving
b. The active participant of doing research
c. The explorer of problem searching and problem solving
d. The inventor of the problem solving.


Denny Setyaningrum, The implementation of KTSP in teaching English at the second year of
Wedarijaksa pati, 2009, p.40 , published University SEBELAS MARET, Surakarta


It can be seen from the theory above that learners play an important role in
teaching and learning process. The learners are considered as the doer during
learning process. They are actively inserting the knowledge, exploring the
information and finding the problem solving.
Suiteble with the tehories above the roles of teacher can be devide as follows;
Table 1 Teachers Role
1. Teacher as Coordinator and
the facilitator

2. Teacher as Manager and


a. Cary out the learning process
b. Help and advice the student

a. Creating the frame work project

b. Structuring and guding the
learning process
c. Managing the learning climate

3. Teacher as Instructor

a. Creat the conductive climate

b. Participating in the instruction
c. Encourage the students become

4. The teacher as Investigator

and researcher

a. Provide the learning problem

b.Giving motivation
c. Evaluate monitorial and show the
students rasional in problem solving

Table 2. Students Role




Student as the Actor in Teaching a. Searching the problem

Learning Process

b. Solving the problem

c. Active participant
d. Explore the problem
e. Invent the problem solving


The Problem in teaching and learning


Problems in Teaching and Learning English Language that face by the


Some of the common problems in learning English given by Makofsky that

rewrite by JatinR Gamit in his research paper file are as follow31:

Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Grammar

Almost all English learners encounter at least three types of problems:

challenges with pronunciation (some people are never able to master certain
sounds); issues with vocabulary (most people can add to their English


JatinR Gamit , A Study of the Problems faced by English Language Teachers of Gujarati
Medium Secondary Schools of Vadodara City , The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda


vocabulary with study and practice); and grammar, including challenges with
situational grammar, such as workplace English versus slang.

Encouraging Errors

Errors in learning English challenge students, but they typically learn from
their mistakes and progress. However, if English-language learners feel
intimidated, embarrassed or judged, their affective filter can inhibit their
ability to absorb new information and produce English. Teachers of English as
a second language and English as a foreign language typically refrain from
providing an overload of corrective feedback so that students feel more
comfortable expressing themselves in English, even if it is not perfect.

Early Hardships

English-language learners may enter a class or an immersion situation in a

state of shock. Teachers as well as students may feel surprised that many seem
unable to do more than repeat the most basic phrases. This experience is the
initial phase of learning a language, called the silent period. During this time,
which may last only a few days or up to a few weeks, students receive and
absorb language but are often unable to speak or write it.

Choosing Appropriate Techniques

Learning English requires different techniques for different types of learners.

Some people require more time to reflect on concepts before diving into
dialogs and presentations. Others need to speak to reinforce new information.
For some people, kinesthetic activities such as dance, clapping and physical
movements can shift information from short-term memory to long-term
memory. Music, rhymes, chants, poems and games provide additional



Lack of Model for Speaking

One of the primary challenges for someone learning English concerns lack of
a proper model for speaking. Whenever possible, students should listen to
native English speakers engaging in conversation or teaching concepts. This
practice sharpens students' ears to unique rhythms and pronunciation of
English and can provide insight into more abstract and advanced English,
such as phrasal verbs and slang.


Problems in Teaching English Language that face by the teacher

Here are the first three most critical problems of the English language
teaching and learning classroom given by Lynch as rewrite by JatinR Gamit in
his research follow32:

Lack of Learner Motivation

Students may not have inspired and interested towards the learning of English
language. They have even fear of failure in exams and even in classroom
interaction and so cannot get involved easily in classroom interaction and
learn the language comfortably. They need enough motivation from teachers
and scope to learn English in classroom interaction.



Insufficient Time, Resources and Materials


English is foreign language and hence cannot be learnt and taught as easily as
mother tongue or first language. And when it is learnt or taught as second
language, it requires long time and simultaneously adequate resources and
materials to create English classroom climate which facilitate teachinglearning process.

Over-Crowded English Classes

The number of learners in a class room can range from one, for those who
teach individual private learners, to 15 or twenty learners in a typical
classroom up to multitudes of 35 or forty or even fifty or more learners
packed into a language leaning situation. The over-crowded classes create
number of problems like; discomfort in the class, individual attention,
evaluation, classroom management, maintaining learning effectiveness etc.
Also there are number of other problems in English Language Teaching like
social problems, psychological problems, academic problems, administrative
problems and so on.
This research is going to find and clarifies the problem based on the
problem that face by the teacher and the students. Besides that, using this
researcher the researcher will find the attempts from both the teacher and the


This chapter describes the method use to conduct the research. It consists of
kind of the research, subject of the research, data collecting technique, research
instrument, and data analysis technique.
A. Type of the Research
In this research the researcher uses qualitative approach. It means a
research focus in describing any situation or condition in population,
systematically, factually and accurately.33
Qualitative research is oriented to the phenomenon in nature. This definition
shows that more qualitative research focused on the phenomenon or problem
that is rise through the social phenomena that are natural. 34 It means that this
research is kind of descriptive research with qualitative approach where this

Nurul Zuriah, Metodologi Penelitian Social Dan Pendidikan: Teori Aplikasi, Bumi
Aksara, Jakarta:2007.p.47
Ihsannul Hakim Dkk, Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian, Lp2 STAIN Curup, Curup:


research is describe the implementation of English Lintas Minat from the side
of teaching learning activities, the teaching material, the evaluation use, the
teachers and students problem and their attempts to solve the problem.

B. Subject of the Research

Subject of this research is The English Lintas Minat teacher who
teach in the first grade and the students. They are chosen based on
Convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is a method of get the sample
just because they are ready and they are finding on the field of the research.35
So it means that the people that researcher meet in the field of the research
and they are ready to give the data and correlation with the focus of the
research. Correlation with this statement convenience sampling means the
ssubjects selected because it is easy to access them, no reason tied to purposes
of research or the students in your class, people on State Street, friends.
In this research the subject are as following;

There are three teachers who teach in English
Lintas Minat, all of them are going to be an informan
for this research.


For this research the researcher will interview
35 students as the sample, where they are chosen based


Sugiyono. 2010Metode Penelitian Pendidikan.Bandung:Alfabeta.page 124


on the convenience sampling. It is considered as the

condition where the students in Lintas Minat class more
then a hundret student.

C. Technique for Collecting Data

In this research, the research uses triangulation method, observation,
interview, document analysis as the instrument of this research, because it is
pure qualitative research. In this process, the researcher identifies and
analyties the corpus of the data. The data will be taken by interview the
teacher about the teacher problems and how the teacher implication the lesson
in lintas Minat class, observation into the class and also interview the students
about their own roles and the problems faced in Lintas Minat and as the last
the researcher will analysis the data based on the theory and the data.
In the qualitative research, the main instrument to collect the data is
the researcher herself. Here, the researcher is also helped by some
instruments, such as:
In this research, researcher uses non participant observation. Non
participant observation means the researcher does not take any participant in
learning process which is researched. The researcher only watches the process
of teaching and learning in English Lintas Minat class. The researcher has
done pre observation to know the general description about the problems. In
doing pre-observation, the researcher saw the teaching activities in English
Lintas Minat class and the teaching activities in group interest class. Like
Miles and Huberman states and rewrite in Nastitis research that activity in
observation can be done with interactive and continue until get consistent data. 36 It

Nastiti, Debating in SMA N 1, 2012, p.70, published STAIN Curup, Curup


means that the observation can be done more than the researcher plan until all
the data collection answer the research question. In the next observation
researcher is going to see the activities in English Lintas Minat class for six
times for every teacher. This research observes the teaching learning activities
from the teachers role and the students role.
One of substantial technique of qualitative study collecting data is
interview. Interview can be used for collecting information which is not
obtained from observation. Yin recommend applying open-ended interview,
researcher directly can ask to participant around the fact of event in addition
to their opinion.37 Interview is verbal communication to get information. 38
Interview is a process oral interviewer between two person or more that face
to face to get direct information.39 The researcher would like to do some
interview by asking some questions to the respondent. According to Margono,
there are two types of interview; those are structure interview and
unstructured interview.
Structure interview is an interview which questions are arrange before,
this kind of interview choose to make a efficiencies of time and make the
interview activity become an structure activity. The entire questions construct
based on the theory about teachers and students problem in teaching learning
activity for every stage, what attempts that they had done to solve the
problems, and information that the researcher need for the research.
The time of doing interview will be adapted based on the students and
teachers schedules.


Robert k yin.1996. study kasus: desain and method. Jakarta. Rajawali press. P 109
Nasution. 2003. Penelitian Survey. Bandung:Gramedia Pustaka P. 34
Hasi,Sutrisno. 1989. Methodology Research. Yogyakarta:Andi offset. P.192


This interview consists of some questions that will be used to

get information both from the teacher and the students. The following
are example of the questions:


List of question



Teacher as

a. What do you do to carry

English Lintas

Coordinator and the

out the process?



b. What problem do you

facing when carrying the
learning process?
c. What do you do when
the students face a
problem in learning
d. How do you give an
advice to the students?
e. What problem do you
face in helping and
advising the students?


Teacher as Manager
a. How do you create the
and Organized
frame work (lesson plan)
in teaching learning?
b. What problem do you
facing in creating the



frame work project?

c. c. What do you do in
creating and managing the
learning climate?
d. d. What problem do you
face in creating and
managing the learning
e. e. How do you structuring
and guiding the learning
f. f. What problem do you
face in structuring and
guiding the learning

Teacher as Instructorg. a. What do you do in

creating the conductive
h. b. What problem do you
facing in creating the
conductive climate?
i. c. What do you do to make
the students participating


in the instruction given?

j. d. What problem do you
facing in making the
student participate to the
instruction given?

Theteacher as

a. What do you do in

Investigator and

providing the learning


problem experience?
b. What problem do you
facing in providing the
learning problem
c. What do you do in
giving motivation to the
d. What problem do you
facing in giving
motivation to the
e. What do you do in
evaluating monitorial and
showing students rational
in problem solving?


Student as the Actor

a. What do you in finding

English Lintas


in Teaching Learning

the material problem in



teaching learning


b. what problem do you
facing in finding the
material problem in
teaching learning
c. How do you explore the
material problem in
teaching learning?
d. What problem do you
facing in exploring the
material problem in
teaching learning?
e. What do you do in
solving the problem that
you find?
f. What problem do you
facing in solving the
problem that you find?

D. Instrument of Research


The instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the

human, we shall see that other forms of instrumentation
may be used in later phases of the inquiry, but the
human is the initial and continuing mainstay. But if the
human instrument has been used extensively in earlier
stages of inquiry, so that the instrument can be
constructed that is grounded in the data that the human
instrument has product.40
From the Lincoln and Guba in Sugiyono statement above the researcher
will be the key instrument. Furthermore, the researcher used other
instruments for completing the data. They were questionnaire, field note
and interview guidance.
1. Field Notes
Field notes are the observers record of what he or she has seen, heard,
experienced, and thought about during an observation session. They contain
descriptive and reflective aspects.


Field notes are your main way of recording

data. These might be practical details about events, times, dates and places. Or
they might be methodological notes concerning your role, your influence on the
encounter, your relationship with the informants, sampling procedures and so
on.42 In this research, it will use when the researcher do the pre observation and
observation. It could give data for the first research questions. The researcher
always uses field notes as long as doing observation. The format of field note
consisted of the implementation of English in all the activities in teaching
learning activities in Lintas Minat, what the teacher and the students do.
2. Interview guidance
The researcher must have interview guidance to indicate what
questions are to be asked, in what order and how much additional prompting
or probing is permitted. 43 It will use when the researcher interviewed the
teacher and the students. It uses in order to attain standardized comparable

Sugiyono. Op.Cit.page.306


data from each respondent. All interviews must be conducted in essentially the
same manner.44 In this research the researcher use 20 questions in interview
section for the teacher and 6 questions to the students in order to know their
problems and their attempts for the problems. Even the nominal of the
question may be changed based on the condition and the information needed.

Tape Recorder

The researcher use tape recorder to do this interview. Catherine says

the advantages of using tape recorder are: a. It can concentrate on listening to
what they say, b. It can be able to maintain eye contact, c. It can have a
complete record of interview for analysis, including what is said and
interaction between interviewer and interviewee, d. It can have plenty of
useful quotations for report.45 After that, the recorded data about the teaching
learning activities, material teaching and class condition are changed into
written transcript text.
E. Enhancing Validity and Reducing Bias
The researcher prepared two techniques of data collecting, namely
doing observation and interview in getting the important data of this research.
They are: The teachers and the students roles in English Lintas Minat class,
the problem that they face in teaching learning process and the attempt for that
problem . Then, the researcher uses triangulation method by cross checking the
result of observation and interview. The findings is discussed with advisor to recheck in reach the credibility.




Researcher bias can be minimized if the researcher spends enough time in the
field and employ multiple data collection strategies to corroborate the findings.
Many researchers agreed that triangulation is typically a strategy for improving
the validity and reliability of research or evaluation of findings. 46 Mathison in
1988 elaborates this by saying:
Triangulation has raised an important methodological issue in
naturalistic and qualitative approaches to evaluation in order to
control bias and establishing valid propositions because
traditional scientific techniques are incompatible with this
alternate epistemology.

Technique of Data Analysis

All the data will be analyzed by these steps, namely data managing, reading,
description, classifying, interpreting.
1. Data Managing
Data managing involves creating and organizing the data collected
during the study. Data managing is in order to make sure that you have dated,
organized and sequenced all field notes, transcripts observers comments,
memos and reflection. The main purpose of data managing is first to organize
the data and check it for completeness, second is to start the researcher on the
process of analyzing and interpreting the data.47 In this research this step will
be used to organize the data from pre observation, observation, interview
based on indicators.
2. Reading
Reading involves reading the field notes, transcript, memos, and
observer comments to get a sense of your data.


The researcher reads all the

data to get general description about the data that have been got, so can know
how to arrange those well.
3. Description

Muhammad Bashir. Reliability and Validity of Qualitative and Operational Research

Paradigm. Pakistan.Page.41
Ibid., page.241


Description is based on the observation and field notes which are to provide
the true picture of the settings and events that took place in it. So, the
researcher and the reader will have an understanding of the context in which
the study took place. 49 In this step, the researcher starts to describe all the data
that can help the researcher to do the next step in analyzing the data.
4. Classifying
The process of classifying is ordering field notes or transcriptions into
categories that represent different aspects of the data.50 In this research, the
researcher starts to classify each of data into several categories based on
research questions and indicators.
5. Interpreting
Interpretation is also a part of process of writing the result of a study.
Interpreting is the reflective, integrative and explanatory aspects of dealing
with a study data. Data interpretation is based heavily on the connections,
common aspects, and linkages among the data, especially the identified
categories and pattern. The researcher is interpreting, data whenever he or she
uses some conceptual basis or understanding to cluster a variety of data pieces
into a category. To aid interpretation, it is important to make explicit what the
conceptual basis or understandings of the categories are, and what makes one
category different from another.51


Ibid., page 242


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