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Overview of Data Analysis

General Considerations

Valid data
analysis needs:
solid planning
valid data

There is no best way to conduct a quantitative study. Different projects

involve different considerations of the contexts behind the study. Without
proper understanding of the contexts of the study that are associated with
the project, the quantitative study will be purely empirical. The empirical
results may not be able to answer the root causes of the problem. Hence, it
is crucial to thoroughly investigate the context behind the project before a
proper plan and design of a quantitative study is conducted. The common
aspects related to the contexts behind the study other than the intended
quantitative measurements that need to be addressed may include, but not
limited to:
External environmental conditions


Background of the subjects

Data Types
and Analysis

Possible factors associated with the intended measurement.

Common sense and logic

Two Examples that did not take into account the context
behind the study
Example One: A study on children's' mathematics ability concluded
that the larger the foot size, the smarter the child is, because these are
highly correlated.
Example Two: In a small city, the population size of the city is
predicted by the number of storks in the city, since the regression
model suggests that number of storks is accurate in predicting the
population size along the years.

These two examples ignore the context behind of the study. As the result,
the conclusion goes against common logic.
The problem with Example One is that the root cause of mathematics
ability for young children is associated with their age. It happens that foot
size is larger when they are older.
Example Two misuses the response and the predictor. The situation of the

Data Analysis
A valid data analysis starts with a solid
planning of the study.
For a survey study or an observational study where a controlled experiment can not be
conducted, one should begin by considering the adequate measurement, the target
population, sampling techniques, sample size, factors associated with the intended
characteristics, designing questionnaires, and ways of distributing and collecting the survey.
For a controlled experimental study, one should begin by considering the measurement, the
potential confounding factors associated with the measurement, the intended factors for the
experiment, the design of the experiment, experimental units, sample size, and possible
statistical techniques for analysis based on the experimental design.
In many situations, a controlled experiment may not be possible. However, a semiexperimental design may be possible. For these situations, the background and environmental
factors are extremely important. For example, in studying the effect of different teaching
pedagogical approaches, one may not be able to perform a randomization scheme to select
subjects for each teaching pedagogy. It may happen that one class has much better students
than the other class. Hence, the effectiveness of the teaching method is confounded with

students' initial ability. If we collect the information of potential confounding factors such as
their GPA, gender, and age, and conduct a pre-test, then a proper data analysis such as
Analysis of Covariance or Repeated Measure Analysis can be performed to make a proper

A valid data analysis must have a valid set of

Once data are collected, the next step is to design a proper format for data entry. Many times
data are entered in such a way that it is not readable by statistical software. Although
computer technology is very advanced, data values can only be either numeric or nonnumeric. Numeric values can be quantified; while non-numeric values can only be
summarized in most cases. It is important that proper data values be created so that statistical
software can perform the analysis.
After data entry, it is the data cleaning and manipulation stage. It can happen that some data
points are entered completely out of range. A quick way of locating these out-of-range data
values is by performing frequency procedures or descriptive procedures, and check the output
results to see if any variable has such a problem.
Data transformation is often used before a valid analysis can be performed.

Appropriate Statistical Procedures are the

key to a correct analysis.
Almost every statistical procedure has assumptions behind it. It is necessary to carefully
consider the violation of the assumptions for a statistical procedure. A minor violation usually
does not create serious problems. However, if there is a serious violation, appropriate data
transformation or selecting different statistical procedures may be necessary.

It is often the case that appropriate statistical procedures are associated with the types of data.
Categorical data needs to be analyzed using procedures that are developed for analyzing
categorical data. We do not perform frequency analysis or crosstabulation procedures to
analyze continuous data. More detailed discussion is given in the Data Type and Possible
Analysis Section.
It happens often in data analysis that one needs to conduct several analyses before an
appropriate one is selected. One should expect that the analysis is never only a one step
process. It involves many back and forth analyses and decisions for a proper analysis.

Appropriate analysis needs correct

interpretation of the results.
How to interpret and summarize the results from a huge pile of output is certainly a crucial
step for a valid data analysis. It involves the understanding of the project, the statistical
techniques and how to bring the numbers into the context of the project.
One must make sure that the output is properly interpreted and summarized to a degree that
non-statisticians can understand them.

Data Types and Analysis

Generally speaking, statistical techniques are often determined based on the type of
data. The Data Type and Analysis page provides some details regarding to different
types of data and possible statistical techniques for analysis.

Bottom line is
If you are not familiar with any step described above, seek
statistical consulting help.

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